HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-31, Page 8N• d� 8 e' s - Ib, Mi l New Fail Dresses This better range of dresses includes tailored types and glamorous party dresses in a wide choice of newest fabrics, styles and shades, -- Choose your fall dress now from our big new ranges at 13a95 to 2.9.95 Popular Car Coats Newest quilted or Borg pile lined oar coats in plain shade cords and sheens, Ivy striped patterns and tweeds. in a variety of high shades for fall and winter wear, Priced very low at 14.95 to 29.95 Smartest Winter Coats Faniaus Wilson, Locash and Poslun makes, newest shades, smartest styles in lamb or mink trims or popu- lar untrimmed styles in Mar- valla cloths, velours and. tweeds. All chamois interlined 29.95 to 99.95 Newest WOOL PLAID S r:IRTS Popular, permanent pressed bot- any wool authentic tartan skirts - some of the reversible type. - Good choice of plaids. All sizes 1.1.95 to 19.95 ( Clearance at HALE P "t> ICE 2 to 10 Year Sizes 1 pc SNOW SUITS 3 pc SNOW SUITS 3 pc COAT SETS STATION COATS WOOL PLAID COATS Values 8.95 to 25.00 To clear at HALF PRICE MRS. ANNIE ELLIGSON Mrs, Annie Elligson of Brod- hagen died in the Thamer Nurs- ing Horne, Seaforth, on Tuesday at the age of 71. She had been. ailing for five months and a pat- ient here for the past month. The former Annie Siemon, she was born in Logan township on June 7, 1880, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Siemon. She married Fred A. Elligson 53 years ago and they resided in Brod- hagen where Mr. Elligson died on Oct. 24, 1944. She was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, and an active mem- ber of the Ladies' Aid. She is survived by one daugh- ter aughter Laving, Mrs. George Beuer- man, McKillop township; one brother, George Stanton, Mitch- ell; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. One daugh- ter, Freda, Mrs, William Riehl, of Biodhagen, died in 1953. She was also predeceased by one brother and six sisters. The body is resting at the home of her son-in-law and dau- ghter Mr. and Mrs. George Better - man, lot 8, con. 0, McKillop, until noon Friday, when, removal will be made to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, for fulneral service at 2.30 p,m. Rev. E. J. Fischer will officiate. Burial will be made in St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. BRODHAGEN '5 Robert iMbert Elligson, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elligson, and David Harold, in- p faint son of 14Ir: and Mrs. Har- old Elligson were baptised at the Sunday morning service at St. (Peter's ,Lutheran (Church. The sponsors for Robert were MT. and .Mr's.Carl Elligson andMr. and Mrs. ,Oscar Elligson and the parents, and. for David, Mr. and . MTS. Calvin Gilaand the (parents. The (lowers which ad- orned the altar were from the wedding on Saturday of Miss Manlene Priest*to Franklin. amok. Mr. Ahrens, Toronto, at the themi\de of . and Mrs, C. Ahrens for the weekend. Miss (Beverly and Master Rog- er ISholdice sang solos at the program which (followed thefowl supper at Duff'sL)niited Church. Walton, -'last ''Wednes- day evening,; .their teaciher, Mies Audrey Haclinvell accompanied thein on the piano. Miss Phyllis Hihz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert "3 -Pint read the address which was (Public 'Speaking contest at iMlonktosu recently and S8iss' (Cheryl 'Wurdell .(of Ja1'muth's (School) was third prize winner in the same class. 'Stewards of the Christian Home . met in ,the Church' ,base- ment on Thursday evening. TheM,r devotions were in change of ,:. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mogk, Mfr. and MTs. Leonard Rose, Pastor Fischer ,conducted a Bible study (period, Mr. 'Hesrb Fischer of Ayton showed pictures., Presi- dent Leonard Rose conductedthe business. Tt was decided to have a hallowe'en social • on Hallowe'en night, along with the families. Lunch was served by the same committee as in clharg'e of devotions. MT. - and Mrs. 'IFloward Good- rich, Linda and Robert' moved Brom Chatham recently to live at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DapltontiiHinz. Mr. Goodrich is employed in Stratford. Mr. and ,Mrs, G1en,B1•ickman and ,Barry of Brampton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton 'Hinz for the weekend. (Mr. Wm. S. Riehl, Mr. and IMrs. (Harry Tait, Mrs. Ross Leeming and Mr. •and Mrs. :Manue'1 Beuermanai attended the funeral of Caroline Bode, in ,Mitchell on ,Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer• mann with Mr. and Mrs, John Eisler, ISeafor'th. Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matthies, Tavistock on Sunday. IA kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. Annie 'Stein- bach, Logan, recently when more dihait 50 ladies. .mostly from the village, gathered there fora surprise shower for Miss Marlene Priestap, prior to her marriage to Franklin Buuck. (Marlene was seated in a decor- ated chair under an arch of confetti 'filledballoons and crepe paper steamers and 'bells. A mock wedding was staged with ,the following taking part: The bride, Mrs. John Moore; groom, Mrs. Harold Mogk. •ttendants: Mas. Calvin Gilek, Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, IMlrs. Wilbur ¢ioegy, Mrs. Ralph, Hicks, the minister. Miss Bever- ley Sholdice and (Miss Linda Mil- ler, flower girls and ringbearer. Miss Carole Rose and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt soloists. A reading describing the grooun's costume by Miss Joanne Rock. and read- ings relating to marriage by Mrs. Ford Dickison and Mrs. R. Snuck. Several contests were conducted by Mrs. R. ,Sholdice and Mrs. Lavern (Wolfe. Miss (Beverley Sholdice then drew in the decorated wagon filled with gifts. Mrs. Manuel Beuenmann read the address which was written ,by Mrs. Fred Herbert.Atter allthe gifts were unwrap - ed Marlene thanked everyone, and all sang "For She's A. Jolly The Captain is saving to equip a home workshop. The First Officer is saving for his marriage. Both have a bank account. and a purpose for saving They work as a team, yet each has his own reason for saving, his own dollar objective, his own pace in achieving it. A bank account takes care of every type of saving need. You can start with any amount you wish, add to it at any time you choose, keep on as long as you like. Last year almost 500,000 new deposit accounts were opened with the chartered banks, making a total of nearly 10,500,000. The owners of these accounts know that a bank account offers the simplest, safest, most convenient means of safeguarding and accumulating funds. -Save at a bank - millions. dol THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY BEST IYOOD BUYS All prices good Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 31 - Nov, 1 - 2 BEE HIVE GOLDEN . CORN SYRUP 2 lb. Tin 29 c IMPROVED.BEST SELLING BEANS IN NORTH AMERICA BEANS with PORK - Van Camp's 2 15 -oz tin 31. c 2 20 -oz tins 35c• LARGE 44 -OZ BOX ROBINHOOD INSTANT OATS 39c CHICKEN VARIETIES CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 2 tins 35c WESTON'S GOLDEN BROWN SODA .BISCUITS 1-1b. box 33c CLOVER LEAF - FANCY • PINK SALMON 73/4 oz Tin 29 c MADE) FROM RED RIPE TOMATOES' 11 -oz bot. AYLMER CATSUP : 2 bottles 39 c MINCE MEAT -Wagstaffe :. Large 28 -oz tin 43c DOG FOOD -Swift's "Tempi" . , 3 15 -oz tins 25c CHEESE SPREAD-Ingersolly 5c off ..8 oz jar 32c TOMATOES-Seacliffe Choice Quality ... 2 for 37c 20-0Z. 'TINS CAT£E MIXES-Robinhood Chocolate or White 3 large 21 -oz pkgs $1 10a; coupon in each pkg. BAKING NEEDS -Shelled Nuts: Pecans ..'3 oz. pkg. 29c Broken Walnuts ::3 oz. 1,9c Blanched Almonds 3 oz. 23c Almonds...-. 3 oz. pkg. 20c UNITED BUYERS STORE Smith's Grocery PHONE 12 SEAFORTH Good Fellow", and a bounteous ,lunch was served. Everyone present then signed the br'ide's book. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iStephen- son spent the weekend vsiting with the latter's brother, DT. R. E. Sonale and 114Irs. (Shale in Mi'd'land. N)rs. 'Opmstein .and family of Toronto and Mrs. swan Hall and Douglas of Sudbury •au•e spend- ing several weeks 'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton.,, Miss Joyce Peters of. London was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family spent the weekend with relatives in Marlette, Mich. IN MEMORIAM Dupes -In loving memory of opr dear mother and wife, Mrs, Dan Dupee, who passed away sixteou, years ago, Nov. 6th. 1641 Past her suffering, past her pain, Cease to weep, for tears are vain, She who suffered is at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest -Sadly missed by husband and family and grandchildren COMING EVENT Monster Turkey Bingo, Wed- nesday, Nov. ,27th. at 9 p.m. at St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Dub- lin. NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet at the Court House, Godwin:, on Tues- day, November 12th, 1957 at 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations, etc., should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November Oth, 1957 A. H. Erskine Clerk, County of Huron Township of McKillop COURT. OF REVISION The Council of the Township of Me - Killen will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment of 1967-50 at Carne- gie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Nov. 4. 1957, at 10 A.M. Parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. 3. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop FOR SALE A purebred registered red Scotch Shorthorn bull of serviceable age. Walter Eckel, RR #1, Varna,' Ont. 1960 Monarch sedOR n. 2 E b rano blue, rile. overdrive. Will sell. at a reasonable price. Apply E. Smith, .671r4 Seaforth A largo whine FOR elel cook stove, coal or wood. Thorpe Rivera, N. Main st. FOR SALE 8 Holstein cows and 2 half Swiss & Jersey, and ono Jersey cow. Jack Me - Iver, St. Columban • FOR SALE Slabs, hardwood, about 12", $10 per load. Mixedslabs, same Load $8 load. Approximately 514 cords: to,load. We also have bargains in dressed hem- lock lumber, all dimensions. Fred J. Hudie, phone HU 2-6655 Clinton FOR SALE 60 Red Sussex pullets, 5% months old, darting to lay. Clarence Maloney. 46r20 Dublin FOR SALE 15 choice Hereford steers weighing be tweln 700 and 800 lbs. Your pick from .50 head. Archie Somerville, 014 Wagon.'. Phone 842r11 Seaforth' FOR SALE Number of Dual Purpose Shorthorn cows and heifers due: to freshen shortly. A. E. Crozier & Sons, rr2 Seaforth. Phone 667r22 FOR SALE Girls figure skates, size 4, wornonly one season, price .$5. Phone 491W, Mrs. Mabel McNichol, Victoria street Auction Sale Of Household Effects. . In Hibbert Tp., a mile east of Dublin ,on Hwy. S, on Saturday, Nov. 2, commencing a .1.80. 8 beds with .springs and mattresses. 6 dining room chairs, some odd chairs, 2 dressers with drawers.. 4 .stands and drawers. washing machine and wringer. Quantity of glass ion's and sealers, pic- tures and frames, quilts, bread box, brooder stove. 16 4t. ladder wheel bar- row, 'quantity of lumber and scantling, 2 gal. coal oil can, 1 gal. oil can, gate hinges, milk can, and number of other articles. Terms cash. Louis Givlin, .0000. J. Dueharine, clerk. Joseph L. Ryan, auctioneer FOR SALE 30 head of yearling settle. Phone 840ri1. R. J. Doig HONEY 'FOR SALE Light amber, 30 lb. pail 86.00. 70 1b. can $12.50. Golden 8 Ib pails 1.90, Clover 8 db. pail $2.25. Sleek up for winter' el these prices.: Wallace Ross Apiaries FOR SALE , In. South London, a two -apart- ment house, good district, low down payment accepted with monthly payments. For full par- ticulars phone 834r23 Seaforth. NEED A HAMMERMILL See the. new Papec. They're guaran- teed to out perform all others. Avail- able power take off or belt driven. Also Woods electric grinders and oat rollers, Local agent, V. J. Lane, Seaforth #5. Phone 46-12 Dublin SALESMEN WANTED GET THE FACTS, Lot us show you how we have helped others to become financially independent selling Rtmvlelgh Products. Good locality now available in Huron Co. Write Rmvleigh s Dept: 3- 864-911, 4000 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE The best oil in Canada. Stove oil 21.8e. Purnaee ail 18.9e. Wm. M. Hart. Phone 784. Quality is remembered long afterprice is forgotten WANTED Avon Cosmetics offer ambitious ladies the opportunity to earn $2 to $8 an hour servicing customers in your own com- munity. Exclusive territories now avail- able in .Seaforth, Whlton, and district. Write Mrs. Lourien Green, Avon Man- ager, Box 281, Hanover, Ont. TO RENT the h village of Dnbi' g In frau e 1 house with kitchen, dining room, living romp, den, bathroom and 3 bedrooms, hydro. Apply to Michael B. Murray 1IR5, Seaforth, or call Dublin 64r19 RADIO See the Bulova pocket size transistor radio in leatherette at 69.95; available in unbreakable ease at 59.95; large size in leatherette at 79.96. Generous trade-in allowed for any okl radio. Savauges', Seaforth 7 room fraineRhousse on Crombie at. 6 room frame house on John street, Immediate possession. Apply Harold Jeelcson, phone 474 Seaforth Auction Sale Of used material. At Zion Evangelical Church, Lot 2, Con. 8, McKillop Twp., Saturday, Nov, 2, at 1.80 p.m. standard time, 1 church shed, 18x32. Timber frame, in good shape; pile of hardwood. A quantity of used lumber.: 1 door, out- side size and door iamb. Used church benches, good pine lumber, 18 about 5 ft. long, 8 shout 9 ft. long. 2 pieces of Congoleum hall runner about 20 feet each. 1 cast Iron stove in good condi- tion. Some other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. All articles must be sold. Clerk, Elmer Koehler. Dennis & Wild- fong, Auctioneers WANTED TO BUY Coins and bills, Canadian and Am erioan, for my own private collection. Free valuations upon request. All replies will be kept strictly confidential. Apply to Box A, The Seaforth News TRADE SCHOOLS DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT We are seeking men in this area to t -rain fpr Diesel and Heavy Equipment. High pay and future security are the benefits of a trained and experienced Diesel Man. If you have mechanic- al aptitude, write to us for free information without obligation as to how you may become a part of this - rapidly expanding industry Tractor Training Service Ltd. DIV. 170 3339A Bloor Street W., Toronto 18 Ontario (N-1) TREASURER'S SALMI OF LAND Foit TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Meyer of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said corp- oration beating date the 26th day of September Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seater:A will be held at. Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of S o'clock in the afternoon on the: ,6th. day of January 1958 unless the taxes and costa are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the dist oflands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- liahed'in The Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October, 1967, and Shatcopies of the said list may be hadat my office. Treasurer's Office, this 25th day of September, 1967. D. H. WILSON; Treaa, Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, , October 31,'1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentions Hospital' Bed Flowers for all .occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON. Physician and Surgeon . Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL,`B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5_W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,.M.D., Internist 'P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.. daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointmentsmade in advance are desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0.. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R..BRYANS, D.V.M.; V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St.. Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon.,.'9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. evrr by, appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Iidwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected ffected at lowest rates in First- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R. - F' 1 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers --President, Wm. S. Alexanders Vice Prea., R. Archibald; Manager wall Sec,-Treaa., M. A, Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. McEwing,Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; Bu8ldart0 Pepper,reeeC. W.Clinton Bornholm ; Purees, oR. Archibald, Seaforth; AII[eter Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeeboroi J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. , Parties desirous to effect insurance oe transact other' business, will be promptly attended' to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM t I IAM M HART Office Phone 784 - rtes. 285 'ADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR.. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth Ii you want NOTICE NOTIgravel,sand, top sell of excavating just phone 854 Seafortb. ED. BOYCE For elderly Ip ple and HOME nts. Telephone Mrs. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell WANTED Highest cash prices paid for elek. down or disabledcowsand horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wantedto buy, Boar Hogs Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At- wood, phone 8 or 158. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs - tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As. sociation at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between 7.80 and 9.30 A -M. We have all breeds available -top quality at low cost. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun- ter unter 2-9131 • Old horses wanted at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148314 or 1483J1 (Goderich) You'll Hear Better the SON!OTONE way For free booklets send this adver- tisement to Dept. 52 REVELL HEARING SERVICE Box #1 London, Ont. METERED Furnace Oil & Stove OH DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Phones: Bus. 680 w Res. 337 It Mitchell Cider Mill Will operate' every day except Mondays, starting Oct. 8 until Nov. 22. By appointment. ' Proprietors FRED HENNICK & SON