HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-03, Page 5d S., nd ip. in on ip. i". THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, January 3, 1957 1 Hockey Hapn's By BIM Teal' Thank goodness Christmas is ower. I think most of •our fans will agree. After display of (hockey our .(boys. put on here against Waterloo last Thursday I have- recei'ved so many com- plaints on referee Smith's han- dling of this and other games that I feel 4t is only fair to tell you we have no say in who will be sent to handle our games as referees are appointed by 10HA office in Toronto. I .certainly do not agree that the handling of this game had any 'bearing on our 'loss; but certain incidents missed by the referees may have led to tempers rising and eventually may have caused the. fighting and general disgraceful displays on the part of both teams. We are endeavoring to give our fans good clean hockey and we certainly do not approve of such displays on the part of our players. Below you will see in our fin- ancial report that the smoker and feather party before Christ- mas gave us a (profit of •$350, and wish to thank everyone who helped. Thanks to this party we are .still solvent. If anyone has a good suggestion to raise ad- ditional funds p'leasse do not hesitate to pass on the sugges- tions to us. This Thursday will be final booster draw' and had it not been for fine co-operation of so many who have returned all or part of monies won you can see we would not be m a very good financial position. So may I again thank you, each and every draw winner to date. Ticket sales to date $2605.00 Feather party '3135.75 Vena release 75.00 Donations (Lions 1$300.00 mist. 2.00) '347.25 Gate receipts '721.25 Turkey 343.75 4428.00 (Expense to last week $3344,09 Travelling players .... 91.00 Adv. and tickets.... 52:87 Equipment, minors ... 58.44 Equipment, juniors .. 206.26 Refereeing, minors ... 130.00 Oranges and gum ... 16.2.3 Board Coaching OIHA • 60.00 20.00 Booster draw prizes .. 200.00 .i' 1$4110.39 Balance n bank $317.61. TOWN TOPICS Mrs. W. E. (Butt spent last weekend with IMT. and (Mrs. John Butt of Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dun- gey and Brenda spent ;the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs, James Hogg, Colling- wood. The latter returned home with ,them to spend' New Year's. Mr, Thos. ICluff of Montreal was a holiday visitor with his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. Mrs. Joseph (McQuaid who spent two .weeks in Scott Mem- orial Hospital has returned to her home on Main Street. Mrs. 'Jennie • :Patterson is vis- iting her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. C. Ben- nett in (Clinton. Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Harold Jackson left on Sunday for St. 'Peters- burg, Florida where they will spend Christmas and the follow- ing two weeks. Mr. and ;Mrs. Frank Cudmore and (Miss Nancy ICndmore, Wal- laceb•urg, spent 'Christmas with Miss Hazel Reid and Mr. D. IL. Reid. Mss. R. Koopmans and child- ren of IAu'burn were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald •Snowdon. Mr. and 'Mrs, D. L. Hoover and daughters of Windsor were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'E. Keating. Mr. Ken Keating of New York was also a Christmas guest, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and family of London were 'Christ- mas guests of hlIr, and Mrs. H. E. 'Smith, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Walters of Dundee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Dale of St. Thomas are spending holi- days with parents, IMr•. and Mrs. Alvin Dale. Mr. Ross Coutts of Montreal is spending !Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Coutts. Miss Mary Dodds of Toronto is visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. IR. B. Holmes, Seaforth. Pearson Chesney of Fort William is at home for a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Murray and family, Mr. Stewart Mc- Donald and Mr. Glen McKay, of Toronto, were guests over the weekend of 'Mrs. James Mur- ray. Mrs. G. Letson and ' family and Mr. Ken Larone, all of Tor- onto Were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Larone. Mr. and .Mrs, J. E. (Busby and Miss (Shirley of Chatham .and Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Willis and Carl of Kitchener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson for IDhr•ist'Inas wek Mre.s. Lavada Norris, (Robert Norris, Barbara June (Norris and Mr. and Mrs, Frank ;Short, all of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. Ben Rising during the holidays. Visitors for Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Patter -1 son were the la,tter's mother, Mrs. John Bell and sister, Mrs. Ernest 'Rouse, 'Mr. Rouse and Don, all of 'Norwich. Mr•, Basil Purcell of Timmins spent the weekend in town. Ronald Muir of Cornwall spent Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon Muir of Seaforth. Miss Ethel Storey and Mrs.1 Alma Chesney are visiting in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Fred (Peel is spending a holiday in Bermuda. Mr-, and Mrs. John Neilsen of New Hamburg spent a holiday 'with Mrs. Julia Flannigan. Miss Susanne Dick of London is spending her :holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Dick, Seaforth. Mr. George 'Dixon and family were visiting in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey 'Baker, Cainp (Borden, were visiting with ,Mr. and :Mrs. Albert Baker. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Chesney : I spent Sunday in Galt. Mrs. Clayton Horton and Pat spent the holiday in Alymer with Clayton 'Horton. Mr. Bill Hunt of 'Simeoe is spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Homer Hunt. Miss Margaret Dick, London, was visiting with her mother, iMrs. Lena Dick and family. 'Mrs. Eva (Kerr spent Christ- mas with her son, Mr. Roy Kerr in Detroit. Mr•. Hugh Gorwill of London spent 'Christmas holidays with hisorwill. parents, Dr'. and Mrs. J. A. G Mr, and Mrs. N. McMillan and family of Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. CH'. Pearce and family of Pickering were Christ- mas guests of Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. MoIVIiilan. Mr. and Mrs. E. McIver, of .Stratford, spent 'Christmas at the home of Mrs. H. 'McIver. Miss Marion Laudenbaeh and Joe of Toronto, John, Sarnia, and Michael, of London, were Christmas •guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. Laudenbach. Mrs. L. (Bell, Miss Jessie Fra- ser and Mr„. 'P. Fraser spent Christmas with ;Mr'. .and Mrs, John Bell, Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. F. (Maloney, of Preston and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hewitt, 'Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dedour, 'Goderich, and Mr. and 'Mrs. V. 'Overholt of Centra- lia spent 'Christmas with Mrs. T. Maloney. Miss' Mary Devereaux of Tor- onto spent Christmas with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dev- ereaux. Miss Marion iLillico, of Bur- lington was a Christmas guest of her mother, 'Mrs. Lillico. Mr. and 1Mrs. Doug Huddles- ton and, family of Sudbury spent 1Ch74stmas with 'Mrs. T. Hablcirk, Miss (Rita Duncan, Ottawa, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. John McQuaid of St. Thomas spent Christmas with Mrs. J. (McQuaid. Mr. and 'Mr's. John Hotham Jr. and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooper, Kippen. Miss Mary Lou Sills of Lon- don and Mi. Ron Sills of Kitch- ener were IC'hristmas guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. C. P. Sills. (Miss Anne !Brodie of Toronto spent 'Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. '.Brodie. Dr. and 'Mrs. L. J. Matthews and daughter of Detroit, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. 01 Mr.' Donald Hills, Ingersoll, spent Christmas with Miss M. Turnbull. IMr•, and Mrs. D. 'Barber, of Kitchener were Christmas guests of iMss. J. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hutchinson and family of Kitchener, 'Mrs. Flynn of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Masse of Windsor spent Christmas with Mrs. E. Bannon. IMr. and Mrs. E. Haggerty and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris of Guelph, CE1u1-. tet ng ng ile of ar. 111. is to of ev, STAFFEN'S PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 49 111111111111111.11 lllllll l l l 1111111"1l m l"l l l l a m i n l 111""111 s ''a' '"1' CHRISTIE'S lle MEAT MARKET MIR Fresh and 'Cured Meats Phone 58 Seaforth CRICH'S BAKERY WHITE CLOVER BREAD Cakes 'Candy Ice Cream, Phone 34 iSeaforbh HENDERSON Started Chicks Ltd. Phone 645 J 1 Seaforth FRANK KLING Electric Wiring • Piurnbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work PHONE 19 ISEAFORTH COMMERCIAL HOTEL PHONE 227'SEAFORTH AUSTIN DOLMAGE GENE'RA'L 'STORE Winthrop Phone 834r11 0 "P 'h.. 10 BALL-MACAULA7, SEAFORTH YNE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LIME, }GEMENT Seaforbh Phone 787. rOlinton 97 ROWCLIFFE MOTORS DODGE AND DE'SOTO J. I. [Case Farm Implements Phone 267 Seaforth 11111111111111111111111111111111111llll ll111111111111111111111111111 WM. M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 818w DENNIS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR Television and Home Appliances Phone 467 'Seaforth T. PRYDE & SON IStEAIOR!PH MONUMENT WORKS PHONE •363 J J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER. , Vehicle Permit Issuer Seadortbh G. A., SILLS & SONS HARDWARE Heating-Pluinbing Tinsmithing PHONE 56 ISEAFORITH BEAUTY SALON Phone •157 'Seaforth 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET ,ECKENSWILLERS Fresh Fruits, Meats, Groceries SEAFORTH PHONE 8 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 JOHNNIE BLUE JOHN DEERE Sales & Service Phone 645 Egmondvil'le PHILLIPS FRUIT STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE 63 SEAFORTH WALDEN & BROADFOOT FINA PRODUCTS Phone 354w MAPLE LEAF DAIRY HARVEY .TRIA.VISS, PROP. PHONE 101 SEAFORTH WHITNEY FURNITURE TELEV'IISION Funeral and Ambulance S'ervi'ce phones: Day or Night 119 dri 'Mr, and :Mrs. T. D. Morris" and daughters of Tiillsontburg. spent Christmas with Mrs. W. Morris. 'Mr. and Mrs. Duffy, Wood- stock, were 1Christmas guests of Mr. and ;Mrs. 3. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. E. Aslin, Tor- onto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. S. Henderson and family of Mitchell spent IChristnn'as with Mr. -and Mrs. E, Matthews and Mr, and Mrs. CH: Henderson, Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete McIver were Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Coffin, Miss Jo 'McIver, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jacic 'Wright, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs, T. Morris and daughters, of Tillsonburg, and Miss Margaret McIver of Kitch- ener, ,Miss 'Leona 'Purcell, Toronto, spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. J. Nigh. Mr. and Mrs. K. (Lane, of Tor- onto were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Townsend. BORN Nobel—At Scott Memorial I•Iospital on Dec. 300h, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nobel, Seaforth, a daughter Whitmore—At Scots; Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 31st, to Mr, and Mrs. Ellin Whitmore, RR 3 Seaforth, a daughter, Karen Winona Simpson—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan, 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simpson, RR2 Seaforth, a sots Cornish—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish, Seaforth a son, Dwayne Carlyle Dolton—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 240h, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bolton, Seaforth, a son, Carl William Rushoall—At Trenton Memorial Hospi- tal on December 20, to h'lt./Lt, and Mre. L. J. Rushcalh n daughter, Catherine Ann W. 1. NEWS 'Please note change of date of Institute meeting. It will be held on 'Tuesday. Jan. 15th in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrew Crozier. We would like to thank all who helped to make our New Year's eve dance a success in spite of the stormy evening. Winners of the first spot dance were Mrs. Oliver Wright and Mr. Larry Fisher; second spot dance, Miss Marjory ,Pethick and Mr. Neil McGavin. We are having a euchre and dance on Jan. llth in Seaforth Community (Centre. Tables and chairs, Mrs. Harold Hu•gill, Mrs. Lorne 'Carter; lunch, (Mrs. Wil- fred Coleman, 'Mrs. Elmer Cam- eron; punchers, Mrs. Jack Mc- Lean, Mrs. Earl Papple Mrs GORDON McGONIGLE GROCER PHONE 166 SEAFORTH • DALE PRODUCE EGGS LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Phone 571 Seaforth llllll1111111111111 lnlllllll l lllll1111111114 1111111111a1n11n 11111 CANADIAN TIRE STORE G. & ' W. 'SMITH, PROPS. Auto Accessories, Tires Batteries Phone 792 'Seaforth KEATING'S PHARMACY "The •Rexall Drug 'Store" J. E. Keating, P'hm. B. Phone 28 NORMAN SCOINS (CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONE 242 SEAFORTH WILLIS DUNDAS COAL — FUEL OIL PHONE 363 J 'SEAFORTH Mart DICK'S GROCERY GORDON DICK, PROP. PHONE 91 ISEAPO'RlrH ,n. l¢ Leonard Strong, Mrs. .Sandy Shea, Geraldine Malone, Anne Malone and Mary Lou Murray. Pepper; dishwashers, Mrs, Jas. Doig, .Mrs. J. Ailcenhead. Iso charge: Mrs. Jack McLean, Mrs. Earl Papple. Hibbert School Annual Program 2.S!S. 4, Hebert, held thei PRESBYTERIAN CONCERT. The annual concert of First ,Presbyterian Church School was held in .the church school room, Friday night, Dec. 121st,, and was well attended. All who were r present 'shared in the carol sing - annual Christmas ,program un der the direction of their teach er, Mrs. ,Joseph Melady, and E C. (Harley, music supervisor, , The school room was appro priately -decorated with religjuu and 'Christmas themes pre -do inating. A lighted outdoor tree at the entrance plywood cutotl figures with Santa Claus in hi sleigh, and reindeer, Rudolp leading added to the spirit o ;Christmas. The story of the Nativity wa depicted, all the pupils taking part in it. This was followed by a Rose drill, relating the stor of "The First Christmas Rose" The program which followe was given as a television show by the Sharon Hill Ranchers' Part one consisted of chorus es and recitations by the pupils (Holiday Ranch song, Christmas can't be far away, and Pass the plate of Happiness. Part two was made up of the following short plays: Disap- pointing Dinah, Catching the Train, Dr. Cure Me, and The Sewing Society. Part three was the musical part of the 'program. which con- sisted of solos: Upon the house my little Top Buckaroo. Shoo Shoo Sh4La La, square dances, Turkey in the Straw, Swing that man from Arkansas, Dive for the Oysters; step dancidancing,old time waltzes, ;polkas, and barn dances. This was followed by the closing choruses, 'Sleigh Bells Jingling, IChu'b'by 'Little Fellow, Good Health, Good Luck and God Bless You, and theme song, Santa Claus made a very timely visit and distributed treats to the pupils and pre- school children. Mrs. Thomas Morris held the lucky ticket on a draw for a doll. Taking part in the 1956 pro- gramme were: Luella Moylan, Jean Moylan, Mary 'Ellen Doyle, Don Coyne, Vincent (Maloney, Billy Murray, Jack Doyle, Mary Lou Coyne, Danny McMillan, Rose Doyle,' Elaine Murray, Bet- ty Shea, Patsy Coyne, Sharon Burke, Gordon'Moylan, Billy Feeney, Kenny (Coyne, Anne mg. Tribute was (paid . to' the faithful work of the teachers through the year. .A 'brief pro- gram was presented by the members of the Junior and Sen- for Church Schools. (From the Junior School, the class taught by Betty Jean An- drews and Mrs. Nott delivered a "Welcome i1Vlesage". The class taught by Ann Dick and Karen Nicholson presented a 'number called "(Christmas Tree Trim- ming." The class taught by Dor- ' othy Keys and Mrs. 'Sharp pre- ! sented an acrostic, "Merry Bells." Also from this class ,Sally Cosford gave a piano solo, Lynn Nixon a vocal solo, ,and fBanbara •Longsta£f a recitation. The class taught by Jean Scott and Jack Patterson presented "A Kettle of Gifts." Classes from 'the S en i o r School, taught by Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. 'Russell, Mr. Hoelscher, Mr. Reith, and the Junior Bible Class 'presented an illustrated (Christmas service, `Christmas Joys." The evening was then brought to a close with a visit from Santa. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDougal and children, London with Mr. and (Mrs. Joseph Jordan. Mr. and 'Mrs. M. 'Manley of Stratford with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duffy. WINTHROP The annual meeting of Cavan Church will be held in the church on Thursday, Jan 10 at 2 o'clock Euchre&Dance Friday, Jan. 11 At Seaforth Community Centre under auspices of Seaforth W.I. Music by Huron Ramblers Admission 50c. Euchre starts at 8.30 sharp. Ladies please bring lunch Next euchre Feb. 1st Valentine Dance Feb. 15th KERSLAKE'S FLOUR AND FEED STORE SEEDS, .SAIJ2 PHONE 6 'SEAFORTH un1111111111n111111n11111111111111111111111m111111nn1111111111 SAVAUGE'S Diamonds - Jewellery Fine China •Seaforbh :I I"111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11110 111111 lllllll 1 llllll The KIDDIES SHOP CHILDREN'S WEAR & WOOL MAIN ST. SDAFORTH SMITH'S BAKERY 'CAKES, ETC. MATIN ST. PHONE 37 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 I l l n 11111111111111111111111111 Cleave & Peg's B -A SERVICE Goderich St. 'E. JOHN BACH International Harvester Dealer SEA8ORTH J. E. LONGSTAFF ,OPTOMETRIST PHONE 791 SEAFORTH EAR NEIL C. BELL SHELL SERVICE PHONE 452 Goderich St. West Seaforth 111111111111111111111111 llllll 111111111111111 n l u l u 1111111111111111 SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PRODUCE DEPT. MAIN ST. PHONE 13 111111111111111..111111111,111111111111111111111.1111111111111111.111 TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED PHONE 15 SEAFORTH 111111111111111111,111111.111111111111111.I.II.II11.1111111111111111 TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR MAIN STREET PHONE •347-R SEAFORTH 111111111.I111111111111111111111.11llll.1.11111111111111111111.111111 SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. PHONE 47 'x11111111.111111111111111" 1111"1111111111111111111111111.1.11a III ELLIOTT'S QUICK LUNCH WILLARD ELLIOTT, Prop. . PHONE 477 SEAFORTIH +' CROWN HARDWARE General Hardware Paints, Appliances Phone 797 M. Nott, IC, 'Shang SMITH'S GROCERY PHONE 12 SEAFORTH BALDWIN HARDWARE Most Complete Stock of General Hardware Glidden Paints 'PHONE 61 'SEAFORTH .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lull 11111111 SHINEN'S MEN'S AND LADIES' WEAR GENERAL DRY 'GOODS SEAFORTH SEAFORTH CREAMERY and Locker Storage Harvey H. Leslie, Prop. PHONE 80 SEAFORTH LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c - 1.00 STATIONERY - GIFTS ELMER LARONE, PROP. Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices Watson '& Reid Insurance and Real Estate M. A. REID, PROP. RAY CHAMBERS TAXI and 7 -UP TRUCK Phones: 362 and 670x13