HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-05-16, Page 1tt r3 The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 79, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,; THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 $1.50 a Year Authorized ns Second Class mail, Post Orrice Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publishers LIONS TROUT DERBY . TO BE HELD ON MONDAY MORNING The trout 'derby for the GRADUATES. youngsters will be on Mended - morning, morning, IMay 20, a't the Lion's t Park It will start at 9 o'clock and finish at 11 •o'clock. No re - gietration will be necessary this 1, year and will be; open. only to ISeparaite and Public School chil- dren as boys and girls fishing in the .derby must the under high school age. Each fisherman will be allowed to catch three trout. The number of trout available for stocking the .pooh is not as large as last year and by •mak- ing 'a smaller limit every child should have.a chance. The time for the derby is shortened to two hours. Only the pool in .the park will be used (this year so that crossing the 'highwaywill not he necessary. •So far as is known this trout 'derby spon- sored by Seaforth Lions Club is this year the only one in On- tario of its kind ander supervi- sion of the 'Ontario Ganne and Fisheries Department, and is due to the success of last year's derby. Prizes for the first catch of three trout will be* given in three age'groups: 5 years and under; 5 to' 10 years; 10 years and over. A boy and a girl in each age group will receive prizes. To he eligible for these prizes they must report to the clubhouse with their tree trout. .Committee in charge is H. 0. Free, E. C. Boswell, F. J. Snow and Wm. FIart. 'FESTIVAL WINNERS Among those who received awards of the Huron' (Music Fes- tival at the concert of winners held Saturday evening at God- etch were Faye Love, who was awarded a Music Lyre, donated by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Ica( highest sharks in. vocal solo in -classes 41, 42, 47, 48 and 49; Carol Pepper, awarded the $25 scholarship for rfirst, in piano solo, classes 20, 21 and 22; Dor- is Johnston, prize for marimba t1F,�s �5u and Joan Johnston, prize for alto horn solo classes. • Part of Saturday night's pro- gram for the winners of the 'music festival was broadcast last Sunday afternoon and it will be continued this Sunday, -starting at 3.15 p.m. over 1CIiNX radio, At the Music Festival at God- eridh bn Wed, 'last, in the be- ginners 'class, violin solo, Billy MacLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean, Egmondville, received 80 per cent. In.'bhe next class, violin solo, Kerry 'Camp- bell, son of Mr. and ''Mrs. Wan. Campbell, Seaforth, received 82 per cent. Both are pupils of Frank Shubert, Main St., Sea - forth, who started a class in Marek. Mr. Shubert is from Czechoslovakia. They were accompanied by Mrs: J. McGregor, Victoria St. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerald Cald- w,e5'; o-'t�a3rockville, wish to an- nounce the engagement 'of their eldest daughter, Barbara Ann to Ronald Gordon Muir, Cornwall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muir,' Seaforth, Ontario. The snarriage will take place 'on Sat- urday, June 1, 1957, at' St. Pet, er's Anglican Church, Brock- ville, at 3.130 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS With cadet inspection coming up 3.30 finds the students out marching. Field Day will be held Shortly, weather providing. The group from' 1010 will be on ' Wingham's show "Sunday Show- case" on June '30th. ft is rumored that if you with -to court a girl it is necessary to have a neighbor girl's sister who can act as 'a "Pony Express". It costs 5c you know to send a letter to Godericb. Is she worth it 'Bob? We mean Bev. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE There is a 'brisk demand for good used refrigerators right now, according to a lady who advertised one for ".sale in last week's ,Seaforth News. Her frig. was sold 'by Thursday niglut and she had six applications for it: A pair of spectacles was re- turned to its owner not long af- ter 'bhe found adv. appeared in Last week's Seaforth News. And there :is a stony about a man who, could not make up his (Hind quickly •enough about buying .a horse, and someone else !bought it first. "This man came to see my horse after I ad- vertised it," the' farmer told The News, "bait' he •eou1d not de- eide and the matter.' hung fire for a couple of .. weeks". - Then another man •came and bought the team. Buyer No. 1 cam back and when he found the (mare was sold he was very un- happy. "There is not supposed to be much of a market for horses," the advertiser reports, "butt procrastination does not Pay". EGMONDVILLE Mr. and !Mrs. Paul Adams and son, Bobby, of Pontiac, Mich., spent (bhe weekend with her aunts, 'Mrs. Robert Boyce and Miss Mae Stobie; also Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings of Auburn. visited Mrs. Boyce and Miss Stobie on 'Monday.. - Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Morton of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. 'Harry Weiland. Miss Barbara Alma Jordan who graduated from St. Jo- sephs' Hospital School of Nursing, London, at the ex- ercises held on Wednesday, May '8th at Thaanes 'Hall U. W. 0. Miss Jordan is 'a grad- uate of Hibbert Separate School, and 'Seaforth District High 'School. She is the •laugh-' ter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jordan of 'Seaforbli. • The regular monthly meeting of the C. W. L. was held in the schoolroom 'on Tuesday evening with 22 members present. The pres., Mrs. M. Etue opened the meeting .with the League pray- er. The secretary's report was given by Miss M. Fortune. The first vice pres., Mrs. J. Maloney reported 55 members. The 3rd vice, Mrs. M. Williams reported eggs for Easter sent to the House of Providence, London, and Easter, plants sent to the Sisters of lSt. Joseph. 'Corres- pondence was read by Mrs. J.' Devereaux, •andt the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. J. Ban- non. The visiting committee re- ported 14 calls made to the sick and new -comers. Tbe- visiting committee for the month of May are Mr's., M. Williams and Mrs. G. Reynolds. Mrs. 'M. Etue and Mrs. M. Williams were 'appoint- ed to attend the annual C.W.L.• convention in , St, Thomas. It was decided to give the First Communion Certificates , again this year: Bambara Box and Pat, ricia Etue entertained with tap .dancing accompanied by Mrs. T. Flynn. Mrs. L. :Sills gave a vote of thanks to Barbara and'Patri- cia and 'Mrs. Flynn for their most delightful entertainment. The mystery prize was Avon Iby- el2rs. J. Maloney. The meeting closed with prayer. `Lunch was served by Miss IM. Dunn and Mrs. A. Stiles. POSTAL INPORMATION Monday,. May 20 being a Sta- tutory Holiday. Victoria Day and the Queen's Birthday, the post office main doors will be open from 7 a.m., EDST to 6 p.m. EDST. The wickets will ibe open for all phases of 'business. from 12 noon to 1 pan. ED.ST. All incoming and outgoing mail will he handled as usual. Rural deliveries will be made. Patrons are again advised that mails for despatch close at noon, 2.45 p.m., 7.15 p.m. and '8 p.m. To ensure proper .deliv- ery address your mail fully, clearly and without misleading abbreviations and place your re- turn address in the upper left hand •corner of the article being mailed. Please have your mail addressed to your post office box number, to general delivery or to the proper rural route number. C.G.1.T. NEWS The Northside IC.G.LT. met on Monday evening. We opened the meeting with the'O'GIT pur- pose and hymn. The worship service was led 'by Lynda Sav- auge and 'Phyllis Bryans. We answered the roll call with "Strength". We then- discussed our campfire night. Practice will be held on Monday, May 27, at the church. WALTON. Janice Doreen 'Houston, in- fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Rae Houston, also Janet 'Caro- lyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Muir were babies christened at Baptismal service during Moth- ers' Day service, at Duff's Un- ited 'Church, Sunday morning May 12th, with 'Rev. Thomas in charge of the service. Special music rendered by the choir. The Y.P.S. are snaking final arrangements for their anniver- sary service to be held next Sunday, Mav 15t1h alb- 11:30 a.an. with a choir of gating people. Rev: Dr. Semple of Egmondville United 'C'hurch will be guest speaker. Mr. Thomas will be in charge' of Egthendville service. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton vis- ited their daughter and son -in-, law, Mr. and Mrs. Muir on the boundary east. Dave Hackwell at 'his 'home in the village over the weekend. M2. Hug!h Campbell is report- ed much improved in hearth at Scott Memorial hospital. Boy Killed By Gravel Truck An .inquest into the death of Teddy (Edward K e nal e b it) Brown, four-year-old son of !Mr. amid Mrs. James Brown, Eg- anondvii'l�e, .who died .in Victoria Hospital, London, Monday even- ing, from injuries from a colli- sion with'a truck, 'will be held on Wednesday, May 22 at 10 'a.m. in Seaforth town hall. Dr. E. A. 'McMaster is the coroner. The accident oecunred about 1 o'clock on Monday afternoon on the Mill Road in, front of the child's trailer home in Egmond- ville. He was rushed .to the hos- pital with a fractured skull and. later removed to Victoria Hos- pital, London, where he died at 6 o'clock. Driver of the gravel truck was Gordon Miller of Staffa. It is understood another truck had just passed the boy when he darted across the road in the path of ,the second +truck. The accident was investigated by 'Constable Sims of Goder•.io'h in the absence of .Constable Snell of Seaforth who was in. Toronto on Monday. The boy's father is a foreman carttenter at the Shakespearean Festival theatre in Stratford. Surivivng besides the parents are two brothers and two sist- ers 'RuthAnne, James, Gail and William. Also his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Brown The funeral will take !place on Thursday, May 16, at '2 p.m, from itihe Box Funeral Chapel. Rev. Dr. ,Semple of Egmondville United Church will officiate and interment will be in. Egmond- ville cemetery. Pallbearers: Wm. Brown, Doug 'Raabe, (Earl Elliott and Kon Chambers. Flowerbear- ers: Brenda • Racho, Elizabeth MacLean, Jackie Durst, John McDougall, Bill Chambers, Bob- bie 'Chambers, Billy MacLean and Christopher Coombs. Conservatives Name Local Chairman A well attended meeting of Conservatives from McKillop, Tuckersmith and Seaforth was held in 'the town hall on Thurs, evening May 10th. The meeting chairman was M. E. 'Clarke, who introduced Elston Cardiff, Con- servative candidate in the forth- coming Federal election to be held on June 10th. • In his remarks to a very en- thusiastic gathering, Mr. 'C'ard- iff touched on many points of vital interest to the electors of this • riding in particular and to Canada as a whole. This being a; predominantly rural riding he dealt at some length on the 'farm situation as it stands today and he is •quite qualified to handle this very important subject. In closing out his remarks he call- ed on all workers to do a good job right down to the wire and reminded his listcsaers, "We won it before and we can win it again." Addressing the meeting along with Mr. 'Cardiff were Chas. Mc- Naughton, president of Huron Conservative Association; C. V. Laughton, president of the Young Conservative Association of Western Ontario, Dr. E. A, McMaster, Seaforth, and Earl Mills of McKillop. Polling sub -division chairmen for 'Seaforth: No 1, H. E. Smith; No. 2, Willis Dundas; No. 5, A. W. Dunlop; No. 4 D. L. Reid; No. 5, J. A. Westcott; No. 6, John Hotharn Jr. For McKillop: No. 1, Jim Mc- Quaid; No. 2, Alex Kerr; No. 8, Ed 'Godkin; No. 4, Allan Camp; bell. WINTHROP Miss Lorraine Smith of North York spent the weekend at bhe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke and 'Miss Jean Mills of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Martin of Walton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce or, Sun- day. (Mrs. Frank Walters of Tuck- ersmibh was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell. Mr. Robert Battles . left on Monday morning for British Co- lumbia. Mr. Colin Fingland of Wing - harm was in charge of the ser- vices on Sunday at Cavan Church while Rev. J. R. Holden conducted the baptismal servic- es,when there were seven children baptized. They were Linda .Jane Ann Kerr, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Kerr; Ke- vin 'George Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr; Debra Joyce McClure, daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Donald McClure; 'Sheilah, May 'Campbell, daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. Allan Campbell; Eliza- beth Jean Pryce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Harold -Bryce; Bryan Archibald Somerville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Somer- ville, and Ray Douglas McNich- ol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McNichol. CAR STRIKES BRIDGE Hugh ,McMillan, Tucicersnmiih, was taken to 'Scott .IMemmorial. Hospital Friday •morning, when his car was wrecked by hutting the end of the Silver Creek bridge :just east of Seaforth on the highway. Mr. McMillam, had a' broken finger and possible rib fracture. Tennis Club Gets Ready for Season A meeting was heldin the Town Hall on Wed. M4y 81ih to discuss the possibility of form ing a tennis club in Seaforth. A small but enthusiastic •group as• sentbied,.. Mr. John 'MacKenzie presided,. It is understood that Mr. Kling has generously offer- ed to' remodel the old courts which' are at present unsuitable f.or playing. This offer 'rests on the, assumption that sufficient interest will be shown in the game. ; ' !Present at the - meeting was the Rev. Brute Hall willo is an expert player and was at one time nominated to play in the Davis Cup Series. Mr. " Hall kindly offered to coach begin- ners or players wishing to im- prove their standard. This would .be an asset which .::many clubs lack. A. 'temporary committee was formed consisting' of President, Mx. John MacKenzie; grounds convener, Mr. E. Johnston; sec., Miss P. Wallace. After a consul- tation with Mr. Kling the com- mittee hope to announce a def- iclniteub, plan for an'active tennis A ,public meeting will be ar- ranged.,in the near future• and it is 'hoped that the public, espe- cially the young people, will take advantage' of such an bp- portunity to further recreation- al facilities in ,Seaforth. RATHWELL—GRAHAM On Saturday, May llth at 3 p.an.,Oakwood United 'Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Elizabeth •Mar- garet,• daughuter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Graham, Oakwood be- came the bride of John Robert Rabhwell, Toronto, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, Bruce - field. Rev. H. Hunter officiated at the double ring cei:emonY amid a setting of spring flowers. The wedding music was (played by Miss Beverly McIntyre and Mr. Harold ,Jenkins sang "The Lord's Prayer" before the bride entered the Church on the arm of her father, and "Because" during the signing" of the regis- ter. The bride wore a floor - length gown of white nylontulle designed on princess lines with bouffant skirt. The square neck- line, sleeves, mitts and skirt were trimmed with a triple row of minutely appliqued daisies. Her circular Singer -tip veil of silk illusion was caught to a headdress designed as at crown showered with sequins. She car- ried a 'white ,bible crested with a mauve orchid. a ' The 'bride's attendants were Mrs. Joe Gordon, Toronto, sister of the !bride, 'attractively gown- ed in ''bronze crystalette, and Miss Betty Ann Lazenby, Belle- ville, niece of the groom, de- murely 'dressed in sea foam green crystalette. They carried cascades of yellow sweetheart roses and sweet peas. The groom was attended by Mr. Robert Love, St. Cathar- ines. Ushers were Mr. Tom Gra- ham, 'Oakwood, and Mr. Camer- on Maltby, 1~eterborough. A reception was held for over 70 guests at the LO.O.F. Hall, Lindsay, where the bride's mother received, wearing a dusty rose dress of crepe and lace with navy accessories and corsage of yellow sweetheart roses. The groom's mother as- sisted dressed in figured blue with white accessories and cor- sage of pink sweetheart roses. For a motor trip to eche Southern States the (bride chose a suet of horizon blue with black and white accessories.and orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell will reside in Toronto. Livestock Judging Here Saturday • The annual Huron I0ounty livestock judging competition will be +held on Saturday, May 18th, :at Seaforth. Registration will •commence sharp at •9 a.m., D.S.T., in Seaforth Community Centre and following this, class- es of'livestoek will 'be judged at Seaforth Fair Grounds. This competition is under :the direction of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and the Huron •County Junior Farmers' Association. It is open to all youm,g men arid women 12 to 50 years Of age residing in Huron County and who have not completed more ,than two years in an Agri- cultural School or 'College. !Three :classes each of Dairy (Cattle, Beef Cattle, and Swine and one class of Sheep will be judged. One of the Swine Clas- ses .will be a class of hog car- casses. Ali competitors are ex- pected to judge all classes and give oral reasons on one class of each kind of livestock.. - (Prize' money for this compe- tition is 'made available by ,the Agricultural Comnrittee' of the Huron County (Council', thr-ough. a grant to the Junior Extension Fund. RED CROSS 'NOTES. The Red 'Cross Society re- quest that :all sewing and knit- ting be returned to the Red 'Cross• rooms in the library on or before June 7th.` Rebekah Lodge has 45th Anniversary There was an attendance of over a !hundred at the regular meeting of Edelweiss 'Rebekah Lodge, Monday evening. T'he N. G. Mrs. Albert Harrison presid- ed and it was announced during the 'business period that Mrs. John iiiilebreeht would receive the Degree of .Chivalry, the highest honour to be given . a Rebekah' at the June session of the Rebekah Assembly. It being the 45th anniversary of Edelweiss Lodge guests were present front Brussels, Goderich, Hensail, Clinton,'Kincardine .and Ripley. Following the 'busi- ness period 'birthday greetings were brought by. Mrs. 'M'artha Patterson, Ripley, vice-pres. of the Rebekah Assembly; Miss Jessie Little, 'Brussels D. D. Pies. of District No. 2i#; Mrs. Elliott, N.G. of 'Morning Star Lodge, Brussels; Mrs. Max Fritzley, N.G. of Goderich Lodge and 'Mrs. John 'Broadfoot, N.G. of Huronic Lodge, (Clinton and others. A program was much en- joyed with two solos and danc- ing by Little Ruth Anne Wilson, A Short skit, "Reading the local' Paper" with Miss - Mae Smith, Mrs. Win. Dalrymple and Miss Jean Scott, and "A Spring Fa- shion Show of Hats" put on—by Mrs. F. W. Marshall, 'Mrs. Alvin Riley, 'Mrs. L. Recite and Mrs. Hugh Thompson provoked much laughter. A few games of euchre were played with 1st .prize won by Mrs. Elliott of Brussels. Con- solation, Mrs. Jean Kyle, Clinton and travelling lone hand prize by Mrs. M. Nediger, Clinton, A hunch followed with the birthday cake cut 'by Mrs. Wan. Manson, a senior member of Edelweiss Lodge. Mr's, Wineberg of Brus- sels won the lucky cup prize. The draw on the blankets was won by Mrs. Geo. Reeves and Mrs. Vera Hastings, Brussels. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jowitt at- tended the corner -stone Cere- mony on Saturday of the new addition to tike Goderieh Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Woods of Scarborough spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Ri ley.• Mrs. Woods is remaining for a week's holiday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Wm. Moore, who had spent almost six weeks in the ,Goder- ic'h hospital is able to be out again. The W. A. and W.M.S. of the (Constance Church held their re- gular meeting on Thursday ev- ening in • the Sunday School room. The W. A. decided to have the June, July, and Aug, meet- ings :held in the evening at 8.15. The Church property committee were named to get estimation on the cost of putting in a new ceiling for the S. S. rooms, The W. M. S. was presided over by Mss. Wm. Dale and scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Hulley. A .Mother's Day reading 'by Mrs. George Me'Ilwain. The copper contest leaders are Mrs, Wilbur Jewitt and IIVIrs. Wm. Jewitt, Walton, Egmondville and Win- throp have 'been invited as dur open meeting guests for June 19 at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Earl Mills as guest speaker. Lunch committee named were Icirs. Wm. Dale, (Mrs. Geo. Hoggart and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. W. L. Whyte gave the report on the special speaker at the Huron Presbyterial held in Clinton. The meeting closed with the Benediction. The community here wel- comes two families into the vil- lage in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszecator and family, who are residing in the former Charles Riley house in the village, and Mr. and llrs, Ken Preszecator and family who are living .on ,the MacDougal farm and which will be operated jointly by the two brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reid and sons of London were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther Sanders. Mr. and Mrs, Borden Brown and girls were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brigham of Allan 'Park and Mrs. Joe Brown of 'Hanover and also vis- ited with Mr. Brown's father in the (Hanover hospital. We are pleased to report that Mr. Dave Mi'1lsoir, who has not been well all winter, is 'able 10 be out of 'bed part of the time now. We hope still for further improvement. Moth'er's Day Services were; held at Constance U.C. Sunday with a large congregation and Larry 'Bruce, son of Mr, and Mrs. Donald !Buchanan was :bap- tized 'by the Rev. T. White. Mr. and 'Mrs. Art Bromley of Kitchener spCnt 'Mother{'s Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dale and family. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wynn and Mrs. Minnie Wynn of Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and family. •'Messrs Wan. and Wilbur Jew- itt took (their mother, Mrs. Jew- itt Sr. 16 Warwick and on Wed. morning Mrs. Jewitbt will leave Sarnia for Hazenmore, Sask. KIPPFN Mrs. 'Dickert of Tiarriston re- turned to her !holm on Suridav since visiting two weeks .,with SAVAUGE'S Each tiny ttetzlarrd wrtutirt right '5 0 the nig s€ivorplate itselr for the 'out-ieby hint lou, frr svery way, it's ' ae cxcittita pat'cril I0 SO{ 'It(0ip, bar, n1anit' with flit ;i000isorie, .' SEE lT TODAY PIECE SER VICE P068 ttte Newly -Styled ipdiultia s Chest(' 1847 ROGERS BROS. Canada', Fine„ Silrarplete NEW BALANCED PLACE SETTING Notice the, pleasing symmetry. Each piece curves towards the plate .. , tells you its proper place. SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SIIAFORTii her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle. Rev. G. G. Burton of London was the guest speaker at the morning service on Mothers' Day, in St. Andrew's United Church, and in the evening Rev. Dr. Semple of Egmondville Un- ited (Church conducted the ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family visited on Mother's Day at the home of Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and -Mrs. I. Gibson of Lucan. Miss Hazel Slavin, of Lon- don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slavin visited her parents a few days last week.' Mr. John Doig and his sister Janet of Grand Rapids, Mich., called Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mother's Day guests of Mrs. James McClymont were: Her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinohey of Varna, her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cools :and friend of London, her daughters, Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Dash- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce visited Saturday ev- ening with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Morton of near Seaforth. Mrs. Norman Bradley and daughter Carol of. Thedford Mines, Quebec, spent- Wednes- day afternoon with Mrs. 'McLeod at the manse. Mrs. David Kilpatrick of London was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson and Mrs. Wind- er on Wednesday. On Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop visited at their home. Mr. Emmerson Kyle attended the Grand Noble 'Chapter of the Masonic Order in Listowel on Friday evening of last week. Messrs Frank Wright and Ern(nerson Kyle were honorary guests at a dinner and recep- tion held in Ont. Street •Church Hall, Clinton, on Wednesday evening when .South Huron Ma- sonic District was honored with a visit front the Grand Master, Most Worshipful W. L, Wright D.D.D.C.L. of Sault Ste !Marie on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the 'Clinton Lodge. DUBLIN 'Mr. and• Mrs. ,Louis Kraus- kopf 'and Billie, Ferndale. Mich.,' Mr'. and Mrs. Jerome (Nicholson, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Benn and Paul, Mr. and !Mrs. Pat'Henn of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, John Cleary, London, :with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Pete 'Grosech and family, Miss 'Patricia Cost- ello, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. William •Stewart with Mr. and ,Mrs. Hugh Pugh in Clairmont: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feen- ey, Stratford, Mr. Kenneth Fee- ney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Cath- erine Feeney. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Overdulve have returned to Hamilton aft- er spending a 'month with Mrs. Mary Feeney, Miss Phyllis 'Butters of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is va- cationing at her home. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Lane and Laurie Anne with Mr. and Mrs. William Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kramers with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Contin at St. Joseph's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill, Karen .and Billie with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid,at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae and family inParkhill with Mr. and Mrs, James D. MacRae. The post office at Dublin will be closed at 1 o'clock on :Satur- days ,beginning May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gaff- ney, Kitchener, with Mr. Carl Stapleton. High School News (C. Moylan) Last Friday, in answer to the invitation from the Free Press to attend a banquet and visit various places in •London, I ar- rived in London at 1.30. Mr_ Cartier, the public relations man, greeted us all by name, having never seen us before. Af- ter we had a chance to get ac- quainted a tour was conducted about the Free Press Building, where we saw the press in actu- al operation. We were greeted by Russel Weide, the Person- nel 'Manager, in the radio stud- io, and there we also met Mr. Ford, the editor in chief of the Free Press, who presented us with pins and certificates. A group picture of all the Queens was taken, and we then advanc- ed to the Hotel London, where a delicious banquet was held. The women's editor gave us an interesting talk, and a tour of the CFPL TV station concluded the program for the day': I en- joyed the day very much, and meeting and talking to students from many other schools was very interesting. Our Mayti(n.e Serenade is ov- er and according to all reports las quite a success. We had a very good •attendance and the Variety 'Show proved very in- teresting, as quite a few 'mem- bers were clapped back. Sports are in full swing new, with some 'girls trying their' luck at 'bad.minton, as well as 'basket- ball. Softball and football have also':gotten under way, with no reports of any broken limbs, as yet! ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Home .and School Association will be 'held on Tuesday, May 21st alt 8.15 p.m. A penny sale will be held. ART EXHIBIT EXTENDED The art exhibit at the public • library has been extended fait' another week to May 25.