HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-03, Page 4DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS SALE DAYS. - c one a -flying for these THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Oct. 3-4-5 Aylmer Tomato SOUP10.OZ TINS Si 1 TREE SWEET ORANGE JUICE 6 20.OZTINS Si 1 VAN pCA�MP'S - IMPROVED pp, BEANS with PORK 6 15.0Z TINS S Si Breakfast Club ' r Fruit MARMALADE . , 3. large 24 -oz Jars $1 Breakfast Club RED PLUM TAN! 3 Large 24 -oz Jars $1 Swift's Golden Dew MARGARINE.. 4 1 -lb pkgs $1 Swift's New "Tempt" DOG FOOD 12 15 -oz tins $1 Taney Golden Crean Style AYLMER CORN 8 15 -oz ties $1 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE -Aylmer 4 20 -oz tins $1 PURE PEANUT BUTTER-E1lmdrr 3 18 -oz Jars $1 SAICO TUNA -Fancy Solid White, Meat . , . , 7 -oz. tin 29c TOPCROP POPPING CORN 16 -ounce poly bag 17c "MAXWELL HOUSES" COFFEE • 1-1b, Bag 95c INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD -5c off .... S ounce Jar 32c UNITED BUYERS STORE Smith's PHONE 12 SEAFORTH PARENTS FRIENDS of Seaforth District High School Our school is sponsoring the Curtis Magazine Plan, this year to buy Much needed equipment and finance student activities. With the Curtis Plan, we can accept new and renewal subseriptiQns to more than 100 publications, including Canada's most popular magazines such as: Saturday Evening Post Ladles' Home Journal Jack and JW Life Loo k Maclean's Chatelaine Canadian Homes and Gardens Saturday Night Canadian Home Journal Time Liberty Better Homes and Gardens etc. etc Regardless of the time at which your present sub- scription expires, we would very much appreciate you renewing it during our Campaign which runs from October 4 to 21 inclusive. Please ask the student for the complete list. These make ideal birthday and Christmas gifts Your school needs and deserves your support The 31st. annual Huron Coun ty match will be held Saturday on the farm of Levi Byer, lot 14, con. 17, Howick Township. Secretary of the North Hui. - on Plowmen's Association is L. E, Cardiff, of Brussels, MP for Huron. "It's good to hear your voice again, Son!" Someone you love would love .to hear your voice... telephone tonight * THE. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA *Long Distance bargain rates -nights after 6 and all day Sunday Winners At Bayfield Fair HORSES o !Ppny-!Foal, Ed '� chroeder , Elmer Johnson'2!nd'and Ord, Joe Corry; broad quare, Elmer John- son and iznd, Joe- 'Corny stal- lion, !Elsner Johnson '2nd and 4th, Ed Trochrolder; pony , in harness, 'Elmer Johnson and 2nd. Hackney Tandem, Ed Trochrol- der, Elmer Johnson; team in harness, John (Donaldson; heavy dxatight team, A. Toll; single roadster, John !Donaldson and 2nd; single hackney, Ed Troch- rolder rochrolder and 2nd, Elsner Johnson and 4th; Hackney or carriage team, Ed Trochrolder, - !Elmer Johnson; Belgian or IPerclteron team, A: L. Laramie; ' wagon team, Bert McBride; single wa- gon horses, Bert McBride and 2nd; 'Agricultural team, A. Toll and 2nd; 'hest matched team; A. L. Laramie. Stock horse, Tim Currie, 'Ron 'Swartz, &red Dar ling, Lzaid !Schwartzentruber. Trail horse, Fred Darling, D. A. Finkbeiner, Wilmer Preszcator, Ron Swartz. - DAIRY CATTLE Cow, William Boyd and 2nd, Alvin :Betties and 4th; heifer, 2 years, .Hurons County (Home, Wil- liam Boyd and '3rd, Alvin Bet les, Huron County !Honi'e; heif- er, under 2 years, 'W en . Boyd, Huron County Iome, Gerald Waters, Wm. Boyd; heifer un- der 1 year, Wm. Boyd, !Gerald Walters,Wilham Boyd, Alvin !Betties; herd, Wm. Boyd, Alvin 'Betties, .Huron County Home. T. Eaton. Co. Ltd., Special, Wil- liam !Boyd, Jersey --(Bull over '1 year, L. Carter and 3rd, Toni Stathwell; bull ander 1 year, L. Carter; conn in calf or milking, T. Rath - well and 3rd, L. Carter and 4th; heifer, 2 years, L. Carter and +3rd, Tom Bothwell; heifer under 2 'years, Lorne Carter and 4th, T. Rathwell and 3rd; heifer un- der 1 year, L. !Garter and 2nd, James 5tol ey, Toni Ra.thweill; herd, L. Carter, T. Bothwell. Ayrshire -!Bull over 1 year, (Edgar Howatt; bull under 1 yr., Edgar Howatt, Ivan (Howatt; cow, Mervin Lobb and sons and 3rd, Edgar Howatt, Ivan How- att; heifer, 2 years, M. Lobb and son and Ord,Jim (Harrison, Ivan Howatt; heifer under 2 years, 'Mervin Lobb and sons, J. Harrison, !Richard Harrison; I. 'Howatt; heifer under 1 year, M. Lobb and sons and 2nd, Jim Harrison, R. Harrison; herd, M. Lobb and sons and 2nd, 3, 'Har- rison, Ivan Howatt. 'Dual Purpose :Shorthorns - Bull over 1 year, John Keyes; cow, John Keyes, Tom Peckitt and •3rd; heifer, 2 year, Tom Peckitt, John Keyes; heifer un- der 2 yrs., 3. Keyes; :heifer un- der 1 year, J. !Keyes and 2nd; herd, T. Keyes and 2nd, Tom Peckett. Truest type heifer, M. Lobb and sons.; BEEF CATTLE 'Shorthorns - Bull calved in 1956, Culbert, !Pepper and 3rd, Culbert; bull, calved in 19!57, Wm. Pepper and 4th, Culbert, Roy Pepper; cow or heifer, calved in 1955, Culbert and 4th, Pepper and Srd; heifer, calved in 1956, Pepper, Ord and 4th, 'Culbert; heifer calved in 1957, Pepper, 2nd '3rd and 4th; herd, Pepper and 3rd, Culbert. Aberdeen Angus -Bull calf 1957, L. Klopp and 2nd; heifer 1955, l;. Klopp; heifer 1956, I Kropp and 2nd; heifer calf 1957, Klopp and 2nd; herd, L. Klopp. Herefords -Bull, Edgar Howatt, Ivan Howatt; bull calf, Ivan Ho- watt, Edgar Howatt;; cow or hei- fer, Edgar Howatt and 3rd, Ivan Howatt; heifer 1956, • Barbara Watkins, Bill Blacker, Ivan Ho- watt, Bud Yeo; heifer calf, Ivan Howatt, Edgar Howatt; herd. Ed- gar Howatt, Ivan Howatt. Special -Baby beef, Bert Pep- per, Gerald Keyes, Barbara Wat- kins, Bill Blacker. Special for herd, 0. Pepper. . SHEEP Dorset Horned -P. E. Dearing, Exeter, won first and second in all classes, Leicester - W. Pepper, Sea - forth, won in all classes. Lincoln -A. D. Steeper, Ailsa Craig. won a number of classes. Oxford -Donald Dearing, Exe- ter, won in all classes. Special pen, P. E. Dearing, W. Pepper. • Market lambs, A. D. Steeper. PIGS Yorkshire -Boar, Albert Bacon & Son, and 2nd; sow, Bacon & Son, and 3rd, E. Howatt; boar 1957, Bacon & Son, and 2nd, E. Howatt; sow 1957, Bacon & Son, and 3rd; E. Howatt. Market hogs, Bacon & Son, E. Howatt. Special pen„ E. Howatt. POULTRY American breeds -Jersey Black Giants, all classes, Cliff Pepper. New Haprpshire reds, Cliff Pep- per won nearly all classes; Ivan Howatt won 2nd for pullet. Rhode Island reds, C. Pepper. Barred rocks, utility, C. Pepper. Barred rocks, exhibition, C. Pep- per. White rocks, utility, C. Pep- per, White rocks, exhibition, C. Pepper. Wyandottes, white, C. Pepper. Cochins, Mrs. Howard McCullough, Goderich. English breeds - Orpingtons, C. Pepper. Sussex, C. Pepper. Anconas-C. Pepper, Minorcas. C. Pepper. Leghorns, white, C. Pepper, Water fowl -Muscovy ducks. Leonard Munn, Zurich, Pekin. ducks, Leonard Munn. Rouen ducks, Mrs. Howard McCullough, Richard Bird, Bayfield. FIELD CROP COMPETITNON Ivan McClymont 270 points, John Grigg 262 pts., Eldon Must- ard 257 pts., Les Armstrong 253 Pts., Grant Stirling '253 pts., Wil' mer Ried 251 pts., Robert Stirling 250 pts., Elmore A. Keyes 250 pts„ Alex Ostrum 238 pts. Special Apple competition - Mrs.' Mei Bennett, Goderich, Mrs. Bruce Keyes, Varna; Mrs; Eldon Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. A. Betties, Bayfield; Mrs. J. E. Howard, Bay- field; Mrs. R. Blair, Bayfield; Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Varna. • GRAIN & SEEDS Stalks 04 corn, Ed Grigg, John Grigg. Wheat, H. A. Fuss,' Fred Mc- Clymont; .. oats, H. Fuss, John Grigg; barley, H. Fuss, F. Mc- Clymont. Timothy seed, Elmore Keyes, H. Fuss, Corn, Earl Saha.' be, 3.1. McCullough; sweet corn, Ir, McClymont. LADIES' WORK Living room accessories, Nee- ton; '386; Catherine (Potter, Olin-. dlepoint, Mrs. E. Yeo, J. E. ton .365, Howard; chesterfield, set of 4 Ayrshire --Dom Lobb, Clinton,. pieces, Mrs.. Darling, iMrs. We- NG; Murray Lobb, Clinton384; ber; table centrepiece, Mrs, We- Bruce Lobb, !Clinton, 0.80; 'Rah- ber, Mrs. Darling; cushion, Ma's. Darling, Mrs. 'Fuss;'. tatting, Mrs. Pus, Mrs. (Darling. Dining room accessories, crocheted talblecioth, Mrs. Dar ling;; tea towels, Mrs. Darling, Eliz. Webber; tea cloth -embroil, eyed,, Mrs. Darling, Eliz 'Web- ber; luncheon set, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Puss; buffet set, Mrs: Dar- ling; luncheon set, !Ells 'Web- ber, Mrs. Darling; four place mat, Mrs. Darling. • Bedroom accessories pillow' cases, Mrs. Darling, Snowden- Grainger; pillow cases, •any style, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Har- ris; vanity set, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. E. ,Schilbe; guest towels, Mrs. 'Darling, Mrs. Puss. Children's wear, overalls, any age, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. 'Keys; girl's wool socks, Mrs. Darling, o mitts, Fuss • girls' wool 1 rS, o M Mrs. Puss Mr's. Darling; child's son suit, (Mrs, 61. Klopp, (Mrs. Darling; child's pullover sweat- er, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, 'Fuss; child's cardigan sweater, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. 'Colclough; smock- ed dress, Mrs. H. Iclopp, Mrs. B. Keys; lbaby's jacket, bonnet. and bootees, Mrs. IE, Yeo. Children's wear -baby's jack- et, ,bonnet and bootees, knit, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. Weber; Bayfield Dairy Calf Club Scores awarded on calves: Junidi Heifers - !Ifol;jtein: Elaine Brown, Clinton, 39.0 points; Joan 'Johnston, Clinton, 8189; SBaribara Yeo, 387; !Donald McKenzie; 63ayfield,386; John. (Bodges, 'Goderich,, 381; !Ron Howard, Goderich, 319; Myrtle Collins, Clinton, 377; Bi11 Vod den, Clinton, '37.6. Senior heifers - !Holstein: Gerald 'Walter',toder8 ; 8Ed- (Doug Grigg, Ed- gar Hough, 'Clinton, 382. Jersey -James Storey, Olin and [garrison, Bayfield, 378. Showmanship awards: Don !Lobb, B. Lobb, Murray Labia, Donald MGKenzie, 'Jack Dunn, Barbara Yeo; Jim Harrison. Bayfield. Beef Club 'Steer section -Bert Pepper,, Seaforth, 388 points; Gerald !Keys, Varna, 487; Raymond (Baxter•, Goderich; 3,78; Terry Porter, Goderich, 37.8; Claire Cox, Bayfield, 3174; Dwight Por- ter, 'Goderich, 310; Ralph 'Hol- land, Clinton. Senior 'Beef (heifers - !Carol ,Pepper, ,Seaforth, '885; Barbara 'Watkins, Londesboro, 383; Billy Blacker, 'Clinton, 382; 'Barry Taylor, Clinton, 361; Fraailclin Yeo, Clinton, X379; David •Orr, Goderich, 377; Archie Van Don - gen, Clinton,. {375; 'Doug Dow- son, Varna, $73. Jun'o • Beef -Keith r e£ 7Hoifers r ;Stephenson, Varna, 083; Chas. (Stephenson, Varna, 380; Allan Hayter, Varna, 473. Showmanship awards - Bert Pepper, Gerald Keyes, Billy (Blacker, 'Carol Pepper, Barbara Watkins Archie Van Dongen, Ralph Holland, Franklin Yeo, Keith Stephenson. - Bayfield Swine Club Award on pigs -Don Lobb, of Clinton, 880 points; MurraY crib quilt, Mrs. Darling; 1 ear- Lobb, 178; Roger. Layton, of riage cover, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; sport shirt, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. E. Yeo. Ladies' wear -Apron, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Harris; dress, house, Mrs. !Fuss, Mrs. Klopp; one hand made :bed jacket Mrs. Darling, ;Min. E. Yeo; women's gloves, Mrs. Darling; hostess apron, Mrs. ;Bryant, Mrs. Dar- ling; women's gloves, crocheted, :Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Darling; lady's handbag, 'Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Fuss; lady's sweater, Mrs. 'Darling; la- dy's skirt, Mrs. Darling, _Mrs. G. Harris; stole, Mrs, Darling. Men's wear - Pyjamas, +Mrs. Klopp, Mrs. Darling; knotted pullover sweater, Mrs, Darling, Mrs. Puss; mitts, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Puss; gloves, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Jewell; . Cash BINGO in Dublin Parish Hall Wed., October 16' At 9 P.M. Daylight Saving Time 15 games at $5 2 specials at $10 One Share the Wealth Jackpot of $55 on 53 numbers Consolation on Jackpot $10 Admission 50c, Door prize Brucefield, 376; Larry LeBeau, Brucefield, 374. Showmanship: Don Lobb, Ro- ger Layton, Larry LelBeau, Murray Lobb. Northside' United Church Minister, Rev. Brute W. Hall, B.A., B. -D„ •S.T,M. Daylight Saving Time 10 a,m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Morning Worship: The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Nursery for Toddlers. Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. 'Evening Worship: Sermon, "The Shepherd 'of my Soul". 8. p.m., Youth Fellowship. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister ,(Daylight Saving Time) 11 a.m., World Communion Sunday: Subject, `.`Communion Chairs." 7 p.m., Excellent 1F i'1 m: "Shield of Faith". Thrilling Story. 10 a.m., Church 'School and Minister's 'Bible Class. 11 a.m., Nursery Class 11:30 a.m., Junior Church ;The Session will meet at NOTICE The fire siren at Brucefield will be tested tested every Saturday at noon. commencing October 5th THE SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, October 3, 1957 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth THURS, F'RI. SAT. 'NAKED HILLS David Wayne. ISeenkrn Wynn The violent passionate yeah, of a .roan and woman who lived fiercely through .the saga of California's dogmatic pay -dirt days MON. TUES. WED. . BLACK TENT . Anthony Steel - Anna Maria Can& Soaring toimpassioned heights of reran -ace, storming peeks of i, gh adventure THURS.: pal, SAT. WINGS 01 THS EAGLE Join Wayne - Maureen O'15arn - COMING - .JULIE .. Wiseuse rs HEAD FOR THIS STORE Where you get more for your Footwear Dollar WILLIS SHOE STORE THE LITTLE STORE WITH THE "BIG VALUES" a Town of Seaforth Proclamation DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Day1i htSaving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1957 AT 2 A.M. to OCTOBER 27th, 1957 AT 2 A.M. and respectfully request the citizens to observe Sallie • Dr. E. A. McMaster Mayor God Save the Queen Saturday will be on Daylight Time 10.80 in 'the Vestry. Meeting of the 'Official+Board at close of morning service. 'See you in Church Sunday. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister Services on Daylight Saving Time 10 a.ni. Church School and Bible Class - 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Anthem -God So Loved the World (Stayner) '7 p.m. "A New Kind of Power" Solo -If God Forgot (O'Hara) D. R. Stewart FLANNERY ---- CLEANERS Main Street Prepare for cooler weather Pick up and delivery phone 87 SAFEST OF FUELS! Can't Leak or Explode Seaforth Lumber Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 47 The nurse is saving regularly for a vacation trip NSW The father is saving for the things a growing child will need a• .X � `�" �.� •K�'�'%:.��'�3'fi;M'�;>..�s�k.4?.�c�Zc��'?�a`lS�,A ���"`��;�C .�.�c.\\� �,t Both have a bank account -and a purpose for saving Nurse and father both agree that some things are too important to leave to chance. So, like most Canadians, each uses a chartered bank for planned saving, making regular deposits to accomplish a definite purpose. Your own savings plan may be a short-term, modest one-- maybe a vacation trip, or new drapes for the living room. Or your goal may be long-range, like providing more security, greater comfort and independence: for you and your fancily. But whatever use you find for the money you save, you'll always be glad you saved it! Save at a bank - millions do! THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY