HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-10, Page 1Th
$1.50 m Year.
Authorized as Second Class moil;
Post Office Dept.,Ottawa
Snowdon Bros,; Publishers
Election in Tuckersmith
1 2 3 4
Doig ,. 37 45 32 23
Forsyth ,, , 84 71 42 42
Majority for Forsyth 146
Coombs .,, 86 75 35 ,13
Forrest , 63 59 50 13
Landsboro• 23 52 45 12
Neil 63 61 44 12
Elected: Coombs, Forrest, Neil
' With 551 votes cast out of a total of 1101 eligible voters, the vote
cast was almost exactly 50%.
on Monday
5 6 --- Total
21 41 — 199
45 61 345
25 45 — 279
54 68 — 307
12 47 — 191
28 57 — 265
Many Obtain
1957 Car Plates
:George (Henderson of Brace -
field received the first car per-
mit issued here 783-701, and is
now on,his way to Florida. The
local issuer, J. A. Westcott, has
issued more than 110 car plates
up to this week including doct-
or's licenses, also 112 operat
ors' and 142 chauffeur's liee i
The numbers of the 21'50
plates that have •come to Sea -
forth start at 733-701 and run
to 7854850.
The issuer, requests that all.
.applications for permits and li-
censes should be made out prior
to .presenting for renewal.
There are two slight changes
in costs: Transfers will be $2 in-
stead of $1, and instruction per-
mits '$+1 instead of 50c.
A !background of lighted
,Christmas trees, white tapers,
pine boughs and white mums
formed the setting for the mar-
riage of Wilma Ann Williams,
.daughter of 67r. and Mrs. Nor-
iVilliams, Guelph, to John
ewart McGavin, son of Mr.
and Mgrs. Gordon 'McGavin, Mc-
Killop twp., on Dec. 22nd. The
Rev. Mr. Baskier of Dublin St.
'United Church officiated at the
double ring ceremony. Tradi-
tional wedding music, Christmas
carols with chime accompani-
ment were provided by the
church organist. The bride wore
a ballerina -length gown of whilte
brocaded satin fashioned with
'bateau neckline, full flaired
skirt and lily -.point sleeves. Her
tiered veil of silk illusion was
taught to a cap fashioned of
tiny flowers and silver beads.
She carried a bouquet of cas-
�adine 'white carnations, •inter-
twune c With holly leaves and
'berries. The bridesmaid was
Miss Betty Ann Leach, Guelph,
wearing a ballerina -length gown
of pink erystallete with pink
carnations and white mums. The
best man was David MCICinnell
of ,Seaforth, while Weil 'McGav-
in, brother of the groom, and
James Flanagan, Seaforth, act-
ed as ushers. Before the -cere-
mony John Kitching of Guelph
sang the Lord's Prayer, and dur-
ing the signing of the register,
"O Promise Me". Following the
wedding a reception was 'held
in the Co -Op hall, 'Guelph, for
25 guests. The bride's mother
received wearing silver brocade
with brown and yellow roses.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother, who wore a jacket dress
of bronze shot taffeta with gold
accessories and corsage . of
bronze mums. The young couple
left on a honeymoon trip to
Vineland and Huntsville. They
will reside in .Guelph.
Mrs. (Robert Edgar, 86, who
died Friday at the home of her
son, William Edgar, at Clinton,
was the former Martha Tolson,
of Disshigton, (England, and
came to !Seaforth' district 62
years ago. Her 'husband died in
1925. She was a member of St.
Thomas Anglican (Church here.
Surviving besides her son, are
four daughters, Mrs. 'Charles
Barber, in +Manitoba;. Mrs. Jas.
Edwards, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs.
Alex . Muir and Mrs. James
Flannigan, (Seaforth. Two other
sone, John and Thomas, died in
The First World War. The fun-
eral was held on Monday from
the 'Whitney funeral home con-
ducted Iby Rev. J. James. Inter-
ment was in Maitiandbank Cem-
!Pallbearers were Bill Wilbee,
Tom Wilbee, • James Flannigan
Jr., Bill (Flannigan, Jack Muir,
Dave Muir..
London, will be guest speaker at,
the annual meeting and ban
.quet of. (Seaforth Agricultural
!Society.. in Eglnond'ville (United
Church on January 22nd.
IE. D. MdGugan, assistant
manager of
the Western Fair,
Firemen To Build'
Rack to Dry Hose
The .Seaforth time brigade is
making new arrangements for
drying fire hose after use. At
present wet hose are hauled up
in the tower at the town hall
and left to drain and dry. But
with the rebuilding going on at
the town hall they will be un-
able to use the tower any long-
er. Fire Chief Jack (Scott this
week is working on the details
of •a drying rack the firemen in-
tend to construct at the fire
hall to dry hose with aid of a
The wooden steps, platform
and slate roofed portico were
removed from the front of the
town hall on Tuesday by the
PUC .staff. A truck was hitched
Five Nominated for
Tuckersmith Council
Five were nominated at the
second nomination meeting for
council for Tuckersmith, held
on Wednesday afternoon. Those
nominated with movers and se-
conders were:
Elgin Thompson. by Robt, D.
Elgie and Lorne E. Hay.
Arthur Varley, by Wilmer
Broadfoot 'and !Wilfred Tre-
Louis Clark, Jr., by Joseph E.
McLellan and Robt. J. McGreg-
Harold Lobb, by Mac 'Wilson
and Elliott Layton.
IRobt. !McGregor, by Alex.
McGregor and John Broadfoot.
Those nominated have until
9,p.m. Thursday to ;qualify.
Chas. MacKay again acted as
chair an .a n for the ratepayers
Elgin Thompson said he had
always 'believed it the duty of
a ratepayer to serve his amnia -
polity if needed. {However it did
not appear he was needed and
he would not cause an election.
Arthur Varley said he would
qualify. IHe had been a+pproacned
last fall to stand for council,
but had expected the old council
to Ibe in again this year.
Louis !Clark said he wanted to
thank Tuckersmith for having
the services of Hensel] Fire
Dept. as they had saved his
house at the time of his fire.
He was uncertain about qualify-
Harold Lobh said he would
decide later about qualifying.
onto the various sections which Robert McGregor said he be -
were towed down Main street lieved all should take a turn at
serving their township.
He had
refused before and would have
I to refuse again as he was con -
netted with other boards.
Former reeve, Alfred 'Moffat
spoke briefly, also (Road Supt.
Houston, who thanked all for
cards and treats while in the
I hospital.
Reeve -elect Ivan Forsyth
thanked time ratepayers for the
unexpected large majority. Nev-
er before in the history of Tuck-
ersmith had a second nomina-
tion been. needed. It demonstra-
ted a responsible democratic
government in • action, giving
the ratepayers a second chance
to choose a council. In lots of
countries 'they don't get even a
first chance, he said. We should
be proud of our 'privilege, and
have gratitude to those who
have carried the torch -before us.
for disposal
The regular meeting of Sea -
forth W, I. will meet at home
of Mrs. Andrew Crozier on
Tuesday, Jan. 15th at 2 o'clock.
co hostess, Mrs. J. P. Scott, Mrs.
Earl Papple and Mrs. Les Pryce
will he in charge of this meet-
ing, !Roll 'call: New Year resolu-
tion. Motto: Real happiness lies
in the joy of achievement, Mrs.
Eric ;Milner will display and
demonstrate the beauty counsel
project. Lunch, sandwiches, Mrs,
Harold (Hugill, 'Mrs. Lorne Cart-
er, Mrs. J. P. Scott. Will all
'members please bring a cake to
the euchre and dance, Friday,
Jan. llth.
The inspector was at school
on Monday and Tuesday and all
was quiet' in the classrooms for
once. Two teachers were ab-
sent for the Last two days of
school last week, but all were
here to start off the week.
Every girl is excited about
the 'big formal.
Tryouts are being made for
the girls and boys senior and
junior basketball teams.
The boys are going to start
curling at the curling rink next
The regular •C.G.d.T. meeting
was held in the Northside Unit-
ed Church basement on Monday
evening. The annual report was
filled in to be sent to Toronto.
Plans were being made for a to-
boggan party for Saturday
evening followed by a social
hour at the church. Cocoa and
doughnuts were served by Mrs.
Pinder and games were played.
The meeting closed with "Taps"
(Mrs. W. J. Morphy of Tad-
more, Sask., who flew here to
attend the funeral of her !broth-
er, John A. (McNaughton, finds,
many changes in Seaforth. She
finds the weather damper than
in the west' but not so cold. (Mrs.
Morphy is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Jean IShoidite, Seaforth,
and the McNaughton family in
Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kellar were guests at the offi-
cial opening and banquet of the
New Union Telephone •Cam-
pany's new unattended dial ex-
change office at Moorefield, Mr.
Ross Mc[Swing, managing dir-
The dial equipment is a prod-
uct of the Eteico Company of
England and supplied fby The
Pye Company of Canada, and
the cable plant installation was
done by Kellar Cable 'Construc-
tion of iSeafortb.
Mrs. Violet Barnett 'Cadaret,
76, died Thursday in Scott
,Memorial Hospital after a two -
weeks illness. She was (born in
Seaforth where she received.
her education, later going to
Detroit to live. She was married
in 1932. The funeral was held
Monday from the Box funeral
home conducted by Rev. ;Bruce
(Tall . of North s i de United
'Church. Burial was in Maitland-,
'Pallbearers were B. O. Muir,
Geo. Dixon, 'Glen (Smith, Carl
Dalton, Albert (Baker, Dale Nix-
The parent education :meeting
of the Home and !School Associ-
ation :will be held on Tuesday,
Jan. 15 at 8.15 Ip,m. in the pub-
lie school. A skit and discussion
written Iby 'Mrs. le 1. Brady and
Prof. James Scott will be the
highlights. The public is invited.
Start out the flew Year by
showing an interest in the
'Home and School:
Mrs. Cleve Cochrane was hos-
tess to Group 3 of Northside
United Church on Monday even-
ing, Mrs. Bev. Christie opened
the meeting with a poem, "A
State of Mind". Hymn 148 was
sung followed with the Lord's
prayer. Mrs. !Cochrane, the pre-
sident, took charge and read a
poem, "My Daily Prayer for this
year". The roll call was answer-
ed by my New Year resolution,
showed a' good attendance. Shar-
on M'cNiehol and Barbara Tal-
bot favored with two lovely
duets. The ladies were reminded
of the general W. A. meeting to
be held on Jan. 16th. A humor-
ous reading, "A (Hairdo" was
given by Mrs. Cochrane. A read-
ing from Streams of the Desert
and referring to IDeut. 11: 11-12
was given by Mrs. Christie, fol-
lowed with prayer Iby Mrs.
Cochrane. Hymn 559 was sung
and meeting closed by all re-
peating Mizpah Benediction. A
social half hour was spent and
a delicious lunch was served
with lunch committee in charge.
The first meeting for the
New Year was held in First
Presbyterian Church with the
new president, Miss Jean Scott
in the chair. Mrs. Scott Bab
kirk opened the meeting with a
poem "A New Year's Thought"
by Edgar Guest. The secretary's
and treasurer's reports were
read and adopted, also 'their an-
nual reports. Plans for 'the com-
ing year were discussed. A solo
"In the Garden of To -morrow"
was sung by Mrs. Frank Kling
aceompanied by Mrs. McGregor.
Mrs. Ritchie then gave a talk
on Robert Burns who had been
brought to her mind this time
of year as theauthor of "Auld
Lang Syne". It was very inter-
esting and she ended her talk
with the 'thought that Burns
had brought a message of love,
hope and reverence for God and
the common man to 'Scotland.
A • social half hour was then
spent, the executive being in
charge of the .lunch.
J. McIntosh Heads
High School '.•card
The inauguralmeeting of
Seaforth District' !high School
Board was held Tuesday night.
There is one new member this
year, Edward Deiering, .Iiilbbert.
Jaynes C. McIntosh, Tucker-
smith, was re-elected chairman.
!Frank C. J. !Sills is vice chair-
man and (M. A. (Reid, sec.-treas.
Committees: 'Siipply, R. Bol-
ton, C. M. ,Snaith; O. Anderson,
C. Martin. Finance, 1F. !Sills,
G. McGavin, IC, M, Smith, Exe-
cutive, J. C. McIntosh, F. Sills,
C. Barber. Agriculture, E. Dea-
ring, 0. Anderson, R. Bolton,
C. Martin. Bus, C. Martin, E.
Dearing, K. L. 'McFarlane, O.
Anderson, G. 1MclGavin. Teach-
er-iBoard Relations, G. MclGavin,
J. C. McIntosh, F. +Sills, 1R. T.
Bolton. !Property, C. A. Barber,
F. Sills, E. Dearing, K. L. Mc-
Farlane. I(First named is chair-
man of each committee).
C. A. Barber, truant. officer.
Firemen Plan
Ladies' Night
The ,anunal meeting of Sea -
forth Fire Brigade was held on
Tuesday night and all officers
were• re-elected: Fire Chief,
Jack iScott; foreman, Frank
Case; asst. foreman, J. C. Crich;
sec., Frank C. Sills; treas., iM.
E. Clarke.
(Norman IScoins was appointed
to anake arrangements for a la-
dies' night and banquet to he
held in the community centre in
(George Brown, 12, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Brown,
Jarvis' Street, is resting com-
fortably in Scott 'Memorial .Hos-
pital where he was taken on
Monday morning with head in-
juries received at minor hockey
The January meeting of
Group One of Northside United
Church was held on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Campbell with 19 present.
Mrs. Clarence Walden and. Mrs.
Ross 'Murdie had charge of the
program, Mrs. Warden opened
the meeting by reading a New
Year's hymn. Theme for the de-
votional was "Just One day at
a Time." Mrs, ;Murdie read the
scripture. !Kerry Campbell de-
lighted with violin numbers.
Mrs. Ernest Adams gave a read-
ing which everyone enjoyed,
Mrs. 'Murdie closed with prayer.
Mrs. Win. Ball presided over
the 'business part of the meet-
ing. Ways of raising money for
the year were discussed. A. de-
licious lunch was served by 'El-
eanor Henderson and Mrs. Ad-
ams. Mrs. Connell thanked the
hostess and those taking part in
the meeting.
The first meeting for 1957
was held at the home of Mrs.
R. Savauge on Monday evening
with 26 in attendance, 'Mrs. B.
Walters, president, was in
charge and opened the meeting
with a poem "Which are you?"
and hymn "Standing at the Por-
tal." Quotations and thoughts
were expressed by Mrs. J. Kellar
concerning the scripture read-
ing. Mrs. W. Leeming offered
prayer. Mrs. W. (Dundas gave a
report of the meetings for the
past year. Ways and means of
raising money were discussed.
The meeting was then turned
over to Mrs. Savauge who gave
an interesting reading and also
conducted some informative
contests. Mars. ID..Ailcenhead and
Miss G. Thompson assisted the
hostess with a dainty lunch and
a 'pleasant social half hour was
The regular meeting of the
fEgmondville Y.P.S. was held on
'Sunday evening, Dec. .30th with
the Stewardship training con-
vener in charge. The meeting
opened with the 'hyann. "Ile .Lead-
eth Me", and the scripture was
read byJim Forest. The topic
"'What is Stewardship" was ta-
ken by Marjorie Papple. The
President, Scott Powell took
'charge of business period and
lihe hymn "Abide with ale" was
sung. Dorothy Boyes conducted
a contest and lunch was served.
On Sunday evening Jan. 6th
the Y.P.S. conducted a Candle
'Lighting Service in the 'Church.
The first part of the service
was taken by Dr. Semple, then
!Scott Powell took Charge of the
Candle (Lighting 'Service. Helen
Boyes read the scripture, fol-
lowed by a prayer by (Raymond
(Chambers. Nancy (Pepper sang
a solo "'My Cathedral", and the
months of the year were re2re-
sen'ted by ,Bi'11 Strong, Ronald
.Eyre, Margaret Wood, .Margaret
Chesney, Marjorie Papple, ,Dor-
othy Jackson, (Don 'Tremeer,
Bruce Coleman, Mary Anne
Forrest, Erie McIntosh, Wayne
Chapple and Dorothy Boyes who
lighted their candles and re-
plied for their month. The ser-
vice closed with the hymn "Je-
sus Bids Us Shine".
Plan Gingham
Dance in February
The Women's Hospital Aux-
iliary opened the New Year
with a well attended meeting on
Tuesday. Several new members
were present and welcomed by
(president, Mrs. E, A. 'McMaster.
The annual gingham dance will
be held this year on Feb. Eth at
the community centre. Tickets
are now available from mem-
bers of the auxiliary. !Mrs. 3'.
Kling is in charge of tickets,
Decorating committee will Ibe
headed by Mrs. J. Longstaff
and lunch committee by Miss
A. Reid. During the evening a
draw will be held for an elect-
ric frying. pan. The members are
now busy knitting bootees
:which will be presented to each
baby born in :Scott Memorial
Hospital. At close of meeting e.
lunch was served by Mrs. J.
MacDonald, Mrs. A 'Wright,
Mrs. G. Brightrall and Mrs. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLar-
non of Kippen wish to announce
the engagement of their. daugh-
ter Mary 'Elizabeth (Betty), to
William E. Bennett, son of air,
and Mrs, Foster !Bennett of
Seaforth. The marriage to take
place in January.
The W. A, met on Thursday
afternoon. Jan. 8 with an at-
tendance of 27, Mrs, Norman
Baird, presided and opened the
meeting by singing' hymn 48.5.
Mr. Davison led in prayer and
the closing hymn for the devo-
tions was 434. After the read-
ing of the minutes of last meet-
ing the roll call was answered
by payment of inembership
fees, The following thank -you
cards were read: Mrs, D. Trieb-
ner, Mrs, W. J. 'McBeath and
Duane Elliott. The treasurer re-
ported the following amounts
raised by the groups: No. 1—
$288.54; 1910 2-$286.00; No.
'3$146.70. No. 4 — $183,05
making a total of $904.29. A
donation of $17.00 was made to
the managers to apply on assess-
ment re Summer School build-
ing. Mr. Davison installed the
new officers for 1957 and
thanked the W. A. for the :many
improvements made at the
manse. !Mrs. John Broadfoot
then took the chair for the re-
mainder of the meeting. Ar-
rangements were made for the
W. A. to take charge of lunch
at the annual Church meeting—
Stanley, to provide sandwiches
and Tuckersmith, tarts. The roll
call for February to be a Valen-
tine verse, and group 3 will have
charge of program and lunch.
The meeting closed with the
W. A. 'hymn and prayer. A solo
by 'Mrs. 3. Cairns, "Love Me
Tender, Love Me True" was
much enjoyed. Group 2 served
the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Dwyer
and children of Leamington
with Mrs. Loretta Jordan.
Mr. and +Mrs. John Cleary of
London with Mr. and Mrs.
Prank Evans.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Harold Smuck
of Kitchener -with Mrs, Loretta
Mr. Kenneth Stapleton, Mr.
Neil 'Stapleton, Kenneth Feeney,
Arthur Murray, and Fergus Kel-
ly have returned to St. Jerome's
College, Kitchener.
Miss Joan McLaughlin, Miss
'Margaret'O'Rourke, Miss Joan
Evans have returned to Teach-
ers' College at Stratford and
Mr. Jimmie Newcombe has
returned to his home at Port
Miss Phyllis Butters has re-
turned to St. Joseph's Hospital
after spending a week at her
Mr. Ted Rowland, Toronto
with Mrs. Winnifred Rowland,
Mr. Hugh Pugh in Toronto.
Miss Mary Hunt has returned
to The Pines at Chatham.
Mr. and (Mrs. Jim Krauskopf
and Bonnie and Bobbie in Lon-
don with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Mr. H. B. Kirkby has received
word from Vanderhoof, B.C. of
the death of his youngest sister,
Mrs. J. W. ,Shortreed, (Alice) in
her 78th year. Mr. and Mrs.
Shortreed moved to Grand
Prairie, Alberta, in 1912.and
after farming there for 10 years
moved to Vanderhoof, in (Central
B.C., where Mr. S'hortreed oper-
ated a Silver Fox Ranch. Mrs.
iShohtreed was hosgtitalized op
Oct. 29th and died Dec. 16th.
She had been in delicate health
for a number of years due to a
heart condition. She was a de-
voted member of the !United
Church in that town and a good
friend and neighbor to all.
Many will mourn her ,passing.
She is survived by her •husband
and one brother Herbert B.
Kirkby of Walton and two sist-
ers, Mrs. Ilolbt, Watt (Millie) of
Blyth and Mrs. T. C. McCall
.,Lizzie) of Toronto. Our sym-
pathy is extended to these rela-
mfr. 'George Kirkby of - Bur
sL s
Lilac Time,
Enchantment I,
1111 I` i
'I 1
with the Purchase of
SERVICE for '.
• 8 Knives • 8 Forks
• 8 Teaspoons • 8 Dessert arSoup Spoons
• 8 Salad Forks • 1 Sugar Spoon
• 1 Sutter Knife 0 2 Table Spoons
• 8 Butter Spreaders • 8 Coffee Spoons
• 1 ColdMeal Fork • 1 Gravy C Ladle
y L
• 1 Pierced Dessert Server.
*Trade -marks of Oneida Ltd.
S 'S
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
wash visited with his parents in
the village during the Chirstmas
Mr. David Hackweil visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Haekwell, over the holidays.
Bethel W. A. are boldin- a
crokinole social in No. 9 School
on Friday, Jan. Iltla.
The many friends of Mrs, W.
P. Dodds will regret to learn
that she is in Clinton Public
Hospital, and they wish her a;
speedy recovery.
Miss Lorraine Smith, Irwin
Johnston, Betty Axtmann re-
turned to their resp et tive
schools in North York, Midland
and Galt last week.
Donald Dodds, Mac Bolton
and Doug Keyes have returned
to their studies at the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor
and Katherine have returned
home after spending the New
Year holiday with the fommer's
mother (Mrs. Jim (Edwards and
Mr. (Edwards, also Mr. and Mrs.
George King and family of,
Sault Ste Marie, Ont.
Mrs. John McGregor and Miss
Fairie aleCloy of Seaforth visit {
ed New Year week with John
and !Douglas McGregor of Kip -
Mrs, Margaret Wilson and
her son Ronald of Oshawa at-
tended the funeral of Mrs.
.Alex 1MdGregora's grandmother,
the late Mrs. 'Edgar of Varna.
At St. Andrew's United
Church on Sunday morning,
communion service was observ-
ed .and was 'well attended. The
service was .conducted by Rev.
Norman 'McLeod,
We are pleased to report
Mrs. James McLean who is a
patient in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, (Seaforth is gradually
showing signs of ' improvement
in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd • Sparks
and children visited two weeks
in Kincardine at their parents'
homes, Mr. and Mrs. (Harold
Walden and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Seveks,ral cases of measles and
flu 'are making their rounds in
the surrounding. area.
Mr. Dick (McCabe visited re-
cently in Sarnia. '
Mrs. Sam Cudmore, hwho re-
cently underwent an operation.
in Victoria hospital, London, is
reported to be doing as well as
can be expected. We trust for
sen early recovery.
The many friends of !Mrs. Ro-
bert McLean, who has been a
patient in Clinton Hospital,.
has returned home and some-
what unproved an health.
Mrs. James McGlymont re-
turned home since spending
Christmas with her daughter,
Mrs. Alice Cook of London, and
New Year's clay with her daug-
hter, Mrs. Jenny Schilbe of Ex-
eter. On Friday, her grand-
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike J odgert of Exeter,
also her granddaughter and
grandson Of Dashwood, Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Ducharme visited at
her home.
On Saturday Mr. and 'Mrs.
Norman Dickert attended the
funeral of Mrs, Dickert's uncle,
Mr. Wm. Reis of Ilarriston,
also spent Sunday visting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
mar iDicicert of Lakelet.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McGregor in the
loss of Mrs. McGregor's grand-
mother, the late Mfrs. Edgar of
(Mrs. +Harry Caldwell and Jack
have returned home, having had
a pleasant trip to Florida.
High School News
The tension was relieved on
Thursday, December 20th when
a skating party was held—hav-
ing finished the exams that
morning. Friday there was a dif-
ferent note in the air. We held
a party, with dancing and ex-
changing of gifts -a good way
to get in the Christmas mood.
Everyone had an exciting
time over the holidays and the
only complaint 'was, "They were
not long enough!"
We agreed that it was a
stroke of fortune that reports
were withheld till after Christ-
mas, and the holidays were all
the more enjoyable because of
it, but we had this hanging over
us to start back. The plunge
was taken last Thursday, and it
wasn't too bad after all. Now
everyone is back in the swing of
things with renewed vigour.
Question of the Week: What
student in the school has an in-
feriority oonvplex?
Note: New bus in Dublin.
Comment: Eh, Cleo?
!Mrs. Robt. MacfLean, who.has
been receiving treatment in
(Clinton General Hospital during
the past few weeks was able to
return to her home.
The :many friends of Mrs.
Inez McEwen regret to hear she
is confined to her :home owing
to illness, and wish for her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon T. Munn
and ,family of Stoney Creek
were, recent visitors with the
latter's mother, Mrs. !Ida Munn
and sister, Mrs. Jack ,Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie: Adams
Gloria and (Harvey, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Morelli and :.Bully,
Mrs. Jane 'Coleman ' of Dash-
wood and !Miss (Shirley Coleman
of Exeter were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett
and family. •