The Seaforth News, 1957-12-26, Page 9THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, December 26, 1967 MAY' CHRISTMAS JOY BLOOM BRIGHTLY IN YOUR HEART AND HOME. AND MAX HAPPY MEMORIES OF THE SEASON BE YOURS TO CHERISH Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Q+.r55.111 i e TOWN TOPICS Mr, Thos. Oluff of Montreal is a Christmas visitor at his home. Mr, and Mrs. John Lomgstaff„ Barbara and David, are •spen.d- ing Christmas in''Toronto, be: fore leaving for a holiday in Florida. Ron Mason has returned home from Ottawa and will attend Seatorth DES. Ron is now play. ing .with Goderich Junior B team. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cud - more and Nancy, of Wallace - burg are spending Christmas. with Miss Hazel Reid and Dal- ton Reid. Wayne Jessome of Barrie - field is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and (Mrs. .H. Jessome. Nlelil IBS'oadfoolt of tTolrontc with his :parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff IBroadfoo,t. (Ron Scoins of London with his parents, Mr. •and Mrs. N. Scoins. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Moynagh and (Billy of Toronto, are spend- ing Christmas with 'Mr. and Mrs. James Morris. Miss Nancy Spittal, R.N., of Toronto, and Cadet Peter Spdt- tal of Royal. Roads, 1B.C.,, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Spittal.. Miss Ruth. Joynt o£ Toronto is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Joynt Mr, and Mi•s,.Milton Hoff of Gravenhurst are spending Christ- mas with Mr..,and Mrs„Bill Hoff. Miss Blanche Westoott, Lon- don, is a Christmas guest with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arnold -Westeott.. Miss Marion Chamberlain of Stratford is spending the holiday with her mother Mrs. E. C., Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. George Kruse and family are spending Christmas at the home of Mr. Roy Dungey and family. Miss Betty Goudie of Exeter is spending Christmas with het; par- ents Mr. and Mrs. E: B. Goudie. Miss Bonnie Weiglund, Downs- view, is spending Christmas with Miss Marg. Elliott. F.O. and Mrs. Prank Golding of Lachine at their hollies here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor o1 Quebec are visiting with his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Salters and Jane of Kitchener' visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Reeves and family during the Christmas holidays, • Mr. Bill Neely visited. with Mrs. George Reeves during the Week end. Mrs. L. Bolton and David are spending Christmas with relat- ives in Detroit. Mr. and. Mrs. Reg Aliin, Sea - forth, spending Christmas with. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Arlin and family; Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hoclgert and family are spending Christ- mas with-, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Harrison and family, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Roy ,and family of Trenton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston and family of Ayton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce and Joan spent the week end in Wind- sor and attended the funeral of Mr. Homer Gerand of that city Miss Ruth Sills whoattends the University of Western Ont- ario is spending' the Christmas. ,holddays with her 'mother, Mrs.. C. 1'. Sills. Mr. Bill Dinsmore who at- tends 'bhe University of Detroit is spending bhe holidays with his parents.. Mr. Ron Ennis of the Univer- sity of Western Ontario is spending the holidays with his parents lin Walton. Miss Marian McIlwain, who teaches school in Wallace'bnrg is spending (the holidays with her (parents Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey IMcllw•ain. Rev. Father John McConnell visited -with Mr. and .Mrs. P. J. McConnell during the weekend. (Miss 'Bonnie Weigland is vis- iting with Miss Barbara Dungey Mr. (Hugh Gorwidl spoke on Sunday evening at the :Presby- terian Church Young People's meeting on his trip to Europe. Films were also shown about his trip. Miss Ruth Teall of the Vict- oria Hospital, London, spent Sunday with her parents, she will come home again on the 27th. 'Rohert Bell Industries had !their .Christmas party in Exeter on. Monday nigsht. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. !Shaw, Mr. W. Langford, ,George 'Shaw, 11VIrs. Alex Langford, all of Lon- don, and Russell Langford, of Vancouver, are spending Christ- mas with Mr. and (Mrs. IR. J. Boussey. NEW YEAR'S EVE DAticE Seaforth Community Centre TUESDAY, DEC. 31st Norris Orchestra Auspices Seaforth Women's Institute HOLIDAY DANCE Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 Desjerains Orchestra Sponsored by the Nippon East Women's htstitute, Booth in hall CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats Phone 58 •Seafosith •CRICH'S BAKERY WRITE CLOVER BREAD Cakes Candy Ice (Cream Phone 34 ,Seaforth STAFFEN'S PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 49 ' SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET EOI{IENSWILLERnS Fr'edh Fruits, Meats, Groceries SEAFORTH PHONE 8 FRANK KLING Electric Wiring r'Plumvbing and 'Heating Sheet Metal Work PHONE 19 iSEAFORTH COMMERCIAL HOTEL PHONE 227 SEAFORTH AUSTIN DOLMAGE GENERAL 'STORE Winthrop Phone 834'11 BALL-MACAULAY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LIME, CEMENT Seaforth Phone 787. 'Olimlton '97 JOHNNIE BLUE JIO2HIN DEERE Sales &'Service Phone 645 Egmondvi!lle SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON Phone 157 Seaforth G. A.: SILLS & SONS HARDWARE Heating Plumbing Tinsnilbhing PHONE 56 SEAPORTH WILLISPUNDAS `blue coal' Champion Stove & Furnace Oil Dundas & Loney Phone 573 or 138 PHILLIPS FRUIT STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE 63 SEAFORTH WM. M. HART "Fuel to Burn” Office phone 784 - Res 286 WALDEN & BROADFOOT. Texaco Products Phone 686w DENNIS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Television and Howie Appliances• Phone 467 Seafonbh MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Full Line Dairy Products PHONE 161' SEAFORTH T. PRYDE & SON SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS " PHONE 363 J c iA. WHITNEY FURNITURE TELEVISION Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day or Night 119 J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER Vehicle Permit Issuer Phone 599w Seaforth GORDON McGONIGLE GROCER PHONE 166 SEAIFEORTB JOHN BACH International Harvester Dealer SEAEOIRTH CANADIAN TIRE STORE G. & W. SMITIH, PROPS. Auto Accessories, Tires Batteries Phone 792 Seaforth SMITH'S BAKERY 'CAKES, ETC. MAIN ST. PHONE .87 KEATING'S PHARMACY "The Rexall Drug Store" J. E. Keating, Phmn. B. Phone 28 NORMAN SCOINS 'CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONE 242 !SEAFORTH Cleave & Peg's B,A SERVICE Goderich St. E. SAVAUGE'S Diamonds - Jewellery Fine China Seaforth The KIDDIES SHOP J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST PHONE 791 SEAFORTH .OHILDREN'.S WEAR & WOOL MAIN ST. SEAFORTH DICK'S GROCERY GORDON DICK, PROP. PHONE 91 'SEAFORTH NEIL C. BELL SHELL SERVICE PHONE 452 Goderich St. West Seaforth KERSLAKE'S FLOUR AND FEED STORE SEEDS, SALT .PHONE 6 'SEAFORTH ROWCLIFFE MOTORS DODGE ,AND DE S'OTO J. I. lease damn Implements ?hone 267 Seaforth SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PRODUCE DEPT. MAIN ST. PHONE 13 TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED The most value for the Farmer's Dollar Phone 775 Seaforth uunlluuuuunnuunu,lnlnpunnluuuuuunnauu TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR MAIN STREET PHONE 347-R SEAFORTH SMITH'S GROCERY PHONE 12 SEA•FORTH 111111111u1111 1.11O1III1111111111J1111111IIb bnn1111111.11 SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. BUILDERS SUPPLIES Coal Cement PHONE 47 BALDWIN HARDWARE MostComplete Stock of General 'Hardware Glidden Paints PHONE 61 'SEAFORTH plllll l 11111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111 SHINEN'S MEN'S AND LADIES' WEAR GENERAL DRY GOODS SEAFORTH 1111111O111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111.111111111151111 ELLIOTT'S QUICK LUNCH WIILLARD ELLIOTT, Prop. PHONE 477 SEAFORTH CROWN HARDWARE General' Hardware Paints, Appliances Phone 797 M. Nott, K. Sharp SEAFORTH CREAMERY and Locker Storage Harvey H. Leslie, Prop. PHONE 80 SEAFORTH LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c - 1.00 STATIONERY - GIFTS ELMER LARONE, PROP. Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices 11111lllll1lllloullnl1lllll11111111111111111111 llllll lllll1ll1 Watson & Reid SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Mill and Warehouse Div. To our Friends and Customers: Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, and a bright and prosperous New Year THE Holland Grocery ST. COLUMBAN Insurance and Real Estate M. A. REID, PROP. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1,11111111111111,111111 AUSTIN MATHESON ELECTRFCAL CONTRACTOR PHONE 340 W SEAFORTH CLAIR HANEY General Merchant Egmondville Phone 72 JACKSON HOMES LIMITED Phone 3J Seaforth WONG'S GRILL PHONE 51 SEAFORTH ROBERT'S HOUSE of BEAUTY Phone 493 Seaforth CAROL LYN SHOP LADIES' WEAR Phone 5S4w Seaforth 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111511151111. GEO. H. MILLER CITIES SERVICE Phone 149 Seaforth 11111111111111111 1111511111111151.l lll1111111111. STAR CAFE Season's Greetings T. •CHO'NG, PROP, 1 ram