HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-05-16, Page 7Tricks That Catch
Wail -eyed Pike
May is a'magic month in the
middle west. It means it's time
to go fishin' again. And most
fishermen who have dipped
their lines in the early spring,
over the years have their spot
all .picked out. Chances are
they've been fishing this same
piece of water with the same
-bunch of guys for a couple of
decades on opening day, One old
pro from Minneapolis is looking
forward to his 52nc1 opening day
on Lake Mille Lacs.
These are the veterans, and
they aro . odds-on favorites to
fill their stringers by noon, But
what about the newcomer who
hasn't fished this area before?
How can he find out where the
good spots are?
There's onesure-fire way to
get the straight dope. Pick a
town in a lake section and wan-
der down to the local bait shop
the day before the season opens.
You'll get more tips on good
fishing water than you can
cover in a whole season. An-
other good bet is to contact the
local game warden. It's part of
his job to see that the sportsman
enjoys his fic'ling trip, and you'll
find' him willing to help.
Look for the pebbly reefs and.
shoals if you're after walleyes
because these fish have just
spawned and aren't out iri deep
water yet. Still fishing and trol-
ling with live minnows accounts
for most of the walleye limits,
and one of the favorite rigs is the
three-way swivel with a bell
sinker on two or three feet of
line off one ring. The other has
° a gut leader (slightly longer)
with the minnow hooked light-
ly under the dorsal fin. This ar-
rangement keeps the minnow
alive and allows him to swim
freely in a fairly wide circle.
The northern pike is a vor-
acious eater at this time of
year and is a favorite quarry be-
cause of his mean temper. He
too has just come back into the
lake from spawning beds up
rivers or in flooded swamps.
He'll eat or fight anything that
comes within striking distance.
A good, whippy bait rod or spin-
ning rig with an assortment of
plugs and spoons is the best
outfit for northern. Cast for
The rocks and deadfall timber
around the mouths of streams
and retrieve with plenty of
action writes John Henrickson
In "The Police Gazette".
The northern is a plenty savvy
fighter so don't let him play
possum near the boat. Usually
after a -good scrap he will appear
to give up and allow himself to
be towed toward the boat like
a floating log. When he does
ibis, hang on, because he's just
faking. About the time you are
congratulating yourself on a nice
fish he will explode into the air
and throw the plug right at your
If you're fishing inland waters
this spring and are looking for
a different kind of thrill, try
the lake trout. Any of the local
folks can tell you which are the
Best trout lakes, and there is
some first-rate sport here with a
light rig.
Shortly after the ice goes out,
the lake trout, who usually dwell
in deeper water, come up around
shore looking for minnows and
newly hatched fry. Take a canoe
and slide along the rocky shore-
lines or around the islands and
east bright, little spoons over the
The trout you catch will be
lour to eight pounders with
Itienty of fight. They seldom
DUBIOUS — Proud, but a little
concerned by his green thumb
prowess, patrolman Floyd
Suter examines the exotic vine
which threatens to turn his
home into•a jungle.. A Christmas
gift from his wife, the Gloriosa
bulb has been growing at the
rate of three to four inches a
break water but go for the deep
holes or over sharp rocks. They
are lightning -fast swimmers and
have a change of pace that will
fool you — and man, what eat-
Other than early May, perhaps
the most anticipated event of
the season is the annual explo-
sion of muskies found in inland
waters. It occurs usually be-
tween the 4th of July and the
1st of August, and is always
In one week -end in this period
during the 1955 season more than
60 big muskies were ,caught in
one small bay. There is a small,
but growing body Of anglers
who claim that one Of fishing's
finest thrills is to be found on
a good panfish lake with a light
fly rod. To this group the mid-
western lakes offer two great
scrappers — bluegills and crap-
Local fishermen who pursue
this hobby have taken to build-
ing anchored brush rafts on the
ice in the wintertime. When the
ice melts, the raft sinks and
provides ideal cover for the pan -
When May rolls around this
year the fishing season will be
on once again. It will bring
thrills that only a fisherman can.
understand. Chances are that On
that day there will be headlines
of new crises, new bombs, new
threats — but, who cares, in
May it's fishin' time.
A famous veteran actor liked
to dine quietly. Consequently he
was rather put out when, in an
exclusive restaurant, he was
seated near a noisy diner, who
kept yelling for the waiter.
"What do you have to do," de-
manded the noisy one, finally,
"to get a glass of water in this
The actor said quietly: "Why
don't you, try setting yourself
on fire?"
CONCRETE EVIDENCE -"Grandma Moses Loves Picasso''—that's
what it says in this freshly laid San Francisco sidewalk., News -
paperboy Carl Kirby, 14, puzzles over the statement. Those
who disagree will have to drive their, point home with a chisel
-the concrete has set.
Gor'tion.. Seta's
Easier If Sharp!
With all gardening equip-
ment, it will pay in dollars and
in toil saved to keep it in good
shape. It takes only a minute or "
two.., to scrape the dirt off a
cultivator or spade before put-
ting away andnot many more
minutes to add a drop of oil to
prevent rust. Also an occasional
serape with an old file will make
a hoe or cultivator kill about
ten times as many weeds. With
power tools itis essential that
they be oiled and greased.' re-
gularly and mo'ing parts should
be wiped off with an oily rag,
especially after mowing when.
the grass is damp or cultivating
when the garden is dusty. It is
also an excellent rule after
using any power machinery to
check over main bolts and nuts
and see that they are tight.
Properly handled, and reason-
ably cared for, a power mower
or garden tractor will last for
Watch For Bugs
With so many easily applied
chemical mixtureson the mar-
ket, there is little if any excuse
for having oun flowers and veg-
etables damaged by insects or
disease, It is no longer necessary
•to prepare various concoctions.
All that one has to do is to go to
the nearest seed store, tell them
our troubles and get some handy
preparation which is simply
dusted or sprayed on. For every
bug or disease there is a speci-
fic cure or control. The main
thing is to start control measures
just as soon as the first injury -
appears. Treatment is not ex-
A healthy, clean and • vigor-
ously growing garden is the best
insurance against injury. Well
spaced, well cultivated plants
are far less susceptible to trou-
ble than neglected plots over-
run with weeds. Prompt clean-
up measures, after harvest or
blooming, and in the spring and
fall will also help greatly. Many
bugs and diseases live over in
the ground, or in weeds along
the edge of the garden. Clean-
ing these up regularly will help
substantially in keeping a gar-
den healthy.
Is It Ready?
It is a mistake and often a
serious one to do any general
cultivating or sowing while the
ground is muddy, either be-
Cause the winter's frost is still
coming out or there have been
recent rains. Heavy soil, espe-
cially, is liable to bake hard and
lumpy if dug or worked while
too wet. A good test is to take
a little earth and squeeze it in
the hand. If when released, it
crumbles, it is safe to work. If
it forms and holds in a ball,
however, it is best to let dry
out further.
Straight Rows For Vegetables
String -straight rows and as
long as possible in the vegetable
garden are not a sign of fussi-
ness but of efficiency or com-
mon sense. It will pay a dozen
times over to take a little care
in planting our carrotts, lettuce,
beans and tomatoes straight and
cultivation is simple and quick
evenly spaced. When we do this
and it is safe too, even when
the new plants are just start-
ing to peek through the soil.
1.1 we are sure the row is
straight and the plants in the
row evenly spaced then we can
weed quickly and cultivation is
only half the chore it would be
if the seed was tossed in any-
where. A long string and some
good stakes are absolute musts
in planting. Because the neat
vegetable garden is so easily
cared for, many gardeners also
plant the flowers they will use
for cutting right along side the
vegetables. This is an excellent
place for a row of sweet peas,
for the main planting of gladi-
olus and for any flower seeds
left over from the regular beds.
Bow Can 1?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I clean linoleum
that has become, spotted, with
paint or rust?
A. Rub- it gently with steal
shavings or emery paper.
Q. How can 1 remove old wall
paper from the wall?
A. By using a heaping table-
spoonful of saltpeter to a gallon
of hot water add -applying free-
ly with a flat brush. Keep the
water hot and the paper can
be pulled off easily.
Q. How can I remove
scratches from dark furniture?
A. They will hardly be notice-
. able
otice-.able if they are painted with
iodine befort polishing with fur-
niture polish.
Q. How can I revive the col.
ors in a' faded rug or carpet?
• A. Try applying a weak solu-
tion of alum and water.
And Colloidal Graphite Additives.
Dealerswanted to sell to Farmers,
Fleet Owners and Service Stations:.
Write Warco Grease -& Oil Limited,
Toronto 3, Ontario,
MEN. or .women, can.. work your . own
hours, and make profits up to 500%
selling exclusive houseware products.
and appliances. No competition, not
available In stores, andthey are a.
necessity inevery home. Write at
once for free colour 'catalogue, show.
ing retail prices plus "confidential
wholesale prieelist. Murray Sales,
3822'. St. Lawrence Blvd:, Montreal.
500 3 -COLOR printed name and address
labels, W it VA. Light blue, dark blue,
gold. Plastic case. Send 91.00, Schuster,
Box 1419. Dept. C., Springfield, Illinois.
WE have chicks, in a wide choice.
Also started chicks and pullets. Get
oar dray► list with prices. Follow up
the better markets with Bray.. Bray
Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton.
The time"to plant potatoes is when
the other fellow isn't planting. The.
time lb raise chicks is when the other
fellow is not buying, Buy chicks this
year. Eggs are likely to be a good
Brice Ur15 fall and winter. When buy-
ing for egg production, be sure and
purchase egg breeds, Our tops. Ames
in.Cross series 400, Tweddle Lay More
series T 100, 'r 110, T 120 and T 130.
Shaver White Leghorn. White Leghorn
sc Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island
Red. California Gray x White Leghorn.
We have 5 tops for dual purpose, 3
special Broiler Breeds. Turkey poults,..
Send for our 1957 catalogue,
Letus know your rwants. Start Collect.
Mg- Genuine coins with our coin col.
lectors. alt only $4.95—SPECIAL PACK.
ETS 290 • 490 - 984 • Coin folder and 8
coins' 980. All coin Publications and.
Whitman Supplies, international Coln
Co., 227 Victoria St., Toronto.
DUCKLINGS, Jansen strain Kaki.
Campbells for layers. Large White
Pekin for best meat birds. 25 • $6.50;
100. $32. Immediate delivery. Circular.
Morris Day, Elora, Ontafto.
NEW Holland 77 Baler with hydra -
formatio $950, Or w111 trade for lum-
ber. Apply C. Moire, St. Joachim,
ONTARIO distributor for Ford major
diesel fuel injection Pump overhauling
$22. All other fuel pump and in-
jectors overhauled at 93.50 per hr.
Thornhill, Ontario. Phone AVenuo
FARM: 3 lots, good land, good build-
ings, Hydro, telephone, much good lake
front. Near village. If interested, write:
Emil Culla, Milstein, Ont.
SAW filing and lawn mower business
for sale. Modern machinery, good in.
come. Five room house, modern. To
be sold together. Good opportunity
for right party. Age is only reason
for selling. Priced right. Joseph
Taylor, 588 Lafontain Street, Wallace.
burg, Ontario.
110 ACRES natural drained, square,
clay loam, most productive In Ottawa
Valley. aresei(oSttl,hucheCriffty head of school,
86 milking. Beatty stables. Milkers
machinery included, Brooder, hen and
pig houses. Tenant cottage. Comfort-
able twelve -room brick home, double
garage, good wells, hydro, telephone,
spacious lawn, shade trees, 'We con-
sider sacrifice for $18,500. Write Box
156, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Tor.
onto, Ontario
91,000 OFF list price. One model 30C
(3584) David Brown 42 hp. Medium.
Heavy duty gasoline tractor. Fitted
hydraulic touch control, 6 forward,
2 reverse speeds, 2 speed power take.
off and pulley, swinging drawbar, in-
dependent rear wheel brakes, adjust-
able tracks, universal lighting, factory
fitted heavy duty hydraulic loader,
digger bucket, bulldozer blade. Less
than 70 hours use. Price $2,500. Box
158, 123-l8th St„ New Toronto, Ont.
SCHOOLS — Supervisors and Female
Assistants. Should be single and have
experience with children. Protestant.
Apoly — Indian School Administration,
116 O'Connor Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario.
SCHOOLS — Laundry Matron and
Assistant. Single. Protestant. Apply —
Indian School Administration, 116.
O'Conr.or Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario..
Protect your BOOKS and CASH from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe or Cabinet for ony
purpose. DeViw
situs or write for price
NEW strength from Ego Herb Tea, or
money back. All Canadian Herbs. $1
Postpaid. UNICORN SALES, Box 56,
Buffalo 22, N.Y.
GOOD ADVICE l Every sufferer of
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid'
BANISH the torment • of dry eczema.
rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disap-
point you. Itching, scaling and burn.
ing eczema; acne, ringworm, pimples
and foot eczema will respond readily
to the stainless odorless ointment re.
gardless of how stubborn or hopeless
they. seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East
FOR delightful Seacoast Vacation on
beautiful' Wells Bay, in quiet, pleasant
surroundings at Guest Horne directly
on Ocean front. Write: "The Barn-
acle", Wells, Maine.
FOR Early Reservations, Write Old.
Wells -By -The -Sea Improvement Associ-
ation, Wells, 1YIaine, for literature on
ideal place to spend your Blaine Sea.
coast vacation.
KNOW every tree. join the C. de B.
504 per lesson. Write OUTDOOR
INTERESTS, Goodwood,. Ontario.
PLASTIC FOAM' (flexible) Sensational.
new craft material. Sheets 40" x 72"
x 3/32" — $2. b6" — $2.50. White,
pink, blue, green, yellow, orange,
grey, violet, deep pink. Multiple pro.
5.75. Immediate delir.
- forth Avenue, Toronto.
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession; good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates.
America's Greatest System
Illustrated catalog Free
Write or Coll
358 Bloor St. W.,' Toronto
44 Kings St. W., Hamilton
72. Rideau St., Ottawa
wishing you could increase your 1n-
come and secureyour future.
something about it. With ourpropo-
sition this is possible, and all our rep-
resentatives are making big money, you
too could do as well. Everywhere
Household Necessities are needed, Cos-
metics, Farm Specialties, Toiletries,
think of the possibilities this market.
represents. Now Is the time, write for
more details to Dept. W., Station C.,
1600 Delorinsler, Montreal.
FARNBOROUGH Protestant School
Board requirestwo teachersfor rural
area, grades one to seven. Living ac-
commodations supplied. Salaries:
81,400 • $1,800. Write: Harry El.. Hopson,
Farmbarough, Que.
QUALIFIED teacher for - one -room
school. Highway 401 near Oshawa.
Present enrolment 27, Grades 1.8,
MINIMUM salary 92,600 with allow
ance for experience.
APPLY, stating qualifications, expert-
ence, salary, name of Inspector, Mrs.
Ethel Hanna, Sec.-Treas., R.R, 2,
Whitby, Ont.
Patent Attorneys. Established 1890
600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents
all countries.
ISSUE 19 — 1957
IF you feel
These days most peep a work under
pressure, worry more, s ecp less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to Ione—h rder to regain.
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of hese may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "ti ed -out" heavy -
headed feeling often fol ow. That's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better—sleep better—work
better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at
any drug counter. 53
AUTHORS invited submit MSS all
types (including Poems) for: book pubi
notion. Reasonable terms. Stockwell;
Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. '(Est. 1898),
OVERWEIGHT? Take off excess fat
Formula compiled by Doctors, witho
medicine, drugs, or exercises. Cop
91.00. Evelyn, Box 1702, Erie, Penr
sylvania, USA.
YOUR questions answered, your pro's
leets solved, persbnal, business, family,
any subject. Prompt action and aorta
plete details guaranteed. Write today.
send $1,00 for each question. Refund
if we cannot answer. Merlyn Re
search, 2213 Wesley Avenue, Evanston.
$1.00 TRIAL offer. l'wenty,fivedebut(
personal requirements. Latest catalogu(
Included. The Medico Agency Box 22
Terminal "Q". Toronto Ont.
HAVE youseen the new Landrac`
magazine? Tt answers a lot of you(
questions and puts you in touch wit),
Canada's best breeders. 81.00 per yea(
(quarterly). Single copy 254. Canadia*
Landrace Swine Association, 564 Cott
St. .Francois, Ste. Therese de BEain
vile, Que.
Just received these two reports front
satisfied customers: One in Ontario.
purchased bred sowfarrowed with lit.
ter of 17 raising 15, other customer in
Saskatchewan purchased bred sow far-
rowed with litter of 12 raising 12. When
you purchase from the Fergus Lan-
drace Swine Farm you not only are
sure of securing the best blood linea
from imported stook, but you secure
Prolific animals. We have many blood
lines from large litters. Weanling, 4
month old, 6 month old sows and boars,
guaranteed in pig sows and service-
able boars for immediate delivery, Cata-
There is some satisfaction in having the
best, Our foundation stock was' all pur-
chased from the best Breeders in Scot-
land. We have some outstanding ani-
mals and several different blood lines.
Weanling, four month old sows and
boars, guaranteed in pig sows, Immedi-
ate shipment. Catalogue.
WANTED: Steam engine in good con-
dition;_Modei T Ford or other car from
1900 to 1930; Oxen Yoke and cradle;
and scythe. Pay cash, II. P. Rawluk,
Newmarket, Ontario.
At a trial of a woman ac-
cused of murdering her hus-
band, the jury were out for a
very long time. The verdict,
when they returned to the jury
box, was for acquittal, largely
because of the efforts of one lit-
tle old lady on the jury.
After the trial the latter ex-
plained her attitude: "I suppose
I just felt sorry for her. After
all, she was a widow."
SLEEP' .I-xTO' m:rE'
SEDICIN tablets taken according to.
directions is a sale way to induce sleep
or quiet the nerves when tense. 51.00
All Dreg Stores or Adrem Ltd., Taranto S.
serving with the
United Nations Emergency
Force in the Middle East
$160 sends 400
or any other Macdonald Brand
Postage included
Mail order and remittance to:
P.O. Box 490, Place d'Armes,
Montreal, Quo.
This offer is sublect to any Changs
In Government Regulations.
SUCH A CROWD, HECTOR—Gracing the pedesto3 of 1 bust of famed composer Hector Berlioz
is the Monte Carlo Ballet Company. The troupe is r'iearsing with the lovely scenery of Cote:
D'Azur for a backdrop.