HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-04-11, Page 8BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Jno. R. Mur- doeh have returned from a va- cation in Florida. Mr. and •Mrs. Roy Doan of 'Alvinston spent (Sunday with Mr. Doan's sister, Mrs. Robert ,Dawson and Mrs. Hobner. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Me - Beath of Windsor are visiting with Mr. McBeath's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McB'e'ath. ,Mr. McBBeath is at present sta- tioned with bhe Bell .Telephone Co. at James Bay. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. Allen spent the weekend with Mr. Al- len's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- g:.r Allen. Mrs. Allton Johnston is in Clinton 'Hospital having under- gone surgery. Mrs. B. Menerey, Bayfield, and Miss Marie Elliott visited in Kitchener on Wednesday of lest Sunday Evenings in Lent Egmondville United Church Drama presented by the Choir and Young People's Union "Roads that Jesus travelled" Plan to attend this outstanding service Dr. J. Semple, Minister • •p. U U TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Depend on a Master Plumber for economical plans that give new comfort and luxury to home living BOB DOIG Phone 61 TINSMITHING All kinds of EAVETROUGHING week. We are sorry to report, that Mr. Arthur Chapman suffered a severe heart 'attack on Friday and is a patient in Clinton Hos- pital. Mr, Rolbt. Davison and friend of Leamington visited over the weekend with Mr. Davison's parents, (Rev. and Mrs. S: (Davi- son. Mr. and Mrs.Stanley Neale of London visited' with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson. Mrs. ,Stack- house returned bone with (them. WINTHROP Mr. W. R. Somerville, who spent the past weeks in Florida and Texas, returned home. Little .Lois Bernard, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.,. Bernard, is in SickChildren's Hospital, Toronto, where she is receivnig. treatment. Rev. H. J. Snell: of Exeter was th"e guest minister at Duff's (Church on Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Sil- as Johnston, Walton, regret to learn of his passing. MoKillop Charge: Joint Ser- vices at (Cavan Church on April 14th with Robert Soubhcott of Exeter in charge. BLAKE Mr. Newell Geiger and fain- ily received the sudden news of -death of his dear uncle, the Rev. Roy Geiger of Fort Erie, Ont. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from the Evangelical Church. Sympathy of their many friends is extend- ed to the sorrowing ones. Mr. Josiah Geiger of Zurich is a brother and Mrs. ,Blake Horner of Hay twp. is also a sister to the late Mr, Geiger. Miss Emma Dinsmore- of Lon- don visited over the weekend' with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dins- more. Mr, Lloyd McBride of Wind- sor called around vicinity on Saturday. The ladies' auxiliary of the Goshen United Church are hold- ing a bazaar for Easter in the iChurch on :Saturday afternoon April 13 at 3 p:m, Everyone is welcome, Mr. and Mrs. (Roy McBride at- tended the funeral of relatives up near Aniberley, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Tuckey of London and Mr. and. Mrs. Arnold Merrier of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay recently. Mrs. Tuckey attended school some years ago on Parr Line where Mrs, Finlay attend- ed, they hadn't met for some years, VARNA Special service will be held in the United Church nest week on Tuesday and Thursday even- ings and in Goshen United Church on Wednesday and Fri- day evening with the Pastor Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge of all Wildwood Motel HIGHWAY NO. 21, A MILE SOUTH OF BAYFIELD NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS MODERN HEATED ROOMS ALSO MODERN HOTEL Special Sunday Dinner 4.30 to 8 P.M. services. A number from here attend- ed the 'meeting in 'Onitario. St. United Church in Clinton on Friday evening last. .A . reception of new members will be held in the United IChurch next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gerald 'Clarke visited with his parents over the week- end, L.O.L. 1035 made their an- nual paper collection during the past week. McKILLOP The Farmers' Union held a ,euchre 'and dance at the Orange hall, Winthrop on Friday. High- est score 'by Mrs. Jack 'Bosman and Les +Doimage; lone 'hands. Jack Bosman and Mrs. Hewitt; consolations, Miis. R. Damage and John Hoggart. Lunch was served and a satin -bound blank- et went to 'Donald 'Coutts of Seafonbh. Dancing. followed. WALTON Miss 'Doreen Croft, Home Ec- onomist of the W. I. branch of the 'Ont. iDepaitieent of Agri- culture will demonstrate "sand- wiches for all occasions", on Thursday, April 11 at 1.30 p.m. in the Walton Community 'Hall. Everyone is welcome. The March meeting of the W. A. was held in the church basement April 3. The worship service conducted by Mrs. Gor- don McGavin opened with the Mary Stewart lCollect and pray- er followed with hymn 184 ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Jack Bryan. The scripture reading was taken from Matth- ew 16; 21-21 and the president expressed a few thoughts based on this passage. The minute's of the last meeting read by Mrs. R. Bennett were moved and ad- opted and the treasurer, Mrs. A, Coutts stated that the balance on hand amounted to $552,10. Mrs. Nelson 'Reid gave a detail- ed account of a meeting held to discuss the redecorating• of the interior of the church. '14 was decided to buy 25 hymnaries of larger print to be used on 'spe- cial occasions. The meeting closed with hymn :242 and theme prayer. Mrs. David Watson presided for the WMS meeting. The de- votional period was (taken by three members, Mrs. H. Travis, Mrs. Harold Bolger and Mrs. D. Watson. The roll call was an, swered by an Blaster verse and secretary's report read 'by Mrs. R. McMichael followed by the treasurer's report by Mrs. R. Achilles. We were reminded that the CGIT bazaar would be held Tuesday afternoon, April 23 in the church 'basement. Ev- elyone is welcome. The Easter 'Thankoffering is to be held Wed. April 10. Mr's. Cliff Ritchie, Christian Fellow- ship Secretary read a poem en- titled "Are all the Children In?" Reports were given by Mrs. H. Craig and Mrs. N. Schade who were delegates to the 32nd an- nual meeting gf the Huron Presbyterial WMS. of the Unit- ed iChur'ch of Canada at Wesley- Willis United Church on Wed, March 27th. The 9th of Morris was in charge of the topic "So Send 1 You" taken 'by Mrs. Earl Wat- son, and Mrs. Frank Walters. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Corlett and son of Toronto were week- end visitors with Mrs. Corlett's parents, Mr. and MI.'. N. E. Cook. ' Miss' (Shirley Chapman R. N. of Sarnia was a recent -visitor' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne IChapman. D.D.P. Visits Amber Rebekah Lodge (D.D.P. Miss Jessie Little of Brussels made her official visit to Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 an Wednesday evening. N. G. Mrs. S. (Rennie presided during bhe evening. MTS.. Wm. Cald- well. and Miss Malbelle White- man reported visiting sbutins. The financial report given 'by Mrs. , W. R. ,Bell was ccepted. Arrangements were made for. bhe 'Past Noble Grands to at- tend the District annual meeting being held at Brussels,: April 24 at 3 p.m. The D.D.P. Miss Jessie little addressed -the Lodge on "Fraternity", giving an interest- ing address, stressing the imp- ortance of Friendship, Love, and Truth. IShe was presented with a bouquet of mums by Miss Ma- bel Whiternan.-'Greetings were extended from Brussels Lodge by Mrs. Allan, N.G. Following the meeting a so- cial hour was spent 4n playing euchre. Prize winners were Mrs. 3. Ingram and Mrs. Annie Lo- gan. Mrs. Lorne Chapman won the prize for lucky cup. 'D,eliei- ons.refreshnients were served at the close. HENSALL Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarn- ia visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Dining. Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Stewart Mc- Bride and family of Toronto ac- companied by Mrs. Alvin Mc- Bride of Exeter visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. John J8rrott. EXPANSION IN recent years, the Canadian steel industry has expanded more rapidly than the steel industry of any other major nation. Between 1946 and the end of 1956, the increase in capacity in Canada was 62 per cent, or about 2,140,000 tons. Stelco is the largest Canadian pro- ducer, and in the same period invested $195,000,000 in new plant and raw material, sources. THE ' STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO CROMARTY The township ball at Staffs was packed for the Hbbbert ;pub-. tic -speaking contest which was held on Wednesday evening, each school' in the •townsihvp sending two entrants. Winners were: Senior girl, Jean Moylan of S.S.S. No. 4; Junior. girl, Mary Lou Coyne of 5.6,15. No. 4. I11i'rs. J. Melady is (teacher of this sohool. The ISenior (boy win- ner was David Scott of S.S. No. 6; Mrs. Catharine Hocking is the teacher there. 'The judges were Mr. Dammon and Mr. Homuth of ' Mitchell District. High School and Mrs. Lovelock of Fullerton. Mrs. Jas. Howe Sr. who spent several months ;visiting in Exet- er and Detroit returned home, last week. Mr. E. Luxton has returned. to the village after spending the winter with friends at Filmoe, Sask. He is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Allen en- tertained a few friends on Fri- day evening. Mrs. Ray McCulloch is con- fined to bed at her home fol- lowing a heart attack. '1VLr. end [Mrs. Arthur Colqu- houn of Hibbert quietly cele- brated the 65th anniversary of their wedding at their home on Saturday. They were married at Fullerton on April lith, 1892 by (Rev. Carey, a Baptist minis- ter, and a few months later moved to the farm on lot 4, con. 8, east of IStaffa where they u - continue to reside. Mrs. Co] q houn before her :marriage was Sara (Hart and was born in Ful- lerton village, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hart. Now 81 she enjoys reasonably good health and is able to do her own housework. MI;. •Colquhoun is in his 90th year, and was born in Hibbert twp. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coign houn, He also enjoys fairly good health. They have a family of two sons, Fergus of Mitchell, 'and Elmer of [Clinton, and. a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Allen of Mitohell. - There are 15 grand- children. Bob .Betties. Earl McSpadden led in prayer and the offering was received. The topic"By any other Name" was given by El - ,tenor Christensen.:, Hymn 399 was sung. A recreation period was held, - An uptight piano. RSAL lat The News' WINTHROP Y.P.U. The Winthrop Y.P.U. held their regular meeting on April '7 in Cavan Church. The meeting opened with everyone repeat- ing the Young People's Pur- pose. Hymn 510 was sung fol- lowed by the roll call which was answered by 28 members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The next meeting will be held on April 28th. Bible Study under the leadership of Mrs. Tall was tak- en from the "Parable of the Good House Keeper". Hymn 15 was sung. The scripture lesson which was taken from St. Mat- thew 16: 24-28 was read by Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON REi-OPENING THURSDAY, APRIL 18. Double Feature ($1 admits a carload) ' FURY AT GTINSIGHT PASS David Bryan Liaa Davis NEW ORLEANS Arthur Franz B. Garland CARTOON FRIDAY, APRIL 19 ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Bill Haley and the Comets. Plus two added Features SATURDAY, APRIL 20 LAWLESS `. STREET (Color) Randolplh Scott Two addedFeatures SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, APRIL 21 and MONDAY, APRIL 22 • - Doul,le Feature MAD. AT THE WORLD Flank Lovejoy Cathy O'Donnell' NIGIIT HOLDS TERROR. Jack 20elly Hfldy -Parka CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY April 23 and 24 PRIZE OF GOLD (Color) Richard Wldmark. and May Zetterting 2 CARTOONS.. Please ask for your program of coming events at, Box Office FOR SALE Baby buggy and small crib in good condition. Call 651 r 41, Seaforth.. w, Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned ndersigned up to and including . May 15, 1967. for the installation of a heating syate,n in Egmondville United Church.. For further information consult Ivy Henderson, chairman.. of the Board, R.R. 8. Seaforth, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery, House- hold Effects, Grain, Hay, eta, at Lot 18, Con. 16, Grey` Twp., One. and One. Quarter North and four miles east of Walton or' three, and three-quarters South and four miles East of Brussels. Tuesday, April 16th at 12.80 p.m. Machinery Allis-Chalmer WD -46, fully equipped, two years old; two -row corn or bean scufller -with beet ,dies for same tractor ; 3 -furrow tractor plow; tractor disc; 5 -section spring tooth hat, rows f 6 -section diamond harrows: 18. disc International fertilizer drill; steel .roller;: Spreadawey manure •spreader (new) • Mount Forest threshing machine, threshed' only 35 acres;: 6 -foot mower, John Deere; side rake (like new) ; M. H. binder; binder mother; sugar beet pul- ler; 1948 1i4, ton Obey. . truckwith stake rack ; one good 2 -wheel trailer; Viking electric cream separator, used 9 months; M -H double unit milking ma- chine pail and cups; milk. cans and oth- er naliking equipment;. scales; fanning mill ; root pulper; electric hammer_ mill and - 3 H.P. - motor ; - forks, shovels, chains,' and many other articles:. rubber, tired farm wagon;. 16 -foot hay rack; quantity of elm and hemlock lumber. Cattle -1 Registered Hereford bull; 4 DurhamandHereford cows due in Apr. and M•ay ; 1 young Jersey cow due in May ; 6 Hereford steers and heifers two years old; 12 Durham and Hereford steers and heifers rising. 1 year old. Pigs --20 York hogs, 176 lbs. Poultry--100-year-old hens and some poultry equipment. Quantity of baled hay and -ensilage; 10 cords of hard (limb wood; cedar posts Household Effects—Cook stove; heat- ing stoves; 9 -piece walnut dining -room suite, table, buffet, china cabinet .and 6 chairs; kitchen table, chairs; kitchen cabinet; number of small tables; rock- ers; occasional .chairs, and many other. articles. Terms—Cash. Tractor and threshing machine may be purchased one-half cash' and remainder six months on approved joint note. Farm sold.' Lawrence Jacklin, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. 5, Chesney, Clerk.. Auction Sale ' Of Machinery, Feed and Household Effects. At Lot 20, Con. 14, McKillop Twp., 1/f miles south of Walton and 134 miles east, on Sat, April 18, at 1.80 pan. Machinery—V.A, Case tractor.. 2 -fur- row McCormick Ace -bottom tractor plow. 12 plate Waterloo double disc. 7 ft. Massey Harris binder; spring tooth harrows. 3 section steel harrows; rubber tire wagon and hay rack. McCormick mower 6 ft.; manure spreader; hay loader; seed chill. DeLaval eream sep- arator (stainless steel 660 lbs.). Ebersol. electric hammer (used only 2 winters) ; electric drill and emery ; electric caw; fanning mill ; cutting box ; rubber tire wheel barrow (new) ; car trailer; -buggy; cutter; hay fork with rope and car ; aluminum scythe handle (new)'; sap pan, forks, shovels, spade, etc. Feed — About 4 ten of mixed hay, straw, a quantity of mixed grain. Household Effects — Oak bedroom suite; wooden bedroom suite; iron bed, dresser and stand. McOlary annex. for wood or coal (nary new). 3 dining chairs; kltehen table. 4 kitchen chairs;. big easy chair.; walnut victrola; glass cupboard (2 pieces) ; linoleum rug 9'e 12'; linoleum rug 6'x8'; cloth rug 6"x6'; corner bookshelf ; lawn seat ; lawn mow- er. Raymond sowing machine. Aladdin lamp, gas lamp,baby buggy, and num- erousother` articles. No reserve. Terms cash. h. Farm is sold. Leslie Bolton. Prop. Harold Jackson, Anat. . Alex Dennis, clerk Auction Sale - IN MEMORIAM Dolmage-In loving memory of Mrs. Sydney Dolmage'.who passed away two years ago, April 181h, A. wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who was better, God' never made. A wonderful worker, so loyaland true, One in a million, that mother Was YOU. Just in your judgment; always right, Honest and liberal, over upright, Loved by your friends and all whom you knew, Our wonderful mother that Mother was you. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by husband and family. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my gratitude to all' those who sent me gifts, flowers, cards and letters while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital I would also like to thank anyone who aided at the scene of the accident,the doctors of the Seaforth Clinic, the nurses at tre hospital, and Box's Ambulance Service. AGNES CARTER Of Household Effects. In the town of Seaforth, on Friday, April 12th at '1.30 P.M„ on High street, 0 ft Kelvinator refrigerator; 4 chrome kitchen chairs. Kitchen extension table, bullet and chairs. Tables, cupboards, oc- casional chairs. 2 ,bedroomsuites com- plete; rug 12812, Scatter mats. 2 wall racks; full view mirror; folding bed; springs & mattress; modern desk; medi- cine cabinet; dishes; sealers; pictures; electric heater; several pr• drapes; loco- motive washer. New propane .gas stove with coal J: wood annex, clear view. door; hot plata 13h. ton hard coal; gar- den tools. Almost now CCM bicycle; lawn mower; garden hose; lawn sprink- ler ; prinkler•; cooking utensils; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Prop., Bill Austin Auct., Harold Jackson Clerk. E. P. Chesney SALESMEN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Huron County. Trade well-establish- ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. D-364- 189, Montreal, Que. Township of Tuckersmith TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF McOREGOR DRAIN Tenders for construction of the. Mc- Gregor Municipal Drain will be received by the undersigned up to 7.80 PM.. April 1811,, 1967. This work consists of 5,680 lineal feet of tile drain, 8 catch basins, 1 field stone protection. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Marked cheque for 10% of bid must accompany each ten- der. Lowest or any tender not necessar ily accepted, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk R.R. #4. Seaforth, Ont. Township of Tuckersmith TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BIG MUNICIPAL DRAIN Tenders for construction of the Big Municipal Drain, Township of Tucker s-mith, will be received '.by the -under- signed up to 7.30 P.M., April 18th, 1967. This work consists of 24,200lineal feet of open drain (12,700 cu. yds. excava- tion). Plane and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Marked cheque for 10% of the tender must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.R. #4, Seale h, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Township of Tucicersmith Dumping. Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons'' from 1 to 6 P.M. until further notice. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk FOR SALE 1500 Maidstone Cross pullets, 5 weeks old and 200 pullets 12 weeks old. These are from high producing flocks. Glen. McNichol, rr2, }Dalton, phone 8311.24 _• FOR SALE A quantity of Clinton seed oats. James Carnochan, Seaforth phone 66642 FOR SALE A, quantity o£ Timothy seed, well cleaned. Apply to Wilbur Keyes, 656r11 Seaforth FOR SALE Timothy seed. Clarence Montgomery, phone 841r81 Seaforth FOR• SALE White.ankle length formal, size 12-13, worn twice, reasonable. Phone Clinton HIT 2-9407 FOR SALE Lilacformal, ankle length with jacket. Size. 14, worn once,. Clinton HU 2-3861 FOR SALE Seven pigs around 8 weeks old, feed- ing_ eed-ing_ good. ,Apply to Wm. Livingston, Phone 847111 Seaforth FOR SALE A calf: Gordon Reynolds,` phone 667 r24 Seaforth COMING EVENT The Ladies Guild of St. Thomas Ohureh are holding a rummagesaleon Saturday, April 27, in .the parish hall FOR SALE Quantity of mixed timothy and alfalfa baled • hay. Alsosomeensilage. Apply Lloyd McCarthy, phone 36104 Dublin WANTED Wanted .to - buy—a -gander.' D. Mc Kinnon, box 65, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE 50 acre grass farm in McKillop Twp. Drilled well with. windmill. All -workable land and well drained, in grass at pre- sent time. This isone of the best fifty acres in the district. Also 100 acres of grass land in Tuck- ersmith, Slumber of 'other farms with buildings, HAROLD JACKSON Seaforth Also frame cottage on Centre street LAWNMOWER SERVICE. Sharpening, repair and, overhaulonall makes of mowers' and engines. Repair and maintenance of aircooled engines. Ot'ow'n Ildwe 797 FOR SALE, Large quantity of clean timothy seed. Nicholas Krauskopf, Dublin, phone 401.17 FOR SALE Two Iiolstein bull calves and a Hol- stein cow due - soon. Gerald van Der Eengel, phone 852r11 FOR SALE Due to health, Dale Produce egg grad- ing business and equipment Apply at Res., N. Main St, Seaforth after 7 p.m. FOR SALE Rodney oats and timothy seed, and baled hay. John W. Thompson," RR2 Sea" forth. phone 883r31 FOR SALE Half Price — 80 Alu ninum "combina- tion windows, several wooden - storm doors, various sizes. JacksonHomes Ltd., Seaforth Notice- Cement gravel, fill, top soil, manure loading, lawns filled • up, any kind of work with cat. tractor and trucks. Prices right, by the job or hour. Jack McLlwain, or H. McIlwain, -Seaforth OR The - better ail-eeleSAric EViking cream separator in,all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also part's for Renfrew separator. A fewreconditioned separators in other makes on hand at present. BasileelO'Rourke,- phone HU 2- Tax Returns H. G. WEIR Dominion Bank Bldg. Seaforth Book appointments now. Phone 78 FOR SALE 1946 Cliev sedan In excellent condition. Andrew A. Moore, phone 647r31. Must be seen to be appreciated FOR SALE Bear Ridge Anthracite, try a ton, we deliver. Calvedere Queen Stoker Coal on hand. Price $26.00 per ton: Krauakopff Bros„ 36-18 Dublin Clearing Auction Sale THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, April 11, 1967 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W Of Farm Stock, Machinery and household Effects. At Lot 32, Con. 4, LRS, Tuckersmith ,Twp„ 2% miles east of Brucefield, or 2% west of Egmond- ville on Mill Road, Thursday, April 18 at 32 o'clock shamy. Cattle -Registered Hereford bull 4 years old. - Registered Holstein cow 6 years old,. fresh Jab. 1st (heifer calf) ; Holstein cow 6 years old, fresh one month (twin calves). Holstein cow 4 yearsold, fresh. Holstein cow 3 year old, to freshen May 20th. . Blue cow 6 yeaold to freshen in June. Registered dual purpose cow 3 wears old, milking. Durham cow 5 years old, fresh in Dec., and rebrcd 2 Durham cons 6 years old, fresh one month. Durham cow 6 years old, duo time of sale. Jersey cow 8 years old, fresh one month. Jersey caw 7 years old, fresh 2 months. Registered Hereford. cow 6 years old, fresh one month (hell - e, .calf). Registered Hereford -heifer 3 Years old. Hereford cow 4 years old, due time of sale. 8 Hereford cow 4 year' old, fresh 2 months, rebred March, 6 and Feb 27th. 7—two-year-old steers 900 albs. 4-2,year-old heifers 700 -to S00 lbs. 10 Hereford yearlings; 4 fall calves, num- ber young Calves. - - Pigs -2 York sows, 3 litters, bred Jan. 80th. 2 York sows, 1 litter, bred. Feb. 1 and : 18. York hog one yecs' old. 13 chunks. Machinery—McCormick Deer- ing 11 tractor, swifter & bean puller (new in 61). McCormick Deering A tractor. New Holland baler 76. Case 6 ft combine with motor and all. attach- ments. 1947- Studebaker. 3 -ton truck equip- ped for beets. New all steel wagon with 16 ft. rack; truck the wagon, steel box. Bale elevator. 834 ft. McCormick Deer- ing eering stiff tooth cultivator. Massey Harris drill. 7 ft McCormick Deering power mower. Cockshutt 4 bar side rake. 7 ft: Case binder. 4 section harrows. 8 sec- tion drag love£harrows. 9 ft. 3 -drum steel rolled MoC: Deering 8 -furrow ace bottom plow. MoCormiek Deering ,man- ure spreader. Case 10” hammer mill ; fanning mill. Aluminum- wheel barrow; root pulper. 12 milk sans and. strainer. 2 -wheel trailer, with racks. Mayrothe grain auger ; bean cooker; electric pail. 82 fit.. extension ladder; electric' fencer. Jack -all jack; water trough; iron ket- tle; poultry equipment. feeders, water - drinkers. 2000 lb. scales. 200 galgas drum- with pump; work bench. 75 fit. drive belt. Stewart electric clippers .with brush attachment. Hay, Straw -& Grain—Quantity of bal- ed straw and hay. Rodney and Gary oats suitable for seed. Household Effects—Medium size Que- bec heater. Enamel Beach range, enamel topped table with drawers and bins; en- amel utility cabinet. Hot plate, six kit- chen chairs, studio couch. Terms cash. No reserve, farm' sold. Prop., Wilson Broadfoot. Auct., Harold. Jackson 'Clerk, E. P. Chesney Hudson Sterling. Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 MARTIN W.. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 r. Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaamrlb SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, BtA., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm. to 8 p.m.,. doily except Wednesday and Sunday Evening's: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urdey only 7-9 p.m: Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON 3.0. TURNB5ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V,M., V.S. Main St„Seaforth ' Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometriat Phone 791.. Main St., Seaforth Hinua—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to .12.80 PM. Thur. erg by appointment only. Clinton 1111-2-7010,, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST.,SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in Firljt- Class Companies INSURANCE ▪ Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. .E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone' 334 Res. 540 'blue, coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS 'DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVEC IL AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY ' Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL. WILLIAM M. .HART Office Phone 784 - -Res. 318w For Sale Brick double house on Jamas street, two separate apts., recently vacated. A good investment. Two story brick dwelling on James at., in excellent condition, very centrally located, priced right for quick sale. Worth in- vestigating, possession arranged. Cement block, one storey dwelling, centrally located, modern conveniences. Brick dwelling in 'Iensel], centrally located. -Frame, asphalt covered dwelling in Brussels, good barn, suitable for poultry. FARME If Youareequipped tohandle fend in. bulk. See us for special prices delivered; to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 16 Seaforth ' NOTICE For artificial insemination informs tion or service from allbreeds of cattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding A. sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441yetween 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We have all'- -- available-top quality at low cost. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, nexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 3471Z, Seaforth NOTICE Tf you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. EDBOYCE FARMERS, NEED GRAIN ? See us for special bulk prices deliv- ered to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 16 Seaforth BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs. Boyce, 126. W Mitchell Agent for Viking NOT(Cream separator. We have new and a few good used ma- chines on band; also repairs. John Byer- man, yerman, phone 848424 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD, OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander 1 Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., A. Rei Seaforth. Director—J. L. Malone, Seaforth { J. H. Meiwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton E. J. Trowartha, Clinton ; J.E. Pepper. Brucefield, 0.W. Leonhardt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; H Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agenta — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Enc Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effectinsurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. NIAGARA FALLS AND STAMFORD SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARDS INVLIIE APPLICATIONS FOR MALE AND FEMALE GRADE TEACHERS ' In new ultramodern schools SALARY SCHEDULE Min., $2,400; Max, $3,800 ANNUAL INCREMENT $150 ALLOWANCE FOR EXPERIENCE $100 PER YEAR, UP TO 6 YEARS Degree, $200 SPECIAL CERTIFICATES WHERE USED, $100 - ALLOWANCE FOR MEN TEACHERS HANDLING SPORTS, $300 BLUE CROSS AND- PSI PLANS AVAILABLE PLEASE apply,-- stating qualifications,; experience, age, marital status, name and address of last inspector, home ad- • dress and phone number, to— J. T. McMAHON' BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 1719 MORRISON ST.. NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. PHONE ELGIN 4.5213