HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-05-16, Page 4BRUbEFIELD Mrs...John !Cairns spent the 'weekend 'at Hhe Shorne of cher niece, (Mrs. (toward Currie, . at • Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell attended :the wedding of their soar Jack, in !Lindsay 'United Church on !Saturday. `We regret to report Master Brian Triebner in 'Clinton Hos- pital, having been operated on for an infection in his .leg. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pinkney of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Aldie Mustard and family, Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Tihomson and family spent Mother's Day with Mrs. W. IL Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. James .Steffler and babe of Calif., are spending some time with Mrs. IStefflcr's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, Walter Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Henderson • SEE! HEAR° AN Y c ixean Liberal Candidate iii Huron CKNX-TV MONDAY, MAY 20th 6,25 - 6.30 p.m. CKNX RADIO MONDAY, MAY 20th 7.05 - 7.10 a,m. THURSDAY, MAY 23rd 6.25 - 6.30 p.m. fl'ublIshed by the Huron Liberal ' Association) spent bhe weekend ,with Mr. and !Mrs. Geo. ,Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson of. London spent !Mother's Day with Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Paterson. .Mother's Day was fittingly observed in .Brucefield United 'Church on Sunday andining. Baptismal service was held for bwo children, Wendy Doreen,, daughter of Mr., and !Mrs. Aldie Mustard, and Sandra Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Aikenhead. There was also a service taken by the young people. iMr, Dwayne Elliott read the scripture Barbara S'ivan gave a recitation; Miss Mary Broadfoot and Betty Jean Ross sang a duett; Mrs. Robert Allen, Jr. gave a reading, then 7 •girls, Doris Walker, Gaye El- liott, Helen Broadfoot. Barbara Henderson, Suanne Haugh, Jean MdNaughton, Carolyn (Ross pre- sented "God's .Rainbow". Rev. Mr. Davison was assisted by the Sunday School superintendent, Mr. Norman Walker and the choir. The W. A. held their meeting in the schoolroom of the 'church on May 7th with •a good attend- ance. Mrs. Fred Rothwell and Mrs. John Aikentead had charge of the devotional exercise. MTs. Rathwell opened the meeting by singing hymn 652 and read the scripture. Mrs. Jno. Aikenhead gave the topic and spoke on "Self Sacrifice". Mrs. Rathwell closed this part of the meeting with prayer. The creed was re- peated in unison. The president, Mrs. Jno. Broadfoot took the chair, MTs. McBeath gave the secretary's report and Mrs.. Ed- gar Allen gave the treasurer's report in the absence of Mrs. Harvey Taylor. The offering was received by Mrs. Allen and MTs. Lorne Wilson. Thank -you notes were read from Mrs, ,S. Baird and Mrs. Elgin Thomson. A motion was 'rade that we send 10.00 to the Blind Society; June being our annual visitors' day it was decided to invite Go- shen, Varna and Kippe'n socio-. ties to be our guests, This meet- ing will be held on June 7th. It was also decided to have our W. A. picnic in July. Mrs, Ross Scott invited all to her summer home in Bayfield for that.after- noon. Group 2 had charge of the program which was given by Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Mrs. W. Fotheringham and MTS, Edgar Allen. A baking sale by group was held. A dainty lunch was served, HENSALL Mrs. Bert Horton, Jane and Bruce and +firs, Peter McNaugh- ton and Robert spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto. Frika ight Special 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Cotton Dresses 'Sizes 2 - 12 Reg. 7.95, . , Sale Price 5.95 Reg. 6.95... Sale Price 4.95 Reg. 5.95 ...Sale Price 3.95 Reg. 4.95... Sale Price 2.95 Reg. 3.95... Sale Price 1.95 KIDDIES' SHOP -- Seaforth tist .,p,n,wan,"m,".a...a..,.a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,, „ ,n..,,,,, .,,..,.,,.p,p,,,, o .,..,.,apnap Hear Elston Cardiff Progressive Conservative IN111I1111111111I1111 AND OTHERS Radio and TV Broadcasts CKNX-TV CHANNEL 8 Tuesday, May 28 - 6.25 to 6.30 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 - 6.20 to 6.30 p.m. CKNX RADIO DIAL 920 Monday, May 20 _ 1.20 to 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 - 1.20 to 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 - 12.15 to 12.20 p.m. Friday, June 7 - 9.50 to 10.00 p.m. Published by authority of Progressive Conservative Association, Federal Constituency of Huron SPECIALS Ladies' Cotton Dresses Children's Shorts, T -Shirts SUMMER HOSIERY FIREWORKS LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STATIONERY - GIFTS Miss Olive Walker R.N. of St. Petersburg, !Florida is visiting her parents, Mr. and MTs. Geo. Walker. Mrs. Amielia 'Schroeder re- turned home after spending the past number of weeks with rela- tives at St.'Clair Shores, Mich. Mr. and !Mrs. 'Donald Walloer formerly •of Toronto, Who have spent the past two weeks with the former's parents, MT. and Mrs, Geo. Walker, left this 'Week to take up residence in Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Talbot and son of Hayfield were recent visitors with Mrs. Talbot's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid. • !Miss .Maja Roobal, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend' with her parents, Mr. and Mr,s. S. Roobal. • Mr. Frani. Beane, who was ta- ken to Seaforth !Hospital for treatment is improving. BRODHA•GEN The Sunday School Teachers of St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church attended a convention at New. Hamburg on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed :Sanith and Mrs. Harold Wurdell attended the funeral of . Andrew Brod- hagen 79, at !Palmerston on Fri- day. Mrs. Henry Kleber Sr. has (been visiting her daughter, .Mrs. Norman Bennewies and Mr. Bennewies and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Queren- gesser visited recently with their •daugghter, Mrs. John Arbuckle, of 'Hespeler, Who has been con- fined to South Waterloo Mem- orial 'Hospital near Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gilek ,(Rose .Scheubarth) have return- ed from their honeymoon trip. Mr. ,and (Mrs, 'Fred A. Kistner with their daughter Mrs. Jack Walker and Mr. Walker, Listo- wel, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Townsend and !Ross of Tavistock with ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scher - :berth. Mrs., 'Henry Kleber Sr, has sold her house to Mervin Leon- hardt of Mitchell. The ,Brodhagert band took part in the Drumhead Service in Mitchell on :Sunday. ' ,Mr. Dick Watson, of Camp ;Borden, Mr. and ,Mrs. C. Watson of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolfe and boys of Stratford at the Shorne of Mr. and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Sunday School have planned va- eation Bible Shool to be held on July 15 to 19 and the S. S. pic- nic on Sunday, July 21st. Two bouquets of red and white carnations adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran (Church at the Mother's Day ser- vice on Sunday in honor of all mothers. They were placed there by the Stewards of the Christian Horne (married cou- ples group). Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Heuer - man with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Eis- ler, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Fischer, Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Lew Hicks and Mrs. Wm. Diegel attended the United Lutheran Church wo- men conference at St. Matth- ews Lutheran Church, Kitchen- er on Saturday. Mrs. Henry Rock is confined to her bed with a sore leg. Mr. Calvin Diegel who is man- ager of the Lutheran ,Summer Camp at Edgewood Park, Eden Mills, near Guelph, spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel. Miss Marken Dorothy Diegel, daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. 'Wm. Diegel will graduate as a nurse of the school of nursing, Strat- ford 'General Hospital, to be held in the !Collegiate Institute auditorium Thursday evening, May 16, with a reception after- wards at the Nurses Residence. ONTARIO Bears looking into for the whole family KnettOgwo B•ettett ll ll l ONTARIO TRAVEL 738 Parliament Bldgs. Toronto Send FREE literature to Name Address Post efiice Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity Hon. 9ryan L. Cothcdn, Minister EGMONDVILLE Egmondville United Church WMS held their thankoffering• meeting on Wednesday evening May • 1st when :a special speaker from Trinidad gave an- address and showed !pictures of the woa that is 'being carried on in the country. A large group of people including guests from no g+lvborilrg churches'assembled While organ :ramie was played, by Mrs: Elsner •Oamez`on. Mrs. Alex Pepper, WMS' pres., 'wel- comed the 'guests and opened the meeting by reading an ap- gropriate !poem Mrs., E, burst W.A. Pres., read the scripture lesson and led in prayer. 1V1rS.. Koehler a former member-of;the churclh, sang a solo "Bless This House". Dr. Semple introduced ;the speaker, Miss ,Constance Wagar,. who is principal of the St.' Augustine .High ,School for girls in Trinidad, and her ."sister Miss Marion"Waggr, who isalso working -under the Dominion Board of the WMIS of the Unit- ed Church. IBoth'had been asso- ciated with Dr.. and Ma's, Sem- ple as church. -workers and•made the 'decision to go to Trinidad five years. ago. They have been home' on furdoug•h for rile past year and have taken several missionary courses. They leave shortly to resums their work in Trinidad. Miss Constance Wagar wore a beautiful handmade. blue silk Sari the' gift of her friends in her school, :led in prayer before beginning 'her address, "An Ad- venture in Friendship", told when they 'first began their work about 15 miles from Pont+ of Spain. Now they conte to be- lieve that friendliness is a - worthwhile achievement in life. Three things are neededbe- fore one can really go on a trip to Trinidadr in an address, Miss Wagar said, these are: A ticket, which is a good tin- agination;" a ,passport, which is interest in missonar'y work; In- oculaton against any social pre- judice. Trinidad is a beautiful warm land with no winter and is often called the land of the Ilumrming bird. It is the melting pot of many different races and religions, Speaking about missionary work in Trinidad,.lVIiss Wagar said she thought Missionary So- cieties should be called Vision- ary Societies. ;Missionary work is necessary in Trinidad ,because only one girl out of nine can have a chance of entering a school, They marry very young if they do not get the chance of an education. It is worthwhile because many graduates of their schools are coming to work in Canada. Many of the ,people first came to Trinidad as slaves. We here in Canada can help by being interested, keeping up our missionary giving, and remem- bering our workers in prayer. 'During the .offering .a quar- tette composed of Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. Durst, Mrs. E. Stephenson, and Miss Mae ,Smith sang a number "'How 'Great Thou Art". Pictures were shown and, ex- plained by Miss Wagar. These were very 'bright and beautiful, showing flowers, fruits and lovely scenery, groups of happy children and adults interested in their school activities and work, Churches, schools and hones, Trinidad Girls in Train- ing and many others that per- tained to the life of the people in Trinidad. ,Miss Trances 'Hous- ton expressed appreciation to the Misses Wagar for the infor- mative n ormative addressand lovely pict- ures, -ures, and extended best wishes to them as they return shortly to resume their work in Trini- dad. NEW DIRECTORY The cover of the new Tele- phone directory, now being dis- tributed in Seaforth and sur- rounding area, features a sketch of the Huron County Court House in Goderieb. This sketch, the work of Lorne Bouchard, well-known Canadian artist, re- places the illustration of 'the Perth County Court House on last year's cover. "The new telephone book should be, put into use as soon,as it is received because it con- tains many new and. changed listings," W. W. ,Haysom, -Bell manager for ,this region, said this week. "'Wrong numbers and unnecessary 'calls to Information will be the result if customers continue to use last year's dir- ectory." WALTON Gary McNichol returned bonne !Sunday from Scott Memorial Hospital, (Seaforth, where he was taken after injuring a fing- er in an accident at the ,barn re- cently. CROP REPORT Most of bhe spring grain seed- ing (has been completed says D. H. Miles, Agricultural Repre- sentative for Huron County, and The farmers welcomed the re- cent rain.,.A few 'fanners have sbarted'R�lwnting corn. Some of the 'alfalfa !fields ,were touched with the recent'' frost. Pastures have ntad'e excellent ga'owbh•and• farmers are turning their cattle out. Adequate pasture will be available arca that the rain has aided .pasture conditions. MRS. JAMES CARLIN The funeral of the late MTs. James Carlin was held on Wed- nesday, May 1st at St: Collin'. ban' Church from her late resi- dence at !Beechwood. Solemn Requiem High Mass was suing by Rev. Dr. Ffoullc4es, .Daablin, and Rev. P. E, 'McKeon of St..iMich-. ael's plirish, London. Reverend Father •MdCowell 'officlated+s' at the grave. The pallbearers were John Moylan, Thomas Murray, James Shea, Louis Coyne, Rich- ard Downey and Jos. Malone. EGMONDVILLE C.G.I.T. We opened our regular meet- ing on Monday at the home of Mrs. M. Nott by. repeating the "purpose" and singing a hyann. We finished our mission study by having a radio play on dif- ferent countries with !Helen Boyes, jVlargaret Chesney, Gwen Storey, Neils Hillman, 'Carol Huisser and !Marilyn Popple tak- ing,part. Hymn 252 was sung followed with a scripture read- ing by Faye Blue. Dorothy Boyes led in a prayer followed with the roll call. 'Next meeting we will answer with • "Com- rnand". The !CCM girls are hav- ing a '`Blossom Tea" on May 18 at Egmondville United Church. We did some handicraft work WINTHROP' The regular meeting of the Winthrop Young People was held in Cavan 'Church on May 12th. The meeting opened with' everyone repeating the Young People's Purpose. Hymn. 15 was sung followed by the roll call !which was answered by 26 members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. In the worship service hymn 262 was sung. Bob Betties read the scripture from Acts 20: 28- '28. Don Dodds ,then led in prayer. The •topic "Our'Church and Our Responsibility to 1t" was given by Don (Dodds. The offering was received followed' by hymn 270. Mrs. Toll closed. the worship service with the (benediction. HENSALL Prices at Hensall 'CommvniVY Sale, May gbh. Weanling pigs $1.2.70 to $15.- 50; chunks $1:6.00 to $19.00 feeders $27.25 to $40.00; sows $72.50 to $105.00; Holstein cows $140.00 to 3176.00; Dur - harp cows $150.00 to $180.00; Holstein calves $113.00 to $18.00; 'Durban(' calves, $19.00 to '$20; Fat cows sold up to 1414 a lib. 320 pigs and 200 head of .cattle and calves 'were sold. THE 'SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, May 16, 1957 REGENT THEATRE Seaforth TFIIIRS, autI. SAT. A MAN ALONE - Ray Milland - Macy Murphy A notorious gunman, ands-unetweoted sancute y in a tense and violent dtama oflove and regenei'ntion: It's. a bullet -blazing story; of ,frontier adventure DOUBLE BILL MON. TUES. WED. DARK CORNER ADULT Lucille Dull' Clifton Webb A ,nun, killed is a mai, silenced ADVENTURES OF.SADIE Som, Collins George. Colo A desert Island comedy- TIIURS. FRI. SAT. PARDNBRS Dean Martin -- Seri's' Lewis COMING -'.SIX BRIDGES. TO 'CROSS SPECIAL -forFRIDAY and SATURDAY 32 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S BLACK'KID ARCH SUPPORT TIES Made on Savage lasts Regular $6.95 and $7.45 Sale Price sass cash WILLIS SHOE STORE THE LITTLE STORE WITH THE "BIG VALUES" Seaforth for the junior congregation. A lunch was •served. Northside United Church 'Minister, Rev. .'Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B.D., IS.T.M, 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. • 11 a.m„ Morning Worship, Unveiling and Dedication of the Chancel Memorial Window. Ser- mon, "An Angel In The Sun". Toddlers' Group and Junior Congregation. Evening worship withdrawn. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister. 11 a.m., The Public Worship of God. Guest minister, Rev. W. Muerig Thomas, B. A. 10 a.m., Church School and Minister's Bible Class. 11 awn., Nursery Class. 11.30 a.'m., Jr, 'Congregation. (8 years old). Friday 7.15 Boys Chub. Films Wed., 8 9.m., Bible Study and. Prayer Group. "See you in Church Sunday," Dr. Semple will be guest preacher at Walton and Fuller- ton next Sunday. lllllll a l it llllll a l .1101111111111 l Ipuns• First Presbyterian Church - REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL MTNISTUB 10 AM. -Church School and Bible 'Glass 11 a.m. Morning Worship 7 p.nl. Evening Worship noun,ua,nu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,uwa.ui.uuu.. Alossosnasamsostsmis Liberal Policy produces results for Canada ! McLean Produces Results for ALL the people of Huron ' Riding ! ON June 10 Vote ANDY McLEAN AND WIN WITH THE LIBERALS (Published by the Huron Liberal Association) Will you come in and discuss our new banking service Personal Chequing. Accounts If you like to make payments by cheque, a Personal Chequing Account may ' be just what you've always wanted. THE 'T'ORONTO D01IINIOISI BANK The bank that looks ahead J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch