HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-08-22, Page 4KIPPEN
Rev, Ross Thomson officiated
and Mr, George Hannaahson was
organist at the wedding in Knox
9?resbyterian: "•Church, ISt, Cath-
arines, of 'Sheila !Alma, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. (Ray Pfaff to
Mr. Earle Frederick :Muir, 'Oak-
Kille, son;of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Muir, Niagara -on -the -Lake. -
Yellow and white 'Chrysan-
themums formed an effective
(background for the ceremony in
which Mr. (Pfaff gave his daug-
aubAnter in marriage. Off-white poie
de faille fashioned her princess
line gown which featured a
scooped neckline, full skirt with
pleated dust ruffle, accented
With tiny bows and a lace bo-
lero' with an outline of seed
pearls. IA pearl studded head-
dress held her veil and she car-
ried a bouquet of pale yellow
shashta chrysanthemums,
Miss Frances Ed.ye maid of
honour, Miss Phyllis Metler and
Miss ;Margaret IMaoIntyre, as
bridesmaids, wore ( d en t i• c al
dresses of white lace over sky
blue taffeta, the skirts in waltz
length. [Circlets of blue and
white baby mums and nosegays
of matching flowers completed
their costumes. Mr. Donald 'Ey
Going Thursday, August 22nd
to Saturday, September 7th, incl.
Return limit—September lith
For fares and train service,
contact your local agent.
ans was groontsinan and Mi•.
James Muir 'and Mr. Stanley
Muir brothers of the 'groom,
were ushers.
Trinnediately after the cere-
nnony;Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff held
a reception in the church hall.
For'their trip to the Maritimes
the bride wore a dress of cocoa
brown tissue. •eottoan, a 'Cappa-.
Gene velvet hat and beige acces
soties, 'Upontheir return they
will live in B'tuiington.
Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff are form-
er Hensall residents. The (bride
is on the teaching staff of the
Beamsville :High 'School paid the
`groom is the aggricultural repre-
sentative for Oakville District.
Guests were present from St.
Catharines, (Hamilton,Niag'ara-
on-the-Lake, 'St.' Marys, Hinon,
Exeter and Kippen. .
In a setting of lighted cand-
les, pink and white gladioli in
Centralia United Church; Sat-'
urday, August 10th, Maxine
Watson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff 'Watson, of 'Centralia,
formerly of Kippen,. and 'Gra-
ham Truenmer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. D. 'Truemner, of Dash-
wood, exe!hanged marriage vows
before the Rev, Alex Rapson, of
Exeter. Mrs: Ken Hodgins pro-
vided wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was lovely in a
gown of white satin covered
'with - layers of net and lace. A
crown of satin trimmed with
rhinestones held her finger tip
veil. She carried a bouquet of
white carnations and pink
Sweetheart roses.
(Mrs. L. Sims, London, as ma-
tron of honor and ''Ruth Ann
Finch, Detroit, as junior brides-
maid wore dresses of lace over
satin in pink and white. Their
bouquets were pink carnations
and white (Sweetheart roses. Or-
ville Truemner, Grand (Bend was
A reception was held et the
hone of the bride where the
brides' mother received, wear-
ing a dusky rose dress with blue
carnation corsage, The gr'oom's
mother chose a grey figured
dress with white carnation cor-
For their honeymoon spent in
Detroit the bride donned a light
blue taffeta dress with acces-
sories in pink. Mr. and Mrs.
Truemner will make their home
in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Cudmore of
Vancouver are visiting with Mrs.
Cudmore's brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Mel -
lis, also a brother of Mr. Cud -
more, Mr, Sam ;Cudmore and,
other relatives in the district.
Mr. Donald Brock of Winni-
peg, who is touring Ontario and
Quebec, called on 'Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Hood on Friday,
Miss Jean Hyde, nurse -in -
training at Oshawa General
Hospital, visited three days last
week at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Coleman
and Leslie left Kippen by motor
on Friday morning for a trip to
Calgary, Alberta. -
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred lIellis included:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi-
son of St. Thomas and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Cudmore of Vancouver.
Recent visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Hyde were Mr. and
Mrs. Win. 'Helmuth of Oshawa;
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmuth,
Baden; Mrs. Aaron Helmuth, of
Baden. ...
'Master Bobby Gnidzak and his
sister Judy returned home after
spending two weeks at the, home
of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler.
of West Monkton.
,Miss Joyce Hood is holido in
two weeks' in London with :,her
'cousin Dianne Perkins.
Mrs. Joe - lDucharme and
daughter ' of (Dashwood visited
Wednesday with her mother,
Mrs. James MoClymont.
Mrs. Norman iDickert and
Merle spent Wednesday in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. .•Nelson. Hood
visited Sunday with the forun-
er's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr, and Mrs. Perkins of Lon-
don. •
-(Sunday guests of Mr. (Sam
Cudmore included:Mr..end'Mrs.
'Harvey Perkins. of near Exeter;
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie' Cudmore
of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart !Cudmore and Lorne of
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
visited on Sunday with his bro-
ther and sister Mr. Lloyd and
Miss (Elia Dowson of near Varna
Mrs.' James Campbell, -Lynda
and Dianne of Sarnia are visit-
ors this week of Mrsr'Canupbell's
parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. R.
Mr. and (Mrs. Norman Dickert
visited Sunday with relatives in
Clifford. _ ..
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Caro, Mich., spent the weekend
with the latter's father, Mr.
Robert Cooper, • also attended
the 'Cooper picnic on Sunday in
Goderich park.
Mrs. Eddie McBride and her
father, Mr. 'Robert Cooper are
visiting a few days this week
with Mr. and !Mrs. Grant Love,
of (Caro, Mich.
Mrs. 'Eugene Hinz of 'St.
Thomas, Master Larry—Hinz of
Selbringville holidaying with Mr.
and ,Mas. Lavern Wolfe.
Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Robert
and Kenneth spent some holi-
days. with.,M•rs, Ahrens' sister,
:Mrs, Norman 'Rode and Mi.
Rode, Detroit, :last week.
Miss Susan Querengesser. 'of
:Mitchell has been_ holidaying
with her uncle and aunt Mr. and
11VIr, Russell ,Sholdice,
IIMr. Jack ,Kressler, \Stratford,
with Mr. and Mss. 'Calvin' Gilcic
on ;S'aturd'ay..
Mr. and Mrs..' Lavern Wolfe,
Mr. and Mrs. -(Harry Tait 'at-
tended 'Cemetery Decoration
Service at ISeeb-a h's Hill ,,on
iMra, Harvey Ahrens has-been
confined to St. Joseph's ilTospit-
al, :London. -
Mrs. Alfred Beueninan, Lar-
ry, Diane and Susan of :Sea -
forth with her mother, Mrs.
Louise Hillebrechtt for the week-
end. -
''Mrs. John Herfbert, Mitchell,
at the .hone of her son Fred
Herbert and Mrs: Herbert.
Miss IMarleen Deigel, 'Strat-
ford with her parents for a few
days. -
Swing' Bowlers of Zion Luth-
ergn 'Church were guests of the
local. Swing Bowling League on
Friday evening. Lunch was serv-
ed in the church basement. Win-
ners were Gladys lEiekneir,
Verna Sholdice, Ken Baumbach
and Lorne Roeding.
SMr, and Mrs. Bill Coty and
Cheryl, MVldss Vicky Chessell of
Seaforth with Mr, and Mrs.
Manuel Beuerrnan.
Mr. Wayne Beuerinan has
been holidaying with Mr.' and
Mrs, Glenn Bennewies in Wind-
sor and Mr. and :Mrs. John
Kahle, Commerce, Mich.
Members and families of the
Farm Forums enjoyed a picnic at
;Port ]Elgin on Sunday at the
cottage of Rev. and Mrs. E. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Sehei4baith
accompanied Mr. and 'Mrs
Frank Scherbarth of Trenton to
the marriage of their nephew,
Earl Scherbarth, to 'Susanne
!Hillis in Detroit recently.
Rev. and Mrs, Robert Rock,
Rebecca and !Robert Jr, of
'The August meeting of the
W. A. of Duff's United 'Church
was held in the church basement
on Aug. 1st with 'Mrs. Gordon
MaGavin presiding. Hymn 46
"Dear Lord and Father of Man-
kind" was sung .and the 1139th
Psalm read by Mrs. McGavin
followed by prayer. Minutes of
the July meeting were given (by
Mrs. Ronald Bennett and adopt-
ed. A discussion followed onthe
Walkerton were at the home of social to be held ',Sept. 4th. Mr.
Mr. and. Mrs. ;Edwin Rock and !Wm. !Bennett and 'Mr. John His -
also attended the IStratfordilop were appointed doorkeepers.
Shakespearean Festival, iThe d7th of Grey will serve
Miss Gwen IRoek, St.IN. of !lunch and the '8th of Morris and
16th of Grey to clean up. Each
family is asked to bring enough
sandwiches for themselves and•
one pie. Ice cream to be bought
with the funds of the evening
and secretary to look after the
buying of it. Ghairs may be ta-
ken out for church activities in
the members' !tomes butmust
be returned before the next
Sunday. Flowers for .Sept. •to be
placed in the church by the 17th
and boundary group. Mrs. A.
Coutts gave a favorable final':
cial report and the meeting
closed by all repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
The W.M.S. followed with the
president, (Mrs. Alvin: McDonald
in charge and Mrs. Jack :Bryans
as pianist. The secretary's re-
port was given by Mrs. R. Me-
Miehael and the roll call was
answered by naming a Harvest
hymn, A discussion on a new
leader for the IC.G.I.T, was
brought up. Also plans made
for a delegate to attend "1A
School fon' Leaders" Aug. 2649
at Alma College. St. Thomas.
Leaders' books, Missionaries re-
porting and Tracts and Figures
are to be purchased for the
W-1IS organization, Mrs. James
Clark gave the topic "United
Nations ',Special (Assistance".
Mrs, T. McCreath gave a very
interesting account of the first
CGIT Summer •School Camp
held at Goderich. The morning
session ryas divided into five
groups consisting of (1) Bun
Js e -s 21 Dressing Dolls in
Milk Filters, ,3) CGIT Study
- ,.. 41 Folk Dancing, (5)
M e:... A: ernoons were spent in
s i"ar'i o* and the leader divid-
ed :e recoup into three classes.
Ser:nners; zhose learning to
swim: Swimmers. These were
:-y capably looked after by
The evening, consisted of
camp Sires, church and vesper
lilerSade. scavenger hunts, Folk
Dances and banquet. Miss Clara
McGowan spoke to the girls on
Sunday. The church project
,consisted of house-cleaning the
church on the camp grounds. .A
rare was chosen for the camp
:and 1 be called,. "CIGITA
Camp. The first summer camp
session proved a very success-
ful undertaking.
Baby Band Entertained
A very enjoyable afternoon '
was spell; en Thursday in Duff's
Church schoolroom when the
Wats en ertained the mothers
and Their children of the Baby
Band. Mrs. Nelson Marks
brought the meeting. to order
-with an opening motto and
hymn 206 "Praise Him, Praise
Him, all ye little Children" was
sung. The scripture taken from
Matt. 19: 13-17 was read by
Mrs. :Ronald Bennett followed
by prayer. A cordial :welcome
was given to the mothers and
babies by Mrs. Marks. Pauline
and Shirley Thamer• sang a duet
with -Mrs. J. Bryans accompany- a
ing them. A Baby Band story
"Mantu in Africa" was given 1
by (Mrs. W. C. Hackwell which
provided - consideralbie interest
for the children. Carol Fraser r
favored with, a recitation. The
roll call given by Mrs. N. Marks
and Mrs. R. Bennett was ans-
wered by, 36 nternibers, 9 mission
band members and 3 guests. 1
The first age group graduated
r•soaa into Mission Band 'and each. re-
ceived -a booklet ' of Short
(Stories of the Bible. They were y
as follows: Brenda Bewley, 1
Gordon IMitohell, Shirley Turn
Montreal is holidaying at the
home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, .Edwin Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Doerr of
Stratford with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Hinz.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dinham
of Toronto have been holidaying
with her sister, Mrs. Ralph
Hicks and Mr. Hicks.
Mrs, Joe 'Berry of Hatnilto'n,
also Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dick-
son, Marie and Allen of Hamil-
ton with Mr, and Mrs. George
and Harold Mogk for a few
Mr. Milton Eickmeir, 'Roger
and Gary of :Detroit with Mr.
and ;Mrs, George Eickmeir. Ro-
ger and Gary are holidaying
with their• grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward,
Donna and Gay of Toronto; Mr,
and Mrs. Donald Stauck, War-
ren and Janet of Kitchener,
with Mr. avid (Mrs. Albert Quer-
engesser. Mrs. Woodward and
girls remaining for this week.
If you have valuables ..
Most people have more valuables and important
papers lying around the house than they realize.
If you're in that position decide now to drop in
at our nearest branch and discuss the matter of a
Safety Deposit Box. It costsvery little and
provides complete safety with convenience. The
Bank is the logical place to keep things that
wouldbe difficult or impossible to replace.
N ' 'DOM
J. R. M. SPITTAL, 'Manager Seaforth Branch
(bull, Herbie Shannon. Robt. Mc-
Clure, Karen IMcJDonald, (Mary
Leeming and Paul 1MclGalium..
The following Baby Band
menllbers were presented' with
mottos and short scripture
stories: 'Beverley McCall, Keith
Wilbee, ,Charles Rae McClure,
Shirley Williamson, 'Connie
Coutts, Judy Timmer, Joan
Muir, (David !Baan, Bruce Mc-
Donald, Lois Williamson, ' Delbra
Wey, 'Gail Searle, Debbie Mc-
Call, Gail Travis, 'Lynne Mc-
Donald, Sharon Marks, Dianne
Fraser, Anne 'Busby, Darrel'1.Mc
Clur'e, Stephen Sholddjce, Tom-
mie ,'Williamson; Roar . William-
son, John Leeming, Murray Mc-
Call, Heather McDonald, David
Watson, Deva Wey, Judith
Armstrong, Donald McCall, Ri-
chard (Sholdice, Randall Fraser,
Marion McCallum, Clayton Pra-
ter, (Richard. McDonald, Keith
Clark,- Gwendolyn iBosnian, Mur-
ray, : Houston, Brian IWilibee,
Ross Mitchell; Joan Bennett,
Marilyn Armstrong, Edward Mc-
Clure, Roger Huanphries, Cathy
Somers, and Catharine Mc,Don-
ald. New Baby Band 'members
for 1967' receiving• certificates
were Janice (Doreen .Houston,.
Janet Caroline Muir, June Kath-
leen .l Williamson.
The following prizes were
awarded: grandmother with the
most grandchildren present was
wont by Mrs. Ethel Hackwell,
Youngest baby present, Janet
Muir. The youngest grandmoth-
er present, Mrs. Ernie Stevens,
Oldest grandmother, Mrs. Thos.
Leeming. Linda Bryans sang a
solo with her mother as accom-
panist; also Glenna Houston
with Brenda Houston at the pi-
iano. The collection was taken
up by Karen McDonald :and
lBaribara Bryans, Mrs, (Marks
thanked all those- taking part
in the program, also the QM
girls for sending out the invita-
THE SEAFORTH NEWIgThursday, August 22, 1967
TTIURS. PRI. SAT. - BILLIE, 'rile RID Robert 'Taylor - Mary Howard
Notorious boy . bandit of America's MO' frontier, sweeps across the badlands
lila a savage storm
4ohn Darrel - Virginia Bruce
.it's bilarioatsly-outrageous as you -watch. it reluctantl; bride lose hex reluctance
... - Guy Madison. - Felicia Parr
Egmondville United Church
Dr. J. 'Semple, Minister,
011 a.m., There are so many
voices in the World. Dr. Semple
will preach.
SO 'a.m,. Church 'School and
Minister's 'Bible 'Class.
Dl a.m., Nursery Class
111.130 a.m., Jr, Church.
(Sept. 18th, 1212nd Anniversary,
guest minister, Rev. Dr. 'Wesley
Hunnisett, Supt. Fred Victor
Mission, Toronto,
Congregational 'meeting at
the close of the morning ser-
vice. 'Our aim: Every family re-
Always welcome,
Another shipment of_
The best by test
Willis Shoe Store
Union Service
11 a.m., First Presbyterian
and 'Northside U)ndted 'Congre-
gations, worshipping in First
Presbyterian Church, with Rev.
Bruce..,W. Hall in charge. The
Sunday Schools will meet sep-
arately at 10 o'clock.
FRIDAY, =..23
Outstanding Variety Entertainment for
the Final Night
— COMMENCING 8.30 P.M. —
From "Pick the Stars" Scotch Comedian FINNISH JUGGLER
Tap Dancing - Acrobatic Versatile Musician Just Back From Europe
Penny Nichols Ernie Bruce Seppo Leivo
Comedy -- Harmony -- Novelties
Jack Ayre, Accompanist -- Paul Bros. and Shirley
Bingo - Popular! Carnes
To thrill and delight young and old, plus old
favorites: Ferris wheel, and for the
younger set, Merry-go-round
ADMISSION - 25 CENTS Children under 12, free
Proceeds for Lions Welfare and Maintenance of Lions Park and Pool