HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-24, Page 3Grew Up In Jail Wed English King Queen Joanna, second wife of 'Henry IV, was a widow with nine children when `he married her. Her life had been exceptionally hard and only. with Henry was Ale ever to know happiness and security, As Princess Joanna of Navarre much of her childhood was spent in a :prison in Paris _because she was the daughter of the ill -famed Charles the Bad who, it was said, practised Black Magic and put to terrible use his 'knowledge of secret poisons. After years of hardship the young princess' was released, and when the old Duke of Bretagne offered to marry her she ac- cepted. ' Joanna bore him nine children. Then one day a visitor arrived, from England. It was Henry Bolingbroke ; who had .'been banished by Richard. : II. • When • Henry, saw the beautiful young mother with her fair hair and eyes of forget-me-not blue, he immediately fell'' in love with her. As for Joanna, Henry's hand- some 'face, charming manners and witty conversation enthral- ' led her. She persuaded her hus- band to :help Henry with ships, money and an army so that he could return to England and wrest the throne from Richard. In a few months the old duke died and she was free. Henry, now king of England, sent her a message at once, and Joanna came to England to be his bride. Within three weeks she was crowned at Westminster, For twelve years they lived happily together, her only grief being the separation from her children whom she had to leave behind in France. . They were, however, brought over' to See her at intervals. As Henry's son by his first wife grew up, he began to show antagonism towards Toanna, and this caused some unpleasantness between the prince and his fa- ther. Tragedy was drawing 'near. The king was found to be suf- fering from leprosy. Soon he would not show his face in public. His wife nursed him devotedly to the end. On his death -bed Henry sent for Prince Hal and begged him to take good care of Queen Joanna. ' At first the young Henry V treated his stepmother with con- sideration and when he went off to war against France, made her his regent. This war with France was a nightmare for .Joanna be- cause her own children who were French were fighting against Henry. Her youngest son Arthur had been made Duke of Richmond while on a. visit here and this made him an English baron. He was captured by Henry and charged with high treason, punishable by death. On his return to England, Henry brought the young man back as prisoner and Joanna was forced to pay herstepson large sums of money to save his life. Even so, young Arthur was kept In the Tower under close arrest 4lother love proved stronger khan discretion and, in defiance of the king's orders, Joanna went to the Tower to see her, Ion. Henry was furious when he heard, and Arthur was re- moved to Fotheringay where he was even more closely guarded. For a year Joanna lived quietly In her own country palace, Ignored by Henry, but he had never forgiven her. One day his soldiers came .for her and told her that she was and4r arrest, "What is the charge against me?" she demanded. "Witchcraft, madam," was the reply. Her face grew pale. She was told that the' king had "proof" of her guilt; . that her confessor had been arrested on.,. a . charge of ;practising Black Magic, and after torture had "confessed" that the queen had been trying to cause Henry's death through sorcery. It was obviously a trumped-up charge In order that Henry could' seize Joanna's wealth, her jewels and property. She was taken to the gloomiest of fortresses, Pevensey, and there on the lonely :marshes- she was shnt up and, kept without proper food. The king, however, was a sick man, and when only thirty-five R sudden illness brought him to the brink of death. His conscience' was uneasy" and in his last months he wrote a document withdrawing all charges against his stepmother and restoring her possessions. She was released immediately and retired to the country, where she: found a late happiness with her children. Her hard life had "hot embittered her.' She showed friendship to Henry's young widow and showered affection on his delicate little son, the new King Henry VL Political economy: Two words,, that should be divorced on the grounds of incompatabillty, ON THE GOLD STANDARD — Pure gold from ancient Inca - treasures literally plates the ornate interior of the 400 -year- old Church of San Francisco in Quito, Ecuador. Typical of the ornate decorations is this massive, gold-plated. pulpit, supported by a series of hand -carved wooden figures, each colorfully painted. Quinine. Tablets etter Than Cash On primitive New Guinea, in .the Pacific, there are whites whose job it is to recruit native labour, mainly for the planta- tions. One of the most successful Was "Captain" Bill Slower, a thin, dark, wiry fellow who'd been a, juggler and stage magi- .Cion, Ile got recruits by sleight- of-hand tricks such as picking shillings out of the sand and producing eggs from natives' ears. Once he obtained twenty' for a bottle of quinine tablets for, in pre -fridge days, the missions found that Communion wafers wouldn't keep in the coastal tropics, so used quinine tablets instead. Quinine brings on a "buzzing" in the ears, and native com- municants came to regard it as high state of holiness. "The more their ears buzzed," said Bill, "the fuller. they reckoned they were of the Holy Ghost." Minding that the headman of the village from which he wanted recruits was a zealous mission convert and communi- cant, he got him to induce twenty "boys" to sign on in re- turn for the bottle of quinine tablet, which would raise him to an unparalleled state of holi- ness, "Is shouldn't be surprised if his ears are still buzzing," Bill told journalist explorer Colin • Simpson, who recounts his tra- vels through Melanesia in his book "Island of Men." Once Bill took his lugger across to the island of Wogeo,. for native copra, but couldn't get the islanders to sell him a single ,bag; they'd collected it, they said, for the mission — it was all "copra bilong Jesu." That gave Bill an idea. He went, away, had his lugger painted white with palm fronds tied to the , rigging, put on a new crew, and then sailed back to Wogeo, timing his arrival for nightfall. When the villagers rose in the morning they saw the white, decorated lugger, and a • venerable, bearded figure robed in white walking up and down the beach, reading from a large book which could have been 'a Bible, followed by his crew singing hymns, • Who was he? Th, crew said he was a very holy man. Where did he come from? From place bilong • Jesii. Why had he come? To take to Jesu the copra that had been collected for Him,. So the good people ;of Wogeo load- ed the mjssion copra on to the lugger,' sang a farewell hymn' to hfxli, waved palm branches from the shore until she cleared the .island, and were: still wav "ing when Bill went below to get the sheet and false beard off and open a bottle of rum: But it's not only traders who use religion to exploit the na- tives. Even some missions are guilty of getting gullible ad- herents by preaching' of the hell -fire in 'sture for :those who don't do ;as the mission' says they should, The' wealth .and influence of New Guinea missions often amazes travellers, who ' have never' thought of missionaries as.'big business men, running profitable copra plantations.. It used not to be unusual to come across . firms with . names like "Catholic Mission of the Holy Ghost, Ltd." seaman nearly 'caused a riot some' 'years "ago ,.when tie told native . mission workers, slaving away from dawn to dark; for a monthly wage of one .shilling, that: non -mission. plan- tations were paying ten shill- ings a month for much shorter hours. When a worried bishop and older fathers had the man con- fined to his ship for "putting bad ideas into the heads of our children," the natives swarmed aboard after dark to hear more about the outside world where Christians were' not obliged to work for one shilling a month, Bluey Ireland, another note- worthy labour recruiter men- tioned in Colin Simpson's book, wore — to impress the natives wore — to impress the natives with "Bluey" embroidered dia- gonally in red across the front and "Ireland" across the back. His red hair gave him a cer- tain prestige, and on arriving at a Sepik village he never cover- ed it until he met the headman. Then he put on a black silk crush opera hat, popping the crown as he did so. "The kanakas like it" he used to say. "You pay 'em the com- pliment of puttin' on y'best rig- out when you go to their places -- they appreciate that. Nobody gets as many recruits as I do." When he was 'recruiting for the copra plantations taken over from the Germans and managed by the Expropriation Board in Rabaul, a headman said he'd get him two recruits if Bluey would give him a dog and a cat, for the Sepik people are very fond of them, both' as pets and pro- tein. gluey wrote to the Board: "Send 2,000 dogs, also 2,000 cats." When none arrived he said to a pal: "A man gets no co-operation from those mugs in Rabaul!". On the island of Mer, Simp- son met a native police -serge- ant, Kaikai, who .hated the .idea of arresting anyone and put- ting him in jail. When the superintendent in- sisted that some miscreant be clapped into it, Kaikai demur- red: "Baba, man he get lonely in dat place,", then suggested that at least, he arrest someone else, so that the prisoner would have company. "Not" said the superintendent. Whereupon ICaikai put the man in jail - and spent the night there, with him 'for'com- pany! Kaikai received $15 a year, tobacco, and a uniform - but never wore the trousers, pre- ferring a lava -lava held up by a Boy Scout belt. He could read and `write only with difficulty, but when Simp- son asked what he'd like sent from Sydney he said: "Please. you send me book 'bout da Law." which he thought enor- mously important. "Me like_ know how, p'lieeman bilong Sydney he can 'tell when man drunk." Simpson told him of two tests — walking a chalk line, and saying "British Constitution." He could hardly wait to spring the chalk line test on the next drunk, but after trying "Brisk- Krish -Con- 'Brishcon-toosh" on himself, he roared with laugh- ter, slapped his thighs, rocked, rolled and decided that by this test everyone on the island was hopelessly drunk!' OVERWORKED • Sam 'was bringing the doctor back home with him to deliver his• wife of their 14th child. As they .turned into thebarnyard, the doctor noticed a duck wad- dlingup the driveway. "Is` that yoilr duck?" the doctor asked the expectant father. "That ain't no duck," moaned Sam, "That's the stork with his legs wore off!" r, r .: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell exclusive hnuseware products and ap• pliances wanted by every householder. These items aro not sold In stores. There is no-eompetttion. Profits up to 500% Write -irnmediately for free 'color catalogue with retail prices shown. Separate. confidential .wholesale .price will be included... Murray Sales 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal: ARTICLES :FOR SALE ATTENTION - TRAPPERS! NewInstant Killing trap. = The Canadian Assoeia• tion for Humane Treppigg new sells the following instant -killing 'traps. Wil -Sit, size 1',, $1.50 each 515.00 'dozen; size 3, $3,75 each; Sawyer, size Ilii, $1.20 each, $12,00 dozen; Bigelow, size 1, 51,40 each, 514,50 dozen. Order now from- C.A.H,T, 28 Vesta Drive. Toronto, No C.O.D. .. . OAST CHICKS ' EG0 Producers do you want chicks that develop into pullets that lay more Beggs on less feed? Sure You do. Well we have them. Send for full de. tails about ' our new series 400 Ames In -Cross; Tweddle L'ay-More Series T-100; T-1io, T-120, T-130; Shaver White . Leghorn, Warren Rhode Island Rads, White Leghorn x Rhode Island Red; California Grey x White Leghorn. For broilers we have two of the best 1st generation -Arbor Acres- White Rocks, '1st generation Indian River cross, also Turkey Poults. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD..• .FERGUS ONTARIO THE seine high standard in '57. 'Want more eggs — want specialised 'meat' birds? We have the special strains Pus standard strains,. Ask for.pertfcu- tars. Prompt shipMent. Bray Hatchery,. • 120 John N., Hamilton. HEAVY breed .cockerel bargains while they last, Light Sussox x Red, Red x Light Sussex, Red x Rock and other pontdar breeds, dny old $4.05; I week 55,05; 2, week $7.95; 4 week $8.951 assorted breeds $1.00 per hundred less TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BOOKS MAGNIFICENT NEW BIBLE AUTHORIZED Ring ' Jetties Version bound in flexible Vortex, two.page family register, illuminated present. - tion page. In gift box, Postpaid,. 52.00. J. GILLIS, 1034 St. CIair West, Toronto. DOMESTIC HELP WANTED CAPABLE woman, fond of children,' light housework, char kept, private room. Mrs. Pruchtman, 43 Avenel Drive, Toronto. FARM MACHINERY .FOR SALE OLIVER Cletracs, several In good order with blades and loaders. Any reasonable offer. P. Tilley, Blackwood Hodge 930 Dfilhvood Road. Toronto. Evenings BAldwin 1.9146, ' FOR Sale: Chopping mill in good dairy division, R. N. Crawford, Themesford, Ont. DISTRIBUTOR fOr Mercury' Chain Saws for Ontario, New saws and parts Arriving from Wisconsin every week. Dealers for Homelite, L.E,L., Mall. Ser vice on same. Sold on easy payment plan. Nixon's Chain Saws Watford. ALFALFA Meal business. and machine, 160 H P: Cummins Diesel. Morley liammermill and Papec Cutter mount- ed on International truck, all in good condition,. For particulars write.. Roy Whittveil & San, Glanford Station, R.R.1, Ontario. Popular em Power' Pros SAWS' 6 e, ts Til- lotson Carburetors, F. M. Starters, Model AL with Oregon Chain 20" .. 0210. Model ALP with Oregon Chain 20" . . , 5230. Also the outstanding performer with the exceptionallylong life engine P.M. Model 19.4 Write for name of nearest dealer, GROH FARM & INDUSTIIIAL EQUIPMENT LTD., BOX 53. ELMIRA, ONTARIO. LIVESTOCK HOLSTEINS REGISTERED Holstein bull, 20 months old. Sire Roelond Reflection Sovereign dam graded very good. Three nearest dams average milk 18801 fat 712 test 9.79 Herd vaccinated, listed, Extended pedigree on request. Elver ICvlst R. 1, Icing, out. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT REAL RESULTS AFTER TAKING -DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 'Wein, Ottawa. 51,25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin ,troubles Post's Eczema Salve will not .disap• point you. Itching. sealing and burn ng eczema; acne ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re g8ardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent -Pant Free nn Receipt of Price PRICE 02.50 PER JAR. POST'S, REMEDIES 2865 5t. -Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOUNG farmer, Increase your income, raise Nutriafor fur, 90% feed already on farm. Write: Circle A Nutria Ranch, 196 Meadowsweet Ave:, Toronto GET out of debt and stay out. Copy- righted Chart will dolt. Satisfaction Staples, 743 Union,, Jend ackson0 , to: Michigan. I AM Looking for a Party with 52,000 to go Into a very 'lucrative field of Wholesale Merchandising. Wonder- ful opportunity. Box 154 128 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, MAKE Big Money) By operating a Question and Answer Service, through Mall, nothing hard, New Manual tells how. Send 51.00 today. Daniels, 3508 Huntville R o a d, Birmingham 7, Alabama, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified .profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 359 !Moor St. W.. Toronto Branches: • 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHeRS'rONHAUGn &. Com p a n y. Patent ' Attorneys. Established 1850. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty -live deluxe personal re uirements. Latest catalogue. included. The Medico Agency,Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. HEARING IMPROVED for many who have used Leonard's Invisible Ear Drums, $10 complete kit, or ask for free information and testi• menials from many who have been helped. A. 0. Leonard Company, Dept. 4, Box 305 Station. F., .Toronto 5. SALESMAN WANTED WE aro looking for a live wire Sales. man to take orders for chicks and turkey nouns. We have all popular egg breeds, dual purpose breeds broiler breeds and Pour popular tut, key breeds. Liberal commission paid. Feed Dealers, Farmers, men calling on .. Farmers selling any product make sue• • cessful chick salesmen.. Send for full rt>talls. Box No. 196, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. SWINE LANDRACE, the meat hog, which grows fast on less feed. Mare and more of these bacon type hogs will be purchased by Canadian. Farmers in 1957. Investigate before you purchase buy the hest imported stock that money will buy, We have one of the largest and best imported herds of Landrace 1n Canada, over 20 blood lines to choose from. Weanling sows and boars, 4 to 5 month oldsows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, service- able boars. -Catalogue. 10RRGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO A LANDRACE boar could make high. est possible improvement on your future market pigs. Immediate deify. ery 31/2 month boars, Lanky Landrnee Farm, Milton Foerater, Mildmay, On. tarso. Don't leave your loved ones unpro- tected. A 8AX WILL FORM costs only 25e. Make your own WILL, yourself. as over 1,000,000 others have done. Full directions enclosed. Only 25o, or if unobtainable locally send 30o for postage paid Bax. Form. "No Estate Toa Small" ax Legal Will Form Company 1 Hannaford St. Toronto WANTED WE buy old gold broken Jewelry, watches, rings, chains, gold teeth, crowns, for cash, by return mail, Wilson Refinery, 112 Hamilton Avenue, Akron 4, Ohio.. ISSUE 3 — 1957 An old-timer is onewho re- members when a dish -washing machine had to be married, ndt bought. c:STOPPED .N A JIFFY or money back Very first use of &sething,'cooling liquid D.D.Iy- Prescription positively relieves raw red itch—caused: by eczema, rashes, scalp Irritation, chafing—other Roll troubles. Greaseless, stainless, 390 trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer, Ask Your druggist for 0..D.2. PRESCRIPTION, You canto ALLIS our; IF you Feel .. s These days most people wesk' under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain; Today's tense living,lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache,. disturbed, rest, that "tired.00t" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take`Dodd's Kidney Pills.-Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 CANADAtSFIN$ST, CIGARETTE WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE WE ARE FORCED TO SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FREEZERS AT UNHEARD OF PRICES Deluxe 16 cu. ft. 00 Double Lid Chest 299 WHILE THEY LAST SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO General Automatic Equipment Go. 3571 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ont. BANK REFERENCE IMPERIAL BANK, TORONTO CUNARD TO EUROPE rr WINTER AND SPRING SAILINGS , TO BRITISH PORTS: At Thrift -Season gates TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $210 ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS First Class from $217.50 Tourist Class from $155 $310 Tourist Class from $160 VE5551 From HALIFAX To • 3105061 From. NEW YORK- - To IVERNIA BRITANNIC SCYTHIA SAXONIA IVERNIA BRITANNIC - -SCYTHIA SAXONIA IVERNIA e - CARINTHIA SCYTHIA 3• SAXONIA "CARINTHIA *SAXONIA tt'IVERNIA 'CARINTHIA 0,1, JAN. 1.8 Sun. JAN. 27 Sun. FEB, 3 Sat. FEB. 9 Fri. FEB. 15 Sot. FEB, 23 •Sot. MAR. 2 Sot. MAR. 9 Fri. MAR. 15 Sot. MAR.' 23 Sat :MAR. 30 Thurs. APR. 4 From MONTREAL,SCYTHIA Wed. APR. 17 Fri. APR. 26 Sot. APR. 27 Fri. MAY 10 Havre,London(Tllburyl Cobh, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Havre,london(Tllbury! Cobh, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Cobh, Uvorpool Greenock, Liverpool UVerpool : Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool IVERNIA "PARTHIA QUEEN MARY BRITANNIC QUEEN' ELIZABETH MEDIA SCYTHIA SAXONIA IVERNIA QUEEN ELIZABETH ',CARINTHIA BRITANNIC PARTHIA -QUEEN ELIZABETH SAXONIA IVERNIA MEDIA QUEEN ELIZABETH Thurs. JAN. 17 Fri. JAN. 18 Sof. JAN. 19 Fr1 JAN. 25 _ Thurs. JAN. 31 Fri. FEB. 1 frt. FEB. 1 Fri. FEB. 8 Thurs. FEB, 14 Fd. FEB. 15 Fd. FEB. 15 Thurs. FEB. 21 Thurs. FEB. 2s Fri. .MAR.. 1 Sal. MAR. 2 FN. MAR. B Thurs. MAR. 14 Fd. MAR. I S Wed. MAR. -20, Havre, Condon (Tilbury! Liverpool .. , Cherbourg, Soofhamplon ' Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton': Liverpool Havre, Southampton , Cobh, Liverpool Havre, London (Tilbury/ . Chorboura, Southamptbe Cobh, Liverpool Cobh, Liverpool Havre Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Havre Southampton.. Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton. 1f WILL MAKE SHORT CALL. AT QUEBEC SAME EVENING 'Summer Sea on Rates Apply- Lila Boston - - - Wigs Bermuda ---�'" See your coal agent— MISESs N/o7�one �can serve you better BringYeurreletly brfrien WEST 11'u psi \IIYNARD. LINE". heft ik j. om grope. ds pND SOU. `Tr aMER� CRUISE posse MEAN SPRIN fugOlreebadt Cq � le.Canoda MEDITERRAyRUISE Tel:.EMpire `2-1481 , Assisted passass Le aa SYa"Min ER" -A .., t n chemo - - Corner Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont.