HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-08-01, Page 4, ••••••
Seaforth Hose Moved to Harpurhey
The two-storey frame house, on Goderich street
east, formerly occupied by the John Walsh family,
was moved through Seaforth last Thursday morning
to the west side of town where it is now located on
the side road between the new No. 8 highway and
the old road in Harpurhey, a mile west of Seaforth.
The house was moved in two parts by W. R. Parsons,
Staffa. Charles Reeves of Seaforth P. U. C. rode on
top of the building to lift hydrowires through Sea -
forth. The vacated site will be used for a •gas station.
Purchased by Peter Christensen the house will be oc-
cupied by John Beyes, Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Will Finlayson
and son of Lorne Park spent a
few days last week with the for-
mer& mother, Mrs. Jas.
Finlay -
Mr. and Mrs. ;Stuart N.
Keyes of Orillia spent the week
end with his mother, Mrs. Nen
;An Keyes.
Bev. Roderick Murray of
Dowiagiac, Mieh., and Mrs.
'Margaret Jahn, of Flint, Mich,.
are visiting With Mr. Thomas
Robinson and family, also with
friends in Stanley. Mr.: Murray
it. a native of Goderich and
anent Tuesday among friends
and scenes of ,his boyhood days.
Miss Jean Watson, R.N., of
Toronto spent the week end
with her !mother, Mrs. J. G.
Watson and .Miss Alice Watson,
Mrs, W. J. Palmer and Mr,
and taTrs. H, V. Johnston of
Windsor spent the week end
Miss Laura MacMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broad -
foot of Walton visited with Mr.
antl 'Mrs. Ivy Henderson.
!Rev. Wm. O. Robinson and
IIITcs. Robinson, who have 'been
visiting with relatives and
friends in this vicinity have re-
tal'aed to their pastoral charge
a'. 'Oakville, Man. The follow-
ing is a clipping from the local
paper at Portage la Prairie,
where the wedding ceremony
Look ,place:
"A quiet wedding was sol-
emnized on July 4 when .Cath-
erine Agnes, only daughter of
Mr. R. J. Caskey and the late
Mrs. Caskey, was united in mar-
riage with Rev. William Orr
Robinson, Rev. A. D. 'Caskey.
inwie of the bride, 'performed
the ceremony, assisted by Rev.
H. L Bowman. Wedding music
was played by Mrs, R. Sanders.
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride wore an afternoon
dress of fine corded silk in a
dieia shade, featuring a 'beaded
neckline. Her accessories were
beige and her corsage was of
pink sweetheart roses. 'Follow -
m the ceremony a reception
for about 60 guests was held in
the United Church auditorium.
14,a, Kermit James sang '0
(Pr-rfect Love.' The toast to the
bride was proposed by Mr. E.
(I. Porter and ably responded
'1,0 by the groom. For travelling
the bride chose a linen suit of
navy, accented with pink. Her
accessories were navy. The
bride and groom left by .plane
From 'Winnipeg for Toronto and
other points in Canada and the
'United States. On their return
Rev. and Mrs. Robinson will re -
aide in Oakville, Man,
Approximately ,60 friends and
neighbors gathered at the home
of Mrs. James Keys on Friday
evening to honor Miss (Betty
Cambell with a miscellaneous
Fshower prior to her marriage to
Robert Norris, Toronto on Au-
gust 10th.
The bride was seated in a
nicely decorated chair under an
archway of pink and white
streamers and bells. Betty, her
mother, MTS. Wilson Campbell,
grandmother of the bride, Mrs.
Archie Kerr and grandmother
of the groom, Mrs, Oen Rising
were presented with corsages
prior to the evening's program.
Seated on either side- -of the
bride were her mother and
During the evening the young
:people arranged a bride's book
the ladies answered a bri-
dal contest and wrote tips of ad-
vice for the bride-to-be. The
bride read the tips and later
they were interted in .the bride's
Catherine Campbell read the
address and atter some search-
ing through the house for sev-
eral parcels Dorothy Keys wheel-
ed in an old fashioned, decorat-
ed baby buggy laden with gifts
and presented them to the bride
who had been showered with
conletti. Among, the, gilfts were
an ironing board' and pad, cot-
ton sheets, cake plates, towels,•
mirror, caps and saucers and
many other useful gifts.
Miss Campbell thanked the
!friends and neighbors for the
many lovely gifts she received
and invited everyone to her
trousseau tea on Saturday, Au-
gust Srd and to visit her in her
new home in Toronto.
The shower was arranged by
Mrs, Jas. Keys and Dorothy,
'Mrs, Les Pryee, and Catherine
The following is the address:
Dear Betty,—This is the day,
and this is the hour All your
friends here, have picked for
your shower. Now just sit still,
and don't get excited. A little
advice will keep you arighted.
First make up your mind to be a
good wife,
And love your husband the rest
of your life.
A newly married couple very
happy can be,
,But to make it complete there
I should be at least three.
Married life can Well be corn-
! pared to a brook,
With many a rock and many a
I crook;
But all these 'things you must
take in their stride,
Life never lias been just a
I smooth happy ride.
Now Betty you have a little
searching to do,
The rest of us will sit back and
look at you.
1Will you take off your slippers
• and toss up your head,
Now tip -toe upstairs and look
under the bed.
After you rest for a minute or
Please hunt for a parcel, that
stands in full view,
Now go to the pantry and look
on the floor,
There is something there that
wasn't there before.
Go to the front room and look
under the curtain.
If you can't find it you need
glasses for certain.
The phone in this house is kept
on the wall,
I'd take a look there you might
find something small.
A 'chesterfield is always a good
place to neck,
It has other uses so look there
by heck.
Go to the bath lovely lady but
not for a tub,
But for something you'll use
when you're cooking for hub.
And now I must tell you the
muse has expired,.
And anyway Betty I know you
are tired.
The rest of the gifts we will
bring to your side,
And each bears the message,
Good Luck to the Bride.
Sign.ed on behalf of your
friends and neighbours on the
4, 5, 6 and ith concessions of
Large standards of white
chrysanthemums and pink car-
nations made an attractive set-
ting for wedding of Hilda Jo-
sephine, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Harvey Quantz, to
Frederick A. C. Martin, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence ;Martin,
which took place in the Aurora
United Church, Rev. John F. G.
Morrih officiated at the cere-
mony with Mr. Illtyd Harris at
the organ, The soloist was Miss
Margaret Barrager.
The bride entered on the arm
of her father, and was radiant
in a crystal white floor -length
gown of nylon organza over sa-
tin, The (bodice of imported
chantilly lace with portrait
neckline, trimmed with sequins
and pearls, long sleeves of or-
ganza, fashioned with a floral
lace motif on each wrist. Her
finger-tip, veil of silk
was held by a coronet of se-
quins 'and pe '
arls and she car-
ried a -cascade ofpirochio roses
and stephanotis.
The bride's attendants were
Miss Ann Davies, maid of honor
and Mrs, John Kell and Mrs.
George Hall, bridesmaids. They
were gowned alike in twaltz-
length gowns of azure blue ny-
lon chiffon over taffeta with
!bouffant skirts and shirred, fit-
ted bodice and necklines extend-
ing into flowing twin panels at
the back. They wore matching
blue picture hats, trimmed with
velvet, and they carried cascade
bouquets of pink roses and white
The groom was attended by
Me, Donald Fraser and the ush-
ers were Mr. John Kell and Mr,
Floyd Jenkins. At the recep-
tion at "The Ridge 'Inn", the
bride's mother received in del-
phinium blue silk organza, ac-
cented with :white accessories
and a corsage of pink roses and
white carnations. The groom's
mother wore pink and white
!printed nylon sheer, with white
accessories and corsage of pink
For travelling, the bride chose
a -periwinkle 'blue linen suit with
white accessories and corsage of
sweetheart roses, The young
Couple left to spend a short
honeymoon in the Adirondacks
and Lake Placid. On their re-
turn they will live in Burford,
:Mrs. Wm. LeSouder and in-
fant son of Stratford are visit-
ing with her parents, Ivry. and
Mrs, Robt. Jamieson,
Master David Medd returned
home on ;Friday after having
spent holidays with (Ma and
Mrs. Robt. Johnson of Grand
1Mr. and Mrs. 'Ephraim Clarke
of Seaforth are staying at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood
'Clarice, who with their son are
visiting Mrs. Clarke's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. -Sheardown of Es-
Miss Ernestine White of Tor-
onto spent a day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.
air. and Mrs, Ken Reid of
London spent the week end at
the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Luth-
er Sanders.
'Miss Lenore Brigham return-
ed home to Chesley after spend-
ing a week's holiday with bit'
and Mrs. Borden Brown and
MisS Suzanne Dale spent last
week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm-
Mr. and Mrs, Bob 'Hornick
and family of Chatham spent
holidays with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. B. Hornick.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley re-
turned home Sunday after hav-
ing spent holidays at Windsor,
Leamington, Niagara Falls.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd,
David and Jimmy, spentSunday
at Port Allbert.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grimold-
by spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. James Attwood of Wind-
sor, who are holidaying at Port
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd
and 'Allan Finch visited Mr. and
:Ars. George Layton of Exeter
on Sunday. Mr. Layton, who is
in the hospital there is wished
iby 'his many friends here a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dever, of
B.C., were renewing acquain-
tances on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs.
Dever formerly lived on the
farm now owned by Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Sanders and moved
from here to Sask. in 1906,
Mrs. 'Mildred Couture of Na-
naimo, B.C., are spending holi-
days with her cousin, Mrs. Wal-
ter Scott and Mr, Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Borden Brown,
Joyce and Elaine, spent;S(un-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Brigham and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Weis of Hanover. Miss Lindh
Weis returned home with them
fox holidays.
Visitors last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.- George
Addison were Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Tebbutt of SanFrancisco.
Calif., and Nir. and Mrs. Melvin
Tebbutt of Long Beach., !Cal.,
and Mi. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt
and Mrs. Vine Pickard and
'Alm Lillian Howard of Goder-
ich and 1VIr. and Mrs. Lew Teb-
butt of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker,
Geraicline, Dorothy and Patsy
accompanied by IMrs. ;Edgar
()Amore are enjoying a motor
trip through Eastern Ontario
and will visit with Mrs. Cud-
more's daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald at Ot-
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and fam-
ily motored to Sault Ste. Marie
this week where they will spend
several days.
Mrs. Emma Boyle, Miss Helen
Boyle and iMr. (Milton Boyle of
Toronto were recent visitors
with bit', and Mrs. Alf Clark,
Mr. Wm, Welsh, Mrs. Florence
Joynt and Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
(Miss Mae MacGregor of Tor-
onto visited during the past
week with Mr. and IMrs. 'Malcolm
Dougall and Jim and :Mr. James
Mustard Jr,
Mr. and ,Mrs. William Fink
spent the weekend visiting with
the latter's parents, liVIr. and
Mrs. Arnold in London.
Miss Dorothy Farquhar of
Toronto was a weekend visitor
with her parents, Mx,. and Mrs.
Charles Farquhar.
Mrs, Tillie Tetreau of Zurich
was a weekend visitor :with Mrs.
Edna MacArthur.
Mrs. Alberta iVlaeBeath visit-
ed over the weekend with Mr.
and -Mrs. John Armstrong, at
Mr. Len Noakes, David and
Bill are holidaying this week at
French River.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert milling
accompanied Iby Mr. and 'Mrs.
Hugh Love are snot o ri ng
through Eastern Ontario this
week as far as Cornwall.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo Parker,
'Rickey and' Cindy spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John
Baker at their cottage at Turn -
bull's Grove.
Mr. an'd Mrs. Rosenboom and
family enjoyed a motor trip to
the 'Ontario 'Provincial Park
this week.
Mr. Geo. Ottenbein of (Prest-
on, accompanied by his Tether,
Mr. Wim. Otterbein and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Charles Wilson enjoyed a
fishing trip to ,Georgian Bay
last week.
Miss 'Connie 'Corbett returned
home after spending a pleasant
holiday with Mr. and IMrs. Chas.
tGoodanan in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Sbirray,
Douglas and Bruce returned
1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955
Used Cars in trade for
New 1957 Chev. & Olds.
No reasonable offer refused
on models now in stock
r -S. • • ,,,;•.s.• •
home after .a motor trip through
Western 'Canada, as far as the
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Slither -
by of (Detroit visited last week
with Mr, and 'Mrs. Rolbert Elgie
and Margaret.
Mrs. Margaret Vair of Brune -
field visited last 'week with her
sister, Mrs. Louis'iStrepson.
Mr. end Mrs. Bay Phaff of
St. Catherines were weekend
visitors ,with IMr. and IMrs. Robt.
Elgie and Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McKaig and
family of Sudbury were recent
visitors with his brothers, Mr.
Angus 1V1c1Kaig and Mr. and
(Mrs. Calder MaKaig.
IMr. 'and Mre. King, Hantil-
ton are guests of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Carey. . '
Rev. and Mrs. Orval Locke
and family of Louden, visited
on 'Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs.
T. L. Scott and family..
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar
of,Stratford and Mt and Mrs.
Ferg. (McKellar and boys. Sea -
forth were !Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay McKellar
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton
and (Mr. iAlbert Hamilton of
Winnipeg visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hun-
k -in, Behnore.
we extend our sympathy to
Mrs. Otto 'Walker, whose sister,
Mrs. Alvin Cornish of Exeter.
Passed away suddenly last week
Many friends of !Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Hoste met in the
Staffa hall on Tuesday evening
for a social gathering with the
newly-weds. An address :was,
read by IMr. Calder IMcKaig
and Mr. W. Harper presented
the honored couple with sever-
al beautiful gifts and also a
purse of money. Words of ap-
preciation were expressed by
Mr. and Mrs. Hoste.
Word has been received of
the death of Mr. James D.
Walker, which occurred at Cal-
gary last week:, at the age of
94 years. Mr. Walker was born
on the old Walker Homestead
and spent many years in this
vicinity. He built and operated
the first cheese factory at•Staf-
fa, afterward moving to Owen
Sound -and Northern Ontario
before going to !Calgary. His
wife was the former Joanne
'Miller and predeceased him
some 20 years ago.
We are sorry to report the
death of Mr. Oswald 'Walker
which occurred in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter. on Sunday, at
the age of Si years. He 'was a
life long and respected resi-
dent of this community having
spent most of his life on the
hoMestead east of 'Cromarty.
We extend our sympathy to the
bereaved family.
The Sunday School and con-
gregational picnic was held at
Lions' Park, Mitchell, on Thurs-
day and, was well attended by
both children and parents.
Several members of the 4-H
Calf Club are going on a con-
THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, August 1, 1957
THURS. PRI. SAT. ' DAKOTA INCIDIINT Linda Darnell -Dnio Robertson
Michael Redgrave- Sheila Sims. We urge you to see this picture from the start
TriuRs. rm. SAT. CHA CHA BOOK 9tev0 thln.e.. Albert Tolton
SiSs lllll too somossOcisseolonooSito lllll tttt IiMmionsissomoo oss tttttt omits ttttttt mum tt tttttttttt suss,-
• • •
ur Values i Fut ear
matte y nr
BIG agai!
Wednesday mornings -- also Fridays and Saturdays
1111111111111.1111 ttttttttt I ttttttttt I tttttttttttttttt t IS tttt tttttt 111111111.1.
ducted bus trip to Toronto en
'Mr. Howard Wright returned
home on 'Saturday from an ex-
tended trip to the Western
Mr. 'Wilson Little and Mr. and
Mrs. Gibbons of Meadow -vale
spent the weekend in Buffalo,
Mr. and Mrs. -Glen ;Haase and
family moved to the ICrich 'ap-
artments n Seaforth, Monday.
Miss Marnie (Gibbons of
Meadowvale visited her cousin
Miss !Georgina Little over the
1\iiss !Mary Jordan, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jordan.
Mr. and IMrs. Pat Flannery
and family with Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Flannery. .
Frank Flannery and Gerald
Bruxer spent' the weekend in
Llyden Services
Sund-ay, Aug. 4th at '1.11a.ra.
in First Presbyterian 'Ohurch,
Rev. Bruce W. Hall, minister.
Sunday 'Schools meet separately
at 10 a.rm. Warm !welcome to all.
Egmondville United Church
Dr. J. :Semple, Minister.
11 a.m., Palm Worship. The
subject: "An Interview with
Jesus." Dr. Semple will preael.
10 a.m., 'Church School and
Bible Class.
13.1. a.m.. NurseryClass
1.11.40' .9.4T1., Junior Cl'l.Teh
See you in church Sunday.
McKillop Charge
Services at Duff's Church, at
10 a.m., Bethel 11280 a.m., and
Cavan 2 p.m. 'Rev. W. H. SIM.
CliC.N/E Saturday Night
Saturday, August 10
(Broadcast at 8 P.M.)
Admission 75c arid 50c
Sponsored by Orange Hall Property Committee
"Dad, did you pick up my dress?"
That young voice hits Dad where it hurts'.
He was so sure he'd remembered every-
thing. And here is Amelia, with a heavy
date, demanding her dress which he forgot
to pick up at the cleaners. Why, grumbles
Dad, don't women do their own shopping?
The answer is that farm women usually
do. In fact, their shopping, in person and
by mail, adds up to a lot of money. How
much? Well, last year, farm families put,
about 2% billion dollars into circulation.
That's over twice the amount spent for all
the new housing in Canada. About 1,000
million dollars went for household require-
ments—the things you buy regularly. And
the rest of the money was spent for equip-
ment, wages, feed, seed, fertilizers—every-
thing that farmers need to produce food
in abundance.
All this farm spending for consumer .
goods and services helps to keep a great •
many Canadians employed in a wide variety
of businesses and is a powerful stimulant
to progress and prosperity. This is made
possible by good farm management, effi-
cient practices which include the use of
modern farm machinery.