HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-10-03, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 79 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,: OCTOBER 3, 1957 31.50 a Year Authorized as Second Maas mail, Post Office Dent, Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publishers SEAFORTH GOES BACK TO FAST TIME SATURDAY MORNING ?Seaforth •town council at a special meeting Monday evening decided to Change the town (back to daylight saving time until Oct. 27th, commencing at 2 a.m. 'Saturday of this week. Mayor McMaster said there' had been demand from people tc change hack to daylight time, but he feltthat for only three weeks it might be better to wait, and council next year could extend DST the extra month. Councillor !Christie said two factories and other people were anxious to go 'back to DST naw, aired he favored changing 'back this weekend. .Councillors. Ball :and Rivers also favored changing back to DST 'this weekend. Councillor ,Turnbull said there was confusion to the north now and all (Seaforth could de would be to make confusion in the south. IReeve I$coins was opposed but it anade no difference to Councillor IHabkirk said int. strade no difference to him. All members of council were present • except Councillor John Kellar. The Mayor said majority of council appeared to favor- the 1sange. Deciding the best time to revert to DST Councillor !Christie mentioned that a min- ister had suggested :making the change early Saturday morning. 'Os motion of Councillors .Christie and !Livers !Seaforth will revert to Daylight Time at 2 a.m. Saturday morning. The stores will therefore be on fast time !Saturday, ENGAGEMENT IMr. and Mrs.:Cainplbell Eyre, Kippen, wish to announce the engagement of their only daug- hter, +Marlyn Margaret Eliza- beth, to Mr. 'Borman !Ray Lee, Galt, son. -of Mrs. Burton Muir, Seaforth. The wedding to take place !Oct. 26 at 2 o'clock :(EST) .-- ain.tbe 'Hensall United Church. L. O. L. EUCHRE ISealforth L.O.L. held a suc- cessful euchre on Friday, Sept. 27 with 10 tables, in play.. La- dies — Mrs. Harvey Dolmage; lone hands, Mrs. B. Hildebrand; consolation, !Mrs. Verne Dale. !Mn:eFrank Maloney; lone hands, 4iarvey Dolmage; conso- lation, Verne Dale. The high- light of the evening was a draw on +$50 in. which Dr. 12..A. Mc- • Master was winner. Lunch was served and an enjoyable hour was spent in dancing with -mus- ic by William Collins and Mrs. VanEgmond. • BASEMENT FIRE The firemen were called to the home of Arthur Little, West street, on Wednesday night last ' ""IVhnn fire in the !basement was quickly put out. Smoke was seen by a neighbor, .Arthur Powell, who turned in the alarm , and notified Mr. Little who was in the kitchen, where no sign of the fire was noticeable. A pet .budgy was rescued before the smoke reached it. /On Monday the firemen were called out for a grass fire on the Bell Industries .property near the Fine service station: Goderi.ch Men Win Tip Top Trophy IT, McNee and P. Bissett, of Godeiich, won the annual Tip Top bowling tourney. here 'last week with 3w !plus 28. Other winners were H. Hawkins and C. (Draper, Clinton, ;3w phis 27; G. Iliaechler and IE, Cranston; of )Goderich, 3w plus 25; J. Law and Ted Nowdak, (Galt, 13w plus 20; ,Reg. Gillette and W. A. Maim, Kitchener, '3w . plus 19; J. Davis and Dr. Brereton; Toron- to, .3w plus 6; Bev Boyes and J. Armstrong, 'Clinton, 2w plus 214. IB. IF. Christie, acting es ,pres- ident of Seaforth Club thanked the assembled bowlers for their presence and keen play. J. A. Stewart assisted in the presen- tation of prizes. GEDDES—CAMERON (First Presbyterian +Church, of 'Seaforth," decorated with fall flowers was the setting for the wedding of Carole Marie Cam- eron, only daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. James M. !Cameron, -Sarnia, to Charles Gordon Geddes, Sea- forth., eaforth.., on Saturday at 2.30 p.2n. Rev. D. !Glenn Campbell offici- ated. The bride was given in. marriage by her father. She wore an ivory brocaded taffeta street -length dress, designed with V-neck, shirred bodice, bouffant skirt. The ,matching feathered headdress had a shoulder4ength veil. Her flow- ers were yellow and white chry- santhemums. Miss Pat IDabono- vich, Toronto, the bridesmaid, rwore a sky .blue brocaded :taffe- ta dress in street -length with V-neck, shirred bodice and bouf- fant skirt, and :matehing feath- ered headdress. Her flowers were also yellow and • white 'chrysanthemums. Allan Geddes, ,Seaforth, was best man. Ushers were .Gerald liuebher, 'Brussels, a cousin of the bride, and Ray !Henderson, Seaforth. Mrs. John Cardno, ;Seaforth, played the wedding music and Fred. 'Willis sang "Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You". A wed- ding dinner for 65 guests fol- lowed the ceremony. The bride's another received in a (brown lace sheath dress with beige -brown accessories and a corsageof y e 11 o w chrysanthemums. The bridegroom's mother wore a tur- quoise figured dress with beige accessories and corsage cif white chrysanthemums, 'Guests were present from 'Sarnia, London, Walton, Brussels, IStouffvi:lle, .Birmingham, Mich., and Strat- ford. After,' the wedding dinner a reception was held at the home of the bride's uncle,and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'William W11 - bee, Seaforth. For traveling to Niagara Falls the bride wore a costume of taupe ��p�laid with brown accessories. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geddeswill reside in the Wright apartments in ISeafonth. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mi:. and Mrs. Kenneth !Stew'- art and family entertained a few relatives at their home om the evening of Sept. 26th in honor of Mr. and .Mrs. IOrvill_e Dale's . wedding anniversary. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Dale were pleasantly sur- prised by a very 'appropriate address read by their daughter, !Mr's. ,Stewart, and a presenta- tvoniby their son Keith of a cof- fee table, silver tea service and electric frying pan from their family and relatives, All sang " Per they are Jolly Good Fel- lows". WINS "BLUES" tTEST 'Miss 'Faye Love was success- ful in (passing her "Blues" a pre -gold figure skating :dance test at the Metropolitan. F. S. Fall School at Weston, which she has been attending week ends in September. LADIES' AID Miss Jean Scott, president occupied the chair for the Oct- ober meeting which opened with a reading by Miss M. +Gray, ;en- titled "Please Pass The Fruit". The minutes and treasurer's re- port were read and adopted and business discussed. It was de- cided to hold the bazaar on the 2nd of November. A sewing bee was planned to complete the gowns for the Junior .Choir. Mrs. 9Robt. McMillan sang a solo entitled "The Heart of God" accon' anied :by !Miss Fra- ser. 'Mrs. Glenn Campbell was speaker and gave a very inspir- ational address on Thanksgiv- ing, taking as her, theme a say- ing of (Paul's, "Be careful for nothing but in everything make your requests known unto God with 'Thanksgiving". Miss 'Bess Grieve moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. 'Campbell and Mrs,: (McMillan. A. social half hour was spent. The meet- ing was in charge of Miss Gray's Group. Barn Burned Near Kinburn Tuesday Fire of unknown origin • de- stroyed the baric on Mansel Cook's farm, .north and east. of; Kimtburn, early Tuesday morn- ing. 'Bright light from the fire woke Mr. and Mrs. Cook be- tween '2 and 3 o'clock. Flames had already spread across the roof and nothing could be saved. +Seaforth 'Fire !Brigade saved a nearby frame pump !house. Lost en the fire besides the season's crop hay 'and grain were 7 pigs and 280 pullets and 100 hens binder, hayloader, the manure spreader and cream separator. The barn was .60 x 60. Mr, Cook estimates his loss about 3115,000 to $16,000, partly cov- ered by insurance. Ile does -not plan to rebuild this fall. The barn was (built about 111890• by Mr. Nott who 'later moved to the !Soo. Dunlop's also had the farm and for years ,it was part of the Mat Armstrong 'Farm which •ad- joins it. MRS. IVY HENDERSON A well known Egmondville re- sident, IMrs. Ivy Henderson, died suddenly Sunday morning in Scott !Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, following a severe heart attack. Mrs. 'Henderson had had several minor attacks previously but was able to be around and attend to her housework. She was 66 years of age. Born in Grey twp,. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love, she re- ceived her early education in township schools. The former Edna Annie •Love, she married Ivy Henderson, •of McKillop, on June .18, 1919. Before coming to Egmondville to live a nusnber of years ago they farmed in Mc- Killop township. Mrs. (Hender- son was a member of Egmond vi'lle !United Church. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons; Arthur and John, of McKillop township; William, of Seaforth; one daughter, Mrs. Gordon '(}Lois) Churchward, of Toronto; and 18 grandchildren. Also surviving are six sisters; Mrs. Walter Broadfoot, !Walton. Mrs. Ella (Farquharson, London; Mrs,' -'William Leeming, 'Sea - forth; Mrs. Peru Patterson, of Walton; and Mrs. Fred Kerley and l Miss Amye Love, of Toron- to; and two (brothers, Dan Love, New Westminster. 1B. C., and Sam, Wadena, Saskatchewan. Funeral services were held at the G. A. 'Whitney Funeral Biome an Tuesday, conducted by Rev, J. !Semple of E.gmondville United Church. Interment was in Maitlandbank Cemetery on Wednesday at noon, Pallbearers were 'Chester Henderson, Mac Scott, David • eShannon, Alex. (Smith, , Archie Smith, . Gordan IPapple. •An'iong those from a distance who attended the funeral were: London: Mrs. Ella Farquharson, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Farquharson, Mr. and !Mrs. 1D. Allison, Mrs. Harry Kestle, IMrs. Jack 'Seott; Wadena, 'Sask,: Mr,• Sam Love; Niagara Falls: .Mr. Alvin Far- quharson, /Miss Loicc Farquhar- son; Toronto: Mr. .and Mrs, (Fred Kerley, Miss Margaret Kerley, Mr. Paul Kerley, Mr. Paul 'Sutherland, Miss F. ' 4.. Love, Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Gordon Churchward, -Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man 'Smith; Richvale::IMr, .and Mrs. Sidney Giles; !Oakville: Mr. Keith Smith; Listowel, Mr. ,and Mrs. Norman Thompson; 'Kitch- ener: Mr. and Mrs. Ken'IForbes; Winnipeg: .Mr. 'George Lufto. RED CROSS The regular meeting of the Red 1Cross will be (held in the li- brary rooms on Friday after- noon, Oct. 4th, at 3 o'clock. HOSPITAL AUX. TO MEET The Women's !Hospital ,Auxil- iary 'will meet in the nurses' re- sidence on. Tuesday, Oct. 8th at 8.15 p.m. NEW CHICK HATCHERY LOCATES IN SEAFORTH The establishment of a new Chick !Hatchery in !Seaforth, Ontario, by Logsdon. Ili & N Hatcheries is announced by Mid - Western Ontario Development .Association. 'Owner of this new enter- prise, Mr. Wade 'Logsdon, re- ports that considerable market has already been estalblishedfor Logsdon Ili & IN "Nick Chicks", the brand name originally in- troduced by the Logsdon Breed- er Hatchery, Millersburg, •Ohio. Equipment of the m'bst modern +type, capable of thatching 25,000 chicks per week is being install- ed at the plant in Seaforth. Mr. Logsdon spent consider- able time 'studying market con- ditions ,and 'consulted with. sev- eral Department of Agriculture officials before reaching a deci- sion to establish a new opera- tion in !Seaforth. He states that he is very optimistic as to the success of the new {Seaforth Chick Hatchery and announces the appointment of Mr. Carmen Philp as manager. WINTHROP Mrs. W. J. Robinson of Win- nipeg and Mr. McKellar, Hick- son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley on Thurs- day. Messrs Ed and 'Clarence Mc- Callum •and Mrs. Jackson of Gerrie visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MciSpadden on Sunday. Mr. and .Mus. W. 9Z. Somer- ville have moved into town where :they have leased an apartment. Mrs. Jams McClure under- went a major operation last Thursday. WALTON ITnvo local teachers captured honours at IMitchell Fair on Wednesday. Miss Mona Clarke, teacher at !S:S. No. 6, Logan, re- ceived first prize for the best banner and Miss ,Audrey Hack - well •of Brodhagen .School re- ceived' fourth prize for costume, Twenty-two schools competed. N. MacLean Heads Athletic ' Association At a meeting on Monday night Norman MacLean was el- ected :president of Seaforth Athletic 'Association, with Don Morton, vice pres., and James Murray, sec.-treas. 'Directors; C. Rtaweliffe, Dr. (Black, Thorpe Rivers, Jack Eisler and J. A. !Baldwin. Art a subsequent exe- cutive meeting entry of a 'Junior B team in the 'O.IHSA. was con- firmed, with Norman MacLean, manager, J. A. Baldwin, asst. manager and !Ken Doig; coach. (Practice will start !Oct. 18 at •Lucan. ,Ice will be in the (Sea - forth arena by Nov, 4th. The group schedule will be •arranged this weekend'. BRUCEFIELD A fire which might have been serious was discovered in the apartments of Mr. C. D, 1Sienp• son on [Friday. Mrs. Paterson smelled smoke in the store and on investigating discovered fire between the ceiling and the I floor above, caused from an overheated stove pipe. By the quick action of . the Brucefield Fire 'Brigade it was soon ex- tinguished 'before a great deal of damage was caused. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Hender- son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Griffith of. Gorrie. Mrs. Jno. Cairns spent bhe weekend with her friend, Mrs. E, Fairservice of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. (Geo. Pinkney and daughter, Doreen of 'Walk- erton spent 'Sunday with Mrs. Pinkney's smother, Mrs. 'W. H. (Pepper. Mr. .and Mas. Elgin Thomson have returned from a pleasant holiday in Vancouver and other points West. !The many friends of Mr. Nor- man Walker and Mr. Geo. Mc -I Cahtney are sorry to know they are in 'Seaforth Hospital, hap-, ing undergone surgery. Mrs. Mac Wilson visited a few days with friends in Lon- don. Mrs. Stackhouse returned home with her. The rite of baptism was ob- served in the 'Brueefieid United Church on Sunday morning by •the Rev, S. Davison. Infants baptised were: Donald (Glen, son of Ms, •and Mrs. Donald iMeDon- ald; (Linda Karen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor; Gregary John 'Russel, son of Mr. and IMrs. Victor Hargreaves; (Roderick :McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald !Paterson, Mn and Mrs. Don McKenzie and family, St. Thomas, were guests with IMr, and Mrs. (Simon McKenzie. Mrs. Wm. Smith of Exeter spent a few days with Mrs. A. Hahne', also celebrated Mrs. Hahner's birthday' on 'Wednes- day. Mr. and !Mrs. Gregor 3leGreg- or visited :with Mr, and Mss, I''. MdGregor on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mrs. Phyllis Lobb is ill and (hope for a speedy recovery. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Finlay Ross of Windsor spent' a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry ;Weiland, Mr. Will Finlayson of Lorne Park was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs, Jas. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowden of Ancaster spent the weekend with his brother-in-law, Mr. T. Robinson, also visiting with rel- atives in 'Stanley. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Ivy Henderson and fam- ily anily in their loss in the sudden pasing of Mrs. Henderson. Carol Pepper, of Seaforth r.r. 3, holds her prize calf in 4.11 Cali Club competition at Bayfield fair Thursday. There was a record entry this year but attendance was slightly lower clue to a cold day. $20,828 Increase In Twp. Assegs>rnent W. P. !Roberts, assessment commissioner for Tuckersmiibh, returned his roll on which 19+68 taxation will be levied, to coma cil on Tuesday, !Oct. let. iThis roll shows •a total tax-. ruble +assessment of •$2,641,028, an increase of $20,828 over 1957. Total exemptions ' were $637,660 which includes RCAF property 3871,5+10; with a total assessment of the municipality $3,278,568. Salary of $880 and expense +allowance of $200 was paid. •Court of revision will be advertised later. Iliepiresentatives of 'the 'Blue Water Oil and 'Gas Company at- tended the meeting and outlin- ed a proposal to furnish natural gas to the ROAF station, Clin- ton, and requested 'council to pass •a by-law authorising thein to furnish the said Crown land with gas. Council will deal with the proposed !bylaw when sub- mitted. In answer to a question frown the C.N.R. a+e 1Kippen station, council instructed the clerk to advise the company that they nvould have no objection to the closing of the said station, A grant of !$'50 was made to the 'C.N. Institute for the Blind. Council decided to employ Wilson . Allan and Ed Boyce to snowplow township roads in the winter of 11957-68 at ':$6 per hr. if said contractors are available •and subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways. ,Ratepayers in Egmondville Weber Area will be billed every four months for water rates and the first payment of $8.33 will fall due on Oct. 31, 1957. (Accounts passed: Repairs $14950, schools $3,32:9.79, fence - viewers $15, fox bounty $2.00, drains $2;379,2.3, advertising & supplies $138.58, hospitaliza- tion '$96, dump $20, welfare $45, sal. and allow. $14232.16, postage 40c, grants '$50, Ree: Gen, $9.50. 'Council addourned to meet Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. CONSlTANCE. Mr. Wm. Jewitt left Sunday morning with Mr. W. Howatt of Londesboro for :Hazenmo're and Kincaid where his mother, Mrs. Jewitt Sr. is in bhe Kincaid Hos- pital. Last Tuesday .evening several members of the Constance WA. and WMS were entertained by the •Seaforth Northside United Church Auxiliary at their Aut- umn Thanksgiving, Miss 'Roul- sten of Brantford was the spe- cial speaker for the evening. Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Riley re- turned home 'Thursday after spending several days with their. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Rab'. 'Woods and daughter of Ajax. Wins Eastern Ontario 4-H Tour Mr. ,Lawrence Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor won the Eastern Ontario 4111 tour, leaving Sept. 22 to 28th, beginning from Galt, visiting Kingston, the 'St. Lawrence Sea- way 'Project, Montreal, Cluebec City, Ottawa, Kemptville Ag- ricultural :School and/Peterboro, Lawrence has been a top 4-11 member for the past four years and has clone well at the seed and livestock judging com- petitions held during that time. He also won the Huron County Soil and 'Crop Improvement Trophy for' the top Junior Judge at the 'Seed Fair for the past two years. Lawrence who is in Grade 13 at 'Seaforth High 'School, plans to attend the On- tario Agr. College in Guelph upon his completion of his High :School course. 'Several. ladies of the Con- stance WMS attended the Burns Thankoffering last Thursday afternoon and enjoyed a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson spent a couple of days visiting with friends at Brampton, Au- rora and Newmarket. '1VIr. and Mrs. (Borden Brown and daughters visited. with friends in Hanover on 'Sunday and attended Thanksgiving Ser- vices at Christ 'Church, Allen 'Park. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchan- an and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fergu- son of Chiselhu st and a't'tended the Chisel'hurst United Church Anniversary !Services, Mr. and Mis. Charles Dexter, Mrs. Win. Jewitt, John, Donny and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher and 'Stewart, all at- tended Blyth United Church An- niversary' Services on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter, Blyth. Mi. and Mrs. E. P. 'Warren and daughters of 'Landon spent the weekend with Mr: end Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg. Mr. .and Mrs. Verne 'Dale and Murray visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, Lon- don. Mr. Borden Brown spent Tuesday in Toronto where he attended the Retail Merchants'. ,Convention at the Royal York. Hotel. • Early on Tuesday morning neighbotii.+s of Mr. and Mrs. 'Mansel Cooke were awakened from their sleep when news spread that the barn on bhe farm of Mr. and Mrs. Cook was .ablaze. !Several hens were burn- ed as well as pigs +and imple- ments as well as the season's SAVAUGE'S October 3 to October 19, 1957 We'll give you ... CP credit for each old piece towards a new service of eke t /r II!"/ . Gather it up and bring it in .. old plate or stainless steel. Youmay trade up to 5 pieces of old flatware at $1.50 each for every new 5 -pc, place setting purchased in precious International Sterling. New purchases restricted to 5.pc. place setting units only! Choose from our complete selection of smart, gleaming International patterns sculptured in luxurious weight for elegance in modern. living. YOUR SAVING IS THE SAME WHATEVER YOUR PATTERN CHOICE Here, for example, is what you'd pay if you were to choose PRELUDE pattern .. . Regularly With Saving Trade 5 -pc, Place Setting $ 29.50 $ 22.00 $ 7.50 20 -pt. Service for 4 118.00 68.00 30.00. 40 -pc. Service for 8 236.00 60 -pc. Service for 12 354.00 (Above prices are for dessert size, dinner size slightly higher.) 176.00 60,00 264.00 90.00 THE MORE YOU TRADE AND BUY, THE MORE YOU SAVE! Gleaming, Enduring, Smart Design for Modern Living. BUY NOW ... CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAFORTH 411111 Iuall,ua,,uaalel.elauuan eaallnnua uamaamq auani n„'aluma canal nn,rnua,nlaaamnn' crop of hay. Everyone in the a former teacher, and now of neighborhood extends sympathy Hillsburg. Mr. !Paul Lockhart, to Mr. and Mrs. Cook in their Mitchell and Mr. Hugh Butson, •loss, Mitchell. Several appropriate hymns were sung accompanied by the band and Miss June Me- Kerd"ay o.f Ottawa contributed a solo ''The Lord is my Shep• Me - : The unveiling ceremony was performed by Mr. Mervin Dow, Cromarty, and Mr. Jack Nor- ris of London, both veterans of World War 2, and placing the wreaths by Floyd Dow and Alice Walker. Rev. Daynard of 'Staf- fa led in the prayer of Dedicra tion and the service closed with God save the Queen. I Names on the plaque: Ever- ett Rivers, Sidney Howe, Neil Park, Wilfred Scott, Thomas Cooper. CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. E, Payne of Moosejaw, 'Sask., are visiting at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. 'Ern- est 'Templeman and Mr. James Miller and Miss Margaret' Miller Mrs. John Hocking entertain- ed at a post -nuptial tea on 'Sat- urday afternoon in honor of her daughter, 'Mrs. Arthur Smale, who was married recently. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn were Mr. and Mrs. Alonze Harburn and Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tripinsee of Sand - born., Michigan. Mrs. Tripinsee is a daughter of !Rev. and Mrs. Fred Harburn. Mr. Miller Adams and Mr. Sam S'ethiek, Winthrop, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks and son George, 'Staffa, visited on Sun- day with IMr. and Mrs. George Wallace. !Mr. Robert 'Gardiner left 'by motor, on Sunday morning on a business trip to the West. Mrs, M. Houghton and grand- son, !Billy Houghton visited on Saturday with Miss Mary Cur- rie at 'Woodstock. Mrs. `E. !Brooks and 'baby son of Brampton are visiting with her parents, aur. and Mrs. John 'hocking. Dr. Barclay of London occu- pied the pulpit in •Cromarty Church on Sunday and brought a very 'helpful message on the subject "'Adventurers for Christ". IMr•. John Taylor of Kerman, California, who formerly resid- ed in this community, called on many old acquaintance$ 0n Monday. A capacity crowd was present at No. 6 'School, Hibbert, on Sunday 'afternoon to take part in the special service of 'the' un- veiling of a Memorial Plaque, presented by the pupils in mem- ory of the boys from this school who gave their lives in World War '1 and 2. The .parade to and from the school was led by' the lBrodhagen Band followed by members of the Canadian Le- gion from 'Mitchell. Mrs. Ed Rocking' 'w'ho was the former teacher was c'hairwomnan for the service and Padre Rev. J. Ro- bert Watt of Mitchell, was the special speaker. Addresses, were. also given by Mr. 'Ross McKay, EGMONDVILLE The music committee and choir of 'Egmondville United Church, held a meeting and ac- cepted the application of Mr. E. Whetton as choir leader, and that of Mrs. Hansen as organist with Jim Rose and Miss Carolyn ,Veil as assistant organists. REV. DONALD JOYCE MISSIONBR Plan to attend the retraining nights of our Mission, First Pres- byterian Church, Thursday and: Friday. You will be greatly help- ed by the thoughtful and inspir- ing messages of our Missioner. We beseech yea, "Don't Miss the '131essing.,,