HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-28, Page 13THD-SEAFORTH N3WS-Thursday, November 28, 1957 5 T•V SETS - 300 PRIZES FREE Entry Blanks at your Superior Food. Market GARDEN SWEET PEAS 15 oz tins 2for33c DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz tins .. 2 for 59c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 48 oz tin. 36c GIANT TIDE 12c off reg. price 'FLUFFO SHORTENING 1 Ib Ctn 29c lc BOOK MATCHES Box of 50 29c PILLSBURY Chocolate CAKE MIX 17 dz. pkg. ...• 29c 2 for 55c TV SPECIAL Solo Margarine 2 Ib 53c TV SPECIAL LUX SOAP .. 2 for 2,10 GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR 5 Ib pgly bag 49c BROKEN WALNUTS 8 oz. poly bag 43c 4 oz. poly bag .. 23c VAINILLA-8 oz. bottle 19c PURITY FLOUR For ALL PURPOSE BAKING 24 Ib, bags 1.73 Your chance to win a beauti- ful Carving Set & 6 Steak Knives free Enquire at the store Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY EUCHRE AND DANCE Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute HENSALL TOWN HALL Friday, Dec. 6 AT 8.30 Draw to be made for a three-tier Christmas cake Ladies please bring sandwiches Norris orchestra Turkey Bingo ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, DEC. 6TH THREE DOOR PRIZES 1. Electric Fry Pan 2. A Turkey 3. A Chicken 15 games for Turkeys, and 3 cash specials 9 o'clock sharp. Admission $1 STAG FEATHER PARTY AT SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Wednesday, Dec. 4 Wheels with Turkeys and Chickens Proceeds to sponsor Minor Hockey Auspices of Seaforth Athletic Association •••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••••• • • • She needs an EXTRA phone • • • • • • •v • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in the kitchen! In DO YOU? To order -call your telephone business office. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i••••••••••••••••••••••••••0000••• WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" An example of our Beef Shorthorn bulls KILLEARN HOWARD AA Res. Gr. Champioh C. N. E. 1956 Our pick of the bulls in the Gallinger sale at Edmonton, May 1956 'Our" increase in volume for 1957 is 5000 cows ahead of the previous year, This is possible because of the satisfaction our members receive from using our artificial breeding service: Purebred, or grade, dairy or beef, or crossbreeding, you can do no better than use our artificial ' breeding service to get your cows mated to bulls that will transmit the desired qualities. The cos -t is nominal, In tact, less than the cost or feeding a bull in many cases. Increased production will pay the service charges. For service or more information, phone collect to:-- CLINTON TN 2-3441. Between 7.30 and 10 A.M. week clays .:,,,,7.39 and 9,30 A.M. Suiula•ys and holidays TOWN TOPICS Mr. land Mas. L. IE. Albiss ,of (Georgetown visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey during the weekend. )The 'Rt. fRev. W. A. Towns- hend of London called onhis uncle Mr. W. IScotchmer and Mrs. Scotchmer on [Sunday.- Mrs. Sunday.Mrs. Earl (Dinsmore was calll• ed to Sault lSbe [Marie this week owing to the illness of her mother. • - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson and family sof Streetsville were weekend visitors with relatives here. (Miss Hilda Kennedy, London spent the weekend with her mo- ther, Mrs. R. Kennedy. Mr. and !Mrs. Don 1Ki,ng, ,Sar- nia, were weekend' visitors at their :homes here. Mr Lionel Fortune, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fortune and Ricky. " Dr..Senaple will speak sat ,bhe. Wingliam Council of 'Churches atI h on Monday. IB Yb IMr. and Mrs. Peter [McIver spent bhe weekend, with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. Ron 'Sills, Kitchener, .and Miss Pat 'Reynolds, 'Kitchener, were weekend guests at the home of .Mrs. C. P. ?Sills. Mrs. Ben Rising is :visiting over bhe 'Thanksg;iving• holiday in 'Detroilt with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reilly of Dublin visited over ,bhe weekend with IMr. and Mrs. J. [Ruston. Mr. P. Chesney, of Fort Wil- liam is visiting' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. !Harry ••Chesney. Mr. (Archie 'Hulbert, Oshawa, spent .the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Hubert, C. G. I. T. The GGIT of First Presbyter- ian Church met at the Church on Monday evening ,with the Pres., (Betty Jean" Andrews in the Chair. After singing "What a friend we have in Jesus" he Lord's 'Prayer was repeated in unison and the [Purpose was said. Margaret Reeves, the sec- retary Mead the •minutes, Bandl the roll was called by Davina Hulbert. Scripture was read by (Marlene Carter and Dorothy Ross offered prayer. Treasurer's report 'by Agnes (Carter. After 'business period the seals end CGIT pins were distributed and the quilt discussed. The meeting closed with "Taps". McKI LLOP S. IS. No. 2 Farm Forum :was held ,at •bhe home of IMr, and Mrs. [Robert McMillan with an abtendance of 20 adults. As it was review .night there was no discussion. The evening was spent with euchre. Most games, Mrs. T. McMillan and Mr. Wal- ter Scott; lone hands, Mrs. Wal- ter McClure and Mr. Stewart Dolmage; least games, Pauline ,Dolniage and Mr. ,Second Mc - Brien. Lunch was served. Next meeting will be held at hone of Mrs. G. B. Dorrance. W.M.S. The Wil'I'S of Duff's Church, McKillop, was held at the home of Mrs. Eldon Kerr on .`Nov. 20 at 2 o'clock, with a good attend- ance of members and visitors. Mrs. James Kerr took the ^busi- ness part of the meeting. Mrs. Aaron Jantzi had charge of the worship service and opened with the scripture lesson. Hymn 327 woe sung, a prayer by Mrs. Gordon !Dapple. Mrs. James Kerr gave a reading on Re- rnernbrance Day. The subscrip- tion for the IMissionayy Monthly was taken. Mrs. IPapple invited the ladies and their families .to a Mission Band social at the church on Dec. 7th at 8 p.m. The meeting closed with prayer by IMrs. A. Jantzi. Officers for 1958 are as fol- lows: Hon. !Pres., Mrs. Rev. Summerell; Past Pres., Mrs. Jas. Kerr; Pres, IMrs. Les Pryce; 1st Vice !Pres.. Mrs 'Gordon Mac- Kenzie; Treas., Mrs. David Shannon; Sec., Mrs. Gordon ?Dapple; Mission Monthly, Mrs. Jaynes Kerr; Baby Band Lead- ers, IMrs. A. Scott, IMrs. 'O. ,Stor- ey; Mission (Band Leader, Mas. G. E. ,Dapple; Temp. Sec., ,Mrs. Alec Smith; Christian 'Steward- ship Sec., Mrs. R. McKereher; Christian Citizenship Sec., Mrs. John Kerr; Supply ISec., Mrs. Eldon .Kerr; Associate Helper Sec., MTS. 41. Hillebreoht• Liter- ature (Sec.. Mrs. A. Scott; Press Sec., Mrs Gordan IPapple; Fin- ance Committee for the WMIS: MTs. R. S. McKercher, (Mas. D. 'Shannon, Mrs. J. Hillebreeht, Mrs. R. !Campibell; Auditors, Mrs. Alec Smith, IMrs. George Campbelll. The W. A. of Duff's 'Church held their regular meeting on Nov. !20th at the •home of Mrs. Eldon .?Kerr. Our President, M•rs. Ross 'Gordon took charge of the business part of the meeting. dt was decided to have the Christ- mas meeting early in the month on Dee. 3rd. Mrs. Aaron Jantzi and Mrs. Eldon 'Kerr gavere- ports on the W. A. Conference EUCHRE Orange Hall Wednesday, Dec. 4 • Under auspices of Property Committee Admission 40c Lunch served Annual Christmas EAZAAE Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League in the School Hall Saturday, Dec. 7 AT 3 P.M. held at Nile in ;October,. Meet- ing closed by all singing (hymn 858. Officers of W. A. for 1958 as follows: , Past IPres.,,Mrs. (Ross Gordon; Pres., Mrs. R. ix. IScott; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs, Aaron Jantzi; 2nd Vice 'Pres.,, MTs. Ken 'Stewart; Sec. Treas., ,Mrs. IRess 'Gordon; Flower ;Com., Mrs. 'Geo. Wheat- ley; Press (Sec., IMrs. G. E. Peo- ple. !Pianist for both societies, Mrs. Arnold 1Scot,t. CROMARTY Mr. and [Mrs. Frank Hamil- ton and Mr. and IMrs. Gordon Scott spent Thursday .and Friday in Toronto ,at bhe Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. T. L. Scott was guest speaker at the W.M.S. 'Thank - offering in service en res Cav (P byterian Church, Exeter on Thursday evening. ,She was ac- compared by several ladies of the congregation. Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Gillfllan 1 I and familyf Auburn urn visited on Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Ro- bert Gardiner. 1VIi. and Mrs. Frank Cadiok, •Sharon and 'Donald, London, spent the weekend with rein- tives. Mr. and Mrs. (Donald Wallace and sons of Carlingford visited on Friday .evening with Mr. and IMrs. George, Wallace. .Mr. and 4Mrs. Ed Brooks and son George of IStaffa visited at the same home on 'Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd [Sorsdahl and family accompanied by Mr. E. Luxton visited on (Friday evening with Ms. and Mrs. Neil Lamont, London, and with Mas. Sorsdahl s mother, Mrs. Allan McLean of Fillmore, Sask., who arrived in London on. Thursday and is spending the winter with her daughters. [MT. and Mrs, rr. L. (Scott and family and Mys,, Moore, My. and IMrs. Oalder 11'4cKaig, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ,Soradahl •and Mrs. Sarah IScott attended service in Knox 'Presbyterian Church, Mit- chell on Sunday evening when Mass Pauline Brown a returned missionary from India was guest speaker. En the afternoon 0 group of Cromarty IOGIT girls were en- tertained by the Mitchell KKnox- ettes, who also had Miss 'Brown as their special speaker. The Nov. meeting of the Mar- ian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary was held at the church with Mrs. Lloyd (Miller presiding and leading' in devotions. Mrs. Car- ter Kerslake read a passage of scripture and Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell gave a topic on remem- brance. Study (book lesson was given by Mrs. iGera'ld Carey. BRODHAGEN About 500 attended a shower held at Circle B, ,Sebrin:gvslle for Mr. and IMrs. Franklin. [Hulick I(Mlarlene Priestsp) last Tuesday evening. The (bride and her .attendants, Mrs. '3. Moore, Miss Joyce. Quprengesser, Miss Carole IRose and Miss [Beverley ISlholdice. were dressed in their wedding gowns and corsages. Mr. Russell Attridge of Milver- ton was Master of 'Ceremonies and an address was read bY Mrs Walter Youngblut of Ros- tock and the presentation of a purse of money by Mr, Car•1. Becker, from the Rostock dis- trict. MTs. Ross Leonhardt also read an address and the pres- entation of money by .Mrs. Rus- sell ISholdice from the Brodha- en District.'Dancing g was en- joyed to music supplied by Lee Davidson's Orchestra. IMr Geo. Diegel observed .his 18411h birthday on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew flicks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks attended the funeral of the former's eld- er brother, Fred Hicks, rat Ham- ilton on Wednesday. Blowers were placed on the altar ,of St. Peter's Lutheran (Church on 'Sunday in m.emorY of the late Mr. and [Mrs. Henry Mogk Sr., by their three daugh- ters, Mrs. Orland Rohrer, Mrs. Fred Young, ,Mrs.,AugustBauer. A basket of flowers was in the chancel in honor of Mr, and IMrs. Fred ISoherba.rth on the occasion of their 47th wedding anniversary, on Friday, 'Nov.. 22. Rev, end Mrs. E. J. Fischer attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs. (Hili, at Ayton, on Thurs- Euchre - Dance WINTHROP HALL Friday night, Dec. 6 Good orchestra. Draw on satin bound wool blanket Ladies bring lunch Farmers 'Union Mrs. Ross Townsend and Ross of 'Tavistock at the ho"me of her parents, IMr. and IMrs. E. Scher - bar hr. l,aastnd 'week. MaM•rs. Wm.- !Brougd>- ton and fancily of Atwood, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs; Ed- 4 win Rock, ,on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young, 1 :Miss Marleen Diegel of Strat- 4 ford; Mr. and Mrs. TrviniSwint,: Milverton with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. :Diegel on 'Sunday, 4 LGION ANNUAL n TURKEY BINGO 15 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPECIALS AT SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Wed., Dec. 11 8.30 P.M. ADMISSION - $1.00 SKATI.NG Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY NIGHT 8to10 ADMISSION Adults and students 35c Children 250 SATURDAY 2 to 4 ADMISSION Adults and students 25c Children 10c urn,unnununuullununllunnnnunnmmlluu The Lions PEANUT DRIVE Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 4 between 7 and 9 P.M. when the Lions call at your home, will be the time to buy your pea- nuts, and peanut con- fectionery, -for Christmas activities. Proceeds Lions Welfare work /11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 25th Anniversary Watch next week's paper for details of our 25th Anniversary Celebration CHRISTIE'S BUTCHER SHOP MAKE WAY FOR THE MAN FROM MARSI A thrill -ride on this new sensation - the Flying Saucer, is like travelling in Outer Space. More fun than a barrel of monkeys. It's the "big deal" for this winter; they tell us the kids are really going for a new ride in a big way. Big 27" diam. rust -proof aluminum. Sturdy, lightweight - easy to carry, easily pulled. Rolled safety edge. Fitted with two waterproof extra strong web hand loops and pull -rope holes. FLYING SAUCER SLEIGHS and TOBOGGANS "HALF -HOOD TOBOGGAN -Popular Quebec style, smooth -grained .natural finish hardwood. 4 ft. 620 3.29 SELECT HARDWOOD TOBOGGAN -Flexible, speedy - clear -grained hardwood, natural oil finish; weatherproof ropes; roped hood construc- tion onstructeon adds strength. 34t. 3.69 s -e. 7.89 4-tt. 5.89 6-th 9.69 4 1 1 1 1 TOBOGGAN CUSHIONS- Well padded, sturdy duck cover; piped edges. Order cushion one foot shorter thou toboggan. 241 1.85 3.11. 2.79 4 -ft 3.79 54t. 3.95 7.11. 5.65 Toboggan Pull Ropes - &11, 35 STEERING SLEIGHS - 3mooth-gUding, steering sleighs. sleighs. Ruggedly built - for coasting factor, and further. Durable natural finished HARD, MAPLE with positive action steering -bar. Hardened steel runners with safety turned ends, finished in bright red enamel. 364nch 43 -inch 47 -inch 3.89 4.45 5.29 CONVERTIBLE BABY SLEIGH -Smooth, natural 4 hardwood; weatherproof varnished finish. Bright 4 no -rust aluminum tubing backrest. High carbon steel runners; red enamelled. Removable handle j and backrest provide a speedy, flexible steering 4 sleigh. Dual duty for year, of service. 33 inches long 6.45 BABY SLEIGH -Same as above, but titled with, -41 wide hardwood ski ruiners for deep or rough snow. 33 inches long . / l .45 i 4 SEAFORTH Phone 792 G. S. & W. V. Smith 4