HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-26, Page 8100 Brand New Budget Priced FALL t� DRESSES Beautifully detailed and well made. A wonderful selection for school, busi- ness or after Ave wear. Expertly tailored in rich satin -back silk and rayon worsted, washable taffe- tas and novelty fabrics of wool and chrolnspun. This wide range includes many colors in brown, deeptone blue, black, grey and red 5.9a - 1E.95 Styles in short and long. sleeves' in both sheath and flare skirts. A com- plete style range from the party frock to the tailored business dress. This selection includes half -sizes and regular from size 11 to 22$ 5.95-12.N tewart r s MEGIEMBRIMMOKEMOIMEDIEGRO CABARET DANCING MART KENNY & HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN FEATURING JULIETTE AND Norma Locke Friday, Octe 4 AT 9 P.M. SEAFORTII ARENA Admission $1.50 each. Children, under 12', 50c Tables reserved for advance ticket holders only Secure advance tickets at Baldwin Hardware. phone 61, Seaforth Motors, phone 541 • Sponsored by SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION KIPPEN (Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Wahl of Listowel were weekend gets of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle. . 11VIr. and Mrs. lDowson accom- panied by Mrs. Winder visited 'Saturday with friends 1.n God- •chichi Mr, 'a'nd !Mrs. Grant Love of Caro,'IMich., spent the weekend. visiting the latter's father, Mr. rRobeot Cooper and other rela- fives, Entertains for Bride -Elect,. Mrs. Norman W. Dickert en- tertained at her home in Kip - pen, on !Saturday, (Sept., 21st, in honor of her daughter !Merle Dickert, whose marriage to Ken- neth Ray McLellan of Kippen, takes place Saturday, Sept, 28. Guests were received by Mrs. ,Dickert and her )daughter, assist- ed by' the groonn-elect's mother, Mrs. Joseph E. McLellan ,of Kippen. The rooms were attrac- tively •decorated ' with baskets of gladioli and in the 'dining room a yellow and white:color scheme was carried out with streamers and (bells and a (bouquet of white and yellow mums centered the tea table. (Tall yellow candles in silver candle holders flanked the centerpiece. In the afternoon tea was poured by Mrs: 'Edgar Wahl of Listowel, and Mrs. John Diekert of Harriston, aunts of Che bride. In the evening tea was poured by Mrs. ((van For- syth of iKippen, and Mrs. Wm. Klein of Mitchell, aunts of the groom. 'Others assisting in the tea room in the ;afternoon were Mrs. John Dents and Mrs. John Cooper Jr., and in the evening Mrs. Win. Coleman and Mrs. Ray IConsitt. Assisting in the kitchen in the afternoon were Mrs. Robert J. !McGregor, Mrs. Robert D. 1Hlgie and Mrs. John Sinclair, and in the evening Mrs. Winston Workman and Mrs. Carl McClinchey. (Shower and wedding gifts Were shown by Mrs. Jack Moore and Miss Lois McLellan, sister of the groom displayed the trousseau. In charge of the linens were Mrs. Harold Caldwell in the aft- ernoon and Miss Bonnie Kyle in the evening, Kitchenware and miscellaneous ah'ticleshe e • ' 1n w charge of !Miss Gladys Baker in n the afternoon, and Mrs. Danner - son Coleman in the evening fMr, and Mrs. Robert McGreg- er entertained about 26 .guests on Monday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Diekert, who will cele- brate their 25th wedding anni- versary on !Saturday, ,Sept. 28. Mr. Dickert has been postmast- er seven years and owns the General Store in Kippen. Euc- hre was enjoyed: the winners were ladies, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Robert Elgie; •i e, men, Mr. Winston Workman, Mr. Norms: Dickert. The address was read by Mrs. Winston Workman. The presentation of a silver rose bowl to Mrs, Dickert and silver cuff links to Mr. Diekert were presented by Mrs. Carl McClinchey of Henson. .A delic- ious lunch was served. WINTHROP The 'C G.I,+P,' opened their meeting by repeating their 'pur- pose' and ,singing the OGIT hymn. The can to worship was given by the e president. Hy/inn 488 was sung. 'The scripture was read by 'Margaret Alexainder, Luke 15; 11-24, the story of the Prodigal son, 'Prayer was then given by .Filen Dolmage. !Hymn 328 avas sung, The collection was taken followed by the re- sponse. We all agreed that Di- anne Bolton would be our vice president, !East of the highway are to bring sandwiches and west of the highway pre to bring cookies to our initiation, Sept. 27th at 8 p.m. We decided that we would go and collect articles to send to far-off lands on hal- lowe'en. ;Our bible study this year, The sermon on the mount. Our mission study is on Japan. Marlene Pepper and Elaine O lSomelvilleare to hand out and a collect the hymn books and i CGIT hymns at every meeting. I Barbara 'Driscoll and Sharon i I Somerville are our recreation Icommittee. The meeting closed with. "Taps", Transportation Specials P 1946 Dodge Seclan 125.00' 1948 Pontiac Sedan 125.00 1948 Pontiac Coach 100.00- 1937 Olds Seclan 35.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SFAFORTIII _'` TORS PHONE'] 541 Here's a coal so CLE AN that it just seems to SPARKP.E" Seaforth Lumber Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 47 WALTON - The September- meeting of the Walton group was held .at the home of Mrs, Wm, Bennett last Wednesday evening with' 31 members and '6 visitors present. Mrs. T. Walters presided. Mrs. Allan McCall read the scripture lesson from Psalm 27 after which the president gave a commentary entitled "The Secret of His Presence" and led in prayer. Mrs. Nelson Marks read the minutes of the previous meeting and read a thankyou card. An invitation was accepted to attend a ba- zaar in the church on Opt. 11th sponsored by the 16th of Grey and 8th of 1Morris group. Mrs. Egmondville United Church D�rr.gJ. Semple, 'Preachiing "Stir -up" Sunday 11 a.m. How does one "got Re- ligion;" (Prelude to the Mission) 8 pm, See You at the Mission, Presbyterian Church "DON'T 56185 TIIL BLESSING" SY;1l� il, COW BOY BOOTS Black or brown. Sizes 1 to 3 $4.95 a pair Willis Shoe Store Seaforth Luella !Marshall reported that there was '$20.16 Sunshine mon- ey on hand and $112.41 in the W. A. treasury. Mrs. Earl Wat- son gave the WM$ treasurer's report. A splendid topic -entit led "Why II am a, Protestant" was given iby Mrs. Walter Bew- ley. It was announced that new or good used children's clothing should be at the church no later than. Thursday, •Oct. -3. Mrs. 'Gordon (Murray conducted contests and the lunch hostesses were Mrs. .Wm. Bennett, , 1VIq's. Earl'Watson, Mrs. ;John Gordon and Mrs. Cecil Lydiabt. McKillop Group !The monthly meeting of the McKillop group 'was held at the home of Mrs. Wan. (Dennis on Sept. 117 with 13 members pre- sent. (Mrs. N. Schade presided. .Mrs. J..Bosman read the scrip tura lesson. 'Mrs. D. Watson gave :the' meditation on Justice. Thevarious reports .avera•igiven and several invitations a'cc,epted. (Comments on the Missionary: Monthly were made by Mos. Nelson'i Reid. (Miss Geraldine Dennis favored with a piano solo. An interesting topic on oneoof Wen. Thagles TV talks on "Misjudging Others". A de- licious lunch was served. IThe service in ]Duff's' United 'Church will be held at 11.130 a.m. Standard Time next Sun- day morning. • HENSALL Amber Lodge Elects Officers 37. G. (Mrs. Sam Rennie presid- ed at the meeting of Amber IRs; bekah Lodge 3'49 on Wednesday when the following officers were elected: Noble 'Grand, Mrs. Win. Caldwell; Vice 'Grand, Mrs. Inez McEwen; Rec. Sec., Miss •1Vlabelle (Whiteman; Finan- cial !Sec., Mrs. O. Volland; the Treas., Mrs. Laird Jacobi, Arrangements were made for the Installation of 1Offioers to be held on 1Wed,..Oct> 2nd When D.D.P., (Mrs. !Ada Fritzley and her installation officers of God- ericli will make :their 'official visit. Members were invited to attend the Canadian .dancer Society meeting being held in the Library at Exeter on Tues. Sept 24th at 8 p.m. A card of thanks was leadfl l o n M1 es. Sr (Dougall and Mrs. Eva 'Carlisle thanked the Lodge for a box sent to Mrs. Annie Logan. Fol- lowing the meeting a social hour was spent when contests were enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Roseville, 'Calif., have been vis- iting with the former's sister, Mr.'s. Annie •Saundercock. Miss Ruth Solder: of 'Hamil- ton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sol- dan, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Roseville, 'Calif., accompanied by Mrs. 'Annie Baundercock motored to Toronto on Saturday and visited with Mrs. ISannder- cock's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearson. Miss Marguerite MacDonald of London, was a recent visitor with Mrs, Pearl 'Passmore. Mr,: and Mrs. Bruce 'Glenn of 'Toronto visited during the past week with 'the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. John IM, Glenn. Miss Jean 'Lavender. of Ham- ilton, Mr. Bill Lavender of Lon- don aa nd Mr.Lavender of Waterloo were weekend visitors with their parents, 'Mr, and, Mas. {T:hos. Lavender. jt{i4•. Marney Hildebrandt of London, spent the 'weekend with his mother, Mrs. Mary Hilde- brandt. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, who have been visiting with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Annie 'Saun- dercock left this week for their hone in 'Roseville, Calif. (Mrs. W. Pepper of ,Hanover visited during the past week with her sister, Mrs. J. iBon- thron. (Miss !Bernice Di]ling of Sarn- ia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert billing. 'Prices at Hensel] Community 'Sale on Sept. both. Weanling pigs, • '$12.50 'to $16.75; chunks '$17.50 to $1.8.- 75; :18.75; feeders 1$122.00 to $27.85; sots, $84.00 to $9'3.00: Hol- stein cows .$;1151.00 to $160.00; Durham cows $1135.00 to $150; Holstein calves '$111.00 to $15; !Durham calves $26.50 to $36.- 50; Fat sows sold up to $11.80 a lb. 160 pigs and 125 head of cattle and calves were sold. VARNA Anniversary 'Services will be held in the United 'Church on Sunday next, Sept. 29th at 11 a.m. and '7.30 p.m. '(Standard Time). The special speaker will be •Rev. C. E. !Peacock of Day- field. 'Special music is 'being prepared by the ,C'hoir. Mr. 'Ronald Taylor has • re- turned home from the hospital after his recent accident. Mr. and ]Mrs. IHarve 'Coleman have left for a trip to Western ;Canada where Mr. Coleman will attend the 'Good. Roads Conven- tion. Harvest :Holme services were held in the Anglican Church on Sunray evening last, This community will revert to Standard Time next Sunday morning. FARMERS UNION Farmers Union, how parity. prices and deficiency payments can be worked out. 1. 'Under the deficiency pay- ment, a support level is set, but at the time of sale the farmers receive whatever the ,market price demands and the differ- ence between the market price received and the support price guaranteed would be paid to the farmer by the government, 2. Ability to sell at market price would tend to curtail lin- ports when not needed as im- port price could be met. 3, Over the counter cost would not rise to consumers, they would 'I be supplied at .pre- vailing market .prices. 14. To prevent surpluses the farm Union 'asks for deficiency payment only on 'amoun't of ag- ricultural products consumed in Canada. BORN Hermouson-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Sept. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert G. Hermonson, Seaforth a dahgghter Besherah At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and Vas Raymond Beeharah, Egmondville, u son ' Livingston -At Scott Memoria•Y,Hosp- itel on Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and, Mre David Livingston, RR2 Seaforth,' a son Whyte.- At Scott -Memorial Hospital on Sept. 2411i to 3115, and Mrs. Douglas Whyte, Seaforth, a dauglyter CARD OF THANKS I 'wish .to thank Dr. Stapleton, the nurses and'stafi:' f Scott Memorial Hos= pbel, friends- and neighbors whovisited me, rind for -cards, treatsand smoles while a, patient there. -2 ' !('RANK L. MALONEY -' CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John J. Flan- nery wish 'to thlbnk their friends- and neighbors for all the ,kindnesses shown to them at the time of their recent lx' reavement. .Everything was deeply ap- preciated CARD OF THANKS The C. P.' and T. Committee of .the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows. Lodges wish to thank all those who contributed' pa, pens to the Paper Drive COMING EVENT O.E.S. Dates ---Euchre on Oct. 10th and n bake sale Nov. 16th - COMING EVENT Edelweiss- Rebekah Lodge plan holding a euchre Monday evening, Nov. 11. CE I have 20 eq NOT of asphalt shingles, good colors, cheap for quick solo Har- vey MeLlwain, ,Seaforth FARM FOR SALE 76 acres,` lot 14, eon. 5, Tuckersmith. Frame house, 7 roams, .hydro, furnace. Barn L shaped 60x40. 7 screw bush. Phone Seaforth 6511.25. Harvey 310Larnon FOR SALE Melons, sweet corn land other produce. Bring your own containers. A. Addley,. 3rd house east of ICinburn on south side. Phone 83814 E Forty .cords of dry split mixed wood. Stanley J'ackson, phone 672r5 WANTED TO BUY Two baby strollers, phone 43r4 Dub- lin central FOR SALE. A Holstein bull calf. Phone 4 r i 02 Dublin FOR SALE Seconid hand furnace 24" fire pot Livingstone stoker, in good shape. Ed Boyce, Egmondville, phone 061r81 FOR SALE One used Firefly stoker complete with motor and controls, original cost 6396: can be bought for 875 cash. Apply to Stewart Bros. Store FOR SALE 25 good Tamworth pigs 8 weeks old. Francis Coleman, phone 828r25 FOR SALE Eight pigs 7 weeks old. (scams Murray, nal Seam*, 862.24 WANTED A competent housekeeper for two adults andone child' school age,., modernr conveniences, in Stretford. Sleep in. Ap- Ply by letter to Box H, Seaforth News WANTED TO BUY Coins and bills,' Cnnadinn land Am erigan, for my own .private collection. Free valuation's upon request. All replies will be kept strictly confidential. Apply to Box A, The Seaforth News CEMENT AND COAL Ask for -prices. Phone 361.13 Dublin. ICreoekopf -Bros. FOR SALE Standard size steel crib. Call 666 after 6 P.M. Female fox. hound, OSmostly. whitewith large black spots over the bads and down the sides, a tan colored head. Phone 842-31 Seaforth. Tom Kirkby FOR SALE. OR RENT A comfortable 6 room house with oil furnaceand all modern. conveniences. Garage. On Railway et. Immediate pos- session. Homer Hunt, Seaforth FOR SALE Registered and accredited Hereford bull, 234a years old. Sam McClure, RR2 Senfort(h. Phone 844x12 Coal and wood annex.OR L Apply. to W. E. Hawley, phone 854r23 Seaforth Mixed dry woos $5 a cord de- livered. Phone 64-16 Dublin. Louis Coyne AGENTS WANTED WANTED: Man for steady tra- vel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only re- liable Mistier considered, Write Rawleigh's Dept. 11364-181, 4006 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. TURKEYS Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Order now for early delivery KEN BEATTIE Phone 831r 6 liGOVVVYMOARRIGILMAGRAOMMOOM FLANNERY CLEANERS Main Street Prepare for cooler weather Pick upand delivery phone 87 WitAnWeraVynAraffliAntaltAW Clearing Auction Sale Or COWS, YOUNG CATTLE AND MACHINERY. At lot 31, Pith con., Code - rich Twp., 3 miles west of Ilolmesv111o' and 1 mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, Oct. let at one.o'eloek DST, 20 young ilowe, consisting of Hol- steins, Ayrrehires and Jerseys, some fresh, others springing, Balance milking and rebred. 15 Holstein ilri£ers ; 10 Ayr- shire heifers; 15 rersey heifers. Some of these will freshen this fall and the bal- ance aro Oastnre bred. 16 yearling' heifers; 6 young. salves;. 100 Sussex x Red' pullets starting to lay. IMFLEr MENTS•-33 M. H tractor; M.H. 3 fur- row plough (both 5 years .old) M H. 6 f11. clipper combine, motor driven . M. H. 15 disc drill ; MAL side deli ey rake; Cockshutt land- packer ; rubber tare sa- Ofl ;. grain blower ; car and ropes; M.H. cream separator with motor; Holland electric brooder. Torras -'Cattle end poultry' cash. Implements, 20% cash, ba- lance 30 nfonths credit on joint ,bank. (approved notes bearing interest at 11%... No reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. A. E. Townshend, Prop.; .Edward Elliott, Auot. POSTPONED Auction Sale At Egmondville Church Shed, Satur- day evening, Sept, ,28, at 7.80 : p.m. 2 brown iron beds and springs, electric stave, nearly new Quebec.' heater, Box stove, 2, sinks, cupboards and .@helves. Writing deck, coal oil stove, floor cov- ering, washstands, • good yindows and doors, 2 opal or wood thrill/ices. Rockers, kitchen chairs, kitchen utensils.. And radio, runners. Vegetables and many. other articles. Terms' cash,: Harold Jack- son, suet., E. P. Chesney, clerk Good children's clothing Auction Sale,; Of ;Durham Cattle. At Lot 26, Con. 12, McKillop twp., on Tues- day, Oct. lat, at 1.30 p.m. 3 miles south of Walton or 7 miles north of Seaforth on paved road. 20 good Durham cows, all retired. 20 Durham spring calves. Terms cash. Prop., Fred Sinclair. Auct., Harold ' Jackson; clerk, , E. P. Chesney Auction Sale In the village of Walton on Sat., Sept. 28th, at 1.30, Household ef- fects and property. Two bedroom suites, sideboard, dining room table, 6 chairs, kitchen table, chairs, 3 arm chairs, several small tables, table lamps, three rocking chair's, 2 rugs, writing desk, hall tree, large marrow, sofa bed, kit- chen lounge, oil heater used one season; coal heater, hot plate, electric- heater, electric toaster, electric iron; glassware, Pictures and picture frames, dishes, cloth- es hamper, meat grinder, cooking Carpenter and garden tools, crocks, snow shovel, axes, bodge clipper, sprinkling can, good lawn mower, wrenches, nails, motor, extension cords, 10 ft, ladder, several smaller ones, step ladder, and other articles too 210nle0115 to mention. Property -7 room frame house in village Of Walton. Terms -Cash. Property 10'A down, balance 30 days. Mrs. Pauline Mill - el, prop. Harold Jackson, suet. I7. P. Chesney, clerk. Auction Sale Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Friday, October 4th, at 1.30 at the .residence at Win- throp, the following: Cattle - 2 registered Durham cows, suppos- ed to be in calf; Durham cow sup- posed to be in calf; 3 Durham calves. Implements -Oliver trac- tor; 1953 Buick car (subject to reserve bid); plow; sider•ake; mower; cultivator; drag harrows;' tool house with a quantity of tools; set of wrenches; umbrella fortractor; vise; bag truck; forge; drill. (day and grain 1S0 bales of hay; 500 bushels of mix- ed grain; 80 bushels of oats; 2 barrels timothy 2 barrels seed; ; cl, chicken feed. Household Effects - Newcombe piano; silver, tea service; veranda furniture; stret- chers; couch; dining room suite with china cabinet; several beds; dressers and stancls; pink dress- er,. chiffonier and bed; Winghare Classic kitchen stove; steamer trunk; 2 ironing boards; .2 units for oil burner (kitchen stove); clothes horse; good extension lad- der; mangels in field; fanning mill; scales; 1x/2 H.P. motor-; sot Limoges dishes. Mrs. R. K. Mc- Farlane, proprietress. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, E. P. Ches- ney, clerk. Terms cash NOTICE Guaranteed radio and TV re- pairs. We give satisfaction. 11., D. Scott, Radio -TV .service, opposite Commercial hotel "NOTICE Custom Whitewashing -Barns, hen houses, etc. Louis Maloney, rr 5 Seaforth. Phone 64r10 Dublin TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR. TAXES Town' of Seaforth County of ,Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant, issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under. his hand -and .the seal of the saidcorp- oration bearing date the 25th day of September thio of lands in arrears of taxes in. the Town of Seaforth 'will be held iitxTown Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 8 :ig 4leck in the 'afternoon on the 6tl dtv df January 1958 unless the tnl,eo 'hnd costs lore sooner paid. Notice a✓hereby given :hist the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in The .Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October, 1957, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's -Office, this 2615• day of September, 1957. ' D. H. WILSON, Treas. NOTICE Seaf =rth DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME FO THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH ENDS ' AT 2 A.M SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER THE 29TH Sundry will be on Standard Time THE SEAFORTH NEWS Tlnusday, September 26, 1917 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowai•s for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Interafat P. L, Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Houre, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday, and SRI.Sat- urday only 7-9 ,p.m. Appointments made in advance aha desirable -. TURNBULL-& BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.B. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V,S, W. G. DRENNAN,. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF -' OptomaMM Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth. Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. cog by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon.9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfected atlowest rates in First- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540, 'blade coal' the solid fuel for solid. comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R, Archibald Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A, Reid Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J- H 8/awing, Blyth W. 9. Alexander.. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. & Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leonbardt, Bornholm; - H. Fuller, eoderloh • 8. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alaater Broedfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr„ Londeaboroi J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties' desirous to effect insurance or transactother business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to -their respeetiVe post offices AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 3475, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people mid convalescents. Telephone Mm. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell WANTED Highest cash prices paid ..for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for removal Promptly. Also wanted to -buy, Boar Hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At, wood, phone 8 or 153. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs. tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the -Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds available -top quality at low coat. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth,' Dub lin, Clinton and Hensel! district. Repairing a specialty. A. few good. used ones on hand.' Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 WANTED 01d horses -wanted 'at 31hc lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink - Ranch. Phone collect 1483J4 or 1434,11 (Goderich) You'll Hear Better the SONOTONE way 1,'oi•freebooklets send this 01001- tlsemenb` t r Dept. 52 REVELL HEAitING stay= .- Box # 1 Landon, Ont. METE ED ,Furnace Oil & Stove Oil DEL VE a • .IES Walden & Id roadf oot Plrohes: Bus. 686 w Res. 337 R For Oil Tank Trucks or Used Construction Machin'y Contact" Giffen Truck Equipment Ltd. 5461 YongeSt., Willowdale, Ont;