HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1957-01-03, Page 1WHOLE( SERIES, VOL. 79 Seaforth News SEAFORTH, 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1957 SIM a'Year Authorized aa' Second Class mail. Pon Snowdon Bros.. Publisher% *Office Dept.. Ottawa (McKillop Council Has Acclamation l There will Ibe no election in McKillop twp. for this year's council. Reeve Dan Beuermann and his 11956 council were re - 'tamed Iby acclamation at: the nomination meeting held at Winthrop on Friday afternoon. (Councillors are W. Earl Mills, Wilson Little, Jerry Doerr and Herbert Williamson, !The following were the nom- inations For Reeve: -Daniel Beuer- mann, ;by William Boyd and Wil- liam Bennewies. W. 'Earl Mills, by Carl Dal- ton andcMicobert R McMichael. For Council: W. Earl Mills, by W. J. (Leeming and !Camp- bell Wey. Wilson Little,' by Russell Dol mage and Allan (Campbell. Jerry Doerr, by Wm. ;Koeh- ler and Mervin Deitz. •William A. Ryan, by Ferg Kelly and Frank Bowman. Herbert Williamson, Iby Har- vey ;Craig and ,Mark Hamilton. fits cannot be assessed an dollars Following the nominations the and cents especially among the meeting .named the veteran children. We get a 50% grant. township clerk, J, M. Eckert, back. Tuckersmith In Sound Position Charles MacKay was appoint- ed chairman for . the ratepayers' meeting following nominations at •Seaforth town hall on Mon- day afternoon. Reeve James Doig said he would offer himself for another year. ;Council 'handled a lot of money,effieiently. He had ;been chairman of county finance com- mittee and had asked for 12 ani11 rate instead of 11%, to co- ver rising costs, !Goderich hospital. grant .was $35,000 and (Clinton $6,000. ;County takes a dim view of aid to hospitals except for bed rooms, he said. A. supplemen- tary road ;grant of 550,000 had been made, anostly for culverts and (bridges. Indigent (hospitalization cosh the county $84,000 this year, a big slice out of a total tax roll of $600,000. The Health Unit is under fire for big expense of $80,000, but he felt that bene- ;' for: the meetingof the rate- Payers. The Winthrop hall was well filed.. ' - The first speaker : was Dan •Beuermann, reeve for the past eight years. He went over the reports of the •county's work in detail. The county roads take 4/ mills said the reeve. The county home and farm at Clin- county home. The Kippen road was finished this year. He forecast a hot mix system would be installed in Huron. Cold mix roads have a Reeve Doig said he had insti- tuted recovering from estates of indigent hospital patients When possible. .Around $14,000 had been recovered in one year: He believed it a sound policy. The county is now in a fav- orable position with all modern buildings, court house and ton had always been operated as a unit until this year. when the farm operations and "home" had ,been given separate ac- counts. M1. "Beuermann said 12 -year life, against 20 years this was to see just where the for 'hot mix roads. Cost of a farm operation stood, whether hot mix plant is around •$250, - it was paying for itself or cost- 000, half paid by Ontario gay- ing the county money. He said eminent that'this year the farm accounts The reeve spoke highly of the would likely show a balance af- new county engineer and pre - ter buying some new agricul- dieted that the public would find tural •equirpanenir. Old beds at better co-operation when they the county home are being re- .had business with the engineer placed with new ones at the than ever before. rate of six each year. They have used me well at The cost of the county court Goderich, IMr. Doig said, claim - 24 Joderich was nearly ing the township sent to 'Goder- id, but It had taken the doh $30,800 in taxes and receiv- large surplus of money which ed back $31,700 on roads this the county had used in previous year. years to finance the coullty,s The court house cost was business s until the taxes were b0 below estimate, n 0 b o w esti at e °ior $ h °• '.paid, and the money now has saiu.-" ' to be borrowed. Speaking of township matters The reeve read the report of he said there ball•been two split the county board of health in votes and he cast tiTa. deciding connection with pollution in the vote. Blyth creek. Owners along the On Eginondville school iia- creek had abjected, jeet he was convinced that a In reforestation Nitre count, cash policy was cheapest. The had planted 135,000 trees on board had a surplus of 413,000. 143 acres, Further trees would Total cost was $20,000 of which have been planted if they had the province will pay $8,000. been available. The young trees Instead of financing by 20 year did very well in the moist sum- debentures, an alternate plan iter. the Reeve said, was to borrow the money from Mr. Beuermann said there had the bank using clergy reserve beendiscussion at the Nevem- fund bonds as collateral, com- ber meeting of county council plete the school and apply to whether the county should buy Toronto for the subsidy.It was t or lease the government's part necessary to tide some ver for • v,. airport at Goderich. The two years, taken care of by the county owns 100 acres and the present mill rate. Dominion government owns the "We have saved the ratepay- other hundred. Several indust- ars $9,000 in interest over a 20 Ties at sidered >fheositetfois lindustrial ave con- year period," Mr. Doig said. operations which required ant 'One mill produces •$2,680 in airfield and the matter of dual ax equals almostue, e said, sothe sap ownership with the government ing townshirate. 11 of one has raised problems. year'svA The countylibrary. was ask- the 7 familiestewere involved in in for morfunds this year, vii water problem at Ey went g 'villa He and Mr. (Chesney went Reeve Beuerman said, County to Toronto to ascertain proper council had recommended a steps, which is much the same grant of $8,000 for next year. as a municipal drain. The en - The grant this year was $7,100. gineer was instructed -to draw The Reeve said the elevators a plan not exceeding $200 a in the new county building unit, but instead had made it would require constant atten- double. Council should ,have tion and maintenance. The Harpurhey • cutoff near Seaforth on highway 8 mould revert to Tuckersmith, and the Holmesville cutoff to Goderieh twp., it had been decided by the county road committee, Mr. Beuermann reported. Among - :the county roads paved during the summer were 2% miles east of Maven, and 3 miles between Varna and Brucefield. Four bridges had been built by the county, including the bridge in Brussels. The (Reeve reported that the county engineer' had asked the county to consider installing a "hot mix" plant for paving work on the county roads. The cold mix which the county•for ,. years has used in paving county roads will no longer stand up to N resent day 'speeds and•loads, ."the:' Reeve repotted. A'hot mix plant will cost.;$250,000 of which the county's share would ;a.. be $1126,000. In reply to a question Mr. Beuermann said the county had laid a hot mix pavement on the road from Brodhagen. The base was hard gravel. The township had put up' a machinery stied at Winthrop this year and it was almost com- pleted. Plans were ;being laid for next year •the Reeve said, Five bridges will be rebuilt, (but lie was not • sure yet what ones. Six bridges had been rebuilt this year. "I'm with you again, Boys," declared the Reeve at•the close of his address. "I will'be glad:to serve the people of McKillop next year if you twill 'have me." 'Chairman Eckert thought the new elevators in the new court • house were expensive. It a was geod exercise to walk up and down stairs, as good as playing golf, he said. (Councillor Earl Mills who was' nominated 'both for reeve and councillor eaid Reeve Beu- Tuck'smith Election for' Reeve, Trustees There will he an election in Tuckersmith' for reeve ;between Reeve James 'Doig and Council- lor Ivan Forsyth. A new nomin- ation meeting will be held for council as only two qualified for council !by noon on Wednes- day, Councillors Frank Falcon- er and Victor Lee. An election will take place for school trustees in School Area No. 1, as four 'qualified for the three vacancies, for two- year term. NOMINATIONS Nominations in Tuckersmith Monday were: For Reeve: Ivan (Forsyth, by Stanley Jackson and (Charles MacKay. James Doig, by John R. Mac- Kay and, James lMcJntosh. Frank Falconer; by William (Pepper and Gregor McGregor. For Council: Ivan Forsyth, by Broadfoot and Sidaiey Gemmell. Victor Lee, by Clair Haney and Bert Garrett. (Bert Garrett, by Elliott Lay- ton and Harold Lobb. Frank Falconer, by Howard E. Johns and Wm. Rogerson. MacKay Wilson, by H. Lobb and Geo. A. Henderson. For •School Trustees: James Landsborough, by Chas. Mac- Kay and John R. MacKay. Ross Forrest by Lou Clark and John Sinclair. Cleave Coombs, by Norman MacLean and Clair ;Haney. Chester Neil,•by Ross Forrest and , Wilmer Broadfoot. resented Parity Prices Urged At O.F.U. Meeting A large and enthusiastic crowd of farmers met in the town hall, Seaforth, on Thurs. afternoon, Dec. 27, 1956. (May- or Dr. McMaster welcomed the farmers on behalf of the town and stated the smaller towns are dependent on the farmers prosperity. He agreed that there was a great need for a strong farm organization. Elston Cardiff M.P. was in- troduced by Bob Taylor, Huron Co. sub -director. He stated far - mere carry the load of the econ- omy of this country and are the only industry that has not par- ticipated in the economy. Farm- ers are not getting their fair share Mr. Cardiff said. .Albert Cormack, Arthur, Pres. Ont. Farmer's Union said farm- ers are so confused today they don't know who or what to be- lieve. At the same time as our Minister of Agriculture, Mr. 'Gardiner was telling a group of farmers in ;Sask. that fanners were receiving parity today, his assistant, Mr. McCu'b'bin was telling this annual convention of O.F:U. in Guelph that farm- ers are not receiving parity. However ,Mr. McCubbin said farmers were entitled to parity and before leaving the conven- tion he promised to vote for parity prices if the resolution was introduced in a proper man- ner. There are 'only two reasons why farmers are not getting parity. One is the Federal Lib- eral Party and the other is the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture said Mr. (Cormack. He went on to quote from a speech made by Hon. Jas. Gardiner at the Federal Provincial Agric. Convention. "There can be no argument whatever that . farm people are entitled to parity, p a united front to the engineer. that is to incomes and standards of living that are fully in line About snowplowing, .on a spur with the level of wealth and prosperity achieved by this na- tion. But the Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture (believes that a sound price support pro- gram must recognize the diffi- culties and complications and long run effects that are in- volved." The C.F.A. has (be- come a buffer (between the Fed- eral Government and the (Cana- dian fanners stated r1VLr. 'Cor mask. Speaking on 'amalgamation Mr. Cormack said all overtures to date had been made by the (Farm Unions, and the main re- quisites would be membership control and member financed.. The O.F.U. President said he hoped an agreement could Ibe reached and farmers would speak with a united voice. • After a good question and an- swer period several farmers took membership. The meeting was sponsored by local 134: Carl Dalton, 'Seaforth, President • SISTER PASSES the Report off School' Area Chairman The following its the report given by Ross Forrest, chairman of the school area (Board, at the Tuckeremith nomination Mon- day afternoon. Being chairman of the school board for the past; year, I am attempting to. bring you a 're- port of our activities of the year. Understand •(that I have 'written this report as I have seen things and , any other member of the (bo'a'rd may feel free to add to or co$rect any of my statements when they have their turn to speak., AS' in previous years our supplies have ibeeii purchased from Jack Hood in Stratford. This firm has given' us prompt courteous service at competitive prices. / vote council called for tenders, which all came in at the same figure. The new man's equip- ment now has a new motor, heavy duty rear end and new wing., He complimented Mr. 'Ches- ney as clerk and said his work had increased by 50%. Of indigent hospitalization, township budgets very close and does not pick up more than one quarter of their pro rata share which would be $4,000. A major part of road money had been spent in one part of the township this year trying to secure a federal road grant, without success so far. The Olensall road at the south; end will probably not be paved' until after the hot mix plant is in operation as other work is wanting. Wilber Keys inquired if Eg- mondville water system would include fire proteetion. Mr. Doig said thematter was left over to spring, 'I but a large reservoir should be considered. ;n closing he said he assumed full responsibility for his •deaf- sions and 'asked for support. Ivan Forsyth Councillor Ivan Forsyth said Andrew Houston, road surpt., is making • good recovery frown an aceidentj some time ago. Grader operator had been ill but is back this week. There had (beenimu c h struction in 1956, notably large ISandford'Ibnidge. With the highest 'tax roll in history, current •arrears to Dec. 15 are 419,038.41, nearly twice last year. Taxation is gettingg beyond our 'ability to Pay, said. (County rate was up 1 m also school area and Sea- -forth h D.H.S., !Clinton D.OELS, up 1 , .Exeter •up 2 mills, S.S. No. • Two teachers resigned and were replaced by Miss Banner- man at No.. 5 school and Mrs, Orland Reichert at No. 1 school. Other teachers were re -hired with au increase in salary. •One additional teacher was hired for the extra room at Egmondville. After (being without a music supervisor for. one year I am happy to say that we have en- gaged the services of Mrs. Mac- Kinnon of 'Clinton. Once again the matter of en additional class room at E'g- mondviile carne up for discus- sion, This matter was ;brought to a head at our April meeting when a delegation of 10 or 12 persons from Egmondville ap- meared at our meeting. Two joint meetings with 'council fol- lowed soon afterwards and con- trary to last year, we received the support of council provided that we could borrow money from council against our share of clergy reserve monies. At this time I would like to thank: Mr. Chesney on the board's be- half for -going to Toronto on his own and mating arrange- ments for us to receive our loan within a week's time. It took several months to agree on a plan that suited both the department of education and ourselves and as a result construction did not get started until September. We accepted the tender of John Lansink of Seaforth, ata price over. $21,- 000. As a result this project has dragged over two gears but I am happy to report that it is al- most ready to move into now. Although our board this year was divided concerning the ad- ditional room, not so. seriously as last year and at all times eye had the utmost co-operation from inspectors Ma. Gardiner and Mr. Goran, head of educa- tional departments in Toronto, and our parliament representa- tive in Toronto. On account of our new class- room not being ready for ,Sep- tember 1 a temporary roomhad to be located. Our board had hoped to rent the church base- ment but this did not meet with the approval of the church board. As a result we rented an- other building and spent some money to put it in shape. Al- though our inspector &Ir..;Go- man •approyed of its use the Health Unit stepped in after a month's time and advised us that we must spend more money or look for another place. As a result of advice of inspector, all pupils went back to the one room• During the past two or three years we have started a pro- gram to improve our school pro- perties with oil furnaces and pressure systems, but at this time I would like to point out to the 'Eganondville ratepayers that during the 'past year this program was completely curtail- ed in favor of the additional TOOTS. Last year the rumor got a- round' that the board was going to close No. 5 school. I want to assure you that this is not the case. In my opinion No. 5 school is going to be one of the key schools in the Area. With the crowded conditions in No. 9 school I feel that the day is coarsing that students from No. 9 will have to be directed to No. 5. I£ this should happen I hope that the ratepayers of these two sections co-operate with the washes of the board. In June, the ehildren from Grade 4 up to eight were taken on the usual bus trip and this year we visited Gieendeld Vil- lage and the Ford museum. At Christmas ,time the board pro- vided treats for all school chil- dren and lire -school children up to 25c per child. In closing I would like to pay the digest tribute to our secretary treasurer, IMr. Roberts for ads fine work, not just this year but for the many years he has been with the board. —Ross Forrest, Chairman Mr. Cecil Loney was called to his home at Dryden, Ont., by the death of his sister, Miss ,Ethel Loney who passed away 'Christmas night after a long ill- ness. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Loney and is survived by six sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held ea Saturday. Mr. Loney is remaining at Dryden till the end of this. ,week. RED CROSS The regular meeting of the Red Cross •Society will be held M the library rooms on Friday afternoon, Jan. '4th at 3 pant•. Material will be available for anyone willing to do sewing or knitting for Hungarian orlon teri ef or contact Mrs. A. W. 04'Ioore. was .a'' good fellow, but ' 10 up 6.2 mills. The township: ermanna .,,. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY council �coti`Cd'"'not stand still hut rate was .:reduced ;(half ,a mii�l in; ,,, it e. men 1954 and remains at 10 nulls. r';. The Women's Hospital Auxnl- to make room for new f will meet :at, the 8lwrses to take' 'their place on •council. - He predicted a' reduction o racy wi , 1 mill n 1957 township rate. Residence ''on'."Tuesday, Jan. _ 8 WEEK OF PRAYER Tuesday, Jan. 8, St. Thomas' Anglican (Church. Wednesday, Jan. 9, Egmond-' ville United Church. Thursday, Jan, 10, First Pres- byterian' Church. Friday, Jan. 11, Northside United 'Church. Time 8 o'clock. Offering tak- en at each service. Each minister will lead wpr- ship in his own church, Special Missioner: F/Lt. Rev. B. Garrett, chaplain, RCAF sta- tion, ;Clinton. General subject: "In the Int- erests of Jesus Christ" DUBLIN Mr. Gordon Costello, of King ston, Mr. and )Mrs. Pete Gros - cab, Mrs. Ken Wickens, Miss Patricia Costello, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Dan (Costello. Mr. and.Mrs. William Stewart in lChesley. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichol- son, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,Evans and Jo Anne of Merriton, Mr. ,and Mrs. John Cleary, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Glenn in Clairmont. Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Maloney, Kitchener, Mr, ,Kenneth Feeney, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Feeney, Stratford, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overdulve of ;Hamilton with 'Miss Mary Feeney. Rev. Father A. Durand. of St. Peter's Seminary, London, with I Rev. 'Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes. • Mr. and Mrs. James New-' comlbe and Jimmie, )Pont (Credit,1. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton; ane). family, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. 'William 'Stapleton. I Mr. and Mrs. Fergus FeeneY 1 and children, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. (Raymond Hickman and; Donna, 1VIr. and Mrs. Beverly Henderson, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Feeney of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feeney and family, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. ,(Martin Fee- ney. Miss 'Marjorie O'Reilly, The Pines, Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O'Reilly. Miss (Mary Hunt, The Pines, Chatham, Mr. Michael Hunt, Detroit, with Mrs. Hunt and the children. Mr. and Mrs. (Lloyd MdUarthy and Keith in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Monaghan. Mr. Gerald and Goo. Smith of Blind 'River, IMr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and boys of Weston with Mrs. Catherine Ryan. M.r. and Mrs. Charles K.istner and Dianne with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 'Bannon, Rostock. Mr. and Mrs. IbVIich•ael Nagle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'O'Rourke and Mary Anne with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stock, Sebringville. Mr. Maurice Dillon, of St. Thomas, Miss Dorothy and Mad- elyn 'Dillon, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred !Duffy and child- ren of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly and Mary Margaret, Seaforth, with .Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dillon. Mr. Jim Connors Jr. and Sr. Miss Margaret' Connors, of Wy- oming, 'Miss Mary Connors, of Port Huron, with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae. Captain and Mrs. Edward To- zier and children of W. Virgin- ia, Mass Mary Margaret Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson of Kitchener, Miss Theresa Ryan, London, with Mr. and (Mrs. Pat- rick Ryan. IMr. and Mrs. E. Visser and family of West Monkton have purchased the John Meagher farm on No. 8 Highway. Mr. and ,Mrs. Meagher and children have moved. to Stratford. Mrs. Mary Schulman and Mr. Pat !Maloney with Mrs. Cather- ine Ryan in Stratford. 'Catherine Ryan in Stratford. Mr. Gerald Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram (Smith anti son, of London, 'Mr. and Mrs. (Dalton Burns and Jerry, of ParrY Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Burns. Mr. and Mrs. (Harold Smuck and girls of Kitchener with ;Whs. 'Loretta Molyneaux: Sirs. Stewart McKay of Lon- don, Mrs, Crowley, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Car- penter. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane and daughter, 'London, with'°air. and Mrs. William Lane. Mr. C. J. Curran of Rouyn, Quebec, with (VIPs. A. Looby. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gaff- ney, Kitchener, : with Mr, Carl Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jordison of Ancaster, Miss Lydia Jordi - son, Toronto, rwith..Mr. and Mrs. A. Whethaan. (Rev. Father Vincent Eckert, Rochester, New York, with his mother, MTS. Theresa Eckert. WAS GUEST, SKATER Miss Faye Love has returned home from holidays in Toronto. While there she was a guest skater at Oakville RISIC, the Sil- ver Blades PSC at Raving -Gar- dens and tihe IUlniveaisity PSC of. Toronto. WINTHROP Mr. and. (Mrs. Harvey John- ston, Helen, Joan and Doris Johston oClinton were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. IQ ;MacFarlane. : Jetta,' Mills,' 'Lendo 'spent the Christmas ' holidays at the home of .'her parents; Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Mills. n_ Grad. Colonial 3 -DAY SPECIAL January 3-4-5, 1957 You can buy four 6.pc. Settings WALLACE STERLING for the price 'of 3 You Save 25% 1 Grande awn Rose Point 9, Rose Point, Stradivari, Grand Colonial FOUR 6 -pc. SETTINGS REGULAR $140.00 (DESSERT OR LUNCHEON SIZE) SPECIAL 3 DAYS ONLY $105.00 Grande Baroque FOUR 6 -pc. SETTINGS REGULAR $1%��O (DESSERT OR LUNCHEON SIZE) SPECIAL 3 DAYS ONLY $132.00 ALSO SALE, OF Christmas Cards AT HALF PRICE SAVAUGES Jewellery Gifts Senrortli Stradivari Fine China friend, Mr. Jim Jordan of Lon- `,Elston ;Dawson on Christmasdon, Mr. and Mrs. 'Spencer Jef- day. fery, Judy and Ruth of Staffs; I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton of Mr. 'Howard Wright, Cromarty.. near (Seaforth visited on Christ - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Nel- and Joyce visited Sunday .wi'th son Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morton of 1 Christmas day visitors with near Seaforth. j Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Dougie Mr. and Mrs. David Triebner MacGregor, Kippers, were Mr. and family were New Year's and Mrs. Gladwin Melick, Bob, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Don and Jim 'Melick, Mr. and Forrest of Hillsgreen. ( Mrs. Bill Melick, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber Jack Melick, all of Goderich; entertained Friday evening to a Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer MaoGreg- dinner. The following were or,. ;Mount Hope; Mr. and Mrs. present: Mrs. Farber's parents, 'Edgar MoClinchey and Jerry. Mr, and Mrs. Bean of Hansall; Mrs. Harry •Caldwell and her Mr. Faber's parents, Mr. and son Jack left Monday morning Mrs. Stoffer Faber of near Hen-1'by plane from Marton Airport sail; Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson for a two -week's vacation in Coleman, Seaforth; Mr. and Florida. Mrs. (Cornelius Faber and fam- Christmas day guests of Mr. ily, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. •Eg-I and Mrs. Norman Dickert and bert Faber and family; Mr. and Merle included: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Farber, Hensall• Mr. Edgar Wahl and Allen of List - and Mrs. John Faber and daug- owe', Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mur- hter, Hensall; Miss Marilyn Mousseau. Miss Joan Triebner spent part of Ohristmas Day visiting friends in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest of OEillsgreen and Mr, and Mrs. -Ross Riley of 'Cromarty were Christmas visitors of Me. and ray of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. (Clayton ,Roth, Florida. The draw on Christmas eve at Dickert's store was won by Winston Worlconan, Dick ;NIc- Cebe, Harry Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar IMousseau and Marilyn spent Christmas day with Mrs. Mousseau's .par - Mrs. David .Triebner and family ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown Miss Marion Thompson of of Grand Bend. West Lorne spent the (Christmas holidays visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson. Miss Margaret McKay spent Christmas day with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay of Hillsburgh, and a few days in Toronto. Mr. (Robert Cooper and daug- hters, Mrs. EddieMcBride- and daughter Sharon, also Mrs. Ro- bert Dalrymple,. Bonnie and Bet- ty of Brucefield spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of 'Caro, Mich- igan. Mr.' Bud McLeod of Ottawa spent the weekend and New Years with his parents, Rey. and Mrs. N. McLeod at the Manse. Mr. and Mrs. -gont Smith, Michael and Joan of Ancaster spent New Year's with the lit- ter's ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wren. KIPPEN Mrs. Howe and daughter Al- ice of ;Stratford were weekend visitors of the former's slater and ;brother, !Miss Margaret and Mr. (Oliver (McKay. Mr anrs. , Windsor,Miss "Louise Hyde, of London Bible College, and Miss Jean, Hyde, irurse-inatraining at; Oshawa General Hospital spent. d MJack Hyde of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, Dashwood, :visited on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Amelia McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. (Emmerson Dickert of (Clifford visited oJh Wednesday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Dickert. We are sorry to report Mrs. James McLean is •comifined to Scott Meimorial ,Hospital, Sea - forth. We trust for a speedy re- covery. Rev. and Mrs. McLeod are spending the 'Christmas holi- days at the home oftheir son- in-law on-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Mosher, Ottawa' Mr. 'Frank 'Wright and James accompanied by Mrs. Norris Sil- lery of Brucefield, and Mrs. Harvey Craig of Walton at- tended the funeral of their cousin, 'Miss Mary Ann (Hamil- ton, in- Listowel on Saturday. Me. ' and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, (Miss Hazel Slavin of London Pat and •Terry of Stratford visited'. her parents, Mr. and visited Sunday with Mrs. Dins - Mrs. Toon Slavin for the Christ- dale and Miss M. Whiteman. MIS holidays. Mrs. Mary Hill of dSheldon,. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie County of Durham, ,England, is and family of Winghant were a .visitor of her son-in-law and. New Years guests of .Mrs.Bo= daughter, Mr. and • Mrs. Wan. Aikenhead. Mr. and Mrs. InToranan Dickert and Merle visited Sunday with relatives in Melbourne. Bert MVlcllride and Lorne. IMr. and Mrs. Grant ;Love of 'Caro, 'Mich., accompanied by 'Mrs. ,Love's father, Mr. Robert Cooper are spending New Year's day with relatives. Chuistmas 'visitors . with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones included: Mrs. Pearl Love, Jimmie and Wayne of Varna; Mr. and Mas. Roy McBride, Donnie and Hugh of Zurich, and on Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ;Shipman of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ,'-Little and daughters Marcia and (Cheryl of Hensel]. visited Sunday with Mi. and :Mrs. 'Norman Long. Mrs. John MdGregor and her' sister Mrs. Edgar Butt of Sea - forth spent Christmas day with IV2r. and 'Mr's. Alex McGregor and family. IMT. Robert -Thomson -visited on ;Christmas day at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and •Mrs. Robert Stokes of London. IMr. and ;Mrs. Bert Thomson the •: Christmas . holidays with and children spent ;Christmas their -parents Mr .'and 'Mrs. Al- with the latter parents, Mr. MISS ALDEA AUBIN Miss 'Aldea Theresa Aubin died .Dec. 26t'h .in Scott Memor- ial .Hospital in her 127th year. (Miss Aubin had been in failing health for the past three years. Born at St. Joseph, she is sur- vived by four sisters, U-na Jeanne, Mrs. Montague, 'Lon- don; Armelda, Mrs. Fulford, of Clinton;; Veronica, Mrs. ;Meidin ger, •Zurich; Rose Anne, Mrs. McNichol, (Calgary. Alta.; and 7 brothers, 'Patrick, Whitehorse, Yukon; Regis, Seaforth; Orv- ille, Breslau; John,.Seaforth; Victor, ;Guelph; Lloyd and An- dre, Brucefield, also by,herpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Aubin, 'Brucefield. The funeral took place from the Box funeral home to aSt. Jo- seph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton on Saturday morning for requiem )high mass with Rev. Father •Graham, ;cfficrating. Bur dal was in St Joseph's aemetery at ;Clinton.' Pallbearers were six brothers,' Regis, ;Orville, John, Victor, Lloyd and Andre. ex ",LHyde , ' an Mrs.• ;Sam jStarey of ,'n'ear:. 'Christmas guests o M,, land' Seaforth• 'f Mrs Herb 'Karcher inclu'd`ed r' Mr. and •Mrs. 'Eldon ;Kerr of t''K - h nd her Winthrop visited Mr.' and. Mrs. 4 +1 4 4 4 1