HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-03-07, Page 8T. Easton To Assist Huron Work Tom Easton, ''2'3, of Exeter, this week began duties as an Ontario Department of Agricul- ture fieldman for ,Huron County on a !part -tune basis. Mr. Easton will assist Arthur Bolton, assistant agricultural representative, in organizing 32 •Clubs.. !Mr. Easton's ap- pointment was made when pro- vincial .officials learned the county would be temporarilY without the services of an agri- cultural representative follow- ing resignation of G. W. Mont- gomery. : Mr. Montgomery's successor, Douglas H, Miles, who served as Frontenac County agricultural representative, assumes duties April 1, Both Mr. Bolton and Mr. Easton, bolder of Ontario Agri- cultural College two-year course diploma, are natives of;0I roc, Officials say this is the --first time that natives of an Ontario county have looked after the agricultural needs of their county, BRUCEFIELD 31r, and Mrs. Ross !Scott and Mr. •and Mrs, Jas Stewart, :Sea - forth left last week for a few weeks vacation- iii Florida. Mrs. Geo. Pinkney, Walkerton spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pepper, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Suehring of 1Clinton have moved into Mr. Norris Silleiy's house in the vil- lage. ,Mit Suehring is employed at the garage of Mr. H. Dal- rymple & Son. We welcome ',12r. and Mrs. Suehring to the vil- lage. Mr, and 'Mrs. T. B. Baird spent Tuesday in London, guests of Mrs. Mac Aikenhead• The friends of Brueefield and community extend their most heartfelt sympathy at this time to Mrs. Alvin McBride, Stewart and Donnie, of the most tragic death of Mr. McBride. Sunday Evenings in Lent Egmondvilie United Church A Li -Hien Jetlrney: The Direetion We Take No. 1 The Prodigal Son Where did the Term Come From? Jesus did not use it, Why? Dr. J. Semple. llinister Ms. and Mra, Eolbt, Dalrymple attended the funeral of Mrs. Dal ympl&s aunt, .1Mrs..Jones of Peterboro, on Thursday of last week. • Mr. and Mrs. :Harry Dalrym- pie attended the funeral of Mrs. Dalrymple's cousin, Miss Hamil- ton of Clinton on Monday, KiPPEN Those attending the Keyes - McWilliams wedding, Saturday at !Rodney United Church in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Love, and. Mr. Robert Love. Sympathy from the communi- ty is extended to Mrs. !Alvin McBride and family of Exeter in the loss of •a dear !husband and father, the date Alvin Mc- Bride. Bill Brook of 1Ghiselhurst, •a former Huron District High School student has been award- ed a 3100.00 Bursary from the Provincial 'Government under the students' aid plan. Bill, mono in his third year in Engineering at O.A.C., 'Guelph, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Russell Brock. Mrs. MeClymont returned home from visiting a few days with her •(laughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ditch- , pitaL This might be overcolne Mit 24- Diokest and Merle spent Monday in London. Mr. !George Symons. of Bay- field congregation was incharge of theservice on ,Sunday at St. Andrew's 17nited Church. We. are happy in reporting Rev. (McLeod is gradually im- proving in health. A most successful bake sale was held Saturday afternoon by Kippen East Institute in. Drys - dale's store,•Hensel/ HULLETT 'The members : of the Fireside Farm F.ortun are greatly proud of the showing their members made at the Huron Co. Seed and Judging competition at Clinton. Eric •Anderson eldiibited the best bushel of (barley; Don Bu- chanan won the trophy for small seeds. For the second course year Lawrence ' Taylor, in -the Jr. 'Section !won first place an judging, receiving 860 points out of •a possible 1000 points. On Monday 20 adults of the forum !net at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dalton to study the Gordon Commission report. The greatest problem we would face in changing to larger farms and greater mechanization would be securing sufficient ca- arme. During the past week. Mr. Ro- bert Cooper received word of the sudden passing of his Sister the late Mrs. Eddie Jones of Hastings, Those attending the funeral on Thursday were _ Mr. Robert Cooper, Mr. end 'Mrs. Robert Dalrymple of :'Bruoefield, NIr. Morley 'Cooper, Mr. 'Duncan ]Cooper, Mr, Wm. Bell, and Mr. Jim Brown of near Seaforth, Mr, Leonard McBride of Windsor spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Eddie McBride. Mr. and ,Mrs. Chris' Heist of Zurich visited Saturday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Beattie and family of Wingham, were weekend guests of Mrs. Robert McBride and Lorne. Mr, and. Mrs. N. Long aceom- panied by Mr, 'Robert Thomson visited on Sunday with 3/r. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Staffa. The flowers placed at the al- tar at St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday were in mem- ory of the late Alvin McBride. A wood bee was- held on Monday at lir. Lorne Hay's bush for the church. All volun- teer help was much appreciated. by long-term loans at low in- terest rates, More favorable markets and cooperative. use of ewpensive machinery to lower production costs.. The group is invited for next week to Ken Hulleys, Most 'games, Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Howatt; lone hands, Mrs. Joe Babcock, Bert Hog gait; consolation, Mrs. Eric An- derson, Oliver Anderson, McKILLOP No. 4 Square McKillop Fawn Forum held their March 4th meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Campbell with 16 pre- sent. The topic on the Gordon !Commission was discussed and it was decided that the tendency toward larger farms, fewer farmers and greater mechanize- tion would have problems such as, a great deal of financing, and a shortage of labor. The young farmer would have an impossible time to start farming unless he inherited his require- ments. They would need large and to lg term loans. By work- ing together farmers could get along on their finances. Euchre was played and win- ners of first were Mrs, Keyes and Mr. Nesbitt, with console - PHONE 541 Seaforth M otors Open Evenings r_—* PLEASE CHECK YOUR LISTING! ems ®®`. ass sm, mm sm. * EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cost, make it easier for people to find you: IN BUSINESS! ... Use extra listings to show other firm names for your business—to associate your name and residence telephone number with your firm name —or to show after -hour numbers for you and your key employees. AT HOME!... Other members of the family and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit from having their names listed in the telephone directory. Please be sure to check your directory right away. For changes and additions in the white page sec-' tion call our Business Office without delay. NAME SPELLED OK? ADDRESS OK? PHONE NUR ER COR ADDITIONAL LISTINGS REQUIRED. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA AWN -ft '$?Y .. .?.u%✓cai':b.(9 i..••.. nrtEx': r e.:"": "".W'4U,YrWes...',:m 9-6q GGriP' tion going to Mrs. Stone and Reg Stone. The meeting for March _10h will be held at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt, S, S. No. 2 iBarm Fortin. held ;its Monday night meeting at the home` of Mr. and'Mrs:'Nei-• son McClure with 22 adults. Pre- sent. The questions 'for discus- sion were: 1. The 'Gordon •Com anission forecast a progressive industrialization of agriculture, larger farms, fewer fawners,. greater !mechanization, and pot on. What are the most import; ant problems you face in mak- ing these changes? How 'should these problems be met? Answer: The laboring• span . is, doing less work for, snore money, .tile far- mer is expected to Work : more for less -money. We are abso- lutely apposed to 'the farm pop- ulation getting". any less. Farm machinery hinery costs too crouch for all you get o' t -of it andtit depreciates very quickly. dn. the process of larger':. farms :prob- lems encountered 'would: be: dif- ficulties in procuring reliable steady hired labour eta satis- factory price, secondly, unless a young farmer has some real (backing from parents or other- wise, he could not start farming even if he preferred it, because of high capital and machinery investments necessary. Harder,. to keep up our schools and churches, long-term credit would assist so far. Giveus a. little more finance and a lot of prob- lems can be met. Prizes for most games, Mrs. iRabt. IMcMih Ian, Mr. -Bert 'McClure; • lone hands, (Mrs. Walter McClure, Mr. Walter Scott; consolation, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mr. Second McBrien. 'Next meeting will be !at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Seeord McBrien. CONSTANCE Mr; and Mrs. 'Charles Dexter visited last Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. A. D. McCartney of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs,, Borden Brown visited with friends in ,Hanover last Wednesday. !Mr. and 111m. Joe Yungiblut of Londesboro visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter last Thursday. Mrs. A. Baldwin of Omemee is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte for a couple of weeks. Miss ,Muriel Dale of Bramp- ton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Riley and Douglas and Miss 'Heather Nor- ris •of Guelph spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Woods of Scarborough. Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn - dale spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Jewitt. Mr: !Murray Dale spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Inez: Brown, R.N., of Guelph, spent the week encs with Mr, and Mrs. Borden .Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of Blyth and Mrs. Eleanor T'hrope of Londesboro visited Friday With Mr. and Mrs. !Chas. Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Gloush- er and Stewart spent Friday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs, , John Sanderson of Blyth where the family of Mr, and 'Mrs. Austin Dexter of Blyth celebrated the occasion of their parents' 41st wedding 'anniversary. Will the members of the W. M.S. and all ladies of the corn- munity please note the World Day of Prayer will take place in Constance United Church on Friday afternoon at 3 , o'clock. Lawrence Taylor son of Mr. and Mrs. (Harvey Taylor, comp- eted in the Huron seed judging competition Saturday in Clin- ton and won in the junior class for the second consecutive year. 'He was also in :the. Seaforth team, .winning highest points for the high school. We offer congratulations to Lawrence in this worthwhile project. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson and Mr. Bert Ferris of Provost, Alberta, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds and Mr. and Mrs. 5, F. Warren of London and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Dale of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and Larry and Mr., and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt visited Sunday with their mother, (Mrs. Jewitt Sr. of Forest. Farm forum met at the home of Mr.: and Mr's. -Wilbur Jewitt Monday evening. After' dismis- sion grog. euchre was enjoyed with prizes going to: high, .Mrs. Geo. Leitch, Dennis' Jewitt; low, Mrs. Earl Lawson, !Ronald Jew- itt. Next meeting- will be held at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Lawson. CROMARTY Mrs. Grace Wren, Seaforth was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing over the weekend. •. Mrs. :Gerald Carey visited re- cently with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig, Messrs. R. Gardiner, R Hamil- ton, S. !Graham, J. Wallace, O. Walker and K. McKellar 'at- tended the Liberal Convention at 1Clinton on Friday night. Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr. had as her guests at a dinner party on Monday evening, Mr. 'and Mrs. Horton (McDougall, Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan and !Mr. and Mrs. Ken !McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dolson and family of -Mitchell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey. Mr. and (Mrs. Otto Walker vis- ited with Mit• and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Exeter, on Sunday. Mr. and !Mrs. H. R. Currie, Dorchester, visited on Friday evening with her parents, Mr. and !Mrs, Otto Walker. Linda Ann who had been visiting with her grandparents, for couple CARD OF THANKS I would like to express thanks to my friends and neighbors for cards, treats :and Bower, while a patient in Toronto General hospital; and special thanks to my. Toronto friends who visited me. At C. 1ioUTLEDGE IN. MEMOR7+AIVI Knight—In loving o x g me of m y ofNorman Knight who passed away 'two years lige, Maarch. 8. . He wished none a last farewell Nor even . said goodubye. . He had gone before we know And only God knew why. Asleep in God's beautiful garden,'• Awayfrom all sorrow and pain Some day whenlife's iomnoy is ended We shall be. together' again. •-Lovingly.. remembered • by wife and family FOR SALE Ten sucker pigs. Large pile ofgoodrotten manure. Custom circling or attain sawing, will take. down trees' any .place. J. R. Burns, .phone 6910, Seaforth. FOR SALE quantity of Montealm barley, suitable for seed. Apply to Pearson Charter's, phone Hensall 679r21 FOR SALE 20D Rode 'x' 'Ifann% pullets, _6 weeks old; from highr.producers.- Also 10 white ;faced Hereford calves, from 10 days to .two months old. Would like to""sell two quarters of a good 800-900' lb. steer.^Ap- ply to ,Glen McNichol, • Walton . RR2 Phone 881r24 Seaforth FOR SALE Quantity of .baled hay, alfalfa and ti mot11Y, second cut. Harry Johnston, RR1 Dublin; Phone 840x21 Seaforth 1953 Ford tractor ctequippedSALEE'with lights a Bans starter, live power take -off, -pulley, and sway bare, need less than 1000 hours Apply Blacksmith Shop Dublin. Auction: Sale Of 50 head of Cattle, pigs, and horses for J. Scott Davidson, RR #1, Britton, and Elton McLelland, Bervie, At the .5. Scott Davidson farm, lot 14, con. 10 of Mornington Twp„ 4 Miles north of Millbank, 5 :miles westofLin- wood; and 2 miles south of Heseon, an Saturday, March 1,8th at 1.80 P,M, Cattle — 22 Holstein heifers: 9 fresh, remainder due to freshen short. 30 I1b1. stein : ows, seine fresh, the rest due shortly. Holstein heifer, registered, due shortly. Ayrshire heifer; fresh:Ayrshire •heifers yearling. Holstein heifer.. 7 mos. old. Holstein calf .2 months old. White faced steer 6 months old. Pigs -4 saws bred 12 weeks ; sow bred 2 weeks; pure bred boar. 20 started pigs. horses — Matched teem of greys, weighing around 820E lbs.; geldingarising. four,- msro 510- ing Bva By golciing, ten years *20, Weighing . 1505 Jba - Whether your need be for foundation stook, or to add to your present herd this is an excellent opportunity to purchase Holsteins of good type and size, carrying well balanced. udders. Most are vacciin- ated. A number are progeny of Unit brills, and a goodly number arc nrtifie- iatly bled. Lr case of badweather the sale will he held under cover. Terms: cash on day of sale. Auctioneers — Doran McLelland and Edward Giese' of months., returned home with them. The Y.P.S. regular meeting was held on Sunday evening with Laverne Wallace presiding. The scripture lesson ivas read by Miss, Norma Harburn and the topic was given by Miss Mar- garet Coleman. The Secretary's report was read by Miss Joy Vivian. The meeting closed with. prayer, EGMONDVILLE Mr, and :Mrs. Alex Young^who have spent the past few weeks with their son and daughter-in- law iMr. and Mrs. Frank Young, returned this week to their home at Avon. Mr. 'Stuart N. Keyes of Orii- lia spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Nelson Keyes. Miss Margaret Sinclair visit- ed with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair of Kippen. Miss Frances Houston has re- turned home from a few weeks visit with friends at Cranbrook, Mrs. David Stephenson has returned from a visit with her daughters at Varna. Miss Laura •MdMillan of Tor- onto and Miss Alice Watson of London spent the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and a d Mrs. ElmoreSteph- enson tS,p a h- enson and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Jamieson of Taylor's Cor- ner. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge have returned from Toronto where Mr. (Routledge under- went surgery, we are glad to know that it was quite success- ful, HENSALL Miss Margaret Sinclair of Eg- mondville visited last week with her aunt Mrs. C. RRichardson, Mrs. Minnie Sangsterspent the weekend with members of her family in' Lucan and Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. John E. McEw- en were guests at a wedding in Rodney on Saturday. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Detroit were weekend visit- ors with the former's mother, Mrs.' Lou Simpson. Mr. and (Mrs, Keith Lindsay of Thamesville, visited over the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John (Hend- erson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family were recent visitors with relatives in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Cromarty of Dorchester and Miss (Ballantyne. of London visited recently with Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Miss Margaret IMousseau who underwent an operation in Clin- ton General Hospital was able to return- to her home dia Fri- day. (Mrs: Lou !Simpson returned home after spending a few weeks with her son and daugh- ter-in-law - Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson. FOR SALE Leghorn Pullets We haveone of the beet strains of Leghorn! in Canada today. They are bred for leucosis res- istance, which means less culls, more .eggs, and more hone to sell at the end of the year. Dates available; 12 wks. Apr. 9, 16 wks May 7, ready to lay, Apr. 30 and June i'O vaccinat- ed, wormed and delivered. Andrews Poultry. Farin Seaforth r.r, 3.' Phone 647x3. COMING EVENT "Lost Ifet•", friday, Morels 8th. S.S. #O,. ¥Vlolfillop.-8.80 P.M. COMING EVENT pBruCefreld Young People's Paper Drive will be Itel,1 Saturday, Mauch 80t11. Ilnve bundle! securely ;'tied FOR SALE,. '50 acres, good, buildings, hydro,, neve failing water amply, all ch'dice land, on main '.Itighwdy`near Seaforth,' easy terrine Apply . at 'rho Seaforth News FOR SALE Registered dark red Scotch Shorthorn bull.: Joe Johnson, 19R2 Walton. Phone 45R23 Dublin FOR SALE choke of two .4 year old cows, due to freshen within one week, 'quiet. and. easy to milk. G. 18lliott, Brucefleld, phone 668111 Seaforth - ... FO,R SALE +Rodney oats, -timothy Beed, flax seed cob corn and baled hay. John W Thompson, 11R2 Seaforth.. Phone,,S38r51 ainey seed O.R SALE b>fshol. San ScRoR,. phone 836,11 FOR SALE Light' oak princess dresser and' stanch Phone. 571 'Seaforth. Feed oats. Phone 6601.23. Seaforth. Jade van Miltenburg FQR SALE Clover' and timothy baled hay. Sam Storey, 844141 Seaforth.: TENDER FOR SHED Tenders will be received. until March 15 for erection of steel. shed 30' x 72' s 10' above foundation. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For plans aDP1Y to Ribbert Co-operative Dairy, Staff!, Ont. SALESMEN WANTED If now employed you can profitably operate in spare time and build a perm, anent full-time business with oro' line of daily necessities.. •Every •hoe in, your territory is a prospect. NomCompany pays higher` commission. Brand hew items are eye-catching to customers, You have the backing' of e, top company with the finest merehandiae. Openings in:— Grand Bend, Centralia, Dashwood, pen, Walton, Dublin, Crediton. Write for free details and catalogue to 1600 Delor- imrer, Dept, 58, Station 0, - Montreal SALESMEN WANTED SPLENDID RAWLEIGH BUSINESS AVAILABLE in Townships Tucko'amith,. McKillop and Hallett. Products well known. Opportunity unlimited for big Sales and good Profits. .Start your bus)-. Hess on credit without experience, Write today for full information. Rawleigh's Dept. C-304-224, Montreal; P.Q. FARM e'QR SALE 100 acres o choice land, Lot 20,' Con. 5, Meifillop, practically new barn with cement stabling; hen house in tiara, water bowls and pressure system, milk- ing machine. Coedlarge house, water in house, 50 items fall ploughed, 40 acres seeded alfalfa and clover, some bash. Will receive tenders until March 15th, 1957, Terms 1/8 cosh, balance on live year mortgage. Carl Dolton, Box 303, Scafontb FARM FOR SALE 75 acro farm, good house,driving shed, fairly Inge barn, spring water. Lot 11, con. 13, McKillop Township. Joseph Smith, Tel. 24-24 Dublin or 00.10 Dublin SEED FOR SALE Registered Garay oats. and Beaver oats, Brant barley and Montcolm barley. Phone 840141. Seaforth.. Russell Bolton. FOR SALE A quantity re Garry Date, Slane 650 grown from registered seed. Phone 050 115 Seaforth. Howard Allan, Brumfield Garry seed tFOtss, grroo vn oats, from regist- ered seed. Hubert Johnson, Walton RR. 2. Phone 45-26 Dublin Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock. Machinery and house- hold effects. Will be held at 'Lot 3, Con. 1,- Stanley Twp., 2 mile north of Kip - pen, on No. 4 highway on Friday, Mar. 8th at: 12 o'clock. Cattle -9 cows rang- ing from, 8-7 years- old supposed to be in calf, all pasture bred. 9 spring calves, 1 fall calf, 7 steers rising 2 years old. 2 steer calves rising 1 year old. Im- plements — 60 Oliver rote crop tractor with power lift and muffler. McCormick Jeering standard tractor W4. 7 ft. stiff tooth cultivator. 4 section drag bar - owe. 12 ft. steel drum rollers McCormick Deering 15 disk :fertilizer seed drill 8 years old. 4 section of _harrows. McCor- mick Deering 2 fturow tractor plow. McCormick Deering manurespreader, tractor drawn. McComick Deering 6 ft. mower. Massey Harris side. rake. Nov bale elevator .32 ft.' long. New Rolland baler used 1 year. McCormick Deering combine with,. motor; grain blower- with pipes ; grain grinder. Rubber' tired wa- gon with flat rack and grain box. 6 ft. Massey Is 's binder;trailer with stock rack ; genus! box ; cement mixer circu- lar saw ; root pulper flat ruck for wag- on; 19 ft wooden gate; set of sleighs cream separator; pump Jack, 14 hp mot- or. 34 hp motor ; fanning mill and screens; set 2000 Ib, scales, Belts, lum- ber, plank's, steel water trough, `barrels, 2 wheel barrows. Number axe rafters. Chains, forks, shovel. 3 rolls new barb wire; vice; sling ropes. 4 ft. land roll er.• 8" tile, 6 rolls snow fence, steel posts, extension ladder, chicken brooder, few tone baled hay, set double harness, horse _collars, -900 bus. of Rodney oats grown from Reg. seed. 50 bus. Mont - calm barley suitable for seed; alfalfa seed. ' Poultry -175 laying hens. Household Effects — Clare jewel 4 burner electric stove. Frigidaire cold wall. refrigeator. Day bed. Ifitchen chairs; dining room chairs. Dressers, lamps. Beds. Gray rug 12 r 12 ; mauve rug 7x12; rug 7x9; 2 rugs 9x12. Scatter mats, Norris piano and bench. ROA radio; quantity of dishes, churn. milk can; laundry tubs, sealers; kitchen cabinet, drop leaf table. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cosh. No'reserve, farm sold. Prop.. John L. Henderson; aunt:, Harold Jackson ; Clark, E. P. 'Chesney Clearing Auction 'Sale Of Farm Implements and Equipment. At Lot. 9, 'Concession 4, Tuckersmith Tp., 2 miles south of Seaforth and 'r '4 mile east, on Wednesday, Match 18th, at 1.80 PM. Implements and Equipment — Allis Charmer Model C tractor with hy- draulic pulley and pto. Set of tractor chains, Fleury Bissell 2 furrow plow (on rubber). John Deere 12A combine with auxiliary motor, scour clean. and belt pick up. 1958 Dodge 14 ton pickup truck with van. McCormick -7 ft. spring tooth cultivator (on rubber). McCormick 15 disc power drill John Deere 10 incl, hammer mill; 75 ft. 6 inch rubber .belt. Pollard 14 ton vertical feed mixer; rub- ber tire wagon (all steel frame & roller bearings) ; grain. box ,14x•7 ft, 8 drum steel roller; 4 sectidn harrows with draw bar; aluminum box wheel barrow ; Ste- wart electric clipper. I.E.L. super twin. chain saw; platform scale; till steel 8 compartment hog feeder; approximately 400 ft. of 4 in. eave trough ; quantity of conductor pipe; 100 gal. gas tank with pump Reiland- electric brooder (600 chicks). 6-504b. steel hanging chick feeders; chicken fountains. Jack -all ;jack; block 8c -tackle; forks, shovels, 7artticles, ng c numerous Quantity ofTentest 4' other 3'., Terms cash. 10. Great Chesney, Prop-. rletor. Edward W, Elliott, Auctioneer" For Sale Buck double house on -James street, two separate apts., recently vacated. A good investment. Two story brick dwelling on James st., in excellent condition, very centrally located, priced right for quick sale. Worth -an- vestigatiug, possession arranged: Cement block, one storey dwelling, centrally located, modern conveniences. Brick dwelling in Bengali, centrally: located. Frame, asphalt coveted dwelling in Brussels, good barn, .suitable for poultry. M. A. REID THE ISEAIFORTH NEWSS' Thursday, March 7, 1967 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed' Flowers for all occasions Phones:. Day 43 . Night 696W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 • •Seaporth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon 'Phone 5-W seated% SEAFORTH CLINIC H.A. McMaster, B,A., M.D., Internist, ' ` P, L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours 1: -pin. to 5 PAIL, daffy - except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and. Sat-, urdny only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars. desirable 'VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. T'URNDULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V,M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seatonth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 8 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.50 PhL Thur. eve by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010.. above Hawkins''-Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80` Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAPORTH, ONT. All hinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at f-fected'at lowest rates in .First Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. • SEAPORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 `Blue coat' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOOL- AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w FARMERS If you are equipped to handle feed in build.. See us for special prices delivered to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 15 Seaforth. NOTICE For artificial insemination inform - Ron or service from all breeds of cattle. phone- the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between. 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breed:' -available—top quality at low coat. Quick, ineaxpiennetyn a dR guaranteed: radio repairs to all kinds of radiodl, t r- TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppositb'� Disk House, phone 3478, Seaforth If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating Just phone 864, Seaforth. ED BOYOE FARMERS, NEED GRAIN.? f• See un or special bulk prices deliv- ered to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 16 Seaforth BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and .convalescents. Telephone Mm. Boyce, 126 W - Mitchell NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are requested to got pack cars or vehicles on roadsides in the Township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parkedon roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P, CHESNEY. Clerk The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFIGE—SEAF.ORTH ONT. Officers—President, Wm. 5, Alexander 1 Vice-Pree., R. Archibald; Manager and See.-Treas. M, A. Reid. Seaforth. Directors —T. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEsving8, Bluth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; KJ. Ttewartha, Clinton; J.I.. Pepper, Brno:feld; O. W. Leonbardt, 13 Bornholm; B. Fuller, Goderlch; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfook Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeahoro ; J. F. Praetor, Brodbagen ; Selwyn Balzer, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties deeirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. 'OSBORNE & HIBBBRT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFIOE EXETER President, E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill . Vice Provident, ,Harry Coates, RBI Centralia Directors —Martin Feeney, -'RR2 Dub- lin ; ublin; Wm. A, Hamilton; Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, RRL, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, RR 8. Mitchell Agents — Thos. G. Ballantyne RR1 Woodham; , Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solioitor—W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer, Aiitlsur - Fraser. Exeter • FOR SALE The better a 1 -elect a Viking cream separator .in all sizes, .in stainless steel Repairing a specialty. Also parts for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other waked on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke. phone ELT 2- 9181, Brueeaeld RADIO & TV REPAIRS'. Repairs - to all makes of radios and televisions. Tubes and parts. Joe Eckert Jr., phone 51r28 Dublin. Lot 4, Con. 9, HeRillop.' RADIO & TV REPAIRS Repairs to all •makes of radios and televisions. 'Tubes and parts. All, work guaranteed. All calls promptly.. answered. Carl Richardson, phone 650-2. Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal' SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47