HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-05-30, Page 4CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, (Donald 'Scott and family end Mrs. Graee Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cadick, London, on Sunday. 'VII%'Oswald Walker, r0vho. has (been, a patient in South Huron Hospital,. for two months, re- turned home on 'Sunday. Mr. John W,allaoe lost a val- Iltlililil:itiltllltlii lflllffit ll111111111llllit it lili111ltfii it ll •I IIIil11t1cl1 tth. F. ualbl'e colt last week, supposed to he from weed poisoning. Mr. and 'Mrs, Frank Routly, of Kir1bon were Sunday visitors with OYIr, and Mrs, A. McLach- lan. Mrs. W. Martin, 'Exeter, is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Thank Hamilton, • ]Miss Alice ISorsdahl visited PAINT UP CLEAN UP FIX UP This week we are featuring CERTIFIED OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT Reg. 7.65 gal ... NOW $6.25 LARGE GARBAGE PAILS Reg. 4.35 NOW $3.85 ROTARY POWER MOWER Reg. 89.95 now 79.95' HOES SCREENING RAKES HOgE-- STEEL POSTS AND LAWN ROLLERS See us for your Eavetroughing and Plumbing needs PLUMBING HEATING PHONE 56 Hear Elston Cardiff AND OTHERS Progressive Conservative Radio and TV Broadcasts CKNX-TV CHANNEL 8 Tuesday, June 4 - 6.20 to 6.30 p.m. CKNX RADIO DIAL •920 Tuesday, June 4 - 12.15 to 12.20 p.m. Friday, June 7 - 9.50 to 10.00 p.m. Published by authority of Progressive Conservative Association, Federal Constituency of Huron 11111118111111111111111111111111111s1111111111a 111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIu111 ai1111111111111111111111118 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118, NOTICE To the Patrons of the McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co. Dublin, Ont., May 23, 1957 Dear Sir or Madam: Application has been made to the Ontario Tele- phone Authority for authority to make the follow- ing charges for telephone service effective as at July lst, 1957. Exchange Rates Individual line Business OR Residence 2,50 per month Two-party line Business OR Residence 2.70 per month Multi-party line Business OR Residence 2.60 per month (10 or less telephones) Multi-party line Business OR Residence 2.40 per month (11 or more telephones Accounts will be rendered January lst and July 1st. Accounts paid within thirty days of these dates will be subject to a discount of $1.00. The above rates for individual and two-party line service will apply only within the Base Rate Area which is defined as that area within one-half mile of the Exchange. If individual or two-party line service is required beyond the above limits, there will be an additional charge for extra mileage of forty-five cents a month for each / mile or fraction thereof for individual line and twenty-five cents a month for each / mile or fraction thereof for each party on a two-party line. Supplementary Charges Extension telephone on same premises 1 25 per month Extension bell, small 30 per month Extension bell, large 00 per mouth Extra for modern hand set telephone (future installation) .35 per month ,Service Connection Charge (instrument not in place) ..2,50 Service Connection Charge (instrument in place) 2 00 Moving telephone on Fame premises 2 00 Any representations to be made to the Authority with respect to this application should be submitted on or before June 3rd, 1957, and addressed to the Chairman, Ontario Telephone Authority, 7 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario. If you desire any further information in reference to the need for increasing the telephone rates, you may apply to the undersigned either personally, by telephone or by letter. Your very truly, Matt Murray, President McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co. over the weekend with 'Miss Marlette Batten, Monkton. Marian Ritchie Meeting The (May meeting of the Mar- ian. Ritchie1'Evening Auxiliary was held at the Koine of Mrs. Frank Hamilton with Mrs. Ham- ilton presiding. 'The scripture lesson was ,read by 'Mrs. Gordon Laing and prayer offered by the pres., Mrs,' Lorne Elliott, Mrs. Mervin Dow read a portion of the study book, the !Churchill South 'East Asia. The topic was given by Mrs. Carter Kerslake, her subject was "The Answered Prayer•". The roll call topic was "Seed Tirane". The meeting ;clos- ed with prayer. BRODHAGEN Rev. and Mrs. 'John Arbuckle, Billy and 'Bobby of Hespeler with her parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert !Querengesser on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smith, Saundra and Arthur of Orange- ville with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs, Ed 'Sanith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz, Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Saturdays The New Bentley -Gardiner Orchestra featuring Trumpets, Oboe and Dalt. Walpole on the Hammond Organ uw "Gee, Mum -is it supper time already?" Telephone Round -up Every parent knows how easily a two -gun cowboy can lose track of time - especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager voice at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone' is a convenience and a comfort, all day long. It 'means fewer meals grown cold because youngsters or hus- band are late getting home. It means more security when you're alone at night. It means more things done with less time and effort... Yet this endlessly useful servant works. for you for just a few cents a day. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Mr. and .Mrs, Lavern Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs. 'Mervin 'Miller'', at Galt. Miss Marlene Diegel, who re- cently graduated 'from the 'scho'ol' of 'nursing, Stratford General Hospital is spending three weeks holiday at the' home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wen. Diegel. IVirs. Henry :Rock returned Thome' from Scott Meanorial' Hos- pital, Re/forth. Mrs. Dalton Binz spent the weekend in 1Brain'pton visiting her daughter, Mrs, Glen `Brick - .man and baby son in (hospital there. Mrs. John E'lligson, Mitchell, has been visiting with Mrs. Fred Elligson. /The sympathy of the corn - annuity is extended to IMrs. Har- ald IMogk in the death of her !brother, Wilfred 'Brodhagen, 3'4, 'Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. WM. 'Diegel and Arthur with Mr. and Mrs. -Clar- ence Brunner, -Seebach's Hill on Sunday. The pupils of our s'dhool took part in the Monkton'Music Fes tival, and the following are the winners; Larry Kistner, lst with 86 marks; (Roger Shoidice 2nd with 87 marks; Billy .Moren•z 5th with 83 .marks; Sdhool ,Chorus Unison lst 86 .-marks; .Junior Chorus 1st, 86 sharks; School 'Chorus 2nd', 85 marks; small e'>'i- sen'ilbles 2nd, 86 marks. A basket of flowers was plac- ed in :St. 'Peter's Lutheran Churdh for the Sunday morning service, from the funeral of Howard Wettlaufer, Mitchell. 'BORN -To Mr. and Mis. Glen Bridgman ((Audrey Hinz) of 89 Main St.,'Brampton, in. Bramp- ton hospital on Saturday, May 25, 1957, a son, Barry Charles (Dalton. BLAKE. Mr. and Mrs. H. Westbrook and family of Goderich visited at the home of Mr. G. Bon and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesdh. Miss Rebecca Steokle ' . visited her sisters Mrs. Weber and Mrs. !Martin near W.allenstein,- A number from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. C. tSetmon at Zurich on Tuesday afternoon. Ms. and' Mrs. Alan Swartzen- truber and family visited .at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Gingeridh. Mr. and Mrs.. 'B, -;Farber of Kippers visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Oeseh. Mrs. Lawrence 'Regeir was in St. Thomas attending •a conven- tion during the week. VARNA The Quarterly Official Board of Varna Marge met in the Un- ited Church on Wednesday ev- ening of last week. Mr. Ward Forrest was appointed as repre- sentitive to Conference with Mr. Geo. Reid as alternative. It was decided to hold a vacation school again this year in July. Mr. and 'Mrs, ;'Orrin Dowson and family visited in Midland over the weekend. IMr•. and Mrs, Fred Hands of Woodbridge and Miss Margaret iMcClymont of Toronto visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont, The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United (Church will be held in the church on Thursday evening of this week, HENSALL Mr. Duncan Stewart, who has spent the 'past several weeks with his sister, 'Mrs. Wm. Elder in ,Seaforth, returned to his home here last week. Bruce Earl, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie, Tuckersmith, died in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, May 23. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and three sisters. o SEE! o HEAR! ANDY cLean Liberal Candidate in Huron CKNX-TV WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 11:20 - 11.30 p.m.. CKNX RADIO FRIDAY, MAY 31 12.15 - 12.20 TUESDAY, JUNE 4 7.05 - 7.10 a.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 6 6.25 - 6.30 p.m. (Publishedby the Huron Liberal Association).: Private funeral services were held ou Saturday, May 25 froall the !Bonthron funeral home, conducterd-iby Rev. Davidson of Brucefield. Interment in Baird's cemetery. 'Mrs. ...Eleanor Mac- Kenzie, grandmother, of 1'bondon attended the service. Mr. and !Mrs. Dovgbas Sang- ster and-dauglluter of Londen spent the weekend witch the for-: averts mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. • !Mr. HArold (Bell' and friend Miss Montieth of 'Toronto were weekend visitors with the form er's parents, Mr. and (Mas. Won: R. 'Bell. 111/r. Wan, 'Otbenbein,, who has been receiving treatment on a fractured arm at Westminster 'Hospital, London, was able to return• home' la's't week. DRAMA FESTIVAL Huron 'Presbytery Young 'Peo- ples 'Unions (held their second (Religious Drama Festival in On- tario Street United 'Church, Clinton, on Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Religious Drama can and should play a very important part in religious education, acid all churches would do well to give strong support to their' Young people in their efforts of this kind. It is Most encouraging to know that there are still many young people who find pleasure in • activities of this' kind in spite of the current "rook and roll" fad. Constance Y. P. U. played a modern story of "The ]Prodigal Son" while 'Egmondville showed, a modern 'play on Stewardship and tithe- ing, While :Brussels depicted .the visit of the Great Guest. The winning play put on by the ,Brussels Y.P.U. under the direction of Mrs. 'Roy Kennedy, was outstanding in the convinc- ing sincerety of the performers. (The :cast 'consisted of 'Maxine Machan, Audrey Wheeler, Keith' Turnbull, Ken Budnark, 'Ralp'h' Watson, and Don Hemingway. All the groups were compli- mented on their performance by adjudicators Mrs. Glen Eagle and Mr. H. G. Manning. Northside United Church Minister, Rev. 'Bruce W. Hall, B.A.,.IBlD.. 10 am. Church School -and Adult Bible .Class.. 1'1 a.m., Morning Worship: Sermon, ",Earth's Heroisms". Toddlers' Group and Jr. Congre- gation. McKillop Charge IRev 'Hugh Wilson of Wesley - Willis Church, Clinton, will Ibe in charge of the services at THE StAFO2Ti1 'NEWS -Thursday, May 30, 1957 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth THURS. FRS. SAT. SEVENTH CA .�LRY Randolph Scott - Barbara Ha le The captain they chilled "coward fights a }rate-filled'.tegiment and charges the Sioux and 'Cheyenne battle -lines to claim his bride MON. TUES. WED DOUBLE BILL .. 'Angela (ADULT) Dermis 'o'Kee1e Mara Lane Was sho an angel, a devil, a. cheat, or a woman in love ? 2'11 Gel 13, Dennis Day Juno Have, Here -is the, nation's love songs -the big parade of all -tones Bits THURS. FRI. SAT. SHEPHERD OP THE HILLS John Wayne - Betty Field . COMING -..THE VAGABOND KING SUMMER FOOTWEAR We have the largest stock of "Summer Footwear" and the "BEST VALUES" WE EVEN. HAD. 32 Styles ' Priced from $2.65 to $5.45 Get yours to -day - WILLIS SHOE STORE THE LITTLE STORE WITH THE "BIG VALVES" Seaforth Bethel lClhurch on 'Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister 11 a.m., The Three Great Verbs of the 'Gospel. 7.30 p.m,, The Annual Dis- trict Service Independent Order of 'Oddfellows, Huron District No. 8. 10 a.m., The Church 'School Minister's '(Bible (Class. 1-1 Ia.m., 'Nursery Class 11:30 a.m., Mission Band (Special meeting of the Con- gregation close of the morning' service. Wednesday 8 p.m., Prayer and Bible Study. Friday 7!30, The Boys' Club. Wednesday at 2 p.m., W.M.S. and W.A. First Presbyterian Church REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL MINISTER 10 A.IM.-Church (School and Bible 'Glass 11 a.m. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ' SPECIALS FRIDAY NIGHT 7 to 10. o'clock DRESSES 2 - 6x 1,49 COATS 20% and more'off our, full line' of, Summer Coats KIDDIES' SHOP -- Seaforth DO YOU WANT HIGHER TAXES? Conservative promises now total MORE than . . . 1,500,000,000 Additional expenditures can only mean higher taxes! You know -- we all know -- you can increase expendi- tures or you can lower taxes. But you can't do both at the same time! THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU VOTE! --, On the -one hand you have extravagant promises and higher taxes. -- On the other, you have a Liberal' program which provides a steady reduction in taxes (amounting to $475,000,000 in the past four years); increasing benefits to all Canadians; increased trade, and a vast national development. DON'T TRADE PROGRESS FOR PROMISES On June' 10 Vote ANDY McLEAN AND WIN WITH THE LIBERALS (Published by the Huron Liberal Association)