HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-19, Page 4"Gee, Mum—is it supper er time already?" • Telephone Round -up Every parent knows how easily a two -gun cowboy can lose track of time — especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager voice at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone is a convenience and a comfort, all day long. It means fewer meals grown cold because' youngsters or hus- band are late getting home. It means more security when you're alone at night. It means more things done with less time and effort .. . Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just a few cents a day. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA CONSTANCE Messrs John Jewitt and Ross Millson returned home last Thursday fronr.:the (West, where they had spent the past two months. While there John Jew- itt visited with his grandmother Mrs. M. Jewitt ISr. of Hazen:. more. ITlhe Constance Anniversary Church Services will be held oh iSunday with. services at 11.a.m. and 7.30 pan. 'Rev. J. H. Slade, of 'Woodham, will 'be guest spea- ker: 'Everybody welcome. Mr, Reg. Lawson spent a few days last week with Mr. and 'Mrs, E. F. 'Warren and family' of. London and attended the Western Fair. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Talbot of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Fergu- son of Warwick visited Sunday at the -homes of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Jewitt -and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Busby of Chatham are spending this week with Mr, and (Mrs. Lorne Law- son. , Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and IMrs, Ross MacGregor and family were Mr. and Mrs. Reg, .Angst of .Guelph and Miss Janet MacGregor of Fordwieh. /Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cham- bers of (Toronto recently visited at the home of Jim and iPhemie Lowery, IMr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, on Sunday •attended a reunion of former teachers of Clinton Public :School at the .home of Mr, and Mrs. F. Van tEgmond. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Mclllwain. Tuesday were Mrs. Kingswell, Goderich, Mrs,. Porter Dean, of Lake Chemung, Mich, and Mr. John Green of Detroit. Mr, and (-Mrs. J. Busby, Chat- ham, Mrs. Alice Lawson of Tuckersinith, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, called Tuesday on Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas Shipley of Kincardine and Mr, and Mrs, IRoy Connell of the Nile. W.A. and W.M.S. The W.A. was opened with the president, (Mrs. V. Dale in charge and hymn 502 was sung followed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes were read and adopted followed by the roll call. Sev- eral business items were discus- sed and the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1 ow- ing to the Presbyterial meeting held at 'Winthrop on our usual meeting day Mrs. W. L. Whyte was the lucky winner of the travelling pillow cases donated by Mrs. Verne Dale. Collection was token and the meeting pas- sed over to W.M.S. Mrs. R. McGregor presided over the W!MsS and opened with a poem, "Heart Prayer". The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Earl Lawson from Psalm 111. The minutes were read and adopted and business transact- ed. The Society accepted the in- vitations of Northside United Church of ,Seaforth for Sept. 24 at 8 o'clock and Burns, on Sept. 26 at 2 o'clock. The lead- ers of copper contest brought in their returns and realized a goodly sum A. temperance read- ing was given by Mrs. Wm. Jew- itt, and a Stewardship paper given by Mrs. Borden Brown. Collection was taken and hymn 214 was sung and the meeting closed with the Benediction. BRODHAGEN Mrs. George Hillebrecht of Kitchener with relatives. Mrs. Edith Beuermann of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann. Mrs. Chas Querengesser, De- troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Querengesser the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Spen- ter of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Townsend and Ross of Tavistock with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scher - earth. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Erickman $64,700 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR to train, rehabilitate and house the blind in this district. Community Chests and municipal grants will provide $51,900. C. N.I.B. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON • MIDDLESEX • PERTH (Excluding -London and Stratford) $'end gismo ''`$ossaIioa Toch# To: C.N.I.B., c/o H. E. Smith, Hon. Chairman, Seaforth, Ont. What! Beautiful coal? YES! Get STERLING... each piece "wrapped" 1.1 its own silvery jacket! Seaforth Lumber Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 47 and 'Barry of (Brampton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz. , Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Turvey and son of Exeter at the home Of Mi. and (Mrs. 'Lavern (Wolfe. The Brodhagen (Band played at Mcd illop Fair at Winthrop School on Thursday afternoon. Many from this district at- tended the Western Fair in -Lon- don. ' 'Bonita 'Hoegy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy en- tertained a few friends on her 6th birthday on (Friday. The Young People's Choir of St. John's Lutheran Church in Waterloo, under the leadership of Robert IPletch,"provided .mu- sic at the Harvest .Home Ser- vice on Sunday morning at St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church here, and a musical service in the evening. During the morning, service children of the primary grades of Sunday School car- ried grain, apples, potatoes, grapes and flowers to the chan- cel while the Sunday 'School children sang. Those carrying were: Linda 'Miller, Sheila Sie- mon, Silly Henderson, Gary Dietz, June aid Jean iPushel- berg, Donald Bach, IDennis 'Smith, Joanne Jarmuth, Joanne Prueter, Jimmy 31 a n. I e r s o n, Timmy +Diegel, Neta Rapien, Starr Fischer, Bobby Priestap, Lavern (Rock, Margaret Ellig- son, Janice (Dietz, Glenn Dol - mage, !Earl 'Leonhardt. Mr. and (Mrs. Lloyd (Hendrick and Irene, MMT', and Mrs. Laird Hen-drick, Bob .and ;Marjorie of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence .Pfeiffer of .Monkton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd [Pfeifer, Strat- ford, with Mr. and Mis. Ad :Pfeifer. Mr. Donald )Ahrens, 'Mrs. Chas. Ahrens, Mrs. Barbara Mc- Leod, Kenneth and Robert Ahr- ens with Mr. and Mrs. George Wesenberg, Brussels on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt with Mr, .and Mrs. Alvin Rose, 'Sarnia, recently. Miss Gwen (Rock R.N. re- turned to Montreal after a three-week visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed- win Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin )Rook, Jane and Joanne, Mrs. Louis Hillebrecht of Kitchener, Mr. Doug Aitcheson of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Robert +Rock, Walker- ton. KIPPEN The W.M.S. held their month- ly meeting at the church on Wed. 'Sept. 4th with Mrs. Mor- ley Cooper as 'hostess and Mrs. John IR. Cooper, co -hostess. The president, lMrs. lnimerson And- erson Chaired the :meeting and opened by all singing hymn 378 "Rise up '10 men of God". Mrs. Lloyd .Lovell read .the scripture and the Lord's 'Prayer was re- peated in unison. The delegates appointed to go to the 'Sectional meeting in IHensall on Oct.•8th are; Mrs; (Harold Jones, Mrs. A. McMsutrie (and Mrs. .A. John- son. Mrs. Bruce McGregor Toiv- ored with a piano solo. Mrs. John Sinclair gave a report on the Woodstock 0 o:nf a r. e n c e which stressed Stewardship. The study book was 'taken by Mrs. Harold Jones assisted by Mrs. E. McBride and Mrs. Alex Mc- IMurtrie. .A letter was read from. IIVIrs. IN. MoLeod, now of 'Que• ,bet. 'Mrs. Allan 'Johnson moved a vote, of thanks to '.hostesses and all taking part; It was de- cided tocollect money instead of having a fowl supper, the money to he in the end of this month. The meeting closed " by singing hymn 374 "We give Thee but Thine Own", and pray er Iby the president. Iitlr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor and •Iiathryn spent the weekend. in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ness. Mr. Jack Peck is a patient :in a London Hospital. HENSALL Mr. Walden of IBlyt'h is visit- ing with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn. Rev. McEwen of Midland spent the past week visiting with his brother-in-law and sister, !Mr, and !Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mrs. -Stelck of 'Windsor visit- ed last week with hen 'brother - in -lane and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Cameron. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold of Lon- don were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Fink. (Mrs. Minnie Sangster spent the past two aveeks at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and''M,rs. rH..Stra'tton in Lu - can. Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarnia was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitch- ell, Mrs. Grace Harpole, 'Mrs. A. Rowcliffe and Mr. and (Mrs. Jar- vis Horton were recent visitors with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and Joan of London called on friends here on Saturday. Miss Maja Roobal nurse -in - training at Victoria hospital, in London, visited last week with her parents, Mr. land Mrs. IS. Roobal. WALTON The ladies of the WMS of Duff's United Church are invit- ed to a 'thankoffering•• meeting at Northside' United (Church, in Seaforth, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 24, at '8 p.ni.. to Burns Church on Thursday 'afternoon, Sept. 26 and Winthrop; Oct 16. A sectional meeting will .be held at Winthrop on Oct. 9. Wor&has keen receivedin the district of the passing of Mrs. Thompson McIntosh, formerly Fannie iSnoldice, of the 16th of Grey. Married to Thompson Mc- Intosh, 19915, -.she spent her en - the ,married life near West - hope, North Dakota, Mr. McIn- tosh ',died in 19131. Mrs, George Williamson and Mrs. Ed Dougan are nieces of the deceased. BLAKE Many attended the Western Fair in London this past week and enjoyed the many exhibits and thisandthat on display from this. community. Several from this vicinity at- tended the anniversary services. held on (Sunday in Goshen 'Unit- ed Church. CROP REPORT The rains are making the harvesting of beans difficult, some sprouting is taking place. A small acreage of fall wheat has as yet been planted. Northside United Church Minister, Rev.:Brtice W. Hall.. B.A., B.D., IS.T.1M, 10 a.m., 'Church School ,and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.ni.I Morning Worship. Guest minister, Rev. IR. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.TI „ Auburn, Toddlers' Group and Jr. Congregation, 7 p.m., Evening Worship_is withdrawn in order that our people may share in the annual Harvest Tiosne .Service in 18b. Thomas' Anglican Church. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister. 11 awn., 'Guest Minister, Rev. Grant Mills, IB.A., Ontario St. Church, Clinton. 10 a.m., Church School and 'Bible -Glass. 11 a.m., Nursery Class 11:30 a.m., Jr. Church. Wednesday 8 p.In., Time of Prayer for the 'Mission, Sept. 29 to 'Oct. 4th. Communion and Reception on October 6th. See you at Church Sunday. THE SEAFOli,TI-I NEWS -Thursday, September 19, 1957 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth THURS. PRI. SAT. PRIENDLX PERSUASION • Gscr Cooper - Dorothy McGuire,' faith, Action,' Comedy. and Romance skilfully blended'. into an unforgettable story MON. TEES.: WED. THE INCRRDIBLB SHRINKING MAN Grant' William - Randy Stewart: A fascinating adventure into the, .unknown,' A picture you will remember £or yeags M come THURS. PRI. SAT, I SOLID GOLD CADILLAC . .._ Judy Holiday - Paul Douglas 00 — THE ,HARDER THEY PALL ' ADULT Just In - 2 NEW - Work Boots BROWN RETAN LEATHER One with Gro Cork Soles and Rubber Heels One with PAN -CORD Soles and Rubber Ideels— won't slip at 56.45 a pair WILLIS SHOE STORE THE LITTLE STORE] WITH THD "BIG VALUES" Spiritual Life Mission SEPT. 29th to OCTOBER 4th MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION First Presbyterian Church • MIS SIGNER Rev. Donald Joyce, London, Ontario iJ Theme of The Mission: a..,. THE ANSWER IS GOD ~ ( Make the Mission one of Deep Thought and Earnest Prayer Be a Witnessing Christian Come Yourself. Bring others 6-, tia4rni'' o a LR vitn t hor THURSDAY AND FRIDAY PTEMII Featuring Two Breed Shows: Adults 5®c ROBT. W. CAMPBELL, President . +c ..'. ''ratr+s'00 •.s. r . ,.rt5 i 4161111111111111116, 19-2 Ontario Hereford Association and Perth Huron Shorthorn Regional Show 4-H Club Achievement Day in Beef Calf, Dairy Calf, Swine and Grain Clubs Champiqnship and Showmanship Competitions for 4-H Clubs Exhibits of Heavy Horses, Cattle, Pigs Sheep and Poultry BIG INDOOR EXHIBIT Monster Parade of School Children and Floats and Bands Dave Barrie of R. R. 7, Galt, president of the Ontario Junior .Farmers Association, will officially open the Fair on, Friday afternoon, Sept. 20th. He is returning this month . from attending a World Conference,' Harness and Pony Racing Good Grand Stand Show SPECIAL THURSDAY NIGHT During the Thursday evening program the Champion Cook and Champion Seamstress in the Women's Division will be presented with their awards. Cars 25c Children 25c. I • FAIR NIGHT DANCE Community Centre Fri. Sept. 20 R CHILDREN IN PARADE FREE EARL McSPADDEN, Sec.-Treas.