The Seaforth News, 1957-06-27, Page 1The Seaforth News
High School
kesults Announced
The following are the .results
of the -final examinations at the
(Seaforth District High School.
The pupils are listed by Grades,
each Grade •!being •divided ,alpha-
betically into 1st class honours
(75 - •100), 2nd class honours
)(6G - 74),13md class honours !(60 -
65) and credit 1(50 - 59). The
names o8 pupils -who were not
promoted are omitted.
The principal and staff wish.
to congratulate all students who
have been. successful this year.
A special word of eonnmen•dation.
is due to those '[people, who, by
virtue of= their particular inter-
est and; effort, (have made an
outstanding record. The •number
of such students in the sohool
is most gratifying to the mem-
bers of the staff.
First Class Honours -Marjory
Second .Class Honours—Carol
Dennis, Donna Dick, Barbara
Dungey, !Edward James, Everett
Hessels, (Henry Kr•oesen, Gordon
Miller, Flora Ann Scott, Bill
Slavin, Reginald 'Stone, Una Tal-
Ibot (Home Ec,), Bonnie •Weig-
Third Class Honours - Carl
Berger, Judy Crich, Margaret
Elliott 1(Hoane Ec.).
Credit: Ronald Brady (Geog),
John Hoggart {Eng., IlVIabh.).
First Class Honours: Bryan
.Brady, Lynda Dobson, Robert
Elliott, Kenneth MacLeod, Bar-
bara Plumsteel, Linda Savauge,
Beverley Stiller, Gary Williams.
Second Class Honours: Joyce
Oowlan, Marion; Riehl, Mac
Third Class Honours: Marion
Bell (Math), Wayne Dolen ge
'(Eng.), Dennis Jewitt.
Credit: Ross .Alcock [((Eng.,
Geog.), Georgina Little '(Home
Ec.), Nancy Pepper (Eng.,
Math.), Ralph Postma, Douglas
Rowcliffe (Eng., Fr,), Alvin
Taylor (Eng.).
First Crass Honours: Shirley
"-' ger, Jean Hilien, Thomas
Love, Joyce Munn, June Munn,
Antonette Van Den Hengel..
Second Class Honours: Loret-
ta Connolly, .Lois Maloney, Wil-
liam Menheer.
Third Class Honours: Jean
,Broadfoot (Math) Ellen Calder,
Jean Doimage (Eng.), Dianne
'Gardiner, Agnes Hicknell ,(Home
Ho.), Michael Malone, Joan Ma-
loney, (Mervyn Pepper, Kenneth
IRapien, •Shirley Storey (Eng.,
[Credit — Arlene Howarth
(Geog., Math.), Keith Lyddiatt
(Eng., (Math.), Kay Nott (Math),
Robert Reith.
First Class Honours: Nelson
Ball, Mary . Me.ntosh, Yvonne
Pollard, Anne S'hortreed, Corin-
ne Smith.
Second Class Honours: Shir-
ley Dolmage, Ruth Howe, Mari-
on Maw :(Home Ec.), Noreen
McMillan, Ann Morris.
s's"--"Plaird Class Honours: Betty
Jean Andrews, Wayne IBenne-
weis, Gloria Boyd, Ellinor Chris-
tensen, Grace Doag, Brian Flan-
nigan •(Eng.), Virginia Gard-
ner, Dorothy Jackson, Mary Mel-
ady, Douglas Norris '(Eng.),
!Credit: Bert Dennis 1(Fr.),
Barry Fleming (Eng. Math.),
Patrick Kenny Math.).
First Class Honours: Sandra
Doig, Noreen lNIcEwing.
;Second Class Honours: Merle
Godkin, •Madelon Townsend.
Third Class Honours: Agnes
!Garter, Margaret Coleman, Ann
Many Entries In
Mixed Tourney
The twice• .postponed. 'mixed
howling tournment sponsored
by' E. H. Close and Harvey Les,
lie was played Thursday evening
with an excellent representation
of 40 members, This was one of
th largest an est toc
al tournaments
held in some years. The prizes of
chickens, butter and -candy plus
the lunch were possibly a ,draw-
ing •card. Mixed tournaments
will be held. Tuesday or Thurs-
day. evenings.
The club is happy to welcome
many new and enthusiastic mean -
belt this year.
Prize winners were: Mrs. E.
H. Close, Mrs. Ebner Larone,
Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Mrs. Tony
Phillips, Mrs. Nelson Cardio,,
Eric Munroe, Lorne Dale, Har-
old Connell, Don • (Eaton, B. F.
Monday, July 1 being Domin-
ion Day and a statutory holiday
the :Post Office main doors will
Ibe open from 7 a.m. EDST to 6
p.m..ED'ST, Postmaster Willis
states. The',aickets will be open
for all phases of (business from
12 noon to 1. p.a,n. only. All in-
coming and outgoing mail will
be handled as usual. There will
Ibe no rural 'delivery on this sta-
tutory holiday.
The following suggestion will
assist in the handling of your
mail:- Give your correspondents
your correct address in full,
showing Post' office box num-
ber, rural route number or
`,General ,Delivery". Address
your outgoing mall fully, clear-
ly and without misleading ab-
breviations. Mail for children
to be addressed in -care -of par-
ent. Always place your complete
return address on all mailings.
Nene arrivals in the community
are requested to advise the Post
Office at the earliest conven-
More than forty members of
the Wallace family gathered at
Forrester's Bridge, on Saturday,
for their annual picnic. Follow-
ing a picnic dinner sports events
were .held. In the races, Doris
Walker, Brucefield, took the un-
der 12 competition with Dianne
Roe, Blyth, coming in second;
ten and under, Jack Walker, of
Brncefield, Ken Miller, Sea -
forth; 'three and under, David
'Miller, Seaforth, Dougie Reid,
Varna; wheelbarrow race, Joyce
Roe and Orville Blake and Kath-
leen and Russel Miller.
Men's race, Bruce Walker, of
lBrucefield• 'ladies' race, Mrs.
Jeanette Wallace, ,Seaforth, Mrs.
Joyce Wallace, Seaforth; men's
kick -the -slipper, Russel Miller;
ladies' kick -the -slipper, Mrs.
Joyce Wallace, 'Seaforth; child-
ren's kick -the -slipper, Ken Mil-
ler and Dianne 'Roe. A sucker
scramble was held for the child-
dren. The youngest 'person pre-
sent was the ibaby daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reid; of
Varna, who was five days old on
Word has 'been received here
of the death in Detroit, of Geo.
Kale, after a long illness. He
was born in Seaforth in 1887,
the son of the late_John and
Mary Carlin Kale. He received
his education in the [Seaforth
schools, and when a young man
went to Detroit, where he was
connected with .the Traub Jewel-
lery Store for years. He is sur-
vived by a niece, Mrs. Rita De
Meulemeaster. His funeral took
Dick, Margaret ]Reeves (Math.)• place from the Church of the
Credits: Jerry "Achilles [(Ind. Visitation in Detroit, with inter.
Arts), Judy Boshart (Math), ment in
Shirley Bosman ,(Ag. Sc.), Glor-
ia !Carter .(Eng., HomeEe.), Jas.
Forrest, Harold Kendrick (Fr.,
Ind. Arts), 'Myrtle Knox •(M'ath),
Gene Nixon ,(Math), ]David Sim
(Math., ]Comm.), Donna -Smith
(Ag. Sc., Comm.), Jim Steffler.
Second ]Class Honours: Car-
man Fischer, Marlene Miller,
Ronald Uhler.
]Third' Class 'Honours: RobertTotheringham,
Credit: •Donald Achilles (Eng..
Ag. Sc.), Earl Bell '(Eng., ,A .
Sc.), Edith Boyd (Eng., Comm.),
Ann Charters !(Eng., Comm.),
Mary !Charters (Eng.,'Comm.),
Joan " Dick, Emma McCowan
,(Hist Ag. Sc.), 'Malcolm Mun-
roe (Fr.), Richard Watsonf(Ag.).
Craig Willis (Fr.). • .
[First Class Honours: Kathy
Boshart, Hannon Brodhagen,
'Catherine (Buchanan, Glenn
(Coutts, Norma Hoegy, Lewis
Knetsch, Shirley Knox, Bonnie
McLeod, Betty Muegge, Carolyn
Neil, Margaret Wood, William
Van Den .Hengel.
Second Class Honours; Joan
Bach, Robert Binnenclyk, Joan
:Boyce, Margaret Chesney, ]Ellen
Gorwill, Robert Govenlock, 'Don-
ald Mo,rris,' Karen'Nicholson.
Third Class Honours: Stanley,
Brown, rosette Del'berque, ;Ber-
nice 'Glanville, Ripa •Fleyink, Bar-
ry Hoegy, Ray ,Scoins, Marie'
Credits: Helen Boyes, Ken-
neth,Ryan, Virginia Smith (Ho,
Eo;), Wayne Wilson [(Latin).
First (Class Honours: Margar-
et •Claake, Roy Dungey, Fred
Hewitt, 'Douglas Jamieson, Mar-
jorie Pappie, Sandra Savauge,
John 'Scott, 'Don. Tremeer.
(Second' Class ;Honours: Mayda
l3eueran, Marjorie Boyd, Ron-
ald Eyre, Sharon Hotham, Flow-
Jio'ly Sepule'her Geme-
ard` James, Wayne Jessome
]Faye Love, Margaret McLeod,
Jeanne Perrie, Violet Hakewich
(Ag. Sc.), 'Mary Catherine
Third Class Honours: 'Dianne
Bolton, Wayne Chapple, Donna
IChomicki, Marlene Cooper, Rose
Etue, Georgene ulicCartney,
Frances Menheere, Toni Somer-
Credit: John Boshart ¢Fr.),
Jack Broadfoot ,(Eng,, Siist.),
Donna Cowlan (Math.), Ruth
Pinder .(Eng.), Robert Wright
(Math.), Hector Verhoeve (Ag.
First Class Honours: Joy
'Second :Class Honours: Marian
McLiwain, Keith Pethiek, Bea-
trice Siemon,
'Third ]Class Honours: Isabel
Lyddiabt, Marjorie McEwing,
Douglas W. Riley, Fay Ross,
Laurence Taylor,
Credit' Rosemarie Bolger
[(Eng. Gonna., Mabh.), Margaret
Boyd (Hist., Ag. - Se.), Mary
Broadfoot (Q3ist.),, .'Marjorie
Charters (!Eng. Lit., Hist.), Fay
Engel )(Math.), Glendon Kerr
'(Hist.), Dorothy Keys, Robert
Snell ('Eng. Comp.),
First (Class' 'Honours: Charles
MacGregor, ; 'Marilyn Riley, Clem,
•Second (Class Honours: Frank
Bryans, Lois Fox, Audrey Hack-
well, Jenny Morue.
Third Class Honours: Ruth
Crozier, Laurel Dale, Ruth Ann
Ennis, Wilhelmina lleyink, Nora
Reynolds, William Roberton,
Joan Tallbot','!(Math.), Marilyn
Taylor, Victor Uhler.
Credit: Isobel Engel, Robert
McGonigle, Laird Norris, David
Perrie (Math.),
$1.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Class mail,
Post Office Dept,. Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers'
Joseph Swan, McCully, prom-
inent and highly esteemed resi-
dent of Brucefield, passed away
suddenly at his home on Thurs-
day, June 20. He ' was in. his
72nd year.
The body rested at the Bon-
thron funeral .chapel, Hensall,
Saturday, 2 June n
public funeral service' •wwhen
from Brucefield United Church;
conducted by .the Rev. S. Davi-
son. Burial was in Baird's Cer-
l?allabearers were !Ross Scott,
J. K. Cornish, Thomas B. Baird.
James McDonald, Mac Wilson
and Robert Dalrymple.
(Born four miles .from Graf-
ton, in what is now North Dako-
ta, U.S.A., the was the second
son of James McCully and Eliz-
abeth Cunningham. His parents
were 'both 'born in Ontario, and
went to the Dakota Territory in
Mr. McCully was married on
June 15, 1915, and his wife, the
former Bessae Fay Wintermute,
died three years later on Octo-
ber 10, 1918.
He worked in Palisade, Col-
orado in the fruit packing busi-
ness; then in Denver, Colorado,
he' operated a store, and later
went to Ashley, Ohio, where he
cfarmed, and was seetionnian
with the railway. On Oct. 30th,
1928, he came ' to .Brucefield to
care for an aging aunt, Mary
Jane McCully, who died in 1936.
Mr. McCully, known as "Dad-
dy Joe" to the villagers, re-
ceived his Canadian Citizenship
papers in 1939, on the recon-
mendation of the Judge of Hur-
on County, Frank Costello, He
operated the general store or,
the corner at the village,
'(which has been Don Gray's
and last week was taken over
by Lloyd (Craig), and he retired
there in 1946.
He was an active member of
.Brucefield United Church, and
took an active part in the af-
fairs of the community.
Surviving are one son, James
Albert, Stratford; one daugh-
ter, Mary Grace, Mrs. Ivan
Wightman, Belgrave, and four
Tentative plans of menuberi'
of the 1957 graduating class of
Seaforth District High :School
for newt term include:
'Ron Ennis, University of
Western Ontario, engineering:
Ron :Scoins, U.W.O., Phys. and
maths.; Ruth Sills, U.W.O., Eng-
lish; Don Dearing, U.W.O., en-
gineering; 'Ruth Teall and Sally
Nott, will go in training at Vic-
toria Hospital, ,London; Bill
Dinsmore, University of Detroit,
engineering; ;Barbara Boyd, U.
W.O., general arts; Beth Me -
Ewing, Marjorie Pethick, Beryl
McFarlane, June (Smith, Jean
Scott and Marion ,Hemingway,
teachers' college.
Ross Millson will operate his
father's farm in 'Hallett this
year. Neil Broadfoot, art school,
The engagement is announced
of Alice Mary -'Doreen, only
daughter of Mrs. 'Catherine . Au-
stin and the late Albert Austin
of (Seaforth, to Wilmer Francis
Kelly, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Kelly of Bruce -
field. The marriage to take
place in July._
Mrs. Reg. . Kerslake presided
over the June meeting of the
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of
First Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday evening and opened
with a poem. Hymn 06 was sung
followed by prayer by Mrs.
Ke'rslalce. During the 'business
discussion it was reported that
14 .calls were made on shut-ins
and the members were reminded
of their "'Blessing 'Boxes". The
offering was received :by Mrs.
S. Pullman: Mrs. Dale Nixon
was in charge of the devotional
meeting. Mrs. Mae IDorrance
read the scripture lesson and
Mrs. D. G. Campbell lead in
prayer. Miss Gene Nixon sang a
solo "IClose each day with a
Prayer", accompanied by Mrs.
Jas. Munn. Mrs. Nixon called on
Mrs. ,Ken Williams 'who gave a
most informative talk on ,the
study book on South -East Asia.
Sivlrs. Willi -ams spoke.partiicularly
about the countries of Burma
and Thailand, about the people
and their religions and the great
need for missionaries to be
trained and' sent there. ,Meeting
closed with hymn 437 and the
Lord's 'Prayer in 'unison.
Mr's. J. J, Holland' was in De-
troit last week attending the
funeral of George J. Kale, .who
died and was burled from the
Church of the Visitation in that
city.' He was a former resident
of Seaforth and was well known
there by ninny of the older re-
sidents. He is survived by • one
niece, Mrs. Walter de Muele
rneaster of Detroit.
Mr. Wayne McMichael of
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, ,Earl
Ross and Mr. and stirs. Dan Wat-
kinson and Patricia of Niagara
Falls spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael.
On :Sunday they had as guests'
Mrs. Etta Eyre and 'Mrs. [Ralph
Watson and daughter; : all of
Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Wrigiht and family, of Galt.
('By W. T. Teal!)
As promised you will find ibe-
low a financial statement re the
art "Kenny show. The few •at-
tending, I belive, saw one of Ibhe
finest shows presented in Sea -
forth for some time and also en-
joyed [themselves very much.
We have ve i•ecetved' many coo-
plinients on the floor and also
the lighting and decoration.
Norma Locke personally§ said it
was the nicest decorated arena
they had ever played in.
This Friday we are bringing,
in •another orchestra and having
a cabaret style dance for- 75
cents. each. We hope more will
turn out to this show as we are
in a poorer financial . position
now than at the end of the hoc-
key season,*
Next Friday the finest wrest-
ling card ever presented will
be in our arena, and-- anyone
who is interested in wrestling
should certainly attend:
May I personally thank the
ones who have so loyally at-
tended our shows, also I would
like to thank the supporters
who gave us a donation of $50
and $10 to help us out on our
loss with ,the last show.
The following is a report of
our Mart Kenny show
Gate [Receipts: $437.25; Dona-
tions $60.00; Tota'] 'Receipts
$497.25; :deficit $537,53; total
Expenses:.Mart Kenny $775;
Amusement tax $34.78; Adv.
(estimated) $125.00; Arena
rent $50.00; Ring rent $50.00.
Total $1034.78.
Love -Forrest Reunion
Turnbull's grove proved an
ideal setting .for the annual
Love -Forrest 'Re -Union. Over
100 members of the clan attend-
ed from Saskatchewan, Graven-
hurst, Kincardine, Guelph, Galt,
Grand Bend, Thedford,-
Hensall, and Exeter. A, delicious
'picnic supper was enjoyed and
recreation included v a r i o .0 s
games of sports for the children
and a !ball game.
Officers elected for 1958:
Pres., Robert Love of Thedford;
Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ruth Whiting,
Sports were directed by Robt.
Love and Jim.Love. It was de-
cided the 1958 re -union be held
in Turnbull's Grove.
The strawberry ;'festival on
Friday evening at St. Andrew's
United Church was a great suc-
cess, the sum of $175.00 was
realized. An interesting pro-
gram followed with Mrs. .Robt.
Elgie as chairman. Mr. IRay'Mills
of Woodham presented, pictures
of his trip to Western Canada.
A. solo was rendered by Hank
Binnendyk accompanied by Mrs.
John Sinclair. Sharon McBride
and Margaret Elgie played a
duet, Joan Sinclair, a solo, Ken-
neth and Grant Jones, a duet,
Pat Powell, •a piano solo. The
evening came to a close with
Mrs. 'Elgie ,thanking the ladies
and allthose who had taken
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priest-
ap and family of Mitchell were
Sunday guests of [Mrs. Priestap's
father, [Mr. Robert Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
visited with relatives in Listowel
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Raymond Hillier
and John of London were week-
end guests of the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Me-
Murtrie. (Mrs. Hillier and John
remaining this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mc-
Gregor of Mount Hope spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McGregor. .
A school ,picnic will be held
on. Thursday on the school
grounds of No. 2, Tuekeramith.
Supper will be served at 6.30
p.m., and sports will follow.
A few cases of mumps have
been reported in the surround-
ing area.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones,
Kenneth and Grant visited Sun-
day with relatives in Caledonia.
Mr. Bud McLeod and his sist-
er Mrs. •Garth Mosher, :both of
Ottawa are visiting at the manse
this week with their mother,
Mrs. N. McLeod,
- Mr. 'Arnold and his daughter,
Miss Arnold were recently in
•C'hatham visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde and
Marjorie accompanied their
daughter, Louise, or London Bi-
ble College, to Elm Lodge for
the summer months.
Miss Lois McLellan of Lon-
don spent .the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc-
Those .attending ,the funeral
on Wednesday Of the late rlirs.
J. Edwin Harrison of Parkhill
included Mrs. Robert Dinsclale,
Mrs. Simmons of Hensall, Mrs.
Orville Workman, Mr. Robert
Cooper and 'Ms. Samuel' Cud -
Mr. Ernest Talbot returned
home on Sunday from. South
Huron Hospital, due to all acci-
,.dent to his foot.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Gratton and
daughter Beatrice of Grand'
Bend visited on Wednesday ev-
ening With Mr. and Mrs. Elzar
Mous,seau, '
On Saturday afternoon, Mr.
Samuel Cudmore attended the
wedding of his grandson, lir.
Beverly ICudnnore, son of Mr.
and !Mrs. Charles Cudmore, of
Picnic Held by
The annualP is
ire of the
Church School and congregation
of First Presbytea'lan Church
was held in the Lions' Park on
Monday afternoon. There was a
large gatheringchildren
Winners of the races were as
follows: Cradle Roll: Nory Sim,
Jimmy Rivers, Ann Campbell;
Beginners: Debbie Miller, John
McLean, Joan Gorwill; Primary:
Don Landsborough, George
Reeves; girls under 9: Cheryl
Muir, Darlene (Sills; boys under
9: George ]Reeves, Jimmy Nix-
on; .girls under 11: Connie At-
kinson. Lynn Nixon; boys under
11: Allan Patterson, Jimmy Nix-
on; girls under 13; Dianne Den-
nis, Lynn Nixon; boys under 13
Allan Patterson, Ian Sim; girls
under 15: Margaret Elliott,
Meta Reeves; boys under 15:
Lloyd Pethiek, Tom Dick; free-
for-all girls: Gene Nixon, :Mar-
garet Elliott,;, free-for-all boys:
Craig Willis, John Patterson,
Bob Reith; girls 3 -legged race:
Gene Nixon and Margaret El-
liott; boys 3 -legged race: Craig
Willis and Bob Reith; wheel-
barrow race, girls: Margaret El-
liot and Gene Nixon; boys: Bob
Reith and Allan 'Patterson; girls
kicking slipper: Brenda Ross;
boys: Ted' Lamont; ladies, Mrs.
D. Sim.
Following the games, lunch
was served, followed by a treas-
ure hunt and candy scramble.
Mr's. J. M. Govenlock was the
oldest lady present, and James
Malcolm Landslborongh, five
months, the youngest child.
The local Parent Teachers'
Association entertained the gra-
duates of Dublin !Continuation
School at a turkey dinner in
the school auditorium on Thurs-
day night. The patents were also
guests, and Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes
and 'Rev. Father McCowell, 'who
extended congratulations and
good wishes to the graduating
class. A brief program followed
and a social evening enjoyed.
A chartered Bus conveyed
the pupils of grades 5, 6, 7 and
8 Separate Sohool on a trip to
the 'Martyr's Shrine, Midland,
on Monday.
Grades 7 and 8, Separate
School held a Parent Teachers'
meeting at the Parish Hall last
week. The parents and guests
enjoyed an interesting program..
Mr. and Mrs, Jannes Atkin-
son and children, of Brantford,
Mr. and [Mrs. Theo. Flynn, Clin-
ton, with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and. Mrs. Bartlett, of
Beamsville, Mr. and Mrs. Babi-
on, Fort William, with Mr. and
Mrs, Chas. Friend.
Mr. and (Mrs. Ewart Wilson,
Miss Mary Margaret Ryan, of
Kitchener, and Miss Teresa Ry-
an, London, with air. and Mrs.
Pat Ryan,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flanagan
and Benny Flanagan, Kitchener,
attended the High School Grad-
uation Ceremonies on Sunday.
Joseph Stapleton has sold his
farm to Simon de Witt, St.
Paul's, and :has roved to reside
in Dublin.
Miss Phyllis Butters and Miss
Patricia Costello, student nurs-
es at St. Joseph's Hospital, in
London, at their respective
Joseph Carpenter, Chatham,
Mrs. Jos. Carpenter and Mrs. L.
Kelly, Blyth, called on friends
here on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Groseck and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mrs. 'Lillian Campbell, of Bel-
mont, spent a week with her
cousin, Mis. A. M. Looby.
A meeting of the Managers of
Red Front Stores in the sur-
rounding district, was held Ot
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Goettler on Tuesday night. Fol-
lowing ,business routine aad ex-
change of suggestions, lunch
was served by the hostess.
[Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hill,
Vanessa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
E. Feeney and other relatives.
Mrs. Clarence Trott and
daughter Anne, Clinton, with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goettler anti
Mrs, A. M. Looby.
Mrs. Catherine Feeney in
(Miss Monica Byrne and Mrs.
T. Butters in London.
1Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Dill at St.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Roach
and family, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. E. !Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary of
London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Evans.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rowland
and son, Oakville, with Mrs.
Winnifred Rowland.
,Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper, of
Carlingford, with Mr. and Mos.
Wm. Smith.
Lt en impressive cerernony at
St. Patrick's Church, Dublin,
Honors were conferred on the
graduating class off Dublin.Con-
tinuation School, the largest
group. in the school's history.
large congregation attend-
ed, and the graduates were pre-
ceded to their places at the front
of the church by the .pupils of
the school, wearing -their: colors
of purple and gold, while the
choir sang, "To' .Christ, the
Prinoe of Peace" The 14 gred-
uates' were in their regulation
gowns and mortarboards.
The guest speaker was a for- F
mer pupil 'o f Dublin [Continua- tr
pl "lPug1111,1lllapl1111 plti l,binlunuuumm , ul,llnnmuuun u,u0 all l llllip.�:
Cil l ii a
Cups&Saucersi 2
Smart new shapes, some footed,
some with bases, fancy gold
handles and attractive floral
(Buy several -- they'll not last long
at this low price)
,111111. Ii1111111111,Illlllllll01nillllll lllll„lllllll,ll„Illlllllllllll ,Ill,lllu,l, 1,11,1,11,Illllli1 I1,111111111111111�7
tion School, Rt. Rev. Thos. Me- M. Dalrymple and G. Wright, of
Quaid, S.F.M., Superior General Mitchell.
of Scarboro (Missions, Toronto. Mr, Ed. Elcinor and daugh-
After congratulating the pastor, ter, Mrs. Baker of Granton vis -
Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes,- Rev. Fa- •ited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
they McCowell, St. Columban, George Wallace,
the graduates and the Sisters, Field Day for the schools of
he symbolized their ,present Hibbert twp. is being held on
graduation as a Stop Sign on No. 6 school grounds on Tues.
the highway of life, showing day.
four or five green lights on the 1815. and Mrs. Anthony Alien
same corner, and family of Stratford were
He also exhorted them to Sunday visitors with his parents
pray for guidance as to which Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank Allen.
road in life to follow, The great- Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gra.
est prayer •is ,that they each ham visited on Sunday with Mr.
learn to know 'God well, and to and Mrs. Jas. Anderson, of
know themselves well. "They Thames Road.
that pray well, live well." They Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace
owe a debt of gratitude to their visited on Sunday with Mr. anal
parents, their pastor and their Mrs, Frank Keliand, of [Science
teachers and above all they 'Hill.
;were exhorted to thank God for
the wonderful gift of the ;Catho-
lic faith which he hoped they
would cherish throughout their
Our way of life should he de-
veloped on Christian principles
a.nd love of our neighbour, Fa-
ther McQuaid concluded by
wishing them success in their
various Vocations.
Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes and Rev.
Father McCowell presented the
respective diplomas to: Noreen
Dalton, Joan Dalton, Mary Cro-
nin, !Clara Malone,, Marie 0' -
Connor, Katherine 'Moylan,Shir-
ley Horan, 'Rose Mary Lane,
Cleo Bowman,, Mary Shea, Roy
!McQuaid, Pat Ryan, Don Moylan
and Lou Murray.
Solemn Benediction eonelud-
ed the services with Rt. Rev.
Thos. McQuaid, S.F.M., assisted
by 'Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes and Rev.
Father McCowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon :Speare
and two daughters from Spar-
tenburg, South Carolina, were
recent visitors with Miss live
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Storey,
Kingston, visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Storey and
other friends. Arnold is being
transferred to the Top Notch
Bill at Dorchester, to 'become
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper at-
tended Thames Road anniver-
sary and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd 'Hackney.
The pupils of S. S. No. 7 with
their teacher, Mrs. Caldwell, en-
joyed a bus trip to Toronto on
[Mr. 'David Gardiner is a pa-
tient in Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, Seaforth.
Those attending the June
conference of the WMS at At-
wood on Thursday were Mrs. T.
Laing, Ma's. S. 'Scott, Mrs. F.
Harburn, [Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs.
C. Me'Kaig, Mrs. Grace Scott and
Mrs. M, ,Lamour.
Rev. ,Maurice McNabb of
Biuevale will be the guest
speaker at the anniversary ser-
vices in Cromarty Church next
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott,
Mrs. D. Moore, Mrs. Sarah Scott
and 'Mrs. T. Laingvisited on
Saturday with Rev. and Mrs. R.
G. McKay at Thamesford.
A social evening• for the peo-
ple of• the section and arranged
by the :trustees of S. S. No. 5
was held at the school on Thurs-
day evening. Supper was served
by the ladies and a program
provided by the pupils. The
teacher, Mr. Murray McNain,
who is leaving to join, the teach-
ing 'staff ,at Sebringville and
whose marriage takes place
shortly, was presented with two
hostess chairs. The address was
read, by Mr. Donald Kenrick and
presentation by • Mr; Robert
Gardiner and Mr. Hugh Norris.
A successful strawberry sup-
per was held in the church on
Tuesday evening with door re-
ceipts amounting to $2.30.00.
°Mowing the supper, films of a
ip to Florida were shown by
The I,O.O.F. annual decora-
tion service will . take place at
Baird's Cemetery on Sunday,
June 30th.
The citizens of Brueefieldand
community were shocked to
learn that Mr. Jos. McCully had
passed away in his sleep on
Thursday night•
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson
and family spent Sunday with
•Mrs. Henderson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Webster of Lucknow.
Miss Marie Elliott is visiting
in Bayfield this week.
Mrs. Oscar ,Cuthill was in
Dungannon last week visiting
her parents.
'Mr. W. G. McSpadden is re-
building the drive shed on his
property west of Winthrop.
Messrs Hiram and Gordon
Blanchard have also built a
steel -roofed drive shed on their
S. S. Nos. f and 12 schools
were on a bus trip to Detroit
last Thursday.
The congregational and Sun-
day School picnic of Cavan
Church was held at Jowett's
Grove at Hayfield on Saturday
when there were 90 present.
,'Mrs. 3. R .Holden was in Red -
bank, New Jersey, last week at-
tending the wedding of a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale
spent a day recently with Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Webster at St.
[Mrs. Frank Riley left last
Thursday morning for Toronto
and spent 'the remainder of the
week with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert
Woods of 'Scarborough. Mrs.
Riley and ' Douglas spent the
weekend there and Mrs. Woods
returned home with them.
Mrs. Jack Donald and sons of
Midland, M'ichiga'n, :returned
home this weekend with Mr.
Donald after spending a week's
holiday id,y with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. Rohl. Jamieson.
Miss Muriel Dale of ('ramp-
ton spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne
[Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Tay-
lor of Oshawa spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Taylor and family.
Mr, Murray 'Dale spent the
weekend with friends in Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brigham;
Marie and Helen of Desboro and
Mr. Thomas Brigham o1 Han-
over spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Borden ,Brown and family.
Marie remained for the. summers:
Mss Helen 1VIclliwain, nurse -
in -training. reported on duty
again to Stratford after having
spent three weeks iholiday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
and Reg spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jac!: Davidson of Sea -
• i