HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-28, Page 15Number One
Spectator Sport
If there were any doubts about
basketball being America's No.
1 spectator sport, such doubts
were dispelled with the recent
appearance of the 36th edition
of the Converse Basketball. Year-
book. As a result of one of the
most ambitiousand exhaustive
attendance studies ever made
upon the game — following a
year-long research on a state-
wide basis -the results indicate
that at least 142,848,698 persons
attended basketball games in the
'United States during the 1956-
07 season.
Through reports from 26 other
nations, this staggering figure
'was increased by 15,000,000. This
global figure might have been
twice as large were any estimate
received from Canada or South
American countries, especially
Argentina where Buenos Aires
has been known to have 35,000
at a single hoop affair.
As many have averred but
never could substantiate as con-
clusively as this Converse study,
two-thirds of the United States'
basketball fans are at the high
school level. These findings are
remarkable in that they were
garnered upon a statewide basis
and agreed generally with the
100,000,000 estimate of the Na-
tional Federation of State High
School Athletic Associations,
Where the State of New York,
with its° 58 colleges, leads the
college field with almost 1,000,-
,000;000 spectators, Indiana, with
13,500,000 spectators, is far ahead
of all the other states in high
school. ranks. It is noteworthy
, to point out that. 1,535,256 paid
no less than $934,022 to attend all
the Indiana high school state
tournament contests from the
start of the 762 -team marathon
right up to that night when
South Bend Central High an-
nexed the title in the Butler
University field house. The
finals had all the trimmings of
a World Series as two televi-
• sion stations and 47 radio sta-
tions carried the proceedings!
Hoosier hoopla madness is
such that in many communities
one cannot procure a season
ticket until some resident moves
out of town or passes on, In
several towns, the capacity of
the high school gym far exceeds
the total enrollment of the stu-
dent body. For instance. Switz
City High has only 328 pupils,
yet its gym seats 4,800; Zionville
has 1,536 students, but its gym
can accommodate 3,600.
However, the prize example
Is Center Grove High School,
located in the center of a 36 -
square miletownship in which
there is no community large
enough to have a post office. It
is at the crossing of two rural
highways and surrounded by
corn fields. There isn't a store
or filling station within two
miles of the school, yet its gym
seat 4,000!
Indiana is not unique for such
basketball enthusiasm. Ken-
" tacky provided 16 teams for the
final rounds at the new Louis-
ville Fair Grounds where the
three-day jamboree attracted
109,203 customers and a box of-
fice take of $135,836.81—more
than most colleges can realize
at home over any 5- or 10 -year
period, writes Bi11 Mokray in
The Christian Science Monitor.
While the average fan con-
fines his thinking of high school
basketball strictly to boys'
teams, most schools have their
girls play preliminary to the
boys. A somewhat unique situa-
tion exists in Iowa where the
lassies stage their own state
tournament independent of the
boys. In fact, their games are
so thrilling that the finals in the
Des Moines Veterans Auditori-
um draws a turnaway audience
of 15,000 every year and drew
Comfortable Homes Feature Community
Lots Of Sport In Mining Touvn
Ed. Note: In this article Mr.
Calvert continues the story of
his visit to Lynn Lake, the new
mining community in the far
I had hoped to leave Lynn
Lake with a generous number
of photographs and had been
referred to Father Lapalme, who
is not only a camera enthusiast,
but was also instrumental in the
forming of the very active
Thirty -Five Millimeter Club.
Unfortunately Father Lapalrhe
was on vacation, but Angus Mac-
Kenzie, President of the Cana-
dian Legion and a camera "bug,"
offered to help me out. Angus
explained that the Canadian
Legion had a membership of,
ninety but were presently with-
out a meeting hall. They are
erecting a $36,000.00 building,
upon completion of which a
drive will "undoubtedly increase
our membership to over one
hundred," Angus remarked. "We
are raising f u n ds through
dances, raffles and $1,500.00 de-
bentures carrying 4% interest.
Volunteer labour will reduce the
,actual cost to about $21,000.000.
We are using a new type of
planking; 4 x 6 double tongue
and groove which we feel will
preclude the necessity for spec-
ial insulation."
I was tremendously impressed
with some of the lawns and gar-
dens I saw at Lynn Lake. On
one stroll through the town I
went to the home of the Mine
Manager, "Doc" Gallie; unfor-
tunately "Doc" was not at home,
but I took the risk of trespass-
ing and was positively amazed
to come across a garden at the
back of the house. This garden
was filled with the common
everyday varieties of vegetables
such as lettuce, radishes and car-
rots, recognizable even to a city
man such as myself, .and num-
last March 465,833-98,139 more
than took in the entire boys'
state tourney.
There are any number of rea-
sons why basketball has grown
to such an eminent position
since the late Dr. James Nai-
smith devised the sport in 1891
to fill the void between the
football and baseball seasons.
For one thing, the sport is
very inexpensive to operate.
Uniforms—rubber-sole shoes a
pair of wooltn socks, a jersey,
shirt, and shorts—for an entire
team cost just a wee bit more
than to properly outfit one
football player. In baseball a
team needs, in addition to uni-
forms, at least a half score bats,
gloves, and dozens of baseballs
to carry over an entire cam-
paign. A handful of basketballs
—especially of the new rubber
type—can last an entire season.
For another, spectators are
closer to the actual play than
they usually are in other sports,
and feel themselves part of the
game itself.
THAT OLD PROFESSIONAL TRY—Who says professional athletes
are blase individualsplaying strictly for the dollar? Leon Clark
of the Los Angeles Rams would seem to refute this theory as
he gives it that old professional try In the game with the
Detroit lions at Los Angeles. Clark catapults through the air
In an all-out effort to stymie Lions' quarterback Bobby Layne,
left. Layne got the pas (arrow) away but it fell incomplete' as
the Rams went' on todefeat,, the Detroit club, 35.17.
erous other vegetables as well.
I examined with more than or-
dinary.`interest his beautiful
lawn and rock garden, and made
a mental note to check my own
lawn at home in Toronto be-
cause his certainly put mine to
shame. Obviously there was no
water shortage here such as 'we
have to put up with in Toronto,
because everything was green
and beautiful.
The policing at Lynn Lake is
by the R,C.M.P. under contract
with the local Government Dis-
trict. Corporal Nick Carter, a
firm believer in the adage "An
ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure," polices with a
firm but fair hand. "Our citizens
are law-abiding and we have no
serious juvenile delinquency
problem. I am particularly in-
terested in our Sea Cadets. There
are thirty-two cadets at this
time between the ages of four-
teen and eighteen. I am proud
to have played a part in the
formation of the organization
and am Chairman of the Lynn
Lake Navy League. The officer
commanding is Mr. A. C. E.
Mitchell, the executive officer is
Mr, F. Gilbert and the gunnery
officer is Mr. B. Pearson. I feel
these men are to be commended.
for their untiring efforts -on be-.•
half of the youth of our town."
This is, I thought, a far cry from
the very real and true problems
of juvenile delinquency in the,
"civilized" towns such as Toron-
to and Montreal.
Ralph Mitchell, Sherritt Gor-
don's Chief Engineer, designed
the impressive Anglican Church.
R,ev. Stephenson, a hamradio
enthusiast, is making every ef-
fort to have the church appoint-
ments a Completely local en-
deavour. The church itself was
erected by the members and
Nick Repay, amateur sculptor,
has been commissioned to make
the church front from natural
Nick is one of the many Lynn
Lake hobbyists. Quite unknown
to himself, he had an inherent
ability for sculptoring. Having
some time on his hands, and
working underground, he start-
ed to play around with cutting
figures in the sheer rock face
of the drift wall near the load-
ing pocket at .the mine. With
encouragement from his fellow -
workers, and using simply a
hammer and chisel, he now hews
from solid rock figures that
would do credit to a professional.
As a matter of fact, this "do-it-
yourself" aptitude is most evi-
dent at Lynn Lake. Most home
owners do their own finishing
and painting, and, for that mat-
ter, many build their own homes.
The homes are attractive and
comfortable. It would be abso-
lutely impossible to duplicate
these dwellings dollarwise in
any city in Canada. I checked
the cost to the home owners in
several instances and invariably
fcund that Sherritt Gordon had
made it possible for them to se-
cure loans at an exceedingly low
interest rate. In fact, the com-
pany had done verything possi-
ble to assist the owners to whom
I talked.
Milton Koutecky has built his
own speed boat and affable Otto
Mutschel not only built his own
outboard power boat, with help
from his sons, but won first
prize in the open class power
boat races on water sports day.
Nearly everyone, largely, pre-'
sumably, because there is no TV
and radio reception is at best
fair, has a modern Hi-Fi set and
they are 211 obviously prideful
of their selection of records.
Indeed these selections indicate a
preference for good music and,
altogether with enthusiastic sup-
port of thelocal drama club un-
der the guidance of Mrs. Gallie,
an appreciation of the fine arts.
(Ed. Note: Mr. Calvert's story
will be continued in our next
A gangling young man walked
into the county clerk's office and
announced that he wanted a
marriage license.
"Certainly," said the clerk,
"but where is the bride -elect?"
"What do you mean, bride -
elect?" demanded the young
man. "There -wasn't any election.
This gal done appointed herself."
t• •
s B
for yourself, Sell our exclusive house-
wares, watches and other products not
found In stores. No competition. Profits
up to 500%. Write now for free colour
catalogue and Separate confidential
wholesale 'price sheet. Murray Sales,
3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal.
AGENTS make :100% profit' selling
"Kreaso.i" Huge demand; sample and
details free. Purchase's Sales, Box 157,
Botwood, Newfoundland.
100% PROFIT. Sell Battery Reviver.
Restores, your car's battery life. Ter-
rific seller. Sample $1.00. Free .details.
Batley, 6 Cobalt St.,. Toronto 9, Ont.
You risk only 93.00 to start a year
around spare time business. Our item
Nenette makes a gratifying Christmas
sin that will bring a volume of re-
peat orders later. Start at once by send-
ing $3. for your demonstrator "Nen-
ette"and complete information on bow.
to proceed.
Vickers Products
Britannia Bay P.O.,
Ottawa, Ontario.
CAMERAS! Projectors, Tape Recorders,
etc. High volume sales, low overhead
- insure savings for you. Write for long
list of Bargains. Surplus Camera Ex-
change, Dept. 0, Box 271, St. Thomas,
• FISHERMEN! Four smellBait Formulas,
91,00. If ordered at once, two Free
Bonus Fisherman Formulae, R. Lay-
man, 2110 S. Selby Street, Marlon,
PEN Bargain! Six retractable ballpens
$1.00, 20, $3.00. Blue, red, Green refills,
14. $1.00 4 pens, 4 refills 91.00. Pen -
mart, 676 West Center, Provo, Utah.
WORLD'S Only - Tatting Quarterly!
$1.00 yearly. Illustrated Patterns, Arti-
cles, Letters, Shuttle -pals. We sell for-
eign shuttles.. Shuttle Art, 319 Cumber-
, land Road, West Hartford 7, Connecti-
cut. -
WE will forwardyou a' generous sup-
ply of beautiful Vancouver Island Holly
for . your Christmas decorations. Full
berried and shining green. Some gra-
cious cedar' boughs included free. $1.95
cash prepaid or C.O.D. MUlstrean
Hollies, 970 Beach Drive, Nanaimo B.C.
YES SPARK-O-MATIC plugs are guar.
anteed for life of your car. Save gas,
produce more horsepower, have six
electrodes instead of one—Only $1.69
per plug, shipped C.O.D. Try a set on
FREE TRIAL basis, Money refunded if
not satisfied. Available for cars, trucks,
tractors. Send make, model, year, cyl.
Indere of motor to Lang Bros., Box
2500, Avonmore, Ontario.
with Ed Sullivan's latest Kodak, "Star -
flash outfit" complete, regular 911.95
for $9.95 or "Starflex outfit" complete,
regular 918,85 for $15.95 for black and
white or colour. Postpaid. Write for
our illustrated catalogue with big dis-
counts. Montreal Optical Shop, 1465 Mc-
Gill College Aye., Montreal, Que.
,WE want you to try Kimber K-1*T
strain cross White Leghorn Pullets and
compare them with any strain cross
or inbred hybrids you care to compare
them with. We feel you will be so
pleased with the profits that you make
that you in all probability w111 fill
your pens 100% with Kimber 10.137 the
following year. One reason poultry-
men get their investment back faster
With the Kimber K-137 is the large size
of early eggs it produces. The spread
' between large and medium or small
eggs can, result 1n Important difference.
in income. More and more poultrymen
ere relying on Kimberchlks to 'in-
crease their net earnings. For full de-
tails and Kimber Catalogue, write
Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario,
or Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, Ontario.
How Can I?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I make a remedy
for freckles? • -
A. Bathe the face in fresh but-
termilk, or mix' two ounces of
sour milk, or buttermilk, with
two_ drams of grated horseradish,
and six drams of cornmeal.
Spread this mixture , between
thin muslin and apply to the af-
fected parts at night, leaving on
as long as possible; but be care-
ful not to get it in the eyes.
Q. How can I make a good
salve for chapped lips?
A, Mix 20 parts of white wax,
40 parts of spermacetti, 10 parts.
of oil of sweet almonds, and 30
parts of perfectly pure fresh lard.
Q. How can I prevent the odor
of fruit juice when it runs out in
an oven, or on top of the stove?
A. Throw salt on it. The salt
can be easily removed when
,burned to a crisp.
Q. How can I remove coffee
stains from silk or woolen fab-
A. Rub gently with pure gly-
cerine. Place a pad of absorbent
cotton beneath the goods to
avoid spreading. Then rinse in
tepid water, lay a cloth on the
wrong side over the damp por-
tion and press with a cool iron
until dry. Try not to wet any
more of the goods than necessary.
or money back
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch -caused by eczema, rushes,
scalp irritation, chafing --other itch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 3q trial bottle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
your druggist for 8. D.D. PRESCRIPTION.
SEDICIN tablets token according to
direction. Is a safe way to induce sleep
or quiet the nerveswhen tense.
SEDICi B $1.00-$4.95
Drug Storrs Osfyl
SIZE up. your Winter chick require-
ments — let's have your :order in ad-
vance; especially broilers. Can give
choice of special meat birds, dual pur-
pose cockerels. pullets. Mixed chicks,
Bray Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton.
THE selection of high quality replace-
ment chicks to the primary factor be.
bind high profits for egg production.
you can't make a silk purse out of
sow's ear, nor can you secure maxi•
mum egg production from any but the
very best birds bred for maximum egg
production. We recommendthe fol-
lowing: At the top of the list- Kimber
K-137 strain cross White Leghorn, Also
Warren Rhode Island Red, Ames' In
Cross Series 400, Rhode Island Red X
White Leghorn, California Grey X
White Leghorn. Also the best in dual
purpose breeds, broiler chicks, turkey
pouits for heavy roasters or turkey
broilers, laying pullets. Catalogue.
LARGE store — home combination,
Hydro, Post Office, Gas, Good business,
Reason — retiring. See - A. C. GUPPY;
REDBRIDGE, Highway 63, Ontario.
¢1500 DOWN and you own a nearly
new cement block Shell garage, eerie
Ice station, lunch bar and equipment.
On No. 12 Highway in the village of
Sunderland. Full price 917,900 with the
best terms. M. Ballard, Sunderland, 124
Ont. Representing Olive Howe, Broker.
EARN morel Bookkeeping,' Saleaman•
ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, .etc.
Lessons. 500. Ask for free circular, No.
Canadian Correspondence Courses
1290 Bay Street, Toronto
NEW Pioneer Lighting plants. TV
specials 1,800 RPM 110 Volts, 60 cycle,
electric start, only 9290.00. Others to
12,000 watts. Write for catalogue.
Sommers Motor Generator Solea, Tavis•
tock, Ont.
AYRSHIRES. Two serviceable age bulls
from excellent and very good dams.
Dam of sire produced 20,000 lbs. of
milk. Registered bred and open heifers,
Springer cows. Grant Jermey, Hawke -
stone, Ontario.
While you drive for only 98.00. For
cars — trucks — tractors, etc. Un.
conditionally guaranteed. Effective for
life of car. Motaloy saves you money.
Motaloy Sales Co., 34 West Street,
Goderich, Ontario. Dealer inquiries
$1.25 Epress Prepaid
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin troubles,
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you. Itching scaling and burning ecze-
ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot
eczema will respond readily to the
stainless odorless ointment regardless
of how stubborn or hopeless they seem.
-Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East
PLAY hit parade western music. Be..
Sinners quickly taught notes. Write for
'free. sample.
412 Somerset W., Ottawa 4, Ontario.
$3. FREE $3.
FOR selling only 20 of our beautiful
New "Day Glow" religious mottos, at
400 each: These fluorescent colours are
visible 4 times a5 far as ordinary col-
ours. Will not fade or tarnish. They •
sell like "hot cakes." Write for 20' to..
day. We will trust you. Maple -Leaf
Greeting Cards, Dept. W, 1407 Bishop
St., Montreal.
Great Opportunity
-Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant, dignified profession; good
wages, Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates.
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free ,
Write or Call
358 Bloor St. W., Toronto
44 King St. W., Hamilton
72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
WORK in Sunny California. San Diego .
or Los Angeles Sunday supplement{ys
91,00 each.
Digo 1, CaliforniSpreckels
MAKE you own Will! Legal form 91.00
FREE! How to make chickens lay
year around. Eastern Mail Sales, 4.0 -
Depot Street, Heliertown, Pennsylvam
POSITIONS with union wages, pension
await young men trained as Telegra-
phers and Assistant Agents. We secure
job. Very practical future. Train et
home with Self -Teaching machine w
loan you. Speedhand ABC shorthan
trains for Stenographer in. 10 weeks j
home. With our 56 years experlenc,f
results are assured, Free folder eltbia
course, Caasan Systems, 7 Superiel
Ave., Toronto.
FETHERSTONHAUGH & ^C o m p a n i'
Patent Attorneys, Etab!ished 1890.
600 University Ave., Toronto.
Patents all countries.
91.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest Cate'
logue included. The Medico Agelesy,
Box 22, Termtnal "Q" Toronto, Ont.
F£YGENIC Supplies for Men. Price List
Free on Request. Please send to
Rainbow Sales, 171 Harbord Street Tor-
onto Ontario. Must be married or over
THERE are two groups of people pure
bred swine breeders need to please in
order to be successful. The first is the
farmer and commercial man who pro-
duces pork for market. He must have
hogs with a good rate of growth, re-
quire a minimum amount of feed and
prodTe second grades10
the market.h
the packer.
He must have hogs that produce a
high yield of premium meat cuts with
a minimum of .waste and fat. Land....
race will please the above two. Get
started now. We offer Landrace swine
from the best imported blood lines.
Weanlings, 4 month old, 6 month old
sows and boars, guaranteed in pig
sows, serviceable boars, immediate
delivery. Catalogue.
DON'T wait, get started with Landrace
now and you will make money in sell-
ing breeding stock or commercial pigs.
We have Landrace from the best im-
ported blood lines that money will buy,
and sold atreasonableprices. Wean-
lings, four months old sows and boars,
guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable
boars. Catalogue.
R.R. 3, Holland Centre, Ont.
DEER, Moose heads, Birds, Fish mount-
ed; mothproof. Forty years, experrtl •
ence. W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orillia, On/.
CHICK Salesmen, Ilatcherymen, Feed
Dealers or Farmers to sell a high qual-
ity franchised chick in your territory.
Applicants must be reliable and ener-
getic. For full details apply to BOX
NUMBER K-163, 123 Eighteenth Street,
New Toronto, Ont.
ISSUE 47 — 1957
Book: Domestic Mink, $1.00
Bemus Point, N.Y.
Use your SPAR! TiME to
build an interesting and
investigate how Shaw schools will nee
you prepare for a career that wti
assure your success and security
Underline course that interests you .
• Bookkeeping • Typewriting
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Accounting Correspondence
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• Chartered Engineering
Secretary r Short Story
(A.C,I.S.) Writing
Write for free catalogue today
Many other courses from
which to choose.
Bay 8. Charles Sts., Toronto —
Dept. HW -1
Thislist is so hot it's burning up—and a year'sprofits go up in
smoke! Statistics show 43% of firms whose records are destroyed by
fire never resume business. Stocks and bonds, securities, accounts
receivable, daily cash receipts, business records—anything worth -
keeping, is worth keeping in a SAFE/ Taylor safes am sturdily built,
their design a product of extensive scientific tests and 100 years of
experience. Consult your Taylor Safe representative now for fire and
burglary protection.
J. & J.
i ! •J. LI MITE.