HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-03-21, Page 8• BRQDHAGEN Flowerswere placed on the. altar of St. Peters Lutheran Church, on Sunday by the wife and family in memory of Geo. Bennewies"who. Passed away 11 years ago, March 18bh. Quite a number from here at- tended the operetta and ,play at Mitchell high' school Saturday evening. HOW MUCH WILL THE REPAIR BILL BE? PAYING for telephone servicing and repairs is one house. hold expense that isn't ever likely to worry you. You'll appreciate our quick attention to any inter- ruptions in your service, and the fact that repairs don't alter your usual monthly hill. Add to this our constant work on the entire system, and you have a new and interesting picture of the value of your telephone. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Mr, and Mrs. Ed" 1Kressler, Mrs. John C. Diegel of Strat- ford, ,, Mrs. L. Wolfe, Mos. B;enly'Dietz, IMr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Dietz of Logan with Ma. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck Sunday. M. and Mrs. Manuel'Heuer- Mann, : Rayl tial(IdtWayne,• ?t'tt'end= ed Jacolbs, Ford Social at Eastwood !Collegiate Audi- torium, Kitchener, on Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson, Douglas and Donald, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, 'Mar- cel and Mr. and Mrs. Alt Rust- on of Stratford, Mr., and Mrs, ,Stopes of Kitchener `with Jdr. and IMrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stickman of Bramipton with her parents, iMr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case of Toronto' with Mr. and.Mrs. 'Ru' - sell Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and Mr. and Mrs: Ralph ,Hicks and children in Toronto and 'Thorn- hill on Wed: and Thursday. On Thursday ,the former's •daughter Mrs. Arthur (Morton, Lynn and (Colin left by plane from Mal - ton Aiitport to join her' husband Arthur Morton, to make their home in Calgary. • Miss Marleen iDiegel, nurse - in -training, Stratford General Hospital with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Diegel for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer of •Stratford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pfeifer. Miss Phyllis Hinz, Miss Bev erly tShoidice and Gary Hinz are ling part in the Mitchell Fig- ure -Skating Carnival from this district on Friday and Saturday evening, HULLETT 20 adults of the Fireside' Farm 'Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan to discuss the topic, A Man and His 'Neighbor. When asked what is the most important act- ivity in the life of our commun- ity, we -would put /the regular farm work for the lnen, house- work with all added sidelines for the woolen, and school for teenagers: For teenager gills and boys, 4H Clubs` are the ex- tra activities, and for older people, farm forums, church, bowling and Fed. of Agri. To make an ideal community today we need the sane old-fashioned iiltues of kindliness, sympathy, JUST ARRIVED THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR TRACTOR The British Made 6250 with 30 H.P. Deisel Engine that has outstanding fuel economy Disc Brakes Differential Lock Dual category 3 point hitch Tip Toe pressure clutch Adjustable wheel treads and many other 'exclusive features too numerous to mention PLUS OVER 40 TONS OF OTHER P.T.O. and engine drive Balers 7' 83/.c.' & 10 ft, Cultivators Fertilizer Drills with double run or fluted feed Single or double Discs, pneumatic or steel wheels Peg tooth Harrows MERCHANDISE INCLUDING: Spring tooth Harrows Wheel type & regular Disc Harrows Universal & fast hitch Mowers _ Hydraulic & power lift Plows . Pneumatic & steel wheeled Side Rakes Power washing Cream Separators And many other items too numerous to mention PHO7 NE JOHN BACH Senforth on DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Head Office - London, Ontario District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth • understanding, helpfulness and practising the golden rule of treating others as we would like to be treated, also an interest in alltorn ;unity projects and a willingness '-to';assulihe iespon sibility when asked .to . do so We iacon'sider ours a `very "good comnittnity, the ,chief lack be- ing •planned amusement for the older people. Community life is what the individual makes it. Some think cars . Malde people further from home for amusement and tv has replaced the "former habit of dropping in for a visit with the neighibors. • Mrs: Mansell Cookinvited the forum to her home for the last .ueeting. ' Games, Mrs. Robert Jamieson, Geo. .Carter; lone hands, Mrs. Bert dioggart, Ken Hulley; cons., Mrs. Geo. Iiog- gart, Mrs. Eric Anderson. HENSALL Prices at tiiensall com'mnnitY sale March 14th Weanlilig, pigs $1+3.26'to 116,50;` chunks $17.- 25 to $.2Q.10; feeders, $24.75 to $35; sows, $'81 to •$106' Hol- stein cows, $135 to :$160; Dur - haw cows, $140 to $176; Hol- stein calves $11.60 to $18; Dur- ham calves $26 to '$60. . BORN Dalton-iln Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dalton, Hen- sall, a daughter. - ,Bennett—In Scott (Memorial Hospital, on Mar. 1'7, to Mr. and Mrs. Wan, Bennett, Seaforth, a son. Schutz—In Scott Mem. Hosp- ital, •on Mar. 17. to Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Schutz, rr.1, Staffa, son. (Scott -In Scott Mem. Hospi- tal, on Mar. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ,Scott, Seaforth, daughter Storey In Tuckersmith, on Mar. 15, to''Mr. and Mrs. (Morley Storey, rr.2, Kippen, daughter, DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Apply to Supt. SCOTT ME stORIAL • HOISPITAL Seaforth About fifteen OR tons Sof L E dry earn. $35 ton. John Wammes, phone Seaforth 8411 r22. Clinton lid. Lot 12, Con. 7, Hallett FOR SALE Two Holstoin bull calves, Gerald Van der Ilengel, phano. 8521,11A ED Capable woman to carne for elderly lady in her own home. Modern conveniences, Protestant preferred. -.Apply at The Nees office FOR SALE Quantity of Gary oats grown from re- gistered seed. Earl Lawson, 8411.13 FOR SALE 10 good. 'York clunks. Tem Burns,. Lot 83, Con. 6, Logan WANTED Wanted to rent in Senforth, an, apt. or three rooms in home, centrally lo- cated. Phone 28 daytime. Miss Lillian Faulkner, George St., ppSeaforth. 11 pigs 0 weeeeR SE ldL Joseph Dorsey. Dublin phone '83o9 _ FOR SALE Used 9 piece bathroom set, goad con- dition. Phone 230-W FOR SALE 5 furrow Cockshutt ploy; 2 furrow Floury Bissell plow; 1000 bales mixed hay; colony house wired for hydro; Lit- tle ibtle Beaver electric hammernill. Wallace Haugh, Brucefield:'6681,28 Seaforth FOR SALE Seed grain, Brant barley, and some Gary oats. grown from registered seed. Louis Coyne, phone 841,16 Dublin Mixed seed FOR SALE grain, 1/3 Brant barley and Gay oats, from registered seed. George Wheatley, phone 849r14 Senforth FOR SALE A quantity of mixed clover hay, baled. Morley Storey, RR2 Kippen. Phone 672.8 OR Some alfalfa and timothhy hay, baled. Nelson Riley, ICippen RR2 TO RENT 70 acres ploughed ground. Lloyd Haney EXECUTORS . Auction Sale Of Farm Lards. At W14 Lot 4, Con. 1, Twp. McKillolr, a mile west '09. Dub- lin, en No. 8 Highway, an Monday, April 1st at 1 P.M. 50 acre; of - clay loam land — well drained. all in grass at present time but all workable. Terms: 101,/ down, balance in 80 days. Estate of Frederick Eckert. By A. W. Sillery. Solicitor. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Auction Sale Of Cows, Heifer and Poultry. At Lot 31, 'Con. 6, Goderich Twp., 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, Mar. 26th, at 1.30 P.M. 85 COWS and heifers, 10 of whish are fresh ; some springing; others milking and re -bred. These con- sist of Holstein, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Jersey and Durham. Any cattle that have not been, vaccinated or recently blood tested will be sold subject to test on request. A number of young calves.. 1755—White Rock Pullets starting to lay. Terms cash. A. E. Townshend & :Son, Prop., PAIN - W. Elliott, Auctioneer Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Seaforth Farmers Co-opera- tive will be held in,Egmondville United Church Basement on Thursday evening, March 21, 1957, for the -purpose of re- ceiving reports, - declaring patronage dividends on the year's business, and the election of. Directors and of Auditors. Retiring Directors are Ross McGregor, Alex McGregor, (neither one eligible for re-election) ; and It. S. McKercher (eli- gible for re-election) And to transact. any other business that might properly bebrought before the meeting. Private Sale Of household effects, consistingofoak dining room table, six *hairs, sideboard, walnut double settee, chairs, iron bed, wooden bed, dressers, radio cabinet, sew- ing machine, armchair, kitcren drop leaf table, chairs, coal stove, bed ]amps, ver- anda 'furniture, :gardeh tools, rocker ashsifter,. and numerous articles not mentioned. Will be -on 'premises any day after 6 P.M., Wed. afternoons, or anytime by appointment. Phone 29, daytime, Miss Lillian Faulkner, George 5t., Seaforth Donations - Donations, to the MOGavin and Mac- Lean fire loss fund may be left.. at Weatcott's Store or 'Canadian Tiro by March 80. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, 175 acre farm, excellent lbldgs and all modern conveniences, situated on ;paved road. - 100 acre grass farm. 50 acre farm near Seaforth. both in Tuckersmith tWp. 50 acres in McKillop, twp. all. workable land. Modern home, barn 6 acres in Egmondville. HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 Seaforth CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent gifts, flowers, cards • and visited me while a patient in Scott McMorial-Hospi- tal. Also to the ;poses and doctors for their kind attention. They are .all ap- preciated. • MRS. MUM'S NEILANS CARP,.OF THANKS .e We would dike to thank the Brumfield and Seated'. fire brigades and' neigh- bors who extinguished the fire- Wednes- day morning, also the neighbors who helped repair the building W. A. Haugh and Family IN MEMORIAM Pepper—In loving memory of a dear asonway end rch broth21sert,, 195Bill, 2: who passed t Ma A trlbute of love and remembrance To a son I'll never. forget: His memory to me is a'treasure,. His toss a lifetime regret, —Lovingly remembered by Mother and. Sisters CARD OF THANKS Wewish to my nes our thanks to all those who so kindly helped in any way at the time of our fire and afterwards., Mr. end Mrs, George' McGavin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLean CARD OF THANKS The families el the lute Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Birkby., wish to express their heartfelt thanks -and appreciations to relatives, friends and, neighbors fog their acts of kindness, beautiful floral- Crib- utes'and messages ofeynipathy during our rodent end bereavement. To all who helped in any way 'we say "Thank you.' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walker, Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. • Kirkby and Family and David, May Lou and Bobble Clearing Auction Sale Of High Quality Shorthorns, Horses, Tractors, Threshing Machine, Farm Im- plements, Grain and Misc. Items. At Nundry Con H. Twp., firstLot 11, farmorth soBonth of Hillsgreenay; Bit miles west of Kippen or' 21,�/� miles east of Zurich and 2 miles north. On -Tues- day, March' 28, commenoing at 12.80 sharp. High, Quality Shorthorns -Dar, ham cow, 8 years old, due ,Tune 17th. Red cow 7 years old,; duo April 10th; roan cow,- fresh. one week with 3rd cal atfoot; red cow, 7 yearn old, bred July 29; rod cow, carrying 2nd calf, due middle of April; red cow, 8 years old, with calf at foot'; roan cow, carrying 3rxl calf, due Apli1 15th;, roan cow,. with calf kt foot dark roan 'cow, 8 years old, due April 11th ; dark roan cow, carrying second calf; due middle of April; part Durham'and Hereford -cow, 7 yearsold. with calf at foot; :part Durham an Hereford cow, 8 years old, with. calf at loot; 5 yearling Heifers; 8 yearling steers; 4 heifers rising 2. years; 2 steers rising 2 years; 3 fall calves Registered Durham bull, born Oct. 15, 1952, of choice quality and blood lines This is an extra choice herd of Cattle, all in mar- ket coridltion. Horses—Good work team, true and reliable in every way. Tractors and Threshing Macr — International Super ' W-4 in new condition; equipped .with GM, manure loader, nearly new ; Inter- national Super "W-6" Tractor; like new ; Waterloo 28 x 42 Threshing Machine on steel, completely equipped' with. cutter, grain elevator, in guaranteed condition, Farm Implements—lsternstioral Bind- er on rubber, 8 ft cut; International 28 - plate tractor disc, like new.. Internat- ional 16 -run fertilizer and grain drill on. rubber, like new; International power take -off' mower, 7 ft. cut. International 83, ft stiff tooth Cultivator; 8 -drum steel roller; 4 -section chain link har- rows. International 8 -furrow Plow ; 3 - section diamond harrows. 4 -section 'dia- mond harrows. 10 -ft. dump rake. 8 -horse cultivritor. Gehl 10 -inch hammer mill, used one season. 118-11 104 -inch . grain grinder; rubber tire Wagon ; steel tire wagon ; 16 -ft. hay rack. M -H 4 -section spring tooth harrows, 120 -ft, rubber end- less drive belt. 140 -ft, drive belt; walk- ind plow ; circular raw; electric feed cooker.. Viking 650-1b. cap. cream sop - orator. Universal 2 -unit milker. 2 Iron kettles. Stewart electric clipper. 16.11. grain elevator. 32 -ft. extension ladder. Clinton fanning mill; bag truck; elec- trre fencer. 2 colony houses, 10 x12'. h in hoist; set a s•haf- half -ton 200 -lb, smiles; 1 to 0 of sling roper; block and tackle. Ilnn- son weed sprayer; wagon box; 4 log- ging chains; quantity of tiles; fence posts (steel' and cedar). 20 rods woven fence. 2 -row potato duster; set of taps and dies. 2 oak - barrels ; steel drums; cutter, emery, shovels, forks, etc. Grain --. 1200 bushels of'Cartier seed eats. 300 bu. Rodney seed oath, 276- bu. Montealm seed barley etc. Cornell wheat, 5 bushels timothy seed. Household Effects — Wingham kitchen range, like new ; extension table; dining room chairs, buffet, chesterfield suite small tables. Singer sewing machine, hall rack, stands, dressers, churn, butter bowl, sausage grinder and lard Press. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Gordon Love, Prop., Ross Lore and. R. P. Stade, Clerk,. Alvin, Wainer, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Machinery. At Lot 8, Con. 3, Grey Twp , -3% miles north Of Brussels and r/,, mile east, on Tuesday: Marge 26th at 1 P;M. Cattle -2 Ayrshire cows Inc in April ; 2 Durham cows, fresh. Ayrshire cow: fresh. Ayrshire cow due time of sale. Ayrshire heifer Inc time of sale; blue cow, fresh. 4 Durham calves, 7 Durham steers and heifers one year old. Machinery—McCormick Deering tract• or, super O, fully equipped, with hyd- raulic (like new). McCormick Deering 2 furrow plow (like new). Massey Harris disk fertilizer drill. 4 section diamond harrows: rubber tired wagon & rack; Massey Harris manure spreader; 8 sec- tion drag harrows. Bisset tractor disk. Massey Harris 'side -rake; dump ralee. International drop head hay loader ; 6 ft. mower. Massey Harris 7 ft. 'b/inder; fanning mill; 2000" ]b. scales; 4 h.p. gasoline motor; hay fork ropes and other articles too numerous to mention. Grain -600 bus. Beaver oats. Quantity of household effects. No reserve. Terms dash. Farm sold Prop. Thomas Strachan. Aust., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Auction Sale Of Livestock and Machinery. At Lot. 6, Con. 4, Tuekeramlth Twp„ 2rt south end •114. miles east of Seaforth,' on Fri- day, March 292(1, at 1 P,M. 'Cattle—Purebred Hereford bull (Black Creek Chieftain bred by Robe, J. Seeseh, Stt•atfo:d, �Q�,�,njrt•1. P.urd�lenred Hereford cow earx7Yfjig eecontl'' 0439..to- freshen Juno 3. Hereford & Holstein cow oarr9- ing second calf;' freshening May. 8th. Ayrshire cow; .carrying second calf to freshen June 13. Holstein cow 0' years old, fresh. Dual' purpose cow 0 years old, fresh', Holstein cow 4 years old, to fresh- en March lath. 2 Holstein heifera to freshen at'' time of sale, first calf. Roan cow, 4 years old, springing. 3. Hereford year old. Milking goat (Arabian. bred) first' freshening. York sow carrying Ord jitter, -, bred Jan.. 0 to Landrace hog. Landrace hog 20 months old, proven quiet. Implements—Ford tractor, 900 series, with 858 hours. 2 -furrow - Dearbmritrae- tor plow; trsator mower' with 6 ft. bar. 'ItIcCornkk Deering tandem' disk,- -14 plate. Cardinal" Skipper. hay conveyor Mo. 20 — 28 ft. 1 h.p, eleotrie motor (new). Massey Harris wagon with new rubber tires throughout . and flat :rack. Massey Harris 13 disk grain and fertil- izer drill (nearly new); horse drawn Cockshutt No, --5 siderako on, 'rubber. Cockshutt manure spreader on. rubber. iA, ton Ford pick-up truck, 54 ' model, with racks and tarpaulin,: low mileage. Ebersol grain' thrower,. complete with pipes and elbows. 2 sets of 3 section harrows with draw' bar. 3 drum steel land roller:; slush scraper-;•3torse. muffler (nearly new). Fleury walking plow; large tarpaulin. Quebec heater. Terns cash. Pron.. Orval Greer Auc- tioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk' E. P. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock' and Machinery.. At Lot 10, Con, 6, two miles southofSea- forth on the Kippen Road. on. Tuesday, April and at 1.30 P.M. = Cattle --.9 cows Durham & -Hereford, fresh and due to freshen in April and May. 3 two year• old Hereford heifers. 2 -yr: old Hereford steer. 5 year-old Here- ford and Shorthorn heifers. 5. Shorthorn calves. 2 Hereford calves;jersey calf; farrow cow.. Hogs -12 York chunks. Hens -240 Red & Sussex yr. old bens.. Hay & (Crain ---400 bales mixed hay ; 10 ton loose hay; 500 �bne. mined grater. Irnplementa — 1952 "Ford tractor pulley, power take off unit; Ford plow weed hooks,: Dearborn corn picker, (like new). 2 farm wagons on rubber, one all steel frame. ,16 flt. hay rack. 12 foot corn box. Cockshutt spreader on rubber ; Case sido rake (like new) 6 ft. Massey Harris binder. 11 run Massey Harris d drill. 13 run;: McCormick drill ; dump rake; 2 mowers; 3 drumsteelroller; 5 -section harrows; Massey spreader on steel; Case drop head hay -loader; Int- ornational hay loader; International 3 section drag harrows, garden. 'scutflor•, Gehl hammer mill, 40 ft, endless belt; 2 steel water troughs !. pig crate;, 2 chicken feeder's; farm scales; fanning mill, hay fork. 150 ft. hay fork rope. Colony: house 10 x 12 ; coal brooder stove; shovels, forks, 2 chicken shelters; steel wheel barrow on rubber; cream separa- tes; milk pails; milkstools; block and tackle; small -tools ; vise, -anvil, logging chains, numerous' otherarticles. 1952 three -ton Dodge .truck with .hoist and racks.. Household Articles: Organ & stool; 5 piece parlor suite; cheat of drawers; dresser & wash stand; extension table; 8 chairs; ear radio: lamps and dishes: quantity scalers. No reserve. Terms 'cash. Farm sold Prop. Neil Hodger•t; Anet., Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot 15, Con. 1, Tuck- ersrf» th Twp., on Highway No. 5, quar- ter mile west of Seaforth, on', Friday, March 22nd at 1 p.m. Machinery — Allis Chalmers combine, Fordson Major tractor with hydraulic, 3 -furrow plow; Allis .Chalmers 13 trac- tor, Case aide rake, two -row cultivator, large forage wagon and unloader, 15 -hoe disc dr111 with grass seeder, Spramotor weed' sprayer with 28-92. boom; 7 ft. McCorm. Deering mower (nearly new), double disc manure spreader; 3 •drum steel roller, forage blower with inside and outside pipes, 5-eeetion harrows, 7 - ft. swabber, grain .auger, 2 unit Surge milker wick piping for 14 cows, Massey Harris grinder, 8 -can milk cooler, oleo - trio brooder (500 chick size) steel water trough, sugar kettle, 100 feet 7 -inch drive belt, 50 feet 6 -inch drive - belt, quantity of shafting and .pulleys, stock and dies for half inch to 2 inch pipes, forks aliove's ,and other addles too nu- 100Celra to mention. 26' ft. of ensilage, 36 ton top duality cut hay, 82 2t, exten- sion ladder. Household tunishings-9-piece walnut dining room suite 'in excellent condition, piece cheaterlield miter- large ward- robe, player Piano with rolls and bench, bed with springs and" Matching dresser, 2 book. cones, oval :maple kitchen exten- sion table with 6 matching chairs, couch, 12 cubic feet refrigerator, tables, chairs, .several oil paintings, rockers, nu- merous other articles, quilt boxes, large cheat of drawers. Walnut writing desk, clocks, antique Walnut clock, mirrors, a large quantity of brooks. - - Property—At .4 p.m. the following parcels of land will he offered for sale: 38r/s acres, part of lot 15, • con. 1, Tuckersmith Twp., with excellent house and barn with all modern conveniences, immediate possession ; also 55%. acres of land, part of lot 30, con. 1, McKillop Twp. Property will be offered in two parcels if so desired. Situated on Highway No. 8, west of Seaforth. Terme—Chattels cash. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days. Joseph Grummett, Prop., Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Auction Sale Of Household'' Effects in town of Sep forth at Mr, Sohn Crawford's residence, Jarvis sI, on Saturday,: March 23rd at 2 o'clock. Dining room suits, quarter oak, with extension table, buffet, six chairs including arm chair, kitchen table, 6 kitchen -chairs including arin. chair, sideboard, library table, hall rack,. chest drawers, 3 piece bedroom suite with dresser, stand, bed, springs and mat- tress; bed with spring and mattress; spring 80" wide,small range (Nero Idea), Quebec heater, electric washing machine(Maytag); electric toasternew;-aleatrkiron, two -burner hot plate, trlllght lamp, electric table lamps, bev- elled edge heats- plate glass mirror, trunk, meat grinder, bedding, 8' pair pillows, feather' tick, dishes, tools and other addles too numerous to .mention. Upright piano Terns cash. Auctioneer, Harold Jack- son. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Henson, frame house covered with asbestos siding. 5 rooms. 3 piece bath, cellar. Immediate possession, Wilson Allan; Henson Registered Heereef So' Lbu115 one year old, would trade on grass cattle, Sam McClure, RR2, Senforth, or phone 844-11 LAWNMOWER SERVICE Sharpening, repair and overhaul on•all makes of mowers and engines. Repair anti maintenance of aircooled engines. Crown Ildwe 797 VENTILATING FANS For barns, poultry houses, etc., auto - made controls. •.Complete installations, for estimates call Crown Hdwe. 797. FEED OATS Wo offer heavy Ontario Feed Oats, recleaned, weight 40 lbs. Der but. at 346 per ton f.o.b. Hensel]. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.. Hensall FOR SALE Half Price — 30 Aluminum combina- tion windows, several -wooden . storm doors, various sizes, Jackson Homes Ltd., Seaforth FOR SALE A quantity of timothy seed- Apply to Orville Workman, IGppen, Phone 6771,1.1 Hensall FOR SALE Timothy seed. Lewis Bolton, phone 84%22 Seaforth FOR SALE About 25 bushels of Alfalfa seed, first and special prizes at Huron Seed Fair, ok. for purity and germination; also 10 ton of Beaver oath. Apply to Andrew Coutts, Walton, phone 830r8, For S.S. TEACHER ]lett. DutesDto com- mence in September. A.11 applications to be in the hands of the secretary by April 1st, stating qualifications and salary ex- pected. Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Secret - say Treasurer, R.R. No.1 Blyth TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S5 No. 0 Mc - Killion, 210,. miles east of Winthrop, Iiuron county. Duties to commence in September, approximately 30 pupils.. 44.1)- 1)I3aant to state qualifications ' experi- ence andashy expected. - Apply to Leslie J. Pryce, See.-Treas„ RIM Dublin - Protestant TEACHER teaach r, for d WANTED ieesto com- mence Sept. 1, 1967, at SS 4; MclClllop. Applications to be in by March 23, stat- ing qualifications and salary expected. John. E. Henderson, Sec.-Treas. FOR SALE 1953. Ford tractor equipped with lights, starter, live: power take_olf,pulley, and sway bars,- used less than 1000 hours. Alrply Blacksmith Shop, Dublin Brumfield People's Paper Young Paper Drive will be -held Saturday, March 80th. Have bundles securely ;tied Rodney oats Ot motthyt'seed, flax seed, cob corn and . baled hay. , John W. Thompson, RR2 Seaforth. Phone 888x31 For Sale. -Brick double house on ,Tallies street, two separate apts., recently vacated. A good investment. Two story' brick dwelling on James at., in excellent' condition, very centrally located, priced right for quick sale.. Worth in- vestigating, possession arranged. Cement block, one storey dwelling, centrally located,modern conveniences. Brick dwelling in : Hensall,' centrally located. Frame, asphalt covered dwelling in Brussels, good barn, suitable for poultry. M. A. REID. TEE ISIEAPO1tTH NEWS Thursday, (March 21, 1957. - BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt. • and CafeeIi "Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETO.N Physician and Surgeon • Prone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster.' H.A., M.D.; 'Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable • VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 106 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791.. Main 5t., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., '9 to 6.60; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur. On by appointment only :Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.39 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First Class Companies INSURANCE` • Fire e Auto e Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'hlue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL OUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 818w• FARMERS • You o ppe If ou are a ut ed to fiber feed in bulla See•us for apodal prices delivered to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited." Phone- 16 Senforth NOTICE' For artifiaial insemination informer 'Bon or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation a-sociation at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. RADIO REPAIRS_ Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of`-aadiaoe TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oi4 oats Dick House, phone 947R, Seaforth If you want gra TICE If top soil or excavating. Just Iuhone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE SeFARMERS.fciNEED buD7kGpriccesNd/eliv- ered to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 16 Seaforth • • BRAESIDE REST HOME For 'elderly people and convalescents-.. Telephone Mm. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell Agent for V Hing I imam separators. Wo have new and a few good used ma- chines on band; also repairs. John Byer - man, phone 848r24 Seaforth SALESMEN WANTED . If' now employed you can. profitably operate in spare time and build a perm- anent full-time business with our line of daily necessities. Every home in your territory is a prospect.. No Company Paye higher commission. - Brand new .items are eye-catching tocustomers. You have the backing of a top'.company with the finest merchandise. Openings in:— Grand Bird, Centralia, Dashwood, Kip - pen, Walton, Dublin, Crediton. Write for freedetails and catalogue to 1600 Delor- imier, Dept. •58, Station C, Montreal FOR SALE The better all -elect -no Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parts for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other makes on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HU 2- 9131, Brumfield RADIO & TV REPAIRS MclCillop Repairs to all makes of radios and teledisione. Tubes and parts. Joe Eckert Jr., phone...81•r23 Dublin. Lot 4," Con. 9, SALESMEN WANTED MEN WANTED for Rawleigh buss - nese. Real opportunity. No experience n0eeded864-0, toMontreal, start. WiltoP.Q. Rewleigh's Dept. Beaver. seal oats Sgy1 a bu. Also feed mixed grain. New wide tread 6 ton short turning heavy duty wagons for sale. John A. Eckert, -. Dublin ER1'. Phone 27R10 Dublin FOR SALE Leghorn.,Pullets We have one of the best strains of Leghorna in Canada today. They are bred for leucosis res- istance, which means leas culls, more eggs, and mere hens to sell at- the end of the year. Dates available: 12 wks Apr. 9, 16 wka May 7,, ready to lay, Apr. 30 and June 10, vaccinat ed, wormed and delivered. Andrews Poultry Farm Seaforth pas 3. Phone 64713:" Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47