HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-21, Page 8.01 Come in now and choose the Christmas shirts for the man on your list from our big complete stock. Choose from plain whites, plain shades, sparkletones, stripes, checks and dots that feature this Christmas shirt range. Single or double cuff styles in new shorter point collar styles in famous Forsyth, Arrow and Van Heusen makes, Sizes 14 to 18 3.(95 to 5.95 Special Pre -Christmas Sale $6.95 Cuff Link • Tie Bar Sets We made a wonderful buy on these beautiful Link and Bar sets, and you can't afford to miss it. They're top quality, in at least fifty different brand newstyles and beautifully boxed for Christmas _ giving, - Pre -Christmas Sale Price LINED GLOVES Choose from black. brown, grey and natural shade capeskin (sheep skin) gloves. All are warmly lined in popular done o1' slip-on styles. Size 8 to 11, Xmas boxed 2.95 to 4.95 3.95 set CHRISTMAS TIES Our big range of Christmas Gift neck- wear is the widest._ we've ever shown. - All sparkling new in shope, pattern and design. Each tie gift boxed at hog to 2AOQ Stewart Bros. POLICE REPORT Police report for September, District No. 6 -Motor vehicle accidents 159, fatal accidents 5, persons killed 8, injured 60, vehicles checked 2549, charges laid 5(18, rate of speed 355. STARTLING EVIDENCE Motorforarna, a Swedish In- surance Company, writes "traf- fic insurance" solely for ab- stainers. Startling evidence of the role liquor plays in traffic accidents is furnished by their Lane -tested service assures best money service backed by 79 years 04:edema 1i r Re When you need up to $1,000, bring your money problem to HFC, Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company. You receive money service backed by '79 years' experience -prompt attention, a wide choice of repayment plans, and your money in one day. Visit or phone HFC today, �. aivadcz, R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERiCH records. After 14 years in business they had to pay in losses per vehicle 38% less •than. the aver- age of 30 other companies. And the number of claims per 100 vehicles was 37% less. Since by no means a]1 of the policy hold- ers in these other companies were drinking drivers, alcohol had to play a 'tremendous role to create the difference betwen the two groups. How does alcohol do that? 1. It slows down reactions. 2 It creates false :confidence. 3. It impairs concentration and dulls judgement. 4. It affects vision, HENSALL :Prices at Hensall 'Community Sale. Nov. 4th. Weanling C g. ' ii s 10.10 1 �" to $14.- 25; chunks $15.20 to $118.75: Overseas Mailings Deadline Dates Notices have been on display in the Post Office and the inform- ation has been previously pub- lished of the dead line elates as- suring arrival at destination of mailings for Christmas. For your convenience the following dates are repeated, covering SURIF'&.CE mailings s For the United Kingdom send parcels before 30th . November; for letters mall before 55th Dec- ember, For the 13uropean contin- ent, and other overseas destina- tions send parcels before 25th November and nail letters before 30th Ndvember. After these dates air mailservice must be used it :Scholarship was made at the (Huron (County (Women's Insti- tute (Rally held on Nov. 12th in Londesboro Community 'Hall. • BRUCEFIE1 D The November meeting of the W. A. held in the schoolroom of •the illrucefield United Church on Tuesday, Nov.5th at 2:30. Mrs. Lindsay Eyreopened the meeting 'by singing hymn 404 `9Soldier's of ifhe - Cross Arise", also read St. Peter 1; ,19-215. The topic was ; given by airs. T. 03. Baird, "Endurance", ill when ye do' well and suffer for it, take it patiently for even hereunto were ye called. This pant of the meeting was then closed with prayer by Mrs. Eyre. arrival by Christmas is desired, 'M'r's. Jno. 'Broadfoot then took The attdution of mailers isthe chair, all members. standing again directed -to the necessity of: repeated theW. A. creed. 'Mrs. W, MciBeath gave the •secre- properly preparing parcels for mailing, considering the length of their journey and the handling en route. Tone of mail will be going overseas, so a firm contain- er, :secure wrapping and stout twine are required. All mail should be fully and correctly addressed in ink, avoid- ing abbreviations. Always" show a complete return address. Cust- oms declarations are required On all parcels overseas and further particulars may be obtained at the Post Office. The' schedule of the arrival and despatch of mails' is published on the Post; Office notice board. To avoid disappointment, mail. early. Many patrons are now making their purchase of Christmas postage, Buy now and avoid the antici pitted rush, BRODHAGEN Miss Linda :Goodrich, daugikt- er of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodrich entertained a num- ber of little friends to a birth- day party on Tuesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. 10s'car 'Elligson and family of Kitchener with Mrs. Ernest Elligson for +tthe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer,: Martin and Roger of Markham; Mc. and Mrs. 'Bruce 'Caaneron, Billy of London. with IRev, and Mrs. E. J. Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mr's. Ralph [Hicks, Alvin and Sherry in Toronto for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred iScherbarth of Detroit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. IBennewies for a few days. M1'. Lew Hicks has received word of the death of his broth- er pied Hicks, at Hamilton. The sympathy of the community is extended to him. ,Messrs. Carl and •G e r as d Snuck visited their b 0 o t h e Martin Buick and Mrs. 1Buuck in Milverton on Sunday. MT. and Mrs. Dalton 'Hinz with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn :Brick - man, Brampton. Mr, Hinz re- turning to Elliot Lake from there, after a +few weeks at his home here. Miss Marlene Diegel -was sus- ceseful in her Reg. Nursing ex- aminations. She graduated as a nurse at 'Stratford General Hos- pital in +May and is now em- ployed in the same hospital. The monthly Brodilagen and District Chamber of Commerce dinner sleeting was held in the basement of ISt. 'Peter's Luther- an Church on Thursday evening with the McKillop Group of the Ladies' Aid catering with a hot dressed pork dinner. Edgar E11- igson acted as song leader. The president, R. Sholdice called on the chairman of each commit- tee for a report on activities. Ford Dickison gave an outline of the program to be held on Jan. 3 at Circle B. It was decid- ed to send out letters to former residents to appeal for dona- tions towards our community effort. Rev. Dayton Fritz, Past- or of First Lutheran :Church, Logan,- was the guest speaker, talking on "Community Better- ment", Ralph Hicks conducted a draw on which Hlaroid Wurdell on a $5 ticket on -the car and Fred Herbert, a large stuffed feeders 419.50 to 828,110; sows n x+70.00 to $85.00; Holstein cows $14(1 to $173; Durham cows 8135 to $170 Holstein calves $8.00 to $12.50; Durham calves 822,00 to $44.00; fat cows 811.- 80 a cwt. 260 pigs and 200 head of cattle and calves were sold. O 1111 DEBENTURES awed GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 1,2 or 3 Years C -2 ^MGbtuAGE 905110140I Head Office London, Ontario District Representatives. F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth doll. - HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Clarence billing and son of 'Sarnia spent the weekend visiting with the for- Iner's parents, Mr. and :VI`s. Wilbert Dulling, Mrs. Taylor of Detroit is spending a few weeks visiting with Mrs. Elizabeth Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thiel were in Toronto this week attending the (Royal Winter Fair. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED Miss' :Evelyn (Simpson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Simpson, R. It. 1, Listowel, is the proud winner of the Huron County Ontario Women's 'Insti- tute :Scholarship for 1957. This is the second, year for presenta- tion of the scholarship to a Huron County 4 -IH Homemaking Club anember who ,during mer club expertence has shown out- standing progress and develop- ment, given leadership and .car- ried out club' work of a high calibre. As well as an outstanding re- cord of completing 13 4-H Homemaking :Club projects with the Molesworth Club, Evelyn has taken an active interest in the Young 'Peoples' work, Sun- day 'School and, choir of her church' she has played on List owel High ' :School :basketball team for four years and was On the Students' Council 'Executive for one year. (After graduating from Listowel ;District High School in 1957, Evelyn entered' the Atkinson :Schaal of Nursing, Toronto Western Hospital in September. The announcement of the ti tary's report. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Harvey Taylor and the roll call was. an- swered by a verse on "Peace". The offering was .received by Mrs. :Edgar , Allen. Mrs.' Harvey Taylor gave the treaur'er's re- port which showed over 82115 was realized froan the bazaar. The Church and manse com- mittee gave their reports. We were also asked to save our Bet- ty 'Crocker "'Box tops and have them sent ,in at the December meeting. It was moved 'by Mrs. John Cairns and. second- ed •by,Mrs. N. Baird, that we ca.- ter to the I.10,10.p'. Turkey •din- ner on Wed. Nov.' 20th. The fol- lowing committee was •appointed to look after the dinner: Group 1, Mrs. W. Broadfoot and Mrs. B. Waiters; group 2, Mrs. Wan. Eotheringham and Mrs. John Broadfoot; group 2, Mrs.Grace Thomson and Mfrs, W. MlnBeath; group 4, itIrs. N. Baird and 1Mrs. J. McGregor. ' It was also decid- ed ecided to have •a :Christmas tree at the Dec. meeting, group 3 to look after it. All members were asked :to lbring a parcel. A nom- inating •committee was appoint- ed to bring in a elate of officers at the Dec. questing, the com- mittee: Mrs. C. Ham, Mrs. S. Mclllenzie, Mrs. Trielbner and ,Mrs. W. .Soett. A dainty lunch was serve by group 2, after which the A. hymn was sung by all. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, November 1917 Mrs, Bailey has returned from a trip to the .West. :Mr. Jos. :Brown of the Bank of Commerce, Dunnville, has been transferred to ;Seaforth. Rev. T. H. Brown, Mr. and. :Mrs. Wm, lHartry and Mr. and Mrs. T. Rands attended the Horticultural Society meeting in Toronto.. James Hart and family of McKillop have gone to Parry Sound district to :put in a camp. Mr, G. Howard has moved his tailor shop in Dublin to the corner of :Mill and Raglan streets. The home of Mr. James De- laney, Dublin, was burned to the ground. Mr. William .Smith of the 12th con. of McKillop has mov- ed to Hanpurlrey. Gordon McDonald sof Brussels has shipped a carload of pota- toes which he. purchased at Manley. J. J. Irvine found an ancient stone hatchet on his farm, such as the Indians used. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, November 1932 The .gold medal in swine judg- ing was won by John Fothering- ham of 'Brucefieid at the Royal Winter Fair. Seaforth has been visited by many transients begging for something to eat. Residents are of the opinion they are inter- ested mostly in cash donations, and they seem to be facing not too badly. Two deer were seen on W. V. Jefferson'' � farm in Tucker - smith Voting takes place for the Boy's Parliament. An article by Martha. Smillie gives extracts from the diary of one of the early settlers of the Walton district, .Mrs. Duncan McPhail. It tells of the ocean voyage in a sailing vessel, arriv- ing at'Harpurhey and going to a bush home at Walton. Their supplies were carried on foot 13 miles from Hai-purhey. Wedding: Mr. Darr 'Stock's and Miss Lydia Gingerioh of the :Bronson Line. 'Mr. and Mrs. 'George Watt of Harlock motored to Toronto to attend the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett of Bayfield are spending the win- ter in Florida. The Rabbit Saunters Ball was 'held by, Rarlock young people in Londesiboro. • A. sad fatality oceurned in Hibbert when Mary Frances 'Barry, 4, diedfrom burns when her .clothing caught fire. Township of 1VtcKiltop First Posting of Voters' List • Notice is hereby given that I. have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and rhave posted up in, my offiee, in Mc- Killen, on the 18th day of Nov- ember, 1357, the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in said Mu- nicipality .for members of pas'lia-' ment and municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. Anel I hereby call upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to Have any errors or oniis- 51005-:, corrected according to, law, the lastdayof appeal being the 2nd day of December, 1957. John M. Eckert, Clerk of the Township of McKillop , CARD OF THANKS John and Roberta. Templeman and family world like to thank their neighbors and friends who helped in any way the day, of their fire and since. Thanks also to the 1Vlitchel1 and Seaforth fire- men, Staffs Creamery and the ladies who served coffee - FOR SALE Studio pouch in good condition 540. Cot with spring 'filled. mat- tress 518. 21 -burner hot plate with oven. Phone 240. FOR SALE Large size Beatty oil heater, good condition. Apply William Taylor, Varna. Phone :il•U2-3276 TO RENT 7 room house in nice location on West William street. Posses- sion immediate. Phone 8331.12 Seaforth WANTED - First mortgage. of $2000.00 on 2 storey frame house in Seaforth with furnace and bath. Interest 6%. Repayments tasuit lender. Apply' McConnell & Stewart, Bar- ;risters, Seaforth, Ontario. Tele- phone 174 FOR SALE Chesterfield suite with two matching chairs, and small oil burner. Please call 3J Egmoud ville WANTED A woman to look after 6 year old girl and also two school children in their own home, close to town. Steep in or out. Phone, 657r2 Seaforth FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 'rick house and large barn, water in house and barn, hydro throughout. Priced right .for quick sale. Apply -to Emmerson Smith, Kippen rr3. lot 21, con. 2, Tuckersmith. Phone 668`2 Hensall FOR SALE Bunk bed with spring mat tress, width 40", as good as new, used only a short time. Phone 569W FLOW ERS You can have all your fresh • cut fiowere and potted plants, deliv- ered to your home, and hospital, on short notice, Contact Wallace Rose, agent for Mitchell Nursery FOR SALE 8 good Durham steers 750 to 950 lbs. If not sold would put out to Peed on gain, Carl Dalton SALESMEN WANTED •'`•HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUN- ITY. Good Rawleigh business now available in Huron Co. Write for information. Rawleign's Dept. K-364-922, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real, Que. WANTED Wanted to buy, a good used up- right piano. Apply at The Sea - forth News , WANTED 2 pairs of good' used skates, for boy and girl, age 10 and 11 years. Phone 662r2. FOR SALE Beach white enamel coal 01 wood range, in good condition. Dalton Diegel, phone Dublin 52r11 FOR SALE Premien oil -Regular prices. Quality and service atnli times. William M. Hart. 'Fuel to .Burn' WANTED Avera Cosmetics offer ambitious -ladles the opportunity to earn $2 to. 99 a1 hour servicing customers in your own cpm. realty. Exclusive territories now avail- able in Seaforth,. Walton, "and district. Write Mrs. Lpurien Green, Avon. Man- ager, Box 281, Hanover, Ont. RADIO See the Bulova pocket size trnnaistot radio in leatherette at 0945; available in unbrenkable case at 69.96; large size in leatherette at 79.95. Generous trade-in allowed for any olct radio. Savanges', Seaforth FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood,. about 12", $10 per load. Mixed alai's, same load 98 lend. Approximately 2(4 .cords to load. We also have bargains in dressed hem- lock (weber, all dimensions. Fred J. Hudie, - phone IIU 2-605555 Clinton TOWN 018 SERI+FORTH COURT OF REVISION • The Court of Revision for the Assess- ment Roll of 1957 for the Town of Sea - forth, will meet in the town hall at 8 P.M. on Monday, Dee. 2n1 D. H. WILSON, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith Clark's Notice of First Posting of the Voters List, 1957 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuckeramith on the .7th day of November, 1567, the list of all Persons . untitled to vete in said mu- nicipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors Or omissions corrected according ko law, the last dry of enema being the 25th day of November, 1957. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk ANNUAL.FALL Hereford Sale At the Fair Barn in Clinton on THURS., NOV. 28 at 1.30 13 Females, 10 Bulls, and 4 444 calf club calves Government bull premium on all bulls GOOD COMPANIONS SANDWICH BUNS AND YOUR'FAVOURITE FiLLING' Cleary's I G A Seaforth THE SEAFORTII 'NIl1WS, Thursday, November 21, 1957 BOX Funeral _Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 1)0 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILI., B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon - Phone 6-W Seaton!! SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A„ M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D.,: Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., ,daffy except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-0 p.m. Appointments made in advance an desirable TURNBULL & BR,YANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0.'TURNBULL, D.V.M., Y.S. W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V.S. • W. G. DRENNAiN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 , Seaforth JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaforth Houra-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. en by appointment only. Clinton HU.2.7010. above Hawkins' ldwe, ,Men, 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks eA fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE ▪ Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPIONSTOVEAND FURNACE. OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R _- The McKillop Mutual F-ai°s Insurance CO. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH,ONT., Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander' Vice -Pres.. R. Archibald; Manager and Seo.-Treas., 20 A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors-J. ly ; P1 S. Aleexxaanderr. Walton; - E. J. Trowartha, Clinton; J. 5. Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leonbardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller Goderleh; R. Archibald. Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeloro i J. F. Prueter. Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker.. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addreseed to their respective post offices. AND FUEL oIL WILLIAM Mr HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth ft you want NOTICE gravel, sand, top soil or excavating lust phone 869 .Seaforth. ED :BOYCE BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs.. Boyce. 126 W Mitchell WANTED Highest' ono, prices paid for 'sick, down or disabled cows and horses.. Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, Boar Hogg, Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At• wood phone 8 or. 158. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs. tion or service. from all breedsofcattle, phono the waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2.8441 between 7.80 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breeds available -top-quality at low cost. FOR SALE Authorized' agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil 0'. Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 WANTED Old horses wanted at 81,40 lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 1483.14 or 148311 (Goderich). a TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES , Town of Seaforth County of Huron To Wit: By Virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said corp. oration bearing date the 2600 day of September sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the. Town of : Seaforth will be held at Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 8 'o'eloek in the afternoon on the 611 day of January 1950unless the ' taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of 'taxes- was pub- lished in The Ontario Gazette or. the 4191 day of October. 1017, and that copies of the said list may be had at mez.otiice. Treasurer's Office, this 2610 day of Septemb5r, 1057. D. I3. WILSON, Treas. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47