HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-03-21, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, Mareh 21, 1957 Your Superior Specials KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES lge 9% oz pkg. 25e SWIFT'S JEWEL ' SHORTENING 1 lb Ctn. 31c ALSWEET MARGARINE 1 lb Pkg. 330 KELLOGGS OVEN FRESH CORN FLAKES 12 oz. Pkg, 23c Gold Seal Sockeye , Fancy RED SALMON 7% oz. tin 45c DR. BALLARDS DOG & CAT FOODS 15- oz. tins 3 for 35c SH•EDD SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. Jar, 63c Old South Blended Orange & Grapefruit JUICE Large 48 oz. tin 29c OLD ENGLISH NO RUBBING LIQUID FLOOR WAX leaves a hard shine. Pt tins 2 for 1.00 Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE. FREE DELIVERY Extra! Extra. ! READ ALL ABOUT IT! FRESH CUT DAFFODILS A BUNCH 59c _ FRESH CUT CARNATIONS A BUNCH 99c Orders can be taken for any fresh cut flowers or potted plants Wright's Superior. Food Market PHONE 77 Mechanic Specials 1946 Pontiac, mechanically good 1948 Pontiac, cheap transportation ,,;;;a32 Pontiac sedan, see this one 1949 Monarch sedan, good 1941 Dodge sedan, many miles left 1946 Chev sedan, outstanding value 1949 Meteor sedan, reconditioned 1948 Mercury coach, new paint, good 1949 Meteor coach, new paint, good motor 1951 BUICK SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC COACH No reasonable offer refused 175.00 150.00 75.00 495.00 95.00 195.00 495.00 225.00 495.00 SeaforthMotors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS NORTH McKILLOP. The February meeting of the Bethel Church W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Leonard. Leeming. Mrs. Wm, Roe presided. Two Scripture readings were read by Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Murray Dennis. Christian Stewardship reading was given by Mrs. Leeming. The topic was in charge of Mrs. Holden, Conversations on Hong Kong and Formosa. Mrs. Holden showed some Chinese keepsakes that had 'belonged to her family and which were quite interest- ing. Mrs. Charles Boyd, Mrs. Ross Leeming and Mrs. Stanley Hillen assisted with the topic. The W.A. meeting was open- ed by Ethel ,Dennis giving a short reading followed by min- ues of last meeting and roll call. LOIIO.F. Paper Drive SATURDAY, MAR. 23 For those wishing to have their papers and maga- zines collected for the Cancer, Polio and Tubercul- osis Fund, kindly call or leave at HICKS GARAGE E. HAASE ' ED. ANDREWS VICTOR LEE DAVID McLEAN OTTO WALKER KYLE STORE BRODHAGEN WINTHROP SEAFORTH SEAFORTH SEAFORTH CROMARTY KIPPEN ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS Your papers go to buy Wheel Chairs and Hospital Beds and Crutches for anyone wishing to use salve. This is a good cause so get behind the I, O. O. P. paper drive 100 per cent Town of _Seaforth - TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 19 57 The Town of Seaforth will pay 5% per annum up to August 31, 1957, on all prepaid 1957 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be ob- tained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H WILSON, Treasurer TOWN TOPICS Mrs. T. 'Molyneauc, Dublin, was a weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Etue. Miss Pauline Rowland, Kitch- ener, spent the weekend with (Miss .Patricia IStiles, Misses Elaine and (Marg Etue, London. are spending weeks holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Etue. Mr, Bill Stephenson, Toronto spent the weekend with his mo then, Mrs. L. Stephenson. Mr. Lionel Fortune, London spent the week with Mrs. For to i tune sand 'Ricky. Y Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Duffy and family of Woodstock, ,were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs, J: Kelly. Rev. -Wm. Morris, Aylmer and Rev, E. Morris, 'Port Dover, spent a few days with their mo- ther, Mrs. Wm. 'Morris. IMiss Blanche Westcott, Lon don was a guest at the home o her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Westcott over bhe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs Wright, and Mrs. T. 'T. Phillips returned from a trip to Florida _Mr. P. Preston, Grand Bend spent the weekend at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenibach Mr, and Mrs. Scott Coffin, of Toronto, and Miss Margaret McIver, 'Kitchener were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, P. McIver, Mr. and iMrs. L. Gear of Fer- gus, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Faulkner Of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hanna of Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- R. H. Sproat on Sunday. Mr. Bud Christenson of De- troit, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Dr, and' Mrs. E. A. McMaster were Toronto visitors this week, means of increasing funds, The :meeting closed with prayer. rA dainty lunch was served by the hostess, KfPP'E:N Mrs. Samuel Cudmore o Mrs. Samuel Cudmore Of Kip - 3 pen passed away Saturday night, March 16th at Victoria Hospital, London, in her '67th , year. She had been in hospital - since, Nov. 27th. Born near Brussels, Ont., the former Han- , nab Barbara Stiles, was married IS a 4a5mu. yearselC d agmo lasoxet-CofhrisSetmas tho u ' afort. She and her husband lived in .Seaforth and district until mov- ing to Kippen a few years ago. She was a member of Northside United 10hurch, Seaforth, and St. Andrew's United Church, SCippen. 'Surviving 'besides -her husband are two. sons, Stewart, - of London; Charles of 'itchen- f er and one daughter, Mildred, Mrs. Lorne Pinleney • of Toronto. Two 'brothers,' William Stiles, of Brussels, and ` Samuel Stiles of Vancouver. Also nine grand- , children. The funeral was held Tuesday, March 19th from the Bonthron funeral home, Hen- , sail, conducted by Rev. H. V. Workman,'' Tillsonburg. Inter- ment was in Baird's cemetery, Brucefield. The pallbearers: Jos. Stiles, Stewart Stiles, Orval Workman, Herbert Wilton, 'Wil- liam Harvey, Frank Cudmore. 'Flowerbearers: Wilfred Mellis, MINOR HOCKEY I(By The Faithful Follower) Tillsonburg 5, Seaforth 3.' Well, as you will know by now, our Juvenile team lost 5-3 last Wednesday night, It was a hard game to lose for the Juv- eniles because they had put Lis- towel out in the W.O. and had their hearts set on winning the Ontario. Tillsonburg now go on to meet Gravenhurse for the Ontario Championship. Scoring on Wednesday was as follows for 'Seaforth: Bobby Wright scored two, assisted by Bill Roberton and Ron Scoins, then the 3rd goal was fired by Ron Scoins from close in. The .man who was behind the Juveniles and spent a lot of time and hard work on them is Ken Powell, who deserves a lot of credit for bringing them as far as he did. This winds up the hockey season for Topnotch Ju- veniles. Bob McGonigle played a hard game in Seaforth cage, by keeping out those attacks with three men in. But they lost and that is all for this year. CROMARTY Mrs. Heber Shute, Khkton, visited on Monday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gard- iner. Mrs. Grace Scott has return- ed home from London where she visited with her , daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cadick. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norris were Mr. and Mrs. ,Hugh Flynn, Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hubert, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis, Belton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris, Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Wilbur Miller is a pat- ient in Seaforth hospital, having undergone surgery last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan, of Mitchell, were guests- of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan on Thursday. SIr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper, Shirley and Wilma, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Thames (Road. Mrs. Guest, Kincardine, is vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Storey and Mr. Storey. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker vi- sited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jaclq !McGee, London. A. pleasant time was spent on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- lace when they entertained a number of relatives and friends. Dinner was served after which euchre was enjoyed. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. W. Harper with Mrs. Harper presiding. She op- ened the meeting with scripture reading, comments and sprayer. A reading was given .by Mrs. L. iSorsdahl and household hints by Mrs. J. ,Miller. The work com- mittee reported several quilts in the .making. It was decided to use a travelling apron as a Euchre Dance Sponsored by Seaforth W.I. Friday' March 22 In Seaforth Community Centre. Norris •orch. Euchre starts sharp at 8.30. Good prizes Dancing 11 to 1.30 Ladies please bring lunch PLAY 'Charley's Aunt' St. Columban Parish Hall Friday, March 29 8.30 P.M. Adults 75c. Children 50c Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French L. O. L. EUCHRE Wed., March 27 In Lodge Rooms Good pratesu lunch Admi'ssi"on 4d cents-" Norman Long, Don McGill, Da- vid Simpson, Gordon Stiles, Ted Stiles. • Recent .visitors 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included Mx. and Mrs, Art .Gibson and baby Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. An- dy Gibson and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Bourke, all of Wrox- eter, Mrs. Alberta Wyant and Miss Newt Barnard of London. Wnr. Paul Gridzak, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gridzak has been a patient in South Hu- ron hospital, having had pneu- monia, Mrs. Alex. Mousseau of Zur- ich, who has spent most of the winter with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau, returned to her home last week. 'Mrs, A. McClymont on Satur- day celebrated her 80th birth- day at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and •Mrs. Orville McClinchey of Varna. Sympathy from the village is extended to Mr. Samuel- 'C•ud- mor•e and his family in the pass- ing of a dear wife and mother, the late Mrs. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. James Arm- strong of Staffs visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long Rev, Downe of Exeter was in charge of the service Sunday in St. Andrew's United Church. Mr. Orville Workman was in Detroit recently. Mr. Robert Thomson, while gathering the day's eggs, came across a large freak egg and on breaking it he found a medium size egg in a shell inside the outer egg. Anyone wishing to see the egg may do so by calling at Mrs. Long's home. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Lovell and son spent the week end vis- iting relatives and friends in Chatham. Mrs. Rachel Gibson, who has visited the past few months with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. dIellis, return- ed to her home in Wroxeter on Sunday. .Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell and fain - fly were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prout, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lo- vell of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs. B. Gillette of Dover cen- tre. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rick- ert visited Sunday in Clifford with relatives. Miss Jean Hyde, nurse in training at Oshawa General Hospital, and her sister, Miss Louise Hyde, who is attending the Baptist Bible Institute in London, visited a couple of days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hyde. Different members of Mr. Ro- bert [Cooper's family gathered at his home Sunday to honor him on -his birthday and 'present- ed him with a nice gift. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis were Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie Henderson and Miss Mary Barnard of London. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and Miss Ruth Barker of King City, Mr. John 'Barker, 'Mrs. Mabel Darker of Thistletown, Miss Margaret McClymont of Toron- to visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred iMcCly- mont. Mnss Ann Ostrom of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Ostrom over the week end. The :members of Varna L.O.L. have been invited to a social evening in Bayfield Orange Lodge on March 29th. Several from here attended the Fruit Growers meeting in Clinton on Thursday last. Mr. Gerald Clarke spent the week end at his home here. The ladies of the United Church W.A. are holding a bak- ing and candy sale in Clinton town hall on Saturday, The annual meeting of the Varna Red Cross was held last Tuesday evening, The annual canvass of the community will be held this month. The objec- tive is '$2'50.00. This is an in- crease from last year as there havebeen many emergency calls made on the Red 'Cross during the past year throughout the world. The local committee pur- chased a' hospital bed for the use of anyone in this area and they also have a wheel chair. The officers for 1957 are: Pres- ident, John T.IMeAsh• lst vice prgstde,nt,; John,,Aldington; 2nd. vice president, Fred McCiymont, sec.-treas., Ernest Pollock; com- mittee, Elgin McKinley, Harvey Coleman, Elmer Hayter, Rev. T. J. Pitt and Lloyd Keyes. Several from here attended the funeral of the Rev. Norman McLeod at Kippen last Wednes- day 'afternoon. Mr. George Coleman of Tor- onto spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman. Special said week services are being held each Wednesday ev- ening in the United Church with the pastor, Rev., T. J. Pitt in charge. The musical program put on by tho Kansas Farmer in the township hall last Tuesday ev- ening was enjoyed by all pres- ent. L.O.L. 1035 are having their annual paper drive during the first week in April, so have your scrap paper ready and a truck will call for it. CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. James Medd and Mr. and !Mrs. Jack Medd and sons spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson and family of Grand Valley. A number of parents from this section attended variety night at Seaforbh high school last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. IRobt. Woods of (Scarborough spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley. Mr. Glenn Hamilton of Fin- gal is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lee and family. Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn - dale spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt. The Constance W.A. and W. M.S. met last Wednesday after- noon in the .S.S. rooms. In the absence of. the President, Mrs. George McLlwain, vice pres., op- ened the W.A. with a :hymn fol- lowed by opening thoughts. An Irish reading by 'Mrs. McIlwain. MTS. B. Brown invited all mem- bers to a penny sale at her home on Mar. 20. Mrs. Lorne Lawson presided over the W.M.S. Mrs. White led in prayer. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Hulley. MTs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. B, Brown were appointed delegates to Huron. Presbyterial in Clin- ton on Mar. 27. The bale to be finished and all clothing in for the April meeting. Mrs. Wm, Jewitt gave a temperance read- ing. A solo by Mrs. McIlwain, "Some Day I'll Understand." :Stewardship paper was given Eby Mrs. Borden Brown. Study book was well given by 'Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs, Rev. White. The Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Dale. After discussion, iprogres- sive euchre was enjoyed. Prizes going to high, Mrs. Frank 'Riley, Tames Dale; low, Mrs. James Dale, Frank Riley. Next [meet- ing will he at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross MacGregor with lunch of sandwiches, pie and ice cream[, Notice TO OUR .CUSTOMERS MOVING As a result of the disastrous fire which destroyed our Seaforth Offices and Plant last week, we have leased and are now occupying accommodation in the Ontex Factory, recently vacated by Rosedale Plastics. Located at the southeast corner of the main factory on Market Street, we will carry a full line of Lumber and Supplies for our customers' con- venience. Our phone number is 787 Ball -Macaulay Ltd. SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 HU.2-9514 Scott Poultry Farms, Seaforth WE Ij4VITE YOU TO TRY SCOTT CHICKS Compare with other stock on your own farm Check egg lay. Compare egg size, Do the layers live ? Once you make such a comparison, you may decide to brood Scott Chicks exclusively .11•1111=11e MOST PRECIOUS METAL STEEL is the foundation of the material well-being of every nation. Without steel there could not have been much progress. For steel is in almost every- thing. There is steel in the modern church, school, hospital, and college, and in the making and pre- paring of all building materials. There is steel, too, in the weapons of defence, without which the peoples who desire to maintain peace soon would lose their freedom. Stelco as the largest Canadian steel -maker is proud of the part its products have played in the develop- ment of Canada. • THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO