HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-07, Page 8VARNA iA remembrance Day •service wil1'8e held in United Ohurclh on ISunday, Nov. )10 at '2 p.m with the pastor, (Rev. T. E. Pitt in charge of -,-the aenvnee. A par- ade to the cenotaph' will ibe field after the service. illus, 'Don.Ranker and •Mlisls Ruth, of King City are visiting this week at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MoOlymont. Mr. John, Aldington has sold his clhopping mill to iMr. J. H. F. iBr'oeze eke hook possession on Nov. 1st. (We wish Mr. Bre- eze every success. The WKS o'f' 'United 'Church Will mold' its monthly meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Anson Coleman. HENSALL Prices ;at H'ensal'1 Community Sale, 'Oct. <•31st. Weanling pigs $111.10 to 814.- 60;; chunks 415.00 to "l11,75; deeders 520.00 to $2.3!50; sows $76.00 to 1$1100.00; Holstein cows $140.00 'to .$175.00; Dur Save III Mv l l and EY7withwith a PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUN z IYour new, low service charge of 10 cents a cheque is prepaid when you get your book of 20 cheques. No passbook -quicker service. 4 3 Deposit slips are in your cheque book—for banking by mail or speedier service at the bank. Aqua quarterly statement is mailed to your home. 5 Your cheques are held for you at the bank as a permanent record. For further details Inquire at our nearest brant THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 750 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY f0 SERV, YOU NW -227 Seaforth Branch - G. C. Brightrall - Manager Dublin Branch - W. J. Stewart - Manager .1111101.1.01.1 ham cow's $1180.00 to '$165,00; Holstein. 'calv'es 5111,50. to $17; Durharm calves $1.9,00 to 33.00;, fat cows up to $11,40 FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, November 1917 T'he first aiuplame ever to land at Seaforth met 'down in. 'Gear w's field 'across from, Matt - landbank cemetery. The young picot, 1/lying friom Clamp 'Hot - d en to Toronto, dost his way and mistook Lake Huron for Lake Ontario and was compelled • to land when the ran out of gaso- line. frhe erowds that gathered on Sunday equalled the fall +fain' es people came on foot, in bug- gies and ears from every direc- tion. IIt was the first 'opportun- it 'air- plane. had of i y y seeing an 'ala 6plane. !Several trial flights were made. 'Mr. 'Webster has been ap- pointed janitor of -the .Methodist 'Church, succeeding IMr. J. Thompson who resigned. (Mr. E. Charters intends anoar- ing into the house vacated by Mr. Pethick.. , r Wni. S3'aadr'y was elected pre- sidentth e of arblcuLt , 1io ural So diety. Directors were A F. C1uff, H. IiMge, W. D. Hoag R. F. Jones, Wan. ISmvbhers, ;Chas. Stewart. Mrs. Vincent 'Woods and son a of 'a Santa B a0iara, California, have returned home' after spend- ing pending foam months with her par. ents, at.11ensall. !William (Howson who caste from the (West last spring, has bought the farm of his brother, 'Goshen Line, 'Stanley. To All Veterans SUNDAY, NOV. 10TH Church Parade to Egmendville Church, leaving from Victoria Park at 10.30 a.m. sharp. MONDAY, NOV. 11TH Rembrance Day parade to cenotaph. Parade will form in front of the Commercial Hotel and leave for cenotaph at 10.30 sharp. Seaforth District High School Bugle band will supply the music for both .parades. FRIDAY, NOV. 8TH Poppies willbe, sold by the ' la- dies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, to the 'stores, garages and factories. SATURDAY, NOV. 9TH Poppies will be sold on the streets and to the houses in Sea - forth and Egmondville, "Through their death, they bought freedom for future gener- ations" TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The •Seaforth News IN'ovembes 1932 (Mise Eileen 'Chapman under- Went an •operation for appendi- eitis in the hospital. Olen'1hiel has returned from a trip to the West ICoest. 'Charles Rathwell: has sold ibis fine 100 -acre Tann on the Go- shen Line, Stanley, to .Art: P. Keys of the Babylon Lime. (Pallbearers at the. funeral of the late .Ira Johns of Tucker- smlth were Thos. !Livingstone, Robert Giibbtngs, Geo. Turner,' Amos Townsend, Robert Law- son, Albert iSeeley. A reception was held at Dulb, lin for Mr. : end , Mrs. Philip Hartman. A 'bread wagon tda'iv'en by Gordon Little was splashedi when struck by a cam. FOR SALE • ._ Choice Holstein cow. Gordan' Reynolds. WORK WANTED Job for Saturdays wanted by high school boy.Apply to P; Willumsen, Seaforth 'FOR SALE ,A good 9 month'oid Yorkshire boar. Martin Baan, phone 37-17 FOR SALE • Ducks for sale, oven. ready. Place your order now and have delivery when you wish. Apply to. Gordon Papple, 839r13 Seaforth FOR SALE • 11 chunks and 18 weaners.• Ap- ply to Grummett -Bros., • phone 65012 FOR SALE 300. Rhode Island -- Sussex crost)pullets> laying -50% Price $1.75 Jonathan Hugill 667 i' 13 Seaforth Real Estate 100 acres of level choice clay loam farm, located on Highway. 3 bedroom home, basement, fur- nace, garage, lots ot, water, hydro, barn and implement shed. Must be sold,. Only $7000 low down payment, 230 acre farm at Clinton. Mod- ern home, 4 bedrooms and 3 piece bath, modern barn, full price $8500. Down payment $2000. ON Main Street in Clinton, store with 3 apartments above. Only $8400. John Bosveld REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Phone Goderich 1108 vir .r, zs .... when they were hit hard, the eyes looked at you and said : "I'm not afraid for myself, Mac. But my wife and kids! What'll happen to them ! Who'll look after them ?" For thousands of widows and war orphans There are pensions. But no pension or allowance can hope to provide for life's emergencies. Most of us have some form of insurance • against sickness, accidents and hospital bills.- But where would - your wife turn for help if she were a widow or if you were disabled ? The Canadian Legion's Poppy Trust Fund is the answer for thousands of war widows, orphans and disabled veterans. It is a• 'comrade's enduring answer to the eyes that talked ! G THE LIVING! &.•?U� d'i.9t iA% 1��t CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Bert Christensen wish to •thank the many friends and ,neighbors' for kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement IN MEMORIAM! • Keys — In loving memory of a dear husband and father R. Ben Jamin Keys • who passed away two years ago, Nov. 4th, 1955. Loving and kind in all his ways Upright and; just until the end of hie days, Sincere and true in his heart and inind,, What a beautiful memory he left behind. Always, remembered and sad- ly missed by wife and family IN'MEMORIAM Smith In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Em- merson Smith, who passed away suddenly, one year 'age, Nov. 10, 1956 Yon lett vs quickly, your thoughts unknown But you left a memory we are proud to own, Tho' absent '` o re'ever near y u a Still loved and missed and ever dear We cannot forget you, our beloved one so dear, Your memory grows,,sweeter one lonely year. , You cannot return, so our tears are in vain, But in Heaven we are hoping to _meet you again. -Sadly missed by husband Emmerson Smith and family FOR SALE Chev 381: in good condition, Price $110,' Apply to The .Sea. forth News FOR SALE Cheap, leaving town,-. 1948 Dodge, radio, turning signals plus an Admiral combination radio automatic record player, and a Hallicrafters 6• tube • amateur radio with earphones. Phone 231M Seaforth FOR SALE Turnips — pick your, own, 20e bus. Bring containers.. W. J. Finnigan FOR SALE • Two , dresses and two pleated skirts, one plaid, one grey, all from size 10.12 years; all in good condition. Cau be seen at Fla.n- ney's Cleaners; Seaforth. FARMERS UNION MEETINGS To be held the second Tuesday of each mouth in Town Hall, Seaforth, at 8.30 o'clock, each member bring his or her friends. Everybody is welcome, Local 284 Seaforth Meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 13 WANTED Will feed a number of bead of cattle for the winter, Appiy to Keith Kelly, phone 673x33 after 6 p,m. FOR SALE , Purebred Dorset rani. Apply to Russell Bolton, phone 840-41 Sea - forth 'FOR SALE' Hubbard squash, garden beets and cabbage. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, 3rd house east of K4uburn on south side. Phone 833r4 SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED. Continue Raw- leigh Service to Consumers in Huron. Co. Get into a ,profitable business of your own, No previ- ous experience or capital invest- ment needed. For information write Rawleigh's Dept. K•364.916, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE Double barrel 10 gauge shotgun, just the rig for the goose season and the open deer season. Miller Adams, 845r20 Seaforth FOR SALE 3 Hereford calves about 6 mos.. old. :Also one cross -bred heifer the same age.. Hugh Benninger, Dublin - FOR SALE Girls white figure skates $3.00, size 11. Phone 4901 FOR SALE Cabin trailer 8x20; on wheels, 12 cords hard wood, 2 collie pups 6 months old. Phone 686W Sea - forth County of Huron TENDER For 1/2 Ton Pickup Trucks Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 Noon, November 20, 1957. Specification sheet and tender form may be obtained from the' County Engineer's Office, : Court House, •Goderich. All tenders to be submitted on official tender form, J. W. Britnell County -Engineer VOTERS' LIST NOTICE Voters' List, 1957, Town of Seaforth,. County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I' have complied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists. Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my off- ice at the Town. Hall on the lst day of November, 1957, the list of all pereons entitled to vote in the said 1VI'uni,cipality at municipal elections and that such list re- mains therefor inspection. . And I hereby call upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to: law, the last day forappeal being' the 16th day of November, 1957; Dated this 4th day of Novem- ber, 1957 D. 11. WIILSON Clerk of Seaforth Auction Sale Of high grade Holstein cove and heifers at lot 14, con. 2, Stan- ley Twp„ lr/4 miles west of Brucefield, on Wednesday, Nov. 13th at 1,30 p.m. 20 Holstein Cows flesh and due to freshen in Nov. and Dec. 20 choice Holstein heifers, fresh and due -in Nov. and Doe. Number of open Holstein heifers, several young calves. All cattle are PB, tested and calfhood vaccinated. Sale will be held under cover. Terms cash.. Prop., D'Arcy Rathwell & Sons. Auct,, Harold Jackson Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the, town of Seaforth, on Goderich street west. Saturday, Nov. 16 at 1 {l'.M. Full line of •Household Effects. Terms cash. • Prop„ Mrs. Margaret Hay Auot., Harold Jackson Clerk, 13. P Chesney THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, November '7, '1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 , Night 595W Auction Sale Of Farm Stook, Machinery, Hay and Grain, at lot 42, Con. 4, East Wawan sh• twp , 2/_Miles north of Blyth, on highway. Friday, Nov, 15, at 12.30 p.m. ' Machinery — Cockahutt Diesel 40 tractor in Al condition. Super A McCormick tractor fully equip- ped with hydraulic. McCormick mower piow and uffs• .Rt- ickModel A tracsctor: leMcCtoorm- ick No. 2 corn. harvester. McCor- mick 8 ft. tractor disc. Coekshutt 8 plate 1 way disc. McCormick 15 disc power drill. Massey Har- ris 7 ft. binder, land roller, drop head hay loader, New Idea side rake.: potato plow. a section drag harrows, 5 section diamond har- rows, steel stone boat. 120 ft. & 75 ft. drive belt. New, Idea man- ure anure spreader on rubber. Gehl 10 inch hammer mill, fanning mill: 2000 lb. scales. 2 good rubber tired wagons. 16 ft. bay rack for grain or turnips. 1,/3 h.p. motor. 360 feet snow fence. Iron posts, cedar posts, quantity lumber and planks, barb wire, number bar- rels, 'bag truck, forks, shovels, chains, wheelbarrow, ensilage cast. ;fray & Grain -1800 bales mixed hay. 18 ton mixed -loose hay. 1000 bus. mixed grain. 600 bus. of Ajax oats, Cattle -3 Dur- ham & Holstein cows due Feb. and March. 4 Durham steers and Heifers 1 year old, 4 spring ca1'ves. Terms—Grain, hay and small machinery cash. Other machinery 50% down day of sale, remainder can be arranged on 6 months ap- proved joint notes at bank inter- est. Prop., Walter Mason, Aust., Harold Jackson Clark, H. P. Chesney DISPERSAL Auction Sale Of Dairy Coifs and Heifers, Horses and Pigs. At Bucklyvie Hall Farms, Con.. 10, Mernington Twp„ six mules west of Linwood, two miles south of Reason, four miles north 00 Millbank, on Wednesday, Nov. 13, on at 1.30 p.m. �' cattle -60 head of dairy cows and heifers; 12 Holstein heifers due time of sale; five Holstein heifers due shortly; seven Hol- steins due in December; three Registered Holstein heifers due in December; • one Registered Holstein heifer due in February; one Registered Holstein cow due time of sale; 10 Holstein cows due in February and March; sev- en eeen Holstein cows due in June and July; one Holstein p,ow due in January; two Guernsey cows, one fresh, one due time of sale; two Jersey cows, one due short- ly, one due in March; -one Jersey heifer due in February; two brin- dle riedle cows due in March; six heif- ers due in November. You will find this a good lot of young cows and heifers. Cattle mostly vaccinated. The Register- ed heifers are sired by the Wat- erloo Unit sires. Horses — Team, Percheron, 4 and 5 years old weighing about 3600 pounds.. Pigs 25 shoats and. one SOW. Terms—Cash on day of sale. J, Scott Davidson, rrl, Britton, owner. A. B. Brubaehgr & Son, auctioneers HONEY FOR SALE Light amber, 80 Ib. pail 56.00, 70 lb. can 512.60. Golden 8 lb pails 1.90. Clover. 8 lb. pail 52.26. Stock up for winter at these prices. Wallace Ross Apiaries FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, about 12", $10 per load. Mixed - slabs, same load 58 load. Approximately 21/4 cords to load. Wo also have bargains in dressed hem- lock lumber, all dimensions. Fred J. Hudie, phone. HU 2.6666 Clinton NEED A HAMMERMILL7 See the new Pipes. They're guaran- teed to out perform all others. Avail- able power take off or belt driven. Also. Woods- electric grinders and oat rollers.. Local agent, V. J. Lane, Seaforth #5. Phone 46.12 Dublin RADIO See. the Bulova -pocket size transistor radio in leatherette at 69.96; available in unbreakable case at 59.96; large size in leatherette at 79.96. Generous trade-in allowed for ..any old radio. Savangee',' Seaforth WANTED Avon Cosmetics offer ambitious ladies the opportunity to earn. $2 to $5 an hour servicing oustomem in your own com- munity. Exclusive territories now avail- able in Seaforth, Walton,, and district. Write Mrs. Louden Green, Avon Man - tiger, Box 281, Hanover, Ont. FOR SALE The best oil in Canada. Stove oil 21.8c. Furnace oil 56.9c. Wm. M. Hart. Phone 784. Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council. will .meet at the - Court. House, - Goderich, on Tues- day, November 12th, '1957 at 2 P.M, All accounts,. noliiees o£ deputations, etc.,. should be in the hands of - the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 9th, 1967 A. H. Erskine Clerk, County of 1Iuron MARTIN W.-STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 •,. Seaforth JOHN A.GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorth SEAFORTH CLINIC •Mebfaster. B A 16.1).,..5nterniin 0, L. .Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office 'Hours, 1 p.m to 5 p.m„ daily except Wednesday and Sunday_ Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdey. only 7-9 p.Ea. Appointments made in advance are desirable , •. TURNBL/LL & GRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL D.V.M., V.S. v W. R, BRYANS D•v:M... s: W. G. DRENNAN D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN H. •LONGSTAeFF -- Optometrist Phone 791. Main St.. Se/death Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. seg by appointment only. Clinton HIT --2-7010. above Hawkins' Rdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.98 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All .kinds of Insurance rieke ef- fected ffected at lowest rates in First- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 - 'bllie coal' the solid fuel. for solid .comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS'& LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R — The McKillop Mutual fire Insurance. Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—.President, Wm. 8. Alexander 1 Vice -Pres,. R. Archibald; Manager end Sea-Treas., 30 A. Reid, Seatorth. • Directors -1. L. Malone, Seaforth i Y H. McEwing, Blyth; W. B. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartlia, Clinton ; J. 20. Pepper. Brucefield • C. W. Leoaberdt. Bornholm; - H. Fuller, Goderich' $, Archibald, .Seaforth ; Allister Broulfoot, Seaforth. Agents —Wm. Leiner Jr,, Londrebore i J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirousto effect ineuranee oe transact other business, will be promptbr attended to by application to any of ths above named officers addressed to their respective -post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Atone 784 - Res. 286 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radiorepairs to ell kinds of radios. M Mims RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick Renee, phone 84715, Seaforth • NOTICE If you want grave, sand, top soil or excavating lust phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE BRAEBIDE REST HOME For elderly people and oonvaleaceau. Telephone Mrs. Boyce. 126)V Mitchell WANTED Highest cash prices paid for : sick. down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows andhorses picked up for removal prompOy. Also wanted to buy, Boar Hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At: wood, phone 8 or 168. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs- tion or service from all breeds of cattle. Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding de , iodation at: Clinton HU 2.8441 between el 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have all bewde available—top quality at low coif. FOR. SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and HE3nsa11 district. Repairing a specialty:•A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceeftld. Phone Hun- ter 21-9131 Old horses NwantedDat 31/4c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phoneat once. Gilbert Bros. Mink_' Ranch. Phone collect 1483J4 or 148331 (Goderich) TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of -a warrant issued by the Mayorof. the Town of Seaforth under hie hand and the seal of the said corp- oration- bearing date the 25th day of September sale of lands in .arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held, at Town. Hall, Seaforth at the hour of '8 o'clock in the afternoon on the, ,6th. day of January 1968. unless. the..• taxes and coats are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given thlat the list of lands* for sale for arrears of lazes was .pub- lished::in The Ontario Gazette ons. the 491, day. of October, 1967, and that conies of the said list may: be bad at my office. Treasurer's Office, this .25th day of September, 1967, D. H. WILSON, Tress. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LT.D Phone 47