HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-06-13, Page 4•,• ss• :•••1 1957 VOTE • Unofficial returns from Mon- day's voting in Huron riding: • Polling Division Cardiff McLean ASHFIELD 1 85 27 2 100 SS 3 95 '89 4 76 39 5 31 73 '''''' 50 45 ,Total , .... „489 294 08 BLYTH. 1 1 ..120 36 2 132 61 'Total 861. 97 BRUSSELS 1 107 71 2 87 32 3 111 68 ..Total 805 161 CLINTON -• 14. 111 74 18 89 61 2A ....... .,132 , 50 28 00 87 84. 181 58 38 ., 100 70 4A 09 84 4B 96 65 Total 866 515 ;COLBORNE 1 ...... .... so 42 2 62 52 3 110 50 4 46 64 Total 298 188 EXETER 1A 113. se. 28 SA 38 Total 134 36 10$ 52 200 01. 167 v 98 122 76 152 63 64 46 913 462. GODERICH 1 84 48 2 146 77 3 ...... .... 133 101 4A 68 ti3 4B 99 6 so 65 6 125 74 8 .. . 102 AO 9 72 75 10 171 102 11 174 104 12 99 96 18 09 52 1.4 103 69 Total .. . 1689 1126 TOWNSHIP VP GODEkICH 1 97 50 2 81 26 $ ...., 88 50 4 55 g 5 91 a 76 27 Total 618 212. GREY HAY 1 79 2 73 3 64 4 69 153 48 7 72 Total •633 1 61 50 8A 48 38 77 101 $4 116 29 8 27 Total 633 HENSALL 14. 126 18 116 a 4 6 7 93 44 53 67 68 62 39 IIBBERT 1 366 40 32 89 140 89 G9 38 77 631 ' KIPPEN Mr, Hugh McGregor of De- troit is visiting his sister, Mrs. Deltz this week Mr. avn,d Mrs.Chas. 'Ouch -nom and Benham, .Kitchener, 'also Mr, .,and. Mrs. 'Stewart ''Oudialore. and, Lorne. ,of. London -were •Suii:" day visitors of the former's fathen Mr. ,Saanuel ,Cudonore. : Mrs, 'Mousseau of 1Zurich ing at the -home of her son and daughter-in-law,- Mr. and Mrs. Einar IIVIoussean. -Mrs. 'John Sangster, , Lynda and Donnie of Clinton were re- -cent visitors of an. aunt and un- cle, Mr. -an-d Mrs. Joe Lostell, Kippen Young People The last aneeting of the ICI: - pen Young Peoples was held on May 27th in the Sunday School r000n. The meeting open- ed by singing "In 'Christ there is no East or West", followed by the Lord's Prayer. The devo- tional was, taken by. Bob Bin- nindylc. Everyone joined in sing- ing "Tell Me The Old, 'Old .Story". The minutes of the last' imeetibg were read -and adopted. The roll call "My favorite spring flower" was 'answered by 20 members 'The topic "improve orients foi• next year's Y. P," was taken in by all the Y. P. 'Hymn "Take time to be Holy" was sung. A lunch was .served by 'group E. :Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent last week in Sarnia with her daugh- ter and son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. 'Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick. ert and !Merle, visited .Sunday with IMr. and MIS. Jack Dickert of Bengston. Mr. and Mrs, W. Long mom - mulled by Mr. Robert Thomson spent Sunday afternoon in Staf- fa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cooper, were visited by Mrs. Cooper's sister and brother-in-law, My. and Mrs. Mark Barker of Mesa, Arizona. W.M.S. Meeting The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was -held on Wednesday evening, June 5th in the school room of the 'church. The presi- dent, .Mrs, Emmerson Anderson, chaired the :meeting and opened with the singing of hymn 311. Mrs. Hugh Kendrick took 'the scripture and prayer. It was de- cided to pack a bale an,d get it away as soon as possible. Mrs. John Sinclair, a delegate for South Huron gave a report on the Woodstock Conference. Miss Greta Laramie of Hensall favor- ed with two violin solos and - 88 MTS. Ross Broadfoot accompan, 91 ed at the piano. 'Mrs. Allan Johnston read the 'chapter of the study book. Miss .Verna Al- derdice o a vote of thanks to -all taking part on the pro- giarn. The meeting closed with hymn 376 and prayer by the president. Total 242 179 86 183 2 80 73 3 122 gi 4 95 Total 333 .411 HOLLETT 1 86 08 2 an 45 3 57 59 4 13,4 64 5 17, 6 is 7 81 54 Total 523 337 MeRILLOP 1 MORRIS 4EAPORTH 4TANLEY 71 48 a 63 4 103 7" 78 131 3 6 .3 5 144 121 88 138 71 104 58 188 1171 Total 97 79 119 115 97 9" Total ...... 597 06 112 96 56 6 73 Total 491 STEPHEN 5o 39 31 49 54 WINTHROP The annual open meeting of the W. A. and WMS of Cavan Church was ,held Wednesday af- ternoon, June 5th when the Church was decorated with lovely summer flowers both in the auditorium and school room. A. bazaar was held and the Help - ng Hand Mission Band sold can- dy and small 'articles. Mrs. Wm. Church and Mrs. R. K. McFar- lane received the guests from Turners and Brucefield societies. 261 Mrs. Gilbert .Smith, the presi- dent, was in the chair and Mrs, 117 Frank Johnston presided at the 138 organ. Mrs. Oliver Anderson read the scripture lesson from Psalm 103 and •prayee was of - 601 feied by Mrs, W, G. McSpad- den. Mrs. Louis Bolton welcom ed the guests after which Mrs. Smith read two poems on EH 'Friends" and also a -meditation. Mrs. Turner rendered a lovely mouth organ sacred solo and Mrs. 0. Cuthill, from Cavan 294 'Church contributed a reading on "Joy". Mrs. Gordon Richard- son 'and Mrs. George Henderson of Brucefield sang a lovely du- et, accompanied by Mrs. J. R. Murdoch. Mrs. Wm. Little and Mrs. Wilson Little received the collection and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard sang a solo accomp- 698 anied by Mrs. ,Harvey Dolmage. Mrs. -Bruce Hall of -Northside United Church, Seaforth, gave a splendid talk on the church and the home. She gave some excel- lent thoughts on how to relax in the summer time and think 103 68 112 Total 050 112 79 1) 88 .3 102 3; 1 6 118 7 37 8 ....... 82 9 51 10 47 99 Total TUCEERSMITH 1 84 . 91 3 54 4 87 5 68 6 51 '7 44 5 44 Total 521 652 USBORNE 27 40 22 50 59 18 81 79 55 79 14 41 210 1.02 111 66 05 61 53 58 157 7:•• .41 212 33 3 49 46 4 73 27 5 91 ' 35 0 67 19 7 106 33 Total .. . 510 221 EAST WAWANOSH 46 27 o 111 44 3 76 42 4 53 42 5 03 22 Total 312 18'1 WEST WAWANOSH .• 1 92 34 0 .80 37 3 59 24 4 45 34 68 39 18 37 'Total 359 292 ADVANCE 9 9 6 Ashfield 469 294 Blyth 301 97 Brussels 305 161 Clinton 306 519 Colborne 298 190 Exeter 053 461 Goderieh 1689 1126 Twp of Codorich ris 242 Grey 938 366 Hay 533 631 Henson , 242 170 Hilbert 388 .411 Hallett 523 337 MeEillop 388 371 Morris 607 261 Seaforth 491 661 Stanley 650 204 Stephen 809 680 Tuakarsmith 523 653 'Osborne 530 221 • D. Wawanosh 359 180 W. Wawanosh , 359 296 Advance 6 9 Total 12,201 8,585 'Majority for Cardiff 3,786 about the work to be done in :Deborah, Richard and Robert of the fall. Mr. Geo.lOase thomided Atwood, Mr. Douglas Aitcheson the speaker for her kind words of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. of encouragement. Following Edwin Rock on Sunday, 'Ma- tte :meeting the ladies adjourn- Muted Robert 'Broughton's first ed to the schoolroom 'where they attended a bake, candy, and sewing table after which Ithe la- dies served tea, sandwiches and tarts. Mrs. W. P. Roberts of Turners and Mrs. Lone Wilson of Brucefield othanked the la- dies for a pleasant afternoon. A profitable meeting concluded with a social hour. BRODHAGEN Messrs Dalton Hinz and Dar- rel Adams have 'procured .Work at Elliott Lake in Northern On,. tario. - 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed ISanith, Mrs. Albert Querengesser and _Mrs. Querengesser attended 'the funeral of Mrs, Andrew Brodhagen at Palmerston on Saturday. • Mrs. Wm. Diegel and ,Marleen spent -a :few ,days with, Calvin Diegel at Edgewood (Clamp, Ed- en Mills, Ont. • . Miss Gwen Rock, R. N. of Montreal with her parents, Mr. and MTS. Edwin Rock for the weekend. Mr. and ,Mrs. RuSsell Dol - allege, Karen and Glen of Win- throp with Mr. ,and Mrs.,Eli Ra- pien. Mr. Henry Fischer of Clifford with this brother, Rev. E. J. Fis- cher and 'Mrs. Fischer on Sun,.: day. Mrs. Edith Beuerman of Sea - forth with friends and relatives on Sunday. /Rev. E. J. Fischer and - Mr. Jonas Dittmar (delegate) at- tended conference at St. -Mat- thew's Lutheran ,Church, Kitch- ener, this week. Mrs, Bell of Toronto with her daughter, 'Mrs. Ralph Hicks and IVIr. Hicks. Mr. end -Mrs. Mel Voll -and Wanda and Mrs. 'Caroline 'Brod- hagen of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk, Mr. Arthur iPriestap, Marlene, Gary and Paul. Mr, Franklyn Bunek, Mr. John :Meyer -and M.a- rie 'Meyer in Kitchener on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer. Miss Lee Harrock of Hamil- ton, Mr. Donald Ahrens, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens, - Mrs. Wm. Miller spent a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed risdher, Seaforbh, attending the marriage of her great grand- daughter, Dorothy Fischer to 'Rudy Hehn. Mrs: Darrell Adams accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Rock to Brampton on Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs. Glen Bridgman. . The sympathy of. the com- munity is extended to Mrs. 'Mar- tin Rock and family in the death of 9, ihnaband and father, 11VIart- in A. Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Mn and 'Mrs. Ed Printer with Mrs. Geo. :Bennewies, Mr. and MU. Ed Bennewies, Fullerton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Won. Broughton, birthday, lbs. Dick 'Watson, Douglas and 'Donald in 'Centralia with Mr. and Mrs. .01ifforci.....Watson for a few days. DUBLIN High School News A pleasant interlude in our studies was a "Presentation of Awards", held last Thursday evening. The program consisted of festival mimic, public speakr ing finals, verse speaking finals and the presentation of awards for outstanding work. The Pub- lic finalists were Don Benning- er, Ray Horan, Patricia Ryan, Angela Iluelharme, Leona Knox- skonaf, and Marion McLaughlin. Prizes for verse•speaking wenrt to Louise 'O'Rourke, Sheila :Mat - lone, Verna 'Byers, Theresa Shea, Terry 'Ryan, 'Cecilia Feen- ey, Catherine Ryan, -Nancy Kelly, Marie SchoonderWoerd, Frank 'Malone, Jack`Klinighamer, Glenn Butters, Jean McLaugh- lin, Rosemary Flannery, Joan Dalton., Rosemary Lane, Roy Mc- Quaid and Catherine Moylan. Solos were sung by Marjorie O'Reilly, Marie Schoonderwoerd, Marie O'Connor, 'Roy McQuaid and ?at Ryan. Rosemary Lane gave a piano solo. Other musical numbers were given by the sdhool Glee Olub. Awards were then presented by Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, assisted by Lou Murray, who acted as chairman for the evening. The follo-wing were the awards giv- en. Cleo ,Bowman, General Pro- ficiency, Grade MIT, Mary Shea, Mathematics, 'Rosemary Lane, French and Latin, 'Cleo 'Bowman, Science, lOatherine Moylan, Eng- lish and History, Joan :Dalton, Religion, Anne Maioney and Rosemau 8`lannery, General Proficiency, -Grade XI, Jean McLaughlin, Science, Anne :Ma- loney, 'History, French and Lat- in, 'Rosemary Flannery, English, Maths, and 'Religion, Marie Schoonderw.oerd, General Pro- ficiency. Grade X, Frank Ma- lone, English and :Histriry, 'Cath- erine Ryan, Maths, Nancy Kel- ly, 'Science, Marie Schoonder- woerd, Latin and Religion, Mar- garet 'McCarthy, French, Helen Maloney, General Proficiency, Grade 9, Diane Kistner and Ma- rion McLaughlin, French and Latin, Joan Coyne, History, An- gela Duchantte, English and Re- ligion, Helen Maloney, Maths. An Honour Roll was then read giving honourable mention to many of the students who were ,outstanding in some school work, or who deserved praise for some good quality or service. An honour pin was presented to Lou Murray, ?resident of the Student Council for sense of re- sponsibility and leadership. The evening was brought to a close with 'the singing of "Now Rest Beneath Night's ,Shadows" by the Glee Club, SECOND HALF OF H.F.A. SCHEDULE June 14—brussels let Winthrop 17—Walton at St. Column:ban 18 ---Brussels sit ,Olinton 21—Clinton at Welton 21—Winthrop at Brussels , 25—Walton at IBriissels 25--1St.i0oluraban at Winthrop 2$—Clinten at St. 'Coluanban 28—Winthrop at .Walbon • ' July Brussels at' WithrthfoP 2-1S1. 'Ooluanban at 'Clinton 5 --,Clinton. at 'Brussels 5—St. 'Oolumbari, at Walton 8 --Clinton at Winthrop 9—Brussels at 1St. lOoluanban 10—Walton at ,C, linton 12‘, -St. C:oluMbin art Brussels 12—Walton at Winthrop 15—Winthrop 'at St. 'Oolumbban, 15—Brussels at Walton 17—Winthrop 'at .Clinton Standings to Date Team ar' L T Apts Winthrop '6 5 0 1 13 .3 11 St. 'Col. '8 3 3 2 12 10 8 Brussels '7 3 4 0 11 10 6 Clinton 7 :3 4 0 GI 10 8 Walton 88-5 1 6 14 5 HENSALL Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben Kaiser of Detrait were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Owen Sound were recent visitors, with their son-in-law, and daughter,: Mr. ,ancl Mrs. Wan. Lee. Misses Geraldine and Dorothy Parker spent the weekend with friends at Pickerton. Mr. W. Kerslake 'of St. Marys is visfting with his son and .daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Thames - vine is visiting with 'her parents Mr. and -Mrs. John Henderson. Mr.. and...Mrs. James Hey, for- merly of Tuckersmith celebrat- ed their 50th wed -cling anniver- sary on Saturday, when their family were entertained at a dinner at the New ,Oommercial Hotel, Hensall. The table was centered with e :wedding cake decorated with roses and gilt trimming. Later they enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Calvin Horton, in Clinton. Miss Bernice Dining of Sam-. ie spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Miss Eliza W.00d, who has been a patient 1 - St. Joseph's Hospital, London for the past few weeks, was able to return to her home here last week. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London was a weekend visitor with his mother, Mrs. Alice joynt. Mr. Allen 'Cochrane, who has been a patient M Clinton 'Hos- pital for the past few weeks, was able to return to the home of his sister, Mrs. H. Mc-Murtrie. Mrs. Edna :Corbett was a weekend visitor with her son-in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mrs. Barwick, Victoria, B.C. 18 spending several weeks with her father, IMr. A. Wood and orlogowsuovemolowei•ww:tor-:—...N1,:(, i•o!. on DEBENTURES a n d GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES eLt. WS, *W.FATAT: 0958 141 tl:•••-tlItlit.V41.9944:41:44"441:44:::. Head Office • London, Ontario District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; 1.'Wetson & Reid, Seaforth ,a-ne",,,,„44:7',' • NOTICE CATT in 4- E 10, THE SEAFORTH HEWS.—Thursclay, June 13, 1957 • REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth DOUBLE BILL THUM; PRI. SAT. 'Lonesome Trail Wayne Morris - Adele Jergens • AND VOW' Sky Gregory Perk - Ann Baxter : MON, TUES., WED. — "I'LL ORY TO -MORROW ' (A.dults) • Susan Hatiran2, Richard GOnte, in the bold, unasigur, ad .tory of Lilian. Roth 'nouns., PRI, sea'. - DOUBLE BILL - Siler Star Lon Chaney . Marie Windsor . -Shores of Tripoli John Payne - Maureen O'Hara , .._ COMING — PLA.ME OP THE ISLAND NO ANDS NO IFS, NO BUTS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. OUR VALUES IN SUMMER FOOTWEAR • (with the 10% Discount) WILL MAKE YOUR DOLLARS.. BIG AGAIN WILLIS -SHOE STORE - THEI LITTLE STORHWITH THE "BIG VALUES" aunt, Miss Eliza Wood. Miss Shirley Flynn of Lon- don spent the weekend: with her parents, Mr. and MTS. Joe Flynn. Northside United Church Minister, Rev. Bruce W. :Hall, B.A., B.D., Raaiher's Day. 10 am., The Church -School. and adult Bible Class. 11 .a.m., Morning Worship. Sermon, "Attention, Men!" Toddlers' 'Group Ind Jr. Con- gregation. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. 'Semple, Minister. Flower Sunday. All the fam- ily at Church. 11 a.m.. Worship with us in the garden. Flowers, birds, pass- ing .throngh the gates. J11. and Sr. Choirs. 'Special Story • by Stan 'McDonald, Clinton. A ser- vice you will enjoy. 8.15 p.m., The Royal fihn in colour. "Nigeria Greets Her Queen". Public 'cordially invited to see this beautiful film. 10 a.m.. Ohuroh School and Minister's Bible Class. See you in 'Church Sunday. POSTPONED The Men's Club Auction Sale has been postponed un- til June 122nd., when it will be held at 8 p.m. in Scott Habkirk's Garage, Main St. The Club would appreciate the donation of salable arti- cles. McKillop Charge Rev. C. D. 'Daniels of Hensall will be in charge of services at Cavan 'Church on Sunday, June 16 at 2 pm. First Presbyterian Church REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL MINISTER 10 A.IM.—Church School and Bible :Class 11 A.M. Morning Worship DEKALB PULLETS For Immediate Sale 14 - 15 WEEKS OF AGE VACCINATED AND DEBEAKED Cutting down on flock maintenance costs is the only way of beating the present low level egg prices. You can do• this most effectively with DeKalb laying flocks because. DeKalb pullets mature earlier. Have longer laying cycle. Eat less, but . are consistently hardy with low mortality rate. Replaoeinent is necessary only every 18 months to 2 years to maintain steady high production. You can obtain Meat' healthy well raised pullets at Moore's Poultry Farm RR3 SEAPORTH PHONE 647r31 Floor Coverings - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FLOOR COVERINGS BARGAIN Congoleurn Rugs -- discontinued patterns' and slightly damaged. All sizes to clear at HALF PRICE BOX FURNITURE STORE HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR SANDING PHONE 43 - SE41,IPORTH 511181111MIIIIIIIIIIMMIGINA1111110, DU CERS A Public Hearing will be held at the following time and plact JUNE 18th EXETER HIGH SCHOOL, For the purpose of considering and discussing a proposal by the Ontario Beef Producers' Association to levy a license fee at the rate of 10 cents per bead on all cattle and 5 cents per head on calves for each head slaughtered for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Association in carrying out its objects of stimulating, increasing, and improving the marketing of Ontario cattle for slaughter through advertising, education and research or other means. The meeting will be chaired by an officer of the Ontario Farm G. F. Perkin, Chairman. 8 P.M. LOCAL TIME Products Marketing Board. A representative of the Ontario Beef Producers' Association will be present to outline the plan. Before the Farm Products Marketing Board may approve the proposed plan by order, it must be satisfied that 60 per cent of the producers are in favor of the proposal. All cattle producers are urged to attend and express their views on the proposed plan. ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD F. K. B. Stewart, Secretary. 57.3