HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-26, Page 4Prize Winners of
Seaforth. Fair
Clydesdale - Brood flume, Charles
Halliday, Albert Beam; Fool of 1957,
C. Halliday, Albert Bacom and 3rd ;hIly
or gelding 3 year old and 2 years old:
T011; filly or gelding 1 year ,old C.
HallidaY, •
PERCHERON-Breed entre„. Drake.
StOck Farm and 212d. Billottlierrisen
and 4th, Berl Whitehead; Foal, Drake
Stock Fawn and 2nd, Elliott Harrison
and Oh, Earl Whitehead; filly or geld-
ing, E. Harrian, Pritchard & Laramie;
illy or gelding. 3 Yeaes old, DrakeStock
Parm end 2nd; filly or gelding 1 year
old, Drake. Stock Pare, Elliott Parti-
Wager Class -Mare, Allan Kali,
Earl Harrison ; foal of 1051, Allan
Krill, Earl Harrison; filly or gelding,
Allan Kalil ; 11119 on gelding 2 yrs, old,
Earl Harrieon. Alien Kan; filly or
gelding 1 yr old. Earl Whitehead.
Harness Clesses-Light &aught term,
C. Halliday, N. Shantz, A. Toll; Wagral
team; Allan Rein, Bert MeBride, Jack
Piteli, Earl 'Whitehead; Percheron or
Belgian team, 0. Beatard and 205;
Drake, Stock Farm, Elliott, Harrison;
heavy araught, 14, Shantz, C. Bellaire,
A. Ten ;tad 4th; single wagon horse,
Allan EMIL Bert McBride, John letteh,
Allen Kral, N. Schmitz : four -horse tan-
dem, C. Halliday, 0. Bestarcl, Pritchard
and Laromie. Bert McBride, A. Toll
Elston Cardiff, M.P., Township Spe-
eial-0. Halliday, Orval Bogard, Allan
Knill, Drake Stock Farm ; best handled
colt -Russell Halliday, George Beam,
Walter Beam; best hewn, horse. ET.
Judge -William Tapsell.
13utcher'3 Cattle -Steer or heifer Over.
1 year, (1. Wallace, (Granton), Allan
Russell (Meter). A. Gaunt, F. O'Shea
(Canton) and 5th; baby beef. 3. Hod-
gins and Son (Gxenton), Tim Lyons,
rieucknowl,Ray Cenn (Exeter), Je Rinn,
L. Rinteul (Whitechurch). ,
Aberdeen Angus -.-bull, 2 yrs. end
over, R. Doan, j. Rin ; bull calf, Jr.,
3. Rinn, R. Doan; chempion bull, J.
Rim, R. Donn; cow, R. Doan; heifer.
2 yeas old, R. Doan; heifer, 1 year old,
L. Campbell, 11. Doan ; heifer calf. sr.,
It. Doan and 3nd; heifer calf Jr., 3.
Rim, R. Doan amnion female, L.
Campbell; herd, A, Doan and end; get
of one sire, R. Doan end 2n5 Sneeial
for winner of most points, It, Doan.
Sudere--W. C. lie Oestrieber.
Duel Purpose Shorthorns --All classes,
Sobn Keyes, Varna, Mr, Keyes in mai-
tlon won second for 'heifer calf.
- Shropshh.edowns-All classes lot and
2n5. Erato Bros.
I.Aneolns-All classes, A. D. Steeper.
Mr, Stayer also won four second prizes:
Southclowns---James C. Bell and
F,mke 13res. won lot and 2nd in all
Leiceeter-Wm. R. Pepper and James
C. Bell won all classes'.
Oxfords-Emke Bros. won nearly all
Int and earls in Oxfords. Don Deering
won a number of 3rds.
Cheviot -No. 02 won lot and 2nd in
Dorset Horned -No. 88 won all classes
in Dorset Horned.
Suffolk -Murray Shabottom and Jas.
0. Bell won lot, 2nd end 3rd 3 Suf-
folks, aleo each won a 41h Prize.
Another breed of sheep, Hampshires.
not Beted in the prize Est, was shown
in i hill Vet by Entice Brose who won
1).] and 2nd.
All Masses, Wm. J. Dale, except Sr.
heifer cal. -Everett Hesse's, John Hes-
self., Wm. 3. Dale,
Jerseys -All classes, Lorne Curter. ex-
cept heifer yearing jr., Ron Little;
heifer calf Jr., Ron Little, 3rd, Ogre
Leele, 411.
lieleteins-Cove 3 years, Wm. Boyd;
Miler eelf, sr.. Wm. Bola, LOnis Coyne;
Miler call. jre Wm. Boyd, Sohn Jewitt,
reell Bruinema, Louis Coyne; champion
female. Wrn. Boed; dry cow, Wm. Hoed;
heifer. 2 yre. Wm. Boyd; heifer calf.
Yearline. senior, Wm. Boyd and 2n5;
Louie Coyne; heifer, yearling, jr., Wm.
Ayrsitires-Bull, 2 years, old, Chester
West ; bull. 1 year, Edgar Howatt;
bra alf. Wilfred Barnes and 2nd, Ed-
ger Howatt and 4th; champion male,
W. Bernee; Cow, 3 yrs. old, Chester
Weet, NV. Barnes and Srd, Mervin Lobb,
Edgar Hewett; dry cow, Martin Ban,
Eder,: Hewett, Chester West; heifer, 2
years, W. Barna and 2n5, E. Howatt.
Mervin Lobb: C. West; heifer, yearling.
sr., W. Barnes and 2nd, C. West, E.
Hewett; heifer. yearling, jr.„ M. Lobb.
E. Hewett and 3r5, C. West; heifer
all, senior. el, Lobb and 3rd, Glen
Not,. W. Barnes; heifer calf, junior, M.
Lebb, John Bann, W. Barnes, E. Row-
an: champion female, W. Barnes; herd.
W. Barnes, C. West, B. Emmett.
Yorksitire-Boar, over 3 years. Henry.
Turnbull, Bacon : boar over 1 yr.. Turn -
Winners in all entries of IMPles, Fred 'Mrs. 'latrine]; Afghan, crocheted, Mrs.
MeClymont and Ivan MeClyment. L, Pryce, Ws, Rita Orr; Afghan, keit,-
Pears ted, Mia. Heinmel; Mat, braided, Mrs.
Winners in pear classes, Fred IdeOly- Steffen, Mrs. Heimpel ; ma, halted,
moot, Mrs. T. R. 'Thompson. Mrs. Melanie' ; mat, wool, Mrs Elgin
Plume ' Nott, Mre. Les Pryce; cushion, attn.
Plum entries won by F, McOlymorrt, 1VIra. jos. Calmat, (lIrs, Kemp, Mrs.
Ivan MeOlymout, W. S. 1). Storey. Mrs. Heimpel; euehion emb., Mrs. Staften,
T. R, Thompson, • " Mre. Heimpel; cushion, needlepoint,
Grape enteies WQR by Wilbur Keyes. Mes, lieimpel; cushion:, wool, Mrs. Saw
GRAIN McClure, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Beinipm1
Half bus. of Tirnothy seed, Stanley platuee, needlepoint, lett% Steffen, Mee.
Millen, John Broadfoot.. Arnold' Jamie- Hempel, Me. Kemp ; .pleture, petit.
son, Don Buchanan; half bus. Fall point; Nrs, Mamma ; Doiley, tatted,
wheat, Ken Ryan, Don Ryan, .Wm. S. Kra, Heimitel, Mrs. Steffen, Mrs. seam'
0. Storey, Ivan 11100lyrnont ; half bus. McClure; doiloy, crecheted, Mrs. 1CemP,
Barley, Lewis P. Coyne, Xen Stewart, Mre..Heimpel. Mrs. McClure L. "tablecloth,
W. S. D. Storey, Arnold Tamieson; crocheted, Mrs. Ross Savenge: tea cloth,
half ha, Oats, Arnold, jamiesen, R. 21. emb,.Mrs. Stafrou, Mrs, Heitmel I tea
Scott, Geo. Underwood, Donald Mc- cloth, Mrs...Steffen, Mrs. Ross Sevauge;
Kercher ; half bus. Oats, early, F. Mc- runner. Mrs. Steffen; table cover, Ma.
Clyment, Don Buchanan; half bus. of Steffen; centrepiece, crocheted, Mrs.
mixed grain, L. P. Coyne, Be Pryee, McClure, MrS. Steffen, Mrs. Kenm ;
Ken Coleman, Bruce Coleman; half bus. centapiece. tatted, Mrs. Helumel, Mrs,
White Beans, W. S. D. Storey, Jack Staffer; buffet set, crocheted, Mrs.
Crozier; Corn on cub, John Bell, Jack Heimpel, Mva, Staffer, Mrs, Kemp; brie -
Crozier, Bruce Coleman, Don Buchanan ; fet set, mho Mrs. 5, McCinre. Mrs•
champion hal/ bus.. cern, Arnold Sande- Kemp, Mrs. Steffen; pillow slip, end)"
son; bale cut hay, Mee. Sam Storey, Mrs. }Toluene], Mrs. Steffen, Mrs, Kemp;
Wm, S. Storey, Xen 'Coleman, Bruce pillow slip, color, Mrs. Heim -pet, Mrs,
Coleman ; second out hay, L. P. Coyne, Steffen, Mts, S. McClure; pillow slip,
Wilt Coleman, Ken Coleman, Bruce eroehetcd edge, Mrs. Beimpel, Mrs. D.
Coleman; chopped bay, A. Jamieson, Case, Mrs. Item»; pillow sliP, gross.
,Talt Crozier, Donald Matercher; en- shatter, Mrs. Hempel, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs.
&Sege corn, Jack Crozier, Xen Stewart, Rita Otr; sheet, pillow slip, Mrs. Heim -
Fred IVIeClyment, Ivan MeOlemont. pel, Mrs. Steffen; vanity set, Mrs.
FIELD CROP COMPETITION Hamel, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Keith' 'elm -
Husking Cern-Pfister No. 28 Leen; pin cushion, Mrs. Steffen, Mrs.
Niel: Whyte, 82; John P. Bell, 95; Hamra, Mrs. Orr; knitted gloves, Mrs.
Tom Whyte. 77 ; Joe 3. Lane, 79; Col, Heimpel, Mrs. Jack 'Kemp ; knitted
clan Papple, 68; I1510. E. McMillan, 93; luitts, Mrs. Itemp, Mrs. Hehnpel ; Stole,
GUy Dorranee, 60', Leslie J. Pryce, 71; Mrs. E. Case, Mrs. HeiMpel; man's
Don Buchanan, 74; Kenneth Stewart, gloves,' Mrs. Hehnpel ; mitts, double
92. Jno. E. Henderson, 81; Bob Broad- knitted, Mrs. Heimnel; fine sok, Mrs.
fool. 90. Kemp, Mrs. Hempel, Mrs, Jan. Garter;
GARRY OATS work sox, Mrs. Kemp, Mre S. Storey,
E. 14. Scott, 89; Harold Plea, 85; T. Mrs. T. Carter; girl's sweater. Mrs.
A. Jamieson, 95; It. S. MeIteraher, 86; Heimpel, Mrs. S. McClure, Mrs. Kelm;
Guy Dotrenee, 81; L. P. C,oyne, 98; Don
Buchanan, 90; T. E. Henderson, 87; n.
.r. Bolton, ci.; Tom Whyte, 70; W. L.
Whyte, Jr., 05 • Bob Broadfoot, 84; K.
,Stetwart, 88; Tale Crozier, 79.
J. Crozier, ss ; J. I1. Kens, 85; Guy
Dorrence, 80; L. n. Coyne, 96; Tom
Whets, 80; W. L. Whyte. Jr., 60; Luth-
er Sanders, 83; A. Jamieson, 90; 0.
Puce, 92; 11. Pryce, 80; K. Stewart, 94.
Twelve Tomatoes, red, Mrs. Haugh,
Mrs. W, E. Gateman; sie. Tomatoes,
yellow, F. McClymont; collection toma-
toes, F. MeClymont; Onions, %mash,
Mrs, Haugh and 2nd; Dutch Sets, Mrs,
L. Pryce, Mrs. Haugh ; Onion sets, Mrs.
Haugh, Mrs, L. Pryce; caumbers.Pick-
ling, Mrs, Elgin Nott; Butter beans,
Ken Stewart, idre Wes Hemphill; white
beans, Mrs. Haugh, Wes Hemphill;
carrots, short, Mrs. Haugh, E'. MeCisr-
monk; camas, long, Mrs. Haugh, leIrs.
'r. 11. Thompson; pickling beets, Mrs.
Haugh, Mrs, W. Coleman; blood beets,
lefts, Haugh, 11. Coleman; cucumbers.
Mrs, W. Coleman, Mrs. Haugh; par-
snips, Mrs. Haugh, Bruce Keys; pep-
pers. Mrs. Haugh, T. McMillan; collec-
tion peppers, Mrs. Haugh, F. Maar-
mont; table corn, R. 1VIcMillan, Mrs.
Haugh; field corn, Ken Coleman, Ken
Stewart; radish, Mrs. Haugh, Garnet
Adams; sunflower. G. Adams, Mrs. W.
Coleman; novelty vegetebles, Mee H.
McLeod, 3. Crozier cauliflower, G. Ad-
ams, Mrs. 'W. Coleman .cabbage. Fred
MeClyont, Mrs. Wm, iradshaw I Fall
cabbage, Mrs. "W. Haugh, P. MaCle-
mont ; Winter cribbage, Mee eV. Haugh,
F. MeClymont; white or yellow onions,
Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs. Haugh; Musk-
melons, Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. L. Pryce:
citrons, Mrs. L. Pryee, McCiyment;
watermelons, Mrs. L. Pryce, F. MeCle-
mut ; vegetable marrow, F. MeClyment,
Mrs. Haugh; pumpkins, Ken Stewart,
G. Adams; Table squash. Mrs. Les
Pace, Mrs. H. McLeod; Hubbard
squash, G. Adams, Mrs. Haugh ; larg-
est punmkin, G. Adams, John Broadfoot,
carrots, white, no entry tag. red men -
golds, Ethel Dennis; Intermediate inan-
e:olds Ethel Dennis; sugar beets, W.
Xeyes; early potatoee, F. MeClement,
Mrs. Haugh ; late potatoes. Mrs. W.
Coleman; garden produce, F. McCIY-
Butter, crook, 5 pounds. Mia. James
Carter, Ethel Dennis; butter, 3 pounds.
pound prints, Mrs. Jas, Carter, Ethel
Dennis; butter. 1 doz. fancy individual
servings, Mrs. T. Carter, Ethel Dennis;
Maple Syrup, nt., Ethel Dennis, F. Mw
Clymont; home-made soap. 6 bars, Mrs.
Wes. Hama], F. MeClymont; bowl of
home-made cottage ebeese, Mrs. Carter;
bomamade lard, 3 pounds, Mrs. Carter,
Ethel Dennis.
judge: Margaret 3, Strang.
Preserved strawberries, Mrs. J. Carter,
Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs, E. Nett; Can-
ned cherries, red, pitted, Mrs. 3. Carter;
alined peaches. Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs,
A. Jamieson, Rita Orr; canned pears,
Rita Orr. Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Keith Ma
Lean; canned plums, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. E. Nett; Corsage, lefts. T.
Nett, Mm. Jamieson; canned red rasp- R. Thompson, Mrs. Grummett; Fusehia,
berries. Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs, Nat. Mr,,. Mrs. Carter; floral arrangement, Mts.
Canter; grape juice, Mrs. Carter; tome- W. Bradsh'w; bouquet, Mrs' Haugh'
to juice, Mrs. Jamieson ; chili sauce, Mts. F. Delrymple, Mrs. Bradshaw,
Mrs, Carter, Mrs. Rita Orr, Mrs. Les
bull. Henry ; hoar, over 6 months, Turn- ?rya; canned pineapple, Rita Orr, Mrs.
bull. Henry. Bean: boar. under 6 Nett, Mrs. Jamieson; canned whole to -
months, Turnbull. Henry. Broadfoot I
Haugh, Reg Stone, Agnes Ilieknelli two
,squesh, Table Queen, Merle Gakin, 39.
Whyte; potetoes, Kateclin, Lara Beu-
ermann, Agnes Mantel', Scene Haugh;
potatoes, Irish Cobblers, Reg Stone, D.
Jamieson, 7. Broadfoot; peek potatoes,
any neriete. Robert Fotherlughern, S.
Brealfoot ; 'Sweet table corn, Agnes
Hicknell, Jack Broadfat, Lamy John.'
ston ; sweet table corn, over 8 rows, H.
Dale, Salute Haugh, J. Broadfat; veg-
etable collection, N. Whyte, .3. Broad-.
foot Agnes Hicknell ; sheaf of oats, J.
Breedfoot....Merle Godkin ; sheaf of bar-
ley, T. Broadfoot; sheaf of Wheat, J.
Broadfoot poster, Bert Dennis, Jack
Breadloot, Berry Fleming; collection of
inaecte, 3. Broadfoot.
FLOWERS-Astere, 7 Blooms, Mari-
lyn, Taylor, Bert Dennis, Marjorie Pap -
le; 'Cosmos, display. leferilyn Taylor,
Suanne Hugh, Noreen ereEwing; Dah-
lias Marilyn Taylor, Joan Boyce, Su-
anne Haugh; Marigolds, L. Baermann,
Margaret Wood, Suanne Haigh; Mari-
golds, *display, African, Noreen leteEtv-
lug, Jean Broadfoot, 14. Whyte; Petun-
ia*, Jean Broadfoot, Maejorie PapPle,
Smarm Haugh; Pansy display, Robert
Fotheringham, leferilyn Taylor, Harvey
Dale; Snapilagon, jean Brondfoot, N.
Whyte, Emily Elliott; Gladiolus, Str-
ains Haugh, Marilyn Taylor; Gladiolus,
3 spikes, ' cliff„ Sunnite Hangh, Jean
I•Iillen, Marilyn Taylor; Gladiolus dis-
piny, Bert Dennis; collection of Annu-
els, Marilyn Taylor, Marjorie ?apple,
Senn Broadfoot; 3 potted plants, Su-
anne Havech, 13arry Fleming, Jure Do -
mage; African Violet, Barry Fleming,
Suanna Haugh, Marilyn Taylor; Coleus,.
2 varieties, Senna Haugh, Hervey
Dale, Marilyn Taylor; Cactus collection,
Samna Haugh, Baty Murray, Tune
Dolmege • Chrysanthemums, H. Dale,
Bartle AcLeed, Barre Fleming; flora
errangernent, Noreen McEwing, Bonnie
McLeod, Maejorie Papple; Special, Su -
baby's set, Mrs. hemp, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. mute lOough.
Steffen; baby's set, 1VIrs. Steffen; fan-' Judgee-C. IL and Mare Bons.
ey apeon, Mrs. Case, Mrs, Frank Can- ELEMENTARY 00110031 SECTION
telon. Mrs. Jas. Carter; cobbler apron, 'rendes, nianno Drerman, Lois God,.
Mrs. Cantelon, Mrs, Steffen, Mee Case; kin, Gayle Wright, Ken Wright, Siebe
apron to represent a month, Mrs. SW- Branum; carrots, Ken Wright, Bin
San, Mrs. Grummett, Mrs. S. Storey; MacLennan, Ronnie Crich, Mary Ann
work apron, Mrs. Cantelon, 91m. Case, Philips, Katie Scott; carrots, iong
Mrs. Steffen; house deees, Mee staffon, Gayle Wright, Katie Scott, Elizabeth
Mrs. Heirtmel, Mrs. Kemp ; skirt, cotton, Carter, Roy' Devereaux, Debbie Miller;
Mrs, Steffen. Mrs. Herm •, skirt, teal, mengoide, Suzanne Dale, Judy Thomn-
Mrs. S. Storey, Mrs. Steffe,,; pyjamas. ar3131 Paeans, Knee Charters; beets. A.
Mrs, Salta, Mts. Kemp; 11Yjamaa. Calder, Clayton Connell, Let:meld SAM-
Mr0. Mra. KemP, Mrs. Heimpel ; lean, Gayle Wright, Allan Patterson;
plaid shirt, Mrs. Steffen ; deess, onions, Tidy Thompson, Mildred Odell,
Mrs, Kemp, Mrs. 5taffen child's dress, Brenda Ross, Bruce Falconer, Sandra
Mrs. Steffen, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Storey ; Bugle; tomatoes, Ronnie ()rich, Mary
sunsuit,' Mrs. Heirnpel, Mrs. Steffen, MacGregor, Jim Melady, Lois Scott,
lelra. S. Grummett; boy's trousers, Kra. Jim Broadfoot; citrons, Billy Oriel', Su-
•Itemp, Mrs. Heimeel ; articles from a mum Dale, Terry Bunnon; cabbages,
sack, Mrs. S. McClure, Nine Staffer, Leo Fleming, May McGregor, Maria
Mrs. • Heimpel ; Grandmother's birthday Travaglionne, Billie Whyte, Leta Carter;
party, Mrs. Steffen; bath towel, Mrs, potatoes. Kaye Charters. Sandra Sushi°,
Ileimpel, Mrs. Steffen, Mrs. Kemp ; Gayle Wright, Man Reeves: potatoes,
linen towel. Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs. Staten; Richard Muegge. Ken Wright, Aileen
guest towel, Mrs. Steffen; tea towel, Eaton, Jimmy Sills, S. Lemon; pump -
Mrs. MeClure, Mrs. Beinipel, Mrs. Stire- kiss Roy Devereaux., Louis Devereaux,
len; gift shower. Mrs, lieirtilmi, Mrs. Bill Morrie, Ken' Whitmore, La Mem-
Grummett; quilt blocks, Mrs. Kemp, Mg; largest pumpkin, Judy Thompson;
Mrs, Holum& Sweeter Special, Mrs. S. smash, Billie Whyte, Judy Thompson,
McClure; pillow slip special, Mrs. Heim- Suzanne Dole, Glen Nott, Don Nat; a-
pe], Mrs. Steffen; apron special. Mrs. cumbers, /tidy Nat, Dianne Byermann,
Cantelon, Mrs. Case, Mrs, Grummett; 3 Julie Chapple, Don Nat, Gnil °rich ;
handmade articles special, Mrs. Grum- corn, Don Nott, Bruce Whitmore, Bob
mat, Mrs. Centelon, Mrs. Case. Lovell, Iten Wright, Suzanne Oslo; col -
ARTS AND CRAFTS Motion, vegetables, Billie and Margaret
Stalled aluminum, Mrs. S. McClure, Whyte, No. 1326, Doug, Wright.
Mrs. BIN% Ellis, Mao. J. Grimmett; FLOWERS -Pansies. Sharon Strong,
tooled comer, Mrs, Elva Ellis; costume Jenie Boshart, Joyce Falconer, Mary
Jewellery, Mrs. F. Dalrymple, Mrs Wes Elliott; Sweet Pea, Janet Falconer,
Heimpel, M113. S. Storey; display of Billie Boshart, Donald Hulley; Gledioll,
shell woldr, 3 articles, Mao, F. Delryert- Ken Cardin), Mary Lamont, Mary Jean
ple, Mrs, Ilehnpel, Mil. J. Grummat; Boshert, Billie Boshart, Sandra, Hugill ,•
collection of decorated pottery. Mrs. J. Asters, Lee Fleming, Carol Carter, and
Grurnmett, Mrs, F. Dalrymple: band- Wayne Hugill; French Marigolds, El-
ba:, felt, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Mrs. Wes eine Oke, Leta Carter, Douglas Dale,
Heinwel; shopping bag, felt, mra. Lois Tyndall, Brian Podgert; African
Heimpel, Mrs. M. Steffen; house or Marigolds, Clayton Connell, Lois Tyn-
bedroom slippers, Mrs, F. Dalrymple, dell, Lee Fleming, Ann Cameron, Male
Mrs. Les Pace, Mrs. S. Storey; lady's gia Whyte; Zinnias, Heather Baer -
handbag, Mrs. Arthur Clack; wallet or mann, Helen Brondfoot. Ronnie Crieh,
billfold, Mrs. S. Grummett, Mrs, 111, Doug Wright, Bruce Whitmore; Zin-
Heimpel, Mrs. A. Clark •, gloves, lath- nies, hairy, Bill Whyte, Margie Whyte,
er, Mrs, F. Dalrymple, Mra. A. Clark; Heather Wows, Lee Fleming, Dianne
dining table bouquet, Mrs. F. Delrym- Barman ; Dahlias, Mary Sean Boahart,
jibe; corsage, artificial, Mrs. F. Dalam- Sandra McGonigle, Bill Boshart, Lee
»le. Mrs. S. Storey, Mrs.' W. Heinmel ; Floming.. Slaron Stang; Dahlias, ba -
table favors. Mrs. F.; Dalrymple; Spec- by. Suzanne Dale; Cosmos, Elaine Dale,
lals: Mee J. E'. Scott, Mrs. F. Dalrym- Alen Patterson, Elaine Oke, Suzanne
Ple, Mrs. W.McIntire'. Dale, Betty Ann Gibbings; varieties,
FLORAL EXHIBIT Elaine Oke, Katie Scott, Ruth Crich,
Asters. Mrs. J. GrummaL. Mrs, Ronnie GriCh, Suzanne Dale; Petunias,
Haugh; Asters, Mrs, J. Grurnmett, Mrs, G'hristie Dobson. Ken Wright, Ellen
T. R. nommen ; Calendula, J. Broad- Connell, Jim Dreamt, Louise Bred -
foot, Mrs. Grummett; Dahlias, Ethel shaW ; Snandregon, Lae Tyndall, Mary
Dennis, Mrs. Grumrnett; Dahlias, Ethel Jean &sheet, Bill Whyte, Helen Broad -
Dennis, Mrs. P. Dalrymple; Gladiolus, foot. Margie Whyte; table centre, flow -
Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. L. Pryce; IVIarigolds, ers, Della Wince. ;care McCowan.
Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Mrs. E. Nott; Ellen Connell, Jack Lemon, Katie
Pansies, Mrs, GrummeLt; Petunia, Scott; table centre, fruit, Barbara Lee -
Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw; Roses, Mrs, T. R. ten, Mildred Crich, Mary mcCreaor,
R. Thompson; Scabiosa, Mrs. W. Brad- Margaret McGregor, Same° Dale; He-
ehaw ; Snapdragon. Mrs, W. Bradshaw; ing room bouquet, Suzanne Dale, Lee
Verbenas, Mrs. W. Bradshaw; Zinnias, Pleming, Heather McLeod, Bilen Con -
Mrs. W. Haugh ; Zinnias, Mrs. Wm. nen, Sack Lemon.
Bradshaw; African Violet, Mre. Elgin Cooking -6 tea biscuits, open, Carol
Nett, Mrs. L. Pryce; Coleus, Mrs. Jas, Carter, Bruce Falconer, Sandra Bushie,
Carter, Mrs. Haugh; ChtTsanthemtuns, Katie teat, Louis Bradshaw; 6 tarts.
Mrs. Wm, Bradshaw; Cactus, Mrs. better, Elaine Oke, Wendy Moore, Brian
Hablcirk, Judy Nat. Mary Ann Snow-
don • chocolate layer Cake, Glen Nat,
Tud; Nott, Sharon McNiehol, Helen
Elliott, Joan Reynolds; 6 ban muf-
fins. Linda Nat, Maine Oke,
Mrs. Grummett, Mrs. T. R. Thompson, beth Carter, Marjorie MacDonald, B.
Mrs. E. Nat; floral arrangement, Mrs. Falconer; 6 drop cookies, Shirley Dins-
Gremunett1 rare plant, Mrs. Grummett; more, Dorothy Jamieson, Brian /lab -
Thanksgiving arrangement, Mrs. Storey, kirk, Elaine Oke: white layer cake.
Mrs. T. R. Thompson; miniature, Mrs. Iced, Ken Cerdno. Roseman. Lansink.
Peter Stila, Betty Nigh. Chase Moore,
S.MacgCcLura. HPIrsE. vliprry McLeod.
apple pie. Sandra Beale, Mary Crich,
• GIRLS 4-H CLUB Barbara Falconer, Xendra Moore; ref-
Displae of vegetables, Joan Pryce, sin pie, Carol Carter. Sandra McGonigle,
Sane Haugh, Agnes Hicknell, Marjorie Sandra Bushie; candy, maple cream,
People, Bonnie McLeod; Centrepiece of Susan McLean. Peter Kling, Helen El -
vegetables, fruits, Bonnie McLeod, Mar- Bat, Katie Scott, Louis Bradshaw;
jorie Kieffer, Marjorie Papple; two Co- chocolate fudge. Glen Nott, Bruce Whit -
las Foliages, Swine Haugh. Marilyn more, Indy Nott, Sharon McNichol,
Taylor: Pyjamas, Mary Broadfoot, Mar- Connie Clew.
jorie Papple, Dorothy Keys, Agnes WRITING -Grade 1, Mary Sills, Rob.
Bicknell; nightgowns, Marjorie Kief- McCartney, Sae DeBoer, Johanna Van
fer, Eleanor Keys; Pejareas, Sonne Miltonberg, Sharon Talbot; Grade 2,
Haugh, Jean Broadfoot, Carol Carter, Bob McKenzie, Maty Hoggarth, Douglas
Gloria Carter; senior or Junior house- Dalrymple. Catherine McLeod, John
coats. Marjorie Pantile; six Asters. Rau; Grade 3, Linda Nett, Pat Stiles,
Marilyn Taylor. Jean Broadfoot, Carol Itutls Bysima, Joan McNeil, Bobby Wet -
Carter, Suane Haugh; bouquet of corn- son; Grade 4, Cheryl Moore, Joyce Eel -
flowers, Madorie ramie. Margaret land, Faye Nicholson, Jim Carter,
McLeod, Carol Carter, Helen Broadfoot; Yvonne Adans;Grade 5, Barbara nol-
bouquet of Snapdragons, Jean Broad- lend, Bob Plumsted, Dick Lobb, Mary
foot. Marilyn Taylor, Grace Doig. Suane Jean Boshart, Ellen Van Veight; Grade
Haugh •• 6 carrots, tormed. Sane Haugh, 6. klanike Byslma, Barb Falconer, Mary
Gene Nixon, Agnes Hicknell, Faye Lit- Flannery, Kendra Moore, Bev. Phillips;
tle; 6 beets, topped, Sterne Haugh, Mar- Grade 7, Sandra MeGonigle, Sharon Me-
nem Taylor, Agnes Hicknell, Gene Nix- Nichol, Marg MacGregor, Carol Carter,
on; 6 onions, Marjorie Kieffer, Georg- Gerda Christensen; Grade 8, Judy Nett,
ina Kieffer, Marilyn Taylor, Joan Pearn McLean, Devine Hubert, Phyllis
Pryce. Bryan% Searle Haugh • work book, Bob
JUdge; Florence E. MeGavin. Watson, Bob McKenife, Douglas Dal -
JUNIOR INSTITUTE Hope Chest Temple, Sherren Burdge, Jim MacDon-
Competition: Mary Broadfoot. Catherine ald ; work book, Helen Broadfoot Mare
Campbell, T)orothy Keys, Scott. Janet Henderson, Jacqueline
Drager, Carol Carter.
Tudge: Mrs. Fred A. Stock.
HIGH SCHOOL SECTION ludge-M. brediger.
Home Economics ART -Preschool. Patsy Storey, Jean -
Skirt, Gloria Carter, Marlene Riley, ette Waterworth. Susan Legeza, Charlie
Agnes Hicknell; blouse, Loretto Comet- Smith, Christine Turnbull; Kindergar-
19, Marlene Riley, Marjorie Smith; ten,' paper weaving, - Leonard Muegge.
Weskit, Bonnie McLeod, Joan Bach, Faye Munroe, Bruce Wilbee, Jim Dal -
Carolyn Neil; summer dress, Helen remPle. Wayne Loney; Grades 1. 2 and
Boyes, Marie Sinclair; jumper, Betty 3, Douglas Dalrymple, Robert David,
Muegge• party dress, Marjorie Boyd; Paul Hagen, Larry Scott, Man, Sills;
suit, ROse Marie Bolger; handkerchief, Grades 4. 5 and 6, Freda Hunt, Mary
Betty Murray, Ellner Boa, Margaret. Crich, Jim Coleman. Susan Snow, Adri-
Wood; buck darning, Rose Marie Bob- mem Cornier; Grades 7 and 8. Cheryl
ger, Joan Bach; embroidery, Dorothy Madsen. Grace 13euerman, Carol Fowl -
Jackson, Tem Broadfoot, Marlene Bi- er, Judy Nat, Bruce Miller; Poster
ley; bonnet, Teen Broadfoot. Betty Lile Matey, Grace Beuerman, Dianne
Murray, loan Bach, Karen Nicholson; McCabe, Pam Stapleton, Keith Stacey;
smocking, Betty Murray: biscuits, Spatter work, Kayo McCowan, James
Gloria Garter, Jean Millen, Rose Marie Bisback, Mervyn Agar, Johan Van
Bolger; muffins. Kenn' Tepper, Joan Itooljen, Gail Storey; Spatter work, H,4 -
Lane, Marjorie Papple; cream puffs, en Scott, Ruth Powell, Jane LTA, Mar -
Jean Lane, Tosette Devereaux; cookies, jorie Agar, Keith Stacey; Poster on
Gloria Carter. Marjorie Parente, Joan Wild Life, Pearn McLean, Emily Elli-
Boyee; chocolate cake, Nancy Pepper, ott, Donne Berger, Devine Hubert, Kar -
Gloria Carter, Kay Nat; chiffon cake en Hugill; Model, Peter Snow; soap or
Gloria Carter, Marjorie Preppie; Pie, w" carving, Barbara Nett, Brian HO,
Nancy Pepper, Jean Millen, Pearn Me. kirk, Jack ?apple; soap or NVICC carving,
Ian. Marion Ben, Nancy Pepper, Mar- Bobby People, Lee Fleming, Gisela Hel-
Serie Pannier fudge. Marjorie Papple
Pans McLean, Kay Nat. , big. Laurie Stockwell, John McDougall.
SEWING --Doll dressed, Meta Reeves,
Jean McLeod, Anne Kling, Darlene Sills,
Helen Broadfoot 1 embroidered tea towel,
Helen Brondfoot, Margaret MacGregor,
Mary MacGregor, Sharon McNichol, Me-
ta Reeves; apron, Helen Broadfoot, Bar-
bara Falconer, Rah Oriel; ; knitted alt-'
(ole, Gisela Helbig, Joan Robertson'Hel-
en Breadfoot, Catherine Philips; Rose-
mary Lansink; any article handworkal,
Helen Broadfoot, Joan Reymids, Gisela
Helbig, Carol Carter, Sandra Bushie ;
any article made of felt, Darlene Sine,
Ruth Crich, Helen Broadfoot, Baty
Ann Gibbings ; costume jewellery, Ruth
Crich, Mildred Crich, Helen Broadfoot,
Barbara Layton,
calves' were brought out for the
county championship class, froin
clubs that have operated .during
1957 at Exeter, Kirkton, Sea -
f orth, Lucknow,, Bruss'els, Turn -
berry, and B1ybh4Belgrave. in
the closely contested inter -club
class, for groups ,of three calves,
first ;place went to the Exeter
entry, coached by • John Pym;
second 'place to the Kinkton en-
try, coached hy Roy Nethercott,
St. Marys; 3rd place to the 'Sea -
forth initry, coached by Eric An,
ders,pn of Londesboro.
Championship Show
ICal.ves in the county champ-
ionship ;beef show were 'classifi-
ed in three groups, according to
quality, and calves in the Op
group were then judged indivi-
dually and ranked.
1Placitiss in the top group
were; 'Gerald Wallis'Exeter; Al-
lan Ruodle, R.R. 3, Exeter; Got'.
don Hodgins, R.R. 1, Granton;
Rill Strong, IRA, 2, Dublin; Le-
roy Rintoul, .Whitechurch; Jim
Lyons, Lucknow; .Grant Hod-
gins, 11.13. 1, Granton; Crawford
McNeil, IR. R. 2, .Lucknow; Chas.
O'Shea, 11.IR. 2, Granton; Pat O'-
Shea, R.R. 3, ,Granton; Leslie
Campbell, R.R. 1, 1Seaforth; Da-
vid Kirkland; R.R. 3, :Bucknow;
Gary Wilson, RR., 3. Brussels;
Don Kirkland, Ra. Lucknow.
5n addition to the 31 steer
calves shown in the champion-
-ship class, sixteen calves were
brought out, representing S calf
clubs in. Huron, for a county
championship heifer calf class.
First place in the class was
awarded to the calf shown by
Margaret Lyons, RM.. 1, Luck -
Mow, 2nd to allarguerite Scott,
R.R. 1, ISeaforth; third to Jim
oc..iltes, 33.33. 5, •Wingtham; 4th
to Lila iBlack, 11111. 1., Belgrame.
County Swine Show
Kenneth ?apple, 11.11. 5, Sea -
forth, was the championship
showman, and Don Carter, R.R.
2, Seaforth, :had the champion-
ship animal, in a 4-11 Huron
swine shorw, for which 14 entries
were 'brought out by representa-
tives of swine clubs at Seaforth
and Brussels, and the North
Huron club.
Runner up for the swine
showmanship) title was Marion
Turnbull, 139.13. 2, ,Brussels. Re-
serve champion gilt in the coun-
ty show was shown by Ken Gem-
mell 2, Kippen, with Mar-
ion Turnbull third, Malcolm
Stewart; R.R. 5, ISealorth, 441,
and Ken Papple, 5th.
Thirteen members took part
in the achievement day show of
the ISeaforth-Clinton 4-31 Toul-
try show held Friday at Sea -
forth Fair. The poultry club,
one of the few in Western Ont.,
is a project that has developed
in the strong poultry -raising in-
dustry of Central Huron, with
Seaforth as its focal point.
Jean Broadfoot, 11. R. 1,
Brucefield, had the top-scorint
exhibit of 'poultry in the club
show. Club leaders who .organ-
ized and directed the show, are
133. V. Whiteley, E. Junkin, and
J. 'M. Scott.
Scores on exhibits: Jean
Broadfoot, 190; 'Betty Storey,
13.11. 2, Seaforth, 175; Jack
Broadfoot, 33.31. 1, Brucefield,
165; Mary Broadfoot, R. R. 1,
Brucefield, 160; 'Donald Carter,
R. R. 2, •Seaforth, 150; Douglas
Gibbings, R. a 4, Clinton, 145;
'Gloria Carter, R. R. 2, iSeaforth
140; Ron Jewitt, R. 1, Clin-
ton, 140; Tom Whyte, a. a. 2,
,Seaforth, 1135; Nick Whyte, R.
R. 2, Seaforth, 105; Gary Jew-
itt, R. II. 1., 'Clinton, 100; Cor
Bakelaar, R. .R. IL Auburn, 85;
Johm de IRuyter, R. R. 1, Landes_
bon, 75.
Dairy Calf Club
Five first -prize winners were
selected in the dairy calf show
of the Seaforth Dairy Calf
Club, held Friday as part of th
4,31 program at the Fair. Doug
las Hugill, R.R. 2, ISeaforth,
showed the best Guernsey calf;
Allan Hillman, R. a 4, Sea -
forth, showed the best Ayrshire.
Gloria Carter, R. R. 2, Steaforh,
the best Jersey. The Holstei
group was divided in two sec-
tions, according to .the ages o
the animals, with Joseph Bab-
cock, R. R. 1, Londesboro, win-
ning first prize for junior Hol
stein calf, and 'Gloria 03oyd, R.
R. 2, Walton, first for &emit)].
Holstein oaf.
In the showmanship competi
tion, in which all five breed
groups showed in one ring firs
prize was given to Gloria Boyd;
second to Betty Storey, R. R. 2)
Seaforth; third to Mervyn Pep-
per, IR. R. 4, Walton•'fourth to
Donald Carter, B.R. 2, Seaforth;
fifth to Edith 0Boyd, 11. R. 2,
Scores -awarded on calves:
Guernseys: Douglas 'Hugill
822; Everett Hessels R. R.
4, 'Clinton, 225; John Hessels
R. R. 4, Clinton, 363; Wayn
Hugill, R. 13.2, ISeaforth, 360
Laurel Dale, R. R. 1, Clinton
365, Wilma Dale, R. R. 1, Clin
ton, 350. •
A-yrshires: Allan Hill n -r. n
256; Glen Nott, IR. R. 4, !Clint°
364; Anita Hillman, R. IR. 4
Seaforth, 360; Neila Hillman
R. R. 4, iSeaforth, 057.
Jerseys: Gloria Carter, 2713
, Donald Carter, R. R. 2, Sea
forth, 372; Ronald Little, R. 11
1, Seaforth, 252; Gary Little,
R. 1, Seaforth, 260.
Junior Holsteins: 'Joseph Bab
cock, 370; Dennis Jewitt, 133. 5
1, Clinton'271; Mervyn Peppe
R. 1B. 4, Walton, 369; Willie
'Shaddick, Londesboro, 257; Do
Coyne, 11. R. 5, Seaforth, 866
Mailorie Boyd, R. R. 2, Waltori
264; Edith Boyd, IR. R, 2, iWa
toil, 062; IRieny 'Van Loon,
R. 2, 1Seaforth, 360; Cecil
insma, R. R. 4, 'Clinton, 35.
Betty Storey, (R. R. 2, !Seaforth
. Sr. Holsteins: 'Gloria Boy
R. IR. 2, Walton, 275; Joa
Jack Broadfoot, Hervey Date, marl" 1011Ship show, and. Strong won Coyne, R. R. 5, ,Seaforth, 365.
Taylor; pie punmkins, Larry Perdue, the 'Senator 1Golding trophy for Swine Club
Robert Elliott, Marilyn Taylor ;Imge the county showmanship tit• le Twenty-one boys :from thi
Pumpkin, Larry Bean -earn, jack , •
Broedfoot; Hubbard squall, 5nane ;Thirty-seven selected beef Seaforth district brought haco
sow, over 2 years. Henry, Jameson,
Turnbull; sow over 18 months, Henry
end iird. Turnbull; sow over 1 year
Turnbull. Bacon, Henn.; sow, 6 months,
Turnbull. Carter, Pimple, Powell; sow
under tr months, Turnbull and 2nd. Ba-
con. Henry and 391,. senior herd, Turn-
bull. Henry and 410, Bacon: Junior herd,
Turnbull. Bacon, Henn-. Broadfoot.
TAIIWORT11-Boar, 2 years, Hart,
Leary, French: boar, 1 year, French,
Hart, Leery; bear, over 6 months, Hart
and Zrel, French, Leary; boar under six
menehe, French, Hart, Lary and 410;
sow. 1 years. French, Dare and 3rd:
sow. 1 year. French. Leary and 3r5;
2.0, 0.er 4 months, French and Ind,
Mar -ow under 6 months, French,
Hart end 3rd. Leary; senior herd.
reach, Leary, Hart; Junior herd. Hart,
matoes, Rita Orr, Mrs. Jamieson, Ma.
Carter; sweet cucumber Pickles,
Carter. Mrs. Sam SfeClure, Mrs. Nett;
pickled beets. Mrs. 10 Pryce, Mrs. Sem'
leson, Mrs. Carter; relish, Mrs. Nott,
Mrs. S. Millen, Mrs, S. McClure; pear
mannalade, Mrs. Carter; new variety
pickles, Mrs. Nett, Mrs. Carter; Dill
pickles, Mm, S. Millen, Ethel Dennis,
Mrs. Carter; tomato catsup, Mrs. S. Ma.
Clure, Rita Orr, Mrs. Carter; black cur-
rent iam, Mrs. Carter, Mao Nott;
Strawberry jam, Mrs. Jamieson, Ethel
Dennis, Mrs. S. Millen; Raspberry jam,
Mrs. Carter, Mrs. S. McClure, Mrs. Hie,
len; Apple jelly, Mrs. Jamieson, Bruce
Keys. Mrs. Carter; red currant Jelly,
Mrs. Nat, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Carter ;
Any other variety of Jam. Mrs. Nett,
Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Carter; collection
of canned fruits. Mrs. Carter; collection
rtt e. -13c9 and jellies, Mrs. Nat, Mrs.
Birk:hire -i ,3
ota, 1 year. Bert French: Carter.
Boar. steer 6 months. Bert French.: Imam ECONOMICS
boar under a months. Bell. French ante White bread. Mrs. Jas. Carter. Mrs.
15d, R, Grey; sow. 2 years. French end T. McMillan, Ethel Dennis:brawn bread,
2rel. James C. Bell: sow. 1 year and un- Ethel Dennis, Mrs. S. Storey, Mrs. Car-
der. R. Gray and 2nd; sow over six ter; fruit bread. Ethel Dennis, Mrs. G.
months. French and 2nd, J. C. Bell and Penni% Mrs. S. Storey; buns. Echel
4311; Now under 6 months. French and Dennis. Mra, T. McMillan, Mts. G. Pap -
2nd. Bell and 4th; senior herd, French: .ple; collection of buns, Ethel Dennis.
junior herd, French. Bell, Gray; pen of Mrs. Papple. Mrs. Carter; Angel cake,
bacon hogs, Tamie.son, Henry, Turnbull.
Best bacon type on ground, Turnbull.
New Hampshire. c, h, p. C. F. Pepper.
Rhode Leland Red, c, C. F. Pepper,
Mel Crieh Sr., h, J. D. Douglas, Pepper;
ckl. Crieh. Pepper; p, Pepper, Douglas:
Barred Plymouth Rocks, c, Douglas.
Pepper; h, Douglas, Pepper; ckl. Pen-
ner. Crieh • p, Pepper, Crich.
White Rake, c, h, ckl, p, Douglas.
White Leghorn., e, h, 0511, p, George
Light &sea. c. 11, ckl, p, Pepper.
White Wyendottes. c, Douglas. Crich,
lb female.. Crich, ckl. 13, Douglas, Crich
Broun Lerrhorns, c, h, ckl, p, Douglas
Lewhorne, A.O.V., h, 60. p. Pepper.
Jersey Giants, c, h, eisi, Douglas.
Pepper: le Pepper, Douglas.
Minorca. c, Douglas Pepper; h. Pen-
ner. Dome:is; ckl, Penner, P. Douglas,
Orpingtons, e, h, ckl, p, Pepper.
Alle011Re. e. 11, ckl, p., Paper and 2nd
Clam 11 Utility Pens
New Hampshire, Pepper.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Pepper,
White Rocks, Douglas, Pepper.
Light Sussex, Pepper.
-White Leghorns, Pepper,
Cross Breede„ light, Bruce Coleman,
Xen Coleman.
New Hampshire, Is, Bin Millson.
Rhode island Red, h, Bill Willson.
White Plymouth rim's, h. Millson, S.
Lovett, ekl, Millson.
White Leghorn, c, Millson.
Bantam, h, p, c, *11, J. Broadfoot.
Class IT -Rhode Island Reds --h, Bill
White Plymouth Rocks, Millson.
Coosa Breed. heavy, 11, Doug. Jamie-
son, p. Ken Ryan.
Rhode Island Red, e, ckl, 13, 51*1
Barred Plymouth Rock, eke Crich,
Montgemere, P,
White Leghorn, c, Gary IVIontgomerY,
Jim Montgornere.
Light Sussex, c, Jim Montgomery,
Gary Montgomery.
A. V. Bantams. c, Crich, Brondfoots
Cria, Ron Williamson, a, Crich
Broadfoot, p. Crich, Broadloot,
Rhode Island Reds, le Crich.
Croes Breed, heavy. h, Leonard Jain-
teson, Geterld Townsencl,
HORTICULTURAL, PRODUCTS applique, Mrs. Wes Heimpel; quilt,
Apples child's, elm. Hemp, Mrs. Mel Steffen,
. Co eman, Mrs. Carter, Mrs.
MacMillan: Chocolate cake, "Mrs. Pan-
tile, Wilma eteLean. Mrs. Carter; white
cake, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Papple; Sponge
cake. Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Papple; Banana
cake. Mrs. Papple, Mrs. Carter; Chiffon
cake, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Papple fruit
cake, Mrs. Carter, Mrs, R. Orr; light
fruit cake, Rita Orr, Mrs. J. Carter;
Date loaf, Mrs. Carter, Rita Orr; cm
cakes, Mrs Peppier Maple cream, Mrs.
S. Storey, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. Pap
ple; chocolate fudge, Mrs. S. Storey.
Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. E. Nett; candy,
Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs, S. Stoney; choco-
lates, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Wes, Hemphill,
Wm. S. Storey;
COOKIES: Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Hemp-
hill; variety cookies, Mrs. Storey, Mrs,
Papple, Mrs. Carter cookies, Mrs.
Carter, hire Storey; macaroons, Ethel
Dennis. Mrs. Carter, Wm. S. Storey;
small eaka, Wilma 2deLean, Ma, Cart-
e,r W. S. Storey.
PIES: Pumpkin pie, Mrs. Carter, Mre.
Papple, Ma. S. Tanen; cherry pie,
Mrs. Papple, etre Carter; lemon pie,
Mm, Carter, Ethel 13ennis, Mrs. Pap -
Pie: raisin Pie, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Pep -
tiler apple pie, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Jam-
ieson. Mrs. S. Hillen: Tarts, Mrs. Pep-
ple, errs. Carter, Mra. Fallen ; jam
tarts, Mrs. Papple, Brace Keys, hire.
MISCELLANEOUS: Dist:nits, Bruce
Keys, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Killen; 7 bis-
cuits, Mrs. Carter. Ethel Dennis: veva
doughnuts, Mrs. S. Stora ; 7 =Mins,.
Rita Orr, Ethel Donnie, Mrs, S. Storey;
Shortbread, Wm. S. Storey, Mrs. Wee
Hemphill, Mts, S. Storey; sarrdwiches.
varieties, ?Are. Carter. Mrs. Storey; Gin-
gerbread. Mrs. Papple, Mee Garter;
lunch, Mrs. People, Mrs. Carter.
SPECIALS: Collection of plain bak-
ing, Mrs. '1'. McMillen. Mrs. Carter,
Ethel Dennis; apple tarts, Mrs. Te KOS'S
of Verna; Mrs. Carter, Mrs, B. Keys;
serving potatoes, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. 1
Keys, Mrs. Papple; white bread, Ethel
Dennis, eirs. T. McMillan, Mrs. Canter;
layer cake, Mrs. T. McMillen, Mrs. Fan-
nie; pie, 'Mfrs. 7'. McMillen, Mrs. Pap-
ple; chili sauce, Mrs. Les Pryce; Pies,
Ethel Dennis, Mrs, Carter, Mrs.
Ian ; cakes, Mrs Pepple, Mrs, Carter,
Bruce Keys: frosted cake, Mrs. Penile,
Mrs. T. Keys. ,,
Qeilt pieced, Mr, Jack Kemp; quilt,
Woodwork, Bohn Fotheringhem, Elver-
ett Heesels, Mike Malone, Robt, Father-
ingham. Don Wright; metal, Eleanor
Bert Dennis; drafting. Everett
Fiala, Bert Dennis; woodwork, Don
Morris, Earl Bell, Glen Coutts; wood-
work, Ray Salm., Earl Bell, Don Mor-
ris; woodwork. Ron Eyre; drafting,
Zahn fireahart. Howard James..
AGRICULTURE: Oniona, N. Whyte,
Hervey Dale. Tenn Millen; carrots, tar-
red, Glen Walters, Harvey Dale, Suane
Haigh ; carrote, bunched, Merle Codkin,
Stmette Debbergue, Bert 'Densis; table
parsnips, Suane Haugh, Agnes Hick-
nell ; beets; topped, Svelte Haugh, 13errie
Fleming, Ken. Pewee; slicing type .01.1 -
cumbers, Rose Marie Bolger, 1V1arilyn
Taylor, &sane Haugh ; qt. pickling cm
cumbers, Larry Beuermann, Robert
Elliott; table turnips. Merle Godkin,
Larry Beuermann, Josette Debberque;
feed turnips, Xen Papple, Merle God -
kin, Morrie Hemingway ; ripe tomatoes,
Gerald 'Wallis, Exeter, and
,Bill Strong, R. IR. 2, rSeaforth,
won the day's two top-ranking
individual awards. Wallis show-
ed the grand champion beet
steer in the seven -club champ -
THE SEAFORTH NDWS---Tbursday, September 20, 1907
THEATRE, Seaforth
FRI. SAT. SOLID' GOLD carnizac
Holiday ,. Paul Douglas, The Denniest comedy of the year. The hilarious
story of the, blonde manipulator
Humphrey Begat - Jon Sterling - JeregY Jac Walcott
The whole mob -ridden Fight racket Masted into the open
m iiiii , ii oom i I iiiii 1111111111111111 iiiiii 11111111 iiiiiii 1 i 11111 ii 1 iii 1111111111111111111,01111111111,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WE REPEAT - - in regards to
Our best Ads are worn.. . not printed
Spiritual Life
First Presbyterian
Rev. Donald Joyce,
II 11 '
London, Ontario
' THETahkeemtAehNeof The Mission:
Deep Thought and Earnest
Be a Witnessing Christian
Come Yourself.
Bring others
Senior heifers: (Marguerite
385; Mack IVIoLean, 11, IR.
Seafol]bh, 375; Luella MoY-
R. R. 5. ,Seaforth, 372; Jas.
R. R. 5, Seaforth, 260,
Junior heifers: Billy Murphy,
R. 4, Seaforth, 280; Joe 11111T-
IR. R. 4, Seaforth, 275.
Leading scores for showman -
Bill Strong, 99; Charles
95; Joe VlurphY, 95;
Murphy, 95; 'Mack Mc-
.95; Marguerite .Scott, 94.
,„4.714 40,
"...oh., s . 14 4tt nt40).
"P -i. 111 - - IP I-)
: ..):1/ '
to the Fair on Friday, for
club show organized
MdMillan and Ken
eh* leaders. Donald
IR. IR, 2, Seaforth, was
top a -ward for his swine
and Kenneth Papple, R.
Seaforth won first place
in the swine
on Swine: Donald Car-
Ken Gemmel, R. R. 2,
389; Malcolm Stewart,
5, Seaforth, .387; Kenneth
IR. R. '5, (Seaforth, 385;
Taylor, Londesboro,
;Winston. Powell, R. R. 2 '
223; iBruce Papple, R.
Brie Mcln-
Seaforbh, 382; B
R. R. 3, Clinton, 281; Bill
R. at 2, Seaforth, 280;d
Broadfoot, R. IR, 1, B
379; Douglas Jam
377; Cary Jew-
'Clinton, ais K
- '-; - en
R. R. 4, Seaforth, 373;
Broadfoot, a. R. 1, Bruce-
371; John Jewitt, CR. R. 1,
369; 'Beverley Hender-
Seaforth, 861;
Hunt. IR. R. 1, .SW01,61,
Alex Townsend, R. R.. 8,
'363; Bruce Coleman,
4, Seaforth, 321; Don Cro.,
B. 11, 2, Seaforth, 359;
Crozier, R. R. 2, Seaforth,
scores for showman-
were: Kenneth IPapple, 95;
Broadfoot, 94; Robert
93; Bruce 'Coleman,
Morwnsend, 89; Win-
Powell, 26; Douglas Jamie-
84. ,
Calf Club
Strong, R. R. 2, Dublin,
prize for showmanship
17 boys and girls conme-
in the annual shovr of the
4-31 Beef Calf Club, on
at (Seaforth. Be scored
win in the show when
was judged the best in
seotion. In the heifer
of the show, best senior
calf was shown by Mar-
Scott,R. R. 1, Seaforth,
hest junior heifer calf bY
Murphy, R. R. 4, Seaforth.
Northside United Church
:Minister, (Rev. Bruce W. Hall,
A tern13.D
mit' S.T.I
Std T
10 a.m, Cliuroh School and
uie ass.
11 ., Morning Worship
"Wrat God Wants to:
for You". Nurse for Tod-
Junior Go 17t.
, n.gregfi. lel!.• '
8 p.m. Opening lervice of
16piritual Life Miss -ion
the Rev. H. Donald Joyce,
London, as Missioner. Ste -
`Re-d]gging The Wells .
Egmondville United Church
Dr. J. Semple, Minister
11 a.m., "Stir Up, 'We Be -
Thee. 0 Lord; The vrills of
faithful people".
10 a.m., Church School and
Bible Class.
11 a.m., 'Nursery Class
11:30 a.m., Junior Church
8 p.m., •Opening service of
Spiritual Life Mission, First
See you at the Mission.
Bethel United Anniversary
Bethel `United Church Anni-
Services :will be held on
Sept. 29th, morning
at 11 a.m., with Rev. W.
ISurnmerell in charge. Even -
se•rvice at 7,30, the Vest
will be Rev. J. L. G.
(BA., B.3)., of Brussels.
music by the choir. All
and friends cordiallY
(rStandard Time).
Poliomyelitis Inoculation
Pre -School children in. Hibbert Township will be
given their third dbse of Polio vaccine at the
Dublin School at 9 a m.
Staffa Hall at 10 a.m.
Thursday, October 3rd/ 1957
Babies vrho have now reached 'the. age of six
months will receive their first dose at thIS. same
Perth County Health Nursing Service
. •
•,i: ...
For Downright
Wonderful Warmth...
with Any
Other Fuel!
Ltd. os-
.41-30.-MMICNito— .
Seaforth Lumber