HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-10, Page 8� err C F C r r DON'T MISS THE LAST FEW DAYS OF OUR GREATEST January Sale SALE ENDS SAT., JAN. 12 EXTRA SPECIAL ! 4: -.� SPORT COATS HALF (PRICE Assorted tweed sport coats including a few -famous Harris tweeds in grey, beige, blue and brown. :Mostly one of a kind that we must clear out at Half Price SIZE CHART 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44. REG ...... 1 1 3 2 1 6 8 2 TALL 1 3 1 1 2 Regular 18.95 to 39.50 ON SALE AT 9.48 to 19.75 Save Dollars & Dollars! MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS GREATLY REDUCED Our best Towne Hall Suits In greys, char- coals and blue greys and a few browns. — Regular 59.50 to 65.00. Sale ..,....•.. One of a kind In blue, grey (no charcoals) browns, etc. --All wool worsted cloths. To clear Melbourne Flannel (ra- yon & acetate) 2 pant suits that sold regular- ly at 35.00 to 39.50. To clear 27.95 2 PANTS Final Clearance SUBURBAN COATS Grey, Beige and Char- coal, wool, quilt lined, suburban coats. Sold 2q% regular 17.95 to 24.50, "I144�t'' To clear at OFF Men's Underwear, pajamas, fine shirts, work shirts, sox, sweaters, dress pants, and all men's furnish Ings Reduced 2/0 Men's Overalls & Shocks 10% off Follow the Crowd to the Big Sale at Stewart Bros. WALTON The Christmas meeting of the Walton W. I. was held in the Community Hall on Thursday afternoon Dec. 20th. The presi- dent, Mrs. Margaret Humphries opened with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect re- peated in unison. The roll call was answered with a New Year's (Resolution. Christmas Carols were sung with Mrs. Herb Tra- vis at the piano. The minutes of the November meeting were read -by the sec- retary, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. It was decided that a fine of five cents ,be collected from 'those not responding to the roll call in the proper manner. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. T. Dundas. Mrs. W. H. Humphries chose es her topic ,Christmas customs in other lands. In opening she spoke of the true meaning of Christmas, after which she told of the pe-, eular customs of many coun- tries in the world. In Denmark the people gather in the village !where someone ' climbs to the !bell tower and plays four hymns before 'Christ- mas is observed, Sweden has a thorough house- cleaning !before they .celebrate Christmas. They p'laee a sheaf on the outside of the house. Norway: Christ Child goes along ' and people place candles in windows to show where they may enter and if he goes in a gift is left. France: The eat is the prom- inent figure in Christmas oust. oms.'If the eat meows while, the beast is on it (brings trouble to 'the household, therefore the eat must be well fed also. 'They, Book wheat and let it sprout, this tells them whether they will have a good or poor 'harvest. ..:After the meal they set shoes 'put or in later years hang up their atoekings. Spain: 'Christmas has a very religious meaning to ,them, , stressing .the Bethlehem manger.. Germany: The Christmas tree' originated here and it is from them we get the custom of dec- orating our Christmas trees. Holland celebrates (Christmas Dec. 5th, St. Nicholas Day. San- ta comes in the evening when they set out their wooden shoes with oats, carrots or hay. These are taken and presents are left. (Russia: 'Wise anen stopped to inquire the way to the birth place of Jesus. After they left the woman regretted having misinformed them, therefore she placed gifts in a basket and started out to find the Christ Child. This was the (beginning of gift giving. Italy: Pantomimes splay a prominent part, Wales; Carol singing is their custom going from house to house. Scotland: Italian Panto- mime or 1 -hammering England: Bringing in the Yule log and burning it. Portugal; Santa Claus is pro- minent and their customs are very religious. (America got .its customs from England. Our Poinsettia is our own original idea dating 'back to (Charles Dickens in Tiny Tim. It was decided to have a pro- egressive euchre party in ,the community :hall on Friday even- ing, Jan. 4th. Committee to be as follows: Mrs. Wan. Turnbull, Mrs. Ron- ald Bennett, 'MTS. Herb Travis, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, :Mrs. Nelson Marlgs, .Mrs, Frank Kirk- by, Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mrs. Mark Hamilton. The mot- to "I will ,honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year" was taken by •Mrs. Mark Hamilton. Lunch commit- tee for January will be Mrs. Leslie (Oliver, Mrs. Ernest Ste- vens, Mrs, 'George Williamson and Mrs. Nelson Reid. The meeting closed 'with "The !Queen", after which lunch was served by Mrs. ID. McDonald, Mrs. J. 'McDonald, Mrs. !Mark Hamilton and Mrs. Bert John- ston. A ;'large crowd, attended the Sunday School Christmas con- cert held in the basement of the church on Friday evening, Dee, 21st. The following program was presented with Mr. Martin Baan the superintendent, the chairman. Opening Chorus; re- citation, Larry Walters;solo bY Glenna (Houston.; recitations ations b y Brenda Bewle, Barbara *Al: ans, Gerald Baan; piano duet Barbara and Marian Turnbull solo, Barbara Hamilton; recita- tions, Caroline Fraser, Sheila Flood, Helen Searle, Mary IBew- ley; A Christmas Family Wor- ship Service; recitations by Car- ol Wilbee, Wenda Humphries, Bruce Clarke, Cherrill (Craig; solo, Linda Bryans; flag dull; recitation, Audrey McMichael; trio, Pauline, John and Shirley Thamer;' solo, Shirley Thinner; dialogue, A gift for Santa; Pi- ano. solo, Anne Achilles; solo !bY Billie Hamilton; piano duet by Bobby and Brenda Houston; Pantomime, !O Little Town of Bethlehem; ohorus by Mrs: Wal- ter's elass. Mr. , il3aan thanked the Sunday 'School teachers for their co-operation during the year and Rev, W. tot Thomas spoke on the splendid work be- ing done in the .Sunday 'School by the superintendent and teaehels. Santa Claus arrived to distribute gifts and ;Sags of candy. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and family of Essex spent a !week at the home of the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Silas Johnston and other relatives. Miss Jean Mills of London and Mr, Murray Mills of 'Brant ford visited at the home of their parents, IMr. and Mrs. Earl Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawless, Dianne and Murray of ,Sinicoe spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mres. Wilbur Tuini- bull, Mr. and Mrs..Ron Hamelin of ()Tillie with Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutledge and family of London with Mrs. M. Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall and daughter of !North Bay spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, M. Fraser and Mrs. Luella Marshall and Barrie. Mr, and Mrs. Don Gray and children of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. 'Campbell Wey and family of McKillop spent Christ- mas Day at the home of Mr. Jo- seph Hackwell. Miss Joan Ryan R.N. of Ot- tawa spent Christmas with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Laur- ence Ryan. Mr. Douglas Kirkby of Lon- don and .Mr. Herb Kirkby of Toronto spent the Christmas season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broad - foot and Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas have returned home af- ter spending (Christmas .with relatives in. Toronto. Mr. Wayne 'McMichael of Windsor visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert .McMichael, Vesper Service A well lighted 'Christmas tree, rows of tall white candles ar- ranged along the choir loft and evergreen boughs interspersed with colored lights formed a beautiful setting for the annual candle -lighting Vesper Service in the auditorium of Duff's Un- ited Church on :Sunday evening Dec. 23rd. The Y.P.A. assisted the C.G.I.T. at this service, The choir entered from the rear of the church, singing the proces- sional hymn "Silent Night, Holy Night", The leader, Mrs. Ted•1idCreath, Mr. Victor Uhler and Mr. David Kirloby took their places at the pulpit with Miss Audrey Hackwell at the organ. Order of 'Service: Call to Wor- ship, Mfrs. Ted MdCreath• In- vocation. Choir: "Come Softly come and worship, Our Saviour is here". Prayer, Mrs. Mc- Creath; carol "0 Little Town of Bethlehem"; scripture, Mr. Da- vid Kirkby, 'St. Luke 2: 8-20; .choir, anthem; "What Child is This"; !Scripture, (David Kirloby, St. atthew 2: 1-12; prayer, Leader; Poem "A 'Christmas Prayer"; carol, "(Hark The Her- ald Angels Sing"; offering, Mr, Wayne- McMichael, Mr. Ronald Smith and Mr. Herb Kirkby; Dedication of offering; choir, Anthem, "Holy Night"; story, Mn Victor Uhler, `A Christmas Surprise"; carol, "As -with Glad- ness anen -of Old"; .Candle -light- ing service: Misses ,Shirley Bos- man, Donna Smith and Ruth Anne Evans; prayer in unison; ]Recessional "Joy to the World". In closing Rev. W. M. Thomas spoke of the splendid work 'be- ing done by ,Mrs. Mdarea'th and expressed his appreciation to all who assisted in making the evening a success. Mrs. Mc- Creath also thanked the decor- ating committee and all others who helped in any way. CROMARTY Mrs. M. Houghton with Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton,' Tees - water, on :Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and family at Kincardine. (Mr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. M. Houghton with 'Mr. and Mrs, R.. Stagg on (Sunday evening. Mr. and .Mrs. John Wallace and family and Mr. and Mrs. 'George Wallace with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks, 'Staffa, on Wednesday. An impressive white gift ser- vice was held on Sunday .with Rev. ,S. Kerr in charge, aasd de- livering the 'address; all the classes of the Sunday School had a special part. !Scripture lessons were read by itIugh Scott and Margaret Coleman. The (Candle -lighting ceremony by the lO.G,I.T, girls was well rendered. The combined choirs led in the singing of 'Christmas hymns and also contributed two special numbers. The gifts were Presented by the sin'aller child- ren of the School. -'Three children were present- ed for baptism, Lorraine Eliza- beth, infant daughter of 3Ii. and Mrs. 'Gordon Laing; Paul Hamilton, son df Mr. and .,,Mrs. Clifton Miller, and MaryJane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tenuplemlan. Mr. and M•rs. T. L. 'Scott, Hugh, David, John and Alec, Mr. and .Mrs, T. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing and 'Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. G. Laing and baby and Mrs. E. 'Moore spent New. R'ear's Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie at 'Koanoke. iMr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan, (Mrs. Thos. 'Scott and !Misses Inn and Dorothy Scott were guests at a New Year's gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cart- er Kerslake, Staffa, on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wallace, Laverne, Margaret and Debbie, Mr. and'. Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. !Grace Scott visited on New Year's Day With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, Parkhill. A family gathering was held at the !tome of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allen on New Year's DaY Mr. Clive McDonald and fam- ily and Mrs. Elizabeth MelDon- ald, Mitchell, visited over the holiday 'with Miss 'Olive 'Speare. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Sotsdahl, :Anita, .Alice and 'Connie visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamond on New ` Year's Day. A family gathering was held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Will, Hamilton on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning (Richard and Robert spent New Year's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. At a well attended aneeting under the auspices of the Mar- ian !Ritchie Auxiliary, in the church. !basement on Friday evening, Nliss Grace Kerr, Tor- onto, showed slides of her trip to the British Isles and several of the European countries which were much enjoyed. The members of the Y.P.S. enjoyed a skating party on Sat- urday evening, afterwards re- turning to the church where re- freshments were served. H ENSALL Mr. and 14Irs. Robt. Traquair and son of Sarnia spent the hol- idays with Mr, and Mrs, M. Me- Creedy and Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin 'Traquair, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lind- say at Thamesville. Mr. and Mrs. Wal, R. ,Bell were holiday visitors with mem- bers of their family in Toronto. Miss Jean Lavender returned to Hamilton after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavender. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Price and family of East Aurora, New York State visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. and Mrs, Don Rigby and Donna of (Blenheim were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art McQueen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell and iMr. and Mrs. John Traquair and Ruth Anne, Mr. Mervyn Brown was a re- cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in (Stratford. Mr. and (Mrs. Guy 73edard and family of London were recent visitors with IMr. and Mrs. Stewart 13e11, Pauline and Anne. Miss. -Shirley !Chapman 11. N. of Sarnia visited during the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Miss Pauline Bell returned hoine after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, Guy :Bedard in London, (Miss Shirley Flynn of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Flynn. KIPPEN 'At Kippers;. a truck driven by Jake Parent, 33, R. 3, Wheatley, skidded into' the rear of a car driven by Milne Rennie of ,Sea - forth. Both -had been proceed- ing north on Highway No. 4. CONTRIBUTIONS List of Contributions to the Cyclone Fund (continued). George Ilucharme, R. B. 3, Dublin, Dublin, ,$2.00; E. Donnelly, of Dublin,•$3.00 ; Mac Feeney, of R. R. 2, Dublin, 42.00; Leo Feeney, R. R. 2, Dublin, $2.00; Jack J. Feeney, R. R.:2, Dub- lin, 42.00; A. George Gray, of Dublin, $2,0,0; .Glen Smith, R. R. '2, D u b 1 i n, 42.00; Dal- ton Balfour,' 11. R. 2, Dublin, $1.00; Bill Gray, R. R. 2, Dub- lin, •$1.00; Gray Bros., R. R. 2, Dublin, $1.00; Lorne and Ross Balfour, R. R. 2, Dublin, $2.00; Arnold Harris, R. R. 2, Dublin, $1.00; David Gray, R.B. 2, Dub- lin, 41.00; Geo. Smale, R. R. 2, Dublin, $1.00. EGMQNDVILLE The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of the Dg- mondville United 'Church was held at Mrs. Norman McLean's home on Wed. Dec. 12th 'with a large attendance of members and many Visitors. !Mrs. Ivan Forsyth presided over the open- ing exercises whieh were in charge of the W.A. ;Scripture readings and prayer by Mrs. S. Jackson, Mrs. Jtolbt, Tyndall, Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs, 'Chapple and Mrs. Tremeer. Mrs. Dunwt sang "0 'Holy Night", .•accom- panied by Mrs. IE.'Cameron. Mrs. Ivan Forsyth; read the story "Why the Chimes rang !Out". A benediction of peace read • by Mrs 'Forsyth closed the, devotional period. Oth's. Dur4t, W.A.' president was in charge of the W. A. busi- ness period. The Secretary, Mrs. D. Wallace read the minutes of the Nov. meeting and also read letters of appreciation for flow- ers and cards from Mr. .Clair Haney and Mr, Andrew Houst- on. Following the offering M3•s. A, C. (Routledge, convenor of the manse .committee read her annual report, Mrs. Harold Jackson's Red Oross o re rt was P also lead committee - A o 1 !lice was ap- pointed to leek` after the ''an- nual treat to be given 'to the Sunday !School children at the Christmas concert on Dec. 21, The W.M.S. sheeting was pre- sided over by Mrs. A. Pepper. Mrs. Leonard Strong read the (Christmas story frown. 'St. Mat- thew's Gospel. ,Mrs. Elmer 'Cam- eron read an article,' "TheHope 'of 'Christmas". written by Dr. Chas. Templeton. Mrs. W. F. McMillan gave the treasurer's report. Annual reports were read from the various secretar- ies. (Mrs. D. Stephenson, Com- munity : Friendship; Mrs. Lind- say,, Christian Citizenship; Mrs. L e o •na r d Strong, Literature; Mrs. A. C. (Routledge, :Supply; Baby ,Band, Mrs. M. Nott; Miss ''lorence Elford, Mission Band; Mrs. M. Nott, Missionary Mon- thly; Mrs. James Ailcenihead, Christian Stewardship; Mrs. Warden Haney, 'Corresponding Sec.; Mrs., E. Stephenson, As- sociate Members; Miss F. Horns - ton, Press Secretary. The com:• plate report of the Nominating Committee was read ,by Mrs. Ed Boyes end this was seconded by Mrs. Aikenhead. A hearty vote of thanks was given to !Mrs. W. F. ,McMillan; who is retiring af- ter 35 years of faithful service as treasurer. Mrs. Semple read a. very inspiring sermon, "The Other View Of Christmas" which made everyone think of the message contained in the verse, "Sn the fullness of time, !God sent forth His Son". Mrs. Semple led in a prayer. Mrs. McLean and Mrs. •Forsyth's as- sistants served lunch, and the hostess 'vas thanked by ,Mrs, Aikenhead. BRUCEFIELD Mr. A. Paterson returned home from London (Hospital much improved in health. Miss Margaret McGregor of Toronto and Miss K. McGregor of Winghaih are spending the Christmas holidays with their brother, Mr. Frank and John McGregor. Mr. Jack Rathwell and friend D. Lindsay are spending the (Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell. iMiss 'Eleanor Fisher, Graven - burst, spent the weekend and Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Miss Janet Watson is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson for the holi- days. FORTY YEARS AGO From The !Seaforth News January 1917 Musicians for an old time dance planned by the Soldiers Aid Commission in Tan. 1917 were: H. M. Chesney, Jr., P. M. Chesney, Jas. 'A, Chesney, E. H. Close, Alfred 'Curtis, A:be For- syth, 'Henry Forsyth, John Haw- thorne, Thomas ,Rands, Earl Van Egmond, Joseph ,Storey. !Floor managers were Peter Cameron, John Carter, Harry Charters, George 'Cook, Thomas O'Reilly, Wm. Workman. 'Committee; Jo- seph Murphy, Scott Hawthorne, Finlay McKercher, 'Wm. Chart- ers, Robert Gemmell, John Beattie, L. T. DeLacey, Charles Stewart, Dan Shanahan. A secolid nomination meeting was held at 'which H. :Stewart was elected mayor by acclama- tion and J. -Cluff to council. Officers of Seaforth Agricul- tural Society for 1917: Presi- dent, J. McDowell; Vice Presi- dents, D. Fotheringham, Geo. '1VLcRee; treasurer, R. M. Jones; Secretary, M. Broderick. The society had a surplus of $220 on hand. Robert 'Gemmell -of ,Moosejaw and Thomas Gemmell of Graf - mid, 'Sask., are visiting friends in the district. A. literary society was organ- ized at Winthrop with A. A. Cuthill, president; Robert (Scar lett, vice pres., Mabel Bullard, Sec., and Lorna Barn, treas. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The ,Seaforth News, January, 1932 Robert !Smith was elected reeve of ' ,Seaforth over Dr. Grieve. The :council for 19'3''2 was: Mayor J. F. Daly, Reeve R. Smith: 1Counchllors, I. Hud- son, FIudson, L. Bolton, T. Stephens, J. H. Scott, 'Harold Dale, W. W. Crozier. • This district escaped a severe sleet storm whioh did much damage in the Hamilton dist- rict, McKillop Council for 1932: !Reeve John 'Campbell, council- lors, Hugh Alexander, Dan 'Re- gele, ,Russell Dorrance, Joseph .0'iRourke. (Helmer Snell is acting night Watchman for Seaforth owing to the illness, of (Grief W. G. Fee. !Mrs, W, D. IMamson of Eg- mondville has "a large amaryllis over 46 inches long in the main stock. The election for reeve at Hensel' ended in a fie between Owen •Geiger and Robert Cam- eron, the clerk, Mr. Pattersoni. casting the deciding vote for' the'. old reeve, ,Mr. Geiger. iMrs. P. !Banbury ' of Winni- peg is .visiting her iparents, Dr. and 'Mrs, F. J. Burrows. William Douglas was elected reeve of :Stanley township. CARD OF THANKS To the Ratepayers of Tnckorsmitlt;` I wish to thank the Electors of Tuckersmith for their loyal support in electing me Reeve on Monday. I 'will try to do my best in the interest of the Township. Wishing you tho best for the Coming ar. Ye • IvanyFors •th To the Electors of Tuckersmith: r would like to take this oppor tonity to thank the ratepayers of Tuckersmith for their support to myself and the School Board. ,t Ross Forrest To the Electors. of Tuckersmith: I wish to thank my supporters who voted for - me at the polls in Tuckersmith last Monday. Wishing You the compliments of the season.. Chester ,Neil To the Electors of Tuckersmith: I wish to thank•511 the ratepayers of Tuckersmith Area .No. 1 who. asp- p7tlr ortedelemoction. at the polls in the Jan. James Landshorough CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the, Legion Branch 166 for. the treats sent to us at Christ- mas, Mrs. Ernest Drager and 1tamily' CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all :those who so kind- ly remembered me with treats, flowers, cards and visits ,whilea patient in Vietoria Hospital, London. JUNE MUNN CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and gifts received' while 'a patient in the hospital. Alec nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and doctors of Seaforth .Clinic JOHN If._ GORDON CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Martha Edgar wish to exprms thanks to all the friends, relatives and neighbors for then - many acts of kindness and sympathy 'ex-. tended to them.' Special thanks to Bev. James and the Whitney Funeral Home. Also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards of sympathy, in the passingof our dear mother CARD OF 'THANKS I want to thank Dr. Stapleton, the nurses and staff ofScott Memorial Hos- pital, also the Canadian Legion, for their "kindness during my illness. FRED WILLIAMS CARD OF THANKS I would liketo thank most sincerely thq friends' who sent cards, gifts for the baby, and flowers during my stay in the hospital and since coming home. ISABEL COLSON IN MEMORIAM Keys—Inloving memory of a dear hus- band and father, A. P. Keys, who passed away one year ago, January 16, 1966. God saw the road was getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered peace be thine. --Ever remembered by his wife and family COMING EVENTS The LOB& will bold ouchres on the following dates; Tues., Jan. 28th ; Mon., Feb. 18; Mon.. Mar. 18. GinghaCOMING iEVENT Centre, Friday, Feb. 8. Women's Hospital. Aux- iliary FOR SALE 16 little pigs. Phone 607r24. Seaforth. Conlon Reynolds FOR SALE Formal dress, size 16. Worn once. Phone 691 W 10 choice YOOU R i FinR E ack McIver, St, Columban. Phone Dublin 84r21 FOR SALE Frame- building 34' x 68', would make good driving shed. Apply to UV Law- son, phone 6091.16 FOR SALE Two formula, one yellow, one coffee brown, size 14 to 16. Call 139 7 FOR SALE A sowing machine, "Singer„ in good condition. Apply phone 63 Seuforth A play pen• ANTED Van Rooijen, phone 8361.6 HELP WANTED Reliable housekeeper, preferably mid- dle aged, for 3 adults in 'small village. Good home for right person. References required. Write stating wages and ex perience to Box W, The Seaforth -News FOR SALE Used conversionoil burner and con- trols. Bob Doig, Seaforth. Phone 008r3 FOR SALE Solid oak dining room suite, with five straight back. chairs with leather seats and one arm chair, and round extension table with four leaves. Large buffet with china :cabinet at one end. All in real good condition, Can be seen at any time. 'Apply th Mrs. Harburn, N. Main st., Seaforth. Phone 309 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ELIZABETH MILLER All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Miller, late of the Village of Stan, in the County of Perth, Widow. deceased, who died on the 20th day of September. 1956, are hereby notifiedto send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of January, .1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to olaims then received. DATED at .Seaforth, this 8th day of January, 1957. McCONNELL & HAYS Seefonth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors FOR SALE BY TENDER The following lands are offered for sale by tender, namely: part of Lot Number One in Allysworths and Tuffin's Survey of Part of 'Farm Lot Number Sixteen in the ninth Concession of the Township of Hibbert, being in the Vil- lage of Staffs. Tenders must be in the hands of the Executor, Percy Miller, of Science Hill, Ontario, or the undersigned on or before the 28rd day of January, 1067, and be accompanied by a marked - cheque for 10% of the amount thereof and the bal- ance in thirty days On the said lands there is said to be erected a 131, storey frame dwelling in good condition with all modern conveni- ences and well located in the Village of Staffs. Possession in thirty days, These lands are offered for sale to close the 'estate of Elizabeth Miller. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. McCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solioitors for the Executor NOTICE Township of Tuckeremith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the Township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for. damagesto any ve• hide parked on roadsidescaused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. 1'. CHESNEY. Clerk. FOR SALE 4d ft. milli° home, can be seen at William .MacGregor's - one mile east of ifippen. For further particulars write Wilmer MacGregor, Mount Hope JANUARY MEETING OF IIURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chambers, Court House,' Goderioh, on Tuesday, January •15th, 1967, at 2 p.m. - - All accounts, notices of deputations. must be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January. 12th, 1967. A. H. Eektne Clerk. County of Huron THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, January 10, 1957 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt andHospitaCarefl Beuld Attention . Flowers for all- oceasona Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON • Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforldt SEAFORTH CLINIC , E. A. Hollister, B.A., M.D„ Internist P.L. Brady. M.D„ Surgeon Ogles Hours, 1 pan. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ar• desirable VETERINARY SURGEON, 3.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 0.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. erg by appointment only. Clinton 11U-2-7010, . above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST, :SEAFORTH, ' ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 6 blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE ANDFURN;_— OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R • AND FUEL OIL • WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w If you are.eavppe Eto RSandle feed in bulk. Seo us for special prices delivered to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 16 Seaforth NOTICE For artificial insemination informs, Cori or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Bree „d" 1i`• soclotion at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breads available—top quality at low cost. RADIO ,REPAIRS Quick, nespennye and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth If you want Ntit ravelOTICE,. oand, top soli or EDexcavaBlng jusphone 884 Seaforth.. FARMERS. NEED GRAINa2 Soo us for speoral bulk •prices eliv- ered to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim-. itcd. Phone 16 Seaforth FURNACE FUEL OIL 'AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME New brick dwelling adjoining Sea - forth, low taxes, possession arranged. OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer. Duplex, North Main, all modern conveniences, early possession. .. Low Down Payment Balance monthly 3 apartment brick dwelling. East William street. 100. acre farm without barn in Hullett Twp. Part under cultivation Twp., Lot 1, Con. 4. Partly cultivated. M. A. REID The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. ORloera—President, Wm. S. Alexander i Vice -Pre,., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors --J. L. Malone, Seaforth i J. H. McEwing. Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewaitha, Clinton ; .1.E. Pepper; Brucefield; C. W. Leonhatdt, 'Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderlob • R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broedfoot. Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesbro T. F. Procter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker., Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. . Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be morel,* attended tobyapplication to any of the above named officers addreeeed to their respective post offices. . FOR SALE The better ail -electric Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing 8 specialty. Also parte for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other makes on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke. phone HU 2• 9181, Brucefleld Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47