HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-08-29, Page 8There's a fabulous look of femin- ine flattery In our new range of distinctive fall dresses, just ar- rived. Featured are sheathline, flared and classic style, button front dresses In a clever range of fall tones that favor blacks, charcoal, blue, wine, green and grey. Choose from ivy stripes, warm checks, clots -and figured acetates— new silk and cotton -blends, boucle, tweeds and fashionable crepes. Budget Priced at $13.95 to $25. ALSO WOMEN'S HALF SIZE DRESSES IN THIS PRICE RANGE f i �ocgm' d �i�MO Shaped, colored and trim- med to flatter you this fall in a wide range of velours, felts and velvets. Conte in to -day and treat yourself to one of these charming fall hats, at .. , 4.95 to 7.95 1110311111111111 u u a l 111,11 n n l 11111111 l 1 n, p u mull 111 r. 1 r.1 n u llu, SALESLADY WANTED ! In our Dry Goods Dept: Apply in person to Mr. Harry Stewart i1111111111111.111.1111111.11111 11111111111,111111. STEWART BIkOS. NOROMMIanatalaft WALTON Service will be held in +Duff's United Church on 'Sunday at 11.30 a.m. with the minister, Bev. W. M. Thomas in charge. Services were cancelled during the month of August while the auditorium and the basement were being redecorated. A bus trip to Goderich was enjoyed by the ladies of the Walton W. I. on Thursday of last week. The forenoon was spent touring the court house and witnessed a Court Session. A sumptuous picnic dinner was enjoyed in the pavilion at Har- bour Park. Following the meal three contests were conducted by the president, Mrs. iMargaret Humphries. (Candy guessing contest was won by Mrs. Geo. McArthur. Largest number of coppers in their purse, Mrs, Ray Williamson. The reason I came on the trip, Mrs. Jan Van- vliet. It was decided to have an Institute display at 'Brussels Fall Fair with Mrs. Ed Dougan, Mrs. Jim McDonald and Mrs. M. Humphries in charge. The September meeting has been changed to 19th of (Sept. in place of the usual date. ]The afternoon was spent touring the Salt Works and the •Sheaffer Pen Co, after which a half hour shopping ended a well spent day. The August meeting of the 16th of Grey and 8th of Morris was held at the home of Mrs. James Smith on Aug. 21st. Mrs. John McDonald led in the devo- tional period opening with the hynm "Take Time to be Holy". Mrs. Alvin McDonald led in prayer and also read the scrip - tire taken frown Cor. 1!24 Mrs. 1U2S.while beef can and did John 'McDonald gave a very in- come in, to the equivalent of, tereitin'g topic, "If you ask 65,000. head do 19156? me". Being nice to live with is , Could it be due to the lack of the answer to the world's prob- a strong beef producers organ - lams. ]]Vies: !Alvin IMclDonald, •the ization? The ss pport ' of the secretary' read the minutes of beef producers was so feeble the previous meeting and. . the that it is rumored that the roll was answered by 115 mem- livestock commissioner hesitates 'hers. The WIMS treasurer's re- at putting the request for a 10 port was .given by Mrs. Wilbur cent levy into effect.. Turnbull, Mrs. Win. Flood con- Filially, could it be that the ducted . the business session. hog producer marketing agency. Two contests were in charge of is the reason for the very favor- Mrs. J. 'McDonald. A very ,deli- able position of the hog produc- alous lunch wee served by the ers for the -past ; eight or ten lunch'` committee. Mrs. Ross Mc-, mnonthst? Call, Mrs. Ed Bryans, 'Mrs. Wan. One thing' I would like to -im- Flood assisted. by the hostess. press upon . you, while you are The August meeting of the considering, +the above posslibili- Boundary and the ,17th of Grey. ties, is the factthat there isn't group of the United. Church was an, over supply of thee in Can held at the home of Mrs. Thos. ada. We are not importers of Leeming with 113 member's pre -',beef. Neither as it lack of Mori - sent. The meeting opened by ley on the part of the consumer. singing hymn 436 "Lead Kindly To satisfy his fancy for steak Light". The president, Mrs. IL for his outdoor barbecue or at (Craig read ..the scripture and the restaurant the consumer also the story based on the has raised the price of hind scripture "Behold I Stand alt quarters to almost double that the door and knock". The presi- of front quarters. dent led in prayer..k the lab- scene of the secretary, Mrs. Wm. Counts read the minutes of the previous meeting, also a thankyou note from .Mrs. Lois (Hoff. Reports were read from the 'WMS and W.A. All who can are asked to help clean the church after the decorating„ is completed. Plans were shade for the pie and ice bream social to be held in the church, Sept. TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO From The ,Seaforth Nerves, August 1982 ]lion. Wm. Atkinson, minister of Agriculture in 'Brutish Co- lunllbia, visited his father, Jos. Atkinson, Egmondville. Miss Anna edmunds ,is enter- ing training at Woodstock Gen- eral Hospital. IGoerge Watt, Harlock, got a 4th. The next 'meeting is to be nasty cut on his head awhile held at the home of Mrs. Craig. working around the (threshing The meeting closed by singing machine. hymen 470 "Saviour Thy Dying Love" and •the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess assist- ed by Mrs. Herb Williamson, Mrs. '`.Thos. Williamson, Mrs. !Donald Armstrong and ]Mrs. Henry Armstrong. tAn article on Tiger Dunlop, founder of Goderieh, tells how he got the nickname. After the war of x1812 Dr. Dunlop served, in India. There, boating one daY on the Ganges, a member of the party seized a tiger eu1b. An infuriated tigress rushed the boat. The others.. of the party BORN 'went into a futile panic. Dun- Grath—At Scott Memorial lop coolly tossed his snuff box Mca Hospital,. August 26, to Mr, .into the tigress,'face, then dis- t i patehed her with his sword. and Mrs. pat McGrath, Dublin, a This feat won him the enduring sobriquet. The business men have peti- tioned for better lighting on ]Main Street. James Gillespie and son Neil of Toronto visited his parents, Mr. and ]Mrs. Neil Gillespie. Rev, James NlcIlroy has rent- ed a house on East .William St. Mr. Adam Hays' young grand- son, who is' his constant com- panion these days, dropped his keys in the manhole at the corn- er of Main and Market streets. The missing property was fin- ally recovered with a magnet on a string: Will !Pollard underwent an operation for appendicitis in the hospital and will be unable to resume teaching at Woodville for a month. Pennington—At Scott Memorial Hospital on August 28, to•Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington, RR 3 Brussels, a son Stiffen —At Scott Memorial Hospital on August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Gieu Steffen. Seaforth, a son MacLean—At Scott Memorial Hospital ou August 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean, R11.1 Born- holm, a daughter Wheatley Erma and Dyke Wheatley are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen dau- ghter (Patricia Gail) About Beef Cost QBy Carl Hemingway) On August 16th I had the opportunity of attending the Middlesex Beef Producers bar- becue at Poplar Hill. This is a new event in this part of the country which 1 can heartily re- commend if you are hungry and enjoy beef. The cuts used avert prime rib roasts of about 26 lbs each. These were cut from steers weighing from 1200 to 1300 lbs. Believe ate, the meat was della- Mus.. While enjoying this fine food I began -wondering about 'costs, Today I went over the livestock and meat trade reports for the past few weeks. 1 found that beef was returning from 71% to 77% of the equivalent in pork to the producer. (Beef, I have always under- stood, is a more popular meat than pork, its nutritional value is high,: it requires much less processing than pork, so that the producer should get a high- er percentage of the consum- ers' meat dollar. Why then is beef selling at a discount to pork? 1 will try to give some of the possible reasons and with your help we may arrive at the right answer. Could it be that it is due to the ban on pork imports from Headquarters f r School Supplies, All Text Books Grades 9 to 13 Clip Boards, Dictionaries, Binders (your name Typing Pads, Tenipra Paints, Art Pencils, Pencil printed free on all binders), Refills, Indices, Crayons, Globes and 1Vlaps, School Bags, Lunch Reinforcements, Math Sets, Rulers, Pencils and Boxes, Waterman - Esterbrook - Wearever Pen and Erasers, Mucilage and Glue, Work Books, Pads, Pencil Sets and Ball Point Pens, Paper Mate Pens Scripto Pens and Pencils; Inks, Drawing Pads RUSTCRAFT GREETING CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION MAGAZINES NOVELTIES GIFTS AND GIFT WRAPPINGS FO ESS UP Y UR YOUNGSTERS For the Gills -- Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Hosiery YriACK. TO SCHOOL _ . For the Boys -- Jeans, Shirts, Hosiery, 1`T" Shirts LARONE'SSEs A FORTH 5e to X1.00 STORE TATIONERY . GIFTS FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, August 1917 c m The flax company willpay out in Seaforth and vieinitY $28,0000 for flax (pulling. Miss Ethel Deem of Memorial Hospital, Elyria, Ohio, is visit- ing relatives here. IDr. F. Harburn has returned after a six -weeks trip to the West. Mrs. Jiinchley and Miss Gem- mell of Regina were here at- tending the funeral of the late 'Mrs. T. •Gemmell. Mrs. James Proctor of ]Idaho is visiting old friends around Constance. Misses Mabel and Ella Turn- bull were guests of their grand- mother, Mrs. John Wanless, Varna. The play, "The New Minist- er" was presented by local tal- ent at Hensall for the third time to a large audience. Misses Jean, ltutb and Doro- thy Barnalby have returned to their home at Lucan after spending a month with Kvppen friends. John McLennan has issued a writ against the town of Sea - forth to prevent it causing a nuisance by running sewage from certain streets upon land near his property. Mr. ]McLen- nan claims the odor is offensive at times and he also claims dam- ages by reason of the open ditch. !The age limit for drivers' li- censes has been reduced from 18 years to 16. (Marjorie Ohowen,' •daughter of James 10howen, Clinton, was drowned at Bayfield. Misses Marjorie Brown, Nor- ma liartry and Alva and Verna .Graves are holidaying at Bay- field. (Orval I -Ii bkirk of Winnipeg has (bought the barber shop in Brussels of W. R. Little. FOR SALE A two -wheel trailer .complete with suck almost new, also a large size mail box. Mrs. Louis Dillon, Dublin SMALL ENGINE. SERVICE Repairs and service on all makes of small gasoline engines, Briggs & Strat- L•on, Clinton, Johnson etc. Pantson hand. All repairs guaranteed. Crown Hdwe,. phone 707 Township of. Tuckersmith Drainage Tender Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of the Garter Muni- cipal Drainsconsisting of 7765 lineal feet open drain (2200 cu. yds.), 9585 lineal feet of closed drain, 5 catch basins and 1 junc- tion box, Tile will be supplied by the township; all other requirements by the contractor. Contractor to state earliest starting date. Boncl in form of marked cheque for 10,,% of tender price to accomp- any each tender. Tenders to be in clerk's hands by 9 P.M. (D.S.T.) on Sept. 3, 1967. Lowest or any .tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Tuckersmith, Seaforth, _R.kt. #4 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Rev. Father McCowell and Dr. McMaster and Dr. Malkin and the nursing staff of -Scott Memorial Hospital for their kindness and care given to me while I was sick in the hospi- tal. I also thank all who visited me and sent cards and treats. I thank the C.W.L, and' all who visited me and gaveme treats when I returned home. Thank you.. Miss Mary O'Reilly, It R 5 Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE A farm in Hay township on #84 Highway of 125 .acres of choice land consisting of "a 9 -room frame: home with modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, has drilled well with both hot' and cold water on tap, two; pressure 'systems with both hard and soft water on tap throughout buildings, double garage, henhouse. and pig pen, 95 acres under cultivation, bal ante in bush and pasture, Apply Urban Ducharme, three miles westofHensall MOTHERLY CARE During day given to child, age 3• to 6. Grete'Gravlev, just east of Nurses Residence HONEY FOR SALE Will be pouring September honey Wednesday, Sept. 4. This is the honey for hay fever and with' all the fall vitamins. Wall- ace Ross Apiaries, Seaforth FOR SALE. One M-M,model R tractor, good condition. Also grain blower. Sell or' exchange for live stock or grain, or machinery. Wilbert Pratt, phone 43r7 Brussels, Lot 20, con. 14, Grey THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, August 29, 1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and,.6areful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions. Phones; Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL,'B.A., Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W beatorlh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. Mo5jeeter, B.A., M,D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D.. Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. ... Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J.O. TURNBULL, ;D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN B. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main Si,, Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. evg. by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' I•ldwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., .SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks et fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies FOR SALE New Zip -grip clothes line with pulleys. Coal heater, scythe, cross cut saw, large iron sugar kettle, garden hand cultivator, quantity o1` quart jars and half gallons. Phone 475-W Seaforth LAYING PULLETS Leghorn pullets laying a large, Percentage. A •large eggs. There is a spread of 23e difference be- tween pullet and A large eggs, These pullets are s8 each. We are putting in. 16,000 "Kinber chicks this fall. This is a new Leghorn with the large egg size. For more information write or phone Andrews Poultry Farm, 13113 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 647r3 F150 RhodeOIsli Island Red pullets 4% months old. Apply Pat Givlin, 37r8 Dublin FOR SALE Two double lots in Harpurhey, cheap for quick sale. Phone 1-1U 2-9173 Clinton FOR SALE DeLaval electric cream separa- tor nearly new, Apply Gerald Donnelly, RR2 Dublin ORGANIST WANTED Applications will be received until. Sept. gi for an organist and choir leader (Hammond Organ) for I)gmondville United Church. Applicants must state qualifica- tions and salaryexpected. Ap 1 Y to Ivan Forsyth, Chairman Music Committee, Kipper R112 HONEY FOR SALE Saturday will be last day to have your containers filled with clover honey at 25e lb. Wallace Ross Apiaries MONEY IS NO GOOD -1 Unless it belongs to you! And the only sure way to make mon- ey is by doing something about it. All you need is ambition, we will supply the rest. Because we need you to represent us in your district. We will supply you with the best line of Christmas cards, Everyday Cards, and Gift Items you've ever seen. You will be amazed how fast these items. will sell, and you will be overjoyed with the big profits. Let us send you samples on approval along with our straight -forward selling plan. Don't delay, write us today, so you. can get started right away ! MacDonald & Renno Greeting Cards, 426 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Dept. 46 Auction Sale OP Household .Effects in the town of Seaforkh. on Saturday, August 31 at 1.80 P.M.- on Samos street. - Brass bed, spring and mattress; 1 dresser, dining room suite, 6 chairs, 1 buffet, 8 small tables, kitchen stool, writing desk, sowing machine, settee chairs, rocking chair, floor lamps, rang- ette, odd dishes. Quantity quart sealers. 28 ft. extension -ladder. 100 ft hose. Hose reel, lawn mower, table saw,• emery and motor, copper boiler. 2 burner plate, pibe.wrenches and other carpenter tools. 200 ft. clothes Inciand Pulleys. -- 12" Pulleys. Hand ,floor polisher. Terms cash. Prop., Gilbert Bechtel Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Olerk, E. P. Chesney SALESMAN WANTED. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness. Sell to 1600 families. Good profits for hustlers, Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. I3-864-5, 4006 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. Township of Tuckersmith Drainage Tender Tenders areinvited by the Township of Tuckersmith for construction of the Second Con- cession Drain, consisting of 1060 lineal feet of closed chain; 1 catch basin, 1 field stone pro- tection. Tile will be supplied by the township; all other requirements to be supplied by the contractor. Contractor, to state earliest start- ing date. Bond in form of marked cheque for 10% of tender price toaccompany each tender. Tend- ers to end-ers`to be in the clerk's hands by 9 P.M. (D.S.T.) on, Sept. 3, 1957. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans and "specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. D. P. Chesney, Clellr, Tuckersmith, Seaforth, R.R. #4 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 %l»e coal'. the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332.11 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S, Alexanders Vice -Pres.. R. Archibald; Manager and Sea-Treas„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Senfortb t J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefleld ; C, W. - Leonhatdt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich • 8. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Brondfoot, Seaforth. Agents— Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro 1 J. F. Praetor, Brodhagea ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transactotherbusiness, oan acus wBt be rem attended to by application to any of thy above named officers addreased to their respective post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. }HAR.. ,, Office Phone 784 Res. 318w RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 54753, Seaforth NOTICE 4fyouwent gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED. BOYOE BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly .people and convalescents. Telephone Mm. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell WANTED Highest cash prices paid for nick. down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, Boar Hogs. COall collect, Bruce Mellott, At- wood, phone S or 163. NOTICE For artificial Insemination informs. tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone .the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aa. '- sedation at: Clinton HU 2-9441 between,. 7.30 and 9.30 A.M, We have all breads available—top Quality at low cost. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Brueeeflld. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 FOR SALE Ventilating equipment for banns pour- ,. try. houses, etc. Fans, thermostats Com-, - Plato installations. Free estimates Gall-, Crown Hdwe. phono 707 Old horses waN.nted at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead Phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 1483J4 o• - 1483.11 (Goderich) ADD SOMETHING SPECIAL TO ANY MENU ICED BREAKFAST BB Cleary's I G A Seaforth,