The Seaforth News, 1957-12-05, Page 1Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL; 79 SEAFORTH, ONTAIRIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1957 $1.60 a Year Authorized us Second Olass mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa . Snowdon Bros., Publishers Honored on Their Diamond Jubilee A. reception was held atthe bonne of Mr. 'and -Mrs. Charles Boyd in honor of his parents, Mr. and MTs. David 'Boyd ,on .the occasion of their ,60th wed- ding anniversary. 'Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. E. ISecord, Mewford, and Mrs R. A. Dundlas, Toronto. In the 'even- ing Mrs. David Andrews, •Tor- onto and Mrs. (GeorgeDundas, Walton poured. ISeriving lundh 'were Dr. Ruth Dundas, Toronto and the honored couple's three granddaughters, Ruth, Mrs. Ross Fisher, 'Gue'lph; Beth of Barrie, and Barbara, London. 'Assisting were Miss Ethel Dennis, Wal- ton, and (Mrs."iTorranee Dundas, Walton, and Mrs. Marion Lar- ami'e, lidincardine. They were 'the recipients of many lovely and useful gifts, including an eleetidc clock from the W.A. of Bethel 'Church. Messages of congratulations have been re- ceived (Tom Her Majesty the Queen, Prime Minister John Deifenlbaker, ]Premier Frost of (Ontario, Mr. L. E. Cardiff M.P., and many others:from friends near and far. The fol- lowing verseswere rwritten in their honor by a former beloved pastor, Rev. J. R. Holden, Lon- don. SIXTY YEARS TOGETHER In the jubilee year Of Victoria's -reign, In County Huron, 'Canada, A man his bride did claim. "I take •thee Charlotte," Lovingly spoke the groom. 1 take thee David", said the bride Within that hushed, still room. They twain became one flesh, Aa Adam - did wed Eve ; For this their parents to forsake, And to each other'-cleahe, In wedlock's holy estate From other not to - .roam ; With guidance from the Holy Book, They made their Christian home. "Those were the good old days", Say some with wagging heads; "0f' coal oil lamps, and wood stoves hot, And high backed feather beds. "On quiet country roads The horse and buggy :went; Luxuries were. few, folks toiled, And know what hard work meant". Not then the speeding car, • loud voiced radio, No television set to view 2n days so ..long ago. For bride andgroom the years Sped by in. honest -work; They sought no gold by crafty means. Nor did they duty shirk. The inn did sow and reap, The wife did .:cook and mend. For neighbors' needs they did not shrink, A helping hand to lend. Good music each one loved, Took joy in simple arts ; On Sundays to the churchdid go, To pray with kindred hearts. One son that union'blest, Soon grown to man's estate ; Himself did take a goodly wife • To 00 his own helpmate. To them threebabes were born, Maidens both swept and fine. And a wee grandson, up tillnow Completes the grandsire's line. • Now thank we all our God For their years together; For joys they mutually shared In. fair and foul weather. If the Lord should tarry Loved ones must be parted ; our faith in God's good heaven Helps us be stout hearted. Forever with the Lord. Husbands, wives may gather Within the Father's home above.. Lovers yet hereafter. Lift then the brimming sup. Tho bride and groom to cheer On this their diamond jubilee,. Perfect love caste out fear'''.. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William J. F. Bell announce the engagement of their only daughter, (Elaine Marie to Mr. Irvin Joslin Ford, only son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Ford, ]Exeter. The marriage will take place (Saturday, 'Dec. 21,;1957 at 112 o'clock in 1St. An- drew's United Church, Kippen. APPOINT MANAGER The Seaforth Farmers (Co-IOp have apopinted Bill Gordon of Hanriston as manager of their warehouse and mill here. Mr. (Gordon has not moved his fam- ily here and is driving from and to 1Harriston . each day for the present. WEATHER BALLOON A radio weather balloon ,with an instrument case was found. on the farm of Russell Dallas in Tuckersmith last 'Thursday. The radio was torn off in handing. Mr. Dallas brought the box "to town and emailed it in accord- ance with instructions. The bal- loon was a 'bright red plastic sheet with cords extending down to a ring and the box. Th balloon was sent up by the Illinois weather station. MRS. *WILLIAM JOHNSTON The death occurred Thursday in Scott IMeanorial (Hospital, of Mrs. William Johnston, 84, of McKillop twp. She had been i11 in hospital for a week. Mrs. Johnston 'had been a 'lifelong resident of MdKillo,p. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Shannon. Her :husband died in 1941, and in recent years she made Iher'hpme with her son-in-law and idaligth- ter, Mr. and (Mrs. Russell 'Bol- ton. She was a 'member 'of Ca- van United Church, Winthrop, and was a life member of the WMIS of :that congregation. She is survived by one son, Frank Johnston, and one daughter, Mrs. - 'Russell I(IEdna) 'Bolton, both of MdKillop; by five grand- children and four great .grand- children. The funeral was held Saturday from the IG.. A. 'Whit- ney funeral home. Rev. W. H. ISunrmereii, sof Winthrop; offici- ated. Burial was in Maitland= bank cemetery., THANK YOU )Due to heavy financial strain on Seaforth Lions Club treasury J'n (building the new swimming pool, a 'request went out to the (business and professional peo- ple and manufacturers for .as- sistance in financing the Lions' 'Christmas activities. The response has been so generous that sufficient funds have been raised to cover the entire cost of the Lions' Club Christmas activities which in- clude the annual Santa' 'Maus visit, candy stockings for 1200 school children, free show and Christmas visit 'to Huron Coun- ty Home. A hearty thank-yoti from the Lions' Club goes out to the buoness people, who without exception, con'tributed gener- ously. ,. LEGION OFFICERS Officers elected at a recent meeting -of (Seaforth Branch No. 1156. IOanadian Legion are: Pre- sident (Marry Nesbitt; 1st Vice, Pres, H. iiiliisser; 2nd Vice Fred', R. S. Box; sec., Kenneth Powell; Sgt. Arms, M. • (McGrath Treas., A. Dobson; (Sick Visiting, (Bob Smith; 'House, A. Nichol- son; ' Property, C. (Haney; .Mem- bership, 'Cleve Coontbes; !Spec. nal Events, Chas. ]Woods; En- tertainment, A. Black; 0?ension Officer, Jake Cornish; Chap- lain, Rev. James. 1O.O.F. EUCHRE At the IOddfellows euchre held on Nov. 127th the winners were as follows: LadiesMost games,, Mrs. H. 'Connell; men's most games, Jack :McKay; la- dies lone hands, Mrs. B. Hilde- brand; men's lone hands, Bob Dodds; 'ladies' consolation, Mrs. John 1Oldfiel'd; men's consola- tion, Charles 'Reeves. RED CROSS .The (December meeting of the Red (Gross (Society will be held in the library roams on Friday, Dec. •6th at 3 p.m. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The annual Christmas party of the 'Hospital Auxiliary will be held Tuesday Dec. 10 in the nurses' residence, with•exchange of gifts. C. W. L. The regular monthly meeting of the O.W.L.•was held in the schoolroom on Tuesday evening with 23 members present. The president, Mrs. M. Etue opened the meeting with the League prayer. The secretary's report was given by Miss M. Fortune and treasurer's report by MTs. J. Bannon. The 3rd vice ,pres.,` 'Mrs. M. Williams, reported nine boxes of clothing packed for charity, Correspondence was read Iby IM'rs. J. Devereaux. Two new hooks were purchased Iby 'the Librarian, Mrs. L. Rowland. The visiting committee reported 11 visits made to the sick and shut-ins. Arrangements were completed for the annual ba- zaar to be (held in the school on Saturday, Dec. 7th. The anyst ery prise was won by Mrs. W. M. Hart. The meeting adjourn- ed. after which lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. W. Hart and 'Mrs. C. P. 'Sills. SEAFORTH W. I. The regular meeting of the Seaforth W. I. will be held in the (Seaforth District high school on Dec. 10 at 8.15 pm. sharp. Roll call will be answered by "A. Christmas gift S would like to receive". Motto of 'the meet- ing is "The gift without the giver is bare". There will be a Christmas story on "Is there a Santa (Claus?" Miss Catherine 'Campbell will show slides and describe her recent 'United Na- tions tour to New 'York and Washington. dt is expected that some of the Junior Farmer de- bateis will ,be on hand for the meeting. Lunch conveners are: Mrs. 'Gordon McKenzie, Mrs. G. Elliott and Mrs. Graham (Kerr. Everyone, unless otherwise eon- taoted, is regtjested to (bring sandwiches. GROUP TWO The. (December Meeting took the form of a sumptuous pot- luck supper at the home of Mrs. Wan. Leeming on. Tuesday even- ing with 23 present. Miss 'Gladys 'Thompson pre- sided, using as an opening num- ber, a Christmas hymn followed by prayer. IA very interesting Christmas reading was given by Miss Thompson. Mrs. J. 'M. IScobt••read the slate of officers for 1951$: (Pres. Mrs. B. Walt- ers; vice pres., .Mrs. L. Carter; sec., •Miss Ethel (Beattie; treas., Mrs. F. ]Storey; pianist, Mrs. P. B. Moffat; social com., Mrs. G. MdDonald, Mrs. L. Carter. Miss Thompson conducted two interesting contests after which each member .received a gift. Mrs. McDonald voiced thanks of the meeting to the hostess, BABY SITTERS FORM CLUB On Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, a group of high school girls met to form a babysitting club, under the guidance of their home economics teacher. The charter members are Betty Muegge, Kathy Bosh - art, Joan Boyce, Marg. Reeves, Joan Bach and Virginia Smith, A standard fee was agreed on and arrangements made for a central to answer calls, Hereafter, parents who need a baby sitter can call 545 and state their needs, and be confident that a baby sitter who will meet their ,. requirements will be found. Arena Board Drops Union. Musicians (By W. T. Teall) At an arena board meeting held last : Wednesday evening in the arena with chairman, Teall and meanbers, ,McMaster, Chris- tie, Baldwin and Sec. Treas. Ron !McDonald' present many' problems were discussed. The first and most important was how to finance the out- standing account 'accrued frown the major break "in the freez- ing plant. In spite of the grant received from the town in the a'mount of 53,000 of which 1980 had been previously paid out by the town for insurance on the arena, the board finds themselves still over $1000' in debt before the arena starts the winter operations. One problem facing the arena, board 'w'hich must' be overcome is the fact many organizations. and individuals feel the use of the arena and community centre should be free or nearly, so that they may use it for their own personal gain, giving no consid- eration to the fact it costs 'a considerable amount each week to maintain 'and operate. If more of these would give the board a helping hand at times much would' he done towards.' ironing out the 'financial diffi- culties facing the board. The -board approves a rental fee for supplying of freezing facilities to the Seaforth Curl- ing Club of 1$800 per season from Nov. 1 to (April 30. Since this season's freezing facilities were not available until Dec. 1 the dhar.ge is to be $640 till April 30 next year. In view .of the. financial prob- lems facing roblems-facing the board it was de- cided that a suer of $200 de. mended by the (Stratford Musi• cians Union to keep the Com- munity a union hall must be re fused and a letter advising them forwarded at once. If the union refused to allow the un. ion bands now playing each Fri- day night to continue, other ar• rangements be made to contin- ue the 'dances as they were a source of 1$25 weekly income to. wards maintaining the arena. The hall will also become again available for receptions etc. Revenue from these has been nil since the new board took over in September and agreed to use only union miusi• clans as the board were deter- mined to live up to its commit- ments made with the union at that time. Agreements were made to al. low steams from St. •Colulnban, Walton and local teams the use of the arena on (Monday, Tues• day or Thursday nights for the guaranteed price •of '$D.5 nightly or a 50/50 split whichever was the 'larger, the teams to supply referees. Pians were made to prepare an estimate of the amount like- ly to be needed to maintain and operate the arena. It was agreed that considerable expenditures still 'faced the Iboard to make necessary repairs and mainten- ance, apart from the freezing unit, the roof must eventually be repaired over the (Community Centre at least as considerable damage is being done by the leaking roof. It was agreed that monthly report be anade to the town council as to income and ex- pense. If they are to supply the funds they should know where and how it is being spent. Many minor problems were discussed mostly about the eco- nomical operation of the arena and stall. Since the meeting lI am pleas- ed to report that skating has begun and Friday night we had a crowd of some 300 skating. Consideration is being given to having a 'Wednesday night skating for adults only. Com- ments would be appreciated, also 'Wednesday will be available for renting to private skating parties on 'a reasonable rental December Meeting Tuckers'th Council ,Tuckersmith Municipal Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, at 1 p.m. All members were present and the Reeve presided. Appointments were made to the high school districts for 1958 as follows:' South Huron, Clar- ence Smillie; Clinton, George Falconer, Seaforth, James Mc- Intosh. Surety bond on the tax collector was renewed with Do- minion of Canada Gen. Insurance Company and premium of $37.50 paid. Dept. of National Defence was given permission to install a culvert across township road be- tween lot 45 and 46, con. 1 & 2 HRS. A grant of $50 was made to the Farmers' Union. The Road Supt. was instructed to install post railings and re- flectors at the'Bioadfoot bridge. Accounts passed included: Bond cheque returns, $361.86; dump,, $22.50; sidewalks $358.70; fox bounty $40' lire protection $173; hospitalization • $28,31; . postage 940; court of revision, voters' lists $51.36; bond premium $37.5Q; drains 91527.86; relief and sup- plementary allowance $45; advert. and supplies $84.83; rebates $2; roads $1044.95; schools $409.06; salary and allowance 9252.16; Rec.-General $9.50; printing 9115; room rent & division court fees $35;, Egmondville water $98.25; grants $50. Orange Ladies Elect Officers Orange Lily Lodge 7112, Sea - forth, met in the ;lodge rooms on Monday evening, Dec. 2, to install the following officers. Mrs. Mary' ISbewart'. acted as in- stallation officer. Worthy :Mistress,. Mrs, Irene Smith; Deputy Mistress, Mrs Mabel 'Collins Rea: Sec., Mrs, Annie Harrison; Pin. Sec., Mrs, Mae 'Halbkirk; Tre'as,, Mrs. Vel ma Miller;; 'Chaplain, Mrs. Leona Oldfield; Jr. Dept. Mistress, Mrs. Evelyn !McLean; , Guardian, Miss Dorothy Parke; 'Director of Ceremonies, Mrs. 'Gladys Van Egmond; Sr. Lbcturer, Mrs, (Mildred, Dale; (Dep, Lecturer, Mrs. Gladys Eisler; pianist, Mrs, Leila Forbes; inside ' (Guard, Mrs. Arbutus McLean;• Outside Guard,' Mrs. Annie Oldfield; Immediate P.M., Mrs. Mary Boyce. Sister Boyce was pre - tented with the Past Worthy (Mistress Jewel by Sister (Annie Harrison. Sister Boyce replied thanking everyone for their support during her teams of of- fice.General business followed. The euchre which was to have been held 'Dec. 16 has been post poned to Jan. 20th. Sister ''McLean and team are installing the officers of Queen Ann Lodge, Mitchell, on Mon- day evening, Dec. 9th. A delightful lunch was serv- ed by !Sisters McLean and Smith brought the meeting to a close. KIPPEN On Sunday, Nov. 1117th the young people had 'their meeting with an attendance of 10. An nwitation 'was given from Chis- elhurst Y. P. to attend a fire- side 'meeting on Den. 16. /David Cooper teak the scripture, Marie Sinclair was pianist, and games were held under the direction of Phyllis Lostell. A skating party of 'the Y. P. are going to the Hensall arena in the near future. Rev. McMillan offered a nights entertainment at his home in Ilderton, the 2nd week in January. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited ;Sunday with relative's in Clifford. Mr. Robert Cooper visited a few days with friends in Mea - ford. IMr. 'Stanley Jackson, Jay Bee Farms, Kippen, reeently sold four purebred registered (Here- ford bred (heifers to the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, to go to the (Experimental Station in New Liskeard, Northern Ont. This is the 2nd lot of bred :heif- ers the Department has bought from Jay Bee IFarma in the past year. Mr. Ken McLellan was the winner of a fruit cake in a draw at Dickert's store last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little and girls visited ' unday with Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Long, Hensall. (The annual Christmas turkey shoot was held •at 'Kipped, this afternoon, a great success even though the weather was unfav- orable. Charles 1Parkinson of London was high in ,the 50 tar- get race with Charles ]Brandon of 'Clinton runner-up. Brandon was high over all on 75 targets with Jahn 'Anderson of 'Hensall, and Mrs. Bertha Temple, ila'in- ilton runners-up ](tied). Handicap winners: 1st (Herb Mose, Kitchener; 2nd John An- derson, Hensall; H. Lamoureaux of Kitchener. Miss and (Out: '1st event, Don Epps, '(Clinton; 2nd event, T. J. 'Sherritt, Hensall. Most turkeys won by one shooter was Brandon of :Clinton with 3. 'Shoot sponsored by the ICippen Gun Club. CROMARTY Dr. R. G. McNay and Mrs. McKay of Thamesford visited on Tuesday with :Mr. and 'Mrs. T. L. .Scott. IMr. and Mrs.' Archie 'Hog- garth and family of Dorchester 'visited with relatives on ,Satur. day. Mr. Laverne Wallace, who joined the !Stratford hockey team had the misfortune to have his arm broken at the wrist during the game on (Wed night. IMr. and Mrs. Jack Cockwell and 'daughter' Neva, Dashwood, were 'Sund'ay visitors with Mr and Mrs. 'Otto. Walker. 'Miss Margaret Coleman pre- sided at Y.P.S. meeting on ,Sun- day evening. Miss Alice +Sors dahi gave the topic and the scripture lesson was read by Miss 'Margaret Wallace. Rev . S. Kerr closed the meeting with prayer. Several ICroanarty people• at- tended ,the funeral of the late Mr. and Bert ;Peart, which was held in Mitchell 'on. Monday. Interment took place in 'Staffs cemetery. Stewardship 'Sunday was ob• served in 'Cromarty Church on Sunday when some 20 canvas• sers were .dedicated by the Rev. S. Kerr, to go out and visit ev ery d°eanily in the congregation presenting ,the sector challenge (which is '(1) The interests of. bhe people in the church and :the church program; 1(2) ' The challenge to the homes to .make Sure their children are !brought to Sunday (School and the par- ents with them to church; :('3) More sincere interest in the working of the church and a greater share in the cost of up- keep of the church Local Teams Enter W.O.A.A. Group A meeting at Listowel..on Monday night drew up a sced- uie for eight teams in a W'OAA intermediate group, The local games are: Seaforth Shoes Horne Games: Winthrop -Dec. 9-9.30 'Brussels -]Dec 16-7.30 Monkton-,Dec. '23-'7:30 Linwood -Jan 6-4.30 St. Colum'an-Jan. 20-7.30 Listowel -Feb. 6 -9.30 Seaforth Shoes Away Games St. 'Colunilban-Dec. 5-8.30 Linwood -Dec. Il8=9!3 0 Brussels -Jan. 13-8.30 Listowel --Jan. 22-7.30 IMonkton-Jan. 25-8.30 Topnotch Home Games: St. Columlb'an=Dec. L in'w o o d-tD ec. 16-9.30 IMonkiton-'Dec. 30=•7.30 Listowel -Jan. 6-7.30 Brussels -Jan. 20-9!30 Seaforth Shoes -Feb. 3-7:30 Winthrop Feb. 6-7.30 Topnotch Away Games: Winthrop -Jan. 2-8.30 Listowel -Jan, 8-7.30 St. Columban-Jan. .13-4.30 Seaforth IShoes--Jan. 23-7.30 Monkton-Jan. 27-8.30 Linwood -Jan. 29-9.30 Brussels -Jan. 311- 8.30 Bob Allan Chicago Beans Champion Robert P. Allan of Bruoefield was crowned field beans chane-!' pion with his Sanalak variety, at I the International Livestock Ex- position at Chicago this week. The reserve championship went to Jack McKillop, of Dutton, Ont., with Canadian yellow variety, EGMONDVILLE Mi. and Mrs. G. R. Keyes of Windsor spent the ;weekend with their mother, Mrs. N. Keyes. Mrs, J. Semple has been -vis- iting for the past week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Parsons and family of Picton, and with rela- tives at Kitchener. - Mrs. J. E. Watson and 'Miss Alice Watson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Clark of Muirkirk. Dr. James . (Semple was i n London on Wednesday in con- nection with church business. Mrs. Hazel 'Turnbull spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs. ]Harry Patrick in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Steph- enson and family and lyfrs. Da- vid ,Stephenison visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, Lon- don, Monday evening. VARNA Trousseau Tea On Saturday, (Nov. '30, Mrs. Cecil Dowson held a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Marjorie Dowson. Guests were received by Mrs. Dowson and her daughter, assisted by 'the groom -elect's mother, Mrs. Ei- leen 'Consitt. The tea table was decorated with 'a 'bouquet of yellow. mums and fern. Tall pink candlesin silver candle holders flanked the centre piece. The wedding cake was on display in the tea room. 3n the afternoon tea was poured by Mrs. Mary .Ann Ste- phenson and Miss A•nnie'Consitt, great aunts of the bride and groom, also (Mrs. C I a. r enc e Parke and Mrs. Wm. 'Hayter, aunts of the bride and .groom. •In the evening tea was poured by Mrs. Johnn Dowson, grand- mother of the bride, and 'Mrs. Robert McAllister, 'aunt of the groom. Others assisting in the tea room in the afternoon were Miss Barbara Hayter and Mrs. Jack IUpshal'l, Donna Hayter and Barbara Taylor. In the evening Lois Webster, Frances ' Cook, Marion Turner, Jean Turnerand Ruth Turner. Assisting in the ,kitchen in the afternoon were Mrs. Gladys 'Coleman, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. Orvil Web- ber; in (the- evening, Mrs. Ken McLean, Mrs. ,Elmore Hayter and Mrs. Mervyn (Hayter. In the afternoon her trous- seau was 'displayed by Mrs. Ken Caldwell, sister of the bride, Mrs. Earl Tipping, 'Mrs. Gerald Clarke, (Nancy Webster, Patsy Thompson. In the evening, Mrs. Grant Webster, Mrs. 'Ken !Cald- well, Mrs. Ken iScotchnler, Mrs. Don 'Campbell and Marjorie Webster. Mrs. Alf Moffatt was in charge of the guest book both afternoon and evening. HENSALL Mr. and (Mrs. Glenn McNaug- hton and family of Toronto were weekend visitors with the fopmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Won.' Jewitt'and Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor attended as delegates of the "Friendly Few Farm' Forum the (banquet held last Wednes- day evening in 'Blyth for Farm Forums in the :district. Mr. John Whyte of .:Oshawa spent theweekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. L. Whyte Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson along with Mr. and . ,Mos. Art Colson and family of Harlock spent the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Donald and family of Midland, (Michigan. Miss (Helen Mcllwain of !Strat- ford Nursing School spent the weekend . with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'I Geo. MciIllwain. 0000000000000 0 000 00000..”." AT, SAVAUGE'S aiirieeeerrrrrrrrrr get i for your money y. ULOVA GM. BRACELET WATCH A fine watch exquisite bracelet,.. antsier outstanding Buiova value CANADIAN GIRL"'H" Exquisite brace. let styling, un• matched Sutova accuracy,17 jewels. Lifetime unbreakable mainspring. •$49.50 CANADIAN GIRL "K Superbly accu- rate 17 -Jewel movement is a beautifully. sculptured bracelet. Life. time unbreak. able mainspring. 959.50 CANADIAN GIRL "N" Glamorous bracelet with weave design. 2k 1on 0Weels. Lifetime unbreakable mainspring. 959.50 CANAD AN GIRL "DD"; Luxurious hith•fashlop brace• let with 2 brilliant diamonds. 23 Jewels. Precision adjusted, Lifetime unbreakablea(n spring. -UOU. OTHER SMART BULOVAS AS LOW AS $29.75 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAPORTH Mr. -and IIVlrs. Joe 'Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mi. and Mrs. Rost. IGrianoldby spent Friday evening with IMr. and Mrs. Bert Riley of Cromarty. Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn - dale spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. Visitors on Saturday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Mclllwain were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Green. of Detroit, 'Mr. John Green Sr. and Mrs. W. Kings- well of IGoderich. • This Sunday will feature the White Gift service for the mem- bers of the Mission Band. 'Ev- eryone is invited to attend. Farm Forum (Friendly Few Farm Forum was held at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, with the topic being "Federal Action for Agriculture" :(11) We feel that Federal Government Fares .Poli- cies, as they now stand, defin- itely do not meet our needs. Also the question is badly timed as the new farm policies have. not been made known•yet. (2) Too much stress on increasing production rather than on mar- keting of farm products. A slid- ing price scale to compare with rising costs. 'Progressive euchre was en- joyed with prizes going to high lady, 'Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt; low lady, Mrs. R. MacGregor; high man, Wm. Dale, low man, Verne Dale. The hostess served lunch. Next home, Mr. ,and Mrs. Wan. Jewitt. USE YOUR It is a Duty and a Privilege ELECTION DAY IN SEAFORTH TO ELECT SI?( MEMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL IS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 Polls are open. from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and are located as listed in another column This message is made possible by the candidates listed hereunder, who believe that increased interest on the part of the citizens of Seaforth is most important, and that everyone entitled to vote should vote ' ► John Baldwin ► Paul L. Brady ►. William Ball ► Scott Habkirk Nelsonr;.► Cardno L.P. Plumsaeel f Thorpe Rivers John Turnbull And by Mayor -Elect B. F. Christie and Reeve -Elect, N. Stains FOR TRANSPORTATION PHONE 214 ti