HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-06-27, Page 7SHOW MUST GO ON -- Radio and television star Red Foley has a tough job getting this reluctaht mule to cooperate in a parade, part of a town celebration. ,The animal probably doesn't follow the entertainment media. Airport Official. One of the unsolved mysteries of today is that of the Flying Saucers. Are they real, and, if S o, do they come from outer space? Or are they optical Wu - lions or the outcome of distorted $pagination? ` Much of the evidence comes fromthe most reliable sources and scientists have been quite unable- to explain it away. Here are two astonishing hap- Fenings which occurred in rance and which are described hi a sensational and convincing new book, "The Truth About Flying Saucers," by Aime Michel. * * * At about 12.50 p.m. on Octo- ber 17th, 1952, M. Prigent, head- master of the school at Oloron in S.W. France, saw a fleecy cloud of curious shape floating along away to the north. Above It was a long narrow cylinder, apparently tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees, slowly head- ing south-west, at an estimated height of 6,500 to 10,000 feet. r`r Puffs of white smoke issued from its top side, Some distance ahead about thirty other objects were travelling on the same course — shapeless smoke balls to the naked eye, but field - glasses revealed a red ball in the centre encircled by a yellowish ring at an angle to it. These "saucers" were travel- ling in pairs in short, swift zig- sags. When two moved apart they seemed to be connected by a whitish trail like an electric are. All left long trails which dis- intergrated and drifted slowly groundwards. For many hours afterwards trees, telephone wires and roofs were festooned with the remains. These threads re- sembled wool or nylon. Rolled up, they quickly became gelatin- Ous, then vaporized and vanish- - ed. A number of witnesses collect- ed specimens and saw this hap- pen. The secondary school gym teacher picked up a substantial skein on the .sports ground and the school staff were very ex- cited, especially when they found that If the threads were lighted they flared up like Cellophane. The science master examined them carefully but had not time MERRY MENAGERIE "Tm crab-apple flavor—What are you?" Saw Saucer Land to analyse them. He watched the vaporization of one thread, about forty feet long, which had been twined round a stick. Many others in the neighbour- hood, including th e village mayor, saw the flying objects and the threads.. What is the explanation? There is none, M. Aims: Michel says in "The Truth About Flying Saucers" It re- mains a mystery. He rejects a theory that these were "Threads of the Virgin"— huge spiders' webs spread by the wind over the countryside, for' he has never heard of them dis- integrating like that. And here is the strange sequel: Ten days later the whole pheno- menon was repeated over Galilee in the same region, where at least .a hundred residents, including two gendarme N.C.O.'s witness- ed it. Here the pairs of saucers occasionally came down lower to about 1,000 to 1,300 feet, and the observers likened the threads to glass wool. But neither here nor at Oloron did anyone try to iso- late them in a sealed cloche or keep any of the gas for analysis. Other "saucers" were sighted in France during that October, the most astonishing at Marig- nane airport, where M. Gachig- nerd, a customs officer, reported that he saw a machine land, park for a moment, then fly off again. All who have spoken to him, M. Michel says, are convinced of his good faith; Michel believes that the evidence is probably true, in which case no one on earth has ever been so close to a flying saucer. M. Jean Latappy, the book's illustrator, who gave him a searching cross - examination, states: "Gachignard struck me as being a simple, honest man, uni- maginative, interested solely m his family and routine duties, and ,yet obstinate, scrupulous, ready to revise his own state- ments to make his meaning clearer and always refusing to use words he did not under- stand.° This was his testimony: Just after 2.30 a.m., when the Nice - Paris mail took off to schedule, he sat on a bench outside the hangar to eat a snack of bread and cheese. Suddenly he saw on his left a small light, not very bright, which seemed to be fly- ing towards him, following the runway, at the speed of a jet coming in to land — about 155 miles an hour. Its course was absolutely straight. Soon it passed in front of him, and he realized that it was some- thing actually flying. Without slowing down, it stopped dead about 100 yards to his right, and as it settled on the criss-cross of the runway he heard a dull, muffled sound like something being slapped flat on the ground. Until then there had been no noise as it came. in. He knew it couldn't be a 'plane . as it hadn't reduced speed or taxied; only fifteen to twenty seconds had passed since it first appeared. Herose and walked towards it, takiingabout thirty seconds to get half -way, and dis- covered that the light was part of a more substantial object darker than its surroundings, about three and a half feet high and ten feet long, shaped like a Rugby football with very taper- ed pointed ends. He couldn't see if it had wheels. The light came from four win- dows set in a curved line follow- ing '.the upper curve of the "cigar." It was neither steady nor bright, but flickering, ghost- ly, soft almost milky at times. Suddenly, when he was not more than fifty yards off, he saw a stream of tiny white glowing sparks shoot under him from below the rear end, and the cigar took off so violently that he lost his nerve and took` five or six steps back. "I wondered what was going to happen, and if the machine would burst into flames or run over me. I honestly believed I was in danger." he told M. Lat- appy, with a look of frozen ter- ror. There was a slight noise like a squib exploding at the take -off, but no air stream, no blast, no preliminary downward tilt. In two or three seconds it vanish- ed, at terrific speed, in the op- posite direction 'to that from which it had come. One moment it was stationary, the next travelling like lightning, with a stream of fiery particles gushing from the rear. He at once looked round for anyone who might have seen it,. too, but was alone on the run- way. He returned to the hangar, where everyone was asleep, for at this early hour traffic was at a standstill. Eventually he ran into an Air France policeman, M. Dugaunin, who exclaimed: "You look like death!" He told his story, they rang up the control tower, but no one had seen anything, evidently because the machine had kept too low, below the level of the tower. M. Michel says Gachignard had a reputation for being steady, solid, reliable, essentially a realist. He couldn't have dream- ed it all because he was eating at the time. It is hardly likely that it was an hallucination, for it squares in every detail with the story of the great U.S. as- tronomer, Prof. Tombaugh of New Mexico, who also saw a "cigar" with similar windows flying at fantastic speeds in complete silence. But Gachignard alone saw the object at rest and the shower of sparks, and heard faint sounds when it touched down and took off. "If ever the day comes when it is established that flying saucers exist, and come from an- other world," Michel a d d s, "Gachignard's 'vision' may well be one of the great moments in human history." In this engrossing book he gives the most comprehensive account so far of reported sight- ings in America, Europe and Africa, sifts the evidence, and emphasizes the need for further scientific inquiry. It will fascin- ate all interested in space prob- lems. An inebriated man entered a restaurant and ordered the "Spe- cial". The waiter set a bowl of soup and some celery before him and sometime later returned witha lobster. The diner looked at his plate and said, "I drank your dirty water and ate those stringy weeds, but I'll be darned. if I'll eat that bug!" "George, dear. Mrs. Smith wants to know if she can bor- row your car to go home in; she's just smashed hers against a tree," called a wife to her husband.. FLEET AFOOT - Rushing into action, this model flotilla steams to battle stations at Portsmouth, England, during a dress rehearsal for the pageant of naval gunnery. The ships' seem to be easy to handle, except for an airacraft carrier (right, rear) which is a heavy load for two tars. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . AGENTS. WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSSI MEN or Women, can Work your own hours, andmake profits up to 500% selling exclusive houseware products and appliances, No .competition, . not available in stores, and they aro a necessity in every home. Write at oncefor free colour catalogue, show. Mg retail- prices plus confidential whole. sale price list. Murray. Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. BABY CHICKS CHICK. and Turkey time Is any time at Tweddle's. Wehatch chicks the year round, The most important thing your customers have to remember is to buy the right breed of chicks for the Job you wantthe chicks to do. For maximum egg production, buy apectal egg breeds, For dual purpose, good for both eggs and meat, buy our special dual purpose breeds and for broilers, our ,special' 1st. generation broiler chicks, Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rocks, Indian River Cross, Arbor Acres White Rocks. Turkeys, Bronze, Thompson Large Whites, A. O. Smith Broad Whites, Catalogue. 'MEDDLE CHICK IIATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARLO STARTED chicks, prompt shipment. Pallets, cockerels. In a variety of breeds. For production on all mar- kets. Including- Ames In Cross (Egg production at minimum overhead). Bray Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton. GARDENING SUPPLIES FOR Soil improvement, fishing balt,. garbage disposal raise earthworms. In- struction booklet 35c. Circular free, 51. bon Humus Worms, Box 207, Ingersoll, Ontario. FOR SALE USED parts for Massey -Harris 82, Oliver 70, Dr. C. Case 10-20-15.30 International Tractors. Don -Perris, Burgessville, Ont. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT ONE' Cedaraplds 10 x 36 Taw crusher. One Cedarapids 10 x 90 Roll crusher. (Mounted in tandem with discharge conveyor. Screens used only one month. Crushers Al condition. Price 06,000. One Laplante Choate Tractor scraper 12 cu. yds. Al condition. Price $5,000. One Little Giant 3y, cu. yd. Crane, dragline, pullslrovel and shovel. Price $0:000. One 6" Jaeger Sere Prime water pump with engine on stand. Price $1200. Evill finance. All prices f.o.b. Wind- sor yard and can be inspected „there. CENTRAL STONE & AGGREGATE 9101 Iioward Ave., Windsor, Ont. Sub P.O. 5. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Is whitewash a disinfec- tant? A. Yes; it also preserves plas- ter and wood, and if properly prepared it acts as a fire retard: ment. Use plenty of it. Q. How can 1 measure mo- lasses and make it pour readily? A, The molasses will pour readily if the measuring spoon or cup is dipped in scalding wa- ter. Q. How can I keep brass orna- ments bright? A. Scour brass c•-naments un- til they have taken on all the polish that will adhere, then apply a thin coat of varnish and they will keep bright for a long time. Q. How can I prevent an ome- let from collapsing? A. This can be avoided if a pinch of powdered sugar and a pinch of corn starch are beaten in with the yolks of the eggs. Q. How can I make use of men's old straw hats? A. Cut out the crowns, bind the edges with tape and they will make attractive and prac- tical table mats for hot dishes. Q. Is baking soda good for the skin? A. Yes, equal parts of ordi- nary baking soda and talcum powder make a cooling and re- freshing powder for the skin. It will also save talcum powder bills. Q. How can I avoid breaking the yolk of an egg when separ- ating the white from it? 'A. Break the egg into a fun- nel. The white will pass through and the yollc will remain whole in the funnel. Q. How can I snake tulips last longer when used for a table decoration? A. Drop a tiny bit of wax in the calyx of each flower. They will have a much longer life than otherwise. Q. How can I keep pansy blos- soms blooming all summer? A. Pick the blossoms before they fade, give liquid manure after the midsummer, and re- move a part of the plant with the blossoms after the season is well advanced. Q. How can I remove stains from silk clothing? A. Some stains can be remov- ed with a mixture ofone part turpentine to two parts of es- sence of lemon. Use a soft cloth and rub gently. If You're ALL T'E TIM Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then. you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Laok for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 ISSUE 25 — 1957 FOR SALE ONE hundred acres, house and barn 40' by 46' water In stable, Implement And quantity of timber. Goode sugarbush. Apply to: Fred C, Noll, Burks- Falls,, Ont. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD- TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid. VITAMINS AND MINERALS WONDERFUL health from natural organic food supplements. Largest sell- ing product, sold World wide, guaran- tees better health, Free booklet fold. ers. Abundavita, Box 142.A, Smittrvtlle, Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema -Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling and burn- ing eczema; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipts of Price PRICE 03.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2065 5t. Clair Avenue. East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignifiedprofession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa 'EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GREASES, PAINTS AND Colloidal Graphite Additives, Deal- ers wanted to sell to Farmers,. Fleet Owners and Service Stations. Write Warco Grease & Oil Limited. Toronto' 3, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MALE COMMENCING salary $4145 with annual increments of $275 per annum to maxi- mum $5535 plus 5100 per annum for each special certificateused and an addition $300 for B,A, Degree. Modern 4 -room school, progressive Northern Ontario town. Houseavailable at reasonable rental. Duties commence Sept. Applicant expected organize and direct school athletics and teach grades 5 and 6. Give full personal particulars and name of prsent Inspector. Public School Board, Box 69, Smooth Rock Falls, Ont. PATENTS FETIIERSTONHAUGH & C o m pang Patent Attorneys, Established 1890, 600 University. Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL 91.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue Included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. PET STOCK BUDGIES WANTED RICHEST cash prices paid for any quantity, sex, age, colour of healthy birds. free shipping boxes supplied, transportation paid. Write, giving full particulars to Viobin (Canada) Limited, St. Thomas, Ontario.. BLACKHEADS Don't squeeze Blackheads and leave ugly scars —dissolve them with PEROXINE POWDER. Simple — Safe — Sure. Cleanses the pores deep down, giving your skin vitality and charm. At your Druggist. Results guaranteed. Price PEROX1RE POWDER STAMPS WorlAd..Postageg Stamps and 1 willo send approximately 55.00 worth, for 51.00. William McFall, 415 Fairview, Hous. ton, Texas. SWINE BUY your Landracebreeding stock from the largest importer and breeder of Landrace Swine. We are moss than' pleased with our latest boars. Several of 18 bred sows and 2 boars. Several 02 these were being fitted for the big' shows 1n Great Britain. We have sev- eral new blood lines. For the best Landrace that money will buy, we have them, Weanling, four month old, six month old sows and boars, guaran- teed in pig sows, serviceable boars, all from Imported stock.. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO WE have lust received another out- standing importation of Landrace• Swine. New blood lines, and we have another large importation on the way. When starting in the Landrace breed, buy the best. You do this if you pur- chase from us and best of all our prices are reasonable, Weanling, four month old sows and boars and some outstanding guaranteed in pig sows. Catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM 11.R.3 Holland Centre, Ont. TIGHT FIT — Shapely Delia Weddington tries one of Cuba's famous straw carryalls for size during a visit to Havana. She figures if the huge bag can hold her it can hold the numer- ous articles a woman carries. SLEEP TO-HIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS 1U-9AV TO -MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1.00-$4.95 SEDICIN- Drag Stuns Only, BAC KA May be W arninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get our of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system, Then backache. disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow Thai's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 World's first 5 -way Portable Entertainer ... T.V. — Radio — Phono — Personal listening attachment-- Can be used in Car cr Boat. See it now at your dealer. seed yure entry today! 'NOTHING TO BUY -NOTHING TO SELL! Just answer this simple question . P ONE 'WORD tt�l IS 5115 VERtT'SEMEN 'i $HIS W}pCN 15 1I? ail it costs you is a postage stamp! Contest winner's name will be drawn July 3rd and will be announced in ibis paper as soon as possible FILL IN ... CLIP AND MAIL TODAY ... PLEASE PRINT , EMERSON RADIO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED 74 TRENTON AVE.. TOWN OF MT. ROYAL, P.Q. Please mark "CONTEST" on your envelope. THE WORD SPELLED WRONGLY 15: i ) NAME ADDRESS PROV