HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-07, Page 7Entertaining In The Arctic Pete came like visiting royalty, Surrounded by his retinue,- Mak- pa, Marta and the HBC native helper, i erkoshak. As a gift he brought fresh fish arctic char, a small salmon which is caught in gill nets at the river mouths es it comes down from mountain Takes to the sea after the river ice breaks up in early July, . , . Pete skinned and filleted the fish expertly, and we fried and ate them with canned butter, lemon extract and mustard. Pete's. visit, which had no pur- pose save that of sociability, was a twenty -four-hour fete. At breakfast next day sixteen peo- ple crowded happily into 'the,. cook 'tent and three ofus work- ed constantly at the stoves, turn- ing out a contnuous stream of pancakes, bacon and seal liver. Then, instead of scattering over the tundra on our daily collect- ing and observing expeditions, we all stayed in camp for convey- cation and games. Pond Inlet taken over. , It took Pete about three hours to say good.. -by. Finally he went, but he got only as far as Idlouk's tent. We followed him there, and another hour passed, serene, lazy and pointless. By imperceptible degrees . Pete got his entourage On the komatik - and suddenly they were, off at a gallop ,with- eut a backward look, But they didn't get very far. At supper - time they were still a quarter of a mile offshore hunting seal along the big lead. - Prom "Spring on an Arctic Island," by Katharine Scherman. TRULY A PIG The javelina is the only true wild pig inhabiting the U.S. He is found in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Mexico, Central and South America are the main stamping grounds of this animal. Being distantly related to o'tlr domestic hog, he resembles them somewhat.' The javelina is a griz- zy, grayish black in color, with a light gray band - across his Shoulder. Due to this band, they are also called, "collared pec- cary" by many people. • HER LAST -Here's dainty French star Leslie Caron as "Giga", her First Hollywood movie in two years. But it's her last, she says, In pixy, adolescent roles. "I'm 26. 1 should be playing my own age:" What character does she want to play? ` A trollop—with D wallop. .+ TOOTHLESS'TORREROS-To tell the "tooth" about it, six-year-old twins Charles and Peter Bane aren't really bull -fighters despite the matador costumes they are modeling. The twins wore the costumes at a fashion show. The youngsters got to keep the bull -fighting regalia, but they'll probably have to wait until Christmas, naturally, for their missing front teeth. There's A Quarrel In Every Sport We hardly think of chess as a dangerous sport. Yet recently two players, after a tempestu- ous, painful clash during a game, went to law, each accusing the other of assault. The row arose over queens. To pinch your opponent's queen suddenly is, in the eyes of con- tinentals, a breath of jealously observed etiquette. Ordinarily, at the first threat to your op- ponent's queen, you warn him by crying "Guard." Something similar enters into cricket. Batsmen, moving out of their crease at the bowler's end before the bowler has delivered the ball, are generally warned. Some bowlers, of course, whip off the balls at the first oppor- tunity, and appeal. In the chess dispute, tempers became very heated and ona player alleged that the other jumped up, threw the chessboard in his face and aimed a kick at his chair. The friendly, placid game, one of the quietest and soberest in the word, dissolved into turmoil. The magistrate, trying this amazing case, said that this was the only known case, in more than 2,000 years of chess playing, in which both players had ended up in hospital. The truth is: there's a quarrel in every game if players like to seek it. Bad losers shed all sense of proportion. Some be- come -quite maddened by their desire for vengeance. One supposedly tough pitman in the north of England, for in- stance, after losing at dominoes, let defeat rankle in his mind. He turned to arson for relief. Fortunately, the canister of gasoline which he threw through a Window of his conqueror's house, and the lighted oil rag after, did not more than destroy a single room before the local fire brigade quelled the out- break. Demoniac Grin A more novel form of ven- geance was that of a loser in a checkers match who sacrificed a beehive to work off his spleen. He put the hive in a harrow — it was a stolen one — and set out to waylay the winner who lived in a bungalow three streets away. Having quietly wheeled the PUFFING INTO HOBOKEN—Puffing on a cigar and wearing a :coat draped over her shoilders, London sculptress Fiore de Henriquez gazes fondly :at her newly completed statue of Sir Walter Raleigh, upon her arrival ni Hoboken. hive, some' time after midnight, to his opponent's gate, he soon discovered the open bedroom window. With a demoniac grin, he heav- ed in his "bomb," having first removed its top. Whatever dreams the two sleepers. .were entertaining erupted suddenly into a vicious buzz as the hive landed plumb on their four- poster and a swarm of furious bees poured forth. Happily, the wife reacted quickly. Sitting up in bed with a start, she saw to her horror bee after bee setting on her nightie. With a cry of alarm, she jumped out of bed, rushed to the window, tore off her nightie and threw it out, hoping that the bees would stream after it. And in that split second she was just in time to :catch a glimpse of and recognize the retreating figure of the man re- sponsible for this savage attack. Later, when brought to court, he was heavily'. fined. Where perseflal malice is ac- companied by violence, a very stiff sentence can be . imposed. The most disgruntled fellow may then wish he had accepted de- feat in a more sporting spirit. It's no use pleading "action in the heat of the moment" when merely a game's result is at stake. A Pint We have all seen the defeated or disappointed darts players work off steam by hurling his three darts at the board. But ane hot-tempered loser selected a less orthodox and far tenderer target. After buying the victor, very grudgingly, a pint of beer, be retreated to the regulation dis- tance behind the man and then, as the other stooped over his tankard, fired a twosome into the seat of his trousers! Hardly had the first dart whizzed home, causing the vic- tor to gasp in pain, before the other followed it. At this the thrower let out an hysterical yell and bolted for the door. But fellow darts play- ers, incensed by this uncalled for attack, caught him and gave hism a jolly beating. • For tantrums, however, few games can rival lawn tennis. And the men are worse than the girls . when things aren't going their way or when an .umpire's. decision is in dispute. Of course, it is all bad sports- manship; b:ut understandable enough when the stakes are high. In .club tennis, ofcourse, there's not so much excuse for exhibi- tions of'temper. Yet it is a fact that a doubtful line decision, or a lucky netcord, has been known to nip a friendship in the bud. Southpaws! Are children today morelikely to write left-handed than they once were? Very definitely, says Dr. Eric A. Enstrom, a re- search . consultant who h a s studied southpaw writers for the lost eight .years. Fifteen years ago, the segment of left- handed writers among children was only about 5 per 'cent. Now, Enstrom says, more than 11 per cent of the children write with the "other" hand. Speaking to the Handwriting Foundation in Chicago, Enstrorn said that his survey of 92,000 children in 1956 showed that more boys (12.5 per than girls are lefties. Teachers used to force youngsters to write with the right hand, a tactic believed to lead to stuttering. At present, Enstrom says, "they just let them alone." :. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted:sellcolor reproduce Wens 17th Century Rembrandt School painting The Good Samaritan." 100% profit. Sample COPY 6200. Publishers Amco Inc., Port Richey, Florida. AGENTS, make 100%profit setting •Kreaso." Huge demand; sample and details free.. Purchase's Sales, Box 157, Botwood, Newfoundland, GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell opr exclusive house. warregss, watches and Other products not found In stores. No competition. Profits up .to 500%. Write , now for free colour catalogue and separate coal - dentin' wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales$ 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. 100% PROFIT. Sell ' Battery Reviver. Restores your car's battery life.Ter. rifte,eeller. Sample $1.00. Free details. ' Bailey,:6 Cobalt St.,Toronto 9, Ont. SPARC TIMEAGENTS You risk only $3.00 to start 0 year around spare time business: Our Bern Nenette makes a gratifying Christmas gift that, will bring a volume of re• peat orders later. Start atonce by send: Ing $3. for your demonstrator "Nen. ette" and complete 'information on how to proceed. Vickers Products Britannia Bay P.O., Ottawa, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE RETRACTABLE Bali Point Pens, $14:90 Gross. 100 refills $4,00, thousand 525.95.. No C.O.D. orders. Hilltop, Box 582-11, G.P.O:, Brooklyn, New York. BEAUTIFUL Christmas Cards. 25 all different,with envelopes, $L45. Worth double. Satisfaction or cash refunded. Money orders only, please. Ming. 1031 Pape Avenue, Toronto. PUMP — $8.95. IDEAL for draining, mune, spraying, Irrigating, Sturdy, rust proof alloy, Pumps 600 gallons per hour With IA. H.P. motor. OBess bearings, ah" suction rf" discharge. C.O.D. Guaranteed. Mor- rison Sales, 6223 Mountain Sights Dept. W., Montreal. SEVEN proven plastic lures molded in color, in plastic box, $1.00 postpaid. Sure Catch Lures, P.O. Box 624. Dan. Virginia. FIRE PROTECTION. Presto Fire Ex. tinguisher: 55.95; 56.95; 513.95; 534.50. Merlite Fire Alarms $7.95 (less flash- light batteries). Deposit $2.00, balance collect. Bauman Printing, Elmira, Ont. HAND KNITTING MACHINES FOR plain and Diamond Socks. Second hand in perfect condition, f.o.b. plant with Ribber attachment $36 - without Ribber. attachment 520. AUTO KNITTERS LTD. 1101 Victoria, St. Lambert -Montreal 23. BABY CHICKS THE chicken of yesterday is not good enough for to -day. To make the maxi- mum profits you have to have special breeds for the 'job you want the chicks to do. For maximum egg production on the minimum amount of feed, cur best is Kimber K-137. We also recom- mend Warren Rhode Island Red, Ames In Cross, Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, California Grey X White Leg- horn. All popular dual purpose breeds, lst. Generation broiler chicks Turkey poults for Broilers or Heavy 'toasters, Laying Pullets, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO CHICKS. Pullets. Broilers (Including Indian River Cross), Ames In -Cross. Wide choice. Seine started chicks. Pricelist, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton. K•197 KIMBERCHICXCS, How many eggs did It average? Answer: At the CaIi- fornla Teats it averaged 264 eggs per Millet up to about 181 months. In Missouri the 11437 entry layed 249 eggs even though the test ran onlyto about 16/ months. For the past five years, based on 410 pullets at one week of age, Kimber Leghorn averaged 250 eggs per bird in the California Test. This aver- age includes K-137 entry In the most recent Tests. Question: What egg size does K-137 lay? Answer:. Eggs from 11-137 normally average at least 26 ounces per dozen during the first lay- ing year. They led In early egg size in all three of the 1955.56 Random Tests In which they were entered. For full details and Kimber catalogue, write Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario, or Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. ,BOOKS "LOOK to the Dawn" the book every- one Is reading and excited about. Gift suggestion for Christmas, Graduation, Birthday, shut-in. friends of yours, etc. Many hours of enjoyable reading and pleasure can be yours with this book. 54.00 postpaid, no C.O.D. Julian R. Drake, 511 -2nd Ave., Albany, Georgia. EDUCATIONAL EARN AB TH.B., TH.G., by correspond-. ence. Accredited. For full information send stamp to Immanuel College, 644 Memorial Drive, Atlanta, Georgia. Free resident School Catalogue. FOR SALE 1957 MODEL Chain Saw (Mall) operated only a few hours. ' Sacrifice for $195. Apply Clement Goyette. Route 2, Stitts, vine, Ontario. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a paste? A. Take one-half cupful of lump starch and mix thoroughly into one quart of water, and boil slowly for a few minutes. Q. How can 1 remove bluing stains from linens? A. These can be removed very readily with a little wood al- cohoI, You canton OUT -7,1 IF you Feel 1/4 ALL- I These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry -.any of these may affect,; normal kidney action. When kidneys let out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rent' that 'Dred -out heavy- headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Dodd'a atimulate the kidney' to normal action. Than you (eel better -sleep better -work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 GARDEN SUPPLIES THERE'S money in earthworms. Raise Red Hybrids for Bait and trnprovement, etc. Full Information, 35c, B. Dool, R,R.' 3, North Bay, Ont. LIGHTING PLANTS NEW Pioneer Lightibg plants. TV specials 1,800 RPM 110 Volts, 60 cycle, electric start,' only 5290.00. Others to 12,003 watts.' Write for Catalogue. Sommers MotorGeneratorSales, Tavis- tock, Ont. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB Whlle you drive for only 58.00. For cars trucks - tractors, ete. Un- conditionally guaranteed. Effective' for life of car. Motaloy saves you money; Mot'aIoy Sales - Co., 34 West Street, Goderich. Ontario. Dealer Inquiries Molted. MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE 00013 RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY. FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin; Ottawa. 51.25 Express Prepaid POST'S 'ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's EczemaSalvewill- not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze• mal, aene, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 6t. Clair Avenue East TORONTO DO YOU LACK "PEP" Wheat Germ Capsules an Important food supplement Increase endurance pep and child and adult. ePrice 52.00ecommpo postended paid. r Mari- time Specialties, Box 434, Saint John, N.B. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SWIM and fish in beautiful Gulf of Mexico, Shuffleboard. Make reserva- tions early, write:' Fuller's Apts., 736 Second St. N., Indian Rocks Beach, Florida. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified professon; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel- Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Moor St ,W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau.. Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Co m p a n y Patent .Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries, PERSONAL HAIR REMOVER - Removes hair from legs, arms, neck, etc., in minutes. Year's supply 51,15, Purchase's Sales, Box 157, Botwood, Newfoundland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ANY simple question answered about Southern California."Reasonable." Rap - resent you or product, fee. Send no money. Supply Mart, 5524 N. Cogswell Rd., Elmonte, California. $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements, Latest cats. logue included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont, SPORTING GOODS Get Yours Nowt The New Free Hunters Guide Catalogue - bigger than ever - 84 pages. Every sportsman should have this complete catalogue. Fully illus. Crates guns, cases, scopes, clothes, am. munition, traps, compasses, binoculars and all hunting accessories. Write Now to: Sydney I. Robinson Sporting Goods, Dept. 157. 277 Rupert Ave., West, Win- nipeg. SWINE IT stands to reason that not. evert' pure bred Landrace pig is worth mora than Its weight 1n bacon. That is why we at the -Fergus Landrace Swine Earn only import the best blood lines and Individuals and only sell top quality animals, Any not fit for breeding are mold for meat. Choice selection o,1 weanlings, fourmonth old,, six month old sows and boars, guaranteed in pigc sows, serviceable boars, all from roa- ported stock, ' 'Immediate - delivery. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINEFARMFE REGISTERED Landrace: Boars, GRta open or bred sows. Fast growingand a low feed conversion factor bred intM these pigs. 'Farmers prices. G. H. Sylvester' R.R. No. 1, St. Catharines,' Ont. WOULD you like to have more pig Grade A? The cheapest and quiche way is to purchase a Landrace bo and cross on any breed and you will note a marked . increase to the grade. We have outstanding serviceable boar*. Also 4 month old and weanling boss'*' for immediate delivery. All Landrace fromimported stock or imported steel bred b Canada. Mao' weanlings, 4 month old sows and guaranteed in p sows. -Catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM R.R. 3, Holland Centre, Ont. TAXIDERMY DEER, Moose heads,Birds, Fish, mount,. ed; mothproof Forty years' expert• Since. W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orlltia, Ont, ISSUE - 44 1957 MERRY MENAGERIE lE eerpnsY .-'f�,•♦ , ear "Hey, shut the gate were you brought up in a barn?" SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS autow TO -MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions la a sofa way Iv Induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1.00-$4.95 SEDICIN° Drug Strom 0141 Use. your SPART TIME'"to build an interesting and PROFITABLE BUSIHF,,SS;; tA,REE�< Investigate how Suaw Schools will help you prepare for a career that w131 assure Your success and'seeurity. Underline course that Interests you .-Bookkeeping a Typewriting '' • Junior, • Shorthand Intermediate • Business English' and Higher and Accounting Correapondenee I • Cost Acoouning • Stationary • Chartered Engineering "s Secretary • Short Story ik Writing Write for free catalogue today Many other courses from which to choose. Bay & Charles Sts., Toronto -e Dept. HW.1 SHAW ; SCHOOLS; Best Looking For '58 merson ROYALTY LINE The PORT-O-RAMA 5 -WAY PORTABLE Emerson Port-O-Rnma offers you 14" or 17" TV, radio with phonojack, optional car-and-boatplug-in, and under pillow speaker for hospital use and personal listening. Eldorado and Imperial Series Beautifully -styled pace -setters for '53 bring you new styling, new wide -range screen, new stepped-up performance... 'hest -looking" TV for 58. Choose from 24", 21" and 17" Console and Table Models — plus 21" TV-Phono-Radio Combination. 1� a- killana. Best Listening For '58 Tnierson Eli -HI You'll find every high-fidelity feature in the four great Emerson Hi-Fi Models for '58, Top engineering, with advanced styling and craftsmanship make Emerson the showpiece of any living -room. Emerson RADIOS Radio's wide ,Q��®%� world of enter- tainment. is at v w �• your fingertips RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED with tea great 74Trenton Ave., Royalty Line Town of Mt. Royal, Que. . sets ... SEE THE NEW ROYALTY 11th AT TOM EMERSON DEALER NOW'