HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-26, Page 1The SBEIfIIrth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 79 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TTiURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 $1.50 a. Year Authorized as. Second `Glass, mail. Post Offiee Dent., Ottawa Snowdon Bros.. Publishers SEAFORTH ENTERS JUNIOR B TEAM IN O.H. A. GROUP Seaforth is entering a Junior B hockey team at a 'group meet- ing of the 0.H.A. at New Ham- burg on Wednesday. might. Dee4- Sion to enter a team was made by the ISealerth (Athletic Associ- ation on Tuesday evening. 'There • is a prospect of 14, ,players a present asseveral n?emlbers ,o4 last year's `juvenile team are sti'l'l in tSaforth; Ken Doig, who has coached hockeyteams in S c ot laud andz hoped ISwnt errand, is to be available .as 'coach, with possibly '*Angus MacLean as manager.. St. Marys and )Goderich are • expected to enter teams in this group and•withdStraltfordhaving no hockey this winter four •or five players will be available to Seaforth and St. Marys. The \Association is therefore looking forward to a good season of (hockey. Officials point out that hockey :last season in Seaforth really (broke even, the !deficit having been a carryover from previous years, They say much new 'equipment was purchased last year which can ' be used again, and an added asset is the release value of several of last year's players. After resignations of two members of the arena board, Messrs, J. E. Keating and James Stewart, the following members have been appointed: 'Carman• VRowcliffe, William •Smith and John (Baldwin, W. T. Teal! ' is chairman and James Murray is secretary -treasurer. Although a separate organization, the Ath- letic (Association is composed of the same members. • 'Attending the Wed. night meeting at New Hamburg are John :Baldwin and 1C. Rowcliffe. ENGAGEMENT Mr. Wilfred Maloney 'wishes to announce the engagement of his eldest daughter, Marion Lou- ise, to Mr. 'William Gerald Kel- ly, of (Hamilton, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of 1Jnkora. The marriage to take place on 'Oct. ;5th at 9.30 o'clock at St. Coluanban Church, St. Co- lumlban, Ont. ENGAGEMENT • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Web- ster, 'Varna announce the en- gagement of their oldest daugh- ter, Joyce Marie to Kenneth Roy IScotchmer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy +Scotchmer of Bay- field. The wedding will take place the Tatter part of .Oetober, TAKES SPECIAL COURSE Dr. J. O. Turnbull of Sea - forth, 'Ontario, has just -attend- ed a short course in poultry di- seases at the 'Ontario Veterin- ary IGollege. The eoul•se, which included Doctors of Veterinary Medicine from t0nbario and the Maritimes was designed to in- form veterinarians' of the ad- v8li es in diagnosis and treat- • ment of poultry diseases. MANY APPLICATIONS A large number of applica- tions have been received by the Town Clerk, D. H. Wilson, for the positions of Chief of Police and constable for 'Seaforth, council learned at . a special meeting on (Monday night called to make .appointments to the Arena (Board. .Applications will be considered at another meet- ing. e LEWIS T. FISHER The death took place at 'Stratford on Tuesday, (Sept. 24, of Lewis T. Fisher, •of .Seaforth after a long illness. He was in 'his 78th year and was born in Tucker smith, son of the 'late Joseph Fisher and Ellen Stobie Fisher. He had farmed in (Tuck- tinsmith for many years before retiring to ISeaforth in 1940. Surviving are a brother and sis- ter, Mrs, Alma Cowan of De- troit, and D. M. 'Fisher, of 'Guelph. The funeral will take' place from the Box funeral cha- pel on Thursday afternoon with Rev. Bruce W. (Hall "officiating. Interment will be in Maitland- bank Cemetery. JOHN F. FLANNERY John J. Flannery, 82, died in ,Scott Memorial Hospital on Fri- day, following a short illness. He was born in McKillop twp., the son of the late iMr. and Mrs. Michael Flannery, and caane to Seaforth about 50 years ago. Mr. Flannery was a member of St. James' Roman IC a t h 011 C Church. Surviving are four sons 'Louis, Detroit; John, 'Seaforth; Cyril, Detroit; Jim, 'Kitchener; four daughters, Mrs, Ray ,(Cath. Brine) Benninger, Guelph; 1VIrs. 3. )((Martha) Miller, )Detroit 'Ter- esa, Guelph; 7trs, Geralda Do- lan of New 'Brunswick. Also sur- viving are two brothers, Daniel, Rosetown, 'Sask., and Terrance, Dublin. The funeral toolc place Monday from the W. J. Cleary Funeral 'Home to St. Janes' 'C'hurch for Requiem High Mass. Celebrant was Rev.' E. P. ' Weber. Buried was in ;St. James'. Cemetery. 'The pallbearers were Joseph Flannery, 'Sylvester 2lanlnery, -Jack Flannery, Dublin; John !Flannery, (Preston; 'Roderfi!olr McLean, 'Sieg. Knights. Among those from a distance besides the members of the fan- High School Football -'scorn on ily were: Mr. 'Pat Doherty, Mrs. Tuesdayhere was Goderich 28, Irene Boulier both of Detroit. Seaforth 0. • BACON ,HOG, WINNERS Word was received on (Wed. from Canada Packers with re- sults of T. Eaton Bacon Hog Special. There were 24- pens leompeting with a total of 96 s ho 1st, Ken Stewart, IR, R. 5, Seaforth; 2nd, Frank Johnston. R. R. 1, Dublin; 8•rd, Arnold Jamieson, R. IR. 4, Clinton; 4th Francis (Hunt RIR 4 Seaforth; a Seafor „ 5th, Ken. Campbell, 'R., R. 94, Du- blin; ehantpione carcass,' Ken iStewant; reservd champion, Ar- nold Jamieson. Rebekah Lodge Elect Officers With Mrs. Albert Harrison, Noble Grand, presiding over this week's ,meeting •of Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge, the fol- lowing were declared elected' to. office by acclamation: N. G. ,Mrs. Hugh Thompson; V. G., Mrs. Ed ,Andrews; Rec. 'Sec., Miss Jean (Scott; treas., Mrs. Everitt Smith; financial sec., Mrs. 'Chas. Reeves; trustee, Miss Mae Smith. Elected and appointed officers will be in- stalled into office •on 'Oct. 28th by Mee. (Ada Fnitzley, of 'Goder ich, D.D.P. of Distriot 23 and her staff. •A donation was •made to the current CNIB drive. A social evening' for members is planned to ,follow the next reg- ular meeting, 'Oct. 14th with a euchre party to follow the. Nov. iibh meeting. Members are ask- ed to collect Betty Crocker box tops for the next two ;months in aid of the "Dollars for Charity" campaign. SEIGMILLER—LITTLE The marriage took place at North Side United Church, Sea - forth, on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 220 p.m. of Margaret Elizabeth Little, niece of Mr. and 'Mrs. William Northcott, Exeter, R. R. 1, to Darol G. Seigmiller, son of Mr. and (Mrs. Jack Seigmiller•. of Hanover, Ontario. Rev. Bruce W. Hall officiat- ed. -Church decorations were pink and white gladioli. Given in marriage by her un- cle,'William Northcott, thelbride wore a grey suit with pink ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations and pink sweetheart roses. Miss Narne'Seigmiller of Toronto was bridesmaid, wear- ing a (beige suit' with brown ac- cessories and a corsage of yel- low baby mums. Fred Ulrich of Toronto was best man. The bride's aunt received in a bine suit with blue and white acces- sories and a corsage of pink car- nations, and the bridegroom's mother wore a dress of pink bro- caded satin and blue accessories with ,corsage of blue carnations. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. ISeigmiller left on a honeymoon to Michigan, and on their re- turn will reside in Mrs. Selat- er's apartment on High Street, Seaforth. Guests were . present at the wedding from Hanover, Exeter, 'Medford, Grand Bend, Seaforth and Toronto. RICHARDSON—MOODIE A wedding of interest took place in 1WesleysWillis ;United Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, Sept. • 21, at 2!30 when Karen Ann Moodie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Moodie, Clinton, became the bride of . Carl Gordon Richard- son, son' of Mr. and (Mrs. !Gordon Richardson, of lBrucefield. ='The church was decorated with pink and white gladioli. !Rev. J. A. McKim officiated. Given in snarriage by her fa- ther. the bride wore a !ballerina gown, hand clipped (Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over . Duch- ess satin, fashioned evith snugly fitted bodice and scooped neck- line edged with iridescent se- quins and seed pearls and lace lily point sleeves, full boiffant skirt with flowers of nylon tulle and •overskiat of Chantilly lace. Chantilly ;'ace pillbox banded with seed pearls held silk illu- sion veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of white 'baby mums and red roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Vivian Edwards of Clinton, whose dress was styled on Princess lines with scoop necic, bow to bottom; of ballerina length skirt, aqua c r y s t a 1 charm, and she carried a bou- quet of yellow mums. Linda Lou: Moodie, sister of the 'bride, was Slower girl, wearing a dotted nylon .Swiss dress over pink, matching flower headdress and carried -.a nosegay of pink and White carnations. (George Ross of !Hanover, was groomsman. Mrs, M. R. ;Rennie was organist and Douglas . Fleischauer was soloist. (Ushers were Eric ,McSnr- tosh, ISeat£orth, and Arnold Tay- lor, Benncefield. For the reception in Wesley - Willis church parlors, the bride's mother wore a beige dress with ash -rose accessores, . 'and the groom's mother wore a Royal blue dress withnavy aaecessor- les. After a wedding, trip to the United States, IMr. and !Mrs. Richardson will reside at. Bruce - held, 'Guests Brom a distance, Weeton,lPeterbo'o, Hamilton,, and INorwioh, . Bert Pepper Wins Winning,Cockerels Top Ontario Award Hatched in Cage Two pulblic'sci ool pupils carp tuned five !poultry prizes at Sea- forth" fair, Jim'" and Gary Mont- gomery.' ont_gomery,' The .chielcs were hatch- ed in • an ordinary bird cage. covered with aluminum foil and using a heat •lanip for warmth. 47 eggs were hatched, and 13 chicks survived ,and were brood- ed for'two-weeks in. the. same cage. Three breeds were raised, (Sussex, Rocks and Rhode Island. Six S were hens and are'now On a farm and lasing., The boys act' g . kept the cockerel's. Twq : first prizes and three !seconds. were won at^the fair. • HARMON W. C.;BRODHAGEN Harmon W. C.'lBrodhagen, 80, died in the Thamer Nursing Home ` on Saturday, following an illness of about 7 months. He was born in Logan twp. and received his early educa- tion in Logan and McKillop schools. the farmed moetof his. life; and carne to Tuckersmith in :193'7: In 1923he moved to IR. R. 4, Brussels. On (April 11, 1899, he marriedMary A. Thornton in Seaforth. ;His wife predeceased him in '1940. He was a member of Brussels Ang- lican Church. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Hae'veY (Amnie) Radio, IDublin;' Mrs. Norman ''(Minnie)' Byers, Brus- sels; Mrs. James (Mary) Racho; Egmondville; Mas. Wm. (Eliza- beth) Morris, 'Brussels; and ;Mrs. Earl ,(QVtargar'et) Gray, Seat- forth; Seatforth; and one son, William, of 'Brussels. Also surviving' is one brother, William IBrodhagen, of Brussels, also 21 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Tues- day afternoon, Sept. 24th, at the Box Funeral 'Chapel. 'Rev. (Fred Jewell of Brussels officiat- ed. Interment was in Maitlancl- henk Csineteey. (The pallbearers were: Lloyd Pease, Allan 'Pease, Ernie Mich- ie, Gordon Nieholson, Charlie Nicholson, and James Racho. )Word was just received that Mr. 'Bart Pepper, II4,. R. '3, Sea - forth, who was interviewed last week in regards to Nationa114.11 Club week and also the Nation- al 4-111 Club Congress in 'Mica - go, has 'been selected as Ont- ario's only ,delegate to the 411 Club Congress in Chicago.. 0Ie° will 'leave for Chicago about November 30th and 'return. about December 15th. This is Ontario's top award and • all join in congratulating Bert Pepper in [winning this award for himself and Huron County: 0 (Bent is 20 years of age and farms with his father, William R. Pepper, three miles south and one and one quarter miles east of Clinton, 'Bert has 'an out- standing reeord in Jr, Farmer Judging Competitions which in- clude both local and inter -conn ty competitions. In the Inter s County Livestock Judging Com- petition at the Royal Winter Fair in 11956 Bert was a member of the team representing Huron County, which stood' first in, the !Beef ection 5of the competition. He was high individual in the .Beef Section and second high individual irk the Sheep Section. In March of 1957 he was high individual at the Inter County Seed Judging Competition at the Middlesex Seed Fair and the team representing the 'County placed 2nd. 'Bert Inas taken part in the Huron County Livestock Judging Competition each year since 1954. In 1954 he was high man in the Junior Section and in 1957 he topped the Senior Section and was high man in the entire Competition. He has ta- ken part in the 'Huron County Seed Judging Competition for the past three years placing 5th in 19.55, 6th in 1956 and 4th in 1957. In 1956 he was one of the team representing the County at the Lambton-Oxford-Middle- sex Shorthorn Breeders Region- al Field Day and Judging Com- petition, The team, placed first in the competition and Bert was the high individual in this com- petition. The same team stood first in Michigan State 'Short- horn 'Breeders Field :Day, 1956. Again ;Bert Pepper was the high individual in ,the competition. At the same competition this year he tied for first place in the 'Open Competition. This year he is a member of the )Bayfield 4.61 Beef Calf Club and the Clinton 44.1 Grain Club. He has been :a member of the Beof IClu'b each year since 1955. and represented the Club in the 4-11 Biter -Club Competitions in 1955. The team stood 6th in the !Provincial 'Competition. In 1055 he was 'Vice -President of the Club, President in 1956 and this year is a Junior Leader. Bowlers Enjoy Pot Luck Supper On Tuesday, (Sept, 24 a pot luck supper was enjoyed by a Targe number of members and their children, A jitney tourna- anent followed, won by: men, 1st Eric Munroe, 2nd Clarence Wal- den; ladies, ,lst Alice Reid, 2nd Dorothy Parke. Others participating in the bowling were Lorne Dale, Geo, !Hays, Merton Reid, Rose .Phil- lips, .Norman 'MacLean, J. C. MacLennan, Alice !Stiles, Bev. Christie, J. E. Keating, 'Gordon Muir, Harold Connell, (Harold Free, Wan. Duncan, Reuben !Ste- vens. CONSTANCE Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Lawson were Mrs. Roy Lawson and Mrs. W. Loom- ing of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. J. Busby' of Chatham who had been holidaying the past week' - with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson returned Monday. Miss Shirley l3usby of Chatham, having returned from a northern motor trip is now hol- idaying with her aunt and; uncle. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family on Sunday attended the baptismal services of Sails Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Webb of Dashwood: Sunday visitors with Mr. and )Mrs. Ilea Ift lley .were ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tebbutt. Patty : and Wayne of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Marks. and Sharon of Walton.. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- mer Glousher on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of Blyth, Mrs: Mae Adams of Loncl- esboro, Mr. and Mrs. John Sand- erson, Sylvia and Elmer of Blyth, and Mr, and Mrs, Nelson McClure and Clayton of near Seaforth, and attended the anniversary services of Constance U. church. Mr. Wm. Dale left kloniey :morning and is woi'itieg for the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture as Inspector of purebred horses of all breeds in, the counties of Lambton, 'Middlesex, Kent, Elgin and Essex. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Word has been received of the death at Burnaby, B.C., on Aug, 12, of airs. Sarah. Belle Lewis, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Farquharson, formerly of Walton and Sea - forth. She had lived in Alberta for a number of years before moving to the Coast. 'Surviving are a, brother and sister, Ed Farquharson and Mas. Irene Laubmann both of Edmonton., She was a member of Colling- wood 'Tnited Church, Vancou- ver• GEORGE R. LOVE A highly respected resident of the Walton district passed away in the Thanter Nursing Home, !Seaforth, about 2.45 a.m. on Wednesday, 'Sept. 25th in the person of George R. Love. He had been ailing for eight months. In his 82nd year, the late Mr. Love was born in McKillop where he had farmed all his life. His wife, the form- er Martha Shannon, prede- ceased him in 1925. He is sur- vived by one son, George S. Love of )McKillop, and two grandchildren, also a sister and two brothers,. 'Ellen E. Love of Guelph, and Thomas and Nor- man Love of Saskatchewan. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. Sept. 27, at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, with Rev. M. Thomas of Duff's United Church, -Walton, officiating. The casket will be closed at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Maitiandbank Cemetery. Post Office Goes Back to E. S. Time Since Seaforth reverts to Standard Time at 2 a.m., Sun- day, Sept. 29, the following Schedule of 'Yours should be noted, commencing Monde y, Sept. 30th. The Post Office main door will be open 7 am. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday, excepting holidays). The Wickets will be open for all phases of •business from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., except on Wednesday when they will close at 1 ,p,m• On !Wednesday the General Delivery, Parcel Deliv- ery and Postage Sales will re- open from 2.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Mails for Despatch, going West will close at 11 a.m, and 8 p.m; going East, will close at 1.45 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. The street letter boxes will be clear- ed, as usual, Monday to Friday at 1.15 'p.m. and 5.130 p.m. :On Saturday, one collection only at 1.15 p.nl., and Sunday, one col- lection only at 5.30 p.m. Mails are scheduled to arrive at Seaforth from the East at 6.15 and 11.88 am; from the West at 2.11 p.m. and 6.59 p.an. On the arrival of the mail from the East 'at 11.:38 a.m. the wick: ets will be closed for sorting and distribution, re -opening at approximately 12.15 p.ni. Rural Patrons will note that the Car- riers will leave the Post Office at appi'oximndtely 12.15 p.m. and will therefore be earlier en their routes. To avoid disappointment all patrons please note the 'hours of closing of mails for despatch. It is suggested this (Postal Informa- tion .be retained for reference to assist in the efficient hand- ling of the mails, 25th Anniversary of Mr., Mrs. Jas. Keys Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on. Saturday, Sept. 2lst. About 20 guests includ- ing Rev. W. A, Williams who per- formed the wedding ceremony 25 years ago, sat down to a turkey dinner. A three storey wedding cake centred thef dining table de- corated with the samedecora- tion used on their original wed- ding cake. Dorothy and Eleanor Keys and d Catherii e r Campbell served v the dinner. On Wednesday evening prior to their anniversary about 20 friends and neighbors frt)m the Brussels district surpris- ed' Mr. and Mrs. Keys by calling. on themand presented them with many :be4utiful gifts..A. silver tea service was presented by their family. The evening was spent playing progressive euchre and a delicious lunch was served by the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Keys have one son Douglas and two daughters Dorothy and Eleanor.. Guests were present from Brus- sels, Cranbrook and Waterloo in- cluding Mr. Keys' mother who is 82 years old. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. ,Arnold West- cott were in (Windsor on Satur- day, for ;the Garland-Lightowler wedding. Miss Lightowler .was a nurse in ISeaforth for several years and is a eonnsin of Mr.. Weetcott. Saturday was also the 36th wedding of Mr. and (Mrs. Westcott. CONSTANCE On Sunday, Anniversary Ser- vices were well attended at Constance United 'Church. Rev. Slade of Woodham, guest speak- er gave very inspiring addresses both at the morning and evening service. During the morning services 'Misses Gladys and Rena 'MeClinchey and Donna Walden all of Auburn, rendered three beautiful trios, accompanied by Mr. E. J. !Styles of Goderich, and in the evening, Mr. Don MacDonald of 'Walston. accom- panied by Mrs. Harvey Brown also of Walton sang ",Bless This House" and "The tHoly City". Ma and Mea. Wilbur Jewitt were host and hostess to Rev. and Mrs. Cade on Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt enter- tained the singers of the two services. Mr. and )Mrs, Jack Vincent of Goderich were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dex- ter. • Mr. John Whyte of Oshawa spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Miss Muriel Dale of Bramp- hon spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Miss Janet MacGregor of Fordwich spent the weekend with her parents, Mir. and Mrs, Ross MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Bayham of Exeter, Mr. and (Mrs. Charles Glanville and sons Donny and Wayne and Mr. Gordon Kenny of 'Crediton were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Hoavarcl Preszcator and family. Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn - dale was a weekend visitor at her parental home. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Addison were Mr. Lewis Tebbutt, Mr. and Mrs. Austin ,Matheson, Fay and Glenda and Mildred Crich of Seaforth, and Mrs. Arnold An- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Teb butt and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt of Clinton. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace spent a few days last week with their son and daughter-in-law Mn•, and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Carl- ingford. Mrs. Lloyd So•sdahl, Miss Alice Sorsdahl and Mies Ruth Howe at- tended Rally day service at Burns Church, Zorra, on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and sou Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sr., Lan- don, and Mr. and Mrs. I3ernran Mitchell, Exeter. Guests with Mrs. Sarah Scott on Tuesday were Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Harper, Russeidale, Mrs. Kelland, Science Hill, Mrs. E. Col- quhoun, Clinton, Mrs, H, McDou- gall, Mrs. G, Wallace, Mrs, Wil- bar Miller, and Mrs. Lindsay Mc- Kellar. Master Richard Binniugton, Mitchell, spent a few days last week with his grandparents, bir. and Mrs. K. McKellar•. Sunclay visitor's with Mrs, M. Houghton were Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mills and daughter,. Marys. Mr. and )Mrs. 'Wilmer Dal- rymple and family, Chiselburst, and !lir. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and fafnily, Stratford. A number of girl friends were entertained at the horse of )Miss Carol Ann Dow on Saturday, the event being her ninth birthday. The September meeting of the Marian Ritchie evening auxiliary was held at the church with the president, Mrs. Lorne Elliott pre- siding. Mrs, John Wittier read a passage of scripture and Miss Alice Sorsdahl react a. chapter of the study book. . Arrangements were completed for the bazaar which will be held on the atter- noon of October 23rd in the base- ment:of the irhurch, Mrs, A. Guest of Kincardine is visiting withher daughter olid son-in-law Mr: and Mrs. J. E. SAVAUGE'S' PRESENTS THE llad* PATTERN IN THE FINEST SILVERPLATE MELODY CHEST available in Cherrywood Mahogany or Blonde Finish Post (i tratce eibfrmed Y SPECIALSIN t fje6hp oop /y GIFT BOXES Set of Four BALLAD Coffee $195 Spoons regular 54.00 value Imperial Glass Bowl and BALLAD Ladle $295 regular $4.50 value 43 PIECE $f .. 95 SERVICE• FOR EIGHT YOU SAVE $24.40 • REGULAR OPEN STOCK PRICE 4014.35 (including chest) CONTEN"S 8 Teaspoons 8 &clad Forks 8 Place Spoons* 1 Tablespoon 8 Knives 1 Sugar Spoon 8 Forks 1 Butter Knit, *Round Bowl Spoons may be substituted "tAAOr,:.gMS CF ONEIDA LTD• SAVAUGE'S Jewellery - Gifts • Fine China SEAFORTH Ia,,,,,,,,,r,,,,,,,,„Ir„a,,,aa,aa„na„'aa,anna„a„n„11a„l 010 001110110W,1,u1,U1N,a I,. W, moa„n,q,. Storey. 1 suit with black accessories and The regular meeting of the orchid corsage. C.G,I.T, was held on hlonclay ev- 'Guests were present from ening when a bale of used cloth Toronto, Kitchener, London, De- ing was packed. troit, •Goderich and Deep River. Mr, and Mrs. Mayman will re- side at Pembroke. The following guests attend - DUBLIN Mayman—Evans Lighted candles and stand- ards of pink and white gladioli decorated the altar of St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, on Satur- day, 'Sept. 21, when Joann Mar- guerite, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, of Dublin, was united in marriage to Mr. Gerard John Mayman, Deep River. son of GIr. and Mrs.” Walter E. Mayman, London. Rev, J. M. Ffoulkes, D.C.L., of- ficiated at the ceremony and gang the )Nuptial Mass. Mrs. William Lane was organist and the choir sang, "Ave Maria” and "Pans Angelicus". Entering the church with her father, the bride wore a floor- lenigth gown of chantilly lace and tulle, strapless, with a lace jacket, Peter 'Pan collar trimm- ed with rimm-ed.with seed pearls, long lily - point sleeves. The lace extended into the skirt with an over- stitching of tiny lace ruffles and scallops to meet the tulle. Her finger-tip veil was of illu- sion and she carried a white prayer !book decorated with an orchid and white stephanotis on the streamers. The matron of honor was Mrs. John ;Cleary, London sister of the bride, and the ;bridesmaid was Miss Rita Maymann, London, sister of the bridegroom, who wore identical gowns of copper bronze crystal- lette, princess styled, three- quarter -length sleeves, matching mittens and headdress. Both carried nosegays of (bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. The best man was iMr. 'Walter May - man, Toronto, brother of the bridegroom and the ushers were Mr, Bill Evans, Merriton, broth- er of the bride, Mr. Paul May - man, .London, brother of the groom and Mr. John Cleary, London, brother•in-law of the bride. Dinner was served to the im- mediate relatives et )Fuller Grove, 'Sebringville, and later a reception was held at the home of the ;bride's parents. Receiv- ing the guests, the bride's moth- er wore a dress of blue tricotine crepe, trimmed with lace with dusty rose accessories and cor sage of pink rosebuds. S'he was assisted .by' the bridegroom's mother in a two-piece costume of blue faille trimmed with 'black velvet, with white access- ories .and corsage of yellow rosebuds. For the honeymoon trip' to Muskoka, the bride's travelling, Costume was a pink ice `,tweed ed the Mayman-Evans wedding at Dublin on Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bern, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Bern, Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Evans, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Ev- ans, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Mayman, Miss Reta Mayman, Paul Mayman, London; John Wilkinson, Deep River; Mr. and :Mrs. Jack ,"Murray. Guelph; Mrs. Mayman ,Sr., Toronto; Miss Mol- ly Malone, Miss ;Patricia Hall, Ken Mackey, Peter, Martin and Terese Maymann, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Evans,1'Ierriton, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Holland and Matt Murray spent the weekend at Windsor. 1 Seargent James and Ma's. Newcombe and son Jim, of Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. :Dir. and Mrs. Bill Murphy. of Grimsby, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kintner. Miss !Phyllis Butters, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butters. Mrs. John :Krauskopf and daughter, Carol Ann, Rutter, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Miss Anne Denomme, Dundas with Mr. and Mfrs. Jack O'- Rourke, Neil -Stapleton, Richard Stapleton, Kenneth Pe e n e y, Fergus Kelly, Arthur Murray, St. Jerone's Junior College, of Kitchener, at their respective homes. Mrs. Fred Eckert is moving to reside in Preston. •Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart at Kitchener. Kenneth 'Stapleittin, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold :Schmuck of Kitchener, with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. 14 bingo Sponsored by the la- dies of the Altar Society was held in St. Patrick'~ parish hall on Wednesday evening, ;Sept. 18th with a fair crowd in at- tendance. Lucky winners were Mrs; Dan O'Rourke, Russel Smith, Mrs. Johnston, Jerry 'Gleason, Mrs, Fisher, Mrs. Toni Butters, Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke, Joan !l'nnnt, Fred Eckert, Mrs. John Eckert, Mrs. S. Watson, Mrs. A. M. Looby, Mrs. 'tlugh Kelly, Mrs, August mucharme, Mr. 'Skinner, Mrs. Walter Car- penter, Mrs. Wm. Feeney, Mrs. Boyce, (Billie 'Stapleton. Miss. ",Monica Roach and Mrs. Jos. Flanagan spent last week in Midland. '