HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-17, Page 8Newest Style SUBURBAN COATS at NEW LOW PRICES Choose from all wool meltons, wool & nylon fleeces, Balrytnore coat- ings, Eiysians, wool and cashmeres end. twill nylon in these porkaar suburban cap and clicker coats. All are warmly lined with quilted insulated lining for warmth without weight. - Popular shades include light, medium and char- coal greys, fawns' and tweed mix, plus the new popular red. Choose now from our big showing. Sizes 34 to 46 15.95 to 24.50 FALL & WINTER WEIGHT UTILITY SHIRTS Sanforized doeskin utility shirts in new Ivy stripes, and gay plaids in a var- iety you haven't seen the like of. Medium weights slid heavy weights, many in "no -iron" quality, are here for your choosing, Sizes S -M -L -OS to fit from 1.11/+ t0 18 collar 2.95 to 3095 Stewart e �Cr®S■ Bazaar & Wheel ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY EVG., OCT. 25 Doors open 8.80 DST Fancy work, knitting, children's clothing, baking booth, candy broth, Fish Pond and Mystery Booth. Lunch Counter Bingo. St. Colnmban Hall Wed. evg., Oct. 30, 1957 BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Boss Leonhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wess- man of Mitchell spent the week- end at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin hose, Yvonne and Lorraine and her friend of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Chris 'W, and Ross Leon- hardt. Mr. and Mrs. John Kahle of SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE ON 1957 CHEVROLET SEDANS now in stock 1 Deluxe 210 Sedan Black 1 Deluxe 210 Sedan, Dark Blue 1 Std. 150 Sedan, Dark Green Save on these models now at SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE 541 /1/10.91111.0 Commerce, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs, 'Manuel Beuerman. Mr, (Peter Keith Murray of Ottawa with his friend, Mr. Ray Beuermann. Mrs. John C. Diegel of Strat- ford with OJr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser for a few weeks. Mr. and 'Mrs, Ed Kressler, Jack and 'Cheizy of Stratford; Misses Heather, and Connie Moore of (Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Frank H' lligson of Hamil- ton; 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller and Shelley Ambi of Guelph at the same Glome on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and boys of ;,Stratford with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. (Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs: Russell ;Shold- iceaccompanied My. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser of Mitch- ell to Toronto on Monday visit- ing the batter's brother, Fred )Case and Mrs. (Case. Mr. Ed (Smyth :has returned home from Seafonth Hospital. Flowers were placed on . the altar and chancel of t "iPetef's Lutheran Church on (Sunday, from the funeral of Mrs. Stef- fen )(Edith Victor). -of Sask., whose burial took place at St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery here, and from the funeral of Mrs. Dick Brompton (Marian Riehl). Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligson, Janet, Carol and Gary of Wind- sor, with Mrs. Ernest E1ligson and Mr. and Mrs. (Harold •E11ig- son for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, Sarnia, and attended the plowing match at :Simcoe. 'The first supper meeting of the Bnodhagen District •Cham- ber of 'Commerce was held on ;Oct. 10th in the basement of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The meeting opened at 7 o'clock with singing "The Queen" with invocation by Rev. Fischer. The Bornholm group of the Ladies Aid of St. Peter's served a hot roast beef dinner. Rev. Fischer was song leader. Win. Riehl re- ported on the property commit- tee and said that 434 acres of land had been purchased from Dalton Hinz for an athletic field. ,klordl Dllekiihhon, head of the program committee, re- ported they purchased a new 1958 hardtop car, tickets will be- given e.given with each $'5 ;donation, this will give the winner a chance to vin the new car. The � draw will be held at Circle B Ranch, Sebringville, Jan. 3rd, 1958. The speaker for the even- ing was Mr. Stratton, head of the C. of C. of Stratford. The theme of his speech was "Giving for Charity". He pointed out that money and services given for charity, in good faith, will return toyou in worldly gain and happiness. Ole illustrated several ways this has been prov- en, such as inoome records show that people who gave to charity show a steady increas5 in ad- vancing income. fff raffles are conducted bo raise money for charity he feels God will bless such an undertaking. Edgar Elligson 'thanked the speaker :on behalf of the Cham- ber of Commerce. The meeting closed with "0 !Canada". FLANNERY CLEANERS Main Street Prepare for cooler weather Pick up and delivery phone 87 Look ahead ... buy new CANADA SAVINGS BONDS at THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD .BANK 0.6113 J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch @..,NK` WINTHROP - W.M.S. Sectional Meeting (The Centre Section Conven- tion of Huron Presbyterial W. M.S. was held in Winthrop Un- ited Church .on Wed. 'Oct. 9th,. with mos'ning and - afternoon sessions conducted by Vice Pre- sident, Mrs. Earl Mills, Walton. The morning worship was ta- ken by Mrs, P. Dunlop and 'Mrs. J. al. Scott, Seaforth. Greetings were brought •by Mrs. G. 'Smith, Winthrop and Mrs. Ross Mc- Gregor, 'Constance, ` r e .p l i e d,. Brief reports were given by eacih -organization. Mrs. Keith 'Webster, Slybh presented the new literature. A number ,of books, as well as the study book, were on Japan. (She recommended the book "Mis- sionaries Reporting." be read by •Mrs. Mootet IGoderich, Chris= tian Steward .Sec., reminded~ us that all we are and,'have is a trust received from God. Let us use these trusts as 'God would .have 1.13e them as making the best use of what Gold has given us is Christian Stewardship.. Mrs. J. (Sutter, Clinton,. Pres- byterial Treasurer reminded the societies that the money raised over allocations went to (Gifts for Building 'Advance, ,also the allocation for 119518 would he $24;950, an increase of :$300 over last year. Mrs. J. IA: McGill, 'Clinton, presented the Supply work and read parts Mom letters of thanks from -Indian Residential (School and Archie . Memorial Hospital Si (Alberta. A number of vacation kits were sent to stn dents. Associate Members Sec., Mrs. Ray Lawson,, Seaforth, took as her aim: and objective, the unit- ing of all wornen for missions. Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Com- munity Friendship Sec., remind- ed us that (hospitality was not only a gracious gesture but re- warding and recommended to us as a 'Christi'an virtue. A bounteous dinner was serv- ed by the Winthrop ladies and was enjoyed by all. In the afternoon session the scripture was taken by Mrs. Pr a n k Tamblyn, Londesiboro, and Mrs. James Scott, Burns. Mrs. E. MclCreath, Walton, C IG.I.T. sec., said girls are very easily impressed from 12 to 17 yearsage.They of learn to take an interest in the church and to take meetings. Mr. Jack• Thompson from !Trinidad, the guest speaker in place of his wife who was ill, was introduced by Mrs. Wm, McVittie, Blyth. He described Trinidad as an island of beautiful scenery and fertile soil. The 700,000 inhab- itants have brown skins and lovely features and are of a. different color and of different background than the people of the other islands in the West Indies. (English is the universal language. "It is significant," said iMr. Thompson, "that 100 years aft- er the arrival of Dr. Morton, the first Canadian Missionary to the island,; the people are looking forward to the Federa- tion of the 'West (Indies, in 1955. "iA, tremendous responsibility rests upon the church as the West Indies go into Federation." continued 'the speaker. "Mater- ial benefits are not the most imporant for the people." 'West Indies :cam be a great influence for good among• the nations was the opinion expressed by Mr. Thompson. Three girls from Trinidad are attending Mount 'Allison Univer- sity through W.M„S. Scholar- ships. The VACS. andOverseas Mission Board work in close harmony and co-operation. The people of Trinidad have a rev- erence for spiritual things. Mrs. `Allan MtlTaggart, Mon- ciief, Presbyterial W. A. Presi- dent, ibrdught greetings and best wishes for the W.M.S. in the coming year. Mrs. Andrew MaNicol, Sec. for Explorer groups, said they have two groups and would wel- come more. Mrs. Radford, Clinton, favor- ed with a piano solo; Mrs. !Robb. Allen, Brucefield, had charge of Question Box.' Mis. George Reid, of Varna, presented the report of (Resolu- tion and Courtesy Committee. An tuviartion for the 1958 con- vention was extended from Varna and accepted. IMrs. Wan. McVittie, Slybh, :Pres., of (Huron !Presbyterial, brought us an inspiring mes- sage, urging us to read and learn of work. We need to be vitally 'interested in the Christ- ian Church. She reminded us that the Ethel Childs award will be given to a girl 18 or over, married or single, who has had experience in Isunday School .and Y. P. U. Rev. Mr. ISuanmerell, Pastor of Winthrop Church, pronounc- ed the benediction. WALTON me .8th of !Morris and 1I6th o'f Grey group held a very success- ful bazaar last (Friday afternoon in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. Jack Bryans played a pi- ano prelude as the guests ar- rived. Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as chairman for a short program consisting of: reading, Autumn Spirit, by Mrs. Russel (Barrows solo, Think of Me, Mrs. Harold Smalbdon; piano duets, Dance of the Lady 'Bird, and (Hear dem. Sells, by Mrs. Harvey Brown and Mrs. Jack Bryans. The ba- zaar was then declared open. The various oounters displayed aprons, fancy' workp (homemade baking, candy and miscellaneous articles. Following the sale of goods the ladies grouped at de- corated !tables representing the AU prices good Thursday, Friday, Sat., Oct. 17-18-19 AND PRICES ARE LOW Super Feature: ';FISHERMAN" FANCY. RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7Y4`oz tin 41 c Super Feature: "CAMPBELLS" ' TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 23c Super Feature: FRESH GROUND "KREST" COFFEE 1-1b bag 75c Super Feature! !'ELLMARR" PURE PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz jar 29c Super Feature! TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE large 48 -oz tin 29c Super Feature! SWIFT'S - NEW -"Tempt" Dog Food, 3 15-0z TINS 25c MINCE MEAT-Wagstaff's .....'large 28-t1z tin 43c PUMPKIN -Fancy Quality .. large 28 -oz. tin 19c MARGARINE -Golden Dew ..... 2 1-113 pkgs 53c BEANS with PORK -Clark's .... 2 15 -oz tins 31c PRUNES -Sun Valley , .. , 2 pound cello bag 43c PINEAPPLE -Aylmer Crushed .. 20 -oz Tin 25c CHEERY MORN'COFFEE„fresh ground 1 -lb bag 83c TOMATOES, large, Seacliffe choice quality . 28 -oz. tin 23c GOLDEN WAX BEANS -cut-Garden Patch 2 15 -oz tine 33c UNITED. BUYERS STORE Smiths PHONE 12 SEAFORTH FOR SALE TwoShorthorn cows, to fresh- en soon. Mike Barry, phone Dub- lin 411.17 FOR SALE Girls blue 14a1bardine station wagon coat, size 8, also brown rubber pull- on overshoes, in excellent condition, sire 1. Mrs. Fred Chapple. phone 651x23 RADIO See the Bulova pocket size transistor radio in leatherette at 69.96; available in unbreakable ease at 59.95; large size in leatherette at 79.95. Generous trade-in allowed for any old radio. Savauges', Ssaforth. ' FOR SALE 200 Red x Rock pullets, laying, still out in shelters, 51.60 each. Apply to William- Dolmage, 850r92 FOR SALE 60 Red Sussex pullets, laying, 61/4 months old, 82 each. Phone 848r25 Sea - forth. Norval Stimore, rrl Walton SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED. Unexpected change cruses vacancy in Huron Co. Splendid opportunity for year-round income. For details write Rawleigh's Dept. J-364-901, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. FOR, SALE 22 York pigs eight weeks old. Jack Flannery. Dublin phone 40r14S FOR SALE One ladies black seal coat, size $8, In excellent condition. Can bo seen at. Flannery Cleaners FOR SALE 7 room frame house on Crombio st, 6 room - frame house on John street, Immediate possession. Apply Harold Jackson, phone. 474 Seaforth FOR SALE Anyone- wanting apple butter tele- phone 847r21' Seaforth, Stewart Dale FOR SALE 17 calves, 3'91 to 10 months old, in- cluding 16 Hereford (some black and red) and 1 Polled. Angus. Also roan .Shorthorn bull 155 years old. Gordon McGregor, 4 miles- east of Londesboro. Phone 27r11 Blyth APPLES FOR SALE Good cooking. 'Pic12 your own. Mrs. G. B. Dorrance, phone 844x6. FOR SALE 200 Sussex Red pullets, 6 months old; laying. William James Storey, 844r12 12 months of the year and a very dainty lunch was served by the group members. A .discussion was held in re- gards to the ;Thankoffering meeting which was to have (been held on the regular meeting date with Mrs. H. Courtice, of Clinton as guest speaker. As she is not available at this time it was decided to have the regular meeting on ,the usual date Nov. 7. An invitation was accepted from the Brussels Anglican la- dies to their Thankoffering meeting on Friday. The annual anniversary of Duff's lUnited Church will be held next Sunday, Oct. 20 with. Rev. Carl Krug, Belgrave, as guest speaker. Services will he held at '11 a.m., and 7.30 p.m. :(DST). A fowl supper in con- nection with the anniversary will take place • the following Wednesday evening commencing at 5030 p.m.(DST). HENSALL (Prices at Hensall Community Sales on (Oct. 10th. Weanling pigs $10.70 to .$15; chunks $16.00 to $18.75; feed- ers '$211.00 to $25.00; sows $60 to $99.00; Holstein cows '$125 to $1150.0; !Durham cows 1$130 to'$160;'Holstein calves. $10.50. to '$14.0; Durham calves $,19 to 1$312.00. Fat cows sold at $111. - BO a cwt. 310 pigs and 125 head of cattle and calves were sold. BAKE SALE SAT., OCT 19 • 3 P.M. At Dick Box's Store Auspices of Bethel United Church W.A. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my: friends who sent me cards and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill and the nursing staffand those who helped at home MRS. KEN THOMPSON I wish to thank the manyfriends for kindness to me- while in the hospital, and to the Clinton nurses and doctor. JOSEPH MERG I wish to thank my friends and nei- ghbors for the cards and treats I re- ceived while a patient in Scott Memo, ial I•Iospital, also Dr. Stapleton and the hospital .staff. FRANK. FLANNERY Clearing Auction Sale Of Household' Effects in the village of Kipper on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 1 P.M. Sunshine 4 burner heavy duty electric stove, Gilson refrigerator, drop leaf table, kitchen chairs, dining room suite, table, 6 chairs, oval 'glass china cabi- net, china cabinet and desk combined, 8 piece chesterfield suite: chesterfield bed (like new), what not, number small tables, rockers, pedestals, occasional chairs, trilight lamp,table lamp, 1611 seat, chest of drawers, modern bedroom suite, • brown iron bad, springs & mat- tress, dressers & stands, Axminster rug, quilt box,library table, Chest drawers, drop head Singer' sewing machine; pic- tures, mirrors, washing machine, clothes horse, sealers, -tubs, dishes, - kitchen at - ensile and other articles too numerous M mention. Terms cash. Prop., Samuel Cudmore. Aunt., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Auction Sale HulllettLTwp.,2 miles south 12,oBlyth n$d 2 miles east, on Wed.,. Oct. 23rd at 1 P.M. standard time. - 8 Hereford and Durham -cows, milking and due to fresh- en in Dec. and March. 8 Hereford & Durham calves 7 months old. 2 Durham Heifers bred in June; three yearling steers, . 14 Durham & Hereford heifers weighing approximately 700 lbs. Terms cosh. 'Prop., William. B. Boll. Auct, Harold Jackson A large English SALE Patrick Ryan, 1 mile south of Dublin, 47r19 FOR SALE 63 acre farm for sale between Clinton and Seaforth. 8 room, house with basement, barn with silo, large hen house, colony house and new implement shed. For further information contact Louis Horneman, RR 4 Clinton.. Phone HU 2-9879 TO RENT In the village of Dublin, frame house with kitchen, dining room, living room, den, bathroom and 3 bedrooms, hydro. Apply to Michael B. Murray RR5, Seaforth, or call Dublin 64r19 APPLES FOR SALE Snow Sweets, Peewaukee, Rus- set, Delicious, Spy, etc. Free de- livery in town. Phone Hunter 2- 3214. Fred MoClymont '& Sons, 1 mile sohbth of Varna FOR SALE Purebred Leicester rains all ages, priced right. Also Shorthorn bulls, serviceable age and young- er, both polled and horned. 'Will- iam R. Pepper, Seaforth RR 3. Phone Clinton HU 2=7534 WANTED TO BUY Coins and bills, Canadian land Am ericbn, for rnv own private collection. Free valuations upon request. AU replies will be kept strictly confidential. Apply to Box A, The Seaforth News CEMENT AND 'COAL Ask for prices. Phone 36r19 Dublin. Krauakopf Bros. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a .warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the Beal of the Bald corp- oration bearing date the 26th day of September sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the -Town of Seaforth will be held at Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 6th day of January 1968 unless the taxes and costa are sooner paid, .Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in The Ontario Gazette on the 4th day -of -October, 1957, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 26th day of September, 1957. D. H. WILSON, Treas. In this region ... more people order STERLING than any other coal. Have you tried your first bin -full? Seaforth Lumber Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 47, THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, October 17, 1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Ifospital Bed ' Flowers for ell occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 696W. MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physlolan and Surgeon Phone 5-W • • Seaforth SiEAFORTH CLINIC , E. A. McMaster, B.A M.D,, Interuim P. L. "Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dilly except Wednesday Mid Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urdey only 7-9 p.m.. AAPointments made 'in advanceare desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS' VETERINARY .CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL,•.D:V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. W. G•. DRENNAN, . D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN H.: LONGSTAFF • Optomettla Phone 791. - Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 t• 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. evg by apppintment only. Clinton HU -2:7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon, 9 90 9,50 Watson & Reid - INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks of fected at lowest rates In Fh'st- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire''' insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres.,- R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Director, -J. L. Malone,` Seaforth; J. H. McEwing. Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. PBornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; 5. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jn, Londeeioto I J. F. Praetor, Btodbagen; Selwyn Haker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be prompty attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective poet offices. AND. FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w Quirk, ADIO REPAIRS inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at maims RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34705, Seaforth It you wnntNOTICE gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs.: Boyce,126 W Mitchell WANTED Highest cash prices paid forMak. down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows andhorses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, Boar Hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At- wood. phone 8 or 158. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs. tion or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ae. eociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M.' We have all breeds available -top quality at low coat FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensel' district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone. Hun- ter 2-9131 Old horses wanted at, 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 1483J4 or 1483J1 (Goderich) You'll Hear Better the SONOTONE way For flee- booklets send this adver- tisement to Dept. 62 REVELL HEARING SERVIOE Box #1 London, Ont. METERED Furnace Oil & Stove OII • DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Phones: Bus. 686 w Res. 337 R Mitchell Cider Mill Will operate every day except Mondays, starting Oct. 8 until Nov. 22. By appointment. -- Proprietors FRED.HENNICK & SON