HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-09-12, Page 5TIE, SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday,' September 12, 1957 LOWPRICED SPECIALS BUY HERE AND SEE WHAT YOU SAVE MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 ib. bag 87iC LONG STRIP RUBBER DOOR MATS ...... Be lrleady Faweat.torher the dirty each 1 ® �� HEINZ TOMATO CATCHUP > 11 oz, Bottle 23c DOOR MATS Cocoa Straw .. 1.25 DR. BALLARD'S DOG OR CAT FOOD 15 oz. tins -3 for 330 FACE ELLE TISSUES Jumbo Size 2 Boxes .......65c INGERSO'LL SPREADIN'O CHEESE 5c off 8, oz. Jar 312c 10c off 16 oa, Jar 55c SCHNEIDERS PURE LARD .... 1 ib pkg, 25c MONARCH MARGARINE New Squeeze Bags . ,3 -1 -Ib pkgs. 1.00 GARDEN PATCH TENDER PEAS 15 oz. tins -2 for 27c JUST ARRIVED A SHIPMENT OF HOLLAND BULBS Tulips -- Daffodils -- Hyacinths -- Crocuses for indoor or outdoor fall planting PLANT NOW FOR SPRING BEAUTY Wright's Superior Food Market SH/LP SERVICE FREE DELIVERY HENSALL Prices at 'Hensall Community Sale (Sept. 6th. 'Wean:ding pigs '$112.70 to -$1,5.- 10; $1'5:10; chunks ;16.75 to 118.00; feeders 1$22286 to 27.00; sows $96.00 to 112'4.00; holstein Bows $1150.00 to I165.00; Durham oows '$'18'6.00 to 170,00; Hol- stein calves $10.00 to ;16.00; Durham calves $22.00 to 412.00; fat steers sold up to $119.10; fat cows up to 61I1.85. 185 pigs and 70 head of cattle and calves were sold. 1956 MONARCH HARD TOP 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET COACH 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $325.00 1949 MONARCH SEDAN 1953 Dodge 1/2 Ton (Many lower priced cars No reasonable,Offer refused at Seafortli M otors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS E � ,Sterliny\Coal ,91 T,S SILVER COLORED" 'elf. Protective • "silver -wrap" on Coal keeps heater surfaces clean, increases efficiency. ORDER NOVAE Seaforth Lumber Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 47 TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Mcdllhargy Hof Toledo, Ohio, are guests of Mrs. Jean Fortune. .:Miss Frances Fortune, E. N., is in 'St- Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Work- man and family of North Bay were weekend guests of Mrs. Worlernan's parents, D. and Mrs. J. 'Semple. IMr, and Mrs A. F. Edmunds and family of Gananoque spent the past week at. :the 'ILling cot- tage, Bayfield, and with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. They •also attended bhe .Kling - Chesney wedding. Miss (Bee Finnigan has been successful in passing .her first year in (Home .Economics. - Mr. and IMrs. (Stuart Finnigan of London spent bhe weekend with their parents and other friends, • Mr. and. Mrs. ICarl Dalton and iMe. and IMrs. Albert 'Harrison have returned home after spend- ing .a week touring Northern Ontario, calling on Mr. and IMrs. Mhos. Grieve and family at Monetville and 'Sudbury. Also. visiting in (Schumacher and mins. IMr. IMr. and Mrs. L. Teibbutt, Mr.' and IMrs, (Hugh McLachlan and Mrs. Jean •Oairns- attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Henderson atWiogham on Mon- day. Mr. on-daMr.. and Mrs. Glenn Rose of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 41. ,-Jackson. Dr. and 'Mrs. Kohld of Isling- ton were guests of •Mr. and IMrs. Alex Boyes. !Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Webster of Toronto were guests of Mrs. G. B. iDorrance. Mss 'Marion +Lillieo of 'Bur- lington was a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alex Lillico Mrs. Gordon. Ferris, 'Wiarton spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wan. Campbell, Mr, and :Mrs. 'Bryson Mc- Quirter, Midland, are spending their holidays with Mrs. 'Frank Storey, 'Mr. and ,Mrs, Milton Stewart are visiting in London this week. IMr. and Mrs. Ephraim •Clarke and IMr. and Mrs. Cecil ;Oke re- turned home (Sunday after a motor trip to New Liskeard and visited IMr. and 'Mrs, H. 'Proctor and other friends, returning home by Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Seaway. They also called on IMr, and Mrs. Russell ,Borrett of Weston. Mr. Joe Jordon of 'Trenton, Mich., with his aunt, IMrs. Jean Fortune. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Finnigan 'of Sarnia at his home here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams of Kitchener were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Wil- Ir lfams BRODHAGEN Mrs.'Mora' Hiegel of Mitch- ell has been visiting with Mr and .Misr W. L. Querengessei this past week. ID:omald 'Watson, sou of Mr. and IMrs. (Dick (Watson has been ponifined to Exeter hospital with pneumonia. com- menced(Miss 'Grace -Fischer has com- menced her teaching duties at Courtland (School, Kitchener, (Miss Joanne Rock has resum- ed teaching .at S.S.'No. S. ;Miss 'Audrey Hackwell of Walton is the new teacher at Brodhagen school with an :en- rolme•nt of 32 children, Mrs. Wm. Riegel spent the week end 'at Edgewood 'Camp,Eden ,Mills, where her son Cal- vin, has been supervisor this summer. - Stephen Edward Rose, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Rose, was (baptized 'durings the Sunday morning service at. St. Peter's ,Lubhei.'an 'Church ,by Rev, E. J. Fischer. Mr. and 'Mrs. BRoss'Leonhardt and Miss Carole Inose were sponsors along with the parents. The.. flowers on the altar and chancel of the church were from the wedding of Miss Joan Dietz to Mr. Clarence J. Rolph on Saturday. Harvest thanksgiving service will be •observed 'at St. (Peter's. Lutheran Church here next Sun- day, ,Sept. '16th, with two sery iees, 11 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. Mr. Robert Pletsch and his young people's choir of St. John'slLu- theran Church, Waterloo, have been invited to supply special music for the '• day. Attending Mitchell DIBiS from the village are: Donald Wolfe, ,Clayton ,Ahrens, (Roy Benne- wies, Warren Shoidice, 'Arthur IDiegel, IRobext Ahrens, Elaine Bennewies, 'Gerald Hinz. IMrs. (Harold (Elligsen and ba- by son have returned home from 'Stratford hospital. Mrs, .L. Hillebrecht attended the wedding of her nephew, La- vern Gordner to Miss Audrey Balfour, Mitchell, on 'Saturday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson and boys at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe on Sunday prior to the former leaving for Calgary where Mr. Watson will be stationed with the army, were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolfe, Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilfred ;Wolfe and family, Mr. and Mrs. John E. 'Sieemon and Dorene, Logan, Mr. and Mrs. 'Martin Diegel and Ar- lene, Mr. John C. Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. (Ralph Fischer and fa- mily, 1MeKillop, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz and fa- mily, Miss iRosella 'Connolly and Mr. Jack Herold all of iSebring- ville, Miss 'Ordelia 'Wolfe; of etroit, Mr. and IMrs. Lorne olfand. BetheCole Rt sselidale.ordMi and Mrs. (Watson were the recip- ients of two .pieces of ham- mered aluminum. • Other visitors at :7 -the same home recently were Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz and John of Kitchener, Mr. and IMrs. Geo. Quincy of k Summerville, oToronto, Miss (MrHie- gel, McKillop, Mr. and Mrs, Ro- bert Wolfe, Stratford, Mrs. June ;Beuerman of Detroit, Mrs. Carl Diegel and Anita of Tor- onto and Mr. and 'Mrs. George Young, 'Stratford, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. :Hiegel. Messrs, Roy lBeuermann and Ivan !Simon spent a few days on a trip to Elliott Lake, Mani- toulin Island and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Earl IBennewies of Detroit with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John L. !Benne- avies, Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Molver W of Stratford spent the weekend with his mother, :Mrs. H. Mc- Iver, Mrs. IP. J. Johnson spent a few days last week in Welland. Miss Janet Chaff spent .Satur- dav in Toronto. BORN Dennis — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mrs, Murray Dennis, RR1 Walton, a son Bannon — At Scott Memorial on Sept. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bannon, Seaforth, a daughter Elligsen — At Scott Memorial Hospital on- Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elligsen, Walton rr 2, a son Staples — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Staples, St. Colum - ban, a daughter BLAKE M. and IMrs. H. Finlay and family were at - Kincardine re- cently, and attended the funer- al of an aunt of Mr. Finlay. Mrs. M. Manson and daughter Mrs. IN. Geiger and son John and Hoot. Manson were visiting friends in Toronto a few days, while there they spent a day at the Toronto Exhibition. !Mr. and Mrs. IMusselmann of Kitchener and Mr. and IMrs. W. and G. Shrag of (Pennsylvania, U. S., called on Mr. and Mrs. IP. Gingerich. Master• Rickey Mustard re- turned to his parent's .home near Bayfield after spending his hol- idays in the village. BRUCEFIELD :The 'Sept. meeting of the W A.. was held in the school room of the church on Tuesday after- noon .Sept. '3rd with about 62 attending, The .meeting opened with -the singing of hymn 376. Mrs. Bothwell .and Mrs. Aiken- head had charge of the dervo- tional 'Exercises. Mils. ' AikeIn- head read .the scripture, Matt. 2'6:.31 to 418; also (Romans 15: 1 to 7. Mrs. Rathwell gave the topic "The 'Responsibility of 'ChristianLiving", and offered prayer, "Le% my' beauty be upon the Lord", This part of the meeting closed and the presi- dent Mrs, John !Broadfoot took the chair for the balance of the meeting, all rising and repeat- ing the W. A. Creed. IMrs. W, •MoBeath gave the secretary's report. The offering received by Mrs. Edgar (Allen and the treas- urer's report given by Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Mrs. Wilson read a "thank you" note from Mrs. 0. 'Clifton, Reports for the manse committee were given by Mrs. W.. Fotheringham and the church report by Miss 201. Mc- Donald, A. lively discussion re- garding the 'bazaar and it was decided to hold it on Nov, 1st in the school room of the church in Brucefield. The following committees were appointed: Apron booth: Mrs. IRa'thwell and IMrs. Hender- son; fancy work booth: Mrs, H. Berry and Mrs. T. B. (Baird; touch and take booth; IMrs. C. Horton and IMrs. John McGreg- or; candy booth: Mrs. 'Ross Scott and Mrs. Henderson; baking booth: Mrs, Norman Baird, IMrs. Triebner, Mrs. Gor- don (Elliott, Mrs. S. Baird, Miss (Swan and Mrs. ;H, Dalrymple; produce: Mrs, L. Wilson, M. Mc- Donald,' Mrs. Jno. Aikenhead; lunch: Mrs. McMeath, Mrs, Har- vey 'Taylor, Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs. Fotheringham, Mrs. V. Taylor, Mrs. Elgin Thomson; welcome committee: IMrs, Rowson and Mrs. Jno. Broadfoot; handk, booth; 'Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Rohn- er, and all members were asked to bring a handl:. to the next meeting. The roll call will be a Thanksgiving verse. Group 4 conducted the pro- gram consisting of a reading by Mrs. Wm. .Stott, Mrs. Jim. Mc- Gregor. 'Mrs, Harvey Taylor conducted a contest. Mrs, W. Seott also announced that group 4 would hold a baking sale in Clinton town hall on Friday evening, Sept. 57th. The meet- ing closed with a very dainty lunch by Group 4. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will meet in !Cavan Sun- day School on Sat., Sept. 14 at 2.80 p.m. Rally Day Service will be held in Cavan Sunday School on Sunday.' Sept. 15th at 1 o'clock. C.G.LT. • :The first meeting of the C.G. I. T. was held in the 'basement of the church' on Tuesday even- ing, Sept. 4. The meeting open- ed by the members repeating the 10,G,Q,T, purpose. The elec- tion of 'officers was as follows: President, Jean 1Hillen; Vice President to be elected, 'Secre- tary, Eileen Smith; Treasurer, Frances Blanchard; pianist, Margaret •Hillen; assistant pian- ist, Sharon Somerville. Margar- et Alexander, Frances Blan- chard, Sharon Somerville and 'Elaine 'Beattie were chosen as a poster committee. The World Friendship Rally is to be held on October 20th in Clinton, The members received their chev- rons. 'Our meetings are to !be held the third Saturday of the month. We planned to have our Initiation on Sept. 27th. The of- ficers pledged their duties and She is saving so she can continue her music studies , closed ;with prayer. We had a two-thirds that of Metropolitan sing -song 'after whioh all enjoy-: Toronto, an annual grant of $065,000 from taxes is made for the work of the provincial Alco-. holism Research Foundation. In addition another 1$60,000 an- nually goes to " the Manitoba !Committee on Alcohol Educe - tion. 'Moreover, the Manitoba Temperance Alliance is handed $30,000 each year for the pur- pose of alcohol education in the schools.. The Ontario Ten11p'erance Fed- erattion for years has consist- ently urged our government to set aside money for educational and remedial purposes. 'Surely from its huge liquor income the province could Well •afford to earmark at least two or thrde times the amount set aside by Manitoba. To date 'there is very little 'Government sponsored al- cohol edueation in Ontario schools.--rAdvt. ed hot dogs and corn. NORTH McKILLOP 'Mr, and IMrs. Lloyd E. Regele. of IBatisean, Quebec, who have been visiting with .Me. and Mrs, Ed Regale and other relatives and friends have returned to 'Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'MeGal- lum and family with Mr, and Mrs. Frank !Glanville of ,Credi- ton on Sunday. (Miss Norma wLeeming of Hes- peter with her parents. 'Mrs, John Ellacott and Mrs. S. Thornton of London with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton on Sun- day. We are glad to report 'Mrs. Tom Storey has returned home from Seaforth Hospital. Mr. Ed Dennis is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McCal- lum and family of Mitchell' with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Glanville on Sunday. The Voice Of Temperance ALCOHOL EDUCATION IN MANITOBA ;Manitoba's new liquor policy is being watched with dismay by many. 'But in one particular the Manitoba Government could well be imitated by Ontario. Although the total population of Manitoba is only 850,000, CASH BINGO Dublin Parish Hall Wed., Sept. 18th 9 P.M. ..1 1 1 1 1 1 15 games for 5.00 $ Special Games $50.00 Jackpot on 52 numbers Admission 7.5c Auspices of the Altar Society Es a GOOD TIME to TRAVEL..,e- The delightful, mellow weather of late summer and early fall makes for pleasant travelling. And this is an ideal time for that adventurous sightseeing trip to interesting places in Canada and the United States. A wider choice of accommodation is available when the mid-season hubbub is over. Now is the time to travel ... by train, Canadian National Railways suggest; Where to go... Picturesque Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay Bracing Ontario Highlands Distinguished Laurentian Resorts Glamorous Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle* Scenic Jasper National Park Fascinating California* Historic Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa* Exciting New York City, Atlantic City Bustling Detroit, Chicago* * Maple Leaf Package Toursavailable to these points. Ask for descrlp. live booklet. Economical 'Family Fare plan available to Pacific Coast Points. Travel Wise people agree the train way is the comfortable, relaxing way to travel. Give yourself a treat... and go by train... go C.N.R. Contact your , Canadian National representative for information and reservations. T4.53 2 He is saving so he and his wife can take an extended motor trip a • "I wonder what's;happened to Nancy . "Olt! I'm glad you called — 1 was worried." The telephone rings and everything's OK So many of the calls you make every day say "Don't worry"! When someone has to work late, or can't keep a date, or has to cancel an appointment, the telephone lets other people know. At times like this — whether you are making the call or receiving it — the ready reassurance provided by your telephone can be precious beyond words. This is just one of countless examples of how your telephone pays its way, as it makes life happier, easier, more secure. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 12-13 The Court Jester (Color) (Vista Vision) Danny Kay Glynis Johns (Cartoon), SATURDAY and MONDAY September 1'1-16 Tennessee's Partner (Color) (Supersoope) John Payne -- Ronald Reagan (Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 17.18 The Scarlet Hour Adult Vistavision Carol Ohmart Tom Tyron Jody Lawrence (Cartoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Box office open at 7.30 pm. First show at 8 p.m. Children under T2 in cars'—free Bothhavea bankkcount_and a purpose for saving The difference between reaching a goat and missing it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. They involve some sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that makes the effort more than worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that can help take care of any emergency that may arise, or open the way to bargains or other opportunities. Whatever objective you may have in mind, and whateverr use your savings may, ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved. Save at, a bank - millions do! THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 1 1