The Seaforth News, 1957-12-19, Page 1art
rth Ne w
Authorized as .Second Orris mail
. 'Post Office .Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros, Publishers
As Christmas and Boxing
'Day are midweek holidays,
The Seaforth News must go to
press two days eat'lier next
Please send in news and
advertising by Saturday, or
earlier if possible.
Correspondents please send
two days earlier than usual,
The winners of the draws at
IClhristie's Meat Market +trite •la't
ter pant of the week. were:
Mrs. Jahn McGregor, Mrs. B.
iDungey, Mrs. Scott "Habkirk;
Mrs. F. IC. J. ISalls, Mrs. Vincent
Murray I(Seaforbh), Mrs. (HoW-.
and Allen ;(IBrueefieldl, Mrs. H.
Rice, Mies IA. Seip, . Mrs. Wm.
Moittgomrery, Mrs. Andy Mc-
Nichol, Mrs. Frank Roberton,
Mrs. Alvin Humber. 'Mas. Carl
(Dalton, Mrs. Everett (Smith,
Mrs. T. Dundas (Walton), Mrs.
H. Axtmanaa ;(Walton '2), Mrs.
E. H. Close, (Mrs. S. Garnham,
Mrs. G. C. tBrightnall, MT. as.
IMr. and 1Vrrs. Henry Charles
Russell Cole, .of Norbh'Cornwall,
England, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, !Stella
Joy to Dr. Donald James Munn,
SOIL of Dr. and Mrs. James A.
Munn, tSeafoeth, Ontario, the
wedding to 'take :place Jan. 4,
1968, ' 'at 'St. Miner Parish
10hurdh, St. Minver, North
To Celebrate Golden Arm in Wringer,
Wedding Dec. 27th Painfully Bruised
Mr.and MTs. C. A. IBarlber
will (hold open house for their
friends on Friday, Dec. 27 for
the occasion of their 604:1h wed-
ding :anniversary which its on
Dec. 251bh. Open house will be:
from 3 Ito 5 and 7 to 9 :pan. on
Den. 27th.
A. family gathering is being
held in honor of the anniver-
sary on Christmas Slay at Arm-
strong's at Exeter. when their
daughter, Mary, _ Mrs. John
Cardno and fancily and ihedr
son, William, and family will be'
Mr. and Mrs. (Barber have
lived in Seaforth 44 years this
conning Jan. list. (Mrs. IBiaa'ber's
home 'was art (Nickson, near
Wondstook. Alter their marriage
they were at ;Dunnville for a
year and then south •of Wood-
stock for a few years before
coming to (Seaforth where Mr.
Barber carried on the ,Seatonth
Creamery until his retirement
few years ago.
Mrs. Harry Weiland has re-
turned after spending a few
days with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Andrew Houston has re-
turned from e visit with her
daughter, INtr. and Mrs. Fred
Alm, and her son, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Greenwood in Detroit.
eeeeer Word has been received by
Mrs. Jas.•Finlayson of the death
of her son-in-law John Wesley
Hayter, 48 of Webberville.
Mich„ on Monday, Dee, 16th
following several months of all
health which undermined his
former strong physique. He was
born in Stanley 'bwp., son of the
late IMT. and Mrs. J. Henry
Hayter, where his early years
were spent. Following his mar-
riage 'in '1929 to Miss Margaret
Finlayson of Tuckersmith they
located on a farm at Webber-
ville, Mich., where they have
since 'resided. He is survived :by
his wife and two sons Dale and
Ralph, also by five brothers and
three sisters. He was •a frequent
visitor with relatives in this vi-
cinity. Our sincere •sympathy is
extended to the bereaved wife
and family. Funeral will be held
_,art Webberville on Thursday.
The Farmers' Union meeting
was held in Town hall, Seaforth
on Wednesday night. The 'min-
utes and financial •statements of
previous meeting were read and
adapted. ;nations from McKil-
lop .and Tuckersmthth were re-
ceived, a letter of thanks sent
to each council. The 'President
Peter, three-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rattle, of
East William ,street, • is wearing
his ia,rm in a sling as rthe result
of being caught in the wringer.
(Peter had been watching This
father making a repair, to the
washing machine. When Mr.
,Beattie went upstairs from the
basement to answer the tele-
phone the wee ,boy abetted the
wringer. His arm was pulled in.
up to the shoulder. xbrtueately
no ;bones were broken, although
the ami was (painfully ,bruised.
/There was a large attendance
at the annual (Chri'stmas sipper
and concert at, St. Thomas' Sun-
day School on Tuesday night,
!Supper was served to the :child-
ren by the Married Couples.
'Grub. Rev. J. H. James :presided
aver the concent, with. Mr. J. R.
Spittal acting es accompanist
during the •evening. 'Santa .Claus
was •assisted by Mr. G. T. Flew-
Winners at Winthrop Hockey
euchre Tuesday right: ,John
Leeming, lst; 'Geo. 'Smith. lone
hands; (Harold Dodds, low. La-
dies' first, Mrs. Dick Pebhick;
lane, Mrs. Bob Dalton; low, Mrs.
Stewart D+olmage..A draw for a
turkey which was won by John
informed the meeting that Elope Mai ercher.
price an fowl had been extend- The Winthrop Y. P. are bold-
ed trill .March 31, '1058, also ung a special 'Christmas service'
County meeting will be held en
Jan. 2nd p.m, in agricultural
'rooms,. 'Clinton, with guest
speaker, everybody welcome.
There will be membership drive
in 'late January. Farmers' Un- The annual meeting of the
ion are not too pleased with the 'CMS of Cavan, Winthrop :was
announcement in !parliament, .of held in the schoolroom of the
80 per ce'nit of parity on 9 farm Church on Wed. Dec. 4th with
products with three previous 'the President, •Mrs. G. (Smith in
years as .basic period. But after the chair. The meeting opened
all Federation of Agriculture with a +hymn and prayer in 'the
only asked for 70 per cent of memory of Mrs. W. Johnston.
parity. The Farmers' Union will Roll call was answered by 26
never stop trying till at has members with •a Christmas
reached !100 per cent parity on verse. All the secretaries gave
main products such as cattle, good reports showing a success -
hogs, poultry and eggs. ful year. The !Bible study was.
At the Farmers' Union timer- taken by Mrs. Smith. The scrap-
ing at Ethel, Friday night, Mr. tura lesson: was read Iby Mrs.
Sam 1Bowinan, the speaker, said M. Godkin. The Christmas ser -
he would be more than surpris- vice taken from the iMissionaiy
ed if we got any way near 6 Mg_ Monthly, was put on by 'Mrs.
on Sun., Dec. 2,2 at 8 p.m. The
offering from this service will
be a .contribution towards the
S. S. projector fund. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
The :dearth occurred in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth .on
Saturday morning of Phoebe E.
Keys, wife of the late Sam Han-
na. Born on Babylon Line, in
;Stanley Township, April 119th,
1869, she was the .daughter of.
Robea1t Keys and Mary Styles.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Hanna were mar-
ried an February 1912 and went
to Saskatchewan to live, farm-
ing there until 1927 when they
came east and bought a home
in Seaforth. Mr. Hanna passed
lion dollars out of 250 million Smith, Mrs. W. Alexander and
set aside 'to support agriculture Mrs, Les Pepper. A 'Christmas
in any one year. All farmers'reading was given by Mrs, W.
should join iFarnners' Union and 'Alexander. Rev, .'Mr. SSummerell
help get our rightful share. Installed the following officers
Mr. Jas. Patterson, Farmers' 'for 1958-69:
Union President for the West- Hon. Pres., Mrs. Summerell;
ern provinces was the first man Pres., :Mrs. G. Smith.; Viae Pre's.,
chosen by the IGoveromemtt Ito Mrs, G. ICase; Sec., Mrs. W.
go to England on the 40 -man Church; Treas., Mrs. A. Somer-
board. It was decided to form 141-e; •Ohmistian 'IStewendshlip,
a telephone committee to in- Mts. G. case; Christian Citizen -
foam members of urgent matt- 'grin, Mrs. W. 'Church; ;Coul-
ters that crop up. munity Friendship Committee:
Mr. James Scott showed a Circle !1, M•rs. Roy Dolmage;
'very interesting film on poultry Girds 2, [Mrs. T. Pryee; Circle
and part of This herd of Durham Mrs. W. Boyd; Circle 4, Mrs.
cattle which was appreciated. R. MdOlure; Missionary Month-
Hog marketing came under dis- ay Sec., 'Mrs. L. Pepper; Litera-
cussion. "It is felt that if there is tune 'Sec., Mrs. W. MIcSpadden;
no elaange very shortly in its Supply .Sec., Mrs. Betties; CG.IT
policy there will be little or no Leaders, Mss. 1G. Blanchard and
support for any peat of it. Mrs. Wm. Little; Mission Band
Come to County meeting on Leaders, Mrs. W. Dodds and
Jan. 2 in Clinton and hear the Mrs, Wilson Little; Baby Band
stand 'the ,O.F.IJ. are going to .Leader, Mrs. Harry Rapson;
take. There is no knowledge of PIegamDoor gee: Circle Circle 1,
the wording of the 'ballots as Mrs. LesR'Doloig; •Circle 3, Mrs. 2,
yet. Federation of Agriculture Axtmann; Cdzcle 4, Mrs. A. Al-
exander; iFimanee Com., Mrs. S.
wheat scheme was not finalized Dolmage, 'Mrs, D. McClure, Mrs.
'bill a few days before the vote
was to have taken place, • and K. IBebbles, Mrs. Wilson Little,
Mrs. W. Alexander, Mrs. John
Boyd, Mrs. R. Dodds and Mrs.
A. 1Sounerva'lle; Flower Commit-
tee, Velma and Vera IHaist, Di-
anne ;Bolton, Margaret Boyd,
Mrs. R. McClure; Pianist, Mrs. 1 The United .0/lurch Christmas
5'., Jothnsiton, 'Mfrs. Harvey Dol- 'Service "will be held on SundaY
mage; Auditors. Mrs. W. ISomer- iafternoo.n et 12 p.m., also a
vile and Mrs. Ed Miller. I Christmas eve service at 8.30
p.m. (Bev. T. J. Pitt will have
charge of both services.
The Sunday School program
and :Christmas tree will be held
on Monday at 8 p.m. in the
basement of the Church.
The •executive of .the Bible
:Society wish to thank all who
donated, also the collectors for
their support in the recent
oamvass. The sum :of 4113;95
has been collected and forward-
ed to the headquarters of the
Canadian Bible Society.
L.O.L. 1035 held its annual
meeting. last Thursday and elec-
ted the following '.officers for
1958: W3M., Lloyd Keys; D.M.,
Frank 'McClinchey; Chap.. Chas.
Reid.; •Rec. See., R•o'bt. Webster;
Fin. Sec., Louis Taylor; Treas.,
John Addlin'gton; IMarshala,
GrantWebster; let Lech., Gor-
don Coleman; 2nd Leet., Chas.
Pilgrim. The officers were in-
s'talle'd by Past 'County Master,.
Anson !Coleman.
The Postal: Departments' sug-
gested ,dead line date's to as-
sure a 'Chrisbtnas.IDelivery are
now past. For "(Seaforth" +deliv
ery the date :was 17 -December.
;However for :didtant points air
mtaal will speed delivery and for
many mailings'this 'method will
avoid disappointment.
To enable the Postal Staff to,
handle your mailings as epeed
ply .as possible you :are urged to
follow the .provisions made for
mailings at the Post Office. That
is separate fleet class (6c mail)
from Greeting Cards (2c mail)
and separate Greeting .Gards in-
to "Local" and "Out -of -Town"
'bund'les. "Local" nuclides Sea -
forth, Seaforth 'Rural Roultes,
Egmondville, +51..Goluinban and
Walton. Tice these •separations
In firm ,bundles and mail the
cards in the receptacles proved
ed alt !tire Post 'Office, or in any
drop letter box: Mail first class
mail 1(6e mail) in the, +proper :re-
cepltacle at the Post Office, or
foe quantity mailings hand it in
at the (General !Delivery Wicket.
amportamt fist class mail :de-
spatches close alt 11 a.m., 1.45
p.m,; 6.15 p.m. and 8 p.m. and
patrons are urged to observe
these times tolexpe'dh'te handling.
Mailings, especially "local"
have ;been ,exceptionally heavy
sine' 166h (December and your
local Postal Staff will continue
in the speediest manner possible
to d'espaboh and 'deliver your
mail before 'Christmas. Mailers
and these receiving mail, can be
of greateessistance if the fore-
going :procedure is adogtted'
that is the reason they did not
away in August 1948 as the re- want to have any meetings. Do
silt sof an accident. Mrs. Hanna not let them fool you, the
had not been an good health scheme was finalized in Otto -
for some time and met one
month ago had a fall and frac-
tured a bone in her arm, later
suffering pneumonia and pleur-
isy. She was the last :of a tam -
.of .eight, her .sister, • •Mrs. 'Corbett announce over the air
Macy (Andersen of Goderioh that the Federation would hold
having passed away just none a wheat board meeting in every
days previous to Mrs. Hennas township, as of to dalte we have
not heard sof any.
The President informed meet-
ing that any person -wishing in-
formation en these schemes
should apply to O.F.U..Local
284, also for list :of ;the polling
Ibootbe for wheat vote. Meeting
adjourned. Ladies served lunch,
her and the reason the vote was
postponed, the voting 'list need-
ed ievisting. The day of 'wheat
board meeting in. 'Clinton, to be
]geld by 10.F.U., they !lead Bob
death. The funeral took place
on'Monday from the G. A. Whit-
ney Funeral [Home, the services
were eondurlted by the Rev.
Bruce Hall. Mr. !Scott sang
"Abide With :Me". IBui ial was
in ;Maiblandbank Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Clare
Reitbh, Wan. 'Nicholson, Harvey
Keys, (Chas. Stephen, ?Harold
Bell, Wm. Ellwood.
The anntuaa OOhitis'tmas party
of the Hospital Auxil'ia'ry was.
we'll attended on Tuesday even-
ing in the nurses' residence
with 'the president, Mrs. Harold
Whyte presiding. An exchange
of gilts 'distributed by ,Santa
'Claus,was enjoyed; also the
cringing of carols acoompanied
by ;Mies. Alice 'Stiles.
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs, John Cardno. Lunch was
served by Mrs. R. MoK,lndsey,
Mrs: 0. Johnston, (Mrs. R.
Whitely and (Mrs. fr. ;Atkinson.
Bridge and euchre 'brought a
lovely :evening to a close. Mrs.
Wm. Hattwasthe winner at
bridge and Mrs. A. Bethune won
;the euchre peize.
Winners at the 7.0:0,1". Stag
euchre were as follows: Most
games, Jack {Bosman and Boyd
Drieooll; lone hands, ;Arthur
Varley; consolation,' John Pat-
rick ,and Lloyd , !Haney.
Monday night "hockey scores:
Brussels 3, 'Seaforth Shoes 2;
Topnotch' 7, Linwood_ 6.
At the December meeting of
the McKillop group of W. M. S.
of Duff's United Church, Wal-
ton, 'Mrs. Norman +Schade was
re-elected president for the corn-
ing year. :Other officers: Vice
lPres.,.:Mrs. Nelson Reid; Sec„
Mae. Geo. Love; WMS Treas.;
Mrs. Roht. McMichael; W. A.
Treas., (Mitis. David :Sholdice; Pi-
anist, Mrs. !Tied Mr1Cre'abh; As-
sistant Pianist, Mrs. David Wat-
son; Copper 'Contest Leaders,
Mr. Thomaas Kirkby, Mss, T.
Hackwe'il; Visiting ,Comnn'ilttee.
Mrs. Russel Barrows, Mrs. Chas.
MdGavin. During the ;social per-
iod an exchange of gifts was
held .A beautifully decorated
tChrisbmas tree and other Christ-
mas decorations added to the
(Christmas - party. A delicious
lunch was served by the hostess
Mas. 'Stewart McCall and the
Punch conveners.
The W. T. has been info•ioaied
11iat :the washrooms • oe ground
floor of tbhe town hall :are .coin -
piloted. They are ;happy to re-
ceive this information and hope
the public will show apprecia-
tion' by helping to keep ;ahem
clean and tidy.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie
:and family of St. Thomas were
Sunday visitors with Mr. .and I
Mrs. ;Simon McKenzie.
!Miss Mary !Gibson left en
Saturday to spend the winter
with Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurtrie
in Hansa. Mist Gibson has not
been well lately.
A. beautiful.Christmas vesper
service was held in the Bruce -
field United 'Church on 'Sunday
evening. The service was con-
ducted by the GGIT girls under
the leadership of Mrs. S. IDavi-
son, Mrs. G. 'Clifton and Mrs.
Mel iGrabam.
;Mrs. Bruce IMenary, Say -
field visited a few days with
relatives in ;the village.
Mr. Robert Mustard spent
the weekend wth his parents,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Alex Mustard.
The many friends of PVliss
Beth Murdoch are sorry to hear
she is ill in Hamilton 'Hospital.
The S. 8. No. 9 Hay and Stan-
ley are holding their Christmas
program on Friday evening,
'Dec. 20th at 8 o'clock. Everyone
welcome. Mrs. C. Deickertt, the
teacher; •Mrs. R. :Graham, Music
+Die eotor.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jefferey
and son Teddy spent a few days
at Windsor with •Mr. and 'Mrs.
Lloyd Jefferey and Mrs. IB. Ma-
Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore
visited the latter's mother, Mrs.
Brodhagen, at Hospital..
Mrs. Peter Gingerich visited
at Zurich one afternoon • with
friends. '
Mrs. Harold Finlay received
word of the death of her uncle,
Mr. Norman Jarrett, .of London,
last week. Interment took place
at the Parkiawn 'Cemetery Tor-
Fireside Farm Forum met on
Dec. 16 with 18 adults present
at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs,
Bob Dalton to discuss the sub-
ject Rural Community. Lt was
impossible for us to agree on
size of our community as some
considered a small group and
others a much larger area.
To snake the deeisdon mime
difficult the marchers of our
forum live on a concession which
is `the dividing line of school
section, •'dhurches and shopping
We represent 'three school
sections, six shopping centres,
two distract high schools and a
Mown .public school to which pu-
pits are transported.
LAB of these ere within :ten
miles of some of !the forum
membeus' homes.
The most important thing to
make a good community is
neighborliness. The needs of
'the young people of our com-
munity are met by transporta-
tion tothigh sdhool, leaders for
4 -ti and. Junior. Tnsttibute gath-
erings, churches with " leaders
for young people's groups. mus-
ic, • recreational centres 'within
,driving distance.' With their reg-
ular echoo'1 work we consider
they have a busy program.
Mrs. 'Oliver Anderson invited
the group for Jan. 6. 'Those with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford of
London and Mr. and (Mrs. Ricb-
and {Ford of Sarnia were recent
visitors withMe. and Mrs. L.
Mrs. Amelia Schroeder is
spending a few weeks visithieg
relatives at 'St. .Glair Shores, in
'Mrs. Minnie Sangster visitedn 1 etch the rein over the weekend with Mr. and
'television will
w P (Mrs. Ili. Stratton and family at
ous broadcasts. Lucan,
''Most games, 'Mrs. 'Bent Slog., and :Mrs. Archie Wrench
gain and Oliver Anderson; longe •of, London were recent visitors
hands, IMrtis, Joe Bksecock a with the letter's son and daugh-
Eric Anderson; consolation, Mrs. heti-in-laid, Mr. and Mrs. H:arold
Geo. Canter and Joe Babcock. Elder.
a few games .of euchre ' were Mrs. Henry returned home al -
played. The evening closed with ter spending the past two weeks
a sumptuous lunch. a With Mr. and 'Mss.' Bern and
$1,50 a Year
DEC. 23 & 24th
See our large selection of beautiful Bridal Bell and
Charme Rings
$5.00 and up
$7.00 and up
GRUEN WATCHES .. 29.75 & np
ELGIN WATCHES .. $33.75 & rtp
ELCO WATCHES $24.95 & up
WESTCLOX Watches $7,95 & up
Cultured Pearls
Lustrous beauty for her!
$20.00 & np
$3.60 & up
Engraved Free of Charge
Complete lines of
Corn Flower Glassware
Fancy Bowls, Plates, etc.
from $1.00 up
Hundreds of smart gift
pieces from 25c up.
A large selection at $1.00
Fine Dinnerware
Wedgewood, Spode, Royal
Albert, Royal Doulton,
Johtason. Bros, Sovereign
Potters. 125 different pat-
terns to choose from,
Sterling Silver, Community Plate,
1847 Rogers and Fine Stainless Steel
sets from $19.95 up
Priced from $2,00 up to fine
PIN SEAL Wallets at $12.00
Drop in and see our gala selec-
ttion of Christmas Gifts at
prices that will please you
Latest models by Sulam.,
Schick, Sunbeam, Ronson,
Remington & Philishave.
A real selection
11roni $1.00 up
Hundreds to choose
from at ¢1.00 & up
from. $4.95 up
9:t 'el e t v"t%[ e. leG�at:•lF�ll.�� '..��m at
family in (St. Catharines.
Mr. Matthew Tinney
Mr. Matthew Tinney, life-lmrg
resident of dray imp. passe
away in South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on :Monday, Dec. 16 in
his '82nd year. 'Surviving are
three sons, Benjamin of Hay;
George, Exeter; Homer of St.
'Marys; one daugh;ter,. Mrs.
Campbell Eyre, Tuek'ersmith;
one 'brother, )Robert Tinney, :of
Exeter; two sisteres. Mrs. 'Saarah
Blackwell,, Exeter; Mrs. C. ' 0' -
!Helen, IHensaltl. Services were
held from ,the Bonthron. .funeral
hoame, 'Hensall•, on Wednesday.
Interment in Exeter Cemetery.
Mr. and Mss. Keith Lindsay
and Pamela returned to their
home in Napanee after visiting
with Mrs. Lindsay's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson.
The L:itexary 'Society of St,
:Patrick's (Church, Dublin, under
the sponsorship of the +Altar
Society, held a :social evening in
St. ''Patrick's hall on' Friday.
Program aonsisited of a piano
solo by Nancy Kelly, recitation,
Rose Mary Flannery, solo by
Angela ;D•ucharene. 'Progressive
euchre was played with Mrs. El-
izabeth Bruxer winning ladies'
prize and Wilfred O'Rourke the
gentleman's. Lunch was served
by the ladies in charge.
Frank Rowland, Toronto, with
his mother, ;Mrs. Wiltnufred
Mr. and Ms. Frank Bann.
David and Peggy, with :Mr. and
Mrs. Frank :Evans.
Mr. and MTs. Ron Butters, of
St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mas.
Tom Butters.'
E'tdwalyd !H•ollaapd, R}o)ronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hol-
Misses Mary Morrison and
Matrgareit iF'lamagan„ Kitchener,
:at their homes.
Wise 'Shirley Horan, Brant-
ford, with Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergus
Mr. Dalton Burns of Parry
Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nagle of
Stratford with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Michael ;Nagle.
After many years of service
to the public, and especially to
the farmers of !this community,
the Cromarty weigh scales which
were owned and operated by the
Cromarty Scale !Company, have
been purchased by a local cattle
dealer, Mr. Alex Gardiner.
The Cromarty !Scale Company
which was formed in November
1914, had :around 124 sharehold-
ers, each share was valued .at
:$113.00, and for many years con-
ducted a weighing business .on
a profitable basis. Each year
the members with their families
enjoyed a supper and a social
evening, the pa4ncipad item do
the menu 'being oysters.
The first president of the
company was Jos. 'Spears and.
the first secretaryetreas., was
Mr. Frank Allen. :Of the origin-
al members nine are still living:
David Gardiner, .'Archie McKel-
lar, Frank Harburn, Frank Al-
len, William Chappel, John G.
Scott, 'Andrew 1VLcLachlan, Hugh.
McLachlan and 'Ken McKellar.
Since 1927 Mr. Herb IMahaffer
has acted as president 'and Me.
Andrew McLachlan, sec.-treas.
After all the. business had been
completed, the :balance in the
treasury was donated to the Sal-
vation Army.