HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-24, Page 8Final Clearance ! Boys' &,Girls' SNOW SUITS AT HALF PRICE Gabardines, Nylons, twills, all wool blanket cloths and wool coatings in one and, two plece..snow suits and a few coat and legging sets. Stock up now at these crazy low_ prices Girls Sizes, ages 3 to 12. Regular 10.50 to 18.95 -Sale 5.25 to 9.45. Boys Sizes 3 to 6x only. Reg. 8.95 to 16.95 Sale 4.50 to ".8.50 Only 24 left Winter Coats All this season's coats in sizes 10'tc 20 that sold up to 59.50 that we must clear out now to make way for spring merch- andise. You're missing the boat If you don't collect on this big give-away bargain Regular values to 59.50 24.50 & 34.50 ONLY SIX DAYS LEFT TO GET YOUR NEW CAMBRIDGE MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT with Free Extra Pants 250 fine suitings to choose from in Cambridge deluxe mode, tailored sults. You save from 18.00 to 29.50 when you get these suits with free extra pants. Let us measure you before Jan. 31st when the sale positively ends. We guar- antee fit and satisfaction 65.00 to 89.50 WITH TWO TROUSERS Stewart Bros. HULLETT The inaugural meeting of the Mullett Township Council was held Jan. 14th in the communi- ty hall, Londesboro at 11. a.m. The Reeve. 'Wan. R. Jewitt, and Councillors, Geo. C. Brown, Thomas Leiper, Emmerson Hesk and Archie Young were present. The clerk, Geo. W. Cowan, ad- ministered the oath of office' end all members subscribed to same and were duly sworn in for 1957. The minutes of the the Council. He thanked the Council for the privilege of 'be- ing present at. the Inaugural meeting. He spoke very befit- tingly and instructively. The Reeve„ Mr, Jewitt moved a vote of thanks to 'Mr. White which was seconded .by Mr. 'Leiper for the inspiring message to the council. Council adjourned to the Clerk's home for dinner and reconvened at 2 p.m. Moved by T. Leiper and Geo. Brown, that we as a Council tender a vote of thanks to Mrs. last meeting of Dec. 31 were the very fine dinner they gave read. 'Rev. Mr. White addressed us today. Mov-ed by Geo. Brown and A, I'lengbh dress of nylon lace and Young, that we give a grant of -net, with lace jacket. featuring $25,00 to the Huron •Cropand a peter span collar and lily -point Soil Improvement Association sleeves. The flowing skirt feat - and '$35,00 to the 'Salvation ured tulleruffleswith matching Arron of. London.'lace over nylon' net and satin Movedr llel` ieixier anti' "Bi pace fingertip veil was arranged IHesk, that we join the following, , f'r'o' l la headdress of tih #edtIs 'The 'Good (Roads ` Association, and sequins and she "carried a The Rural Municipalities Asso- j 'white 'Bible with red roses and "elation and 'The Association of streamers. Miss 'Marion Oha9nb- Assessing 'Officers all at a fee of '$10.00' for nnembershvp. Moved by T. Leiper and. Geo. Brown, that we instruct tile' Road IS-uiperintendent to laP'ply for the remainder of the Provin- cial Road Subsidy for 1956. At this time the following By -Laws were drafted and 'pass- ed: The setting of salaries for the various Township 1Offioials; Naming the 'various Township Officials; The borrowing of up, to -$75000.00 from the (Bank of Montreal;, The naming of Don- nelly and Donnelly of (Goderich, Solicitors; the..Road Expenditure of $40,000.00. Moved by E. Hesic and T. Lei- per, that we do now adjourn to meet Thursday, Jan. 31'at Amccounts; H. S. Debentures $11883.079 Fire' retaining fee. 8100.00;:'Relief $58.59; Grants $60.00; Administration $42.40; Reads $44.00. Township 'Officials: Assessor, Geo. W. Carter; Auditor, Frank Tamblyn; Clerk-Treas., Geo. W. Cowan; Live Stock Poultry Val- uator, Clarence Ball; Road 'Su- perintendent, Leonard •Caldwell; School Attendance Officer, Leo- pold Watt; 'Grader .[Operator, Arthur Weymouth; Power Mow: er !Operator, John 'Nott; •Fence Viewers, H. Armstrong, F. Shobbrook, C. Ball, H. Tsewar- tha, J. Jackson, Don MclNall. Pound Keepers: C. Morrison, Win. Livingston, •R. Grimoldby, Wm. diamilton, • Wilmer Howatt, Harry Durnin. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, IBiil Evans and Jo Anne, +Mer itton, Miss Joan Evans, Miss Anne Morrarity of London, 'with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtin and family have moved to 'Streets - villa, ;NIr. Curtin is employed at Ford Co. at Oakville. Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux in Seaforth with Mr. and' Mrs. Ken Etue, Mi. and !Mrs. Fergus Staple- ton have moved into their new hone. Mrs. Elsie Jordison is spend- ing the next ten months in Van- couver. Mra. 'George (Holland; St, Cle- ments, at her home for the weekend. Mr. Jerry Eckert, Bamberg, with Mr. and Mrs. John Eckert. Mr. John 'O'Rourke, of Rose - town, Sask., and Mrs. Jim Ack- royd, Toronto, with !Mrs. Mary 'O'Rourke. Miss Zeta Connelly has left for Pasadena, California. • WALTON MRS. MALCOLM FRASER Mrs. (Malcolm Fraser died on Tuesday afternoon at her home in Walton following several years as an invalid. She was in her 68th year. The former Nora Grace Campbell, she was born in Cromarty, daughter of the late James and Sarah Harris Campbell. 'Before moving to Walton, where she lived for two years, she resided on n farm in Morris twp. Previously she had been a resident of Stratford. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. (Myrtle Liv- ingstone, Preston; Mrs. Frank (Iva) Marshall, 'North ,Bay; 3 sons, 'Glen, 189 `Brydges St:, 'Stratford; Douglas, Grey twp.; Donald, Morris top.; and one sister, Mrs. Emily (Ross, Tim- mins. The funeral was held from the D. A. Rann funeral home,, Brussels, conducted by Rev. Meurig Thomas of Duffs United Ohureh, Walton, on Fri- day. 'ri day. +Burial, was in Brussels cemetery. JENKINS-MARTIN Baskets 'of Chrysanthemums and Baby anums, and tapers 'of candles formed the setting in Duff's United Church, Walton, for the wedding of Edna Mar- garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin to Mr. William Floyd Edward Jenkins, son of Borden Jenkins and the late Mrs. Jenkins, Wingham. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by the minister, Rev. M. Thomas. Mrs. E. Brown was or- ganist and Don McDonald, the soloist. Given in marriage by her erlain was maid of- honor and Miss Isabel IMcCC'all was brides- maid. • They wore identically styled waltz -length gowns of Royal blue velvet and carried white and -sed carnations. Bren- da Pryce, niece of the bride made a charming wee flower girl 'in red velvet carrying a nosegay of white and red carnations. Ray 3 erkley of Wingham was the groomsman. Guests were usher- ed by Fred Martin, Brantford, brother of the .bride, and Earl Jenkins, Wingham, 'brother sof the grown. Receiving, the bride's mother Wore ,a street -length.. dress of (Royal Purple velvet With white accessories. The -groom's . step - another, a _street -length dress of 'black satin and iace with 'black accessories Both had corsages of white carnations. For travelling_'the 'bride don- ned a coral•velvet dress and tux quoise blue' topcoat with white accessories. H E'NSALL A very 'enjoyable time was spent on Friday evening at the home of Mr.' : -and Mrs. Wm. MacGregor, •near, iKippen when members df their family gather- ed to !cele'brato,'Sheir 407th wed- ding •anniversary:• During the evening the family .'presented' Mr. and 'Mi•'s. MacGregor with useful pieces of furniture,' after which a social time was enjoy- ed and refreshments served. Mrs. Thos. Kyle, who has been receiving treatment . in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, •for the past number of weeks, was .able, to return to her home last week Malcolm McEwen, : son•of .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen Jr. is receiving treatment in ;St. Jo- seph's, London, following an at- tack of pneumonia.. - The January meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian Church was held on Mon- 'day afternoon at • the Mane, with the President, Mrs. Percy Campbell, •presiding. The meet- ing opened by singing "Faith of Our Fathers" after which Mrs. Malcolm Dougall read the scrip- ture. The devotional was very ably taken by Mrs. A. Orr. Rev. Donald 'MacDonald gave an interesting address on the "'Medicine of Silence". A collec- tion towards the "March of Dimes" was taken to be for- warded to Toronto. Business it- ems were discussed and refresh- ments were served by the host- ess. CROMARTY Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsay were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lorvin, Mr. and Mrs. Art McGuiggari, Maxine McDou- gall, Jack Lorvin, Marilyn Soren- sen and Ross Cunningham, all of Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Jaelc McGee, Mr. Don Hart and 'Miss Ann Keating, London, vistied on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs. tF, Taylor who has spent several months with her daugh- ter Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mr. Carey, is visiting friends in Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick who spent a few weeks in California, returned home on Sunday. Many friends of the late Mr. Thomas Oliver • from this com- munity attended his funeral in. Seaforth on Monday. Mrs. W. N. Binning and child- ren, Mitchell, visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. A. McLachlan on Tuesday evening with the president Mrs. Lorne Elliott presiding. Mrs. R. Laing led in devotional exercises. The new study book, The Church in Southeast Asia, was introduced by Mrs/ Calder McKaig and Mrs. Gerald Carey gave the topic on "Hope". The meeting closed with prayer and- a social hour followed. The congregational meeting ,of Cromarty church was held on Thursday with a good attendance of members. A. pot luck dinner was served by the ladies previous to the business session, which was conducted by Rev. S. Kerr, Ville opened fie meeting with scripture reading and prayer. Reports of the various organiz- father, the bride wore a waltz- ations, given by, the different sec - retaries and treasurers were very gratifying, showing an increase in the givings In all branches of the work. The secretary's report was read by ,, Eldon Allen„ and m e i a dpen'ilid i;an`Gl ,rap6 t1 bf monies raised for the general' fund and aloe for the missionary budget. The session report was given by Ernest Templeman. The auditor's report by J. M. Scout. The trustees report by A. Mc- Lachlan, The report of cemetery committee by T. L. Scott. Reports of the Women's Mis- sionary Society, Ladies Aid, Mar- fan Ritchie Aux., Sunday School, Mission Band and Young People'!; Society were also given. Officers appointed " for 1957: Trustees -A, McLachlan, G. Hog- garth and E. Templeman. Manag- ers, P. James, 0.-. Kerslake, G. Hoggarth, R. Gardiner, W. Rus- sell, W. Harper, J. M. Scott, Don- ald Scott and R. Laing. Auditors, J. M. Scott and 3. E. Storey. Trea- surer, Thos. Laing.. Secretary, El- don Allen. Ushers, C. Kerslake, 3. M. Scott, K. Walker; assistant .ushers, L. Miller, P. James and John McDougall. Sunday School superintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott; assistant, Mrs. L. 'Sor'sdahl, and Re', S. Kerr.. Cradle roll supt., Mrs. A. McLachlan. Record sec., Mrs. S. McCurdy. Every day sec., Mrs. T. Laing. Cemetery corn„ T. Scott; C. McKaig, K. McKellar, S. McCurdy, T. Laing, A. Mc- Lachlan, J. Hoggarth. • Library coma, Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman, Mr.' and Mrs:. E.• Allen; Rev. and Mrs, Kerr. DUBLIN •High School News (C. (Moylan) The students in our class must haveall decided to do al- gebra this period, so 'don't be suriirised if some of it gets jumbled with any writing. Two new desk toils, five new book's and live gold hooks were installed over the weekend. Times are looking up! rVe are looking forward to the visit of 'Bill Plough, on Thursday. He is an outstanding speaker of the YCW, formerly of Ireland, and 'I don't know. why we should have the privil- ege of +meeting him. I guess it must be the name, "Dublin". At assembly on Friday grade 10 is going to present a skit and they really have an attra'.tive sign on the 'bulletin board. It says that •the admission is "20 cent single, 15 in couples, and 10 cents.for large families". In- cidently Jack Klinkhanlmer is at the head of the marriage 'bur- eau. x -y equals 10. Sorry, I told'you I might get mixed up. Note: Glow does Veronica get all the news? 'Comment: Charlie 'D? Question of the week: Te'Ery are you really that interested in Algebra? VARNA The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stanley met in the Orange hall on Monday evening. The follow- ing officers were elected for 1957: W.C., Wm. Mcllwain; D.C., James Hutchins; Chap., Louis. Taylor; Rec. Sec., John Watson; Treas., Harold Stinson; Marshall, Lloyd Keys; let lett., Anson Coleman; 2nd lest., Fred McClymont; lst cond., Orrin Dowson; 2nd cond., Wilfrid Castle ; Herald, Robt, McIlwain; Sentinel,- Wm. McDool. The skating rink which has been in operation the past week is being enjoyed by young and old. The hours for skating. are 7.30 to 9.30 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; 'also. 2 to 4 on Sat- urday afternoon. The committee would appreciate donations from those using the rink or from any one interested in the upkeep of the rink. Stanley district L.O.L. will hold its annual meeting 'in the Orange Hall Thursday evening, Tan. 24. Miss Anne Ostrom has return- ed eturned to Toronto after spending the past two months at her home. BRODHAGEN The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. -August Hillebrecht and family in the death of her husband, August Hillebrecht who passed away suddenly Tuesday morning. Mr. Carl 'Buuck celebrated his 20th birthday at his home when he entertained a number of boy friends, recently. 'Members • of the Luther League enjoyed skating parties at New Hamburg and Milverton lately, guests , of the Luther League there. The Brodhagen Band held a euchre and dance in Hinz's hall CARD OF THANKS 1'.wish to thank my friends and nei- ghbors who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Also the doctors of the Seaforth Clinic, the hospital staff .,tad nurses AIilT1UR MURPHY • QUID IOF.uTHANKS We wish to ;dulness thanks and deep- est appreciation to the Rev.:. 1). Glenn Campbell; the Box Funeral dome and to all who in any�yay assisted and loaned oars, following thepassing of sister and. daughter, Violet Dupes. THE DUPEE FAMILY .1N MEMORIAM Watson -In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs.Annie Watson, who passed away Jan. 27; 1945: In' depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so- well; And while she Sleeps a peaceful, sleep Her memory we shall always keep, THE FAMILY A good bung of extra strong 'York chunks. A. R. Dodds, phone , 833x1¢•;. FOR SALE • Holstein bull calf. G. van den Hengel, phone 852r11 - • OR BAL' 1848 DadgeF2 ton truckE' with high racks, in `good :tinning condition. -4lso a good ,car radio. Priced cheap;' for qurek sale, Apply Mrs. Donald McKenzie, Phone 26157 Brussels ' FOR SALE Holsteinhull calf. Apply John Will - anis, phone 67354 Seaforth LOST ' Small white dog answers to the name of Tippie.,Plrone;Bayfield 14 collect ,. POSITION. WANTED Young woman desires housework by the week, dive -in.: Box F, Seaforth News FOR SALE • Quantity of baled :timothy and 41felfa hay.' Also an ,organ cheap Wilbert Pratt, Lot 20, Con.. 19 Grey Phone 42x7 Brussels ------• FOR FOR SALE A number of double burner oil brooder stoves, like new. Phone 65859 Seaforth. Mao Chesney SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness.:Sell to 1500 families.' Write today Rewieigh'a Dept. A -364 -SA, Montreal, P.R. COMPLETE DISPERSAL Auction Sale Of high Grade Holstein Cows and Heifers, at Henson Sales Barn, on Tuesday, Jan. 29th, at 1.30 p.m. 20 Holstein cows fresh and due to freshen in February and March. 6 Holstein heifers 2 years old fresh Mid dueto freshen shortly.. Number of open Holstein heifers Terms cash. Prop., Colin" Beloro -.. Auctioneer, Harold .Jackson Notice to' Creditors INTHEESTATE OF John George Cole- man, late of ole-man,lateof the Village of Esmond - vine in the County of Haran, Gen- tleman, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased, are recurs -- ed to -file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the let day of February, A.D. 1057, after which datethe assets willbe dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this llth day of January, A.D. 1967. • E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ELIZABETH MILLER All persons having claims against the Estate of. Elizabeth Miller, late of the Village of Staffs, in the County of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the 29th day of September. 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of January, 1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Sth day of January, 1957. MaCONNELL S HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn cows with calves by their side: some due in March, ah vaccinated ; eight to choose from. - Also one registered Shorthorn bull 10 months old. Apply to Frank Falconer, second farm south of Clinton RCAF houses. Phone Clinton HU 2-0128 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 4, 1957, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Dire°• tors for a .three•year term, election of Auditors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office ex- pires are Martin Feeney and Harry Coates, both of whom are eligible for re- election. Martin Feeney, President; Arthur Fraser, Secretary -Treasurer For Sale Cement block, one storey dwelling, centrally located, modern conveniences. Brick dwelling - iii Henealt,- centrally located. • Frame, asphalt covered dwelling in. Brussels, good barn, suitable for ponitry. M. A. REID NOTICE Township of Tockeremith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the Township daring the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages toanyve- hicle parked on roadsides caused- be• snowplowing operations. (Signed) E R, CHESNEY, Clerk on Thursday evening. 'Prizes went to Mrs. Glen Mogk, Ed- ward Scherlbarb]i 'Harold Wur- del'l, Donna Sclherbarth. •Music for dancins' was supplied lby Gary and Warren Sholdice, Dona ald Wolfe, Lyle and Barry Ritz. There will 'be another party this Thursday evening. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, 1957 - Front Row, from the left: Nelson Trewartha, deputy' reeve, Clinton; George Hutchinson, reeve, Grey; Chester Mawhinney, deputy reeye, Exeter; Gordon Ratz, dep- uty reeve, Stephen; A. H. Erskine, county clerk treasurer; Harold Gowdy, reeve of Howick and warden; John Fischer, reeve, Turn - berry; John Durnin, reeve, West Wawanosh; Clayton Smith, reeve, Osborne; Daniel Beuermann, reeve, McKillop. Second Row: William McKenzie, reeve, Exeter;; William Morritt, reeve, Blyth; John Berry, deputy clerk treasurer; Cecil Blake, reeve, Ashfield; Valentine Becker, reeve, Hay; William Jewitt, reeve, Hullett;• Bailie Parrott, reeve; Morris; James Donnelly, deputy reeve, Town of Goderich; Orval Taylor, reeve, East Wawanosh; George McCutcheon, reeve, Brussels; 0. Klopp, deputy reeve, Hay; J. H. Kinkead, inspector of public schools.'.. Third row: John Kernighan, reeve, Colborne;' Burton Stanley, reeve, Clinton; Roy Adair, reeve, Wingham; John Deeves, reeve, Goderich township; Ernest Fisher, reeve, Town of Goderich. Norman Scorns, reeve, Seaforth;I Harvey Coleman, reeve, Stanley; Ivan Forsyth,, reeve, Tuekeremith; N. 13. Jones, reeve, Hensall; -Arthur Gibson, deputy reeve, Howick; G. Cr. Gardiner, Inspector of public schools; Harvey Johnston, superintendent; ,Huron County _Home; Yams Sheardown, sergeant -at -arms. THE S17AFORTH NEWS: Thursday, January 24, 1957 •BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attendee' Hospital ° Bed. Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON ,Physlclan and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaford' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorib -SEAFORTH .CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D. Internislu P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m„ daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments .made in advance 'ares.. desirable VE'YRINA,RY SURGEON 3. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAIVS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone' 991. Main St.. Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon9 Ur - '6.30 ; ri•6.30; Wed. 9 -.AM to ,12.$0 PM. Thur.. ler' by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010.. above Hawkins' Hdwe. Mon. 9 to 6:80 Watson & Re`id . ,t. », INSURANCE AGENCY • MAIN ST., SEAFORTIi .•ON9l .;a. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected ffected at lowest rates in} ,Flist=;' Class Companies INSURANCE • Noire • Auto . • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coat? -, the solid fuel for solid comft?la'i WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNAGE' OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w. If you are eq iu ppe i MEo handle feed is bulk, See us for special prices delivered' to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 16 Seaforth .r. "' NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo -Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 24441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have 51 breeds available -top quality at low cost. ADIO REPA RS Quick, 'Inexpensive guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, to TERRY'S RADIO. REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84715, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating Suet phone 864. Seaforth. ED BOYCE FARMERS, NEED GRAIN See ns or special bulk p ces deliv- ered to your barn: Topnotch Feede Lim- ited. Phone 16 Seaforth • FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEA1'ORTH, ONT. ORioere-President, Wm. S. Alexander, Vice -Pres., B Archibald: Manager and See. -Tress., III. A. Reid. Seaforth. Direaton-J. L. Malone, Se forth, J. IL McEwing, Myth; W. S. AI Walton E. J. Trewarthi; Clinton; J. N. Pepper, Brumfield; C. W. Leonh Bornholm; B. Fuller, Goderiob- Arohlbald, Seaforth; Allister Brosfook Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leippeerr Jr.. Londeellore, T. F. Prueter. Brodhagen - Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Eric Munroe. Seaforth. Partes desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will he promptly attended to by. application to any of the above named officers addressed to their. respective poet offices USBORNB dcHIBBBRT MUTUAL -FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE METER President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vies -President E. Clayton Colquboun, RR1 Science HIB Directors Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton McCt udy, 11:R1 Kirkton Alex J. Rohde. RR8 Mitchell Agent. Thos G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodhao n S�tanlev ockingg, Mitchell thell Solicitor, W. G. Cochran Exeter 'Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser. Exeter FOR SALE The better ail -electric Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parte for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other makes on band at present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HU 2- 9181, Brucefield Hudson Sterling Coal - SEAF'ORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47