HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-06-27, Page 84 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Stewart Bros. 6,vcivvociowocivc.oven.N.4.0pvouvzi.oc. You can compare dresses and prices, wherever you like and you'll find that our budget prices are at least $2.00 below city prices. So be thrifty and shop at Stewart Bros. Range 1. These dresses bring 9.95 every 7 where and feature polished cot- tons, linens, and tub fast ging- hams. •Manyhave contrasting bolero jackets- trimmedwith the _ dress pattern. Size 9 to 18 Range 2. This range that features fine English broadcloths, smooth pol- ished cottons and line prints comes in a wide range of plain, floral and striped patterns. --- Sizes -Sizes 9 to 24%, Save $2.00 on each dress at 95 Range 3. Choose from half sleeve, cap 95 sleeve, and no sleeve sun dress styles in a wide range of colorful, newest styles dresses for the hot summer clays ahead. You'll find you've saved $3.00 when you buy from this best range of dresses, Clearing Sale ! Summer Dresses REGULAR 12.95 TO 18.95 Bengalines, allm•acelles, polished cottons, and novelty dress fabrics styled by Johnathan Logan. Exclu- sive dress and Joy Frocks, - All are one of a kind from our best dress range in sizes 9 to 24V.. TO CLEAR AT iOt:95 BLAKE A. former resident of Blake passed away in the person of Mr. William McClinchey, who resided at Holmesville. Services were held on Monday at the funeral home in Clinton, with burial in Bayfield Cemetery. Mr. John McClinchey of 03ron- son Line South, is a son, Sym- pathy goes out to the sorrowing wife and family. The school -section of S. S. 9, Hay and Stanley picnic was held on Wednesday afternoon, June 19th. Games and a ball game were the sport events, .under the supervision of the teacher Mrs. Claire Deichert. A picnic supper closed the day's event. 'The many friends of Mrs. Nancy :Swartzentruber are pleas- ed to hear she is feeling better after her operation while on a visit to her sister in New York State. .Mr, Guston Bon has returned home after being in the London Hospital for a while, and also spent a few days with his daugh- ter, Mrs.. Westbrook and family at Goderich. • Mr.and 1IV11•s. James Dinsinore were to Palmerston visiting Mrs. Brodhagen, who is in Hos- pital there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay and family visited Rev, W. Fin- lay at Parkwood hospital, Lon- don. - Mr. and Mrs, )Leon Jeffery attended the funeral of the late Mr. Frank Dennome at St. Jos- eph's +Church on Monday. i THIS FATAL ACCIDENT WAS CAUSED BY EXCESSIVE SPEED! LOCATION: A curve on Highway No, 35 TIME: 7.20 p.m. ROAD SURFACE: Asphalt. Dry RESULT: Passenger killed. Driver seriously injured, This oar was travelling north at high speed. The driver, not familiar with the road, failed to make the • curve. The car crossed the highway and wrapped itself around a tree. The driver's wife was crushed to death and he was badly injured. When he recovered he was charged with careless driving and his licence suspended. This is just one of the countless accidents caused by excessive speed. Think about this picture the next time you start to press your accelerator past the safe limit. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS -ONTARIO 134 a ..sa;c;. HENSALL Mrs. Vic Stan and son re- turned to their hoane in {London last week after spending a week.with'Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes and family. Miss Jean Lavender of Haws 1- ton spent the weekendwith her arenas Mr. and Mrs. Thos. La- vender. , � S vender. Miss Joyce 'Peters o 'London visited over the 'geekend !with her parents, .Me. and Mrs. Fred Peters and Joyce. IMies ;Shirley Flynn of Lon- don was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and j1VIrs. Joe Flynn, Gerald and Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bell of Windsor were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, R. Bell. (Prices at Hensall Community Sale on June 20th. Weaming pigs ,$12.60 to $10.- 10; chunks $17.00 to $18.85; +feeders,.$28.50 to $28,00; sows $79.00 to '$90.00• Holstein cows $145.00; to $17,00; Durham caws $140.00 to $$100.00; Hol- stein calves $13.50 to $18.00; Dunham calves. 022.50• to $45.00. BORN Eggert - At Scott :Memorial- Hospital on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Eggert, rrl Dublin, a daughter Johnston -At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 25, to Mr. and .Mrs. Wilmer 'Johnstony'Seaforth, a son Stewart -At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart, Seaforth, a daughter CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and nei- ghbors for thei0 many expressions of sympathy during my recent bereave- ment. T would also express my thanks to the nurses of the hospital for their kindness to 'my mother- during her"sick- ness and death. - JAMES NIOILANS Our sincere thanks : and eppreciatlon to all friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses and hal in our recent bereavement. -The Family of the late Joseph McCully The family of the late Mrs Wm. An- derson wish fo express their sincere thanks to all those who helped in any wnv'during their rehont bereavement, especl'ally. Miss Pearl Thamer .andstaff and Dr. Malkus: it was deeply an preelatea ..., _ I wish to thank my friends who sent me cards and gifts while I was al pat- ient in the JStratford General Hospital; also,DV: Moore and the nurses.` Every thing wasgreatly appreciated. ROSE. MARSE FEENEY COMING EVENT Bake Sale, W.A. of Duff's United Church; -‘McKillop, -June 29, in framer, Milner store. Doors open at 3 P.M. WANTED First 'moitgagc of $4000 on prac- tically .new, residence in .Seaforth. Int- erest 6%.Repayments to suit lender, Apply McConnell & Stewart, phone 174 FOR SALE MrH 7 foot binder cheap. Apply to Roy Lawson, phone 680r16 FOR SALE Ten. acres of )raystanding in field, or will cut and bale. - James McQuaid, phone 46-14. Dublin FOR SALE 10 acres of mixed hay. George Blake, phone 654r81 Seaforth FOR SALE 12 acres of alfalfa and timothy hat, James McIntosh, 6661.4 Seaforth FOR. SALE About six acres of redclover hay, Secord MnBrien, phone 84513 Seaforth WRESTLI N SEAFORTH ARENA Friday, July 5th -- Starting at 9 p.m. TV Stars from Maple Leaf Gardens MAIN BOUT Two Out of Three Falls One hour time limit Whipper "Billy" Gene "The Terrible" WATSON vs KINISKI Farmer Boy vs Fred Aitkens (Will also sing) One Fall -30 -nun. time limit Baron Gatoni vs Johnny Barron One Fail=30-minute time limit Referee Al "Bunny" Dunlop • See this Exciting Exhibition of Skill and Science ADMISSION All Floor Seats $1.50 - Regular Seats $1 Children under 12, 50c Advance Seats at: SEAFORTH MOTORS - Phone 541 BALIDWIN HARDWARE - Phone 61 Swmming SEAFORTH LIONS PARK is is Pool 0 The new Lions Park Pool is now open to the public Open Daily, Weather Permitting 1.30 to 5.30 and 7 to 9 I. SWIMMING INSTRUCTI.ON FREE swimming instruction for school children by qualified instructors available each morning . Registration now under way and closes July 5th Classes commence Monday, July 8, at 10 a.m. ADULT SWIMMING CLASSES Tuesday arid Thursday Evenings L. 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. Learn to swill) with qualified instructors A minimum of 10 lessons - $2 and admission - If sufficient interest is showli, classes will be arranged, com- mencing Thursday evening, July 11. Make application in persons; or phone the Park. PHONE 245 -- ADMISSIONS --- Children under High School Age 10 cents, or $1.50 for, Season's Ticket Fourth and Additional Children Season's Ticket in one Family -- Free High School Students 25 cents, or $3.00 per Season's Ticket Adults 25 cents, or $4.00 per Season's Ticket Children of One Family and Two Adults -$10 (In each case a checking basket is included) Night Swimming For the convenience of those who are unable to swim during regular hours, the Pool will remain open throughout the evening on certain nights, depending on the •weather. Announcement will be macre over CKNX Entertainment Guide, or phone 245 Seaforth For further information Call the Seaforth Lions Park PHONE 245 • 20 -.asses ofF'ORw se ding alfalfa; °lo- ver and timothy hay. George. Fox, rrl Walton. Phone 880023. or 001118 FOR SALE Field of alfalfa., and timothy . hay, Will sell standing or haled. James Car- noo}an, 605382 Seaforth.,..- LOST Plastic, rimmed glasses lost on Maui11 street or in a store on Monday. Finder. please leave at Sills Hdwe, Roward' NOTICE Will, do any kind of parttime work, like gardening, painting, cleaning up, take 2 vay garbage, etc. Call J Very benne, phone 746 FOR SALE ' 10 York and Landreth breed. Piga; 8 weeks old. Frank Coleman Sr, $471$2 E McCormick Deeerring 6 00.. mower, M -II hay loader and siderake. Gilbert Mur- ray, phone' 23920 Dublin - 7 sines of eFOR SALE good hay, alfalfa, -red clo'er and. timothy. Ohas. Stewart, rrl Clinton, phone HTI2-7504 • NOTICE Chani 'oiiwing^and circling, any time. 'any where. Also tractor and men avail- able when you need an extra tractor. Quantity of ,wood for sale:Will pick np garbage weekly. J. It. Burns„ ph, - 66 R BICYCLES FOR SALE A boys and ' a girls, medium sized, 2 years old. Excellent condition. Seaforth Motors AL 10 acres oendf alfalfa clover hay. Joseph Grummett, after Saturday. 80 acres ofFm xR dSiray E15 acres new seeding. Lot 20, con. 14, McKillop- Les- lie. Bolton or. Sam Bolton FOR SALE Massey Harris hay loader. Sam Bol- ton, Lot 8, Con. 14, McKillop Leghorn pullets, 5mon hs, starting to lay, $2 each. Vaccinated, wormed, de. livered. Andrews Poultry Farm, 647r8 FOR SALE A quantity of empty potato bags, in good condition. Phillips Fruit Store FOR SALE Used DuoTherm space heater and oil drum, used cord furnace with forced air circulation with filter and controls. Norman Schneider. phone 285 w FOR SALE McCormick Deering binder, 7 foot cut, three years .old, in good shape. William, Bennewies, phone Dublin .241.2. Walton rr2 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received until July 1st by the undersigned for Union School Area, R.O.U.S.S., McKillop #1 ' and Hibbert #2, 3 and 4, for one pressure system, three toilets, two basins, one urinal, one drinking fountain, 400. weepers and repairs to septic tank. Work to be completed by Sept. 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. L. O'Reilly, See: Tress,, phone 41113 Dublin. Dublin rr2 HELP WANTED Girl wanted to do housework by the month, all modern conveniences. 11/6 miles from Hensall on #$4 highway. Must. be good looking after two child- ren. Phone 678:24 Hensall FOR SALE Frame dwelling John street with all modern conveniences. Self contained apartment, rented. Beautifully located. Ono .of the better homes. In Eamondville frame dwelling, i/4 acre lanil. Modern kitchen, furnace, bathroom, Seaforth water, low taxes, possession July.2 • M. A. REID FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres in Logan twp. on county road, good buildings. 50 acres. in Logan Twp-, .all in grass, good water supply Harold Jackson, Seaforth, phone 474 FOR SALE 10 acres of timothy and red clover hay and 1$ acres of alfalfa, 10 acres tim- othy, Phone 602115 Hensall, Louie Clark CUSTOM EALING Service available. Apply Don Dodds, phone 833r11 Seaforth Light Harvest. Shoes Boys $4.45 Men's .... $5.45 Sat. Special 9 AM to 9 PM Save at this price at Jack Thompson's Footwear Service It is our business to give comfort and save you money Brownie's DRIVE-IN Clinton THURSDAY and FRIDAY, June 27, and 28 "TOUCH AND GO" Family Picture ,(IColour) Jack 'Hawkins -(Marg. Johnston "TROOPING THE COLOUR" '(Colour) 1(Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY - June 29 "FIRE OVER AFRICA" (Colour) Maureen O'Hara - 1VLcD. Carey (Two !Cartoons) Church Service, Sunday, June 30 8 pan. - Dr. J. Semple SUNDAY MIDNITE, 12.05, June 30 and MONDAY, July 1 - Double Feature - "EMERGENCY HOSPITAL" Margaret Lindsay-. Wsiter Reid "HOT CARS" John. (Bromfield Joy Lansing (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July'2 and 3 "THE KILLING". ,(Adult) Sterling Hayden -Colleen Gray (Two Cartoons) • Tuesday and Wednesday, July 9 and 10 The Management urgently in- vites everyone to see J. 'Ar- thur Rank's top picture •of 1.957 ' "Reach For The Sky" starring Douglas BBader, the legless ace of the RAF. Two !Shows Nightly, Rain or Olear Box Office Open at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk i Children Under 12 in Cara Free THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, June 27, 1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and •Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and -Surgeon Phone 5-W Seater* SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. .McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internis) P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. 'to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable . VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. IL BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, • Optometrist • Phone 791, Main St., .Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mot., 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AMto12.30 PM. Thur. evg by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7019. above Hawkins' hldwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected ffected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire .r' Auto • Accident •_ Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 - Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for .solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND,FURNACEOIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD .OFFICE-SEAEORTH, o$971.` Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres„' R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treae., M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Dlrectors-J, L. Malone, Seaforth i J. H. MoEwing, Birth; W. S- Alexander. Walton; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; J. Z. Pepper, Brucefield • O. W. Leonhaydt. Bornholm ; H. Fuller, Goderloh Archibald, Seaforth; Abater Broad foo., Seaforth. Agents- rue •B LaMar. Jr.Lon BBaaker. Brussels, Erio Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirove to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE 'INSURAINCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER SciPresident, enceHill E. Clayton Colenhoun, RBI Vice President; Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia Directors -Martin Feeney, 11R2 Dub- lin; Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, RRI, Hirkton; Alex 3. Rohde, RR 8, Mitchell Agents - Thos. G. Ballantyne, IIR1 Woodham • -Clayton Harris, Mitchell ; Stanley Hocking, .Mitchell Solicitor -W. G. Cochrane, Exeter -."-•,M ExeterSecretary-Treasurer, Arthur Fraser, AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w ADIO ,REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of ratios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. - Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth OIf you want graavel,, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE. Agent for V kinng ICeam separators, We have new and a few good used ma- chines on hand; also repairs. Sohn Byer.;.. man, phone 840rr24 Seaforth The better all-eleSt io Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parte far Renfrew separator. A few -reconditioned separators in other makes on band at 01present.BBasil d O'Rourke, phone HU 2- cefl • DEAD STOCK WANTED For prompt removal of dead or dis- abled horses or cows- in sanitary tracks, phone collect . Seaforth 146. ' Wm. Stone Sons, Limited Ingersoll,- Ontario FOR SALE Feed oats and cob corn. John Thomp- son, phone 888181 Seaforth BRAESIDE REST HOME For .elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs. Boyce,' 126 W Mitchell. WANTED Highest -cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead coves and horses picked up for removal Promptly. Also wanted to buy, Boar Hogs. .Call -collect, Brace Marlott, At- wood, ;Mono 8 or 163. ThousandsChlcks! Chicks! Chicks) pullets for. sale from - 2 weeks to 10 weeks' of age. 2 weeks 27.90 Pa 100 and up. - Phone or see us for breccia available. Dale Produce. Ph. 671 RAWLbIQEdS BUSiINDSS KNOW OPEN IN Huron- County, Trade well establish- ed Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawlcish's: Dept. 17-304- 189. Montreal, Que. NOTICE • For artificial insemination informs, tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone. the Waterloo Cattle .Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have: all breeds available -top quality at low cost. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47