HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-12-12, Page 1The
Town Council Closes
Year's Work
ISeaferth town council theld
the final regular •meeting of the
year on ;Monday :night in -'bhe
council ohanaber. Ali members
were present and Mayor.IDr. Mc-
Master presided.
With the nominations over
and an election facing most of
tho melnibers withinea couple, of
days most controversial matters
raised were left for the new
council to deal with next year.
The mayor asked what had
been 'done 'about insurance,
Reeve Scoins 'reported that
$111,000 had been placed dnthe
hands of the broker, M. A. Reid.
Council agreed that other ag-
ents sharing in the oommission
should be general agents resi-
dent in
esindentin town andholding a (lic-
ense dor snore than two yeaas.
Arrears of taxes were .$9800
over last year, 'Town Treasurer
Wilson reported in his financial
Councillor Christie reported
[the work done by the street
committee ,this month. ,
'Councillor Kellar said the fire
chief had reported 80 rural
calls and 12 calls in town dur-
ing the year. The only serious
fire had ;been the Ball- Macaul-
ay fire in which Geo. McGavin's
home also had been damaged.
The toilets in the •town hall
were nearly completed 'Council-
lor Habkirk said. Little progress
had been made in getting the
bell rope on the town ball relo-
cated-auitside the Ibuiiding, said
Mr. IHabbkirk, and he wondered
if ringing the hell could be dis-
continued. It was now rung only
at noon.. Councillor Kellar re-
eoanmended keeping both bells
in repair, especially the fire :bell
which was the only sneans of
alarm if the power was knocked
The floors in the eld iwater-
works house occupied by A.
Buehie were reported sinking.
The house is butitt over the old
reservoir and the basement is
very 'damp. This was left for
1958 council.
[Connell reviewed the work
done on the town hall renova-
tion and reported over $11,000
as the town's share so far.
On suggestion of Mayor Mc-
Master council agreed to•buy a
turkey as a Christmas gift for
town •employees.
Council dealt with 'a request
turned over to them by the
court of revision for a rebate
in 'taxes.
John Cardio was appointed
to the high school board to corn
piete the ,term to .the end " of
1968 of the late Crawford
Before the close of the meet
ing Councillor Christie rose to
propose a motion of apppeeoiation
and thanks to Mayor (McMaster
and Councillor Kellar who are
leaving council. Reeve (Scoins ie
a short • address seconded the
•Mayor bfoMaster said he ap-
preciated the motion verymuch
and that while members had not
always agreed on everything he
was sure good came from their
Councillor Kellar 'thanked the
council and said he had enjoyed
his term of: office. However' he
was away from town 'a lot and
others had had to look after his
duties on council.
p I
Ladies Auxiliary I Win. Pepper Heads
Elects Officers Shorthorn Group
The .regular meeting; of the
Ladies' Au ha Gana
ry to the Can
_dian Legion was held on Wed-
nesday bit the Legion looms.
The president, .Mrs. Olive• Little
was in the chair and, opened the
meeting with the carrying on of
the flags by standard (bearers,
Mrs. ID. 'Adams and 'Mrs. P.
Coombs, and "10 Canada" was
sung. There were '27 members
present and 'three .new members
voted on for approval: Iltt was
decided to send a nice 'Christ-
anas box to our adopted veter-
an in Westminster Hospital, and
cigarettes to the' boys in the
II'he mystery prize was won
by Mrs. (Helen Alen and two
sponge dolls were won by. Mrs.
C. Little and Mrs, A. Watson;
a bouquet of sponge . flowers
won by, Mrs; G. - Fraser. The
door prize was won by Mrs.
Janet MdGregor. The election
of •officers for 1958 followed
with, Past 'Pres., 'Mrs. 'Olive -Lit-
tle; Pres., Mrs. J. :Mc Abbon;
lstVice ?res., Mis. 'Betty Den-
nis; 2nd 'Vice, Mrs. Helen Nich-
olson; (Sergeant at Arms, Mrs.
InaMcGrath; Executive, Mrs.
Dora Taylor, (Mrs. Doreen Eas-
ier, Mrs. Jean Wilson, Mrs.
Elizabeth Edgar; Treas., 'Mrs.
A. Muir; ISM, Mrs. Janet Mc-
Gregor; 'Pre'ss Reporter, .(Mss.
Barbara 'Scott; 'Sick Convenor,
:Mrs. Helen Allen; .So01a1 Con-
venor, Mrs. Peggy Coombs; Au-
ditors, Mms. 'Olive Little Mrs.
Clara Little; 'Property Little,
Mrs, Charlotte "Woods, Mrs.
Annie Bellows; Buying 'Commit-
tee, Mss. Janet McGregor, Mrs.
Angella Watson, [Mrs. Doreen
The meeting :closed !with the
retiring of the colors and The
Queen, and an exchange of
Christmas" gifts. A delicious
Christmas lunch was served by
the ;December committee.
The Orange =[Hall property.
committee held a successful eu-
chre Wednesday night last. The
prize winners: ladies, Mrs.
Crawford M. !Smith, well-
known :Seaforth businessman,
died suddenly at his home on
Thursday. He was 71.
Mr. (Smith was manager of
Seeker* Lumber Ltd., for the
past four years. He was at work
'Thursday morning as usual. He
had complained of not [Feeling
well at lunch time 'and passed
away shortly afterwards at .his
He was active in public ,af-
fairs. He was a .member of the
Seaforth district high school
board, the Seaforth Lions Club,
the Curling Club and the 'Cham-
ber of Commerce. Ile was .also
treasurer and an eider of First
'Presbyterian 'Church.
Mr. 'Smith was born at Komo-
lea, Ont., where he receivedhis
early edueaton. He came to Sea -
forth: in 1931 and was for a
short time in the contracting
business. He had also operated
the Tasty Grill and managed bhe
old 'Palace rink for several win-
His wife, the former Beatrice
Caldwell, predeceased 'him in
1954. (He is survived by one son
Dr. Delbert G. 'Smith, and one
daughter, Miss Dorothy J.
(Smith, both of Hamilton.; three
brothers, M. E. ,Smith, P. S.
(Smith and Alec Smith, all of
;The funeral was held on Sat-
urday conducted by Rev: D.
Glenn Campbell, of 'First Pres.
byterian 'Church, at the G. A.
Whitney Funeral Home in Sea-
ter*. Burial was in [Maitland -
bank 'Cemetery.
Grummett; lone hands, (Mrs.
Hildebrand; consolation, Mrs.
Coutts. Men's, Chas. ' Cunning-
ham; lone, Alex. McMichael;
consolation, John Crozier.
A 'draw was held on 'a satin
bound 'blanket, Friday night -at'
Winthrop. The draw was made.
by Judy Howatt, and [the winner.
Mr. 'Charles Kieber, Walton. 10
games of cards were played,
winners, ladies' first Mrs. Dave
ffduir, lone hands, Mrs. J. Hew-
ett, consolation, Joan !Hamilton.
Men's forst, Bert MdGlure, lone
hands, Harold 'Storey, censola-
tion, Wilbur Godkin. A few
hours of dancing was enjoyed
to music supplied by Collin's
'Group 1 of Northside United
Church met 'Monday evening at
bhe home of (Mrs. Jas. 'Riley, 26
members answered (the roll call.
Mrs. 'Ball opened the meeting
with a poem and 'conducted the
business. Mrs. W. Gu'bh511 and
Miss Eleanor Henderson were
in charge of the program. Mrs.
Cuthill read the scripture, St.
Matthew 2: Eleanor Henderson'
led in prayer. A trio consisting
of 1Mre. Woods, Mrs. WSliaans
and .Mrs. ,Cu'bhill sang a Christ-
mas number, -accoanpanded by
Mrs, Rolberton. Mrs. Roberton
read from the hook "The King
Nobody Wanted" and 'Christmas
Carols were sung at intervals
during the reading. Helen El-
liott .played two 'Christmas ,'Car-
ols on her accordian which ev-
eryone enjoyed.' The meeting
closed by 'repeating the Bene-
die+tion." ileanor''9Hendersen con-
ducted games and Mrs. Close
conducted' the Bible Quiz. Mrs.
Ball 'bhanked everyone 'taking
.part an the meeting and Mrs.
Riley for her hospitality. Mrs.
Walden, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Con-
nell assisted the -hostess in serv-
ing lunch.
The 'Christmas meeting of
Group 4 W. A. consisted of •a
'supper supper at the home of
(Mrs. Arnold Westeott with 18
members and 3 visitors. +Mrs.
Alvin Riley opened meeting
with a prayer. (Mrs. Marshall
read scripture, and two carols
were sung. The officers for the
next yeas• were presented. Mem-
bers handed in their, talent mon-
ey and told how they earned it.
Mrs. Dill was in charge of the
program. Karen Dill favored
wibh piano selections. Mrs. I.
Hudson read the legend Of the
black Madonna. Mrs. Marshall
conducted a game and gifts
were •exchanged. Mrs. Pollard
thanked MTs. Westcott for the
use of her [hone, and Mrs. 'Hud-
son thanked 'Mrs. 'Riley for her
excellent 'leadership during her
three years as president.
'T'he (Seaforth Sewing Circle
met at the home of Mrs. J.
Bro'adfoot on (Sat., (Dec. 7. The
meeting opened by singing "The
more we get TTogether" and re-
ipeabing the 4-H pledge. The roll
call was .answered by showing
e sample of material and telling
why you thought it was wool.
Notes were taken on different
types of weaves in wood. We
were then given some ,helpful
pointers on choosing our skirt
material and pattern.
The next meeting will be held
Dec. 14th at the home of. Mrs.
W. L. Whyte.
Home Assignment: Continue
record. book. Each member can
buy :their material and pattern
for their skirt, 'Study pattern
and instruction sheet.
Bob Reith had .two teeth knock,
.ed out by -a hockey stick during
Midgets practice Tuesday `night.
Later when Rae 'Scoins got til.
'by a puck and ` required ' three
stitches, practice was called We
Perth -Huron .Shorthorn Club
held its annual meeting and
banquet Thursday night to Eg-
mondville 'United Church, with
over 100 persons present' The
retiring' president, Arthur ,B'ald,
of Sebringvidle, was ` chairman
for the meeting.
R. E. White, Perth (County
agri'ctlitural xepaesentaltive and
sec.-treas., of the club, reported
a successful year.
'Dr. Charles Rowe of the Ont-
ario Veterinary College in
'Guelph was guest speaker and
spoke on 'the diseases in cattle,
touching in ,particular on btu-
celloeie, warble fly, and a new
infection .in cattle and swine,
leptusburosis, and outlined var-
dous ways and means •of count -
emoting them, James Smith, ex-
pressed thanks on behalf of, the
meeting to IDT. iRow,e.
James M. Scott was chairman
for the entertainment; 'those
taking part included Mr. Han-
son and Frank Schubert, who
gave 'a violin duet, accompanied
by Mrs. [Hanson, Miss. 'Caroline
Neil and Miss INeela Hillman,
Officers named for 19543 are:
Past Pres., Mr. Bald; pies., Wil-
liam .Pepper, RIR, S, Seaforth;
Bret vic'p president. Lincoln
White, St. Marys; second vice-
pres., Bruce Keyes, Varna; sec.-
treas., Doug Miles, Huron Coun-
ty agricultural representative;
assistant R. E. White, 'Perth
County agnioultural representa-
tive; 'directors, Huron •County,
Morley Johnson, Auburn; John
Peck, Varna; Bruce Keyes; An-
son 'McKinley, R. R. 1, Zurich;
James M. Scott, Seaforth; Jas.
Smith, IR.R. 2, Brussels; Howard
'Culbert, Dungannon; T e r t h
County, Roy Nethercott,
St. Marys; Arnold Robinson, R.
R. 3. St. Marys; John Dunnell,
R.R. 6, St. Marys; James E. Ro-
binson, R. R. 1, St. Marys; Wal-
lace Ballantyne, RIR. 3, Strat-
ford; Fergus Lannin. R.R. 2,
Dublin; •director to the Ont-
ario Shorthorn Club, Andrew
Gaunt, Lucknow.
Mrs. Geo. McGavin was re-
elected president of St. Thomas'
Anglican 'Church W. A. at an
evening meeting held [Dec. 5th
at the home of Miss Dorothy
Parke. Gratifying reports of
each department for the year
were reviewed. The Rev. J. tH.
James presided for the election.
'Other officers: Hon. Pres.,
(Mrs. Arnold. Case; vice, Pres.,
M'rs. John Oldfield; sec., Mrs.
E. J. MCKenster; trees., Miss
Dorothy Parke; Educational ,Se-
cretary, 'Mrs. J. "H. James;
Prayer 'Partner Sec,, Mrs. N.
Scoins; ,Dorcas (Sec., Mrs. Wm.
O'Shea; Dorcas Assistant, Mrs.
A. W. Moore; Living Message,
Mis. David Netzke; Life Mem-
bership (Sec., Miss Carolyn
Holmes; Girls' Auxiliary Advis-
er, Mrs. J. H. James; Jr. Auxile
iary Adviser, +Mrs. J. R. 'Spittal;
Little Helpers Sec.Treas., Mrs.
Bruce McLean; Social ,Service,
Mrs. •E. Case; +Histor'ian, (Miss
Carolyn Holmes; Auditors, Mrs.
Elmer Larone, Mrs. Earl -Dins-
IS.S,iS. '4,'IH}bbert Held their
annual 'Christmas •conceit on
Dec.2 under rhe direction of
their teacher, Mrs. Jas. Melady
and ¢anisic sug'er.visor, • Mr. E.
C Barley. The schoolroom was
tilled to capacity, and decorated
in keeping with the festive sea-
son. The progl`am was as to'1-
lows: Welcome Recitation, Pup-
pet Show. greeting's by junior,
Welcomne song:, and Christmas
songs by the entire class. Reci-
tations by Juniors and song en-
titled, The Little Bell. Four 'lit-
tle [girls did 'bhe Bunny Hop, fol-
lowed by ;The `(Ch'ris'tmas Caval-
cade. A play, Pa (Gets Took, was
acted by tie Juniors, after
which there wits a skirt, The
Three Little Kittens. A panto-
mime song, While 1StrolliegPhru
the (Park, was followed'bySwing
Your Partner 'S'quare Dance, by
Grades 1 and 2. The Waltz of
Blue was done: by a group of
girls after whieah the (boys sang
several cowbolyesongs, 'Old Shep;
Green (Grow the Lilacs, Wand bhe
Arkansas Traveller.' A play,,
(Gordon's Unlucky Morning, was
followed by the Hokey Pokey
Dance. Ten Little 'Sunflowers
was performed iby ten little girls
and two girls ghowed how to
"Put YourLibble . Foot Right
Out". The Intermediate Glass
did the Star Promenade (Square
Dance follawed,by a step dance.
.A. play, .Hvl1creet Cafe, was act-
ed by a senior group followed
by a recitation;] The (Night after
Christmas. The beautiful and
dramatic Story+ of ` Christmas
was then told in narrative,
songs and .picti es, built up in
plywood figures of the Nativity.
The closing •song was, Reindeer
Bells are Ringirg, followed by a
closing group , recitation and
God ISave The Queen.
Father McCowell was pre-
sented with a 'Christmas gift, as
also was Mr. Harley. A. vote of
thanks was tendered to the
teacher and pupils by John
Moylan and to Mr. Harley by
Joseph O'Reilly. Tickets sold on
a rug, anade by bhe pupils was
won by Mrs. (Frank Evans, and
the seller of the lucky ticket
was Betty Shea.
Pupils taking pant were Jean
Moylan, Mary Ellen Doyle, Don
Coyne, Jack 'Doyle, Billy Mur-
ray, Mary Lou Coyne, Vincent
Maloney, Rose Doyle, Danny
McMillan, Betty Shea, Elaine
'Murray, Dorothy Vogels, PatsY
Coyne, •Cinth Vogels, Kenneth
Coyne, Billy Feeney, Anne
Shea, Sharon Burke, Gordon
[Moylan, Mary Lou Murray,
Geraldine idalope, Nellie Vog-
els, Anne Malone, Gordon
Coyne, Joanne Murray, Pauline
O'Reilly, Thomas Burke, Joseph
Yuletide decorating of the
school rooms provided the set-
ting for the annual Christmas
bazaar and tea sponsored by
"bhe ICWL of St. James' ;Parish.
[Guests were received by the
president, Mrs. M. Etna.
The annual Christmas draw
convened by Mrs. J. Fortune and
Mrs. J. Meagher, assisted by'
-Miss 'M. Fortune. Prizes were
won by: let Silver Tea Sea'vice,
Mrs. M. Cleary, 'Seaforth' 2nd,
Sunbeam fry pan, Mr. E. Brady
of Seaforth; 3rd, G. E. Mixer, J.
Dallas. of Seaforth. Draw on the
baby shawl was won by Miss A.
Meagher, Seaforth; 'Christmas
cake draw convened by Mrs. M.
Williams and Mrs. L. Leonhardt,
was won by Mee. K. 'Smith, Eg-
mondville. At a 'beautifu'l decor-
ated table tea was poured by
Mrs. J. McConnell, Mrs. J. Dev-
ereaux, Miss 11. Dunn and Mn.
F. (Sells 'Sr. convened by Mrs. J.
Maloney and Mos. J. Ban-
non. The tea tables, Miss A.
Meagher, Mrs. Wm. Hart, Mrs.
J. M. McMillan, Mrs. 3. Dever-
eaux, Mrs. Wnl. Box, Sirs. R.
Box, Mrs. B. Smith end Mrs. C.
Eckert assisted in 'kitchen by
Mrs. T. Bicknell, (Mrs. J. ,Aubin,
Mrs. J. Kenny, .Mrs. E. Bannon
'and Mrs. J. Kelly.
'Olbher convenors: Sewing,.
Mess R. Dorsey and Mrs. W. J.
[Duncan, assisted by Mrs'. J. Mc-
Connell, Mrs. R. Htue, Miss, M.
Ritue, and Miss L. Burke. Home
baking, Mrs. C. Malone and Mrs.
A. 'Sanale, assisted by Mrs. 0.
Hewitt, Mrs. C. P. Sails, Miss C.
Ven den 03engel. Candy; Mrs.
G. Reynolds; MysEery Box, MTs.
A. Devereaux and [Mrs. G. Van
'den liengel;. decorating, Miss A.
Winners of the draws at
Christie's Meat Market on Tues-
day were: [Mrs. M. Rennie, Joe
(Dorsey, Jinn Henderson, Mrs. 11.
'Chesney; Egm.ondvi]ie, (Mrs. Ed
Regele, Walton.
Seaforth br:aneh of the Can-
adian Legion is again sponsor-
ing boys' hockey, in tharge of
Jack Eisler.All boys interested
are asked to be at the arena on
,Saturday, Dec. 21 et 8 am.
The annual turkey bingo
sponsored by the men of the
Parish was held in the parish
hall on Friday evening Dec. 6.
Fifteen rounds for turkeys were
won by the following: Leonard
Ryan, !Mrs. McCullough, of Mit-
chell; Mrs. A. Cronin, Miss Jean
Coombs, Mitchell; Mrs. John A.
Eckert, Dublin, 'Stephen -Mur-
ray, 'Harold [Maloney, 'Seaforth;
V. J. Lane, Mrs. W. McQuaid,
Dorothy Dalton, W. 'Chessel, of
Mitchell; Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy,
Brodhagen; [Roti. Dully, Mrs.
Clara Bennet, Mitchell, and W.
Carpenter, Dublin.
Three cash specials of $15,00
each were won by, lst, Jack
Butters, Mitchell, and Robert
Duffy, St. Columban; 2nd
Lloyd Elliott, IStaffa, and Mary
Lou (Coyne St. Columban; and
3rd, Mrs.,Geo. Leonhardt, Wal-
ton. The three door prize win-
ners were as follows:.'1st, Elec-
tric fry pan, Mrs. Jerome Kelly,
Kirkton; 2nd turkey, Elmer
[Dennis, 'Walton; 3rd, chicken,
Wm. Austin, !Seaforth.
W. M. S.
The Christmas meeting of the
WMS of First Presbyterian
Church was held in the Sunday
School room of the Church on
Tuesday afternoon. Encouraging
reports on (the work of the year
were received, and bhe 185.8 •of-
ficers were installed. A 'letter
from a former member, Mrs. D.
Ritchie, who now lives in Lind-
say 'Ont., was read.
The president, Mrs. D. Glenn
Campbell, openieid 'the meeting
with a Ohrisbmas poem, follow-
ed by prayer. ,The Chrtistmas.
theme taken (from The 'Glad Tid-
ings was used -wibh feve mem-
bers taking part in the candle
lighting 'service, Mrs. W. J.
Thompson, Mrs. J. McGregor,
MTs. J. L. Bell, utiss J. Fraser
and Miss B. 'Campbell. After -the
report of the nominating coni-
mibtee was read by Mrs. H. R.
Scott ,and accepted, the retiring
president, Mrs. ,Campbell, M-
etalled the following officers:
Hon. Pres., (Mrs. James Herr;
Pres., Mrs. J. L. Bell; 1st Vice
Pees., 'Miss Jessie Fraser; 2nd
Vice Pres., Miss Belle Oanipbel];
Sec., Mrs. J. B. Russell; fi'reas.,
Mrs. J. McGregor, pianist, Mis.
Ernest Geddes; Horne ;Helper
Sec., .Mrs.. H. R. 'Scott; Wel-
come and Welters' Sec., Mies H.
'Murray; Glad Tidings .Sec., Mrs.
Edgar Batt; ,Supply Sec., Mrs.
Hugh McLachlan; Literature
j'and Library Sec.,. Mrs. Russell
Dorrance; Press Sec., Miss 13,
Campbell; Flower and Gift Sec.,
Mrs. .Geo. Ferguson; .Group
Leaders, IMrs. J. Thompson, Miss
Marion :Gray, Mrs. W. Thorp-
son;, CGIT Leaders, Mrs. (Reg..
Kerslake, Mrs. Keith Sharpe;
Explorer Leaders, Miss Bessie
91.60 a Year
fake Ao17/
Xmas. List Suggesti n
Authorized as Second. Class mall,
Post OfficeDept., Ottawa
Snowdon, Bros., Publishers
$3975 d i
A thrilling gift .01. i•in
color of yellow or white
gold, 17 jewels, Match-,
ing bracelet. /!•
Pretty and prac-
. fical In calor of
yellow or while
gold. 17' towels.
Matching expan-
sion bracelet.
with exclusive
Handsome self winding 17
jewel watch. water and
shock -resistant, anti -mag-
Smart masculine
style in color of yel-
low gold—for THE
moo on your gift list.
Self•winding, water and shock
resistant, anti -magnetic.
Alligator insert expansion.
BE WISE—Before You Buy, Come and See Our Complete
Range of GRUENS
Other smart Gruen
watches as low as $29,75
Giueve, Mrs. Jim Murray; C. 0.
C. Leaders, Mrs. E. Rivers, Mrs.
W. A. Hodgert, Miss J. Fraser;
Social Convener, Mrs. William
(Mrs. J. L. 'Bell expressed 'the
appreciation of the members to
Mrs. Campbell for her faithful
service during her term of of-
fice, and our regret at her re-
moval from our midst. The
meeting was then closed by all
repeating the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. B. Sholdice of Brinsley
visited over the weekend with
her daughter, Mrs. A. Paterson.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray !Squires
visited foe a few days with
Mrs. Squires' parents, :Me. and
Mrs. Robert ,Allen Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Knox, Sarnia, 'for the
Mis. Gordon Elliott and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Triebner were in
Port Huron on 'Saturday.
The many Brucefield friends
of Mr. Robt. Alden Jr. wish to
congratulate 'him, being' chosen
"BeanKing" at The Royal Win-
ter Fair, Toronto, also Field
Bean Champion in Chicago.
Miss 'Mary Broadfoot, Toron-
to, spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
The 'Directors monthly meet-
ing of the Iiullett Federation
was held in the Londesboro hall
on Thursday evening, Dec. 5th.
It being the final meeting of
the year a turkey supper was
served by the wives of the dir-
ectors which was enjoyed by 30
Directors. After the supper they
held their meeting. The voters'
list of the wheat [producers was
looked over and some :adjust-
ments nude. Tee Past 'Presi-
dent, Lloyd 'Pipe spoke a few
words on the ye'ar's work and
thanked 'bhe 'directors for their
co-operation in the past year.
Ile then called on the new pre-
sident, Mr. Lloyd 'Medd. Lloyd
replied in a few words and
hoped he would have the same
co-operation from .the directors
in , the coming year. After the
meeting progressive euchre was
enjoyed by all. The prize 'win-
ners were: ladies' high, Mrs.
Lloyd Pipe; low, Mrs. Arthur
Kallman; lone, Mrs. Archie
Young. Men's high, Everett
Taylor; low, Jack McEavan;
lone, Everett Taylor.
S. 'S. No. 2, Farm Forum of
MOKillop net at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry. Palin to
discuss this week's topic, "Im-
port Control". All the 'members
of our group are interested in
hogs, beef, poultry and dairy
products and of course Import
-Duties on these products inter-
est us too. On the question
should import controls be used
on your commodity? We regret
the necessity of controls or du-
ties at all and think they should
be used only in emergencies. It
is impossible for the farmer to
live as a free trade segment of
a protectionist society such as
Canada is today. The zesuit of
which .is our bdgh costs which is
at the root of all OUT troubles.
'Our urban business men be-
lieve in free trade for the o'bher
fellow but not for their own
business. I think the farmer is
more in touch with reality on
this question than the rest of
our population, the 'Kitchener
'Chamber of Commerce not ex-
It ds one of the weaknesses
of 'Democracy that our Govern-
ment try to give us what we
want rather than what is good
for us in order to keep them-
selves in power. 8 'thiiik it• is
showing us that we are not yet
ready for Democracy.
'The meeting closed with eu-
chre followed by lunch. Win-
ners were, most games, Secord
McBrien, Mrs, Secord McBrien;
lone hands, Walter McClure,
Bert McClure; con., Mrs. Stew
art •Dolmage, Frank Bushie.
The, regular meeting of the
Winthrop Y. P. U. was held on
Dec, 8th in Cavan Church, The
meetingopened wdlh the Young
People'Purpose, followed by
hymn 50. Roll call 'was answered
by 22 members. The animates of.
the previous meeting were read
and' adopted. The young people
are holding ;a 'Christmas Church
Service on 'Sunday evening Dec.
22nd in Cavan Church. The an-
nual meeting will be held en
Jan. 2nd in .the form of a ban-
quet. The worship service open-
ed with hymn 600. Marjorie
Boyd read the scripture from
St. Matthew 25: 14-30. Rev.
Sununerell ted in prayer follow-
ed by the offering. Sandra Doig
gave the topic on "The Steward-
ship of Abilities". Hymn 46 was
sung followed 'by the Benedic-
tion. Choir practise was held
for the Christmas service, fol-
lowed by lunoh. 1
!Congratulations are extended
to Mi. and Mrs. Henry E. Rieg-
el .(Ennna Eisler) on the occa-
sion of .their 50th wadding an-
niversary on Thursday, Dec. 12.
'School Christmas concerts
are being held at IS. `S.:3, Logan,
Front Line, on Friday evening
Dec. 13. 'Miss Joanne lRocle,
teacher; at Jarmuth's 'School on
Monday, 'Dec. 116, Mr. W. Morri-
son, teacher, and at S. S. 4, Lo-
gan 6Brodbagen School) on
Tuesday, 'Dec.. 17. Miss Audrey
Hackwell, teacher.
Hockey scores in WOAA: 'On
Monday night. Topnotch '7, St.
Columban 5 and Winthrop 3;
Seaforth Shoes 1; Thurs., Sea. -
forth 'Shoes 5, St. Columban 4.
Election Bulletin
Result of the municipal election
in Seaforth for council on Wed-
1.2 3.4 5=6 T01.
Baldwin , 153 128 69 3550
Ball 185 136 118 439
Brady 109 100 79 238
Cardno ..,,,'127 75 71 273
Habkir'k 147 121 34 152
Muirrsteel 74 60 42 176
Rivers , . 162 116 90 368
Turnbull , 102 119 106 387
With more than 500 ballots
cast •bhe vote was aver 109i .
1958 council will be: Mayor,
B. F. Christie (acclamation);
Reeve, Norman Scoins (acclaim.-
acclaim,tion), Councillors: Wm. Ball,
John Turnbull, Thorpe Rivers,
Scott IIabkirk, Jelin Baldwin,
P. L. Brady.