HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-02-28, Page 8inc de. lel an, 07.. St^ M Oa. CHOOSE YOUR NEW Spring Suit FROM OUR BIG READY-TO-WEAR STOCK The new spying ready-to-wear suits are now arriving every week, and you're sure to find just the type you'relooking for in our vast stock of newest models. Featured this season are new fleck Pat- terns, worsted twists with a tweedy look, and many unusual novelty weaves' in- cluding wool and silk. Two and three button single breasted suits :are the favorite with narrow lapels, centre vents and trimmer fits. Come in and try on a few, now ! SUIT AND EXTRA PANT 35.00 to 693,50 ONE PANT SUITS 29.50 to. 59.50 New SPORT COATS for spring Light shade tweeds are the style favorite to be worn with lurk tone slacks in banker grey, charcoal shades, twist fabrics, and medium and dark browns, high styled jackets with vents, neat lapels and many with new flap pockets, Sixes 34 to 44 in all shades, 2350 to 29.50 DRESS SLACKS in all qualities Synthetic flannels, all wool flan- nel worsteds, gabardines, pick and picks, novelly weaves and twist cloths feature our spring range of dress slacks. Colors include, light, Med, and charcoal grey, several tones of brown, blue gray and blue along with light tweed patterns, 6.95 to '17.95 Stewart Bros. KIPPEN The Klippen East W, L met the .Hoare• of 'Mrs. John Sincl with the president Mrs. Ca 'bell Eyre e inthe �t it Y chair. Dr, Semple of Egmondville was:th guest speaker. He spoke on th United Nations. The them "Areas of 'Irritation in OUT' pr sent World 'Struggle". SbobY years .progress in the W. L weir reviewed by Mrs. Russell IBro: Her talk ,began with .the ear W. 3. 'in'a program of Adult E ueation. and the study of mak ing (better 'homes. Roll call wa answered by naming one coun try. in the United Nations. M W. IBroadfoot contributed ,poem entitled "Peace of iMind by John Beattie. Mrs. Ros contributed e plan solo. Members decided to exhib it babies necessities at Exete Lunch was served. - Several members from KiV pen attended the 8th annive sary birthday' party of Amlb Rebekah Lodge, Hensall las Wednesday evening). Over 10 members and guests were pre sent, Mrs. Alice Cook, London, vis ited on Monday with her 9noth er, Mrs. Jas. IMcClymont. Mrs. Ross-Broadfoot was call ed on 'Monday mornings o DNX Wingham, on "What' Coolding" .programme. We are sorry to report, Rev N. McLeod is confined to hi bed. His congregation an friends wish him a speedy re covery. Mrs. (Robert McBride is visit ing her ':daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and IM1s. !Stewart Beat- tie of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop visited Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. "Recent vis- itors were Mrs. Webster of Ani- berley and Mrs. McDonald .of Goderich. • Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Conner, formerly of Klippen and now of Walkerton visited an afternoon last week with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss M. Whiteman, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roberts for the gift of a baby (boy, (born Feb. 18th in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wahl of Listowel were :Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman' Dickert and 'Merle. Several cases of flu are re- ported in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morton of near Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hood on Fri. even- ing. ven in Mrs. James McClymont and daughter, Mrs, Alice Cook of London visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey of Varna. Mr. Downes of Exeter was in charge of the service on Sun- day in ISt. Andrew's United Church in the absence of Rev. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. (Raymond Hillier' and son John of 'London spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Murtrie, Mrs. Hellier and John remaining this week. at air Cam e e 0• ck, earl d- s MT a ss 0 r- er st 0 n • s 9 d CROMARTY IMr. , and Mrs. Ferg.a'MeICellar and family, Seaforbh, visited over the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, !Lindsay Me - EXAMPLE A TYPICAL employee of a well-established Canadian industry is a married man with two or three children. He has an income of about $305 per month. (In Stelco the average is $394 per month). He owns his home, and the mortgage, if any, is being paid off steadily. He has an automobile and his home is equip- ped with almost every kind of convenience. As a father, this typical free, independent and self-respecting Canadian industrial em- ployee is anxious to see his children do well, be honest, grow up as good citizens. And the father believes in setting a good example in his home, in his neighborhood and in his job. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Kellar. Mr. and Ml's. (Heber (Shute of Kirkton visited on Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Gardiner, The members ' of the Y.P.S.' enjoyed a bowling party at Ex- eter won !Saturday night. iibtiss Ina (Scott • spent the weekend with Miss Dorothy Taylor, Staffa. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross (Houghton and family of Stratford 'visited with Mrs. M. [Houghton during the weekend., Mr•. and Ml's. Lloyd Sorsdahl had as (their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ohessell and Mr. John Chessell, Mitchell, and NIr. and Mas. Neil Lamont of London, in honor of their daughter Ani'ta's birthday. Mrs. M. Houghton was a •guest at the Uniac-Kemp wed- ding at St. 'Brigid's 1Church, at Kennioott on Saturday. IMr and Mrs'. Jas. (Ramsey, Mr. Wm. Mulley, !Misses (Patsy and 'Sandra visited", on (Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. T. IMalntosh, in Toronto. Mrs. M. (Houghton, accomp- anied Iby Mrs. Robert 'Dalrymple of ,Egmondville attended the funeral of a cousin, Mr: Thos Leeming, Walton, ors Friday., Mi. David ,Gardiner 'observ- ed his '78th birthday on Mon- day, with many members of 'his family' visiting him. Mr. Frank Stagg attended the reception which was held in Mitchell on Saturday night. Our congratulations 'to Mi. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn who were married ill Mitchell, on Sat- urday. IMT. Sam :'McCurdy is a ,pa tient in . Stratford Hospital, -hay- ing undergone an operation last week. BRUCEFIELD Mr. 'Mac Chesney has sold his farm to Mr. John Broadfoot, Mr. Chesney is having an auc- tion sale on Wed. 'March 6. Mr. and Nil's. Chesney and daughter Barbara will reside in Windsor. IMrs. Lorne Wilson spent the weekend with-. her'brother, Mr. Bert McKay and Mrs. McKay. The 1.0.0.F, held a very suc- cessful progressive eudhre par- ty, in the Odd Fellows' hall on Thursday evening ` last. Mrs. Lorne Wilson, received the prize for the most games and : Mr. Lorne Wilson for the men's prize. Ticls(ets were sold on a box of chocolates. Mrs. S. Mc- Kenzie was the lucky person, Mrs. 'McNichols of London is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Aubin. Mrs. 'Dave Triebner and Mrs. Elgin Thomsonentertained the group No. 8 at the home of Mrs. Thomson on Wed. evening of last week. Mrs. T. B. Baird received word that Miss (Edna Bremner of 'St. Thomas passed away on Wed. of last week. Miss Brem- ner's father, (Rev. W. Bremner, was Minister in the United ChurEli in ,Brucefield for a number of years. Miss (Bremner was (buried 'beside her parents in Baird's cemetery on (Satur- day. (Pallbearer's were Mr, T. B. Baird, Mi. (Ross Scott Mr. Wm. MCIntosh, Mi. Jos. IMdCuily, Mr. 3. K. Cornish and Mr, Duncan Aikenhead from Seaforth. Mr. Lorne Thomson is in Tor- onto Hospital having undergone surgery. (Rev. and Mrs. Davison had as their guests over the weekend !'Mr, (Robert Davison, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Traver Davison and family of Batavia, N. York, and a friend from Australia. IMr, and Mrs. Thos. Baird vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. Jarvis Horton of Hensall on (Sunday. Group 4 of the W. A. had a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. Goldie and Mrs. 'Melvin Graham last week. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Byrne. Mrs. Joseph Atkinson in Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carrol of Guelph with air. and Mrs. Joe Dill. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and Mary IMargalret, iSeaforth, IMr. and Mrs. (Maurice " Dillon, 1St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. Lou- is Dillon. Mrs. John Nagle, Mrs. Jos. Looby, 'Mrs. Charles Friend, Mrs. Harold Pethick attended the Millinery Course held at the Staffa hall on Feb. 20-22 sponsored by the W. I. The last of a series of pro- gressive euchre parties was held in St. :Patriok's parish hall on Friday night, sponsored by the C.W.L. There were 118 tables of euchre, with Mrs. Jordan win- ning the ladies' prize and IMr, Joe (Cronin, the gentleman's. IT3'arburn!s IOrehestra supplied music for dancing and a lunch was served by the ladies in charge. High School News 10By C. Moylan) The notices for the verse speaking contest were put ea) this week, and already the stu- dents are choosing a special one for reciting. The selections for the •dramatic part are mostly from 'Shakespeare, while the ly- Sic ones are taken from various writings. We are not surprised to find Lady Macbeth pouring out her troubled -mind while she sleepwalks, or Macbeth clutching at the air, crying, "Is this a dag- ger that I see before me?",`, in the Walls at noon, 'These queer noises and findings are just part of the ,practice. This contest will take place some time in March, 'take praotiee is also going on for the -annual music .festival, also to be held this spring. On Monday we saw the film. "Upon This (Rock", and hope to sere "Never Take No For An QS CARD' OF THANKS We wish to express our grateful thanks and appreciation to our relatives, neighbors and friends for the kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes eaten led to usdeti recent e g our ec nt be. arnvemmnt in fife loss of our dewy son Jimmie. Special thanks to the Rey. Dr. J. Semple, Mu G. A. Whitney and le the men who helped with our farm .work. an —Lloyd d Gladys "Haney. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Frederick H. Miller of Walton wish :to express their sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for sympathy, floral trib- utes and cards and all who helped in any way during their recent sad -•bereave- ment in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather.' Everything was deeply appreciated CARD OF THANKS I. wish to :thank' my• neighbors. and friends for their visits, treats and cards to me while' a patient in the Scott Mem- orial Hospital ; especial thanks to Dr. Gorwill and nur•sing staff '. JOSEPH N.`,-DOYLE SEED FOR, SALE Registered Garry oats, and Beaver oats, Brant barley and Montcalm barley.. Phone 840r41 Seaforth. Russell Bolton FOR SALE A !quantity of Garry oats, $1 a bushel, grown from registered seed. Phone 050 r15 Seaforth, Howard Allan, 13rucefield Garry eeedFOR SALE grown from regist- ered seed. Hubert Johnson, Walton RR 2. Phone 45-.25 Dublin 'ORModern walnut nine piece dining room suite, in good condition;. Apply Mrs. Jean McConnell,_ telephone 188 Tender Wattle. Fly Spraying TOWNSHIP 00' -TUCICERSMITH Tenders are -invited by the Township of Tuekersmith for splaying cattle for warble fly . control in 1957. Tender to state a flat rate per head per spray and work to be done under the supervision and at the direction of an inspector appointed by the Township. Tenderer to supply all requirements in- duding labor" with the exception of powder whichwillbe supplied: by the township. 'Tenderer must also state lin suranee coverage. Tenders must be sealed, marked "Ten- der -for warble fly spraying" and: mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by P.M., March ' 5, 1057. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk of Tuekersmith Tender for Warble Fly Spraying Powder TUCKERSMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuekersmith for 600 lbs. of spray powder to use forwarble fly control (16 lbs. bags). Tenders to be sealed, marked. Tender for spray powder" and mailed or delivered toreach the clerk by 4 P.M. March 5, 1907. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk of Tuekeamitn Gravel Tender TOWNSHIP OT' TUOICERSMITH Tenders will be received by the under- signed up. to 3.80 P.M., March 5th, 1967, for crushing and hauling approximately 10,000 cu.. yds. of gravelto township roads in 1957. Contractor to supply all -requirements accept gravel which will be supplied by the township at three locations. ?'# inch round screen to be usedand contract to be completed by July. 1, 1057, under the supervision end to the satis- faction of township road superintendent. Tenders must be sealed, marked Ten- don" and mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by 8.30 P.M., March 5, 1057. Lowestor any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY,Clerk of Tuekersmith Application for Warble Fly Inspector TUCKERSMITI'I Applications aro invitedbythe Town- ship of Tuekersmith for a warble fly inspector 10 act under the Warble Fly Control Act and Amendments thereto. A rate of. 90c per hour and allowance of 10c per mile for use of car will be paid. Applications cations np moat be sealed, marked "Application" and be in the Clerk's hands by 4 P.M. March 5, 1967. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk of Tuekersmith mm.w Answer" some time soon. That's it for this week. Question of the week: Keith, do you always •make your dates in public? Note: "Maryanne" is becom- ing very popular. 1Comment; Glenn, are you buying all the records? McKILLOP IMrs. Walter Scott was 'host- ess at a meeting of S. S. No, 2 Farm Forum with 18 adults present. Forum topic, "What's next in Co-op?" Discussion on. first question was, "What does service in your community un- dertake next under the 'Co- Op- erative? Some were interested in groceries, gas and oil. (ex- tended from Hensall.) 2nd ques- tion; What plans appear most fruitful for co-operative ex- pansion? Insurance fields • and in turn Co-op Financing through Credit 'Unions etc. (3) one, reference to question 1. What special attention should be giv- en to •problems such as financ- ing and member education? By attending O.A.10. or IiJniversi- ty extension courses for train- ing to 'be Co-op manager and personnel. Euchre winners were, most games, Mrs. ISeeord MoBrien, Robt. McMillan; lone hands, Mrs. 'Stewart Dolmage, Nelson IMcClure; consolation, Mrs. T. (McMillan, Thomas McMillan. The next forum meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Nelson MdClure, BUY U. K. TRACTORS International Harvester Co. of Canada plans to purchase "a large quantity" of tractors from International Harvester of 'Great Britain for sale in Canada, • The announcement made— by R. B. Bradley, President, . says substantial shipments will be arriving within the next few days, FOR SALE Leghorn Pullets We have one of the best strains of Leghorna in 'Canada today. They are bred for leucosis res- istance, which means leas culls, more eggs, and more heats to sell at the end of the year. Dates available: 12 wks. Apr. 9, 16 wks May 7, ready to lay, Apr. 30 and June 10, .vaccinat- ed, wormed and delivered. Andrews Poultry Farm Seaforth r.r. 3. Phone 647r3. Three duoksF,°Ain At Elvrank John. stop; phone 840r13 Seaforth FOR SALE Good doe year old mare. Apply The News office .. at FOR SALE House, flume, to be moved, appa'oxi- mately 20 x30. Jelin A. ,Mega, Varna 10.x 12 colony h uus , wiired for hydro,. good condition. Chop boxes. 1000 bales mixed hay. Wallace Haugh, phone 6581.23' FARM FOR SALE `75 acre fano,. geed house, driving shed. fairly large barn, spring water.' I.ot 11, eon. 13, McKillop Township. Joseph Smith, Tel. 24-29 ,Dublin. or. 68-10. FARM'FOR'SALE 100 -acres. of choice land, Lot 20,,. Con. 0, MgICillop,* practically new tie}•n w,1th' cement stabling; hen house in berm; water, bowls and _preseue system, milk- ing machine. Good large house, water in house, 60 acres fall plougiied,. 40 acres seeded alfalfa and clover, some ibush. Will _receive' tenders until March 16th, 1967. Terms 1%3' dash, balance on five year mortgage. Car! Dalton, Box- 308, Seaforth Radio combinationsand Quebec. heater. Phone 684R Seaforth RADIO & TV REPAIRS Repairs to all makes of radios and televisions. Tubes and parts. All work guaranteed. All calls promptly answered. Carl Richardson, phone 656-2 Seaforth' FOR SALE Oil' circulating heater, almost new, Phone 189, before Saturday..: FOR SALE Baled Hay. Timothy and alfalfa, Apply William • Rakewich. '- former John Mills place. Phone 40115 Blyth Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Steels. Machinery. and house- hold effects. Will be held at Lot 3, Con. 1, Stanley Twp., 1 mile .north of Kip - Pen, on No. .4 highway on Friday, Mar. 8bh at 12 o'clock. Cattle -9 cows rang- ing anging from 9-7 years old supposed to be in calf. all pasture bred. 0. spring calves, 1 fall. calf, 7 steer's rising 2 years .old. 2 steercalvesrising 1 year old. Iia plements — 60 Oliver row crop teeter with newer lift and sculfler. McCormick' leering- standard. tractor 'W4. 7 ft.:. stiff tooth 'cultivator. 4 section drug har owe. 12 ft, steel drum roller. . McCormick Deering 16 disk fertilizer seed drill 3 years old. 4 section of, harrows. MaCor mink: Deering 2' furrow trnator plow. McCormick Deering manure spreader. tractor drawn. McComiok Deering 6 ft. mower. Massey Harris .side rake, New: bale elevator 82 ft. long. New Holland baler used 1 year. McCormick Deering combine with motor; grain blower with pipes; grain grinder, Rubber. tired wa gon with flat rack and grain box. 8 ft,. Mossey Haris binder; ,'trailer with stook. rack; gravel box; cement mixer; circu- la.saw• root pnlper; flat rack for wag- on ; 14 ft. wooden gate; 'set of sleighs; cream separator ;. pump. jack. % hp mot- or. ?f hp motor; fanning mill and screens ; set 2000 lb. scales. Belts, lum- ber, planks, steel water trough, barrels, 2 wheel barrows. Number 3o6 rafters. Chains, forks, shovel. 8 .rolls new barb wire; vice; sling ,:ropes, 4 ft. land roll- er. 3"- tile, 6 rolls snow fence, steel Posta, extension ladder, chicken brooder; few tons baled hay, set double harness, hmsa collars, 400 bus. of Rodney onto grown from Reg. seed. 00 bus, Mont - calm barley suitable for seed;. alfalfa seed. Poultry -175 laying hens. Household Effects — Clare Jewel 4 burnerelectric stove Frigidaire cold -wall refiigeator, Day bed.' Kitchen chairs; dining room chairs. Dressers, lamps, Beds, Gray rug 12 x.12 ; mauve rug 7x 12; rug 7x9; 2 rugs 0x12, Scatter mats, .Norris piano and bench. RCA radio; quantity of dishes, churn, mills can, laundry tubs, sealers; kitchen cabinet, drop leaf table. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms- cash. No reserve, farm sold. Prop., John L. Henderson: auct„ Harold Jackson ; Clerk, E, P. •Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Of Foam Implements and Equipment. At Lot 9, 'Concession 9, Tuekersmith Tp., 2 miles south of Seaforth and % mile east. on Wednesday, March 13th, at 1.90 P.M. Implements and Equipment — Allis Obalmer Model 0 tractor with hy- draulic pulley. andto. Set of n tractor chains. Floury Bissell 2 fmrnw plow (on rubber), John Deere 12L combine with auxiliary motor, scour clean and ••belt pick up. 1053 Dodge 14 ton pickup truck with van. McCormick 7 ft, spring tooth cultivator (on .rubber). McCormick 10 disc power drill.. John Deere 10 inch hammer mill ; 75 ft, 6 inch rubber belt. Pollard % ton vertical feed mixer; rub- ber tire wagon •(all steel frame & -roller bearings); grain box 14x7 ft. 3 drum. steel roller; 4 section harrows with draw bar; aluminum box wheel barrow.; Ste- wart -electric clipper. I.E.L. super twin chain saw; platform scale; all steel 8 compartment hog feeder; approximately 400 ft. of 4 in. eave trough ; quantity of conductor pipe; 100 gal, gas tank with pump' Holland electric brooder (600' chicks). 0 -50 -Ib. steel hanging chick feeders; chicken fountains. Jack -all Lagging block & tackle; afpes'o shovels, o in gg chains s and' numerous other articles. - Quantity of Tented 9' x 8'. Terms cash. H. Grant Chesney, Prop- rietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale Farm Machinery and Household Ef- fects. At Lot 31, Con.- 8, Tuekersmith Twit, 1% east of Brucefield on Mill Road or 4 miles west of Seaforth, on Wednesday, Mar. 6; at 12 o'clock sharp. Machinery — 44 Massey Harris tiro, for with high arch, adjustable front end,fully equipped with 4 row beet and bean cultivator, also heat houser. Massey Harris super 27" 12 foot combine fully equipped. Massey Harris PTO 12 foot swathe**. -: International ,8r% ft. stiff tooth cultivator. Massey Harris No. 28 8 fur- row plow. .Cookshutt No, 11 fertilizer drill, 13 run, International 814 ft. dou- ble spring tooth cultivator. Massey Har- ris heavy duty 12 ft. drags. Minneapolis Moline 8 ft. double disk,' 1 ton Ebersol Wonder" feed and Beed mixer, used 8 months, 1951 Chao. 8 ton truck in Al condition with new tires, new battery, new sills and rack, 14 ft, long, 8 ft. wide and 4 ft. high with tarp pole and tar- paulin 18x15 ft. - Meyrath 82 H. bale elevator, - 20" trough, New Idea- manure spreader on rubber. 2 rubber tired wa- gons with grain boxes. New Idea side rake on rubber. McKee 2 'wheel wind- row turner. 3 drum steel roller. 4 section harrows. Massey Harris 7 ft. binder, 4 and 8 section harrow bars. 2 wheeled trailer with reeks. Set 2000 lb. scales. Bag truck; 200 gal gas tank with pump. 20020gal. gas tank without pump. Stone quantity of rt. and 3'4" plywood 4x8 ft. long, Hay fork rope, hay fork. arable fork, set 3 sling ropes, block and tackle, dump rake, rubbertired wheel barrow, 82 it. extension ladder, step ladder, lenge sugar kettle, forks, shovels, chains, tools, etc. All machinery ,practically new and in A-1 condition. Household, Effects—Kitchen table with 7 boards and chairs, 8 other .tables, 3 double beds and springs, single badand springs, hospital bed and springs; 2 mattresses, 3 dredgers and stands, large chest of drawers, Jorge plywood ward robe, size 2 as 6 feet. 3 small ward robes. 9 small -walnut tables, electric radio; magazine rack, 2 table lamps, baby buggy, small size Spencer" heating stove. Electric heater, paper board and trusses, large sizesingle •burner • gas' lantern, 5 gal ca oil n. 2 five gal. crocks. Quilt box. " large size lace table cloth,' garbage can, gal. thermos, jug, dishes, beginner's wheelsfor,bicycle; wash tub, 2 pr. wine drapes.' 84 x 94. 2 pr. nylon. curtains 72 x 90. .Quantity of sealers, other .articles too numerous- to mention. Terms cash. Prop„ Mac's Chesney. Auct.Harold Jackson ; clerk, E. P. Chesney. No reserve, farm .sold. .For Sale Two story brick dwelling 'on James et., in excellent condition, very centrally located, priced right for ' quick sale. Worth in- vestigating, possession arranged. Cement block, one • storey dwelling, centrally located, modern conveniences, Brisk dwelling in Hensel], centrally located. • Frame, asphalt covered dwelling in Brussels, good barn, suitablefor poultry. M. A. REID TIRE 'SEAPORTFI NEWS Thursday, February 28, 1957' BOX a Service Funeral 1 Se v>< ce AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones': Day 43 Night 596W s11111110, MARTIN W. STAPLETON 'Physician and Surgeon Plione 90 Seaforth J.OI4N A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaterbb SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., A, Internlat P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon "Office• $ours, • 1. p.m. to 6 p.m., den" except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday only 7.9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. MainSt., Seaforth Phone 106 JQHN. E. LQNGSTAFP) - Optometrist Phone 791.' Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. eve byabove appointm Hawkins' ent only.HdweClinton,Mon, HU-2-70109to6.80 , Wasson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEIA'FORTPI, ONT; All kinds of Insurance, risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 640 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FU$47ACE� OIL DUNDAS & LONEYr *_ Phone 573 or 332-51 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w If ou are eFARMERS Y quipped to handle feed in hulk. Seo us for special prices delivered t0 Yeur' bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 15 Seafortt h NOTICE For artificial insemination informs. tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3491 between 7.30 and 9.90 A.M. We have all brees�'r.,, available—top quality at low coet- FADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of mdlos, at' . TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel. sand, top soil or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE FARMERS, NEED GRAIN See us for special bulk prices olio= erect to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 15 Seaforth BRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mm. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell • NOTICE Township of Tuckeremith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles onroadsides in the Township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will net be lresponsible for damages to. any ve. b parked• on roadsides caused by snowplowing -operations. (Signed) • E. P. CHESNEY,Clerk The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.` OHEAD bra—p�dena�Wm. 8 TAl�dir Vice -Pres., R. Archibald: Manager and Sec.-l'rean. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. Marring, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trowartha, Clinton ; J. L. Pepped., Brumfield; C. W. Leonhagdt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderieh; 8 Archibald, Seaforth; Allister BroedfooI; Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesboro I J. F. Prueter, - Bmdhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Edo Munroe. Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business. will he promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. USBORNII7 & HIBBE7RT MUTUAL FIRE) INSURAINCE .COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President, E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Vice President, Harry Coates, 111t1 Centralia Directors —Martin Feeney, R112 Dub- lin; Wm. A. Hamilton, 'Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, RRI; Kirkton ; Alex J. Rohde, RR 8, Mitchell Agents — Theo. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Exeter Solicitor -W. A e, r Fraser, Exeter FOR The better ll-eelecctrric SALE separator in all sizes, in 'stainlessosteeL Repairing a specialty. Also parts for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators is other makes' on hand at present, Basil O'Rourke, phone HO 2- 9131, Brucefield RepRADIO airs th all m kes REPAIRSfrdioand televisions. Tubes and parts. Joe Eckert Jr„ phone 81,23 Dublin. Lot 4, Con. 9, McMillen . SALESMEN WANTED Rawleigh business' now openin Townships Tifckesmith, Mo1Cf11op, and Hullett, Trade well established. Excel lent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawieigh's Dept, B-364-159, Mont- real, P.Q. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47