HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-21, Page 1The
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Authorized .as' Second- .Glass mail, •
Post Office Dept.,.- Ottaws.
'Snowdon. Bros., Publishers
Band Engages
New Leader
(Seaforth Band has engaged
'Bandmaster L. Hammond of
London as and leader. He will
start band classes after •Christ-
m'as holidays. Mr. .Hammond is
Bandmaster of the Salvation.
'Arany Citadel band. He is 36
and has been 'playing since he
was 8. His father was also a
bandmaster. He plays many
(ban'd' instruments,' organ .'and
piano and is quite a good singer,
The O.W.L. of 1St. ;.0olunban
subdivision herd its 'Nov. meet-
ing with a good attendance. The
president, Mrs. M. Murray pre-
sided. The 'minutes were read,
also the regular committee re-
' ports given. 'Mrs. J. Burke pre-
sented pins, from the 'league, to
the ten 1195'7 • entrance .gradu-
ates. It was moved that dona-
tions be given to Father lF`lan-
nery's 'Sohool of 'Christ, Christ
the King Foundation Fund and
the (Sacred Heart Radio Pro-
aro-gram..: .he Tall < and winter card
parties are well underway with
several to be held ' this week.
Mrs. 3. A. Murphy gave a very
interesting report of the Dean-
ery meeting held in 'Goderich.
It Was plans ed'to start a pro-
gressive "Bake Basket" as soon
as possible. The 'meeting closed
with prayer. 'Chances were sold
on a donated gift --it was won
by Mrs, Maurice Melody.
Rev. D. Glenn Campbell offi-
ciated at Ibhe wedding in (First
Presbyterian 'Church here, when
(Blanehe, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James IRaoho, Egmondville,
became the bride of Gerald
-Moir, son of Mr. and Mss. Geo.
(Moir, Hensall, ,Saturday, Nor.
16 at 2 o'clock. The bride were
a waltz -length gown of iOhan-
tilly lace over duchess satin.
styled 'with ,fitted bodice, iSab
Tina neckline, and long lily -
point sleeves. The auil bouffant
skirt of nylon chiffon was dot-
ted with opalescent sequins. A
crown of rhinestones and se-
quins held her fingertip silk il-
lusion veil. She ear3.i.ed a bou-
quet of red roses and baby
chrysanthemums. 'Mrs. Don Ba-
ton, Egmondville, sister of bride
was bridesmaid wearing- waltz
length gown of powder ' blue
chiffon net over taffeta, with
white feather 'headdress and
carrying a bouquet of pink
chrysanthemums. Bruce Moir, of
Mensall, brother of bridegroom
was best man.
Following the ceremony a re-
ception was held at the 'home o£
the bride's parents which was
decorated in pink and white,
The bride's ,another wore bronze
tone 'Orlon tweed dress with
corsage of white mums.
For a wedding trip to points
in the United States, the Bride
wore a powder. blue dress, Per-
sian Iamb jacket, black acces-
sories and a corsage of red
roses. Upon their return they,
will reside in 'Seaforth.
William IR, 3Cistner, of 78
Allan St. W„ Waterloo, Ontario
and fonunerly of 'Seaforth passed
away at the'' Kitchenet'.Waterloo
Hospital on 'Saturday, Nov;
16, 1957 after a lengthy illness.
Ha was born in McKillop tap.
on July 27, 1.8'8'8, and was 69
years of age. He was a member
of St. alark's Lutheran Church,
Kitchener. A son of the late Mr•.
and Mrs. Geo. Kistner, he was
predeceased by his wife the ter-
mer Margaret Hulley in 1922.
Surviving are two sons, Aaron
of London, and Harvey, Guelph.
Two brothers, Jack of Waterloo
and Kenneth of Gait. Four sic -
tern also survive,- Mrs. Joseph
(Mollie) Thornton of Walton,
Mrs. Ted '(,'Betty) Schaefer, of
Waterloo and /Misses Anna and
Vera Kintner of Waterloo. Five
grandchildren also survive. One
brother predeceased: 'him.
Funeral service was held on
Monday, Nov.. '18, 1967 at" 2.30
p.m. from the Edward R. Good
Funeral Horne, Waterloo, with
interment in' Waterloo Mt. Hope
'Cemetery. Rev. F. L. Jensen of-
Among the class leaders in
milk production for dual pur-
pose Shorthorns for +Oct. 19157,
was 3. A. Keys, Varna, 305 - day,
- '3 years old, Gedarmiat Lorna,
with milk a,4,813 and Sat 276.
Provincial -Constable Hehner
'Snell and his brother Robert
each -shot a 'deer while on • a
hun'tin'g trip in the Bruce pen-
insula 'last week. They were ac-
companied by their brother, the
Rev. 'Harold Snell of Exeter.
"'Circle Light" Euchre Club
of south-west Grey have started.
their fifth annual Monday .night
euchre parties for the fall and
winter months, and with- a cou-
ple of new members, are Iook-
ing forward to a. real good
Miss Ruth Ann Ennis spent
the wee'ken'd `at the horme of -her'
parents, 'Mr. and IMas. Doug
Me. and' Mrs. }Torrance '• Dun-
das spent Monday in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich
of Minton epent 'Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs: 'Ernest:Stevets.
Home and School
Club Meets
Home' and School. 'held their'
Nov. meeting in Public School,
Tues. Nov. 19th, opening with
0 Canada, followed by the,
Lord's Prayer. 'Ona motion $'5'
is being sent to Children's War
Memorial 'Hospital in London,
Mrs.' H. 'Mason was the patent•
of the month. A quartet, Var-
Smith, Kathy Boshart,
Gene and Alice Ann Nixon ac-
companied by Maa. J. Caadno
sang "Mister lSandman", 'acrd
"Around ' the World". Mrs..
IBoussey's class having the most
parents present, is the grade of•
the month 01.00). Mr. Don
Morton intro'dlueed our guest
speaker, Mr ,Scott Reid, engin-
eer from C1iNX, Mr. Reid has
been' with CKNX since •Higit
+School with the . exception of
the war years with Radar. Mr.
Reid's address was very inform-
ative. He brought with him the.
cards used in advertising. Also
a small tube that puts the pict-
ure on the screen, and a large
tube costing around $600 that
is only good in a camera for
around '500 hours. Also that it
cost around $26,000 a month to
maintain iCKNX. He mentioned,
he 'was the man 'behind the enan
behind the screen. He told of
it 'being Mr. Cruickshan'k's wish
to 'bring T. V. to his many loy-
al radio listeners not to make
money but as a service to them.
Mr. Talbot gave vote of
thanks to Mr. Reid. After sing-
ing God save the Queen, Mrs.
A. MacLean and her committee
served a cup of tea.
A. former resident of'Seaforth,
Mrs. Walter W. Code, of 15 Ma-
sson Road, Scarbero, passed
away in Toronto East General
Hospital on • Sunday evening,
Nov, 17th..She had been ill for
about two weeks after+ an oper-
ation. She was formerly Dor-
othy Isabel Smithers, daughter.
of the late 'George 'Smithers and
Mary Ann Piercy ISmithers and
was born at Seaforth 77 years
ago. Forty-nine years ago she
was married to William Ought-
on and 'they lived in. Clinton for
a couple of years and 'then re-
turned to Seaforth where Mr.
Oughton died in 1918. She was
married to Mr. Cole 37 years
ago and two years later they
moved to Toronto where She had
lived since. Besides her husband
She is survived by one son,
John •Oughton Qf Guelph, and
two daughters,. Mary, Mrs, AI -
feed 'Phillips, Toronto, and 'Dor-
is. Mrs. Don Kilcoyne, 'Guelph.
Also by two sisters and a bro-
ther, Margaret, Mrs. J. 3. Scla-
ter, 'Seaforth; Mabel, Mrs. Ern-
est Adair, Toronto, and Thomas
•Smi'bhers of Vanderhoof, :B. C.
She, was 'predeceased by one
brother, William. Service was -
held at the (McDougall & Brown
funeral chapel, 1491 Danforth
Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday even-
ing, and a further service was
held at First Presbyterian
.Church, 'Seaforth, 2 p. m. Wed-
nesday, when Rev. D. +Glenn
Campbell officiated. Interment
was in .Maitlandbank cemetery.
Pallbearers were. Keith Adair
and George Adair, Toronto,
Louis Herberger; . of Seaforth,
Douglas Knowles and Charles
Sims, Toronto, James Dinsmore,
There was a good meeting of
the Hospital Auxiliary on 'Nov.
12th with Mrs. 'Harold Whyte,
the president, in the chair. Mrs. j
S. Gordon gave a very interest-
ing and .informative account of
the Ontario Hospital Convention
held in Toronto recently. The
members are selling tickets for
their annual turkey draw which
will be drawn ..at the Legion
lbinge in December.
Next meeting will be the
Christmas party with the -ex-
change of gifts. Miss Dorothy
Parke is the convener. A love-
ly lunch was served by a con:
remittee of Mrs, j. McMillan, Mrs.
W. Hart, . ,Mrs. E, Dinsmore.
Mrs. A. Sillety.
Word was .received recently
of the death of Mrs. Lorne Pe -
thick, formerly Margaret Mac-
Kay, in 'St. Joseph's Hospital,
Tonna), on Sunday, Nov. 3rd.
Born and raised in this com-
munity, Mrs. Pethick lived most
of her life fn (Willie prior to
moving to few Westminster;
B.C., several years ago. She
returned to Ontario last sprung
where she visited her sisters,
Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, Mrs. Mary
Camas roes, Mac. Clara Pretty and
her brother, Mr. Hugh 'MacKay.
Mrs. Pethick was predeceased
Illy her husband. Lorne, and one
daughter, Thelma. Suri6lydvinlg
are one •daughter, Clara, of
Vancouver, and_ three sons,
Kenneth and Ronald of Toron-
to, and Alex. of Cedilla. IBtmial
took _place November 6th in Or-
Mr. Charles Reeves, of the
P.U.C. staff. broke a small bane
,his 'heel in an accident at his
home in Nor, Alin. He was not
aware of the fracture until Fri-
day when it•was X-rayed, 'and is
laid up fora few days.
The 'pupils of two grades
froan 'Seaforth District high
.School will go by bus to the
Royal Winter Fair on Friday.
Son of Seaforth
Pioneer Dies
The following is from a Mala-
la-ita, 3Cansas, newspaper, and re-
fers to a son of a 'Seaforth Pion-
eer, the late Dr. T, T. Coleman,
his uncle was 'Robert Coleman.
The deceased lived in Seaforth
as a boy.
Final rites were •held Mares -
day afternoon at the First Bap-
tist Church for W. C. Coleman,
87, founder 'and' . chairman of
the Coleman iCo., Inc., who., died
last 'Saturday:
+An estimated 2,000 'persons
attended the service with Dr. F.
B. Thorn, pastor of the First
Baptist Church, officiating.
iDr•. Thorn cited Coleman's
contribution to the church, in
both financial and his personal
service. Coleman was past presi-
ident of the American ;Baptist
Convention, the highest lay po-
sition possilb'ie in rbhe church.
Coleman, Dr. Thorn said, "has
left •blessed memory in the
hearts of many ...He was a
great soul, he was humble 'and
sacrificial man,"
Dr. Thorn said, "My wife's
life and mine will be ;better be-
cause we knew W. C. Coleman."
Burial was in Old (Mission
'Mausoleum with the (Gill .Mor-
tuary an charge.
Long active in church work,
Coleman was also a leader in
other community life. He was a
past mayor of Wichita, served
on the city commission, and was
a member of the YMCA nearly
a half .ceastury.
He founded the Coleman Co.
in 19011, and the company grew
to where its products—from
five present plants in the U.S.
and Canada —, are distributed
thr'uout the free world.
'Coleman was ,born May 21,
1870, at 'Seaforth, Canada, and
came to Kansas with his par-
ants as a elaild.
He retired from the presi-
dency of the 'Coleman Co. in
11.951, but remained as board
(Fire 'broke out about 1Q o'-
clock Friday morning in the
residence on East William st.
owned lay 'Mrs. R. J. (Ross. Her
step son (Stewart MoGre,gor who
lives with her, had put' a fire on
in the kitchen range and with a
high wind blowing the fine got
going harder ,than intended.
;When smoke was noticed conn-
ing from the cottage attic, a
call was put in for 'Seaforth fire
brigade which responded with
both trucks. Fire was confined
to the attic but the roof had to
he opened up several places to
let ,the firemen get the fog
nozzle at the flames, Fire Chief
(Scott estimated damage at
$1500. !Mrs. Ross who is elderly
was removed first to a 'neigh-
bor's home and later taken to
the hospital.
The death occurred in Scott
Memorial (Hospital on 'Sunday,
Nov. 17th of Samuel 'Townsend
of Egmondville in his 6.9th year.
Mr. Townsend had been in fail-
ing health for the past 10 years.
Born at ,McLennan, Algoma, he
was married at Sault ate +Marie
an Dee. 16, 1914, to. 'Eva ICamer-
on Thomas. In early life he was
a ferner. and later a tinsmith.
The family moved here in 1918,
He was a member of Egmond-
villa United 'Church. Surviving
besides his wife are four daug-
hters and a son, Vivian, Mrs.
George Knights, Clinton; Pearl,
Mrs. Wm. Oulton, Liverpool,
England; Janet, Mrs. Jas, - Mc-
Gregor, Egrnondville; Alice,
Mrs. Elroy - fledges, Goderich
twp.; AIl:an, Mitchell; also a sis-
ter and two brothers, Mrs. Ber-
nard Nott, Egmondville; Thos,
of Edmonton, and Jos. of 'Fort
The funeral .tools place on
Wednesday afternoon, Nova 20
front the Box •funeral home.
Rev. Dr. 'Semple officiated. The
pallbearers were: John Mode -
land, Max Carter, B. 'Hilde-
brand,'IAlb•ert Hudson, !Albert
'Baker, Reg. Knights.
iFlowerbe'arrers; Ernest Ged-
des, John. Earle. During the
service Mrs. E. F. ,Durst sang
'Beyond the Sunset."
1R. F. Richardson, Ontario
Representative of the Chaanber
of 'Commerce will be in Sea -
forth, on Wad. INov, 27th. One
of the main purposes of the vis-
it' to the commrrnity oa'gnniza-
tion is to se -view with them some
of -the services provided by the
dN a't i on al Organization. Mr.
Richardson will also participate
at an Informal meeting.
Zt as 'hoped all interested will
,attend 'Maes informa8' gathering
in the town hall. It is anticipat-
ed Mr. Richardson will be in
Seaforth fax this meeting. at 8
p.m. 'Seaforth will be one of the
many -visits in the district.
(Some property damage' was
suffered •bycar§'driven by John
• of
'Brussels amid Eric
Hardy of 'Dutton when they col-
lided one and a quarter wiles
north of Londesboro (Sunday .af-
ternoon, No one was injured.
Provincial Constable 9I. 'Snell of
Sevforbh investigated.
Grand Champion
White . Beans
'Rolbert 'All'an, Brueefteld won
first prize for small seeded
beans and the •Grand 'Champion -
Ship White Beans at the Royal
Winter Fair, A bushel of the
Fo sudation 'Senilae ' Beans, a
new variety was obtained for
test purposes from the Ontario.
'Agricultural College at 'Guelph.
30 lbs. were planted at the Ex-
eter 'High ,Schpol• 110 lbs. at
(Delbeat Geiger's,- Zurich; 10 lbs.
alt Jack Peck's, Klippen; and the
other ;10 lbs, at 'Robert Allan's,
1Brueefield. ITh'e test plots of
these saniiac beams' along with
other tJst plots of regular
grown varieties have been pull-
ed and have been taken to the
Field Husbandry Department at
the +Ontario iAgolou'ltural 'Col-
lege for yield tests. Bob .Allan's
Champion Beans came front the
10 lbs.. sown on his farm. These
beans are also entered at : Chi-.
The .monthly Farmers'..' Union
meeting :opened with the secre-
tary and 'financial reports. The
president outlined the resolu-
tion passed at O.F.U. Conven-
tion at iMemoriai 'Hall, '0,'A,C.,
Guelph. A resolution on tele-
phone increase was defeated. A
resolution asking for 3714 cent
duty on potatoes be increased
to 15c per cwt was set aside
for further study. Resolution:
assessment on farms be on
:dwelling. only. Labor men, town
people pay 'only on :house and
lot. 'Resolution: when army
worm pest strikes the mundcy
polity, government absorb the
cost. 'Resolution: all weeds . in
county, municipality and rail-
ways be .cut or sprayed in prop-
er time. Resolution: Hog mark-
eting price be known and direct-
ed from your stable and no
compulsion. These axe a few of
seventy resolutions dealt with
at Convention.
'There was a lively discussion
mostly on hogs and cattle mark-
eting boards., '0.F.U, :does not
believe that marketing boards
are the answer to our problems.
The government has promised
parity prices to farmers. O.F.U.
lb el T e v es farm organization
should draft policy to help gov-
ernments make parity prices a
The president informed the
Local that +0.F.U,.met Mr. Good-
fellow last week on hog market-
ing; he said the vote which the
Federation of Agriculture and
Hog Board asked to the post-
poned ,for one year, was defin-
itely going to be as scheduled in
spring. It was decided to adver-
tise each meeting in both ,Sea -
forth papers and over the air.
The amusement committee
was asked to organize for a eu-
chre and dance; also engage Mr.
+Scott with some slides for next
A lively discussion (broke out
as to who is entitled to vote,
The :president informed Local
that they get in touch with the
Clark of the township or Agri.
Representative. Ladies served a
lunch while discussion contin-
ued. Meeting adjourned.
The meeting of the Y. P. was
held in the Sunday School room.
on Sunday evening, :Nov. 17th.
Margaret Wood, vice-pres., op-
ened the meeting with the sing-
ing of hymn 485. Roll call was
answered by 18 members. The
mninutes of the last meeting
were read by the sec. and ap-
proved as read. The collection
was received by the treasurer.
Jim Forrest, convenor of Faith
and Evangelism then tool: over
the meeting, Hymn 263 was
sung. Don 'Tr•eneer read the
scripture from Mark 10: 46-5=:'
.followed by prayer by Carolyn
Neil. The guest speaker was
Miss Florence 'Elford who stres-
sed the fact we are all. Evangel-
ists and that each of us should
spread the 'gospel. Miss Elford
was 'thanked by Jim Forrest.
Meeting closed with hymen
502. A sing song and recreation
were enjoyed. Next meeting will
be on ,Dec. 8th.
air, and ,Mrs. Newell Geiger
and son John spent the weekend
with Mr. and airs. Percy Rowe
at Woodbridge, and also attend-
ed the wedding oftheir neice,
Carol Rowe, on 'Saturday, Nov,
16th at 5.'30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride ac-
companied by Mrs. John Mc-
Bride and MTs. John Love, and
Was. LET..P'haff of Dashwood at-
tended the funeral of a relative.
Mrs. Heinlbn�ok at .Stratford. on
Wednesday last.
The anany frieards of Mrs. Ed-
mund Erb are sorry to learn
she was taken to the Clinton.
iHospital last week where she
underwent an operation.. • Her
anany frie'nd's in the vicinity wish
her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. iNancy Koehler of Zurich
spent the weekend with her sist-
er, Mrs. Mary Manson and Ro-
,Mrs Will Desch and baby
daughter p.1 Goshen Trine north
are at Clinton .-Hospital. The
new arrival` :came on Wednes-
day, Nov. 13, '1957.
-- Mr. Rudy Cesch continues
quite poorly.
Mr. Will Clarke left to visit
his sister at Thornhill for a few
Huron Winnings
At Royal
Huron -County judging team,
Raymond 'Cann, r.r. a,. Exeter.
Murray Dawson, of r, r. 1,
Henson and Bruce Coleman, of
r,r. 4, Seaforth, stood' 3rd in the
competition with 27 other teams
in 'this year's Inter -County Com-
petitions at the Royal Winter
Flair at Toronto on Nov. 11th.
The winning team in the com-
petition was from Peel County
and the second place team from
Brant. The Huron County teaan
was the runner up for the 'Ont-
ario` Veterinary +Challenge Tro-
phy for the Beef 'Cattle 'Section
which was won by Huron 'Coma
ty's 19'5'6 team, As in'dividua'ls
all 8 Huron 'County teaan mem-
bers were in the top 20, the
only team dn' this year's compe-
tition with this standing. 'Bruce
Coleman tied for 115th place
with 884 points; .Murray Daw-
son tied for 17th place with
8'83 points and Raymond Gann
20th with 879 !points out of
1,000. 'Raymond Cann was the
high individual in the Beef ,See
tion fax the entire competition
and reoelved the Royal Winter
Fair Gold Medal which is award-
ed tothe high individual in
each section. As always this
competition was vent' keenly
contested and 1 -am sure the
team anenlbers will have gained
a ,great '•deal from pavtieipating.
The three entries in the 4-91
Corn Club Section for all of
Ontario •except :the counties of
Essex, 'Tient, Lambton. Middle-
sex and Elgin from the Exeter
4-11 Grain (Corn +Club stood 1st..
Bed and 5th at the Royal Win-
ter Fair. The first prize entry
was shown by Eric Finkbeiner
of Crediton; the third prize corn
exhibit was shown by Glenn
Gre'b, Zurich and fifth prize by
Garry Rowcliffe, r.r. 3, 'Exeter,
In the 4 -IH Grain Club .Sec.
tion the entry shown by Nor-
man Cartwright, r.r. 1, Londes-
.born stood 25th and Don Hem-
ingway's entry from !Brussels
stood 34th in the same •class in
which there were 92 entries.
Ken Alton, r.r. 7, Lueknow, a
member of the Lucknow 4-11
Grain Club exhibited the 13th
prize barley in the 4-11 Club
Miss .Bernice Dialing of iSai'n-
ia spent the weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Miss Margaret Bell of 'Toron-
to is visiting with her father,
Mr. W. R. Bell and Bob.
Mr. 'Gilbert Johns of :Elimville
was a recent visitor with her
parents Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Ven -
per. -
IMr. and 'Mrs. W. Orr Were
aseent visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
James 'Orr and Anna in Park-
Mrs. A. Roweliffe returned
home atter' spending several
weeks in Toronto where she un-
derwent an operation.
Mrs. Thos. Lavender spent
the weekend in Hamilton visit-
ing with hemdaughter, Miss Jean
tiMr, and Mrs. 'Garry 'Corlett
and babe of Toronto spent the
weekend with the latter's .par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
.Mrs. Chester Lee of Parkhill
spent the past week - visiting
with her daughter . Mrs. Geo.
Beer and daughter.
Mr. and aRee. Jarvis Horton
and Mrs. •Grace Harpole were re-
cent vieitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Austin ;Dining at Granton.
Mrs. 'Ida 'Willis of London
mated over the weekend . wit :
her slaughter 'Mrs. Edna Mac-
Arthur and family.
Ma and firs, Jack Drm •dale
were recent visitors with Ds.
Doug McKelvie anti Mrs. •1Me-
llelvie itr Essen.
efrs. Margaret Evan: and
fanmily of Waterloo spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Y. LlacLaren,
,Mrs. Beatrice 'Hess of Zurich
was a weekend visitor with
Mrs. Geo. Hess.
:Miss Maja Rooball, nurse -in -
training at Victoria Hospital,
London, visited this week With
her parents, Mr. and • Mrs. S.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Balser
Jr. are enjoying a motor trip to
Kingston and New York.
At a special meeting Monday
evening Seaforth town council
approved a bylaw amending this
Year's estimates to allow a $3000
grant to be matte to the Corumun-
ity Centre Board, for repairs.
The :bylaw must be sanctioned
by the municipal board, and ap-
proval is expected later in the
Skating Next Week
If All Goes Well
, "No statement and no- Dredic•
tions," was the word from rink
manage' Roy 'McGonigle on Wed.
Sixty of the 66 pipes in the 15
foot long condenser have been
removed since Mouciay, 1t is.
slugging• all the way for six work
It is expected the new pipes
will go in much more rapidly
than the old ones came out. Then
the ice machine will be ready for
If all goes well there may be
skating a week from Friday,—
but that is not official.
there are cards with religious
themes, slim jim shapes, and many others
Jewellery - Gifts Fine China
A most successful 'bazaar was
held at Kippen United Church
on Sat. Nov. 16th with a good
attendance. and $1.75 was real.
ized. Those in charge of the
various booths were: Sewing,
Mrs. R. D. Elgie, Mrs. Wilfred
Mellis and Mrs. John Anderson.
Touch and Take: Mrs, W..Cald-
sell and Mrs. R. Turner, Fish
,pond: Mrs. John Cooper, Pat
Lovell. Pies and tarts: IMr5. A.
Johnson and Mrs. E. Anderson,
Cakes and coolIfes: Mrs. R. Con-
sutt, 'Mrs. Was. Kyle. Bread and
buns:. Mrs. E. Whitehouse and
Mrs. 'Stewart 'Pepper. Vegeta-
blos: (Mrs. 11. Jones, Mrs. E. Jar-
rott and Mrs. Bert Faber. Can-
dy: Miss Dorothy Turner and
Margie Edgie. Tea was served in
the basement; those in charge
were Mrs. .Morley Cooper. and
Mrs. R. McAllister.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Vennama of
Burlington avere recent visitors
of the Batter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Binnendyk.
,Mrs. Bert Faber spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and :Mrs. Rudy Cesch of ;Blake.
Mr..Sana :Cudmore of London
visited a rely days with Mr. and.
Mrs. N. Long, leaving Sunday
for :Kitchener to be with his son
and daughter• -in-law, Mr, and
airs, Charlie Cudmore.
Mr. John Doig of Grand Rap-
ids, .alieh., was a weekend guest
of his mother, Mr,. Lydia Doig
and sister Janet. His mother
and sister returned to Grand
Rapids for the winter months.
Miss Louise Hyde of London
visited over the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Hyde, the Latter accompanying
Louise to Lyndon on Monday.
-sirs. 1N. Diekert and dsuc'ht-
er, Mrs, IC. McLellan were in
London on ':Monday.
Young Peoples
Thethird meeting of the Kip-
, _ . i was held in the 'Sme-
ary 5••hn -.1 r•oorn on Smeary,
:''1,. 17th at 2 p.m_.. The meet -
opened be- singing hymn
80, ,this, was followed by a
prayer coyer 'bm zarie Smciair, The
eripture was taken by ,David
Cooper and hymn (88 was sung.
Harold Parsons gave the topic
Christian Citizenship". afin-
utes of the last meeting were
read and adopted It was de-
cided to have a skating• pnety in
threo weeks time at Hensall.
This was moved by Boll Bvinnen-
dylc and seconded by Harold
Parsons. The motion was made
by Harold 'Parsons and seconded
by Phyllis Lostoll, that ,the -busi-
ness part of the meeting be
closed. Hymn 200 closed the
meeting. 'Contests were enjoyed
by all. The Y. P. are canvassing
for the Bible Society this week.
Mrs. Olston of (Enchant, AI-
bsrta visited recently with 1Mrs.
Arthur Anderson and her daug-
hter, Mrs. Robt. Upshall,
Mrs. David Kilpatrick arid.
:Vire John Mason of ' London
were recent visitors with Mrs.
Arthur Anderson.
32r, and Mrs. Elston Dowson
visited last week with iMr, Wm.
Cools of Goderielh,
Mr. and (Mrs. 'Cowie and fata-
lly of Weston spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
'Corey' .and ales. J. W. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. 3..M. Scott and
Mr. and ;Mrs. John Wallace
spent a few days in Toronto
and attended the Royal Winter
MT, and -Mrs. Jack 'Hoggaath
and 'Arlene visited on Sunday
with IMT. and Mrs. 'Stra'pp, Lon-
don, ,
Mr. and 'Mrs. T. L. Scott and
family and ',Mss." Moore spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mr1.1 t
Hugh Moore, Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wall(
visited on Sunday with Mr. an+l
Mrs. Garnet Cockwell,; Dash
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kers-
lake had as their guests on Sat-
urday .evening, Mr. and lIrs.
Ken Drake,Staffa, air. and
Mrs. W. N. Binning, Richard
and Robert, Mitchell; Mrs.
Grace Scott and Mr. and Mrs.
Ken .McKellar.
The members of the Y.P,iS.
enjoyed a 'bowling party in Ex-
eter on Saturday night.
The Ladies' Aid met at the
home of Mrs. E. Moore for
their regular meeting, Mts. W.
Harper -presided and opened the
meeting with scripture reading
and prayer. Those contributing
to the program were ales. T.
Laing who gave reading and a
solo, "Shadows" by Mrs. Moore
accompanied by Mrs. L. Sors-
dahl. The 'business period was
conducted by the president,
Mrs. :Harper, Mrs. J. M. 'Seo':t
and Mrs. J. Wallace were ap-
pointed as program committee
for next meeting. The meeting
closed with :prayer. A dainty
lunch was served :by the hostess
assisted by her daughter, Mrs.
T. L. Scott.
'The W.M.S. met in the school
room on Tuesday afternoon,
Nov. 12th. The meeting opened
with quiet music By Mrs. W. J.
McBea•th, and the worship ser-
vice was conducted by airs. H.
Dalrymple and Mrs. Fothering-
bam. The theme for this service
was Thine is the Glory. .11rs.
Davison took the chair for the
business. 22 answered the roil
call with same on Peace. The'
treasure: tatecf in her report
that the Thankoffraln aneunt-
ed to `''i.S _1. 'Reports were re-
ceived from Sappl} See., Ex-
pense bund Tress., Periodical ,
literature and the ('e,muunit;
See, reported 16, ears Made
Mrs. T. P. Baird gave an inter
estmg reading on Christian
.Stewardship and .Miss E. Bowey
reported Current Events. A
splendid report of the Sectional
meeting in Winthrop was pre-
semted by Mrs. J, Cairns. It was
decided to hold our :Christmas
meeting on 'Dec., 10th at 8 o'
clock in the evening and invite
the 'CGIT .girls, the leaders of
Mission Band, and leaders of
the Baby Band.
The Missionary program --
Conversations on Japan: The
entry of women into Industrial
'business and professional fields
from the tee -Meted life of the
home. This was taken by Mrs.
A. McQueen, :Mrs. F. Rathwell
and Mrs. 31. Thomson.
• The meeting closed with the
singing ,of "What a friend' we
have an Jesus", and repeating
the Mizpah Benediction.
on Nov. 18th 16 members of
the 'Fireside Farm :Forum met
at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs.
Eric Anderson. The topic dor
discussion was farm machinery.
We believe that we have all the
necessary machinery for the
type of farming in this commun-
ity. The changes that we would
likewould be that wheels and
tires be ' standardized so that
they could be interchangeable
on different types of anachinery.
standard sizes .and types
of mower guards and knives.
'Mrs. Bert SJoggart invited the
'group for next week. Most
games, Mrs, 'Oliver ;Anderson
and ,Bob Jamieson; lone hands
Mrs. Joe Babcock and •Berk
Hoggart; consolation, :Mts. Har-
vey Taylor and Joe Babeoek.