HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-08-22, Page 8CLEARING SALE MEN'S Ready -to -Wear SUITS Values to 59.50 sale price. .38 50 ■ • STYLES FOR SHORT REGULAR AND TALL MEN • 0 Our suit sale, last week, went over with such a "bang", that we have decided to repeat, 'using our higher priced suits , to give a wider and better range selection. All the suits in this sale sell regularly up to 59.50 and include only uew single breasted models in two and three button styles, ' Choose from all wool worsteds and flannel worsteds, in charcoals, mid greys, light greys, blues and browns, in famous Towne Hall, Tip Top, Johnston and Cambridge makes. Sizes 30 to 44 While they last 3830 Extra Pants for most suits at $9.00 extra M e- yi �rt Bros. Fi nery Cleaners We will look after Ell your cleaning and pressing prob- lems now that school is starting. We can give you proeupt and efficient service. Pick up and delivery phone 87. HENSALL 1Mr. find Mrs. B.D.°Boll of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell end family. MT. and Mrs. 'Smale of Mid- land visited " during the (past Week with the former's (brother - in-laW and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.to henso S p n. Miss Donna Rigsby of London Wes a weekend visitor with her grandparents, IMr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and IMr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. IMr. and ;Mrs. 'Clarence bill- ing, and son of Sarnia .visited last week with the former's +parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert l illin . g MissSharon, MacArthur visit- ed over the weekend ,with her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Willis in London. Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeLoge of Sarnia visited recently (with the latter's parents, BMs. and Mrs. .Lorne Chapman. (Mrs, (Margaret Vair of Bruce - field was a recent -visitor with her sister Mrs. Louis 'Simpson. Miss Anne Linstra of -SotUth I•Iuron Hospital, Exeter, spent the past two weeks vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Linstra. +Mr, and Mrs. C. Van 1Weirn have moved into their newly erected home on No. 4 Highway Miss Amy Laramie of London visited during the past week with her sister Miss 'Greta Lan i.- mie. Miss Margaret Bell of Toron- to is vacationing with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wan. R. Bell. IMr. and Mrs. Wan. (Fink are holidaying this week at Algon- quin Park. 'Mrs. 'Grace IHanpole and grandson Garry Peacock left this week for Ottawa where IMrs.•'Harpole will spend a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, ID, Pea- cock. IMr. and Mrs. Edgar McClim- chey and Jerry ancompanied dry 'William Brown Jr. are holiday- ing at Manitoulin Island this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam ,Rennie and family are spending this week vacationing at the Gaseho Cot- tage at Norman Heights. Mrs, Stewart Bell and Anne returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs, John Hender- son and family spent the week- end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and Pamela Anne in Nepanee. Mrs. Ida Willis of London was a weekend visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Edna MacArth- ur and family. (Miss Jean Henderson return- ed hone after spending several weeks with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and Pam. in Napanee. Mrs. T. Tetreau of Zurich visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. M. England, Mrs. J. ,Henderson, Katharine and Sylvia are visiting with Mn and (Mrs, Keith Lindsay and Pamela in Napanee. CONSTANCE Messrs George Mellwain and Lyle Montgomery, returned home Sunday from a tour of Ottawa and Hull; also St. Law- rence River Power Project, and Montreal and Peterboro regions. THERE WILL BE STARS OVER SEAFORTH F IDAY, AUG. 30th ROWCLIFFE MOTORS YOUR J. I. CASE DEALER presents ASEORk»A STARLITE REVIEW IUNIMEIMMINEMEINIEMEMMIMMEMMENIMOMMI 1 at Lot 1, Con. 1, Hullett 2y2 MILES WEST OF SEAFORTH ON HIGHWAY #8 You'll witness lively demonstrations with Case Tract- ors s and a variety of 'Implements which will make your farming easier and more profitable through every season DOOR PRIZES, including Solid Gold Watch (RETAIL VALUE $125.00) REFRESHMENTS {awnilia tsautlot lieacc`epfed, t,..s `I plan now to attend postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please print SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 33 -= 1957 revii` CIS Hollywoodh t •rssays How ago. She's riding- a five-year const Is. Beef Marketing Behind the Times ? 1QBy C. ;Hemingway?. I sold a -few of those cattle last lWeek. They were sold at Stratford Community sale and as far as I know they brought a fair market price. Inostillfeel that don't know S enough about the business to form a reliable opinion as -to their value. They were sold in small lots and 1I find it hard to see reason for the variation in price on the different groups, ;I have beentrying to put my- self in place of the packer - buyer. If !I were the buyer I would look at the steer in the sale ting and try estimate to s what grade the carcass would. be. Let us say Red Brand worth 38c and lower 'grades according- ly. ccordingly If he is doubtful Red I will hid. Blue price to be safe. Then as I , know his live weight -I will. have to guess his dressing per- centage. Red, ;possibly 56 per cont so .I cut that to I55 per cent: questionable Red so 4 cut. back to Blue 15.3 pgr cent to be. on the safe • side. S will expect to make some mistakes but iby bidding a !bit low my percentage will definitely be in favour of the plant, This must be or I lose my job. 'What is my 'attitude as a beef Producer? I feel a beef market- ing'plan will come sooner or later. The buyer isn't interested in buying cattle. lie wants beef. The only way 1 can sell him beef is to sell on the dressed weight, government grade. Are beef producers 30 years behind bhe hog producers? Let's hear from you. IMy comment today is a little short so perhaps I can take a line or two to say something I have wanted to say for some time. T wouldlike to express nay appreciation' to the weekly. papers who are so kind as to .publish these comments so regu- larly. I feel they are doing all they can in the interests of the Federation and the community. If you like what they are doing let their know. After all this service is free. Thank you. WINTHROP Miss Eleanor Christensen has returned from London where she spent ther. ' .p summer. `Mrs. James McClure is in 'Scott Memorial Hospital under- going treatment. KIPPEN Mrs. Earl Troffry Services were held an Satur- day from the Bolathron Funeral Chapel in Hensall for Mrs. Earl Treffry of Cromarty, the form- er Elsie Ann Lawson, who passed away suddenly in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 15th in her 64th year. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawson of Strat- ford; she was born at +Orillia in 1894, where she moved as .a small child to Stratford where she received her education, and lived until her marriage to Earl Treffry on June 25th, 1919, then she moved near Cromarty and remained until her death. She was a member of the Chis- elhurst :United 'Church, and an active member of the WMIS. and a past president. 'Surviving are her husband and two 'daugh- ters, Mrs. Clarence (Erla) Cole- man, Cromarty; Mrs. (Ross (.Margaret). Forrest, of ,Kippen, and five grandchildren. Three brothers and three sisters, Ar - viand, Stratford; Russell, Cleve- land; L, Edward Flint, Mich. Mrs. Walter '(Josie) O'Brien, Mrs. Arthur (IM•argaret) Tref- fry, Mrs. Carl (Doris) Briggs, glints Mich. Services were conducted by (Rev. Charles Daniel of Hensall, assisted by a cousin of the fam- ily, Rev. Dr. Harry Treffry, of Florida. The ,Beautiful Garden of Prayer was sung by Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. R. Taylor Jr., Mrs. Olive Hoggarth, and Mrs. Alf Ross, .accompanied by Mrs. !Root.' Kinsman at the pi- ano. Interment in Baird's ceme- tery. Pallbearers were 'Earl Kinsman, Jack Kinsman, Ross Sararas, Wm. Parsons, Wm. Worden, Thos. Laing, Cromarty. Flowerbearers were four neph- ews, Jack Lawson, Montreal; Donald O'Brien, Leonard Briggs and Dennis Briggs, Flint, 0.Vlich. Sunday guests of IMr. and !Mrs. Boss Forrest included: MT. and Mrs, Russell Lawson and Dennis, Mr. and ,Mrs. Rodney :Bower of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Briggs, Leonard and Dennis, Flint, Mich., Miss Lor- na Lawson, .Grand Blanc, Mich., fNlr. and MTs. Walter O'Brien, Sharron and Michael,' +Staffa; IMr, Earl Treffry. Mr. and Mrs. !Clarence Coleman, Wayne and Ruth Ann, Cromarty. (Sympathy is extended !Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forrest and fam- ily in. the passing of Mrs. For - rest's mother, the late Mrs. Earl Treffry of Cromarty. BRUCEFIELD The 'WI9TS met on Tuesday afternoon, August 113th +with an attendance of 17. The meeting opened with quiet music and Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs. A. Siam had charge of the worship service as outlined in the Mis- sionary Monthly. Mrs. :H. Dal- rymple presided in the absence of the president, opened this part of the meeting with pray- er: The Toll call was responded to by naming a former presi- dent of 'the local auxiliary. Thankyou notes were received from +Mrs. F. iMoGregor and Mrs. G. Henderson. Mrs. T. B. Baird gave a splendid reading on Stewardship, and Miss E. Bowey gave the current events. The program was taken Brom ny's TV mate. 0 Missionaries !Reporting, and was led by Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. B. Keys, assisted by Mrs. N. Walker and Miss M. McQueen. The leader read a +Missionary Ballad and some reports: from the Trinidad field. This was fol- lowed with prayer 'by (Mrs. Keys. on behalf of our Missionary, Miss IM'alble ,Brandow. •Other re - ;ports were given :on community work in Toronto and Hamilton, Medical work in British Colum- ba, and Oriental ,work on bhe Westelin Coast. IThe ;repeating Of the Lo'ad's' Prayer and the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. FORTY YEARS, AGO From The Seaforth News, August 1917 Miss 'Bethune has resigned as teacher of the primary room in the public •sehooh A fleet of 60 tractor's has' been made aeailalble for the use of lOntario farriers. .A tractor will plow litre acres.a day; .com- pared to "154 acres by horses. Mrs. Thos. Booth of 'Calgary, Alta., formerly Miss PilIman of ISeaforth, is 'visiting the Misses. Hutchison, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Frani The ,Seaforth News, August 19;3!2 Scott McKinley of 'Winnipeg is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott. An interview with W. H.. ,Olose of 'Stratford, ibrother, of E. II. Close of ISeaforth,,tells how the seven Close brothers were musicians and at one time were all members of the Regi- mental Band at Stratford. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Douglas of Kapuskasing, visited his bro- ther, 'William 'Douglas, Bruce - field. Albert Venus, 9 -year-old son of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Wan. Venus, had both legs broken When he fell from a ladder at the Wol- verton flour mill, Rev. W. D. McDonald of Ag- incourt visited friends in Eg- mondville. Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the town of Seaforth on Saturday, August 31 at 1.30. F.M. ole James street. Brass bed, spring and mattress; 1 dresser, dining room suite, 0 chairs, 1 buffet, 3 small tables, kitchen stool, writing desk, sewing machine, settee 'baits, rocking chair, floor lamps, rang- ette, odd dishes. Quantity quart sealers. 28 ft extension ladder. t hose. 100 f n " 0 e Ho e reel,lawn Hoc ie mow' r tabic am, emery and motor, caner mr bo 11 let 2u b torr plate, n to Wipe w, cloths and echo - pulite tool" •t00 ft clothes ]hie and pulleys 12" pulleys. Hand floor polisher. Terms cash. Prop., Gilbert Bechtel Auctioneer Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the town of Seaforth, James street, on Thursday, August. 29t11, et 1.311 P.M. A full fine or Household Effects in- cluding 2 bedroom suites hall rack, cheat of drawers, kitchen cabinet, 2 din- ing room tables, 0 dining room chairs, china,onbinet,sewing machine, writing desk,, coal oil stove, studio couch, chairs, electric lamps, extension ladder, erose cut saw, washing machine, garden tools and other articles too numerous to men - don, Terms cash. Pron., Mrs. T. Oliver Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Creak E. P. Chesney CARD OF THANKS Mr. Rose Hamilton and Mr. and. Mrs, 'G. A. Whitney wish to express their sincere appreeratlon. to their mew friends :for the 'kindneae and sympathy shown 'by them in so many ways dot- lowting the death of a -beloved wife and daughter. To the many .friends, who, ley their+sasietance, their understanding and their presence, helped to ease the burden of grief, we wish to convey our heart, felt thanks. We especially thank the friends and neighbors and: the ladies of Northside United Olaueh for their as- sistance at Mos hone during the time of the bereavement • ' ;COMING EVENTS Euchre dates for the L.O.B.A,a Oct. 21st; Nov. 18th; Dec. 16th FOR SALE OR RENT Houae for sale or rent, one block from Main et„ reasonable. Harvey McLlwain phone 112 -. FOR SALE Gelding,around 2600.1 s cad w rlcer •. Pat RyaDublin, phone 47,16 o HONEY FOR SALE A small quantity of mixed honey (edover and buckwheat) in your own con't(oiners. WlII have light umber honey un about two weeks in your own con- tatnors at 20ea lb. Elmer Shade, Es, mondville • FOR SALE 4, two -wheel trailer complete with, rack almost new, also a large size mail box. Mrs. pouts Dillon, Dublin FOR SALE Frigidaire 9.1 cu. ft walomatte de- frost, 45 lb. 'constant freezer, pga•etically new. Dinette - table, twochlairs. vanity dreou2-99esso67t-,ertieles. doubleApmphlysor'8 Winnipeg. Other miscellanRoad, - s RCAF Station,Clinton; Phone Minter - - NOTICE Will the party who borrowed 00' drain cleaner from the town hall to clean wink drain, please return same as others arc waiting to use It WANTED Office work for mornings. S years experience. Reference. - Box M, The Seaforth News WANTED TO BUY Annex deep - fire box, Wingbnm "Clipper" preferred. Contact Mrs. Gor- don Muuegge or phone 588 w FOR SALE Coal and wood range, all white with high shelf and-resorveirr Contact Mrs. Gordon Muegge FOR SALE Strawberry plants. Phone 83044 Seaforth - • FOR - SALE Cream separator on stand, in good working order, reasonable price, handle mills from 4 or 5 caws. Electric fere. Small kitchen stove wide back, cream enamel, good fire box, good grates. 045, 3 Seaforth. Roderlch MacLean A girls CCFOR SALE Phone Henaull 675,2 FOR good condition FOR SALE 0 good milking cow%, 141nd milked, P10110 Brittle's 37r10. Ernest Uhler, 8 miles east of Welton Church OR1952 Austin ear, 17 00 miles, nice clear car, good tires. reasonable. George Colelu hClinton R1 Photo Oe Can be seen morning- of evening , FOR SALE Standard bred 6 year old race marc eras 20 Paces with full equipment 4 small house pups-. Will do custom work. with tractor, chain sawing and circling, whitewashing. Large quantity of wood. J. R. Burns, Lison GOR Seaforth FOR SALE 1 nes Daily Dipper for I•Iotpoint washer, price 19.60, for 08. 20 gal. white enamel Coleman Oil Water heater almost new, cost .$180, for 940. Sewing machine in perfect condition $27.00 . 3 piece chesterfield, almost new condition. Mrs. A. W. Norrie, phone 422 Mitchell TO RENT Newly decorated, heated one bedroom apartment. Apply to Dr. McMaster SMALL ENGINE SERV10E Repairs and service on all makes of small gasoline engines. Briggs 4, Strat- ton, Clinton, Johnson. etc. Parts on hand. All repairs guaranteed. Greven Hdwe, phone 707 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO NOW INSTALLED — LARGEST WIDE SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY THURSDAY & FRIDAY AUGUST 22-23 "The McConnell Story" (Color) (Cinemascope) Alan Ladd -- June' Allyson (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY & MONDAY AUGUST 24-26 "Alexander the - Great" Frederic March -- Richard Burton -- -Claire Bloom Church Service, Sun., Aug. 25 9.00 p.m.—Rev. G. Mills TUESDAY & WED. ALMOST 27-28 My Sister Eileen (Color) (Cinemascope) Janet Leigh --. Jack Lemmon (Cartoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Box Office opens 8 p.rn. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars —Tree TOP QUALITY 1956 MONARCH HARD TOP 1954 FORD STATION WAGON 1954 DODGE SEDAN 1953 C EVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN. 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1949 FORD COACH 1954 Dodge t/2 Ton Many lower priced cars No reasonable offer refused at Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS 4,m, ........ ......... THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thm'sdaY, Augult122, 1957, BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flower's for all d'ceasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W. MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 • Seatorth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B A , M.D., Internis¢ P. L. Brady. M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m, to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday, and Sunday Evenings: Tueeday, Thursday and Sat -- atria only 7-9 P.M. Appointments ode In advance arra desirable. - VETERINARY SURGEON' J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St.. Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to, 6 80 • Wed. 9 A111 to 12.80 PM. Thur. ev. by appointment only. Clinton 115-2-7010,. above,. Hawkins' Hdwe, Mona- 9 to 6.86+ Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfected at lowest rates in First- Class Companies INSURANCE Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate --Phone 334 Res. 540 Gblue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE" OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone or 332 -R -R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Oiticers—President, Wm. 5, Alexander' Vice -Pres., It. Archibald; Manager and° Sec.-Treas., M. -A. Reid. Seaforth. • Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. IL Me1wing. Blyth ; W. S. Alexander, . Walton ; E. J. Trowartha Clinton ; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C,' W. Leonhardt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; 13,. Archibald, Seaforth; Alltater Broadfoot,- Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeeboro l .L F. ?meter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. , Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties 'desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly• attended to by application to any of the. above named officers nddreesed to their -- respective post offices. AND' FUEL OIL. WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w RADIO REPAIRS radio Quick, epairs to ally kinds of d radioli,, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite, Dick House, phone 8478, Seaforth CE If you want gra el, sand, top soil on excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs. Boyce, 120 W Mitchell: WANTED Highest cash prices paid for sick. down or disabled cove and horses. Dead! cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, Boar. frogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlott, At- wood,. phone 3 or 153. NOTICE For artificial insemination informs - tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the 'Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between. 7.30. and ..9.80 A.M, We have all breeds' available—top quality at low cost. HOUSE FOR SALE. On No. 4 Highway in the vill- age of Brucefield; 6 roomed brick cottage in good repair. Immed- iate possession. Apply to Wally McBeath, Brucefield, or Harold Jackson, Seaforth. 100' acres n tus twp. on county road, goad buildingu. 60 aciee in Logan Twp., all in grass, good water supply Harald Jackson, Seaforth, phone 474 FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on, hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild, Phone Hun ter 2-9131 FOR SALE Ventilating equipment for barns, poul- try houses, etc. Fans, thermostats. Com---, pieta installations. Free estimates. Call Crown Hdwe, prion 727W Old horses wa tedD at 3',ic lb., and dead cattle at value,' If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 1483J4 or 148311'(Goderich) For Oil Tank Trucks or Used Construction Machin'y Contact - Giffen Truck Equipinent Ltd. 5461 Yonge St., Willowdale, Ont. Hiudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47