HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-05-02, Page 4Junior Farmers
At Home Here
• As a slpecial feature of the
Annual Huron ICounty, Junior
Farmer At Home Dance, Friday
might,the North I-Iuron Junior
Farmers and Junior Institute
:were presented the a R. Bak-
er Program Improvement Tro-
phy. This is the' second ` time
that •the trophy.has been pre-
sented to one of the Huron
Cotnity Junior Farmer Clubs.
Last year's winner was the Sea-
forth Junior Farmers and Jun-
ior Institute. The H. R. Baker
Program Improvement Trophy
was donated by the former As-
sociate . Agricultural Represent-
ative, -Harold- Balzer to be pre-
sented ,annnally to the Junior
Farmer Club judged to have the
best set of meetings during the
year. In October 1955 the 'Hur-
on County Junior Farmer Exe-
cutive drew up the following
Westlake Furniture
Bargains! Bargains!
Open all day and every evening
until 10 p.m.
As in previous years we are giving away
three valuable DOOR PRIZES t
Draw will be made May 4, at 10 p.m.
Every article in store reduced during sale.
Visit our store -- you'll be convinced
WESTLAKE Furniture
Phone 89 J
Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc.
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
An Example of our Beef Shorthorn bulls
Aberfeldy Nugget AA
Aberfeldy Nugget has been mated to more cows
than any of our other Shorthorn bulls. The farmers
like his calves for their growth and good quality.
In fact, of our bulls whose calves have completed
the feeding g test a
t Guelph,
those by Nugget had
the highest carcass score with
better than aver-
age rate of gain and feed conversion.
His full brother, Aberfeldy Orchid AA, is also -
Recently purchased from Bruce Fletcher at
Guelph is Crichton Baronet whose dale is a mat-
ernal sister to the sire of Nugget and Orchid. The
calves by Crichton Baronet in the Fletcher herd are
very typey and big for their age.
These bulls come from outstanding families and
have proven that they transmit these qualities to
their offspring.
For service to these or any of our bulls, dairy or
beef, call collect:— CLINTON HU 2-3441
Between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M.
The cost is low and the service efficient
rules and regulations for the
'Junior Farmer Program - Im-
provement Comlpetition. We be-
lieve this is the only competition
of this type being carried out Tal
the Province and ;although ' we
have no definite proof we be-
lieve it is one of the factors
which helped to make 1956.one
of the anost active years as' far
as the Huron 'County Junior
Farmers are concerned: The
competition is open without en-
try fee to all the - Junior Farmer
•clubs which are affiliated with
the Huron -County Junior (Farm-
er Associations. T+he award 'is
anade on a yearly basis taking
into consideration all meetings
which' were held by .the 'clubs.
The administration of the com-
petition including the appoint-
ment of
ppoint-ment,of judges is in the hands
of the competition committee of
the 'County Junior Farmers
whose decision is final on all
questions. The trophy (lay he
won only twice in succession by
any one 'club. The judges may
visit without notice any meet-
ing or meetings of the -compet-
ing clubs. In order that suffer.
ent information will be available
concerning each meeting, 'a not-
ice of each meeting should be
submitted at least ten days pre-
vious to the meeting including
the following information; the
date, the place, the (guest speak-
er, the subject of the :meeting
and any other .arrangements
which have been made for the
meeting. Immediately following
the meeting a report giving at-
tendance, the subject discussed,
the name's of the 'members who
took part in organizing and pre-
senting :the nneeting and any
other information concerning
meeting such as changes in pro-
gram, reasons for poor attend-
ance, etc, From these reports a
total of 100 points was allotted
for each •meeting based on the
completeness of the reports, the
attendance and the participa-
tion of the members in the pro-
gram. Two sets of judges were
appointed 'by the committee for
1956, each of which visited two
.of the regular club meetings,
held 'by each of the clubs in 'the
County, Each of the meetings
were scored by the judges giv-
ing a possible total of 300 points
according to the merits of the
meeting on the following points;
starting •on time, attendance,
participation, •attention of mem-
bers throughout meeting, .pre-
paration. of meeting, place, or-
ganization of the meeting,
length of meeting, reception of
guests and reception -of new
members and visitors. The jud
gee for 1956 were 'Mr. and Mrs
George Robertson -and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Pym. The results
:p1 the eomlpetition were as fol -
North ' Huron Club —.Judges
114 'arks'' Girls' 745; Boys 663;
Joint 625; Total 2093; Reports
847; Projects 100; Total 3040;
Placing First,
Seaforth Club — Judges
Marks: Girls 743; Boys 659;
Joint 536; Total 1937; Reports
862; Projects 200; Total 2999;
Placing Second.
Clinton Club—Judges Marks:
Girls 650; Boys 555; Joint 387;
Total 1592; Reports 772; Pro-
jeots 100; Total 2464; Placing
Howie]: Club—Judges Marks:
Girls 659; Boys 626; Joiht 464;
Total 1749; Reports 490; Pro-
jects 100; otal 233.9; Placing
South Huron Club— Judges
Harks: Girls 627; Boys 559;.
Joint 446; Total 1632; Reports
464; Total 2096; Placing Fifth.
IColwan'ash Club — Judges
Marks: •Girls 566; Boys 510;
Joint 521; Total 597; Reports
280 Projects elects 100 Total 1977•
Placing Sixth. '
Each year the winning club is
presented with a gavel which is
a replica of the larger trophy
with the understanding that the
gavel is to be used at all the re-
gular meetings held by the club.
(Since this is the first 'competi-
tion of this type carried out by
the Junior Farmers Association
we realize that there are a num-
ber of minor 'changes which
should be made in the regula-
tions -of the competition. How-
ever it has served a useful pur-
pose in the past two years in en-
couraging the clubs to maintain
a high standard in. organizing
their monthly program. -Congrat-
ulations to the North Huron Jr.
Farmers :and Jr. Institute on
winning the H. R. Baker Pro-
gram Improvement Trophy for
y�1*X. »row ";.V 3$f3., �_: 9, c,P)X,OVv.';,/.o'n,:'•''�?
�; CODu'nu
Head Office - London, Ontario
District Representatives
F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth
Brucefield United Church :was
the scene of the wedding of Leola
f eriflce,- daughter of Mr. and
Mrti. "Victor Taylor, Brucefield, to
Charles Donald Proctor, Goder-
ich, sonof the -late Mr. and Mrs.
William Proctor. The ceremony
was perforined by Rev. Sidney
Davidson in a setting of daisies
and chrysanthemums. , ..
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a waltz .length
gawk of embroidered nylon net
over taffeta with matching jacket
with Peter' Pan collar and lily -
point sleeves, Her finger tip veil
fell from a tiara, and she carried
a shower bouquet of pink roses
OD a white Bible.
The attendants were Miss Ina
Taylor, Orono, cousin of the
bride, as maid of honor, and Miss
Elaine Taylor,, sister of the bride,
as bridesmaid.
The -maid of honor wore a gown
of orchid 'embroidered nylon net
and matching headdress and car-
arried a shower bouquet of carna-
tions on a <white Bible.
The bridesmaid's gown was
similar, and. she carried a shower
bouquet of mauve carnations.'
Bill Bowra, Goderich, was best
man,; and the ushers. were Bill
Palmer, Clinton, and Morley Tay-
lor, Brucefield.
Mrs. Murdoch presided at the
organ and accompanied the solo-
ist, Mrs. Ruth Knox, 'Clinton, who
sang The Wedding Prayer, and
Because. Following the ceremony
a reception, was held in the
church parlors.
The bride's mother received the
guests wearing a figured dress of
tie, silk with blue and white -ac-
cessories and corsage of blue car-
The bridegroom's sister, Mrs.
Garnet 0. Mathieson, Goderich,
who received with Mrs. Taylor,
wore a figured nylon chiffon
dress and corsage.'
For a wedding trip to points in
the United States, the bride
chose a pink aiid charcoal en-
semble with black and pink ac-
On their return they will re-
side at rr4 Clinton. Guests were
present from Detroit, Goderich,
Clinton and New Jersey.
The following children start-
ed school here on Monday, six
girls: Audrey 1iodgert, Bonita
Hoegy, Karen Rock, (Beverley
Sholdice, and June and Jean
Mr. Albert Querengesser re-
turned home from Scott Mem-
orlial Hospital, Sealtorth, 'after
'being confined there for several
Mr. Ray IBeuerman was suc-
cessful in writing his Insurance
examinations and has received
his license an'd will be associat-
ed with Mr. John T. Prueter in
General 'Insurance work.
Pastor E. J. Fischer and mem-
bers of the Luther League at-
tended a convention at Zion Lu-
theran Church
u-theranChurch on Sunday.
Susan Louise •Beuermann, in-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred ;Beuermann, • Seaforth,
was baptized by Pastor E. J.
Fischer during the Sunday
morning service ,,at St. ,Peter's.
Lutheran Church. The sponsors
were iMiss Joanne (Beuermann
and Edgar Hillebrecht along
with the parents.
!Mrs. John Hinz 'Sr. of Se-
bringville, with her daughter,
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Mr.
Wolfe dor a few days.
SMrs. Mary Dittmer is visiting
her son Gerald Dibtmer, Mrs.
Dittmer and' family in Kitch-
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rock
and family of Walkerton with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ed-
win Rock on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Young
of Stratford with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. iDiegel.
Mrs. Cliff Woodward and
gills of Toronto spent Easter
holiday week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mrs. Chas. Querengesser and
grand daughter, Miss Irene
Spencer -of Detroit with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Smith and other rela-
Baskets of flowers 'adorned
the Chancel of St. Peter's Luth-
eran IChurch on Sunday in mem-
ory of Milton. Eickmeir Who, pas-
sed sway one year ago in Detro-
it. They were placed :there iby his
parents and family. Also a bas-
ket from the Golden Wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith
which was celebrated last Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe,
Mrs. Dick Watson and boys with
Mr, and Mrs. Mike (Connolly and
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ezra (Hinz, of Se-
bringville -MI Sunday,
Mrs. Martha Schultz and i eV.
Eric Schultz, Heidelberg, with
Mr. and (Mrs. Dalton Hinz on
Palm iSlmday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen iBricloman
of 'Brampton at the same home
the past week.
Mr. Calvin Diegel of Waterloo
Seminary at the home of his
parents last week.
IVlarlene Diegel, nurse -in -
training, Stratford General Hos-
pital, spent the weekend wilib
her parents. 1
(Mrs. August ' Hillebrecht
spent last week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. John Miller and Mr.
Miner, (Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller and Ruth Ann witlh 'Mrs.
Hillebrecht dor Easter, and Mxs.
Miller •and Ruth Ann remaining
for the ,Easter 'holiday week.
Mr. 'and'Mis. 'Clarence Benne
wies, Mitchell, Mr. -and +Mrs. Ed-
win Benneweis, ISeaforbh, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Glen Bennewies ..and
Mrs. Elwood Smart, and Carolyn
of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs.
John L. •Bennewies.
1Mrs. Edith Beuerman of Sea -
forth with her sister, 'Mrs. Hen-
Henry E. Diegel and Mr. Diegel dor
Easter weekend. ••
IMr. and ;Mrs. Orval Whitfield
of St; Catharines with her ;bro-
ther Russell Sholdiee and Maes.
Sholdice, on Saturday.
Mr. (Ralph Scher+b'arbh of De-
troit nvith :This parents Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Bcpheubarth.
Mr. and ..(Mrs. Cliff . Wood-
ward, Donna and Gay of Toron-
to at -the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A l Ili eft i Querengesser.' Mrs.
Woodward:, and .girls remaining
for the Easter holidays.
dvan Querengesser ;and Miss
Joyce IQuerengesser, Straltford;,
,MMTr. and•' Mrs. Don -Stanek, War-
ren and Janet of Kitchener, and
Rev. and Mrs. John Arbuckle
and goys -of Hespeler at the
same home and all visited their
father Albert Querengesser in
Seaforth Hospital.
Mir. and Mrs. JOarl Elligson,.
Janet, IOarol, and Gary of ,Wind -
nor, +Mr. and Mus, Oscar Ellig-
son and children of Kitchener
with 'Mrs.; .Ernest .El'ligson.
'Congratulations are .ex -tend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Bennewies who quietly observed
their 52nd weddinganniversary
on April 19th, and to Mr. and
Mrs. Edw';lyd (Smith who cele
orated their 50th anniversary
on April 24th with a family din-
ner in the church parlors and
were at home to. their friends,
relatives and neighbors in the
Mi. and. Mrs. Kenneth New-
ton 'and' Diane of Toronto with
her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Mr. Donald Ahrens, Toronto,
'and !Miss Lee 'Harreek -of Ham-
ilton with Mr. and 'Mrs. •Chas.
Mrs. (Rev. E. J. Fischer re-
turned home after a week in
Toronto, and Miss Grace Fisch-
er, Stratford Teachers' .College,
home for the Easter holidays.
(Mies Diane sand Master Larry
Beuenman -of •Seaforth with
their grandmother, Mrs. Louie
Hillebrecht during the Easter
Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Robert Gibbs,
Sharon ,and Lynda of Glencoe
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Smyth.
Mr. and Mrs..Ed Fischer and
family of Seaforth with Mrs.
Wm. 'Miller on Sunday.
'Mr. -and Mrs. J. Walker and
Deborah of Listowel with Mr.
and !Mrs. Fred A, Kistner.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Young
of Stratford with her father,
George Diegel on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy
and family, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Sea-
A potted hydrangea plant
was placed in the chancel •of St.
Peter's Lutheran - Church on
Sunday in memory of Jahn Hinz
of Sebringville, who passed
away one year ago April 17, by
his wife and family. Two. East-
er Lily plants adorned the altar
from the Ladies' Aid.
IMr. and Mrs. Harold Knight
of Toronto called on Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Querengesse% and.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith over the
weekend and were guests of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Bode.
Visitors with Mr, and lMrs.
Lavern Wolfe over the weekend,
Dick Watson, Camp Borden, MT.
and Mrs. Lorne Wolfeandboys
of 'Stratford, Mrs. Yearnly, also
of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Worsnup, Jerry of Dunnville.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel,
Marleen and Arthur with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Suehring, of
-Sebringville, .on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: Ross Kahle and
Gwen of Mitchell with Mr. and
'Mrs. Manuel Beuermann.
Mrs. Bud Lockridge and chil-
dren of Sarnia with her sister
Mrs. Harvey Ahrens and Mr.
Mr. and QVfrs. Ken 'McLeod
and children of Listowel With
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens.
50th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs Edward Smith
of R. R. 1, Bornholm, observed
'their Golden Wedding Anniver-
sary on Wed. April 24th with a
dinner served in St. Peter's Lu-
theran 'Church parlors to about
35 guests. The tables were de-
corated -with -a wedding anni-
versary cake,, white and gold
tapers, and daffodils and other
flowers, and they were "at
home" to their relatives, friends
and neighbors in the evening.
Mrs. ISinith was the dormer Min-
nie Querengesser, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Querengesser and Mr. Smith,
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Sohn Smith. They have a family
of two sons and one daughter,
Albert, Orangeville, Kenneth
and Margaret ((Mrs. Harold
Wurdell) both of R. R. 1, Born-
holm. 'Nine grandchildren: Car --
ole, Cheryl and Wayne Wurdell,-
Sandra and Arthur, `Dennis,
Dean; Sheila and Sharon Smith.
The couple were attended at
their- marriage 50, years ago by
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querenges-
ser '(Elizabeth Diegel) who re-
side in IBrodhagen. The late +Rev.
H. Weigand performed the cer-
emony at the home of 'the
bride's parents. They have farm-
ed nn Logan township all 'their
married life. They are active
members of St. Peter's Luther-
an 'Church, cBiodhagen. Mrs.
Smith is an active member of
the Ladies' Aid; .
Blaster lilies, white chrysanthe-
mums and pink snapdragon deco-
rated St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Clinton, when Mary Irene, laugh=
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
'Ruche, Clinton, became the bride
of James Gordon Cameron, Lon-
don, son of Mr.` and Mrs. Wilford
1. Cameron, Seaforth.
The ceremony was performed
by Rev. C. S. Inder. Mrs. Theo
Fremiin presided at the organ
and accompanied the soloist
Harry Maude of Toronto,
Later the bride and bridegroom
left on a wedding trip to Wash
ington, D.C. On their return they
will reside in London.
TH10 SBAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, May 2, 1957
Allan Dale - BIl1 Haley
Every cat and 'gaitor from the Poles to the Equator will dig this
the moa t •:_
. Man in the Attic - ADULT Jack Paalence - Constance 'Smith
The most terrifying killer of all time is on the prowl for women
Street with' No Name Mark Stevens -. Barbara Lawrence
It's powerful entertainment—greater than the, FBI picture
House on 92nd Street
Bob Hope - Eva Marie Saint
COMING — A :Life in the Balance
and Thieves Highway
WE REPEAT: ' 'c -
A Dollar _won't buy much
Just In - - A Man's Work Oxford,
a dandy at `6.45
Prices at Henson 'Communi-
ty . Sale, April 25th.
Weanling pigs 113.25 to $16.-
60; chunks $18.20" to -$22.00;
feeders 126.75 to $35.00; also
sows $77.00 to $100.00; Hob'
stein cows $150.00 to $169.00;
Durham cows $140.00 to $175;
Holstein calves $12.00 $17.00;
Durham calves $14.00 to ,$38.
Fat cows sold to $14.10 a Ib.
340 pigs and 160 head of cattle
and calves were sold.
'Northside United Church
Minister, Rev. IBruee W. Hall,
B.A. B.D.; IS.T.dd.
10 a.m., Church 'School and.
Adult Bible Class.
11' a.m., Morning Worship,
conducted by the Minister. The
guest speaker, Mr. Gordon 'Man-
ning, Clinton. Toddlers' Group
and Junior Congregation.
;Evening worship withdrawn.
McKillop Charge
Rev. W. J. Moores, Thames
Road, will lbe in charge of the
'Ohurc'h services on Sunday, May
5th at 2.30 p.m, at Bethel
Egmondville United Church
Dr. J. ISenvple,' Minister.
Rural Life Sunday.
11 .a.m,, The Farmer's Para-
10 a.m., The Church .School
10.15 a,m., The 'Minister's Bi-
ble Klass.
11 a.m., Nursery 'Class.
11.30 a.m., Jr. Congregation.
Sacrament of Baptism, Sun-
day 12th May. Our Motto. "See
you in Church Sunday".
Everybody welcome.
First Presbyterian
10 AJM,—Church (School and
Bible 'Class
11 a.m,. ".The.. Source of
7 pan. Y. P. S. Service
Speaker—Mr. Floyd McPhee,
of Waterloo. College
May Day Tea
Friday, May 10
3 to 5 P.M.
The Hospital will be open
for inspection — tea will be
served in the nurses'
Everyone cordially invited
will re -open
20% DISCOUNT on all
Musical Instruments for '
.month of May
Clean Up and Save!
Annual Spring
Saivage Drive
For the convenience of those in the sur-
rounding district who wish to co-operate,
collection depots have been established
as follows:
BEECHWOOD ... Carlin's Store
DUBLIN... ...William. Stapleton -
CONSTANCE ....Borden Brown Store
WINTHROP A. Dolinage Store __
KIPPEN Kyle's Store
CROMARTY ....Chopping Mill
STAFFA...... ,Sadler's Store
BRUCEFIELD.. —Ross Scott
WALTON Gordon, McGavin
24 hr. Road Service, Ontario Motor League