HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-19, Page 7I.08cttof Memory A. NEW CAR -The long awaited causes Odd Results Edsel, newest car in the Ford <;t Facz CIASSiFItt AIMI(I NN(2 line, made its debut recently at Twice in one day recently a series of press conferenies eople hit the headlines through A Somerset across the country. Aimed at the "medium rice"' fi, : l _ MEDICAL BE YOUR OWNAGENTS BOSSI STED .of memory. girl p market, the � ,. ,�.,_;.� >v POST'S ECZEMA SALVE, •- picking' primroses. Ina glade lost ,r,.�^,_ „-' ;^= =••„ Edsel will -:have 18 models in, ^.,.w%"-�-"',, four MEN or women, can work your own and make profits. up to 6D0 p BASH the tormentof.dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Poirt'Is out of her life an -a day, and came �: series -Ranger, .Pacer, Cor s-..' ._'' - w •v,, sellin' g lusive houseware products and No Eczema lVe w not appo you. Salve ill disappoint o back to find herself in a country sair and. Citation- At•' rights'' } is ?' w.„„ „ a �,� '�'*� appliances. competition; not available in stores; and they are n Itching scalingand burning eczema B 3 aehe, foot road -wearing different clothes. /ri. -trade. Union se found” ,: the driver's eye view of the • instrument 'panel '( �' ~ -- �i '� necessity. in every homB. Write at once,. For free. colour catalogue show- 11igworm pimpples and mawlprea anti readily to thee-etainleaa p stabile; odorless ointment -regardless of how $imself, in Geneva -reliving a and "Tele .. ,i�, "t j touch' push button transmission ` , . r;. sag retell prices pus confidential whole- p sale price list. Murray Sales, 3622 St. Lawrence .......n or hopeless they seem. Sant Rosi Free on Receipt Price !rip he had made four years controls located on the steer �� *� Blvd•, Montreal. PRICE $3.00 PER JAR ARTICLES FOR SALE �reV10USly! - ing, wheel hub. The seed _- POST'S REMEDIES 286 S St.,TORONTOnve MAKE your own beverages. 10 top-notch Arvlds., 750. Glfdds}n's, $42 ,Lamarche 5t., They,are just two Of the ,10,000 Ometer is dYUm t e. Heater ' `' ' .'� cases a year of people in this yp Bast OPPORTUNITIES FOR defroster and couhtry. who leave their homes. ventilator are � Q NYLON LACES, 36 yds, $1.00. Ribbon, 11,,5 yds. $1.00. Beautiful taffetized, Inytseriously—some never to re-' Operated by a single control,.,. , '?,}} right, MEN AND WOMEN FORMULA FOR LOVELINESSdoing, YOUR Complexion, Fragile and Chen turn. centre. Front and rears' {. It is usually while the styling are shown in photo be �:�. 1 '„ }t£., a". Postpaid. Schaefer, 264• Drum. mondville, Que. most mundane things that people Like the Dorking, Sur- a" low of a Citation two door hardtop and Citation BABY CHICKS lshed. Ladles, do :you :have a dry and lifeless skin? Doyou want afresh and lovely IF you want to stay im the egg business 1t Is necessary to buy special egg q Vanish. p,. �,� convert- trey, man who left home to pop ible• The car has d face? A truly clean and glow-. In skin? A beautiful base for make --rose ^. into the "local'' a hundred yards. vertical grille and concave sculptured p ''` ` ,. breeds. Ordinary egg breeds and dual 'ppurpose breeds not good.enou h. iP A clean leaf; Lovely eom• Flexion to'a. thin $ to cherish and. can • be by: bloom down the. 'street to bring back sides. Horizontal taillights blend s}, •. we offer the following : top quai�ty „ eggbreeds, Ames In Cross series 400 yours, using. our peach cleansing cream to really clean deep, A pint of beer. Nine years lacer he walked in his front door into the flight deck luggage e z Strain Cross White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red X White Ledhorn, Warren down and condition your skin. 4 oz. en1Y and our Orange skin food cheerfully—and ginning cheerfully—and- brand- compartment to provide a Solid bar of illumination. Each bar strain Cross Rhode Island Red, Also 'dual purpose Breeds, Broiler Breeds„ nou11;1.rish to nourish end stimulate on your skin, 9 oz. only $lss. Sold on Monet/ back fishing a pint li� had bought when his lost; memory Suddenly re- has, two segments. Turn indi- Turkey Pointe, Older Pullets Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK IiATCHERIES LTD. ,- gguuarantee. Agents wanted, Apply- Ellen Cosmetics Limited, 998 Dundam Street, London, Ontario.. turned! cators and brake warning lights °;amu FERGUS ONTARIO CHICKS, pallets, wide choice. Including Ames In -Cross (extra eggs, low cost). are in outer Segments. n'2 Even longer away was the l8- g BE A HAIRDRESSER year-old boy sent by his mother '�si4Y:i"" '�^ "=:rB' .y.Yz h eaa adr�� rw, s,-;,,„ '"awe rsr^`£z Limited quantity started. Order Seg tember-October 'broilers now. Ask-. us JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great opportunity to buy a°'p0undof liver. He came �ws .. ..f :,«'zr'va•r .+xy5, ,, -" ^'•= i2^'s•M'^'•'••w'-.^% �. for further particulars, Bray Hatchery, Learn Hairdressing back 28 years later -with tilt 4 s lx �.5 > T10 John N., Hamilton. Pleasant dignified profession; good liver. When his memory re- r R` �'' - �'1 successful wages. Thousands Gradu Marvel tSy FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE turned to him he found himself working in Alaska. He travelled x' .� i Greatest America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free NO: .80 Allis Chalmers Combine; Inter• national 7 ft. Binder; Massey -Harris 7 straight home and bought the x�A y tk < :}^--^-,•-_ _ e �w"" - �a f t 5 a ,. k `•Ry ft. Self Propelled Combine; Apply Guel h p p implement Co. IJmlted. Guelph, Write or Call i MARVEL fiA1RDRESSING SCHOOLS 'liver on the way. i. n 1w�s r,a °�at. g, a>'" Ont. 358, Bloor St. W., Toronto You wouldn't think a honey- 't5c.>4s ���s : hr3•==s'."..•..�a'<,,,crx 4i, ra i a}}s�+.i. d z+> Branches: St 44 King . W., Bampton MECHANICAL PARTS/ REPAIRS moon was the ideal time for " a : a ; a 72 Rideau St., Ottawa MOTALOY vanishing, but one man did so sr PATENTS while his wife was shopping and i . v �, -� RING AND VALVE JOB FETHIIRSTONHAUGH & C o m p an Y Patent Attorneys, Established '1880. ttr7" walked about till he wore out 5 `, "; lJ�,'¢ �' s �'3'3 r u While You drive for : only $3.00. For car. Motaloy saves you money. Motaloy his shoes. He returned after three days with no idea of what gam; :. tionally guaranteed. Effective for pie of car. Motaloy saves you 'money, Motaloy 800 University Ave., Toronto. Patenid all countries. had happened. �$Aa Sales Co., 34 West Street, Goderlch. Ontario. o. Dealer inquiries Invited. ° PERSONAL Seven thousand out of the •r < MEDICAL _ each Who vanish in Britain each year are men and a quarter •� • ••• ••• "'.. `:.." v:": e r�" `` F `x' `''�° ,. x k ' •' 4 ' .zl types ll di og Poems) for book pub READ THIS -EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEU- of all oases are due t0 1065 Of : var�.�. s „xY;:.::, MATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY U on. Reasonable terms. ltockweR Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. (Est'd. 1809). - memory. Spring is the most dangerous time, say the experts. Can We See been many attempts to explain `'that I had a letter with a thick DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal reqquirements. Latest catalog,, personal In April and May men generally this astounding faculty of seeing .' g y g The Future black border bearing the arms g Ottawa $l•ss Express included. Tha Medico Agency. Box 23, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. aged from'30 to 40, find the urge into the future. of the Archduke of Austria- Prepaid PUPS to Wander irresistible. AnotherOne day Charles Dickens, the Hungary, formerly, as you all The death -cell silence danger time is after five years was broken by the condemned man's great novelist, came down to know, pupil. + m y A A IT PAYS TO USE RosxoN's 'MALE s months, young of marriage. But many return++ to their wives in time to share + +, breakfast and said: "I had a very groans. Whats wrong? inquir- curious dream. I dreamed "When I opened ,the letter it revealed a picture. saw a OUR CLASSIFIED Heath - Pups, Registered AV53178, W. Heath - cote, Box 75, Langstaff, Ontario. the winter fireside! ed his jailer, holding up a flick- •that. a ering candle. lady in a red shawl called on .I street with an alley off. Seated COLUMNS SWINE For women the dominant tea- j son for disappearing is the sheer I and said: 'I am lay Napier.' ee, calledI don't know an lad of that in a motor -car were the Arch- duke duke and Archduchess. An' of- Landrace held In Edmonton on June 24th was an outstanding sus cess drudgery of housework and thename. 'feelin CoJohnmbe Monster, due to hang Yet the dream was most next morning, stirred on his nar- sat opposite pP to tem, and a we d the highest average price of any swine sale held in west- of nein taken for rant- "Ill vivid." row prison cot. chauffeur was driving the ear. ern Canada. And why shouldn't we? ed. show theml" says the The following da two ladies "I had a strange dream," lie g Y two young men we took top quality Landrace swine to We this sale, all from imported stock, and woman who doesn't think her called on Dickens. One wore a "I dashed forward and fired several Landrace Is the fastest growing breed family appreciates her, and off And, muttered. was pinioned, blind- red shawl. She introduced her- folded, and with the r0 a," ficer sat opposite them, and a duchess u V, s In Canada, offering for immediate de- livery weanlings, four month olds, d she goes. of course, there p round self as Miss Napier. She was an were shot. A crowd v month old sows and boars, guaranteed Are those who vanish with lovers. my neck on the drop. And when admirer of the novelist but un- surg-ed forward in great confu- ? In pig sows and serviceable home, all from Imported stock. Catalogue. A fairly frequent cause among the hangman drew the bolt it known to him.t Sion. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM toys is a feeling of social in- �� wouldn't work. Lady Hester Stanhope was one "Then the picture faded and ¢' i FERGUS ONTARIO LANDRACE Registered fits` litter, 12 eriority. They pass scholarships, "Nonsense!" declared the jail- of the most remarkable women only the writing of the letter was°��� x gg o to better schools and nibc er. "It always works." of the nineteenth century. She visible to me. I then read this: t '� �� ;. 5 weeks old. Boars $75. Sows $100, JONES aaos., Wilton Grove, R.R. No. 4Pith richer boys whom they can- But he was wrong. For just as suddenly turned her back on the Your Eminence, dear Dr. Lanyi:, a'' , „ Ontario. (six miles south of London of take to their own homes. So toey off to fortune, in the dream the drop failed to + P glittering London society which my wife and I have been vic- at 401 Highway). LANDRACE Swine are becoming more go seek a work. They took the condemned had been her life and set out tiros of a political crime at Sara- 1• "Did -you tell man back to the call and workedjevo. for the East. She settled among We commend ourselves to and more popular In Canada. The de. mand for Tonra Landrace Swine, an your young man I hes on the mechanism. They tried the Druse people of Mount your prayers. Sarajevo, June 28th, from 1m orted stack is increasing by leaps and bounds. Why? We sell top at think no good? a again, and once more it stuck. Lebanon and ado ted their wa P Y 4 a,m:' f quality stock, we sell at prices you can octor inquired, of his daughter. There are thousands of cases of life. When they came to be- Later came the news of the afford to pay and we satisfy our oua- "Yes," she replied, "and he of dreams such as John Lee's lieve she had the ower of A fateful double murder which tourers. offering for Immediate de. livery, weanlings, four month old $aid it wasn't the first wrong which revealed future events to divination they made her their started the first world war. sows and boars, guaranteed In pig diagnosis you'd made." the dreamer. And there have uncrowned queen. One night there came a fright- sows and serviceable boars. Catalogue, Had she this strange power9 ening dream to Dr. von Gudden,TONRA STOCK FARM R.R. s, Holland Centre, Ontario It would seem so. who was the medical attendant < For one day, before she left of the mad king of Bavaria, Lud- WANTED FORD Model "T" or any older car brass headlights. etc. Mail full psi al Cws,� Landon for her strange new way wig II. - The doctor dreamed that he ` a `3 t�z a of life, Lady Hester was enter- tanum in her Mayfair mansion was in a boat on the Bergersee c, parts, etc., to Box 655. Aylmer, Ont t a number of guests, among thein lake with another man when the other attacked him and both fell I5SIIE 36 - 1057 a Mr. Wolff. � She turned to Ma Wolff and into the water and were drowned.• , s z '€ said: "You mentioned at lunch Afew weeks later` the mad + Icing suggested to Dr, von Gud- s COMPETITION time that you were going to Aleppo and Antioch shortly?" den that the went for a row on y ba4t Competition for Canada"J rRu r ;, „ '' K, s He agreed. That is my plan. the lake. The doctor had evi,. xz a paper industry may still coma ti • - a x l „ , Well, don't go,' advised his dently forgotten his prophetic dream. P some day from lands of the bam- hostess. "Both those towns will �,l Fora time the Icing rowed the �." + ? boo, says The Financial Post, A than for v be destroyed by an boat quite sanely. Then, sudden- q y cheaper material pine P chquake." Mr. Wolff did not take her ly, he attacked the doctor, There a�Y : making newsprint and wrapping paper is currently being sought w •:, a,u warning seriously, and went to was a fierce struggle and both ""`ww^' `'-,o by the Harty Foundation in the 8sr Aleppo. One day he was dining were flung into the water and drowned. CLASSROOM CLASSIC -Outfitted U.S. and bamboo has not been € r there with de Lesseps, the Sometimes quite a trivial mat- her trim blouse and flannel discarded. �e famous engineer who built the rter is revealed in a dream. s skirt, this ten -year-old prepares Suez Canal, and a Mr. Barker. . Ne" For instance, the great Ger- "We to enter the school doors for y are in peril here, he re- marked, half -jokingly, remem- manhiloso her, Scho enhauer silt a lot of ink all over, the the another season. Her blouse a tailored especially suits ® SLEEP bering Lady Hester's warning, "The floor of his stud When he ran y` g ed to "tubby" teens, is woven town is about to be de- > „ stroyed by fearful earthquake. for the maid she came and said: r "Well, of tissue faille. TO -NIGHT .' +Y. f They all laughed at ' this and � E it. But isn't that strange! I dreamed this last night." A�� RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS • •t thought no more of . a s'�' Nonsense! exclaimed the IS Biggest Best? r 'PO-MORROM r 4 few days later both Aleppo and philosopher. "How 'could. you Y — WAr Y x ue zi " Antioch were, in fact, destroyed. Joseph de Lanyi, Bishop. of -dream 'what- had yet ,to take This philosophy Of whatever SEDICIN tablets taken according to '- MISS ARIZONA -The' drawing. where Major Hoo to is, Grosswardin, had a strange and 9 I p disturbing dream. He wrotejt ` place?!' "Oh, but I did," persisted 'the is the biggest is the best seems to .be getting out of hand. It is directions is a safe way to induce sleep Y or quiet the nerves when tense. produced holds an especial for Miss Lynn Freyse, down and sent for his servants girl. "And what is more I told cook and the all right when applied to air- ruses and anything in Texas, $1.00-$4.45 SEDICIN candidate who is Miss Arizona and a candidate for Miss America. Her ,to tell them' of it,. while still in manservant.'? When Scho en P haunt had cross- but now you have the De art' p Drag storesOnlyI father, Bill Freyse, draws the famous cartoon, Our Boarding his bedroom. examined these witnesses to the ment of Agriculture chemists „ House, and in -addition to. drama art is one of Lynn's talents. I dreamed,' he told them, girl's dream of the' future, he and plant researchers hailing fi� a se •.: , > ��" k�`? O y was convinced, of, its truth. This is what he wrote about i.i: the wonders of gibberellin, a new chemical which greatly in- O �paa s�r - Y®u l " This story, whose, truth I guar - creases the size of fruits and ba� Cs 3 antes, puts the reality of such vegetables t dreams beyond question. There- It has produced 12 -foot- cab-oil��e _ d fore all that happens, is fated. bages, tomatoes the size of foot- l Mr. J. W, Dunne, following a balls and pole .beans from dwarf a dream in which he, foresaw, in detail that terrible disaster when .).bush beans. The Department of Agriculture comments, "W e _ feel Flying.Scotsman think there is lot you i the jumped the a research' tracks north .of the `Firth of Forh bridge" with great loss of to do yet." -So do we, Most of the fruits and vegetables are all �- LH fife, studiedthe, subject, scien- right just as they now are. There tifically., should be some research to see These days .most people work under His method was simple. He be. just what would happen if fields pressure, worry more,.aleep less. This gan ;to keep 'a dream diary. -By of asparagus were to shoot up strain on body and brain makes physical stens tli ]me -harder regain, fitnessreading back he found that he like' palm trees, pumpkins and Today e living, lowered resistance, .. frequently had dreams of the watermelons tipped: the scales overwork, Worryany of these may affect future. at 500 .pounds, and - the Hubbard• normal kidney action. When kidneys get Ike asserted that,, if anybody squash. • resembled a Komodo out of order, excess acids and wastes cares to take the trouble,to keep lizard. remain in the system. Then backache, • : " ON SOME FOREIGN 3fRAND-Nearing completion in Rangoon; Burrna, is this impressive war a dream diary, they will find, as he diel, that;this power'of dream- The innocent whortleberry would turn a gelatinous disturhed • reit, that tired -out" heavy- headed feeling often follow. That' the g , cemetery for,'ailied soldiers killed :during 'World War` II. SuPervtsed by the British War Ing into the future is not limited ;t• .into g lobule that would be as -dan- timetotake Dodds Kidney `mal Dodd's stimulate 'the _kidneys to normal action. Plraves Cammjssion, the 'cemetery will be, for abou4 27,000' soldiers, including. Americans, to a small number of people, but gerous to attempt to carry home Then you feel better -sleep better -work 11111rilCns, Australians, Indians, New Ze6�anders and Pakistanis.,, I" is th!ii d war cemetery located . is the undiscovered., faculty of from the store as a small time better. Ask for Dodd's Kidner Pillsat In 'Burma.' us all. .:bomb ... any drug counter. �. 1 1 1 1