HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-11-07, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, November 7, 1957 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • It's O.K., we have a • telephone In our bedroom too • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • •-�`_.y_ • • 1E�EP1 • • To order, call your W mos. • m 0 • telephone business office. i aOf GNaa�~ • •••••••0••••0•••.0•••••0••••• • • • • for heath* comfort without a care... order MADE BY THE MAKERS OP BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE ROSS SCOTT LIMITED, Brucefield Phones: Seaforth 641 w 1 Clinton HU 2-3257 • Time -tested service assures best money service When you need up to $1,000, bring your money problem to HFC, Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company. You receive money service backed by 79 years' experience—prompt attention, a wide choice of repayment plans, and your money in one day. Visit or phone HFC today. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH TOWN TOPICS IGillbert ISnnirflu, McKillop, and John Murphy, -Hibbert, were in Toronto on ,Monday attending a meeting ofthe U e Ho Producers. Hog C. 'Slnetsch, son ,of Fred Itnetscih, Market 'Street, has joined the Canadian ,Army and leaves s shoa^tlY for Oakville Where he has been posted. 1Mr•, and Mrs. Frank White of London were weekend guests of (Mrs. Brian Cleary and other rel- atives.' -- Mr. IMr. and Mrs. ,Chas, 'Reillyand family of Galt, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. John Ho - them Jr, .Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, visited her mother, Mrs. 'R. Ken- nedy on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. :Geo. De Jong, ;Exeter, ,were weekend guests of Mrs, Thos. 1Bannon. !Miss Marie ;Rowland, Kitchen- er, spent the weekend with Mr. 1'and (Mas, C. (Malone. Mr. and (Mrs, 'Ralph McFadden of Burlington, visited with Miss Davina Anderson on Saturday. Mr. -a Grant Chesney has ac- cepted a ,position in the [maim buiildnng ,of the ,Bell Telephone Co., London. and left Ibhis week to commence :his •duties there. IMr, and Mrs. Harold (Dennis and family of 'Toronto, ,were weekend 'guests of Mr. and (Mrs., It. H. (Sproat. Savauge—At Scott Memosial Hospital on Oct, 31,'to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Savauge, -Seaforth, a daughter, Brenda Lynn Walsh—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Nov. 1, to -Mr. and Mrs, John J. Walsh, rr1 Dublin, a daughter White—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross White, rr2 Ilderton, on Nov, 3rd, a daughter Travaglione—At Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Nov. 4th, to Mr. and. Mrs, Geovanni Travaglione, a daughter Lansink — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lansink, Seaforth, a SOrr Sim—At Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, on 'Nov,. 6, to Mr, and Mrs, David Sim, Seaforth, a daughter Wheelhouse—At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to Sgt. and Mrs. Frederick J. Wheel- house, John St,, Sea•torth, a son McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS !The first meeting of the Mc- Killop (Busy Beavers was held at the home -of our :leader, Mrs. James Keyes on (Oct. 129th with 20 memlbers present: The elec- tion of officers Was held -as fol- lows: 'Sec,. (Elean!or Keyes; Pre- sident, (Grace Doig; Treas., Lu- ella Moylan; (Press (Reporter, Flora Anne Scott, and pianist, Marjorie ;Smith. The !girls again decided to call the club "The McKillop Busy Beavers", We, had notes -on wool and (Mrs. Keyes demonstrated the effect of Gilletts Lye on wool and also a test by burning. wool. We closed ,the meeting with "The Queen" and had lunch. The second !meeting of the McKillop Busy Beavers was held at the home of our assistant leader, Mrs. Gordon Papple, on Nov 4th. The meeting was op- ened Iby singing the Institute Ode -and repeating the '4 -IH Pledge. The minutes of the -last meeting were read by Eleanor Keys and were adopted. Roll call was °answered Iby 19 mem- bers and the meeting was turn- ed over to Mrs. Keyes. The 'In- stitu,te !President, Mrs. ;Robert !Doig spoke to the members of the club. (Mrs. (Dapple spoke on preparations for our skirts and Mrs. Keyes spoke on choosing the skirt, style, design and' col- or. The meeting was closed by "The Queen" and lunch served. LADIES' AID .The (November .meeting of iihe Ladies' Aid was held in the schoolroom with Miss Jean Scott, president, in the chair. Mrs. Andrews opened the meet- ing by reading ,the IS'cobtishver- Sion ,of the 23rd !Psalm. The Sec. and (Treasurer's reports were read and adapted. The pro- ceeds from the Annual bazaar which was held on:. Nov. 2nd amounted to over 1$1325,00. It was decided to purchase folding doors for the back cupboard's in the schoolroom, (Mrs. W. (Wright sang a solo entitled "Travel Life's. Path with a !Smile", ac- companied by Mrs. (Geddes, The speaker for the afternoon. Was M,ns. 3. F. IScott, and her topic "The. Croakers" or how no,t to be .that type of person who al- ways finds fault ,and looks on the gloomy side of life. The main thing today is to keep our faith. Do not take aworm'eview otf people but (God's view; al- ways -remember the Lord is any shepherd; my guide and I am never alone. She told two won- derful stories in her very spe- oial way "(Bushel for Bushel" and "(Somebody walked in the Corn". A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs, Wigg. .A social ]ialf hour .was enjoy- ed njoyed with the 'Anderson, iSan•ale and Ross Group in charge. McKILLOP ITlhe first meeting of the M e Ki1 op SSNo. 2 Paxm Forum held at the bonne of IMr. and Mrs. Walter McClure with 28 present. The topic for discussion was the National Farm 1PolicY and we thought ouk most funda- mental problem was the cost price squeeze, We also thought the wealth" of .the country was being drained away to the cit- ies, and our rural +population was following it as fast as it could. This is the rock ion(Which all Civilizations have floundered. We feel that the town :should reduce their costs and come down, to our level rather than try to get our's up to_their's as ahem shave already priced us and themselves out of our overseas' markets. , !The discussion was followed b9 cards. The winners were, for most points, IWa'1ter IS c o t Wayne Damage; lone hands, Nelson 1VIcClure, !Second ,Mc- dirien, consolation, 'Thomas Mc- Millan, (Arnold !Campbell. Next week's discussion willlbe -on Farm Credit, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scott, W. A. GROUP MEETS 'Group three of the W. A. of Norbhside United Church met on (Tuesday evening at ,the (home of Mrs. (Cliff. IBroadfoot. Mrs. C. Cochrane opened the nneeting by dreading 'a poem en- titled Consolation". The roll .call showed a'fairly good at- tendance and was answered Iby your favorite Fall flower. Dur- in.g the business, (Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot and Mrs. M. Berger were appointed as anominating committee to bring in the slate of officers for 1.9518. The pres- ident announced that there will be a meeting of the !General' W. A. on (Dec. 4 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs, H. (Snell presided fox the devo- tional period. Hymn 203 was sung. Mrs. IA. lVlathieson read the scripture taken from He- Ibrews, 111th chap. Two lovely duets were rendered ,by Donna ,and (Nancy (Berger followed by a rea'din'g, entitled "3 !Know something ,good about you" by (Mrs. (Snell. Mrs. A. Crozier gave a very interesting talk on Nu- trition. Hymn 56'8 was sung and :meeting closed by all repe'atin'g the Mizpah Benediction. A soc- ial 'half hour was spent and lunoh was served by the hostess and 'lunch committee. GROUP 2 The ladies of Group 2, (North (Side United [Church met 'at the home of Mrs. Wm. Leming on [Tuesday evening with 21 pre- sent, Mrs. Lorne Garter presid- ed for 'devotional exercises and opened the meeting by reading a poem "IPathways" and 27th Psalm after which (Mrs. Hay of- fered prayer. Members were asked to (bring material to the next meeting to make next year's ,progranns. Mrs. J. M. Scott and Mrs. Wm. Leeming were appointed nominating com- mittee for :the new slate of offi- cers. Highlight of the, meeting was a very interesting .,address Iby Mrs. Jos. Grunnmett who was a guest of the evening. She TEA - BAKE SALE IN THE ORANGE HALL Saturday, Nov. 9 AT 3 P.M. Sponsored by Duff's United Church, McKillop BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE ANGLICAN PARISH HALL WED., NOV. 20TH 3 P.M. chose for her sulbject "Canada's Emblem". This was followed by a pleasing (duet "The (Maple Leaf Forever" by Elizabeth ancilOarol [Garber. The meeting • w" s a dosed by sinng averse of "0 Cana- da" a- da' and IMizpah 'Benediction, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Carter and Mas. 9-I. Shannon. EGMONDVILLE Y. P. U. The forst meeting was [held Nov. 3rd in the (Sunday School room. The meeting opened with hyunn ,6137. The officers having been- previously elected are as follows: Pres., (Bill Strong; Vice Pres„ Margaret Wood; (Sec., Margaret (Chesney; 'Treas., Bon - odd Eyre; Press Rep., •Margaret Wood; 'Pianist, Carolyn Neil. ITihe roll call was answered 'by the .payment of memlbership fees. 20 .members answered. We discussed plans for the follow- ing year and appointed leaders for the different commissions. The next meeting will 'be Nov. 17 the Sunday School room. Hymn 300 was sung. FIRESIDE FARM FORUM lOn Nov, 4th 14 adult mem- bers of the Fireside Farm Forum held their first meeting of this season at the home of 1VIr, and Mrs. George IHoggart, with the pros., tEric. Anderson presiding. The topic, National Farm Policy is -a very interesting one and most difficult to solve as there are so ,many problems to be con- sidered. The very large invest- ment in labor, time and money compared with the net income of the family is the fundamental problem in- our 'type of farming. Other problems are weather hazards, soil and water conser- vation, huge outlay necessary dor a young farmer to get start- ed, unsatisfactory marketing efforts, imports which can, flood our Markets. The difficulty in procuring markets for our sur- plus, expensive machinery, dif- ficulty in :keeping young people on the farm or securing effici- ent farm help, and the apparent inability of the farmer to re- ceive his just share of the na- tional income. We believe a na- tional farm policy ,could be de- signed to raise the general lev- el of agriculture and at the same time meet most of our RAAMOWSIWYSAAIWARAISARAI Figure Skating Classes Will open at Seaforth Arena Friday, Nov. 15th 4.30 to 7.30 P.M. (Registration at the arena at 4 p.m, Nov. 16) Instrructor: ARTHUR BOURKE, Stratford Western Ontario and Niagara Peninsula Senior Men's Champion 1957 Each child receives inditidual attention Season Tuition fee $15.00 needs. But we !believe the farm- ers themselves must give,the subject more serious thought co-operate n '41in to and be wr g even e if for a time . in entails smaller income Finances ances must be 'raised to build their own prdcessin+g, refrigerators, etc. and place position -of them in a !power as that now held by packing plants. Farmers anust unite. The questionaire was an-.' swered, and Mrs. Illarvey 'Tay-. for invited the group for next Monday. Most games, Mrs, /Rolbt. Jam- ieson and Bert Hoggart. Lone ,hands, !Mrs. Harvey Taylor and (Hugh Flynn. !Consolation, Mrs. Bert (Hoggort and Eric Ander- son. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge will hold a EUCHRE IN LO.O,F. HALL Monday, Nov. 11 8.30 P.M. - Prizes Lunch P s e Admission 410c BAZAAR &'TEA KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH SAT., NOV. 16 3 P.M. Aprons, Horne Cooking., etc. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Remembrance Day On instructions from the Council, I hereby request the Citizens and Business Men to observe MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 - as Remembrance Day, by closing their places of business, and all attending the Legion service in Victoria Park Dr. E. A¢ McMaster MAYOR God Save the Queen ERNIE KING'S RADIO ORCHESTRA Seaforth Community Centre Friday, Nov. 8 Dancing 10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Admission 75c SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ANY GOOD LETTERS LATELY? NDER today's economic conditions, U what you don't want from governments, or can do without, will determine whether inflation be halted. is to In other words, it is up to the people of Canada themselves to determine what sort of future they will have. Do your representatives in government ' at all levels know what you don't want? Why not and tell them? - THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA write LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 1 ,!!j t Clos ARE oUR PRI- Superior Food Markets Special Offer GENUINE PULLON DOLL, reg. 4.98 value, yours for $2.98 . and a 3.00 order. THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL DOLL OLD FORT PILLOW SLIPS, 1 pair in cello package. Your Special offer $1.29 and a $3.00 order VAN CAMPS PORK & BEANS 16 oz. tins ..... 2 for 29c 20 oz. tins ... 2 tor 35c Special Save here ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER • • , 16 oz. Jar 29c . BICKS BABY DILL PICKLES 6C Off, 24 oz Jar 39c They're delicious CLARKS TOMATO JUICE large 48 Oz tin 31 c CHEERY MORN COFFEE ' Fresh ground • New Low. Price 79c CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE large 6 oz. Jar 1:19 - Cuddly Dolls Yours for just 99c with a 3.0'0 order Every child will appreciate one of these dolls on display in our store Purity Flour 7 lb bag 53c You can win a Genuine. Sheffield Carving Set and Steak Knives with Purity Flour at our store RED SEAL COHOE SALMON '/a size tins, Extra Special 3 for $1.00 GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1'lb pkg. 2 for 53c Special offer on Pkg, Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • It's O.K., we have a • telephone In our bedroom too • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • •-�`_.y_ • • 1E�EP1 • • To order, call your W mos. • m 0 • telephone business office. i aOf GNaa�~ • •••••••0••••0•••.0•••••0••••• • • • • for heath* comfort without a care... order MADE BY THE MAKERS OP BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE ROSS SCOTT LIMITED, Brucefield Phones: Seaforth 641 w 1 Clinton HU 2-3257 • Time -tested service assures best money service When you need up to $1,000, bring your money problem to HFC, Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company. You receive money service backed by 79 years' experience—prompt attention, a wide choice of repayment plans, and your money in one day. Visit or phone HFC today. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH TOWN TOPICS IGillbert ISnnirflu, McKillop, and John Murphy, -Hibbert, were in Toronto on ,Monday attending a meeting ofthe U e Ho Producers. Hog C. 'Slnetsch, son ,of Fred Itnetscih, Market 'Street, has joined the Canadian ,Army and leaves s shoa^tlY for Oakville Where he has been posted. 1Mr•, and Mrs. Frank White of London were weekend guests of (Mrs. Brian Cleary and other rel- atives.' -- Mr. IMr. and Mrs. ,Chas, 'Reillyand family of Galt, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. John Ho - them Jr, .Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, visited her mother, Mrs. 'R. Ken- nedy on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. :Geo. De Jong, ;Exeter, ,were weekend guests of Mrs, Thos. 1Bannon. !Miss Marie ;Rowland, Kitchen- er, spent the weekend with Mr. 1'and (Mas, C. (Malone. Mr. and (Mrs, 'Ralph McFadden of Burlington, visited with Miss Davina Anderson on Saturday. Mr. -a Grant Chesney has ac- cepted a ,position in the [maim buiildnng ,of the ,Bell Telephone Co., London. and left Ibhis week to commence :his •duties there. IMr, and Mrs. Harold (Dennis and family of 'Toronto, ,were weekend 'guests of Mr. and (Mrs., It. H. (Sproat. Savauge—At Scott Memosial Hospital on Oct, 31,'to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Savauge, -Seaforth, a daughter, Brenda Lynn Walsh—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Nov. 1, to -Mr. and Mrs, John J. Walsh, rr1 Dublin, a daughter White—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross White, rr2 Ilderton, on Nov, 3rd, a daughter Travaglione—At Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Nov. 4th, to Mr. and. Mrs, Geovanni Travaglione, a daughter Lansink — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lansink, Seaforth, a SOrr Sim—At Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, on 'Nov,. 6, to Mr, and Mrs, David Sim, Seaforth, a daughter Wheelhouse—At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on Nov. 6, to Sgt. and Mrs. Frederick J. Wheel- house, John St,, Sea•torth, a son McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS !The first meeting of the Mc- Killop (Busy Beavers was held at the home -of our :leader, Mrs. James Keyes on (Oct. 129th with 20 memlbers present: The elec- tion of officers Was held -as fol- lows: 'Sec,. (Elean!or Keyes; Pre- sident, (Grace Doig; Treas., Lu- ella Moylan; (Press (Reporter, Flora Anne Scott, and pianist, Marjorie ;Smith. The !girls again decided to call the club "The McKillop Busy Beavers", We, had notes -on wool and (Mrs. Keyes demonstrated the effect of Gilletts Lye on wool and also a test by burning. wool. We closed ,the meeting with "The Queen" and had lunch. The second !meeting of the McKillop Busy Beavers was held at the home of our assistant leader, Mrs. Gordon Papple, on Nov 4th. The meeting was op- ened Iby singing the Institute Ode -and repeating the '4 -IH Pledge. The minutes of the -last meeting were read by Eleanor Keys and were adopted. Roll call was °answered Iby 19 mem- bers and the meeting was turn- ed over to Mrs. Keyes. The 'In- stitu,te !President, Mrs. ;Robert !Doig spoke to the members of the club. (Mrs. (Dapple spoke on preparations for our skirts and Mrs. Keyes spoke on choosing the skirt, style, design and' col- or. The meeting was closed by "The Queen" and lunch served. LADIES' AID .The (November .meeting of iihe Ladies' Aid was held in the schoolroom with Miss Jean Scott, president, in the chair. Mrs. Andrews opened the meet- ing by reading ,the IS'cobtishver- Sion ,of the 23rd !Psalm. The Sec. and (Treasurer's reports were read and adapted. The pro- ceeds from the Annual bazaar which was held on:. Nov. 2nd amounted to over 1$1325,00. It was decided to purchase folding doors for the back cupboard's in the schoolroom, (Mrs. W. (Wright sang a solo entitled "Travel Life's. Path with a !Smile", ac- companied by Mrs. (Geddes, The speaker for the afternoon. Was M,ns. 3. F. IScott, and her topic "The. Croakers" or how no,t to be .that type of person who al- ways finds fault ,and looks on the gloomy side of life. The main thing today is to keep our faith. Do not take aworm'eview otf people but (God's view; al- ways -remember the Lord is any shepherd; my guide and I am never alone. She told two won- derful stories in her very spe- oial way "(Bushel for Bushel" and "(Somebody walked in the Corn". A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs, Wigg. .A social ]ialf hour .was enjoy- ed njoyed with the 'Anderson, iSan•ale and Ross Group in charge. McKILLOP ITlhe first meeting of the M e Ki1 op SSNo. 2 Paxm Forum held at the bonne of IMr. and Mrs. Walter McClure with 28 present. The topic for discussion was the National Farm 1PolicY and we thought ouk most funda- mental problem was the cost price squeeze, We also thought the wealth" of .the country was being drained away to the cit- ies, and our rural +population was following it as fast as it could. This is the rock ion(Which all Civilizations have floundered. We feel that the town :should reduce their costs and come down, to our level rather than try to get our's up to_their's as ahem shave already priced us and themselves out of our overseas' markets. , !The discussion was followed b9 cards. The winners were, for most points, IWa'1ter IS c o t Wayne Damage; lone hands, Nelson 1VIcClure, !Second ,Mc- dirien, consolation, 'Thomas Mc- Millan, (Arnold !Campbell. Next week's discussion willlbe -on Farm Credit, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scott, W. A. GROUP MEETS 'Group three of the W. A. of Norbhside United Church met on (Tuesday evening at ,the (home of Mrs. (Cliff. IBroadfoot. Mrs. C. Cochrane opened the nneeting by dreading 'a poem en- titled Consolation". The roll .call showed a'fairly good at- tendance and was answered Iby your favorite Fall flower. Dur- in.g the business, (Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot and Mrs. M. Berger were appointed as anominating committee to bring in the slate of officers for 1.9518. The pres- ident announced that there will be a meeting of the !General' W. A. on (Dec. 4 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs, H. (Snell presided fox the devo- tional period. Hymn 203 was sung. Mrs. IA. lVlathieson read the scripture taken from He- Ibrews, 111th chap. Two lovely duets were rendered ,by Donna ,and (Nancy (Berger followed by a rea'din'g, entitled "3 !Know something ,good about you" by (Mrs. (Snell. Mrs. A. Crozier gave a very interesting talk on Nu- trition. Hymn 56'8 was sung and :meeting closed by all repe'atin'g the Mizpah Benediction. A soc- ial 'half hour was spent and lunoh was served by the hostess and 'lunch committee. GROUP 2 The ladies of Group 2, (North (Side United [Church met 'at the home of Mrs. Wm. Leming on [Tuesday evening with 21 pre- sent, Mrs. Lorne Garter presid- ed for 'devotional exercises and opened the meeting by reading a poem "IPathways" and 27th Psalm after which (Mrs. Hay of- fered prayer. Members were asked to (bring material to the next meeting to make next year's ,progranns. Mrs. J. M. Scott and Mrs. Wm. Leeming were appointed nominating com- mittee for :the new slate of offi- cers. Highlight of the, meeting was a very interesting .,address Iby Mrs. Jos. Grunnmett who was a guest of the evening. She TEA - BAKE SALE IN THE ORANGE HALL Saturday, Nov. 9 AT 3 P.M. Sponsored by Duff's United Church, McKillop BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE ANGLICAN PARISH HALL WED., NOV. 20TH 3 P.M. chose for her sulbject "Canada's Emblem". This was followed by a pleasing (duet "The (Maple Leaf Forever" by Elizabeth ancilOarol [Garber. The meeting • w" s a dosed by sinng averse of "0 Cana- da" a- da' and IMizpah 'Benediction, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Carter and Mas. 9-I. Shannon. EGMONDVILLE Y. P. U. The forst meeting was [held Nov. 3rd in the (Sunday School room. The meeting opened with hyunn ,6137. The officers having been- previously elected are as follows: Pres., (Bill Strong; Vice Pres„ Margaret Wood; (Sec., Margaret (Chesney; 'Treas., Bon - odd Eyre; Press Rep., •Margaret Wood; 'Pianist, Carolyn Neil. ITihe roll call was answered 'by the .payment of memlbership fees. 20 .members answered. We discussed plans for the follow- ing year and appointed leaders for the different commissions. The next meeting will 'be Nov. 17 the Sunday School room. Hymn 300 was sung. FIRESIDE FARM FORUM lOn Nov, 4th 14 adult mem- bers of the Fireside Farm Forum held their first meeting of this season at the home of 1VIr, and Mrs. George IHoggart, with the pros., tEric. Anderson presiding. The topic, National Farm Policy is -a very interesting one and most difficult to solve as there are so ,many problems to be con- sidered. The very large invest- ment in labor, time and money compared with the net income of the family is the fundamental problem in- our 'type of farming. Other problems are weather hazards, soil and water conser- vation, huge outlay necessary dor a young farmer to get start- ed, unsatisfactory marketing efforts, imports which can, flood our Markets. The difficulty in procuring markets for our sur- plus, expensive machinery, dif- ficulty in :keeping young people on the farm or securing effici- ent farm help, and the apparent inability of the farmer to re- ceive his just share of the na- tional income. We believe a na- tional farm policy ,could be de- signed to raise the general lev- el of agriculture and at the same time meet most of our RAAMOWSIWYSAAIWARAISARAI Figure Skating Classes Will open at Seaforth Arena Friday, Nov. 15th 4.30 to 7.30 P.M. (Registration at the arena at 4 p.m, Nov. 16) Instrructor: ARTHUR BOURKE, Stratford Western Ontario and Niagara Peninsula Senior Men's Champion 1957 Each child receives inditidual attention Season Tuition fee $15.00 needs. But we !believe the farm- ers themselves must give,the subject more serious thought co-operate n '41in to and be wr g even e if for a time . in entails smaller income Finances ances must be 'raised to build their own prdcessin+g, refrigerators, etc. and place position -of them in a !power as that now held by packing plants. Farmers anust unite. The questionaire was an-.' swered, and Mrs. Illarvey 'Tay-. for invited the group for next Monday. Most games, Mrs, /Rolbt. Jam- ieson and Bert Hoggart. Lone ,hands, !Mrs. Harvey Taylor and (Hugh Flynn. !Consolation, Mrs. Bert (Hoggort and Eric Ander- son. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge will hold a EUCHRE IN LO.O,F. HALL Monday, Nov. 11 8.30 P.M. - Prizes Lunch P s e Admission 410c BAZAAR &'TEA KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH SAT., NOV. 16 3 P.M. Aprons, Horne Cooking., etc. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Remembrance Day On instructions from the Council, I hereby request the Citizens and Business Men to observe MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 - as Remembrance Day, by closing their places of business, and all attending the Legion service in Victoria Park Dr. E. A¢ McMaster MAYOR God Save the Queen ERNIE KING'S RADIO ORCHESTRA Seaforth Community Centre Friday, Nov. 8 Dancing 10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Admission 75c SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WRITTEN ANY GOOD LETTERS LATELY? NDER today's economic conditions, U what you don't want from governments, or can do without, will determine whether inflation be halted. is to In other words, it is up to the people of Canada themselves to determine what sort of future they will have. Do your representatives in government ' at all levels know what you don't want? Why not and tell them? - THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA write LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 1