HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-04-11, Page 2There Really Was
A "Moby Dick"
Herman Melville's savage
white sperm whale "Moby
Dick," from which thefilm
takes its title, was no myth.^He
actually existed and his real
name was "Mocker Dick."
He was first reported off the
coast of Peru in 1837, when he
attacked an American whaling
ship with such appalling: ferocity
that it sank almost immediately.
Not long after this the Mocker
turned up a thousand miles
from the scene of his first as -
=lilt and sank an English brig.
The terrible white whale's at
tacks seldom varied. Thunder-
ing up from unimaginable
depths, he leaped from the wa-
ter as agiley as a salmon, deal-
ing his victim shocking blows
with his monstrous head until
even the stoutest timbers shat-
tered like egg -shells and the
ship plunged to the bottom.
His third attack occurred off
the China coast where he
wrecked an American timber -
carrying schooner. The crew
took to the boats and signalled
to three whaling ships.
The three whalers lowered
all their available boatc and .the
chase was on. But little did the
whalemen know of the capabili-
ties of the deadly monster
whose name was soon to be-
come legend, causing the tough-
est harpooners afloat to shud-
der with superstitutious awe,
The Mocker dived when the
fleet of whale -boats approached,
then he hurteld to the surface
like a thunderbolt directly be-
neath the nearest boat. So
dreadful was the blow that the
boat exploded into a mass of
splintered timbers.
Dealing with each boat in a
similar manner, Mocker Dick
then turned on the swimming
survivors and crunched them to
death, one by one, In his great
jaws, a report said. Seeing their
boats destroyed and crews
slaughtered in such a fearful
manner, the three whaling ves-
sels fled from the scene in ter-
Whales are said to be second
only in intelligence to man, and
in his next attack the white
whale indicated this. Three
months after defeating the
three whaling ships the Mocker
was attacked by the boats of an
American whaler in mid -Pacific.
SPECS APPEAL — One gall with
glasses who's likely to draw
passes is comely Marilyn Meyer,
"National College Queen of
1957". She is a law student at
Baylor University.
This time the greatbrute did
not attack the boats; he turned
on the mother -ship at full speed
and dealt it . a shattering blow
with his mighty head so that
spars fell and block came crash-
ing from aloft.
A sperm whale's head is well
adapted to absorb punishment,
for inside it is a huge spongy
mass of oily cells which acts as
a buffer., But so terrible as
the head-on collision that the
Mocker .withdrew for a moment,
dazed but far from defeated.
Then, summoning . his mighty
strength he swept in again, the
stout timber caved in like card-
board and the vessel sank
The boats' crews were left to
face a ghastly ordeal, for the
nearest land was several thous-
and miles aw:.y. Mocker Dick,
so aptly named, watched them
go, and then vanished and
there- is no record that he was
ever caught.
The intelligence of whales is
an astonishing thing. At a shore-
based whaling "factory" in New
Zealand the dreaded Orcas, or
killer whales, which kill the
largest whales by seizing their
tongues and dragging them
down, used to swim close in to
the shore regularly to queue up
for the whale offal discraded.
Soon the whalemen were aston-
ished to find that they no long-
er needed to go to sea to hunt
their prey.
The intelligent killers were
deliberately herding their vic-
tims to the factory, knowing
that they would be 'killed and
a good feed would be the result.
Yet in spite of their intelli-
gence and fury when roused,
whales are good parents and
faithful, even in death to their
mates, which makes whaling,
though necessary to world eco-
nomy, a very sad business.
The grey whale which inhab-
its the North Pacific and the
strange humped -back whale,
which swims the remote waters
of both arctic and antarctic re-
gions. will travel incredible dis-
tances in response to the cry of
a wounded comrade — the
humped -back whale's cry of dis-
tress resembling the shrill pip-
ing whistle of a small gauge
locomotive. And they will not
desert a wounded mate even
though fired at by harpoon
guns, staying faithfully by its
side until killed themselves,
Not pnly are whales devoted
to each other but to their off,.
spring as well. On one occasion
the captain of a fast mail steam-
er of a famous steamship line
stopped his vessel in order that
the passengers might see a
titanic struggle. A pair of sperm
whales were defending their
"calf" against a pack of killer
The whales crushed the
ravenous sea -wolves to pulp
with their mighty tails, which
can beat a stout boat to kindl-
ing. They ripped the life out
of them with their terrible
jaws, tossing them aloft like
rats from the muzzles of ter-
riers. Finally, unable to face
such a monstrous fury, the kill-
er pack fled.
• But to -day, when up against
man, whales can no longer hold
their own as they did in the
days Of Mocker Dick. Huge
factory ships with their attend-
ant fleets of powerful "catch-
ers," electric harpoons, radar,
and helicopter "spotters" have
made it a one-sided struggle.
International whaling com-
panies are already concerned
about the depletion in the whale
population. And if man does
restrain his ruthless hunting
the whale will soon be extinct.
When measuring a room for
carpeting, multiply the number •
of feet in the length of the floor
by the number of feet in the
width and divide by nine. This
will give the square yardage ne-
SANCTUARY IN A STABLE—Stable into garage into church is
the story of the Fairmont Church of God church. in Cincinnati.
In 1955, the church had only 86 members, but the congresgo-
tion grew fast. It then occupied one floor over an aban-.
cloned grocery store, which soon became too cramped for com-
fort: The members bought the old barn, :filled with old junk
and dirt. They cleaned it up, put In new floors, walls, ceilings,
electrical fixtures and heating equipment. A piano was bought
and an intercom system installed. Photo shows how the church
looks today.
BOXER REBELLION—The cap being worn at a ,jaunty angle by
the big Boxer belongs to 14 -Month-old Bobby Stell, And Bobby
wants it back since he hasn't very much hair to protect his
scalp against' the chill. The dog, left in charge of his young
master at the back of a downtown department store while
Bobby's parents were shopping, wants no questions as to
who's in charge.
Bread puddings are dessert
favorites with many families,
and I'm sure yours would like
this one, made with almost any
kind of cooked berries. Some-
times,, to make this pudding
especially delightful, plain left-
over cake is used instead of
buttered bread.
4 slices of yesterday's bread
Soft butter
1 pint berries
i cup sugar
Cook berries and sugar to-
gether over low heat until done.
(If you use canned berries
reduce sugar about 2) and
cook only until sugar dissolves.
If you use bread, cut crusts off
and discard. Spread bread with
butter and cut into bite -sized
pieces, Place a layer of but-
tered bread in bottom of casser-
ole and pour some of the hot
berries on bread; repeat with
layers until bread and berries
are used. Chill at least 5 hours
in refrigerator. Serve with
whipped cream.
* * *
Here's another fine dessert
that can be made in the morn-
ing and chilled until serving
time. Other fruits, of course,
may be substituted for the pine-
?Ye cup heavy cream
1 cup diced freshor canned
pineapple, well drained
1/2 cup sugar
I?_ cups cold, cooked rice
1/ teaspoon vanilla
Whip cream until stiff. Com-
bine with pineapple, sugar, rice
and vanilla. Chill thoroughly.
Serves 6.
* * *
Another dessert to be chilled
is applesauce whip. Spoon this
in sherbet glassess before put-
ting in the refrigerator, if you
like. For a spicy taste, sprinkle
with a little nutmeg or einna-
% cup chilled evaporated milk
I tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon
lemon juice
I cup chilled, sweetened
Beat chilled evaporated milk
DON'T TOUCH From the pre-
datory look the Persian cat is
giving the two parakeets, it
would seem that the birds are.
about to breathe their last, But
there's no need for worry as
the three Paris, France, resi-
dents all live together in har-
mony. The owner of the feline,
which, by the way, is a prize
winner, says ithas a passion;
for fennel, a plant of the car-
rot family.
until it holds a peak; add lemon
juice and whip just to blend
thoroughly. Fold in chilled ap-
plesauce lightly but thoroughly,
* * *
Packaged puddings — choco-
late, coconut, caramel, straw-
berry, and many others are a
real help to the busy housewife.
They can be served plain some-
times with whipped cream,
sometimes on cookies.
1 grapefruit
2 oranges
In cups fruit juices and water
1 package lemon pudding and
pie filling
R!t cup sugar
2 egg yolks
3 tablespoons lime juice
Dash of salt
2 teapsoons grated lime rind
Few drops green food coloring
• 2 egg whites
14 cap sugar
Peel grapefruit and oranges,
section, remove membrane and
set aside. Save any juice from
fruits and add water to make
13 cups. Combine pudding mix,
'a cup sugar, 34 cup of the
liquid and egg yolks in sauce-
pan. Blend well. Add remain-
ing 12 cups liquid, lime juice,
and salt. Cook and stir over me-
dium heat until mixture comes
to a full boil and is thickened
— about 5 minutes.
Add grated rind and food
coloring. Beat egg white until
foamy. Add the 1 of cup sugar,
2 tablespoons at a time, beat-
ing well after each addition.
Continue beating until peaks
Very gradually fold the hot
pudding into the meringue.
Next, fold in fruit sections.
Spoon into individual glass
serving dishes. ChiII. Top with
sweetened whipped cream or
garnish with twisted lime slices.
Serves 6 to 8.
* * *
As spring brings fresh rhu-
barb, cherries and apples re-
member the fruit crisps that
are simple to make and good
for the family dessert. Try
these two on your own family..
4 cups diced rhubarb
1/ cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/ cup butter
14 cup sugar
Mix rhubarb and 114 cup sugar
and place in greased baking
dish. Mix flour and 1,6 cup sugar
and cut in the butter for the
topping. Sprinkle toppine mix
ture over frut. Bake at 350° for
35 minutes. Serve hot. Serves 4.
• * *
1 quart sliced cooking apples
1 teapsoon cinnamon
1/can white sugar
1 cup water
1/ cut. flour
54 min brown sneer
3 tables"oons shortening
Core and slice apples; place
in buttered baking dish. Mix
white sugar and cinnamon .and
sprinkle over apples. Add water.
Blend flour, brown sugar and
shortening together until cram
bly and sprinkle over top of
apples. Bake at 350° F. until
brown (about 50 minutes), If
apples are not tart, add 1 tea-
spoon lemon juice.
Broadloom is a term for width,
not style or quality. It means
seamless carpet for any width
produced on broad -loomsfrom
six to 18 feet wide.
Caro of Carpets
The frequency with which car-
pets need to be cleaned depends,
of course, on the '.amount of
family traffic they receive and
also the amount of dust and dirt.
in your neighborhood.
Carpet, cleaning means three
kinds of care,daily, weekly and
special cleaning. ,Daily cleaning
helps prevent dirt and , grime
from working down into the tufts
of a carpet. It is advisable to
clean areas that receive off -
the -street traffic, every day.
Your carpet sweeper . will not
wear out your carpet but dirt
At least once a week,a carpet
should be thoroughly vacuumed,
behind and under all big pieces
of furniture and in all corners.
Don't use a broom on a pile car-
pet. It scratches the tiny fila-
ments from the carpet yarns.
For the . occasional special
cleaning, consult the best carpet
cleaner in your locality. He will
recommend the type of cleaning
best for your carpet and will tell
you whether it can be cleaned on
the flooi.
Never attempt to shampoo a
carpet yourself, for carpets must
be thoroughly rinsed and care-
fully dried and it is very dif-
ficult to do this at home.
Never use ammonia- on spots
or stains. It is Liable to damage
both colour and carpet fibres. It
also sets many stains, Alkaline
detergents are also liable to
damage colour and carpet fibres.
Remove spots on your carpets
before they have a chance to set.
Liquids can be taken up with an
absorbent cloth and solid matter
should be scraped off with a dull
knife or spatula.
Flush out the spot with clean
warm water. If necessary use a
commercial cleaner with a car-
bon tetrachloride base to remove
a stubborn spot. Dry the carpet
thoroughly and as quickly as
possible using a fan or blower to
speed the action.
Good protection against wear
for any carpet is provided by a
carpet under -padding. A pad
smooths out slight irregularities'
in the floor and prevents grind-
ing the carpet backing against
the floor boards. A good cushion
contributes to the luxuriousness
and comfort as well as the long
life of your. carpets. For best
results use a good felt Or hair -
padding or a sponge rubber un-
Etiquette .
By Anne Ashley
Q. Some of my girl 'friende,
who have become engaged re-
cently, have given their fiances
engagement presents. Is this a
new custom - and proper?
A. This is neither a new cus-
tom nor necessary. There is
nothingimproper about it how -
'ever, if
ow-'ever,°if the girl wishes to do so.
Q. How should one remove
cherry pits from the mouth at
the table, by dropping them
into a spoon or into the cupped
A. Either is proper, although
it would seem that dropping.
them into the hand is better,
since it is less conspicuous.
Q. I have been invited to
spend two weeks with a good
friend and her husband who
live in anether town. Would it
be proper for me to, offer them
some money to cover any extra
expenses my visit might entail?
A. It would be much better if
you did not offer them any
money. A nice useful gift Of
some kind would be much more
in order.
Q. Is it all right for a left-
handed person to hold his knife
in his left hand at the dinner
A. He can just as easily learn
to use his knifein his right
hand. Using it in his left hand
could prove awkward, especial-
ly to the person seated at his
'This is what happened to your
last week's pay check, darling.'