HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-04-04, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 79 Seaforth News STAFO'RTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1957 $1,50' a Year Authorized as Second .Class mail,. Post -C eee Dept„ Ottawa " Snowdon Bros., Publishers CONDITION OF P. MALONEY IS REPORTED UNCHANGED Members of the family have been : constantly. at Peter Ma-. l loney's (bedside in Victoria Hos- pital, London, since this accident on Sunday. 'The'- young man's father told The !News on Wed- nesday afternoon that he is holding his own, dhat there is not much 'change, and + he is still 'on .the critical list. Peter Maloney, .19, son of Mr. and Mms, Peter Maloney of Mc- Killop, was; grievously wound- ed ounded 'on Sunday afternoon when a shotgun accidentally discharged when he was in a car with his 'broiler •and three cousins. After the accident he was driven 'directly to Scott !Memor- ial'Hospital; Seaforth, and.'after first aid treatment was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent surgery. • Peter was sitting in the driv- er's seat 'acrd when the gumwent off the change tore a hole t through he back of the front seat and entered the small of Peter's back. 'Particles of tihe seat Upholstery were carried in- to the wound by the shot. With the young man at the time were a brother, :Stephen, two cousins, Raymond and Mic- hael Maloney, sons of IMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, and Kenneth Maloney, son of Mrs, Joseph Maloney. The boys had seen a large bird, possibly an arctic owl, and set out after it with 'a double- barrelled 12 -gauge shotgun in the car. Upon reaching the town line, 2/ miles north of Dublin, they turned around to return home. They thought the gun was not loaded, but evidently there was one shell in the gun. Local pollee were notified by a phone call from 'the hospital, and Provincial Constable John- ston contacted Provincial Con- stable Helmer Snell by radio. Exeter and London were asked for ambulance clearance, Dr. Malktas and nurse Patricia Wal - .ace -accompanied him to London. Peter Maloney is reported to have retained consciousness and to have stated the shooting was accidental and he did not ,blame anybody. In the excitement the gun was thrown out of the •car at the scene of the accident. Constable, Snell later went to the spot and seoured it. Peter Maloney was a pupil of !Seaforth District 'High 'School until last June. During.the win- ter he and his brother ,Louis have been employed on the new Stratford festival theatre. MRS. W. E. KERSLAKE Mrs. William E. Kerslake passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday, March 30th, after an illness of one week. She was in her 86th year. Born at Iiarriston, she was formerly Miss Susan !Smith, the daughter of the late Mr. and keelms,--ethn Smith. She was edu- cated at Seaforth and in early life was a bookkeeper. In 1900 she was anarr•ied to W. E. Kers- lake, who predeceased her in (March, 1939. Mrs. Kerslakle was a snernber of First Presbyterian Ohuroh, the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid. Surviving are two sons, Re- ginald, Seaforth, and !Donald, of Toronto, and pie •daughter,•Dor othy, Mrs. Purdy, Toronto. Also two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Griest 'of Lansing, Mich. and !Mrs. Mar- guerite Hatcher, of Blackie, Alta. The funeral was held from the Box funeral home oirTues- day afternoon, with Rev. D. Glenn 'Campbell officiating, and burial was in Maitlandbank eemetery. The_ pallbearers were David Stewart, . Donald Stewart, Fred McGavin, Fred Scarlett, William Smith and Glen Smith. PRESENTATION, A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss D. Parke on Wednesday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. George'Mc- Gavin and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce McLean were presented with the many gifts and a cheque for $676.75, the -gifts of friends and !neighbors of Seaforth and surrounding vicinity in kind- ness since losing their home and possessions in the fire of March 12th. The committee regrets it was impossible to have a public pre- sentation s ntation as theP ro'Jeat. was re- ceived with such enthusiasm and the response so great it eh - tailed too large a gathering. Mr. Ed Daly -made the presentation. The committee wish to thank the !donors ,:and especially the Seaforth Branch of the !Canadi- an Legion for their generous Cheque of $50.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Hildebrand, Miss •Dor- othy Parke, Mr. andy'Mrs. Lyle Racho, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !Smith of Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Alister !Broadfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westcott. WINTHROP Miss Ethel !McClure :who spent the winter in Seaforth 'has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. MacFar- lane were in Listowel and At- wood visiting friends. Mrs. J. R. Holden, Mrs. Gil- bert !Smith and Mrs. R. K. Mac- Farlane were in Clinton' on Wednesday last attending the Presbyterial of the United Church which was held in Wes- ley Willis Church. RED. CROSS The regular meeting of iSea- forth-iRed (Cross will be, held in the library on Friday, April 5, at 3 p.m. • Announce Huron Highway Work The following information is taken from the report of the Minister of Highways in pre- senting his estimates in the Le- gislature on Friday Grading, culverts, granular base and hot mix paving — (Higihway 84) 1Hansall to St. Jo- seph. Grading, culverts and granu- lar base +(Highway 21) 1St. Jos- eph to Bayfield. It is expected that these pro- jects will get under way this year, according to T. Pryde, M. P. P. SHOPPING POLL A. poll in Seaforth stores is• being held until April 17th, ask- ing the preference of shoppers for Friday night or Saturday night shopping. The ballot says "Due to the current swing from. !Saturday to Friday night shop- ping in many neighboring towns, your Seaforth merchants in an effort to satisfy the major- ity of shoppers, are holding this public poll," Several stores have announc- ed they will be open Saturday nights until 10 p.m. MRS. MARY SIMPSON DIES IN MANITOBA The death occurred after a lengthy illness at the home of her son, Jahn, at !Russell, Mani- toba, on March 12, of Mary Broadfoot Simpson at the age of 85 years, 5 months and 10 days. Born at Molesworth, Grey township, (Huron !County, 'Ont- ario, on October 2, 1871, the eldest daughter of John and Mary Broadfoot. The deceased came to Mani- toba in November of 1879 as a child and lived at Rossburn un- til her marriage to Alexander Simpson on March 27th, 1895, then settled .• in 'Silver Creek. Mr. Simpson predeceased her on Nov. X30, 1933. She is surviv- ed by her one son,. John, of Rus- sell, nine grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Jas. Forsythe (Beatrice) of New Denver, iB.C.; three !broth- ers, Quinton of Silverton; Wat- son of Winnipeg; Edward, of Langley,, B.C. Funeral services were held in Silverton United (Church with Rev. W. G. Zwieker officiating. Interment in Silver Creek Cem- etery. Active pallbearers were Ed- ward, John, Robert and Watson ,Simpson and Leslie and Robert Nickel. Honorary pallbearers, Kennedy Stewart, !Norman Rob- ertson, IRobt. Pritchard, George and Angus McLeod and Laird Duncanson of Rossburn. !Several_ pioneer friends and neighbours of Rossburn and lSolsgirth attended. (Mrs. John Simpson was Bes- sie McClure of McKillop). MRS. JANE WALKER The death occurred in Ottawa of Jane Walker, widow of bhe late W. J. Walker of '.Seaforth. Interment was in ',Brussels cem- etery. She is survived by. • two sons, (Samuel; - of Timmins, and John R. of Hamilton,, and two ;daughters, Mrs. Grace Cameron of Toronto, and Mary -'-of Ot- tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were married in Brussels in 1890 and had lived at Teeswat- er and Brussels !before coming to Seaforth in 1906, where they conducted a furniture and un- dertaking business for many years. C. G. 1. T. MEETING Egmondvil'le C.G.I.T. girls op- ened the regular meeting on Monday by repeating the Pur- pose and singing the hymn. Dor- othy, Boyes read the. Call to. worship, followed by the hymn "Rock of Ages". The Scripture was .read by Neila 'Hillman and Margaret ..Chesney led in,a pray- er. Hymn X38,3 was sung. Mrs. Boyes read a story about "South East Asia" :aid ,asked questions on it. The roll call 'was 'then td - ken! .The next roll call will be answered ' with a' verse of "Teach". 'Minutes were read by Marlene Forbes. We agreed to bring somethings for the, bale of the W.M.S.IA thanklyou' let- ter was sent to bliss MacKenzie. We closed, with "Taps" and en- joyed a Ireat sent by Miss Mac- Kenzie. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rothwell attended the Golden . Wedding. Anniversary of : their aunt and uncle Mr. and !Mrs; Geo. Foster of Windsdr'last week. ,. Mrs. !Montag ' of , California visited her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell for a' few days. Misses, Kathleen and Marie Elliott, Mtg. T. A. !Dutton and !Mrs 'Gordon !Elliott attended the trousseau tea at Bayfield of Helen Edith Forrester, at the home of Mrs. Cameron, her mother. - rMiss Forrester was unalitriied to Mr. Roy •Elliott of Varna on Saturday. P. S. Staff Asks Salary Increase At bhe April meeting of Sea - forth Public !School board on Monday night a request for sub- stantial salary increase for the teaching staff was made. The board will reply to the request at the, May meeting. Principal Talbot and Miss Mabel Turnbull spoke on !behalf of thestaff. Mr. Talbot reported there have been about 30 applications for kindergarten next year, which mill be about the same as at present. Attendance is now. 319• pupils an increase of 4. Raccoon Caught In Seaforth Tree A large raccoon, in a tree at the corner of Main and Railway streets caused some excitement on Monday when efforts were shade by the neighbors to cap- ture it. The coon was first noticed curled up fast asleep in the crotch of the tree and during the afternoon boys climbed up but the raccoon went higher un- til he got out of 'reach on: the slender top !branches. In the evening !Harvey Beuer- man was successful in catching it. He shook the raccoon off the limb and it fell into a tarpaulin held by neighbors. According to watchers, the first try failed, as the coon; scrambled out of the tarpaulin and back up into the elm tree,. growling fiercely like a dog. The !beautiful animal was lat- er given to Jake Broome. Raccoons, like the deer and foxes, have been growing more numerous in recent years in this part of Ontario, and it. is not uncommon to see them on the roadsides at night and farmers tell of their nocturnal visits in cornfields. - CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whyard and Jimmy of London spent Thursday with ;Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert 'Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lynda and Helen of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson over the weekend. Miss Helen Mcilwain of the Stratford School of Nursing spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Ilw•ain. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Win. Moore took a heart at- tack on Saturday and is now in the Goderich Marine Hospital, everyone wishes, him a speedy recovery. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Atwood and. family of Windsor spent the 'weekend with Mr. and !Mrs. Ro- bert Grimoldby. Miss Joyce Jewitt 'of• Thorn - dale spent the weekend wibh'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brigham, Marie and (Helen of Desiboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan and family of Ilderton. The many friends of 'Mrs. A. Colclough are sorry to learn she is not so well at time of writing and we hope that she will 'be till. provedshortly. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunning- ham of Auburn spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dex- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann and family. of Wingham visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. John Luber of Brantford visited in the com- munity on Tuesday. Mr. Luber was formerly the manager of the Bray Chicks on the W. L. Whyte Ppultiy Farm. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Wieland's 90th Birthday Mrs. Wieland celebrated her 90th birthday quietly at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wieland on Wednesday, March 28. She was the daught- er of the late William Beattie and Liza Graham, born at Ful - mouth, Ireland near Inniskillen and Londonderry. 78 years ago she came to Canada, was mar- ried 64 years ago to the late Henry Wieland, lived all her married life in Egmondville. Congratulations are extended to !Mrs. Wieland with the hope of many more years of 'health and happiness from her neighbors. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Wieland were her sons William, Mr -and !Mrs. Roy Wieland and son Ralph, also her grandson, Mr. Don Finlayson all of Toron- to, and Mrs. Robt. Neilson and daughter Ann of Lorne Park, and Miss Marion Weiland of Toronto: • 'Recent' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple were Mr. and Mrs. F. Kenny and Jean, Lon- don and Mrs. !Reg. •Clark, 'Glen- coe: Mrs. Everett Smith has re- turned from the hospital, where she has been receiving treat- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Scotch - mer, Jim and Lyn 'ofGuelph vis- ited with the fornier's parents, 'Mr.' and Mrs. William Scotch - mer on Sunday. Mr. Fred IScotchmer of iRieh- mond Hill visited with his !broth- er Mr. Wm. Scotchmer and Mrs. Scotohmer on Monday. Contracts Let for Water System In Egmondville• Tuckers'mith council met in the town hall, !Steerlih at ap,m. on April !2nd. All members pre- sent and the Reeve presided. Councilconsidered, tenders for construction sof 4 new !bridge, over the Broadfoot Creek rdrain 'at lot :26, can. 4, LRS., -and awarded the tener: subject to approval of ,Dept<, of Highways to Seaforth 'Concrete General Contracting at, tender price of $4,010. Other biddlsrs were: Roger' 'McEachern, )Mt, Forest, 34,770; H. T. ,Young, Clinton, $4,860; G. A. Gibson & Sons, Wroxeter, 34,000,00; : Ontario Bridge, Toronto, $11,250; Gaff- ney !Construction, 'Stratford,' $9,105; Looby : 'Construction, Dublin, 35,850. A grant of. $80 was made to. Hensall show with stipulation that 14 was to gc to each boy or from girl ro T 4 ucltersmitih show- ing a calf. (Insurance on the grader was renewed, premium 3250; General Accident Policy was also renewed, premium of $225.82. As no appeals were entered on the Big and the McGregor, drains, court of ,revision was closed and the bylaws passed, signed and sealed. Advertise- ments for construction appear elsewhere in this paper, Frank ':Falconer and Arthur Valley were named as a com- mittee to purchase tile for the McGregor Drain. Sidney Gemmell was appoint- ed weed inspector for the twp. at a rate of 90c per hour and allowance of 10c per mile for use of his car. At a special meeting of coun- cil on March 29th, council ac- cepted the bid 'from Frank Kling, Seaforth,; of 36,131.14 for installation .of .piping, and pumps, etc. for .Egmondville water system. Other bidders: Geo. A. Sills 8k Sons, 36,888.30 to $8,347.66, according to type of pipe used; Johnnie Blue, Eg- mondville, 37,7+93.80. Contract for construction of ptnnp house and reservoir was awarded to Joseph +Hugill, Sea- forth,- $1,536.70. !Other 'bidder was Seaforth Concrete General Cdrdtracbing, $!.1,276.75. The bid of Joseph Engin included cement and footings under pump house; township being required to supply cement for •Seaforth Concrete ,bid. Accounts passed included: Fox bounty 34; advertising 347.- 79; fire protection $80; warbi- cide $276, Ausalbl'e IConserva- tiom. Authority .$86.07, relief $45, salary and allow. $232.16, Rec. Gen. $9.50, roads $2,342.- 66, grants 380.00, dump $7.50, drains, $840. Council adjourned to meet May'7th at 7.30 p.m. DUBLIN 'Mrs. Mary Schulman is visit- ing in 'Buffalo and 'New York City. Mrs. Fred Overdulve •and son of Hamilton with Mrs, Mary 'Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichol- son, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James lKrauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benn of 'Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Benn, Toronto, with Mr, +and Mrs. Frank ,Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpen- ter and family of !Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, De- troit, with Mrs. Joseph 'Carpent- er. Miss Catherine Donnelly of Buffalo with her father, Mr. Frank Donnelly who is seriously ill in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGrath of Ilderton with Miss Monica Byrne, Mr. and Mrs, Barry Campbell, 'London, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael !Nagle. 'Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moly- neaux, C'hic'ago, with Mrs. Lor- etta Molyneaux. Mrs. Winnifred Rowland has returned home after spending the past three months with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowlanli at Oaluville. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Maloney of Kitchener with Mrs. 'Cather- ine Feeney. .Mr. Allan !Butters, Mr. John Krauskopf, Footes' Bay at there homes. Mi. and Mrs. Martin Van Loon and family havereturned to Seaforth to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogeis of Forest, Ont. have moved onto the farm of the late Tom Cairns in Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. Wi'l'liam Staple-• ton` have returned home 'after spending two months: in St. Petersburg,'F1'orida. 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane and. Laurie Ann of London with Mr. and Mrs. William Dane. Mrs. E. Jordison has return- ed home after spending three Months at Adair, Iowa. COMPLETE: TESTS Figure skating tests were fin- ished at Goderich on !Saturday and the complete results;are: Preiianinary figures, Nei'1'a Hillman, Joan Reynolds. Mary Crich, Joan Teall, Connie 'Eck- ert, and Elaine Eckert.,: First figures, 'Margaret Ann Stapleton and Cathy Eckert. D&rtch Waltz, Ann Sills, Hel- en'Scott and Neila +Hillman. ` Bronze dance, fiesta tango, Pamela Stapleton and Judy Crich:' Huron Football to Meet at Winthrop Hunan. Football Association will aneet in the Winthrop hall on Monday evening, April 15th. at is hoped to have 'a good league this season. We want all interested in a teamin our soccer league to at- tend this sheeting. Rumors say that Winthrop, Clinton, St. Columban, Brussels, Walton, Londesboro, Ethel and other places are possible ent- rants. Barry 'Marshall is at present acting president of the H.F.A. Hockey Hap'n's Howie Meeker To Be At Hockey Banquet (By W. T. Teall) While the hockey season has ended for the boys who played in the several teams which were supported by the Athletic Asso- ciation, namely, Midget. Bent. am, Juvenile andJr.,for the Ju e e J few responsible for 'financing of, these teams much work lies' ahead in raising funds to clear this year's debts and preparing for another season. We have arranged for ' the banquet to be held Thursday, April 18. txiowie Meeker, coach of Toronto 'Map'le Leaf hockey team will be guest speaker and the Paul !Bros. of Kirkton will entertain, To finance this party we have prepared tickets which we ask supporters to purchase at 35.00 each. Each player will be asked to sell one ticket either to a pa-, rent or a friend who must ac- company the player from whom he purohases the ticket. Each sponsor of a player will be ask- ed to 'be seated with the player, see that he is introduced at the party as to name and which team he played for. One ticket will admit player and sponsor for the banquet, 'These tickets will be available from minor players. Anyone wishing to at- tend who have no player to bring may purchase tickets from Baldwin Hdwe., Keating's, Jas. Stewart or Seaforth Motors. Ladies will be particularly wet - come. .. The response which we re- ceive in our endeavor to make this party a success for the boys will certainly' have much bear- ing on whether we feel the ef- fort put into hockey this winter has been worth while and ap- preciated. If you are interested in having hockey in • Seaforth another year please say so by supporting us with your pres- ence at this banquet. I realize some parents of boys who play minor hockey will feel they cannot afford the expense of attending this party with their sons, and if any of the boys who have a ticket to sell are having difficulty, II will be glad to help them find a spon- sor as I have had many requests from parties interested. Now our plans for raising funds to pay our debts. We have arranged for a fine card of boxers including the midgets to be at Seaforth Arena on Sat., April 13th. Next week we will be able to tell you who will be wrestling, but as arrangements were only completed on Tues. we were unable to get a full list but are assured that four mid- gets would be here and well known TV wrestlers. I believe admission will be 31.00 each. The financial report will ap- pear next week on all accounts to date. GROUP TWO W. A. Miss Gladys Thompson was hostess to group 2 of the W.A. on Tuesday evening with 27 la- dies present. Mrs. R. ,Savauge presided and used a reading "Lord Use My Hands" as an opening number. Scripture read- ing was by Mrs., P. B. Moffat, and prayer by Mrs. Savauge. The highlight of the meeting was a talk by Mrs. R. Johnston on leabhercraft, accompanied by a _,displayof articles _she has made, illustrating tooling, burn- ing, carving and embossing. 'Mrs. L. Carter expressed the thanks 'of the nnembei's. A few short Bible stories were read. rs. J. C. MacLennan and Mrs. J. Motton assisted the hostess with a dainty lunch - ' FIRESIDE E GROUP • Mr. and Mrs. . John !Canino were host and hostess to some 30 .members of the Fireside Group of First Presbyterian Church when they met on Tues- day evening. Several new mem- bers were in attendance. During the business period, presided ov- er by Mrs. R. E. McMillan, it was decided to hold the sprung tea on !May 15th. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell'reported for the buy- ing committee. Miss Alice Reid' led in prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Cardno took charge of the meet- ing and John iutrodarced Miss Jennie Hogg of :McKillop, guest speaker. Her subject was "Spring and Easter". She quot- ed several poems by memory of Christina Rossetti, also from a former entertainer, Jessie Alex- ander, This address was listened to with rapt attention. Mrs. Wilfred !Coleman of Tucker- smith"gave two readings, "Hunt- ing The Mouse" and "The Twins". Mrs, J. F. Scott thanked the speaker, all taking part and tihe host and hostess. :Kenneth •Car•dno received the collection, da"unnnu"i"al 1111111111/11/1/11111,‘,11111111111."0"1111111111/111111111 llllll 11111111 llllll 1111111/ llllen"n"""� STERLING SPECIAL For ONE week only March 28 to April 6 T" t o FI FREE HERE'S THE PLAN Come in and, choose your favourite international Sterling pattern. By making a purchase of three 5 -piece place settings, we will present to you, as a gift from us, another 5 - piece place setting in the same pattern. 5 pc PLACE SETTING in Prelude, Joan of Arc, Enchantress, Wild Rose, or Pine Tree • 29.50 4— 5 pc. PLACE SETTINGS (1 FREE) just 88 50 TERMS ARRANGED SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAFORTH huhu,u"ae„u"eonum,nnauoul.nuuun,,,a,mall,lu,u"nnen""suuuuluyne"uan"nnuuau", ,.., The March WALTON and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. The boundary and 17th of Church Greygroupof United hur e' L h me tm • of the W. g I. was held in the Walton Com- held their March meeting at the munity hall on Thursday after- noon with about 75 ladies in at- tendance. 'Mrs. Margaret Humphries presided and opened the meet- ing with the Institute Ode, Mary home of Mrs. George Williamson with 20 members present. The president, Mrs, H. Craig opened the meeting with prayer, after which Mrs, H. !Smalldon read the scripture from St. Luke 23: 23- 46. Hymn 588 "God sees the lit- tle sparrow falx' was sung. The Stewart !Collect and 0 Canada minutes of the previous meeting with Mrs. Herb Travis as ac- were read .by 'Mrs. Clifford Hoe- companist. The secretary's re- port was given by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs. Torrance Dundas gave the financial re - ort stating that the cash on gy. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie report- ed for the W. A. and Mrs. Wan. Coutts for the WMS. !Collection was taken to help pay for the postage on bales sent to Korea. hand amounted to 3132,33. The It was decided to order 4 doz- roll call was answered with en ready -cut uniforms to be "Your Favorite Irish Tune" sewn for the needy children in During the ;butsiness period it Korea. Mrs. Craig gave a read - was announced that Miss Jean ing on "New !Rules" for daily Croft would be at the Walton living. The ladies finished quilt - Hall on Thursday, April llth ing a quilt. "When mothers of from 1.30 to 4 pm. to demon- Salem" was sung as the closing strate "Sandwiches for all occa- 'hymn after which the Lord's sions". Booklets were banded Prayer was repeated in unison. out and correspondence read. Lunch was served by the host - The annual meeting will be ess assisted by Mrs. Jas. Coutts, held in the Walton •Hal'! on Mrs. Wm. Coutts, Mrs. Glen Thursday, April 25th at 8.30 ;Corlett, Mrs. Harvey 'Craig. p.m. in the evening. The dist- rict president, Mrs. Andrew Simpson will be guest speaker and will install the officers for the coming year. The District annual will be held in Fordwich on May 23rd. The _nominating committee re- ported that all officers had ag- reed to carry on for another year. Mfr's. Lawrence Cummings of Clinton and 'Mrs. Chas. Davis of Brussels were judges for the neatest patch sewn on an apron which had been donated by the president. The prize was award- ed to !Mrs. Edward Henget:. Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Davis were also presented with gifts by the president. The stun of 322.40 was realized from this apron. Mrs. Ross "McCall reported that the Tweedsmuir book' 'had been started and requested that old pictures .be banded in. The following committee was appointed to gather material for the 'boot.:- Walton, Mrs. Wm. Hum hi l` es • Grey, M rs . Wilbur Turnbull; "McKilloP,lMrs. Gordon ItIcGavin and Mrs.. Ecl Miller; Morris, Mrs. Ross Mc- Call and Mrs. Jack Biyans. An exchange of plants via be held at April meeting. Mrs. Stewart Humphries introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Duncan of Wind- sor, who gave some very import- ant postal information. The Post Office is the largest busi- ness in Canada, about 40,000 people :are employed in the pa- stel department. The : smallest card which may be. mailed' is 4" x 2g.". A movie entitled "Stage Coach to the !Stars" was also very, interesting. Mrs. Herb Travis thanked the speaker and presented hint with a gift on be- half of the Institute. A miscel- laneous auction sale was held with Mrs. Wm. Humphries as auctioneer. Cashiers, Mrs: Tor- rence 'Dundas and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; assistants, Mrs. 'Ron- NEW LINEMA ald Bennett and Mrs. Art Bus- Mr:. Amos OgbaldeNst on of by. Lunch was served by Mrs: Goderich has been engaged as John !Bruce, Mrs. iiarold Small- linesman for the McKillop Tele - don, Mrs. Douglas Fraser, Mrs. phone Co. He commenced his Roy Williamson, Mrs. Jos. Ryan duties April' 1st. A large number from here at- tended the 32nd annual meet- ing of the Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, on Wednesday March 27th. A number from the village at- tended the Progressive Lost Heir Party at S.S. No. 9, McKillop, on Friday evening last. , .Students who are :attending the !Seaforth District High School finished writing their Easter examinations on Tues- day. Mr. Silas Johnston, who has been confined to Clinton Hos- pital. for th.e past two weeks, is slightly improved. GROUP ONE Group One of Northside W.A. met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Garnhan with 26 . attending. The roll call was an- swered by telling something of the one sitting on your right. Mrs. Bali presided over the business; she reminded rled very - one of the bake sale on April 13 in the former 'Milner store. Mrs. 'Ellis and Mrs. Connell had charge of the program. Mrs. Ellis read a poen!. Hymn 587 was sung. Mrs, 'Riley read the 16th chapter of St. !Mark's gos- pel. Mrs. Adams led in prayer. Mrs. Peter Christensen, the guest speaker told of her recent trip to Denmark and displayed different - articles which she brought back wibh her. 'Mrs. Frank 1Roberton •thanked the speaker. and !Mrs. Garnhann for her home. Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Cuthill assisted the hostess in serving lunch. , HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary to Scott !Memorial 'Hospital will meet at the nurses' residence' on Tuesday, April' 9th at 8.15 p. m. 1 a 1 d I 4