HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-03, Page 7• About Elephants in one way, elephants are like people: Some are smarter than others. There are those ele- phants who, when themonsoons have caused a logjam in the rivers, can sopt the key log and without advice frons the mahout — pull it free. Despite this display of tech picasprowess, the elephant's in- telligence ntelligence has been overrated (most cocker spaniels are at least as smart). They have a fairly good memory, but experts say that ifelephants were truly never to forget a dirty deed, there would be very few ele- phant trainers around. Despite his size and his strength, the elephant is rather delicate. His trunk is so pow- erful that it can uproot trees — yet sensitive enough so that the animal can pick up a pin with it. A French scientist once set out to count the number of separate muscles in an elephant's trunk. He gave up when he reached the 20,000 mark. Elephants are subject to sev- ere stomach cramps i2 exposed to cold weather for any length of time and will start trumpet- ing with pain. They can be cured, however, by a large buck- et of gin and ginger. After tak- ing the cure a few times, the elephant becomes a crafty alco- holic, • feigning pain and moan- ing pitifully for his daily swig. Elephant steak looks like a prime cut of beef, but when Booked it tastes like pasteboard and clings to the teeth like soft glue. Though those culinary dis- tinctions attract the natives who will swarm over a carcass look- ing for a choice cut, Westerners are . apt to find the meat no delicacy. Elephants don't live to be 150 er more. They die at 65 or there- abouts, and they don't go to any mysterious graveyards to do it, (Where "graveyards" have been found, the tusks were always missing — proving the elephants were driven there and killed for the ivory.) Elephants are very nice ani- mals —'kind, thoughtful, and smart enough to have fine work- ing conditions. After an ele- phant puts in four -hours of work, he stops. He may go swimming, or eat, or just stand around with his hind legs cross- ed, thinking — but he's through or the day. — From NEWS - EK. Dingo Dogs Queensland, Australia, was bustling last week and this Meant bad business for the filveneus Old increasingly dar- ing dingo. Squads of workmen were pressing ahead with the ob of stringing a fence 3,500 les long and 5 feet high, to • eep the dingo back from the Lich, remote grazing land of northeast Australia. It will en- close an area larger than Texas and serve as a second line of defense to a "dogproof" fence stretching from the Gulf of Car Gentaria in the north to the reat Australian Bight in the South. The single object of all this is the slant -eyed carnivore, an insatiable killer with a price of up to $10 on his head. Each year some 2 million sheep and count- less cattle fall prey to the beast. Though, the new fence will cost Queensland $1 million it will be well worth the expenditure — if it is •successful. Storms, however, wash away fences; sandstorms cover them up and large bush animals, the ebul- lient kangaroo and wombat among them, trample them down. Paradoxically, the decimation of one of Australia's traditional pests has led the dingo to invade man's domain. By importing a vicious strain of myxomatosis, Australians killed off millions of rabbits. The shortage of the succulent rabbits has forced the dingo to change his diet. With Australia suffering her first; drought since the *ar, they have ranged in huge packs to sheep and cattle country from the rough arid western scrub. This year's casualty list for sheep may rise to 3 million. Australians are divided on how to control or eradicate the dingo. Sonne favor fences others trapping. In mountainous New South Wales, horsemen round up packs of dingoes and drive them into a line of guns. Hope- ful cattlemen have recently tried aerial baiting, packing half a grain of strychnine into a pellet of brisket fat, then dive- bombing water holes . and sus- pected feeding areas. Unfortun- ately, birds and insects.' usually beat the dingo to the poisoned pellets. Biological -warfare ex- perts have considered infecting then with distemperand mange, but are wary of creating an immune strain. The only hope for his extinction now lies in the discovery of some virulent dis- ease peculiar to the dingo. Harassed cattle and sheep owners can take small consola- tion from one theory advanced by the French anatomist Baron Georges Cuvier in 1827. A din- go cannot swim. A good deep billabong will keep him out of the pasture anytime. — From NEWSWEEK. Rungs Of Doom From time immemorial man has used wood for one purpose or another, including crime. Apart from numberless examples of wooden weapons there have been dummy revolvers made of wood and in one case, a con- vict had wooden keys made to fit several of the doors in his prison. Wood can easily be identified by experts, who will name the parent tree, its type, and where it is grown. Wood is a medium which retains the characteris- tic marks of tools which have been used on it. A classic case of identification of wood led to the conviction of Bruno Hauptmann for kidnap- ping the Lindbergh baby. A ladder found at the scene of the crime was handed to an ex- pert. It proved to be home-made from wood which ' had been planed before delivery. The expert looked for a mill which had a planing machine with eight blades. There were 1,- 598 mills from New York to Alabama and only twenty-five used an eight -blade planer. Two of these were eliminated as they did not handle one -by -four stock. Samples from each of the remaining twenty-three firms were obtained — and one had revolution marks of exactly the same spacing as on the ladder. This it was easy to trace the ladder to Hauptmann, who was found guilty and executed. PITCH TO ME, BABE — C. J. ,Zone is dwarfed by his own crea- tion. The six -fool, eight -inch dummy is a mechanical pitcher Zone built because "it seemed like something that couldn't be done." It's capable of throwing the ball 300 yards, Zone says. Sounds• more like an outfielder. ass CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10 AGENTS WANTED' FIE YOUR OWN BOSS I MEN or women, can work your own, hours, and make profits up, to 500% selling exclusive houseware products and appliances. No competition, not available .instores, and they are a necessity- 1n, every .home., Write at once for Oreo colour catalogue show. Ing retail prices plus confidential whole- sale price list. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence -Blvd.. Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE REMIIINGTON PORTABLE TYPE- warms $1 down, $1 weekly. E,N,C.T.S.A., Box 263,. lied Rock, Ont. PLASTIC foam (flexible) sensational new hobby material. Low in price, easy to "work with. Starta busy little' busi- ness in your own home with — demon- stration Kit 51.00, multiple project Kit '55.75. Extra sheets of foam 13 x 12" 250 each40 x 12"',65*, -40 x 72" $2.00, white, pink, .blue, grey, yellow, green, violet, rose, orange. Kidder Manufac- turing Dept. F, 138 Danforth Ave., Toronto. SUP COVERS 'TO fit most chesterfields, chairs, davenos, etc. Pre.tailored in large selec- tion of colours and patterns. Low cost. •Less than Va the price of recovering. Write for free samples and pictures. Castle Household Sales, 2517 Yonge St., Toronto. AUCTION DISPERSAL SALE October 3, 1.00 p.m., D.S.T. 12 Polled, 17 Horn Shorthorns. Regis- tered, vaccinated, accredited.. Since 1939. AT WILLOWIIOLME — 4 miles north of Waterloo, Ont. Young cows with calves by side and re -bred. Bred and open heifers; 4 young. bulls. This entire herd sired by the Scotch Shorthorn Bulls of Water- loo C.B.U.; all bred sows and heifers carry the service of their polled bulls. A full line of farm implements will be sold, including George White thresher 32" x 46" with cutter; John Deere. tractor; John Deere -manure spreader, etc. Terns Cash. Owner retiring. CLAYTON SCHEIFELE, Prop., Waterloo, R.R. 2, W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a good silver polish? A. By dissolving one ounce of powdered borax in 1/2 -pint boil- ing water. Add four ounces pre- cipitated chalk when cool, and beat until smooth. Then add one gill of alcohol. Bottle and shake thoroughly before using. Q. How can T remove the taste of scorch from food? A. If food becomes scorched, remove the cover immediately and place the pan in a vessel of cold water. Allow it to remain for 15 or 20 minutes and the scorched taste will disappear. Q. How can T Improve the complexion? A. Decided improvement In the complexion is often noticed within a few weeks if a quart of buttermilk is taken daily. Q. How can I remove grease spots from paper? A, Lay a piece of blotting pa- per over the spot and press with a warm iron. If this doesn't re- move it, cover quickly with pow- dered magnesia, French chalk, or fuller's earth, and let stand 24 hours. Repeat, if necessary. Q. How can I clean a slender vase satisfactorily? A. Fasten a piece of an . old sponge on a stick and push this down into the vase. This method is also very useful for cleaning decanters and water bottles. Q. How can I add a delicious flavor to my lemon pie? A. Instead of using cornstarch or flour when making the lemon pie, try grating one potato for each pie, It adds a delicious flavor. Q. How can I retain the vivid and appetizing colors of new vegetables when cooking them? A. A pinch of soda in the boil- ing water will help. Q. How can I remove paint stains from fabrics? A. Try saturating two or three times with equal parts of am- monia and turpentine, then wash thoroughly in soapsuds, Q. How can I make a filler for floor cracks? A. Make a paste of two cups of flour one tablespoon of alum, and three quarts of water. Soak pieces of newspaper in this so- lution and boil well, stirring constantly. Use a putty knife to fill in the cracks. After the paste has hardened, apply a stain, and the filled cracks will hardly be noticeable. Q. How can I save sugar when sweetening acid fruits? A. When sweetening acid fruits, such as gooseberries, use one-half teaspoon of soda to a quart of fruit, and stir before sweetening. Less sugar will be required SLEEP TO®'IG1T AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS LIMY TO -MORROW!. SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerve, when tense. 5ED�CI • $1.00-$4.95 Drug Stores Oalyi CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD ASSOCIATION'S FIRST ANNUAL SALE OCTOBER 2nd — 1"P,M. will be held at George Rodanz' RINGWOODFARMS SALE BARN Stouffvlile; Ont. 13 BULLS 25 FEMALES Including Bred Heifers & Cows with calves at foot GOVERNMENT FULL PREMIUM APPLIES Plan to attend W. 5. O'Neil — Auctioneer C. A. Montgomery, Stouffvlile Secretary Write for catalogue i PLAN TO A TTE N D ... FIRST ANNUAL SALE CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Ringwood Farms. Sale Barn, October 2, 1.00 p.m. LUCKY DRAW AT CLOSE OF SALE: , French Provincial Cocktail Table Compliments of Montgomery Furniture, 189-195 Danforth Avenue, Toronto Everything for your home. Free delivery in Ontario BOOKS CANADIANS can order new and re. newel subscriptions to every magazine' published in the U.S., all from one ad. dress! Weare agents for every U.S. publisher. Send 5¢ coin (no stamps!) for catalog of over 200 U.S. magazines. Reliable Sales Co.; 1698 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio, US.A. BABY CHICKS A TRACTOR is not for pleasure driv- ing. Same thing applies to .ohiokens. A meat type or dual purpose: bird will not give maximum egg production. Buy -special egg breeds. We have them. Ourtop breed is Kimber K-137. Also Warren Rhode Island -Red, White -Leg- horn X Rhode Island Red, Ames In Cross, Also broiler chicks, dual pur- pose breeds, turkey pouits. Catalogue. TWEDDLE. CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO CHICKS, pullets. Wide choice • (some started).. Prompt shipment. Broilers for October -November should be on. order (including Indian' River Cross). Ask Bray Hatchery, 120 John N, Hamilton. BEHIND every Kimberchik 250 -Egg 5 year average in official test. While the final test of the real worth of a strain of chickens is how they perform on commercial poultry farms,- Kimber' Leghorns have done well in official tests, During the five years ending with 1956, the Kimber entries in the California- Official Random Sample Laying Test averaged 250 eggs per bird, based on pullets at one week of age. For Kimber catalogue and full de- tails, write "Tweddle Chick Hatcher - lea Limited, Fergus, Ontario" or "Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario." DOMESTIC HELP WANTED "DOMESTIC help required. Good home. Live In. 3 children. $20 a week. Write giving full particulars and references to; Mrs. W. S. Martin, 9 Armstrong St., Brampton, Ontario." FOR SALE LARGE Store home combination. Hydro, Post Office, Gas. Good business. Reason — retiring.. See A. C. Guppy, Redbridge Ontario; Highway 630. Offers accepted Lo October 15. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 00*. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only 58.00. For ear. Motaloy eaves you money. Motaloy tionaily guaranteed. Effective for life of ear. Motaloy saves You money. Motaloy Sales Co. 34 West Street, Goderlch. Ontario. healer Inquiries invited. MEDICAL REMOVE all corns carouses without pain or discomfort, Satisfaction or money refunded' Send 51.00. Johnson Laboratories, 720 Lexington Avenue, Corpus Christi, Texas. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE' BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning eczema; acne, ringworm pimples and foot ecze• ma will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2065 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MEDICAL GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SPARE time work at home. No can- vassing, no training required. Send $1 for details and materials. Gift Club, Box 81. -CN, Beecher, Illinois. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor 5t. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King. Et. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa BE INDEPENDENT BE YOUR OWN BOSS Have financial independence' and the :security of your own business,with no investment. FULL OR PART TIME Operate your own wholesale name brand business, without overhead or inventory. Sell famous brands of ap- pliances cookware, silverware, house- wares, tools, jewelry, dishes, etc. In- cluding such famous brand names as Wm. Rogers, Oneida, International Sil- ver, Ronson, Benrus, Dormeyer, War• Ing, Roto.Broil, Cory,. Courtship Dia- monds and dozens of others. Only re- tall prices shown in catalogue, your dealer costs given in a separate whole- sale price list. Send for free catalogue and complete details. CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1304 EGLINTON AVE. W., TORONTO PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1800. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all countrles. PERSONAL FORMULA FOR LOVELINESS YOUR Complexion, Fragile and Cher. !shed. Ladies, do you have a dry and lifeless skin? Do you want a fresh and lovely face? A truly clean and glow- ing skin? A beautiful base for make. up? A. clean rose leaf,. Lovely com- plexion Is a thing to cherish and can. be yours by using our peach bloom cleansing cream to really clean deep down and condition your skin. 4 or.. only 51.95 and our Orange skin food to nourish and stimulate your skin, 2 oz, only $1.95. Sold on Money back guarantee, Agents wanted. Apply: Mary ERen Cosmetics Limited, 398 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. ISSUE 39 — 1957 Stubborn Skin Itch Stop Scratching) Try This Tonight For Quick East. and Comfort To find relief from the torment- ing miserable itching, try stainless, greaseless MOONE'S EMERALD OIL. You get prompt relief from the itch of most externally caused skin and scalp Irritations. EMER- ALD OIL Is sold at all drug stores. PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five detest personal requirements. Latest eatalogat Included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. SWINE LANDRACE is the Swine breed of th future. • When starting, be sure a pyurchaae the best. Wo have one of largest and best herdsof importe Landrace Swine in Canada. Several ferent blood lines to choose from. No Importations arriving monthly. Wea - ling, four month old, six. month o Nowa and boars, = guaranteed in ' sows, serviceable boars, all from ported stock, for immediate delivery.. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO A COMBINATION that is hard to beats Top Quality at reasonable prices. Whelp you buy from us, you secure the very best Landrace that money will buy, all from imported stock. For immediatg delivery, weanling, fourmonth old sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars. Catalogue. TONBA STOCK FARM R.R.3, Holland Centre, Ont. TAXIDERMY DEER, Moose heads, Birds, Fish, mount- ed; mothproof. Forty years' experi- ence. W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orillia, Ont. WANTED Bank Bllsniwhats havety u?, Rettte4, 124 Isabella, Toronto, Ont. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WHEN YOU BUILD WITH A The los first cost is your last cost. Saves on all fuels. No masonry — no maintenance! Factory prefab metal sections erect fast without special tools. Lifetime stainless steel Oura•Flue liner Is Ore•praol, ecid•praol. Under. writers and CMHC approved Write for tree folder— Ke E- Rite Products Limited Dept. "E" Brantford, Canada r--- SEND FOR FREE FIRE•CHIEF FOLDER ---� 1 KeepRite Boded. Limited, sronaord, Ontario. Piano rand me Further Information on Flrrchlef Chimney.. NAME (Please Print) ADDRESS TOWN PROVINCE L -- Dent. F CUNARD'S 1 l_ess than 6 days from --- Le MONTREAL to ENDLAND, SCO'T'LAND CARINTHIA *•D9C.14. 0ct.4, 25;Nov.15; t"Dec.13; SYLVANIA Sept. Sept. 27; Od.18; Direct sailings from MONTREAL and QUEBEC to'HAVRiE, SOUTHAMPTON SaXGN;Nov. 1, 22. Sept. 20; Oct. 11; svcRNIA* "Dec. 29. Nov. 29; t'Dec.28; e SYLVANIA • CARINTHIA • IYERNiA • SAXONIA O SEA T NAMES /N OCEO1 N Ti?4I'Et ! Ott IS voo *`If/''' tt;t 'glr` • SCYTHI *Dee, 10. Regular sailings from New YorkHeaded ed by ahe world's largest diners, ELIZABETH" and "QUEEN .MARY". from New York * from Halifax t • sails at Cobb �r= These four 22,000 -ton luxury liners were specially designed for the Canadian service. They are part of the largest fleet of passenger ships ontheAtlantic which sets a standard of ocean travel that is secondto none. Enjoy the ease and luxury of these great trans -atlantic liners, all equipped with stabilizers for smooth sailing. And there's `round-the-clock' fun for you ... movies dancing, sports . . , plus Cunard's superb cuisine and service. A perfect way to travel—arrive at your destination relaxed and refreshed, Remember ... When You Go Cunard . , . Getting There Is Half Tine Fun! See Your LocalAgent—No Ono Can Serve You Better Corner Boy & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. Tel.: EMpiro 2-20110