HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-02-28, Page 7al
Office Building
Heated By Sun,
Keeping warm in cold weather
as so important to 'homeowners
that one-fourth of the fuel they
use is for heating. Winter com-
fort means a furnace fired by
Ras, oil, or coal, with electricity
about the only other means of
doing the job.
Designers' i n Albuquerque,
N.M., have gone the engineers
One better — heating an 'office
building.' with another kind of
furnace. This furnace is 93,000,-
000 miles away—in other words
the sun.
A number of homes have been
heated in the past with solar
energy, but the i,ffice building
is the first of Its kind.
Strikingly.. modern, the 4,300 -
square -foot building has one en-
tire wall of glass panels. This
wall, actually a solar "collector"
tilted to an angle of 30 degrees,
holds the key to the heating sys-
Under the glass are metal
panels through which water cir-
culates. Fabrication Of these
panels is unusual. A sheet of
aluminum has the desired chan-
nels for water passage "painted"
an it with a special compound.
A second sheirt'of metal is plac-
ed over the first and the two are •
bonded together with tremen-
dous heat and pressure. Where
the "painting" was done, the
metal does not stick together.
$ere, hydraulic pressure ex-
pands the channel which was
marked out, and it is through
thi3 that the water travels.
The more than 800 square feet
of collecting surface gathers
enough heat from the sun even
on winter days to heat the in-
terior of the building by means
of air blown over the hot-water
And if you think the solar
"furnace" shuts down after dark,
you're wrong. A 6,000 -gallon
water tank stores heat in the
form of hot water and this is
used at night and during cloudy
weather. There is sufficient stor-
age for three days' operation.
Engineers expect that sun heat
will provide 90 per cent of the
heating required for the n e w
building. In the fall, and again
in spring, it is sometimes neces-
sary to heat during night and
morning while cooling in the
afternoon. So, heat is shut off
when not needed and stored in
the water tank.
In conjunction with the solar
heating system, the building has
aL "heat pump" and a evapora-
tive water cooler. Thus, it is
completely air conditioned the
year round.
The building was constructed
for abOut the same cost per
square foot as a conventional
building, and the designers are
confident that operating costs,
will be much lower than with
a gas-fired furnace. Serving as
a basis for the design of similar
structures, the solar - heated
building may even influence re-
sidences as well. Perhaps some
day apartments may proudly
advertise "solar heat."
"Come all ye bold sailors that follow the sea
Lay your ship to: an anchor and listen to me,
It's all your, attention 1 loudly would call
To a song that was made up very late in the fall."
Three Nova Scotia lobster fishermen take time out from their
traps to sing an old chantey much like the one from Lunenberg
County introduced by the verse above., Their song is recorded
by an ethnologist from the Canadian Museum of Human History,
For many years now, people like Helen Creighton have traveled
to various parts of Canada with magnetic recorders to capture
Canadian folk songs, ballads and sea chanteys. From Brantford
and Cape Dorset, from Trois Pistoles and Peggy's Cove, Cana-
dian folklore has found its way to a treasury in Ottawa con-
taining almosteighteen thousand different selections in French,
English, Indian and Eskimo. The Canadian Museum of Human
History was established on January 1st to place greater
emphasis on the study of man in the Canadian environment.
Anthropologists and archaeologists will continue to study and
record their findings, in an effort to give all Canadians a more
complete understanding of their contemporaries and their
Monte Carlo and 'Hove It Started
money they had made, the twins
left prison with a capital Of
£4,000, a large sum a hundred
years ago.
The Blanes went to Hamburg,
and obtained the gambling con-
cession there and made a success
of it. So much so that Lord.
Brougham, the British legal ex-
pert who popularized the poky
little village of - Cannes and
turned it into a thriving tourist
city, said of Francois Blanc: "He
astonished me by the profundity
of his prevision and calculation." -
Certainly Francois Blanc was an
astute financier.
Soon after he arrived in the
German city, Francois married
a beautiful Bavarian peasant
girl, Charlotte Hensel, who had
left the countryside to be a maid
in a small Hamburg hotel. Ru-
mour said it was a "shotgun
marriage;' but most certainly
Madame Francois Blanc was the
driving force behind her hus-
band's huge fortune and became
the mother-in-law of princes.
Francois flourished in Ham-
burg until Prussia defeated
France in 1871. Then Germany
was united under the first Kai-
ser, who was soon threatening
to • annul the -gambling conces-
Diens in Germany. Francois
Blanc thought he'd better look
for pastures new.
He heard that several syndi-
cates were trying to obtain a
gambling concession in the Prin-
cipality of Monaco where the
reigning prince was on the verge
of bankruptcy. The location the
syndicates were after was known
as Le Hoc de Spelugues, later to
become world-famous as "Char-
lie's Mount."
Francois came too late. The
Rock had been let to a couple
of adventurers who had bam-
boozled the prince into granting
them a concession. But Francois
Blanc stayed to look over the
property on which he had his
He decided that thousands of
pounds would have to be spent
on it before it could be the sue-
cess he visualized. For one thing,
the place was almost inacces-
sible. There was no railway --
Monaco could only be reached
by a foul ship which took an
hour and a half, or by coach,
which took twice as long.
Blanc left his spies behind
him in Monaco to advise him
how the adventurers were far-
ing with their gambling.conces-
sion and returned to Germany.
When he got word that the
Fabulous Monte Carlo—sped-
lighted last year by the wedding
of Grace Kelly and Prince Rai-
nier—was in the news again last
month with the royal couple's
eagerly awaited happy event.
But the tiny state of Monaco,
with its great gambling casino,
has often claimed the world's
headlines in the past. How did
Monte Carlo begin?
In Paris, just a hundred years
ago, twin brothers, Francois and
Charles Blanc, were waiters in a
third-rate restaurant and shared
a bedroom in a garret. When
Francois got the sack from his
job their united capital was 18s.
But Francois had his dreams. He
enticed his brother into a scheme
to swindle some stockbrokers.
The Blanc brothers worked
out a system of signalling by
semaphore and used it on the
Paris Stock Exchange. So when
they bought and sold foreign
shares they alone knew whether
the shares had gone up or down.
Several Paris brokers became
suspicious and engaged halt a
dozen detectives to watch the
Blanes, who were eventually
caught redhanded and sent to
jail for seven months.
But they made a pile just the
same. For although they spent
muchmoney on . their defence
and bribing witnesses and had to
pay back a great deal of the
FORTUNATELY - The legend on the bumper of this truck tractor
would seem to be justified. Driver jumped clear of the cab and
suffered bruises only scant seconds before his rig careened
down an embankment. The trailer smashed the cab" flat, and
fire seared the wreckage in wake of the accident.
Syndicate was on he point of
failing he drew £50,000 from
his bank, took it to Monaco and
said 'to a man named Lefevre,
who held the concession, "I'll
give you £50,000 in cash for
your concession. If you haggle,
I'll give you nothing! Now I'm •
going to lunch..11 you haven't,
made up your mind before I've
finished, then I shall return to
Germany and; never come back!"
Before he had finished hat;
meal Lefevre came to him and
said simply: "Give me the mon-
The small inn where Francois
lunched that fateful day is now
the famous Hotel de Paris where
Grace Kelly stayed before her
One of the first things Fran -
pais did was to put his wife in
charge of the hotel—and she be-
gan to work wonders, Meals 3n
those days cost 4s., including
wine. Francois gave orders that
gamblers who had lost their
money at the casino opposite
could chalk up their meals at
the hotel.
Francois Blanc may have been
the "Uncrowned King of Monte
Carlo," but certainly Madame
Blanc, the former Bavarian pea-
sant girl, was the uncrowned
queen. She became known local-
ly as "The Queen of Roulette."
Blanc was very generous to
the reigning prince. He gave him
£2,000 a year, plus ten per cent.
royalty on the profits of the Ca-
sino. He also paid, fed and
clothed the prince's army of 120
officers and men, maintained the
eighty -strong Monaco police
force, subsidized the public ser-
vices and the Church.
Madame Blanc also started a
salon and, although iiliturate
she made a successful climb into
Riviera society. Then, after her
husband .died .a multi -millionaire
in 187'7, she became even more
socially ambitious. She married
her daughter Louise to Prince
Constantine Radziwill, but she
was dissatisfied with the match.
She said her younger daughter
Marie must do better.
Marie was coached before she
left school to be worthy bait for
royalty. There had been a cool-
ness between the Blanes and the
prince of Monaco. He felt that
he was being laughed at for
taking money from a Parisian
ex -waiter. He decided that if, he
was to be insulted it would have
to be worth while, so he had
asked Blanc to increase the roy-
alty on the profits.
Blanc had agreed without a
murmur, but he insisted that
both the officers and Hien of the
prince's .army must always sa-
lute him and his wife!
Now Marie Blanc was but of
the schoolroom and ready to be
courted. The prince of Monaco
was disdainful, was he? Well,
well; Marie's mamma would
show him. Let the other suitors
The first to come forward. was
Prince Henry of Battenburg, but
Mamma turned him down be-
cause she wanted a French hus-
band for Marie. The marriage
broker employed by Madame
Blanc then brought forward
Prince Roland Bonaparte. This
time Mamma approved and
Marie was married.
Madame Blanc, even during
her husband's lifetime, had been
worried by the increasing power
of Francois Blanc's large illegiti-
mate family. They were mostly
males, but the shrewd Bavarian -
born "Queen of Roulette" calcu-
lated that with her daughters
both married to princes, they
would be a barrier against the
progress at the Casino of the
daughters' half-brothers.
In 1881 Madame Blanc died.
And two years after her mar-
riage to Prince Roland Bona-
parte, Marie also died..
But Francois Blanc did have a
legitimate son, Edmond, who,
when the Casino was turned in-
to 'a limited liability company,
became joint director with his
princely brothers-in-law. Later,
all three pulled out.
The princes obtained huge for-
tunes for their shares. Edmond
put his roulette fortune into su-
gar. He entered French political
life and was unseated for bri-
bery and corruption.
But there was yet another
Blanc, an illegitimate one, Ca-,
mille, and he carried on with
the Casino.
Big Rush Coming
Canada's population, which
just .topped 16 million at last
summer's census, shouldlbe
boosted this year ,by ,larg-
est iminigrant movement since
The 1957 inflow may exceed
200,000. And it will include a
larger proportion of Britons
than • in ' any other year since
A reasonable, estimate is that.
anywhere between 80,000 and
100,000 Britons may move to,
Canada this year.
The one snag is transport...
And a mammoth airlift may
provide a major part of the.
z';,rv. a.>".`•F:..v�fm"X2'ar..c"v'•>rri'a,a"�r .,, ...» ,-
IT'S EVEN GOT A SPARE—Here'sthe first photograph of the new : Teracruzer" truck and "Trans -
launcher" semi -trailer, The •pillow -tired ' units, are shown carrying • a TM -618 Matador missile.
The eight -wheel -drive ,truck and trailer have huge, high -flotation, low-pressure Terra -Tires de.
signed to travel where no roads exist to missle launching sites. •
GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself.
Sell exclusive houseware products and
appliances wanted by every house,
holder. These Items arenotsold In
stores. There is no competition Prof.
its up to 500% Write immediately for
free "color catalogue with retail
prices shown.. Separate confidential
Murray ly Sales, 3822 St.e Lawrence
MOULI Julienne Shredder and Salad
Maker els advertised over CKCO - TV
$2.98 and 54,98. February TX. Special:
Adjustable metal Ironing Boards com-
frompad Mall Order Dept y 511.95.
ould s
oodstckoOntario, A TX.
SCOTCH and Austrian Pine Seedlings,
seed from selected trees. Murray
Ketchabaw, Corinth, Ont.
LUXURIOUS Stainless Steel table-
ware, 30 piece, 6 place netting
Postpaid. Order direct or write for
more information. SchereskY 1730
Como A v en u e, Minneapolis 14.
CHILEAN exciting license -plates 854;
handmade wool forty
amp51.03;ma marvelous
color -
- only 700 match covers, paper -
money coins. Hobbyists send wants in
any field, Fernando Barcelo, Castlla
1352, Santiago, Chile.
"OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, play
years of sof carefuleselection l andt breed-
re d-
fag, They have to be good, because we
want the very best kind of chicks and
our own flocks — big,
earlymaturing. We have four pure
breeds and four crosses — Columbia
Rock,. Light Sussex. White Leghorn,
L-403 Leghorn. R.I.R. x C.R.
x B.R. - . W,L. x C.R. — R.I.R. x W.L.
Write for free folder. The Oxford
pFarmers' Co-dera434 MainuceS eet.
Woodstock, Oniario.
THE same overhead — then buy the
best. Wehave chicks for egg and
meat production.
arted. Cosses. Ames nCrossfor
more eggs, same overhead. Pilch white
Rocks. Ask for data, Bray Hatchery,
120 John N., Hamilton.
EGGS low or high it will pay. you
to buy the very best egg breeds that
money will buy. For maximumegg
roduction on the minimum amountof
feed our new series 400 Ames In•Cross
Snofaylyetilsbso we efedorfulda. Alwritfor
full information on the Tweddle Lay
More Series T 100, T 120 and T 130.
They are all terrific layers. Also dual
purpose breeds, broiler breeds, turkey
poults. Catalogue.
The optimist calls half -empty.
half -full, and the pessimist calks
half -full half -empty.
Catalogue up to
America000 n Book. ld Room
301, 181 Queen Street East, Toronto.
WE BUY old coins. Send -25$ for
epeelal list and coin folders. Collector's
Centre, 1871 Queen Streot East, Room
101, Toronto.
ing, tractor bmUking for
Gordon Parsons, Lambeth, Ontario.
150 ACRES level general farm, clay
loam, modern brick residence. steel
barns, 40 head stabling, 010,000 will
Dudes Street, Brantford' Realtor,
3109, 170
ON paved highway; 2 lovely modern
brick homes (baths), hot water heat
2 large bank barns, large stable, :I
silos 2 pressure systems 2 implement
Colony 2hhenhouses,
use o Detailsorphotos, garage.
Sharen, Rltrs., Parkhill, Ontario.
FLORIDA Homesites 5399.001 55 down,'
55 month. Lakes and River 10 minutes:
drive, 20 minutes from Orlando. Owner:
Carney, 41 N. Garland, Griando, Florida,
ATTENTION Horsemen' Send 30O for
instructions to teacht many good ir'o'n!
to Lavellee, horse. TraineCharles hrysof
tome Co., Chateauguay, P.Q., Canada.,
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession; good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates
AN ski trated catalog System
Write or Call'
958 Bloor St. W., Toronto
44 King St. W., Hamilton
72 Rideau St., Ottawa
Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave. Toronto. Patents
all countries
NEW and Used. Diesel Engines, Gener-
ators. All sizes. 30 years experience.
en -
encore, Pennsylvaniaf,,g UnitedaStates.
NEW Hydra -flex P T 0 hydraulic chain
caw 32" blade, 2041. double hose. Regu-
lar price $375 Special price $260.
New Holland
very OUttle, perfecta condi'
cion with hymachine a bale tedsior
control. This machine can he used for
stationary baling If desired. New price
53,000 our bargain price $1,395. HAW
agriistrade. Rasnalefor quick
sale Box 28, Holland Landing, Ontario.
GENERAL STORE. gas pumps, modern
living quarters, 570,000 turnover, Cash
Realtor,Carty en Sound. Phone 3 W. 242.,
HAVE you tried "KERFO" tablet for
relief of bolls, pimples, blackheads and
nerves. 53.00 and 55.00. IAOPO SALES.
8.0 Box 471 Winnipeg. Man
AUTHORS invited submit . MSS 'en
t pas. (Including Poems) for book puts•
)!cation. Reasonable terms. Stockwell
Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. (estd. 1898).
SPECTACLES from $3 — ten pairs
tent to test your eyes. Give age.
satisfaction or money refunded. Sal
way & Rowe, Cardston, Alta.
51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest catalogue
Terminal The "Q" TorrontoAOnt. ency Box 22,
335 Elgin, Ottawa
51.25 Express Prepaid _
YOU have tried everything without
success. Why not try the most effec•
live and inexpensive remedy For 51.
we will send you postpaid 5.:one ounce
packets of Indian Celery Seed, enough
for one month Full directions on
each L AbordLaval -a.Plouffe,.ls QueLabelle
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes kind weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not Mane,
point. you. Itching. scaling and burn-
udmae'lna pimples
footeczemwilspnd reaily
gardlessstofn how stubborn Dort hopeless
they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2415 • St. TORONTOClair
Avenue EAU
necessary.ABSOLUTEWe will trainn LY no and give eyou
■ Sales Training Course. If you quell-
fy we will advance you money on
your future commissions to assure
you of a living while training. This
is a patented product for Home Im•
d. Men
from 13.K. welcomely Agev of barrier-
Apply Mr. Mason, Richards Products,
419 Tonga Street, Toronto.
Local eedomeswith -
tory, new line of Canadian mad
110 and industrial project for 00. This
11 a direct selling project for someone
having this ability and available on part
or full time basis. Write Water Soft-
ening Equipment Limited, 112 Manville
Rd.. Scarboro Ont.
Steam Traction
a price. EngineB155,
123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto.
ItChee Itch .. , I Was
Nearly Crary
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
D. D. Dl Prescription positively relieves ,
saw red itch --caused by enema, rashes, -
•' scarp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 39c trialbottlemust
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ark
sour druggist for D.D.D.PRESOIt.IPT1QN
ISSUE 8 - 1957
gineers building the Manizales-
Bogota highway in Colombia
couldn't go over this waterfall
and found it impractical to tun-
nel around it. So, for the pre-
sent, motorists get a fast car
wash, for free. By the time
Colombia's 400 -million -dollar,
6,000 -mile road program is
completed in 1960, the stream
will have been diverted from
the highway.
Descriptive of a Dachshund?
Two, dogs long and half -a -dog
SI PORI 4111E-
SEDICIN tablets taken according to
directions is a sole way to induce sleep
or quiet the nerves when tense. S1.00
All Drug Steres or Adrem Ltd., Toronto 5.