HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-31, Page 5SUNHEAT gives you, UNIFORM' PERFORMANCE 6. ,`"+; Mt?.g. ZIMMAM . ,max% THE SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, October 31, 1957 OUR PRICES A••, el >• AYLMER TOMATO SOUP , 2 for 21c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE FINEST TEA BAGS Pkg. of 60 73c HALLOWE'EN KISSES I. ib :Crag 129c While they last McCORMICKS SODA BISCUITS Plain or salted . 1 ib Plegs, 29c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT „ Full of Juice 5 for 29c ONTARIO NO. 1 POTATOES 10 lb Bag 29c SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO Specla:ri 0!Ter 2 largo bottles 98c Save 52e -reg, 75c ooarl Maple Leaf Sockeye. FANCY RED SALMON. oz tin 45c SIMONIZE NEW VINYL WAX Extra shiny, extra hough Pint Tin .... . 79c AYLMER BABY FOODS Assorted Varieties Special, 12 tins , r 93c PURE BLACK PEPPER 54 -Ib. tin ... , .. , .. 23c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST 16.oz. pkg. ......... 33c AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS 16 oz, Cello bags 2 lb. 43c FRESH FRYING CHICK- ENS -Grade A Government Inspected Lb. 43c Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY VARNA The United :Church Sunday School will hold its annual Ral- ly ly 'Day 'Service on 'Sunday, Nov. 3 a% 2 Pm., (Beginning Sunday, Nev. Sad the United Church will hold its oninnomnawvuwwwinovvwu FLANNERY CLEANERS Main Street Prepare for cooler weather Pick up and delivery phone 87 service at 2 'p.m. for the 'next 6 months. IPlane •are being made for the annual Remembrance Day Ser- vice on (Sunday, .Nov. 10, furth- er •announcements will be made next week. The members of ,L.O.L, 1035 will hold their annual supper on Friday, Nov, 8thin the Or- ange Hall, (The ladies of the W.A. of the United 'Church held a very suc- 'cessful (bazaar on Saturday of last week. HENSALL Prices at diensall 'Comuunity Sale, Oct. 24th. fWeenling pigs, $10.25 to $14; chunks 1$15.&5 to $17.25; feed- ers $20.00 to '$33.50; sows $82.- 50 82:50 to $100.00; Holstein cows $ 135.00 to '$150.00; Durham cows '$140.00 to 5160.00; Hol- stein calves $1111.00 to $14.00; Durham calves $211.00 to $24.00. 400 pigs and 150 head of cat- tle and calves were sold. \\" IOLA La•atory-controlled at Sun's great refineries, Sunheat uniformity is constant in every gallon. Sunheat's uniform quality means efficient, unfailing operation of your burner ...without frequent adjustments. MADE BY THE MAKERS OF.. BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE ROSS SCOTT LIMITED, Brucefield Phones: Seaforth 641 w 1 Clinton HU 2-3257 1 What has age to do with borrowing money? • Age in a company spells experience. Because HFC is backed by 79 years' experience, you may borrow with con- fidence. You get prompt attention, repayment terms tailored to your needs, peace of mind about money matters. Do as two generations have done. Borrow with confidence from Household Finance. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501. GOD' RICH 1956_ CHEVROT,PFT DELUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Many lower priced. cars No reasonable offer refused at SeaforthMotors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS TOWN TOPICS NLr. and Mas, F. N. Famlliner, Fayed Jr., Mrs. W. J. Farrah, and Christine, et 'Detroit, and Mrs. J. ,(locking of Windsor, spent Sunday wi•iiih Miss Lillian Faulk- ner, • Mr. and itir's. William Brad- shaw and Louise attended the golden' wedding • anniversary of her parents,, MT. and 'Mass. John H"erdnvan of Exeter in Elimvidle' United Church on ,Saturday, • (Ken Coleman left this week to :attend Western (Ontario Ag;= ricultural (School at Oiidgetown. 'Gunter Wipperworth, primary pupil of Seaford:. IPulb'lve .School, received a broken wrist ,on Mon- day when he feel froni a swing. Miss Margaret Stuart, Lon- don, and Miss •Ruth 'Teale, Lon- don, were -weekend guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. T. Teall. Miss Mary Lou ISil'ls, London. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. C. 1P. 'Sills. Mr, and Mrs, John 'Arabin and fainly were in 'Stratford on Saturday attending a wedding. Me. and ,Mrs. P. W. ,Reilly of Galt visited Sunday with 'Mr. and ,Mrs. John tTo'liham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. (Don Barber of Kitohener spent' the weekend with Mrs. Jos. Matthews and other relatives.. Mr. and Mrs. L. ,Gi'llespie of Hamilton were guests of Mrs. Camilla Ryan over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Stock and family and Miss Phonsine Meagher of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Jo'hn.,Meagher, Strat- ford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Meagher. IM;<. and Mrs. Walter. Stuart of Windsor were :weekend guests at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. A. Murray. • Mrs. Henry McIver spent a few days with .Mr. and dtIrs. Ed McIver in Stratfoa'd. IMr. and Mss. Jos. 'Williams, Kitche,ner, visited •os Sunday M1vith tMi. and Mrs. 1M. Williams. FUNERAL OF PETER ROACH !The funeral of the late IFetem Roach was held from the ;Cleary funeral home to St. James' Ohurdh,Seaforbh, on Friday morning, Oct. 25th. Rev. Father E. P. Weber officiated end in- terment was in St. James' Cern- :etery. Pallbearers were Thomas, James, Joseph, Lours (Elmer, Mr. Jerome Feeney, ?r. Roach, who died in St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London, on Oct. 23 after about three days illness, lived most of Hs life on the 4th con. of Hibbert twp., south of Dub- lin. He was 84, and unmarried. He retired to Seaforth in .1945 with his brother who died in 1947. Four years ago he went to live lin London. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Roach of Dub- lin, and Mrs. :Catherine Mc- Quade of Detroit, last of a fam- ily of nine children, Among those .from a distance ir;ho ,attended the funeral were Father Roach. and James Atkin- son, Brantford, and Thomas Feeney and family of London. WINTHROP The W. A. and WHS. will hold their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 6th at 2 an. Roil call will be an- swered by donating a small use- ful new :article for the bale. Anyone having second hand clothing, 'please bring it to this meeting. 'Circle 1 twill be in charge of the lunch, Circle 2, the program. !The re'gu'lar meeting of 'the Winthrop Young People's was held in Cavan 'Church on •!Sunday evening, Oct. 27th. The meeting opened with the Y. P. Purpose followed by hymn 578. The roll call was answered 'by a fair at- tendance. Marjorie 'Boyd was elected to take the position of treasurer, which was formerly held' by Dick Holden. Hymn 390 was followed by the scri'p'ture ANNUAL BAZAAR TEA & HOME BAKING SALE Wed., Nov. 6th At 2.30 in Dublin Parish Hall Cash Bingo at 8.80-15 games at $5.00. Special Game Jackpot of $60.00 at 54 numbers Anniversary Services Cavan United Church Winthrop Sunday, Nov. 3rd Guest Preacher Rev. Grant Mills, B.A.,, Clinton Special Music Is provided Two great services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Old friends and new are cordially invited to join us The Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church will hold a BAZAAR at the Church on Saturday Nov. 2 at 3 o'clock EUCHRE ORANGE HALL Wed., Nov. 6th Auspices of Orange Hall Property Committee mnu1111111111111..... °Ina ....... 11.an.11. ..,11n11,11n 7 .1.11...111111.a..wu...11..u..n1111u.,...11n111dd'... Lunch served. Admission 40c which -was read by 'Margar'e't exander, from Ephesians 2: 1 22. Earl McSpadden led prayer rfoilowed by the offering. The topic which was on Missions was taken by ;Earl McSpadden. Hymn 351 was sung followed by the Benediction given by Mrs. Toll, Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed. The next meeting will be he'd Nov, lath in 'Cavan Ohumclh ,alt 8.30' sharp. • Twenty4wo girls with their' leaders, Mrs. E. T'ol'l and Mrs. Gordon 'Blanchard attended the Huron County World Friend ship Rally for 'teenage 'girls held ip •Clinton 'Ontario 151. Church o on 'Sunday 'afternoon, Oct. 20. 'The 10.01.T, with their lead- ers, .Mrs. Blancihard and Mrs. Tian, went 'on their (Hal'lowe'en tour on Monday evening, They cable'd' at all the homes of thecongregation and received a warm welcome. ''They wish to ex- press their gratitude to all for the wonderful response. The do- nations were great. A good way of combining fun with sharing. A special 'thanks to our drivers, Mus. 'Ken Beattie, Wayne Dol - mage, Art Alexander, Ernie Toll and Mrs. Blanchard. A. so - cion dame at the churchclosed the evening's fun, with pump- kin pie, cookies and orrangeade AI- Mr. and Mrs, George 'Wallace 4- visited on Sunday with Mr. and in MTs. Donald Wallace, Carling- ord. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kers- lake, Joyce, Brenda and 'Craig, visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Roddy of E4ieeville visited on Wednesday evening wibh 'Mr. .and Mrs, K. McKellar. Mrs. Harry Norrie was remov- ed by ambulance to Seaforth Hos'pita'l on Monday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Templeman, con. 9, lot 12, of Hibbert was completely destroy- ed by fire caused by overheated stove pipes, around moon on Saturday. Mitchell and ISeafoubh Bre brigades were called but failed to save the home. The loss is partly covered by insuu- ance. Mr. and Mrs. ''Templeman have a family of seven children who are lbeim'g oared for by rel- atives until suitable living quar- ters are secured. Me, 'Temple- man .plans to rebuild immediate- ly. KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. 'ltd Cudmore .of Vancouver; who visited sev- eral weeks with itis. Cuclmore's brother and s'i'ster-in-law, Mr, and' Mrs. Wilfred Me'11is and other relatives, left for their hone on Monday. Sunday service( at St. And- rew's United Church was well attended, :Rev. McMillan was in charge of the service. He ,chose for his sermon subject, "Home and the co'n'ing generation". Baptismal service was given the infant'daughter of Mr. and Mats. John 'Moore; infant son of Mr. and Mas. Keith Love; in- fant .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dalton. . Mrs. Phillip McKenzie is con- fined to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don in 'the interest of her health. Miss Dorothy Reinke of Ham- ilton was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley Jackson and family, - Mr, Joe Lostell is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- foetbh. Mr. 'Samuel 'Cudtnore had a very successful sale on 'Satur- day and left Saturday evening to live in London with his son and 'daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Stewart Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and two children of Centralia will reside in Mr. •Cudmore's'house' on Nov. 41tth. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jack- son and Dorothy visited a few days recently with Mr. and 'Mrs. Everett Harper of Unionville. We are sorry to report Mos. Arthur Anderson is a patient in Scott (Memorial Hospital, Sea- forth. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride were in 'Goderich on Friday alt - tending the funeral of Mr. Car- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Stelck of Daslhwoo•d 'spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and family, and Mrs. Manson. Mrs. A. Mustard of Bayfield visited her mother, .Mrs. M. Hey. Mr. and Mm. •Carl'Houston of Go.derich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 'Oesch. BRUCEFIELD IMr. Lawrence Smiley of Erin spent the weekend with his cou- sin, Mrs. !Gordon Elliott. Miss Eileen. [McCartney, R. N., of St. 'Marys Hospital and Miss Eleanor McCartney of Kitchener visited with 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MdCarbney. Mrs. Wm. Wright of Seaforbh spent (Sunday wibh Me. and MTS. Ross 'Scott. .Mr, and :Mrs. (Orland John- ston were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Thomson. Mr. and 'Miss. James Horton, Mas. (Alton Johnston, Mrs. •Wan. Sinclair, 'Clinton, attended' the anniversary service :rut IBauce- field United iCthurch, and were guests of 'Miss. H. F.' Berry. Mis. (Peter Moffat, Sea:forith, and Miss N. Sinclair, 'Clinton, spent 'Sunday wlibh Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. J. 41. tOornish, IMr. Horace Henderson and daughter, Brantford, visited a few 'day's' with' Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Henderson. Quite a nu'niber of citizens in and around IBsucefield are ill with the flu. 'Mss. B. iShoidice visited a few days with her daughter, Mrs. A. Fateason. Mr. and Mrs. Alex James, of Stratford, spent 'Sunday.. with Mr. and (Mrs. Harry Dalrymple. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Clifton over the weekend were Mrs. Rolbt. Webster, 'Clinton; Mrs. Eerier Webster, Varna;' and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. (Clifton of St. Tlhonn•as, North (Dakota, U.S.A.I Plan on 'attending the bazaar at the school room orf the .Bruce - field ik7nited Church on Friday, Nov. 1st at .3 o'clock. (Bring your friends and enjoy a friend- ly cup riendly'cup of tea. Will all the ladies of the con- gregation kindly donate fancy work, aprons, candy, produce, also mystery 'boxes. Your help and donation's will 'help to snake 'the bazaar a success, - CROMARTY Mr, and MTS. 74eil Lamont end {their &iighter Isabel with her friends, of London, were Sun- day visitors with' r. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Soradalh'1 and family. DUBLIN A family .reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. 'Morrison, Dublin, on 'Satur- day, 'Oat. 26th on the occasion of, their 315th wedding anniver- sary, All the family were pre- sent, consisting of Joseph with his wife and family, 'Windsor; John, Halifax, 'N.'5.; James, with his wife and family of Toronto; Vincent and (Mary, Waterloo, Also present were Mrs. Thos. Joy and family, Detroit, Mich., and Mr, 'and (Mrs. J. P. Sullivan of King, [Ontario. High School News By R. Flannery Monday turned out to be an ideal day for field day, We started at 11 o'clock with the boys' football game and Joe IVIuaplhy's team came out on top with a score of 3 to 1. We then sold hotdogs, coffee and pop foe :dinner. After dinner we had the girls volleyball which 'turn- ed out to be very exciting wibh a score of 2'1 to 20 foe Nancy's team, Next was the boys' volley- ball which Joe's teams again won 15 to d4. The girls' basketball followed and any team won 9 to 6. !Glenn came the :highest in the boys high jump. For the girls' running broad jump, Verna 'By- ers took the honours and for the boys Joe Murphy came out best. We finished off with mope hot dogs and coffee and S think everyone will agree that we had a good day and everyone was a good sport. Question of the week: Was Sunday visitors day, Angela? NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and. Mrs. Ross 'Leeming and Linda spent the weekend with 'Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz of Kitchen er, (Mrs. Olive McNichol spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jos, Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed iRegele spent •Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum. Sorry to report (Mrs. Leonard Leeming is sick :with 'the 'flu.' Mr. Amos lWickie of Logan twp, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and 'Mrs, J. Thornton, (Miss Bernice Glanville spent Monday evening with her 'friend 'Miss Bonnie McLeod south of Seaforbh. FEDERATION. NEWS By J. C. Hemingway Huron County Beef Produc- ers are not happy this fall. The prices are '3 to 4 dollars less than last year for finished cat- tle While the price for feeder cattle is about Ibhe same as fat cattle. In order to get the very best information possible the 'County Executive has waited until they could have Mr. Ralph 'Bennett, Chief, Livestock Marketing, Canadian ,Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa. 1VIr. Bennett is reported to be the best inform- ed on Mice beef situation of any man inCanada. Fortunately he has agreed Ito come to Londes- boro Hall, Nriday evening, Nov. 8. There will be a beef dinner at 6.30 with the meeting at 8.30. I5± you have questions 4 think 'this would be the best place to get 'them •answered. For further details contact your township beef director. Huron County •Cream Pro- ducers held' their Annual:Meet- ing Out. 12.2'nd. The attendance was small which d suppose means that the producers are satisfied. Mr. Lodhead, Q''ieid'man for this district, reported that no price negotiations bad been held with the trade. Presents - ;dons were made to 'Queen's Park and discussions were held with the 'trade- with a view to investigating the cost of process- ing. As a result of presentation: to Government through the Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture and support from the IDtai19 Farmers of Canada the costa of storage was added to the selling pa -ice of government owned but- ter. This increased the :price of butter fat 3 to 5c. 'The meeting approved resolu- tions to the effect that the Gov- ernment the asked to control the imports of butter oil: thaut Itsat- isfactory formula sytwtem he de- veloped for the fixing of price support: than this :meeting disap- prove the setting up of an equal- ization fund at 'present. (Officers as follows were 'elect- ed: Chairman, 'Simon H'allahan, Vice Chairman, Jas. J. Elliott; Directors, Hulme 'Clutton John 'Connelly, Horace DcSIrsidge, Russel Baton, ,Gerd'on ,Richard son, Geo. Hetherington, and Del- mar 'Skinner; J. C. Hemingway, See.-Treas. Figure Skating Classes Will open at Seaforth Arena Friday, Nov. 15th 4,30 to 7.30 P.M. (Registration at the arena at 4 p.m, Nov. 15) Instructor: ARTHUR. BOURICE, Stratford Western Ontario and Niagara Peninsula Senior Men's Champion 1957 Each child recelvee indivtdnal attention Season Tuitio>. fee $15.00 eftetteffeteettAptgeepteettleRNABIMAINe Re -Dedication Services Evangelical United Brethren Church, McKillop Sunday, Nov. 3rd p.'ti.' and 7.30 p.m. Frey. W. K. Krotz, Dashwood, and Rey. J. V..Dalnns, Sebringville Special Music, Mr. Lorne Arnacher, Zurich, and Zuiioh Male Quartet MID -WEEK SERVICES on Tues., Nov. 5th and Wed., Nov. 6th at 8 p.ni. Rev. G, L. Gross, Wingham 4'41'1 HALLOWE'EN DANCE SLIM BOUCHE }. AND The Golden Prairie Cowboys FEATURING EARL HEYWOOD AND LUCKY AMBO Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, NOV. 1st Dancing 10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Spot Prizes Admission 75c SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION f NOTICE POWER WILL BE OFF SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m, High Street between John and Market, and West Side of Main Street from Smith's Shoe Store to Mrs. Phillips ai...a...........1..1.111..111........1.1. 11.11111,,,n 1..1......11.1114 n1..1U.O,u..111..1111..11. wm,. U....111111111..111111. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" AN EXAMPLE OF A GRAND CHAMPION DAUGHTER OF A WATERLOO UNIT BULL Waybrook Duchess Dolly Excellent Grand Champion at the Ontario County Black and White Show, bred and owned by Orvan Chambers, Wilfrid, Ont. She won over the 1956 All -Canadian aged cow. She is a daughter of Elmcroft Tradition. Grand Champion Wellington County Black and White Show -- Woodruff Lena Glenaften, a daughter of Glenafton Mile- stone, bred and owned by F. W. Townsend, Belwood, Ont. Grand Champion Waterloo County Black and White Show - Brittany Elmcroft Pansy, a daughter of Elmcroft Tradition, bred by A. B. Caya, owned by Mrs. Jean Caya, Waterloo, Ontario. Grand Champion Huron County Black and White Show - Glen Elda Montvic Ormsby, a daughter of Elmcroft Mono- gram Duke, bred _by Earl Moore, Orton, Ont., owned by Karl Sedgewiek, Grand Valley, Ont. Grand Champion, Bruce County Black and White Show - Orley.. May Lochinvar Tradition, a daughter' of Elmcroft Tradition, bred and owned by Orville Shewfelt, Kindardine, Ontario. Grand Champion Huron County Blank and White Show - Lilian Banostine Milestone, a daughter of Glenafton Mile- stone, bred by Eli B. Martin, Elmira, Ont., owned by Ed Bell, Blyth, Ont. Our congratulations to these people who bred, cared for, and presented these anima's. Also to those people who pre- sented other prize winning animals. This proves that daughters of our bulls will win their share of honor when presented correctly. The production on the daughters of our bulls is high. The sires of these Grand Champions are still in service with the exception of Elmcroft Monogram Duke whose place is being taken by his son, Lonebn Duke It.e= tainer. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING For service or more information phone collect to:- CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between: 7.30 and 10 A.M. on week days 7.30 and 9,30 A.M. on. Sundays and holidays We have all breeds -- Dairy and Beef